Hello All


Psi Cop
I am Morgenstern; and no, that's not my real name. I wish it were. Anyway, though, I got into roleplaying about t wo years ago over the summer, but quit at the end of said summer. This summer, I've been bored and decided to get back into it. Googled roleplay sites, this came up, and here I am. I'm looking forward to finding fun RPs on here, and perhaps creating my own
Welcome to the site. I normally don't greet anyone, but your name brought back fond memories of good old Rammstein songs. Forgive me if that isn't where the influence came from, but still.

Hope you have fun here! I know it's been a pretty good experience for me. =)
I will certainly check it out. 
It is, in part, where the inspiration came from. I completed a three-week course in German just a few days ago, and while I am far from fluent, I am at least a little proficient now. Anyway, though, Rammstein came up quite a bit when discussing German music.
I'm not surprised. They're my favorite German band. I'd even go as far as saying my favorite foreign band period. They put on the best live show I've ever seen and I've seen a lot, lol.
All of my favorite bands (Xandria, Nightwish, Apocalyptica, Edenbridge) are foreign, so I can't say Rammstein are my favorite as far as that goes, but they are good from what I've listened to so far - which, admittedly, is only Morgenstern and one other song I can't remember the name of -and I have been meaning to look up more of their stuff. Any suggestions on that front?
Of course. But before I go on about that, your love of Nightwish is also wonderful! I recently got back into them when they picked up Floor Jansen. She's amazing. =P

As for good Rammstein tunes, I could recommend all of them. But for a decent mix, try...

Mein Teil


Feuer Frei!

Links 2-3-4

and finish it up with Engel or Ich Will

If you want their bigger songs, Du Hast and Amerika can cover that.
Floor is indeed awesome. I looked her up after she joined, bought Showtime, Storytime, and then bought an After Forever album because that wasn't enough of her. I do, however, love Anette and Tarja as well.

I will certainly be looking up those songs in the next few minutes here; if you stick around, I'll tell you what I think of them.
Anette never brought it home for me, though Amaranth was a good song for her voice. Tarja, of course, will always have that special place for me. But Floor has something magical about her. Her stage presence, her soprano vocals, her range. She does things for me Tarja never could and that doesn't get said lightly, lol.

And of course, I'll stick around. I've got nothing distracting me this evening besides a good RP and conversation. Lol.
On some songs, I agree with you about Anette. And, of course, she never managed to sing (well) any of Tarja's songs when performing live, but then she gave us songs like, as you said, Amarath, plus Last Ride of the Day, Storytime, and some others. But you are equally right about Floor having an awesome presence. And I do think that while Anette sang very well, Floor's voice better fits Nightwish as a band. Can't wait for them to release an album of songs that Tuomas has written for her to sing.
Oh, yes. That'll be a day one purchase for me. She's quickly established herself as one of my favorite female vocalists. I was spoiled and saw her do Ghost Love Score before anything else, too. Anyone who can do that song that well.. yeah, she's a keeper. xD
Same here, definitely. Probably won't even listen to all the songs before buying; it's Nightwish with Floor, it's gonna be awesome.

Going back to Rammstein, I have listened to your list through Freur Frei, and thus far am very happy to have done so; I'm a fan of this stuff. I shall keep working my way through those songs and reporting back with my opinion. :)
I'm glad to have done you a service, than! Sounds like your visiting this site has paid off already in an unexpected way, haha.
I'm likewise very glad to have 'met' you. Didn't expect to find a new(ish) band to listen to, but am very glad that I have. I'm also very, very happy to have someone to talk Nightwish with; no one where I lives listens to remotely the same music I do. They all listen to the songs American radio likes to call music that I just call 'noise'. Apologies if you do like that stuff; some of it, I'll admit, is pretty decent. Others of it, I don't object to the sound, but the lyrics.
You won't hear any love for modern music coming from me. Ever. I've got rock and metal in my heart and soul and it's never going anywhere. Music has to have body.. meaning. It has to tell a story that resonates not only within the artist, but the listener. Most music today fails in that regard and in a very drastic way.
Couldn't have put it better. I have no idea why 'artists' like Taylor Swift (ugh) are popular. They have no talent, their songs have no meaning, they have no vocal training or at least not very good training, and they act like idiots. Tarja, Anette, Sabine Edelsbacher, Sharon den Adel, and any number of male and female metal singers are a thousand times better but recieve about a millionth of the recognition. It makes no sense.
I feel almost as if it doesn't have to make sense. I prefer it that the good music remains in the dark while these lesser talented "stars" take the spotlight. Without the pressure and the greed, it remains easier to write quality material. They don't do it for awards or television glory. They do it for their fans.

And, when a metal act finally overtakes pop/rap acts, it's ALWAYS a glorious day. I think back to when Avenged Sevenfold stole "Best New Artist" from Rihanna one year. The look on her face was priceless.
Very true, of course. But then, while it might be better for the music for them to stay in the shadows, so to speak, it doesn't change the fact that the metal artists deserve the spotlight far more. Ah well.
Oh, boy! You're going to get me going on a roller coaster I won't ever get off of, aren't you? Hahaha! You, sir/ma'am/cross-species, are a real treat. =)
The same to you. :) And it would be ma'am, if you must call me such.

Please, embark on your roller coaster. I admit that I don't follow politics so much, because of the reason discussed above; all the major stuff is people lying back and forth, and I have no wish to try to tell who's lying the least.
Politics and I have a very rocky background. I only recently ( the last couple years or so ) began to pay attention and in that time, I've sort of become fascinated with it. Yes, it's essentially a pissing contest, seeing who can talk more cleverly than the other, but the underlying information is the real kicker. I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories much, but some things you'd find with just a little digging are unnerving.
I haven't looked into that kind of thing all that much, but what I have heard/seen/read is vaguely disturbing in the sense of 'who in their right mind would do this, and why would they then try to keep it a secret?'. You'll have to inform me of any specifics, though.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. If you haven't followed that yet, I'd suggest looking into it. It's simply disturbing all the way around. There's still no trace of it and everyone went pretty hush-hush about it shortly after it became news.

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