Hello All

That one I have seen some about. It freaks me out in particular because my dad's an airline pilot for a company based in Hong Kong, so it hits home a bit. He, however, flies cargo and not passengers. I haven't done any extensive research into it, though.
Probably better off for him if he sticks to cargo. At least one would think. Still, it's a huge mystery as to what happened with the plane. Personally, I believe it's recovered and being loaded with explosives. Maybe that's extreme, but I'm confident in that guess all the same. But enough about politics, I feel we're going off topic! =D You came here to RP, did you not?
Well, in the essence of honesty, I don't know you well enough to suggest something that would truly strike a chord with you. But, if I have to deduce a bit about you based on what I do know, I'd say you might have a penchant for writing which goes out of the ordinary. Fantasy, most likely. I base this on your avatar, your musical tastes and your extreme proficiency with the written word.
Very nicely done; I am a major fan of fantasy and science fiction, in particular Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune, Doctor Who, and Bablyon 5, as far as fandoms go. In terms of writing, I have novels in progress in both genres.
Than I can safely say you and I have a fair bit more in common. Well, I don't have any fantasy projects going currently, but I am working on a very tightly knit story with several friends which falls into the sci-fi realm. We started with four people, but one had to bail and we're down to three. Still, we plan everything out before going ahead with it and we've created a pretty successful, lighthearted story that's weaving together nicely. We still have a lot planned for it, too.


We're not treating it as the most serious piece of literature ever, but something to have fun with that doesn't involve anyone coming in and breaking from the path we're collectively forging. I invite you to take a look at it. Both characters I've created for it are featured in the Top Characters section here at RpN. We are currently looking for one, possibly two more people to join on the promise that they can maintain activity and are willing to work with us in creating a fun story.
The Wiki is expanding, but it's a slow process. We needed something to house everything we've incorporated into the story more effectively than the updates section. I'm glad you like it thus far, though. If you plan on being active around the site, I could introduce you to my co-writers. Set up a little interview, of sorts. =)
I do indeed plan to do so, and introductions would be much appreciated. Are they online right now, or would this have to be another time?
One of them just went off to dinner, but another is online. We're a bunch of night owls, usually. We get most of our posting done at night. Let me set up a conversation and we'll see how you do. =) Watch your inbox for it.

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