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Realistic or Modern 「 hell on earth. 」


true neutral
Roleplay Availability
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[div class=taggies]PLOT

Generations after generations, humans have successfully maintained a benevolent stay on Earth. All five hemispheres (North, East, West, South, & Central) have had their round of kings who've righteously carried out their responsibilities as royals. There have been minor conflicts here and there that have broken out between the hemispherical parties, but nothing out of the box that would require the angel race who have watched down on the humans from above. It hadn't always been like this though. Humans and angels weren't the only races to exist in the Universe. Over 1,500 years ago, humans underwent severe trauma from the War of Ashudale. It was only with the aid of the 8 warriors (now known as the 8 deadly sins) and the interference of the angel race that the humans were able to come out victorious against the race of demon and mutants. And despite this, their pain had been so ingrained, that the very warriors that led them to triumph were locked up and left to perish because of the fear of betrayal of anything demon-related. Fortunately for them, the Goddess Angel secretly kidnapped their souls and left only their bodies to depart while she stored their spirits away, ultimately ridding the Earth of pure demon and alien blood.

As time went on, the inhabitants of Earth eventually healed from the war, thus bringing forth the centuries of tranquility. Now, the War of Ashudale was something people could only reminisce through history books and stories passed down. The successing societies (not even the new Kings) had no personal knowledge/experience of what demons & aliens were actually like. Until recently....

....there has been a slow growth of an unknown infectious disease that latches onto anything that has a source of life. Though its growth is not rapid, it is shown to be lethal and even the best experts throughout all of the kingdoms have no idea of its origin. On top of that, the Central (main) King, Lord Constantine, has been having visions and foreseeing a dark and angsty time of strife and chaos seen like never before. Without any idea of where to even begin combating the situation, Lord Constantine called upon the Goddess Angel, Neymia. After analyzing everything, she immediately recognized alien's work and sensed the familiar demonic energy behind the pandemic, which would've also explained the King's visions. So the Goddess Angel thoroughly detailed the incident of the War and revealed to him the outcome of the 8 deadly sins. With the intensity of his visions, the 8 deadly sins was their only solution to what could possibly become even worse than the War of Ashudale. Fearful for the fate of humanity, it didn't take long for Lord Constantine to make a decision on his next course of action. He did what he thought would be best and asked the Goddess Angel for the release of the 8 deadly sins.....
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[div class=taggies]LORE

There was a time when all four races of the universe existed amicably with one another. To solidify their alliances, each of the four races decided to bring forth a peace bearing gift as something that they could all share among themselves. The angel race blessed the others with the river of eternal life, which would grant anyone who drinks from it the benediction of immortality. The humans gave the other races the accommodation on Earth with it being the most precious and sustainable realm after heaven itself. The aliens gifted its fellow races with the moon and the sun--for before that, they were illuminated by the stars. Finally, the demon race presented 8 of its mightiest warriors that would solve whatever issue that might erupt between the races, and on top of that, they'd fight on behalf of whichever race was the innocent party--even if it meant going against its own. Once the offerings had been conferred, it began the commencement of the solemn relations between each of the races...at least for the next millennia.

But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. It would've only been a matter of time before the spirit of chaos emerged again. The attack was initiated from none other than the Demon race. To many it came as a surprise, but to most it was inevitable. Everyone knew how much the Demon King had enjoyed messing in human affairs and that he'd always wanted to claim Earth as his own. He was a demon after all, how much trust could you really put in him, if any? The war started when the Demon King ambushed the Western Hemisphere--Ashudale--which pegged it it's name, The War of Ashudale. The head king at the time, Lord Gregoire, had promptly dispatched the armies throughout all of Earth to battle against the Mozalonians (Demon realm inhabitants). They even had an upper-hand at one point, until the Alien race joined in too. The Demon King was successful in persuading the mutant leaders in joining his fight to claim Earth as his own in exchange to allow them free access for any type of experimentation that they wanted. That was enough to win them over. Once the mutant and demon race united, it became more difficult for the humans to fight and so they called upon the only ones who could save them from their possible demise. The Goddess angels. The angels very rarely meddled in non-celestial affairs, and so it wasn't until Neymia--the Goddess angel--realized that the Demon King also had a plan to drink from the river of eternal life that she recognized the true danger of the situation. Eventually, the humans and the angels joined forces for what became a 3 year long war. The Demon King had drank from the river of eternal life, but the Goddess & Lord Gregoire also had 8 of the mightiest warriors on their side, and so they won.

Because the Demon King had gotten access to the eternal river, he was unable to be killed. The Alien leaders surrendered once the Demon King had been captured. So, the Goddess angel trapped him along with the Alien leaders, and those that survived in their army, into the Cage of the Abyss. By the time the war ended, Earth was a devastation. The numbers of civilians and soldiers that had died surprised a million, and major cities were destroyed. No one was exempt from having lost someone that they cared about. What was once the most sustainable, most precious place after heaven itself, became a place filled with sorrow and dreadfulness. Things weren't good for the 8 warriors either. It was without a doubt that without the 8 warriors fighting alongside the humans and angels, that things wouldn't have turned out the way they did. Despite this, the humans felt such deep hatred and fear for the demon race that they grew to despise the 8 warriors too because they'd been a gift from the Demon race. Their alignment in the war meant nothing to the humans. And while the King felt deep gratitude for their help, the cries of the people rang louder, and he had no choice but to lock the 8 warriors in prison. Eventually, rumors spread and stories had been created which portrayed the 8 warriors as being assassins that would one day turn against the humans like the Demon king had once did. They became known as the 8 deadly sins--a play on their demonic origin and their personalities. Decades had gone by, and the 8 warriors stayed in prison to rot. But Neymia looked down on them. She pitied them and refused to let their souls go to waste. Unbeknownst to everyone, including her own people, when she realized that they were close to death, she took their souls, and allowed their bodies to perish, locking away their souls in a box so that they'd never diminish. And so the bodies were all found dead, and nobody questioned it. To them, the Earth had finally been rid of all traces of Alien & Demonic energy, and so the healing process began.

*if you've read all of this, comment your favorite food & tag a friend!!*
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[div class=taggies]ROLES

PHEW! i'm back after a century long hiatus cause' i've been in the mood for a roleplay foreverr! this plot was inspired to me from the anime 7 Deadly Sins. I obviously created an 8th sin. The roleplay will surround the 8 deadly sins coming from a 1,500 year "sleep" from having been secretly taken by the Goddess Angel and now being released for the purpose of another war. Once they're released their souls will venture off to the fetuses of random pregnant women around the world to grow up 'normally', so they'll all be the same age, but some older than the other by month. The King will obviously keep eyes on them as they grow up. They won't know who they are nor will they know eachother at the beginning of the roleplay, but they quickly will learn to. Along with their memories of their true selves, their main powers will also have been suppressed except for their 2nd enhanced abilities which they'll have. No one else but the King and the Goddess Angel will know who they are either. The roleplay will begin shortly after their 23rd birthday, which'll be when the King will summon all of them and thus beginning the roleplay.

1. The Dragon Sin of Wrath | female | taken | explosive fire manipulation & weapon proficiency
2. The Fox Sin of Greed | female | open |teleportation combat & sensory tracking
3. The Grizzly Sin of Sloth | female | open | telekinesis & time reduction
4. The Lion Sin of Pride | female | open | solar attacks & enhanced athleticism

1. The Serpent Sin of Envy | male | open | electricity manipulation & emotion detection
2. The Goat Sin of Lust | male | open | magic & enhanced charisma
3. The Boar Sin of Gluttony | male | open | personal size manipulation & camoflauge
4. The Bat Sin of Ignorance | male | open | metal mimicry & psychic immunity

*the second power is the enhanced ability that they'll have*
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[div class=taggies]RULES

1. All rpn rules apply!
2. This is a mature roleplay. I'll be looking for 3+ paragraphs per post with a response at least 2x a week. I'm flexible though so let me know if anything happens. This roleplay will be divided in chapters.
3. This roleplay is very detailed! I put a lot of time and thought into this, so please take time to actually read the lore if you're interested. I'll have more lore posted in regards to species and NPCs, but please read them.
4. This is not a first come first serve, so you can't claim a role. The only taken role before the due date is mine.
5. If you've read everything and are still interested add your character's favorite color to your character sheet.
6. Once theres interest of 5 people, I'll create post the character sheets!
[/div] [/div] [div class=trueimg][/div][/div][div class=text]hell on earth.[/div] [div class=a]I.[/div][div class=b]II.[/div][div class=c]III.[/div][div class=d]IV.[/div] [/div] [class=cred] width:100%;text-align:center;font-size:8px;[/class][div class=cred]fated.[/div]
I'm interested (i don't have someone to tag, but my fav food is mac and cheese) but I do have a few questions

1. Are the genders of each role set in stone or is it possible to change one if you'd like?

2. I noticed that your post is not visible in dark mode, is there a way for both themes to be able to see it without having to strain?

3. I'm a college student... and despite being in quarantine mode, I still have a lot of work to do which sucks up most of my time. Would you be able to provide wiggle room for the 2x time a week? I'm usually a novella rper (5-7 paragraphs or more) but I do sometimes find myself not being able to post that much (2-3) since it really depends on not the length of what someone posts, but what they give me in the post (quality > quantity).
I'm interested (i don't have someone to tag, but my fav food is mac and cheese) but I do have a few questions

1. Are the genders of each role set in stone or is it possible to change one if you'd like?

2. I noticed that your post is not visible in dark mode, is there a way for both themes to be able to see it without having to strain?

3. I'm a college student... and despite being in quarantine mode, I still have a lot of work to do which sucks up most of my time. Would you be able to provide wiggle room for the 2x time a week? I'm usually a novella rper (5-7 paragraphs or more) but I do sometimes find myself not being able to post that much (2-3) since it really depends on not the length of what someone posts, but what they give me in the post (quality > quantity).
hi love, i enjoy a good mac n chesse as well :))
glad youre interested!

1. because the characters will be chosen after the deadline and not on an application basis, the gender roles cannot be changed, no. i made it so that the roles are evened out and if u change the gender of a role, i'd have to change the gender of its counterpart, and if someone already finished a sheet and got accepted, it wouldnt be fair of me to ask just to even it out. i hope that makes sense.

2. ooo, im so sorry, i honestly have no idea ): u might have to change it to light mode for the time being. all posts after this ill definitely keep that in mind though and see what i can do about it. im super sorry !!!

3. baby i feeel you!!!! im a college student too and teachers can suck sometimes. nevermind if your major requires a lot of focus. with that being said, reality comes first and foremost. get them assignments in, boo. if u can only post once a week, thats okay. i wouldnt even mind u posted twice, with shorter posts, if thats what u can do. if everything goes well, we could always come back to this topic.

i hope i answered your questions!!!
hi love, i enjoy a good mac n chesse as well :))
glad youre interested!

1. because the characters will be chosen after the deadline and not on an application basis, the gender roles cannot be changed, no. i made it so that the roles are evened out and if u change the gender of a role, i'd have to change the gender of its counterpart, and if someone already finished a sheet and got accepted, it wouldnt be fair of me to ask just to even it out. i hope that makes sense.

2. ooo, im so sorry, i honestly have no idea ): u might have to change it to light mode for the time being. all posts after this ill definitely keep that in mind though and see what i can do about it. im super sorry !!!

3. baby i feeel you!!!! im a college student too and teachers can suck sometimes. nevermind if your major requires a lot of focus. with that being said, reality comes first and foremost. get them assignments in, boo. if u can only post once a week, thats okay. i wouldnt even mind u posted twice, with shorter posts, if thats what u can do. if everything goes well, we could always come back to this topic.

i hope i answered your questions!!!
Thanks so much, you did answer them :3

(for #3) I'll be sure to try and write more, but usually, I only do 2 if I'm really struggling to write something in response to someone else, and even then I try to push myself further if I can think of more to say without going overboard.
Very interested :)
>shrimp tacos
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this seems cool! i'm interested in gluttony or ignorance!
my favorite food is either cheesy potatoes or fried zucchini
i don't have anyone to tag )):
interested but i think i’ll lurk for a while to see if i can fit a grp into my schedule ^^
i love me some crepes and no one to tag unfortunately
Very interested :)
>shrimp tacos

love the idea!! favorite food has to be coconut curry.
adored adored
coconut curry???? im taking notes that sounds good af! ill tag u in the cs

this seems cool! i'm interested in gluttony or ignorance!
my favorite food is either cheesy potatoes or fried zucchini
i don't have anyone to tag )):
anything potatoes is a yes from me
ill tag u in the cs once its up!

interested but i think i’ll lurk for a while to see if i can fit a grp into my schedule ^^
i love me some crepes and no one to tag unfortunately
crepes SLAP at any time of the day, pewiod.
and if anything, the cs will be up for a week and i love having everything prepared so the rp wont start till like may 8-12th and my sheets arent lengthy so u (mayy!) have time??? i can still tag u in the sheets and stuff if you'd like and you can lmk ?
crepes SLAP at any time of the day, pewiod.
and if anything, the cs will be up for a week and i love having everything prepared so the rp wont start till like may 8-12th and my sheets arent lengthy so u (mayy!) have time??? i can still tag u in the sheets and stuff if you'd like and you can lmk ?
that's super relieving to hear, yes pwease i'd love a tag !! i'll let u know asap
I'm interested. Debating between Greed and Sloth. I'll think on it some.

Honestly, anything potatoes is probably my fave food. That about sums it up.
Quick question:

For Greed, her two powers are sensory tracking and teleportation combat, in that order. Now, I know you specified the second ability as the one that has not been suppressed, however you also state that the ability they maintain is their enhancement. After looking at the abilities assigned to each of the other sins, I thought I should clarify. Is teleportation combat the ability she will have at the beginning of the rp?
So it doesn't seem to really be specified, but it seems like the time period is more medieval-like than modern, yeah?
Quick question:

For Greed, her two powers are sensory tracking and teleportation combat, in that order. Now, I know you specified the second ability as the one that has not been suppressed, however you also state that the ability they maintain is their enhancement. After looking at the abilities assigned to each of the other sins, I thought I should clarify. Is teleportation combat the ability she will have at the beginning of the rp?
oksy so i made a lil mistake for that one, i meant to put sensory tracking as her secondary power but put it before teleportation. but no, teleportation is her main power and sensory tracking is her secondary enhancement
So it doesn't seem to really be specified, but it seems like the time period is more medieval-like than modern, yeah?
yes, it will be more medieval in terms of settings and building and culture and such but modern in terms of way of thinking, etc (so women ARE allowed to read and no they dont belong in the kitchen, etc).
oksy so i made a lil mistake for that one, i meant to put sensory tracking as her secondary power but put it before teleportation. but no, teleportation is her main power and sensory tracking is her secondary enhancement
Sweet, I figured. Thanks for clarifying.

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