I don't think I have much of an opinion on this since I've been gone... but Seb and Abel still being in the infirmary would be interesting.
Indecision in this roleplay is more deadly than a greater daemon attack. e___o

I also vote for a few weeks ahead. That way the injured peeps can heal up and certain peeps who lost certain limbs has time to deal with it.
I'm living... I think? And I'll just go with the majority vote on this one.
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Just a note for everyone: If I give an option for this or that, never answer that its up to me or you don't mind either. Last time this happened, everyone in the rp pretty much died. Its something that kind of happens with this rp. Like Suzu said, indecision is even more deadly than greater daemon attacks. Dx

So far majority is a couple weeks ahead. I'll wait to see if others respond first (to see who is all here and who isn't) and then go from there.
I'm here just got out of the bakery...I vote a few weeks cuz everyone wants that...chances are Abel still would be healing up tho
So like... What happened so far? All I know is that someone has their limb severed? Or something. > <"'
There seems to be two groups of people. Those at the church and those out in the city. Several characters in the city found a very large unwielding gate and some daemons. A few members are injured.

I joined recently too and have my character at the church. They are all currently attempting to complete a protection emblem.

I beleive those outside the church are now currently locked out due to some unknown reason. I don't think anyone has discovered that in character yet.
Damn, does that mean he's donezo? Or is he going to Gehrman it up in this bitch?

Hm.. I guess I can figure out a way to weasel my way into this after a few weeks have passed.
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Unlimited said:
Cause Martin is a twat and ordered the church shut and locked. :P
I totally missed that. I just saw Crit mention it in ooc. Lol My bad.
Crap! I just realized something awkward... < <

Is it too late for me to change my character's last name?
Short version:

- new transfers are coming to San Circa

- it becomes nighttime

- certain individuals are attacked by daemons

- Sebastian sends pigeon for help

- people in the church talk to Father Martin

- Father Martin is alerted of commotion outside

- Martin orders the church be locked down and leaves to find the issue

- daemons are fought

- church starts to go under lock down (bells are rang)

- Martin reveals one area has a gate to hell

- group exchanges words

- a different group fighting daemons gets aided by Lady Amaryllis

- Amaryllis discovers a gate to hell

- Abel runs out of church and disrupts the protection seal

- Abel is attacked by a greater daemon and loses his leg

- Skye whom had been helping Sebastian goes to help keep Abel alive after finding him alone

- Martin is now MIA

- Gideon and Nozomi help Sebastian back to the church

- Frank, Micah and Anora enforce the church

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