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Heart within the beast


Game master
(Reserved for Ricia)

Beast-kin, the wild people that are only worthy of being called partially human. There are those who stand up for their distant cousins, but the majority of humanity believes this. The beast-kin themselves hide out in the forest, as if furthering the agenda that they are beasts of the wild. But out here, they can be themselves, without humanity to look at them as lesser beings. Of course, humans always watch out, as beast-kin may take the form of any natural creature, where they can hide in plain site . . .


The old man sighed as he looked down into the padded cage. Within it lay a very large, black-furred dog. Many would not even call this creature a dog, it looked almost like a wolf in both size and body shape. The old man himself might have thought so if he weren't so good-natured. Even so, good natured as he was, no one would take such a large animal into their home. He was even scaring away potential customers, through no fault of his own. The black dog looked up at the old man, a gleam of hope in his eyes. The old man shook his head and gave the creature a pat on the head before heading back up to the front. He couldn't in good conscience simply throw out the poor thing, but if things stayed the way they were he wouldn't be able to make ends meet.
It was another day of school for Rhea, nothing overly special. Nothing ever seemed special anymore, not since her brother passed away months before. Rhea was off from her job today, so she had nothing better to do then make her way home.

Taking the long way home, she stopped by the neighborhood grocery to pick up a few things for a possible dinner. Usually when she came home from this way, she passed the pet shop. She enjoyed the brightly colored birds, the playful kittens and the silly rabbits. Thinking she should also stop to talk with the friendly owner. Rhea too a moment to enter the shop, a small treat for her hard day at school. The old man in front of the store was usually very cheerful and happy to attend to the animals around the shop, Rhea enjoyed talking to him when ever she passed by. Today though, he seemed upset, even slightly wary.

"Is... everything ok?" Rhea asked the shop keeper, her own voice quite.
The old man looked up at Rhea's appearance, slightly startled. He had been so engrossed in what to do that he hadn't even noticed her entering.

"Ah, Miss Rhea! Well, most everything's ok just . . ."

He stroked his beard for a minute, as if pondering whether to tell her or not.

"--I just have a bit of a problem child within the store right now."

He offered a smile at the young girl. She had always been kind and polite whenever she visited, often brightening up the old man's day when she stopped by.
"Pardon... Problem child? Like a niece or nephew?" Rhea asked. Rhea took off the bag and placed it on the floor next to a display case, laying her grocery next to it as well. "Is there anything I can possibly do to help?" Rhea asked quietly again, "I... Don't think I am very good with kids though..." She said, looking down at her stuff more then the owner. She reached into one of the pens, playing with a small kitten and letting out a giggle when it flipped over on its back.
"No, not a human child."

He stroked his beard again. Maybe, just maybe . . .

"Miss, Rhea, you may actually be able to help more than you think. Would you come into the store with me for a minute?"

He walked away from the counter and into the middle of the shop, stopping at the padded cage from before. The black beast within lifted his head from his paws, looking up through the bars.
Rhea looked over to the owner as he moved further into the back of the store. She grew curious and followed behind him. When she turned the corner and kind of stopped mid stride when she saw the... dog? The dog was large... maybe even a fair bit larger then 'large'. Rhea was of small stature, she only stood 5'3 which was not very tall. She had long brown hair that fell down the length of her back, but she always kept it in a long single braid. When she was nervous, she had a habit of playing with it.

"It is... really big..." She said, not sure what else to say. It was an impressive dog, a bit scary. She could see why it was problematic... but was it was mean as it was scary? Or was it a big teddy bear...?

Rhea approached the cage, a little more curious then afraid. Couching down she came eye level with the dog, then gently Rhea reached out to it, wondering if it was friendly.
The black furred creature eyed Rhea back as she looked at him. Matching her gaze almost as if he were human. When she reached her hand in, he gave a few sniffs before brushing his massive head along her hand, causing it to run along his cheek and down the side of his neck.

"He's a very good-natured creature--"

The old man started from behind the two

"But I can't afford to keep holding onto him at the rate things are going . . . I'd hate to just put him out . . ."
"He is.. beautiful." Rhea said, she shivered a bit when her hands ran through his fur. He was soft and inviting, he seem to speak to her when he looked back at her. "I... I don't know if where I live will let me keep such an animal... but..." Rhea's eyes could not leave him. I can't even afford to feed a dog like this.. I can hardly afford to feed myself and pay rent..

"I want to take him..." Rhea said quietly, withdrawing her hand from the cage. If she took him she would have to work double hard... but then again, maybe she won't be so lonely. Protection around the house would be good as well since her neighborhood she had move into is not that great for a girl her age by herself. "Ok... I can take him... but may I pay you later? I have to pay rent this week..." She said, looking away from the dog to the owner.
The old man offered a sincere smile and put his hand on Rhea's shoulder

"Young miss, you take as much time as you need."

He gently put a large, soft collar and leash in her hand before leaning down and opening up the cage.

"Come on big boy . . ."

The large dog slowly stood up on it's feet, shaking itself fully awake before walking out. He looked up to Rhea, that same glimmer of intelligence in his eyes as before. Standing up on his legs now, his height on all fours was about as tall as Rhea's waist.
Rhea was impressed when he stood up, this was really larger then a large dog. Gently she put the collar over his head and gave the dog a small smile before gently touching his muzzle and neck again. "I guess I need to buy things for him to eat, drink and sleep... My apartment is a bit small... I hope a big dog like him won't be cramped... What is his name and how old is he?" Rhea had to determine that he was a full grown dog by now.
"I can bring a few things to the front if you'll give me a minute. As for his name and age . . . I honestly couldn't tell you how old he is, I've never seen a dog of this particular breed before. Though--if I had to venture a guess I would say anywhere from 2 to 5 years. As for a name, I took to calling him "big guy" or "Blacky", but I guess you could name him whatever you wish."

The old man hummed a little bit as he went to the shelves on one side of the small store, looking for a specific brand of dog-food. The black beast lowered his head a bit as Rhea fitted the collar around him, making it easier on her. He looked back up at her when she was finished, his tail giving a small wag as he looked back into her eyes.
Rhea smiled at the dog, leading him a bit back to her back pack and grocery on the floor. Quietly she put her grocery into he backpack so she hand enough hands to carry anything she got from the store owner. After that Rhea pulled her wallet out and let out a long sigh, this might hurt her buying everything she needed for the dog. She hoped this was a smart decision she was making. Quietly she waited for the store owner to get back with his papers and some dog food.

"What do you think I should name you?" She asked the dog in her normal quite voice, "I always liked the name Hikaru. I could name you after my brother..." The last part came out a bit sad, but it would be a nice name. She would think on it more.
The giant dog looked up at her when her voice reached his ears. Almost as if in response to her sorrow, her last sentence brought about a nuzzle at her waist. His massive head running up and down her thigh.

The old man was back shortly, with a large bag titled "Bow Chow", a water dish as well as a somewhat large blanket.

"12.38 for the dog food, 5.99 for the dish . . . the blanket's on the house."

He placed the items in a large bag and offered it to her.
"Thank you.." Rhea said gratefully. She really was, the owner was a very sweet mean. Lucky for her the food was not so expensive, but she hopped he did not eat too much. Taking the bag she thanked him one more time before turning to leave the store. She huffed and warped both her arms around the bag to carry it, the bag was slightly heavy, but she could manage, they were half way home already.

The streets where a bit busy, Rhea hoped the dog did not freak out in crowded areas. Rhea on the other hand was nervous, but as long as she kept moving she would be fine. Though in honesty, most people would probably be afraid of the dog.
"I hope I don't let you down in taking care of you..." Rhea told the large animal next to her, "I don't have much... I hope my company will be enough..." she said, a bit worried, they were almost back to her place.
The dog did not freak out in the crowded street, or even appear nervous as he walked obediently beside Rhea. A few people shied away at the massive beast, but otherwise it was uneventful. When she started to speak again, the dog looked up at her. His eyes locked with hers for a moment before nuzzling against her side again, almost as if to say It will be fine
Rhea smiled again. Rhea's smiled were always small or worried, never large or happy. When they arrived at her place, it were some small run down apartments. Rhea moved quickly to a door on the bottom floor, unlocking the small apartment and letting the dog go in first. She went in after putting the bags down and closing her door, promptly locking them behind her. She took off her shoes quickly and thew them in a closet right next to the door.

The apartment was small, the door way led immediately into the apartment where on the right was a living room with a small beaten couch and a coffee table. To the left was a small kitchen and thin hallway that lead to two small rooms, a bed room and a bathroom.
"Here it is." Rhea said smiling a bit. leaning down she quickly took off the leash from the dog before taking a few steps into the apartment to put away her groceries. "Like I said... it is not much." Rhea looked out the only window in the living room to notice that it was starting to get a bit dark.
The dog looked around a bit, lowering his head again when she went down to take off the leash. When she went to the kitchen, he made his way through the small apartment, it didn't take very long due to a combination of its relatively small area and his large size. He walked back beside her as she looked out the window, sitting down like some regal beast out of folklore. A small woof left his mouth, a short, happy bark.
Rhea smiled before pulling out some bread and taking a bite then rummaging through her cabinets to find two different bowls. One she filled with water and the other she filled with some of the food she had gotten. "There you go." She said, "Glad you like everything so far." She said before pulling the blanket out of the bad as well. "Where should I put this? I don't know if you rather sleep out here or in the room with me..." She said, sitting down on the small couch.
The dog's tail wagged a bit as she set down the food, lapping up a bit of the water as she went to go sit down. As she sat down on the couch, he followed her, setting his massive form down on the remainder of the couch. Even though he barely fit, he set down his maw on her lap, his eyes making contact with hers again. There was something within them, it almost seemed to be saying whatever's comfortable
"W-what?" She asked the dog. It was silly... asking a dog what it wanted, but it was snuggling with her so suddenly. She would be to wary of someone who just brought them home... but he seemed to disregard any kind of awkward boundary. Turning around to face the dog, Rhea reached out for the black dog, gently petting his ear. She smiled softly at the dog, it was easier to make eye contact with a dog... but she always had problems doing that with humans.
He shut his eyes slowly as she ran her fingers over and behind his ear. His jaws separated in a quiet yawn, revealing a series of teeth to match his wolf-like appearance. He rested his head beside her lap rather than on it after he closed his maw, his eyes making contact with hers once again. His tail gave another small wag like before
Rhea smiled a bit at the yawn and continue to pet the dog, "Your not a dog... You have to be a wolf or something... But I guess in essence a wolf is a dog..." She said leaning back. Rhea closed her eyes a bit before she felt herself drift off to sleep a bit, trying to silently think of a good name of the wolf-dog.
The massive beast looked up at Rhea as she drifted off to a light sleep. He waited a few minutes before silently making his way off the couch. To someone outside, they would have likely been terrified as the figure shifted from four legs to two, making his way around the house again. A few things were looked at, he touched nothing aside from the bag she had purchased from the shop. When she would wake up, she would find the food bowl empty, and the blanket she had pulled out was now beside the couch, with him sleeping on it.
Rhea woke up rather early for most kids her age. She touched her neck gently pausing to think. "Oh..." She said quietly. She had fallen asleep on the couch again. Her brother would scold her when she did that. When she got off the couch she tripped over the dog and fell over, rolling off the dog she quickly stuttered an apology "I am so sorry! I was half asleep and I forgot..." She crawled over to the large animal and gently patted his head in apology, "I'm sorry, so sorry."
The massive creature actually made no noise when she tripped over him. He didn't even appear to wake up until she started uttering apologies, at which point his eyes opened slowly. He stood up as she patted his head, walking forward a bit and rubbing the side of his face alongside her neck and shoulder. With her down on the floor, he could easily reach her head with his own.

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