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Fantasy Heart of the Forest (Still Accepting!)



Imari felt a shiver zip along his spin all the way to his tail at Katalista's encouragements. Saying that about himself had been something of a miracle, but knowing that Katalista also supported him? He felt a heat in his face and saw some of his fur on his tail start standing on end again. He hated when it did that, it revealed so much of his private thoughts or feelings. And so, he tried to sweep it behind him and nodded at Katalista. He could not speak to her yet for fear of fumbling his words, or messing something up. Turning to Kalo after his question, a pocket in the Omega's brain where the memory should have been made itself known.

The hunt. He felt his ears go neutral in deep thought, closing his eyes. They rolled about in their lids, as if searching for the missing memory in the dark of the thin layer of skin. Finally, he sighed and came to realize the thought had left him. Looking towards Kalo, he seemed a bit discouraged. "Well, I know it involves hunting for the pack. If there are more details than that, I do not know them. I'm sorry for my incompetence on the subject of the hunt, the information somehow evades my mind." He tried explaining himself, looking down at the grass before him.

However, something interrupted his wallowing. A slicing howl, one that showed authority and power. It
immediately brought him to realize what it was. The meaning was as clear as the howl itself. Imari glanced at the two wolves near him, and delicately trotted towards the Alpha's summoning area with foreign steps. Imari humbly lowered his head instinctively, speaking a statement which was a rarity from his lips. "Present, Alpha." Those were the words he spoke, yet he felt they had not been his own.

They were Aliens upon his tongue, leaving only when they had satisfied themselves. They did this by depriving him of his reserves of self-loathing and leaving behind a renewed Tikaani. He felt a new light in his eyes, feeling calmed by a sudden new wave of strange confidence that washed his being of its previous sins and given him a new chance. The Tsunami of change had overtaken him, and he accepted it with a composure that was different from his normal facade of complacent self-deprivation. Respect was still a major aspect for him, but no longer would he be so critical of himself...
@JokerValentine @Dominaiscna | Mood: Exhilarated, renewed, confident, thankful

@MoltenLightning @Supermegabrenda2 @Orpheus @Anaxileah


Within moments, the very enthusiastic members of the pack strode forth. To his surprise, Imari among them was one of the first. Almost as if robotically, each Tikaani gave him praise, and asked something of him. First was Ammax, the large, tuxedo-colored male. He seemed quite well-prepared indeed for the hunt. "That is not my decision, dear Ammax. I will explain when your late packmates arrive," he said with a bit of satire. Dear Nasci how it troubled him with tardiness. Next, the lavender female beauty, was Ayola. She brought with herself a precarious bowl. War paint, perfectly concocted for any tribe. "That will do us nicely, dear Ayola. We will wait for your brothers and sisters to arrive, then we may begin the paint." Next, the russet Loraleigh, made her way to him. How odd, that not only four seconds after the discussion with Ayola that it was announced that Ayola would not hunt. "I will see to it that Menyx assigns his most raucous warrior here with Ayola. We do need to guard after all. I appreciate your sacrifice." Next, the ghoulish Khadzu, sounding very similar in name to a word of the Old Tongue meaning "tired". He had the appearance of quite the opposite on this day, appearing spritely. But, what had he been doing? "If you could not tell, dear Khadzu, the call serves to bring the hunters to me. Is this not how it is done?" he asked of him rather calmly. But now, the main subject of discussion, was the bold omega.

"Charming, an omega arrives well before my lead hunters, and no doubt with a foreigner," Brimir playfully jabbed, "I joke I joke. Take repose with Kalo until your brothers and sisters alive. If anybody gives you a hard time, which I doubt, I will have them reprimanded myself, Imari." The alpha turned his head, and began to collect his thoughts. He needed to say something, something rousing, memorable to his fellow tribesmen and tribeswomen.

Meynx shot out of her thoughts when the alpha’s howl traveled through bone and soul instead of fluttering safely into the Tikanni’s large ears. It was not fear that created this feeling, as Meynx rarely feared any one individual. It was something deeper, a tradition, an instinct, a language. Something as ancient as time itself, when ancestors walked upon the same earth as the human’s.

Leaving with a silent twitch of her tail Meynx was up the hill, quietly walking, shadow and light intertwining through the Tikanni’s silver, onyx, and white striped fur. She reached the hill before the alpha’s den, sitting in the shadow of a large boulder, the echo of the leader’s song still lingering upon the air.

The female watched with humor as the others seemed to overlook her presence...even her brother. It did not surprise her though...she had been a runt when young and even today was still shorter than most others. It was expected that she would go unnoticed especially as stealth was Meynx’s specialty. She was not terribly fast thanks to a compact and short body, was average in strength thanks to her size, and was reasonably good at agility...stealth was what she excelled at and the one of the main reasons for her current ranking.

Black ears perked and gray eyes zeroed in on Loraleigh when she spoke, "Present, Alpha. I have decided that Sivix will remain, and suggested that Meynx choose a warrior to be stationed here as well." Taking the cue for what it was Meynx stepped into the light and nodded her head in the Alpha’s direction before heading toward Ayola. “Ayola, would you stay and guard the camp as well?” The words formed a question as they left the Lead Warrior’s muzzle and yet they rang with the distinct sound of a statement. Even if Ayola did not wish to go, Meynx was unlikely to change her mind...but she was willing to listen if that was the case.

@Anaxileah @JokerValentine @Supermegabrenda2
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Nuru listened closely, and stood as still as a statue to ensure no noise is made while Miss Nyx had explained to him what he will experience while in the banks. Convulsions? An uncontrollable feeling resembling drowning?! His mind began to clutter with questions on what Miss Nyx had said before she uttered words in an unfamiliar language then placed her nose on his forehead. He never gained the chance to ask his questions before she sinked into the waters, so nonchalant and emotionless. How was she so resilient? Didn't she mention that the water gives you uneasy feelings and pain? Perhaps it was a common thing for her to do.

Nuru hadn't spoken a word before Miss Nyx left, leaving many questions unanswered. Especially when Miss Nyx said she will be there when he awakes. This was all the buzz to Nuru, and it brought nothing but paranoia and fear.
"Will the water put me to sleep?! Is the feeling of drowning, because I'm sleeping in water!"He shouted out, as if the old shaman was still around to hear his ranting. He had made his way further towards the banks and looked into it. Catching every glimpse of what is in store for him.

Nuru had closed his eyes and exhaled sharply before whispering to himself.
"I've held Nyx up long enough...time to get it over with."He began, by placing one paw into the waters, and continuing until his entire body was hidden under the water. In seconds to minutes, Nuru had felt a sudden feeling of his legs jerking up and down involuntary, he had lost control of all of his muscles. The water had risen to a level of searing pain as each and every drop of liquid hell touched his flesh beneath his fur. His head began to flow underwater, letting it overwhelm him with a serious sense of immersing. His eyes had shot open, and his leg muscles still were rapidly pawing at the liquid he sinked further into. His heart raced faster and faster as he seemed to take his very last breath."It's so warm here."He thought, as he once again closed his eyes and let his head hang back and flow to the bottom of the sultry bank.

no slide


Location: Fiik Grotto

Thoughts: "..."

Interactions: Shaman Nyx

Mentioned: None


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Ammax nodded at the Alpha's response.

"Charming, an omega arrives well before my lead hunters, and no doubt with a foreigner," The Alpha said in a playfull tone.

"I joke I joke. Take repose with Kalo until your brothers and sisters alive. If anybody gives you a hard time, which I doubt, I will have them reprimanded myself,Imari."

Ammax looked at the Sand colored omega. It was surely not usual to have an omega along on the hunt. Ammax smiled, and nodded at the Omega. He wondered what he must have done to convince the Alpha to allow him to come. Or he might have just spoken to the Alpha. Ammax diverted his gaze to the floor again, staring at the grass as it swayed lightly.

" I promise we won't be late any more, Alpha." Ammax said, lowering his head a bit. His big ears flickered as he raised his head, the fur on his neck standing on edge. He was excited to go hunt.

| Where: Sumonign Area| Mood: Excited, Happy |​

@JokerValentine @MoltenLightning
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Khàdzu gave a short tilt on the head and a smile feeling as if the effort he put into the gathering was unneeded, perhaps he was simply a little taxed on his work.still it's good to see other muzzles around though he did not care teh slightest who they are so long as they perform well in this hunt, he could only imagine the work to be done if ever one of the hunters go missing, or worse. Maybe he was over thinking things right now, so long as things get underway the better the hope of a good rest by the end. He smiled though towards Brimir his brother awaiting to speak In motivation, he wondered why he needed to speak to the shaman, was there a problem he wondered as he continued. Khàdzu keenly observed the other hunters around him tàking count of how many would be coming along in this hunt. He saw a few new faces and a few regular ones pondering on how to better use their abilities, did they look sick? Weak? Are they ready with tooth and fang? So far the answer was no, they're all healthy and ready to begin, and so was their alpha to khadzu's ease. 10 to 14 hunters, good.

From the distance he saw his family coming out of their dens, smiling delicately with his muzzle as he noticed Lyiin helping her mother out to listen to the speech. Hopefully they ate and got cleaned up, but with the way lyiin looked, he doubted that. He and his sister shot glances at each other shaking their heads as if making conversations with only their muzzles, it looked as if both siblings were spasmodically telecommunications with their heads glaring, bearing fangs, and shaking until Lying finally agreed to something which lead to Khàdzu looking forward with a stoic look, hopefully he didn't move much for anyone to notice


I'm awfully busy today. This quick post will suffice to allow the plot to continue. Its basically a copy of your post becuase uh busy busy busy

Anaxileah said:



Ayola watched as Coeur mimicked her movements, washing the purple paint from his dark fur and any remaining dirt from his paws. The older wolf took his paw and placed it in the bowl of berries, just as she had, and pressed down with too much pressure, turning the paint into a thick goo before Ayola had a chance to warn Coeur. The female Tikaani laughed lightly, her paw still in her own bowl. "That's one way of doing things." Ayola spoke through her fit of giggles, then gestured with her own paw the same action he had just committed, then stuck her tongue out at him. "Either way, we get to make paint. Simply add some fresh water from the other bowl on the stone, here, and then mix." Ayola explained and took the much smaller water-filled bowl in between her teeth and gently poured approximately half of the water into her own bowl. She poured the rest into Coeur's bowl, leaning over his paw. She felt her fur brush against his and shivered faintly, his touch causing her to feel exhilarated.

Hoping Coeur didn't notice her shiver, she quickly leaned back and placed the bowl down on the stone table, then proceeded to mix her paw in the berry-water mixture. It soon turned into a liquid-like paste that resembled paint, and Ayola smiled at her handiwork. However, at that very moment, she heard the Alpha's howl, felt it in her bones and blowing against her fur like Nasci's wind. Startled, the female leaned down and grabbed the bowl of paint with her jaw, washing her paw in the water they used to wash their faces earlier. She spoke with the bowl in her mouth to Coeur, urging him to hurry. "Come on, Coeur! We have to get there to paint the warriors and the hunters that need paint." Ayola's voice was slightly muffled by the bowl, but she got her point across and bolted for the Alpha's Den, which wasn't far from the Shaman's Den, so luckily they were close by. When Ayola arrived, she noticed Ammax and nodded politely to him, then bowed her head at Brimir. "Alpha. I have the paints for the hunt prepared, thanks to Coeur." She told the Alpha with a smile before lifting her head to look back at Coeur.


@Bobisdead123 @Supermegabrenda2 @JokerValentine Character's Mood: Happy/Cheerful/Excited User's Mood: BUSY Location: Paint Station -> Alpha's Den

Coeur the Hunter

"That's one way of doing things." The younger Tikaani replied, her words interrupted every phrase or so by childish giggles. She stuck her tongue out at him, pretending to crush her berries the way he had. Coeur couldn't help but laugh at her teasing. He clearly wasn't the most gentle paint maker.

"Either way, we get to make paint. Simply add some fresh water from the other bowl on the stone, here, and then mix." The female continued once her giggles had subsided. He watched with a slightly smile as she grabbed a smaller water filled bowl with her mouth. She carefully tilted her head to the right, allowing water to drop into her paint bowl. Standing there, her head titled and a bowl clenched between her jaw, she looked almost silly, but oh so cute...

While he was distracted with admiring her, she leaned over to pour the rest of the water i his bowl, the bottom of her jaw brushing his paw as she slid past. He could see her shiver slightly upon contact. Coeur frowned. Why would she shiver? Did touching him really bother her so much?

Coeur looked down at his paint, hiding his frown. He continued to crush the berries, watching as the mush turned into a fine paste. Suddenly a sound erupted from the center of the camp, a long and low howl that blew past him like a fierce wind. T
he Alpha.

"Come on, Coeur! We have to get there to paint the warriors and the hunters that need paint." The female exclaimed, her voice muffled by the bowl in her mouth. She hurried off towards the Alpha's den, Coeur entail.

Coeur nodded respectively to his fellow tribe members when he arrive,d bowing low towards Brimir the Alpha. He had a sad smile on his face.


Time: Almost Mid Day/Late Morning Coeur's mood: Disappointed Location: Alphas Den



The experience was all to familiar. The old shaman would be floating in a black void until a blinding light, soft at first but growing in intensity filled her field of vision completely. Gaining feeling in her body once more, Nyx remained still until a soft voice was whispering in her ear. "...Nyx...come on..." They nuzzled her face as the old Tikanni groaned before muttering "Alright...I'm up, I'm up..." As she opened her eyes and sitting right in front of her with their jaw resting on their paws was a beautiful youthful she-wolf. "Nunui..." The shaman murmured before closing her eyes once more and drinking in her previous mentor's scent. She hadn't seen her in so long...

Her feathers were down and back at first but as she stood, they rose a bit. Standing along with her, Nyx was relieved that there wasn't any pain in her joints. Shaking out her matted pelt, the old coot then padded up to the taller Tikanni and stretched her muzzle around her neck. “It's good to see you…” She said as Nunui replied “You as well…now, I assume the reason for this visit is…” As she trailed off, the shaman nodded. “Yes...that and, well here he is now…” Nuru’s seemingly lifeless body had appeared nearby. Taking a small pawstep forward, the deceased wolf raised her feathers a signal to stop as she made her way over to him and began to lick his ears as if she were his mother.

Their current location was beautiful. In a small clearing with a stone pathway that lead up to huge vine clad castle. All over Tikaani were running around, some pups playing with others lying in the eternal sun and gossiping. Sitting down briefly, it was the first time in what felt like months the old wolf could relax without constant pain or fear. Her ears were perked up for once with her tail wagging lightly. “His name is Nuru…” Nyx said, her voice having a bit more emotion and being less raspy than it normally would. “I know…” Nunui responded between licks, still trying to wake the apprentice. “I am also aware how reluctant you are to call him by name.” “And you know all too well why.” The younger yet older Tikanni paused briefly, her feathers slightly falling. “Please...no need to remind me.”

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Health: 100%

Nokosi heard the female inhale deeply, most likely disregarding his disrespectful tone and attempting to keep her composure. He knew he ought to respect, especially since she was a leader and older than him, but he figured it was only natural for siblings to have a sort of "love-hate" relationship. Still, he felt a bit guilty for his irritability directed towards Lora.

The female Tikaani began speaking again, but she was cut off by a howl. The alpha's, no doubt; it was strong and pierced the air with his dominance. Nokosi perked his ears up in slight excitement and pointed his muzzle towards the den entrance, which was where the sound was entering. There was a different howl for each announcement, each one ranging in pitch, depth, length, and emotion. This one, though, signaled the time for a hunt.

Loraleigh confirmed the announcement. Before he could move, his sister reached forward with a paw and fixed a tuft of fur of his. He scrunched up his face in aggravation again, but this time it was more of a brotherly irritation, not angry irritation. The action vaguely reminded him of what their mother used to do when they were younger. He realized that Loraleigh was somewhat like Mother, loving and caring of her family. But Lora would never sit back and watch a family member get attacked. That is the difference.

Nokosi felt the tremors of the older sibling retreating out of the den, though not before reminding him of getting his paints done. An ear flicked in agitation. Having his paint done was never a favorite of his. It felt weird on his fur, but it was tradition; he could deal with it. The brother followed the vibrations his sister created out of the den, though he knew he didn't need to; the den was one of the places that he knew best and could traverse in the pitch darkness.

The sunlight attacked his vision upon leaving the den, and he squinted in response. It didn't take too long to adjust to the light level difference, however. His surroundings were what he saw every day: a blur of greens and browns and blues that dissipated in a fog of white. Nothing interesting to see. The male Tikaani sniffed the air deeply. He could smell the familiar odd scents of the paints wafting on the wind. The padding of paws could be heard, traveling at varying rates. Judging by the vibrations resonating through the ground, every Tikaani was heading in the same direction: towards the alpha's den. They were all gathering around to begin the hunt.

Nokosi followed suit. He couldn't be late, even though he was visually impaired. The brother was guided by the vibrations, voices, and scents as he jogged to the alpha and the meeting area while being careful not to run into anything or anyone. He padded up to the meeting area and recognized some of the scents of the Tikaani present: the Alpha, his sister, Ammax, Ayola, Coeur, Khàdzu, Imari, and Meynx. He found it somewhat odd that the omega was here; was he going to participate in the hunt? Unusual, indeed...

Once he made himself acquainted with the situation, he listened as Brimir spoke to the omega, using his voice to pinpoint the pack leader's location. Nokosi bowed his head low. "
Alpha," he greeted reverentially.

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Nadie normally wasn't behind everyone else, but she didn't react as fast as normal and so strode in a little bit later. She kept her head high as she greeted those she passed before getting to where Brimir was located. All I need is a good run, she thought happy that her mate had finally called them all.

"It was about time, Brimir," she joked at him slightly before seating down next to him. She watched all the wolves gather around them. She studied her mate a little and he seemed a tad better from this morning, yet, there was something off. It wasn't like she was much normal herself.
Perhaps I should talk to Nyx as well, she considered, but she really didn't see herself needing anything from the old wolf.

"Are you feeling alright?" she whispered to him low just in case there were any prying ears.

ADDRESSED: Brimir @JokerValentine

MENTIONED: Nyx @StoneWolf18

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Interaction;; Xenosa (@Hiruka )

Action;; Lying on the ground in defeat.

Rising from the ground, Sol filled his limbs with renewed energy, but it wasn't real. It was no more than a picture painted on his body, much like before a hunt. But even so, this was a hunt, for something more important than food. His paws tensed upon the ground as he pushed against the soil like an enemy, and spring into the air. The edges of his lips curling up, he changed his voice to one of excitement and confidence. When Sol landed back onto his feet, he rose his rear and pushed his chest to the ground like an excited pup ready to play.

"Think of that no more! A boring story such as that should be left for the elders, so lethargic in the seats they fill. Come, for ones so young like us have time to kill! Our passing so swift, we be snowflakes in a storm, bodies so quick, they can make out no form. The others are hunters, stalking precious prey, so let us slip up behind them, and enter the fray!"

A spark was dancing in Sol's eyes, a slight hint of insanity. He simply had to get out of this, and quickly. Perhaps by this rhyme, he could confuse her another time.

Sol twisted around as if chasing his puffy tail, then bounded off to the sound of the hunt, a call all wolves knew. Sol did not usually go on hunts, being an official warrior now, but the distraction of the stalker stalking the stalkers with the stalked may help. He also just wanted to go on a hunt again.

Just to experiment, Sol sent the image of a memory he had to Xenosa, a clearing with the gathering of a hunt. It was an old memory, so it had some holes which he quickly filled in using context, and pushed it from his mind to Xenosa's. This was his first time using this with her, so it would seem strange, like a paw reaching through her mind, placing a rock in it, then pulling out. It would not exactly hurt, but it would feel wrong, or strange. But again, the more confusing it got, the easier he could brush the first incident off as just something she was confused about.

@DemonKitten @Javax @Bobisdead123 @Orpheus


Seeing even more hunters enter the scene, the alpha returned the respectful gestures that his underlings presented to him. As they shuffled in slowly, the alpha turned to face his rather underappreciated mate. As she strode forth, looking as stunning as always, the male dipped his head out of respect. "We will speak later, my sweet," he spoke in a hushed whisper as he pressed his own head into hers. He was a terrible mate, though he knew it, but the job came first. Perhaps one day he could make it up to her. One day, they'd be able to live not as royalty, but as two bounded by love. "You look beautiful, my dear. Worry not of me. Nyx did not show concern of my dream. Maybe it is only so. This worry, this suffering, you are far too fair to deserve it. Don't let it hurt you," he finished as he rubbed his maw against her forehead rather affectionately.

Maybe the fellow Tikaani had seen the gestures, but they had not heard the words, and they would not ridicule the alpha over his affection for dear Nadie. "I love you dearly."

Turning his attention away from his mate, as work usually forced him to, the male eyed his beta, his close confident Khadzu. "Dear brother," he began, "we are missing some folk. I know it is quite early, but I detest it with all of my heart tardiness. Would you be able to seek out any hunter that is not present? I feel that this is not everyone."



Khadzu had not heard lady Nadie arrive, the he expected her to be here on this hunt. Its good to see his brother receive support from her though this may have confirmed that her arrival maybe related to Brimir's visit to the shaman, perhaps its true something was bothering his brother. illness? was he sick? or did he simply ask her for advice or blessing on this hunt? Speaking of, he wonders where the Old one was. perhaps there was an important event that may have taken her attention, or worse, she might have had another heart attack....... shes probably fine.... or not, it'd be unfortunate if something happened to her. he shook his head trying to break off any and all forms of misguided interpretations, blinking his eyes as if to flake away the the image from his mind. what worried him though was the strange feeling in his chest as Brimir spoke to his mate, the look of worry on his face was not at all that pleasant. he did not hear their conversation, was wrong to even try and eavesdrop, he had decided that his brothers problems were things he needed only himself to know, and he understands that in time he'll come to him about it soon, though if he doesn't it wouldn't hurt to pry... all in time. Brimir soon turned to him and asked him of his request to gather the rest of the hunters. a small smile and a curt nod Khadzu replied

"Of course brother, as always leave everything in my care, that's what i'm here for. ill summon them posthaste."

perhaps not all may be willing to join in the hunt, but the alphas call is not one to be denied nevertheless. if they decided to take leave of this event they must surely inform us beforehand. with a curt nod and a bow, he gestured in respect to Brimir and in turn took to bowing to Nadie as well.

"Lady Nadie it is good to see you well, radiant as ever it seems" he gave a slight chuckle

It would be disrespectful not to acknowledge her presence here, he's only come to meet her rarely as his duties separate him from proper social meetings. its important to greet people of respect and Nadie was well respected here as her Sworn sister in law and as a good friend.

"Ill see to other hunters, but do continue if i do not arrive on time brother"

and with that he turned around and set off to find the other hunters


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This feeling...so tender and caring...Loving, yet stern like a mother. He could hear voices, one majestic and graceful that really caught his ear, though it was muffled he could tell. Gentle licks at his ears had awoken him from his seemingly never ending immersed state. His somewhat alerting gasp for air reassured those around him that he was well awake and alive, though obviously terrified and believing he was good as dead. However his numb legs and trembling torso did not stop him from turning over on his stomach to face who had awakened him. Each motion reminding him of the pins and needles having at his legs like parasites to a host body. It hit him, the light of his surroundings struck his vision and portrayed the two she-wolves that stood before him as gracious and glorious Goddesses beginning to pass down their swift judgment on a desperate soul.

"I-I never though dying could be this rewarding." He said out loud though beginning to regret his choice of words as his eyes began to adjust to the light and reveal the two blackened figures. One curved and tall with bright, large and colorful feathers, seemingly outdoing the smaller, scrawny figure that stood nearby to be revealed as Nuru's mentor, Nyx. "Oh, Miss Nyx I'm so relieved to see you're in a better place with me. I actually have questions to seek out answers for." He paused to look around and caught a glimpse of pups and other Tikanni that seemed to never age, never stress, and doesn't possess any flaws to their character. This was a Utopia, a Paradise, a Sanctuary! Nuru couldn't believe his eyes and could barely contain his overwhelming excitement with a grin of joyful relief. Could he still be seeing things under the influence of the radiant light beaming or was this all to real?

"Where are we? and Miss might I ask who you are as well? He stood up on shaky legs, resembling how his mentor would do so, and directed his attention towards Nyx then towards the anonymous bright feathered she-wolf that couldn't help but receive most to all of Nuru's acknowledgement.

no slide


Location: Fiik Grotto; Nasci's Palace

Thoughts: "Is this real?!"

Interactions: Shaman Nyx & Nunui!?

Mentioned: None


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"It is, as long you your Tikanni." Nyx gruffly muttered and was about to continue before Nunui stepped in. "Don't be so harsh, Nyx. He did just reach his adulthood now didn't he..." Facing the apprentice, she smiled, her feathers relaxing. "Nuru, I am Nunui, your shaman's mentor. Yes...I was slain by He-who-Shouldn't-Be-Named..." The colorful she wolf paused momentarily, it was obvious the memory still caused her distress. Shaking her head briefly, she continued. "And, you are currently in Nasic's Palace. All of the wolves except you two here are deceased, though only by a thin margin. What you experienced in the waters of Fiik Grotto was essentially death, though your unconscious body is being sustained because the water is also extremely rich in the properties of life. Because it is your first time, when you are ready to leave Nyx will have to exit first and you will be pulled out forcefully and revived. And I wouldn't worry about being harmed whilst in the pool, you are only able to enter because of the blessing Nyx placed upon you before entry. Anyone or thing that would try to go after you would be killed. Now...how about a brief tour?" Nunui smiled genuinely before turning and padding away, her scaled feet surprisingly not making all that much noise.

Nyx made her way next to her and said in a low voice in the old language and with Nuru never having been taught it, he wouldn't know what they were saying. "De Oerdracht Fan Kennis...It must be done….” “No...Nyx, we know the consequences of that ritual already and I’m not sure you could handle the results if things were to go wrong…” “Nasic knows that we are in need of time, and I have none to spare training him, it would take years…” “Trust me, I am aware of the situation’s dire needs. Though he is so young...no, we can’t.” “We have no choice.” “I know…” Switching back their common tongue, Nunui paused when they were underneath a large vine-clad archway. “Here is the entrance to the actual building called a castle. The dresswalkers long before they began the destruction of our beautiful earth built these out of stone similar to ours.”

@Cloud Nagasake
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Having given his respects to the alpha, and seeing the alpha address specific members of the growing crowd, Kalo began to feel the mounting pressures. He could feel it, roasting him from within slowly, that the omega was his (for the most part) responsibility. Katalista perhaps was part of this as well, but Kalo felt that the circumstances were different. As the hunter awaited the arrivals, the male grew suddenly in need to converse with Imari. Perhaps, he could hunt. Perhaps, he would be able to understand his experiences. "Imari," the male whispered, we should talk about today. I am.... a bit worried. I hunt sometimes, but I have never hunted with an omega. I know you are a good soul, but I cannot completely trust you, until I see you hunt. Hunters have been killed, I've seen it, and we should go over some things."

His nerve was showing, bubbling within him like a cauldron. He barely could remember the procedure for hunting at all! It was... a prayer, a gathering- no that was not it at all. It was lost in the frenzy. What if Imari were killed? What if he died? What if Imari killed someone else? What if an outsider attacked? Everything was up in the air.



The caramel wolf laughed a bit at the Alpha's words, unsure but still pleased that the Alpha was actually able to make such a joke around him. Suddenly, a large mass of Tikaani appeared around him. The Alpha was indeed right, he had somehow appeared before some of the more known hunters. Imari was about to back away and wait... Until Kalo came up to him with a nervous air. His eyes darted about, his hair bristled on end... Imari knew this state all too well. When he had his breakdowns, this was but a much smaller version of that situation.

Imari listened to the wolf in front of him with concern in his eyes, He nodded every so often, and finally after the wolf finished his small speech, Imari spoke in a moderate agreement. "Well, I understand your concerns. I
understand them wholeheartedly, actually. This has been my concern most of my life. 'Am I even worthy? Why can't I try?' But like I said before, that was when I felt differently." He stopped, thinking about his next words and at the same time pausing for a breath.

"I can't
guarantee anything, and for that I am deeply and utterly sorry. Being an Omega has only made this fact worse, though I could disagree. But I will inform you that there have been occasions where I have actually hunted. On my own, of course... No one knew about it, or needed to know. I was starving at the time as it was. I do think that it would be best if we reviewed the process though, if only a little. Besides, you're reputation is on the line." Imari smiled, knowing Kalo's stress was causing him panic.

The Omega was still filled with a small scale elation, but it was also mixed with concern for someone who had so willingly allowed himself to be disgraced if Imari failed. The funny thing was, he wasn't the least concerned for himself. If he failed this, why would he still want to be called a Tikaani? He looked over a for only but a moment at Katalista. Doing this in turn caused him to feel even more adamant in succeeding.
@JokerValentine | Mood: Concerned, blissful, respectful, calming



Katalista who had followed Kalo and Imari to where the Alpha was waiting, had been quiet for most of the time. They had been one of the first few to arrive, and for that, she was grateful. For as kind and as gentle of an alpha they had, he was still subject to losing his patience and that was not a situation she wished to be in.

As they waited, she took the time to look over all the wolves that had been her tribe mates for who knows how long. All of which she knew by name, yet only a handful by heart. As friendly and good-mannered as she was to her tribemates, she was always the quieter, introvert type and never had a "bestfriend", not since she was a wee little pup.

As she watched, she noticed Ayola and Coeur. Besides using the paint for pranks, they put it to good use for social occasions such as the hunt. She did like getting her hunting paint put on as it made the tribemore united when they wore the same colours.

Her gaze passed over a few other wolves before she saw Imari again. Taking a seat by him, she said in a low whisper that only he and maybe Kalo could hear. "Are you excited, Imari?"

@MoltenLightning @JokerValentine

mood: patient/curious

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~Extra Info~

Action: Sprinting back to join the hunt. -> Joining the gathering

Emotion: Disappointed, a little irritated

Interaction: Sol ->


"I'm hunting you down tomorrow my dear comrade."

Have mentioned:




@Yaoke Saint @Orpheus


As Sol rose from the ground, he suddenly started acting childish, not bothering to try and remember what they were going to talk about. To be honest, Xenosa's excitement had just died and she could really cared less to attend the hunt. She thought,'The mission sounds more interesting than the hunt.'

Though, of course she would never openly expressed this thought through words, after all she wasn't a child anymore. Xenosa was going to keep her composure and act like a proper adult....which, was hard considering how care free and excited Sol looked. Her face remained stoic as she nodded at Sol's words, Sol's terrible acting not bothering the female Tikaani.

When a loud howl echoed through out the sky, Xenosa turned her head to look back at the woods. It was time for the hunt.

Seeing that Sol had already bolted toward the call, Xenosa just stood there for a while before sighing. She decided that after today, she'll have to bother him once again to choke the mission out of him. No way was she going to be shaken off that easily.

Now that she thought about it, Sol suddenly forgetting it was too suspicious. No true warrior was to ever forget their mission. It was just common sense not to. Maybe it was a sudden change of decision? She didn't know, but it was definely a thing that she will now do on her free time. Xenosa was determined to know what threaten their pack, whether Sol liked it or not.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Xenosa started running back for the gathering. The image that Sol had secretly sent to her mind was blocked by the many other thoughts that seemed to overpower it. She soon reached the clearing and saw the pack Beta,
Khàdzu. Xenosa slowed down to a trot and nodded at him in respect,"Good morning."

She then proceeded her sprint, flying by the white sliver Tikanni, her light blue feathers being pushed back by the breeze that force it down.

When Xenosa reached the gathering of Tikanni, she once again slowed down to a trot. She looked around the crowd, wondering if she could spot Sol which, she failed to and just sighed before directing her attention to the Alpha, Brimir. Xenosa was sorta hoping that her tardiness wouldn't be point out by him as she knew how strict he was.


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Khadzu sped off trying to remember which one of the hunters have missed the gathering call, So far most of them have arrived, Hunters, and warriors alike, save for Nyx yet she is a shaman, it might be prudent to visit her however, as well to check on her well being, so he decided to visit her last, mayhaps after the hunting call. he quickly trodded away from the summons, mangling his cerebrum as to who might not have heeded the howl, many an excuse and explanation started piling up inside his head starting to build his expectations once he meets with the hunters.

his train of thought broke away the moment Xenosa greeted him a good morning, in respect he greeted in kind, glad to see his burden weigh a little less as she went off to see the gathering. She was indeed quite the beauty, no one could mistake her nearly shining fur and vibrant feathers that whisked with the wind, other than he heard others speak kindly of her, mostly at face value, though he did recall...one who was... a little off in his approach. it took as a good laugh during his duties. as she trodded off to heed the alpha's call, her vibrant beauty, It was calming almost reminding him of soft rushing rivers that flowed, one day she may have a mate soon, that beauty can enrapture many a males hearts, or perhaps live strong on her own, become what his mother might have been had he not met his father he chuckled in his head, somehow in her Khadzu felt promise, his sense of current events however dictated that this wasn't the time for gazing at crystal rivers. he needed to find the rest of the hunters, and pandered on into names and specific skills that may have stood out in order to ease the worry and the effort. thankfully his current mindset got him to make a certain connection, i.e. rivers and what not.

There was one hunter who excelled at hunting underwater, Sivix was his name, wasn't it? yes indeed it was, he remembered a bit after reviewing the tally of the food stores and the hunting contributions, even if the hunt wasn't suitable for him might as well pay the hunter a visit to understand his absence. also who else was there that stood out in his memory? So far most of the hunters he knew off the top of his head were present....hmmmm.... There was one other hunter he thought of looking for, though it may be difficult to talk to him, Kamar was his name yes? or was it Kamah? he'll wing it once they meet, he has not met the wolf, only knows to his immediate knowledge that a tragedy fell upon him once in the past, it may be difficult to speak to him though if it only to the point, then perhaps it would go smoothly. He decided to meet with any other hunter or warrior on the way, slackers and skimpers whichever wolf was not in the mood for a hunt.

in agreement to his list and quickly sprinted to any of their nearest Locations first, Sivix may be around the dens near the riverside, though it may be better to speak to other hunters nearby as to his whereabouts, the same went for Khama, he would have to ask around about his current location, and perhaps know abit more about the events that unfolded for him. He was quick to his pace, speaking to any Tikkani he met along the way to find them, he even asked about what kind of wolves they were, and how they interact with the tribe to better understand why they had skimped on this event.... not letting anyone off the hook... and of course only asked what was to be asked and nothing more. in a way, it was almost like hunting, finding information about your prey, knowing where they are, and in process understanding them until you are prepared to confront them. searching each den and each last known location Khadzu did his best to find the hunters, summoning others to the gathering in the process that were not on his list, and at last he found one of them...

@Mistory1997 @Bobisdead123 @Sock Mentioned: @Hiruka

(OOC: I think these are the people that joined, its hard to keep a list, so ill keep it open ended for reply to anyone who hasn't joined and wants to join, and people i might have missed.( o w o) )


Nuru had gotten up to follow and watch as Miss Nyx and Nunui walked ahead and began to converse in the unfamiliar language he has heard Nyx speak before, but he himself could never understood. This was a good time for him to marinade in all of the info given to him by Nunui. The chances him of dying from the banks of Fiik Grotto without the Shaman's Blessing and him being within the palace of the Tikanni's ideal moral figure, Nasci. This was an intriguing topic and there was so much more to ask of them both. However Nuru couldn't help but remain silent as his smile slowly faded away as he was told Nunui, Miss Nyx's mentor, was murdered by this He-Who-Shouldn't-be-Named character. He must have been a huge problem for the Tikanni before Nuru was even born and he could only imagine how she felt from the traumatizing news once received. "I never though we would have conflict within our own tribe." He thought, while quietly pawing behind his superiors as they neared a beautiful entrance leading to what Nunui says the Dresswalkers called a "Castle".

Nuru looked to the magnificent stone castle with a gleam in his eyes and a excited wave motion from his tail, savoring every sight of the building.
"A C-castle?...it's so unique and it was created by Dresswalkers, but why does it resemble ours so much?" He asked curiously while taking a few more steps closer near the two to catch the view of the distant castle. His tail wagging behind him with the teal ribbon following it in it's every motion signaling that he was enjoying himself for the time he spent in Nasci's Palace.

no slide


Location: Fiik Grotto; Nasci's Palace

Thoughts: "There is so much to learn from this..."

Interactions: Shaman Nyx & Nunui

Mentioned: None


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Mood: Anxious, Excited, Curious

Location: Boarder of territory


Thirteen years. That was how long Faolan had been alone. The last she remembered of her pack were the brief bursts of memory that shaped her childhood. Long summers spent splashing in the rivers and rolling in the mud, hide and go seek in the depths of the forest and cold nights spent burrowed in piles with her packmates. It was these fond memories that brought the lone female out of her grief, and pointed her back towards her pack, her home. The time Faolan had spent away from her family was a tortured purgatory. The only things Faolan could bring herself to do during this time was think, as she had become her only companion. Before she became accustomed to the silence, Faolan contemplated returning back home. However, the knowledge that she was the last of her bloodline was enough for the she-wolf to rethink her options, and while in a state of self-pity and grief, she decided that it was only right for her to live out her life in isolation, or die trying.

As she matured, the tug in her gut directing her home grew stronger, however, her growing anxiety about the state of her pack left her frightened about her eventual return. It was only after her nineteenth birthday that she decided it was finally time, and so her journey began. It took her many months to find her way back to her packlands, and once the familiar scents of her peers flooded her senses, Faolan's gut churned with barely concealed nerves. She hadn't been there since she was a pup, what if no one recognized her, or worse, what if everyone she knew was gone? Certainly there had to be someone...

The pads of her soft paws landed gently on the dirt and debris laying on the forest floor, the steps flattering occasionally, as her lean appendages had grown tired due to her long journey. Despite these challenges, Faolan persevered due to her desperation to return home. She became so occupied in her thoughts that she hardly noticed the trees becoming more sparse, and the scents becoming stronger. She weaved her small form around the thick bases of the trees, and lifted her emerald orbs as she reached the clearing, her heart roaring in her ears at the sight of her pack, and the all-too familiar terrain. Not much had changed, however the land surely lacked the majestic appeal it once held to her young eyes. She hesitantly entered the boarder, her ears folding delicately back against her rounded cranium and the jade of her eyes lowered diligently towards the ground. She watched the grey of her paws land on the dirt grounding and allowed herself to become lost in her own thoughts. Faolan snapped back into reality as she stumbled into another pack member. She gasped shortly and fumbled to right herself, her vibrant eyes wide in shock.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" She managed, the frantic tone of her voice foreign to her own ears. Her gaze landed on the wolf she ran into, and a flash of recognition crossed her features at the familiar face in front of her. The icy blue orbs could belong to no other wolf. Immediately she was flooded with memories of long walks and friendly conversation, the warming sense of companionship and the fluttering butterflies that accompanied a childhood crush. "Khadzu?"

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Khadzu's head was a blur of stress as he hunted down the hunters that were missing, Running, trodding and leaping from platform to platform in order to get vantage points and information from other tribe members, it wasn't easy. there were only a few minutes left perhaps and he needed to find at least one of them, they mustn't been either deaf or just excellent at being out of reach because khadzu's patience has worn thin and he was growing tired of this constant searching. several times he has asked about their whereabouts and several times they were never there, perhaps a punishment is in order for such misbehavior but that would be left for his brother to manage, either way he has searched almost long enough perhaps it was time that he returned to gathering.

He found himself by the border of the tribelands, investigating one more location he had inquired of about remaining hunters. on bated breath and weary limb he struggled to catch his senses as he trodded by the plains his heart beating wildly as he searched around the area, and just like the many other locations he found himself in, not a single Tikkani to find. no nothing, not a single sight, scent, or sound of anything remotely like a wolf. it was almost discouraging for him not being able to find any of his listed quarry, sure he found other stragglers that were impaired and or were managing their dens at home, but to fail at finding a few able bodied hunters, he let out a sigh shaking his body off any dust as if to relieve himself of a bit of stress. its no use, might as well return and inform the alpha of their absence, he thought to himself resigning to his task relaxing and yet disappointed at himself for being unable to find them. A bitter taste fell to his mouth as he slowly turned back to the tribe get the gathering hunters to hunt, if they didn't want to join, then so be it, better to find hunters willing to hunt than skimpers unable to do their duty, he had no use for hunters who don't partake in the hunt. it was at that moment that found himself caught off guard by another Tikkani, though at first glance he merely thought he bumped into one of his tribe mates as she turned apologetic afterwards. he turned toward her with almost lazy eyes seeing if she was okay, those lazy discouraged eyes however, popped wide open glaring their crystal blue hue as they looked towards the fumbling wolf

Khadzu, as he grew up, started to forget the childhood he once had. the memories of those times as young playful pup lost its luster as he continued to grow in his duty and responsibility towards his family. Dancing upon the green meadows of the forest and playing with old friends and neighbors, as well as the overbearing sight and wonder that Nasci had gifted him when his eyes were once larger to appreciate it, the rusty fights with other pups and the adventures they had together. time passed and his story unfolded, decisions were made,and his path laid before him. those old childish times no longer mattered to him, not anymore, until at that very moment where he saw the lustrous periwinkle coat of someone very familiar to him, someone he found dear long ago. Like the indigo down of the sun setting sky, his eyes were glued to the puff of her fur as her tail swayed like the leaves upon the dusk, the color of her eyes that were etched upon his mind all those years ago, shining like the meadows of his childhood a crystal green of emerald, Her long swaying tail that brushed as if the night sky itself had fallen after the dusk, and the creamy puff of her fur that warmed like feather down. amongst all these things he could not mistake her voice that spoke his name, though it gained itself a pitch lower or two, his ears could not mistake that voice, the voice that once shrieked in glee and growled in playfulness or spite, he could feel all of those ancient buried memories starting to crash upon his mind like the stormy tide upon the cliff-side, memories of joy and adventure, of spats and of play, memories that he himself couldn't bear to forget, memories of loss and of promise. He mustn't make mistakes, he shouldn't make mistakes, but in his heart and mind there was no other person.

"Fao..Faolan? i-is that you?"

Khadzu who once prided himself in his ability to speak directly and coherently to others, found his heart racing and limbs shaking in either excitement or anxiousness as he no longer find the heart to mouth the words in his mind. This Tikkani was Faolan, his playmate, his childhood, and before she had left, his best friend.




”That's because it was modeled after one made by them.” Nunui had replied, her feathered tail wagging gently. “Now, let see, where to next….” The colorful Tikanni trailed off and caught Nyx’s eyes, the old wolf half glaring half pleading. Closing her eyes briefly, she then began to speak slowly to the apprentice. “Okay...Nuru, we have some...important matters to attend to and, well….you are involved...a-” The older shaman cut her off. “Look, kid. There is a serious shit storm coming and I have no time to train you because that would take years we don’t have. De Oerdracht Fan Kennis or what roughly translates into ‘The Transfer of Knowledge or Information.’ Basically it would copy what I know about our medicinal practices as well as other important information a shaman should know over to you so we don’t have to waste any more time. Now, the only reason we are wanting to ask you about this first is because the results from both parties are rather...unpredictable, to put it lightly. You might go insane and I might not survive the process...which I’m assuming would be unlikely in my case though you never know. If you should accept this offer, we would proceed almost immediately, if not...well the tribe is pretty much done for due to my age and your lack of training.” Her tone was to the point and firm, which obviously bothered the younger shaman then jumped in. “I-I mean, not to sway your choice or anything...this is a big proposition…” She was obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation, shuffling her bird like paws in the soft dirt below.

@Cloud Nagasake


Feeing slight tension in the air, Nuru's fur began to stand up. He looked to them, both teeming with a constant flux of hidden emotions. Nunui had appeared uneasy and fearful with the idea while Nyx had seemed fine with it, and even with it's potential chances of death that could come to her. It even had it's cons of rendering him of his sanity. However, Nuru had not feared such fears of losing all sanity, though he wished that there was another way to this predicament. He spoke up two the she-wolves after a brief moment of silent discussion with himself to establish his decision. "I want to go through with the process." He replied, taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves and gather his thoughts to continue. "I could not imagine what kind of dark force could be coming our way, but once this process is successful I can be more than just a burden to you."

He raised his tail confidently and perked his ears upward. His ocean blue eyes glistening with the light from the sky, and his fur soaking up every drop of warm soothing heat. Nuru tilted his head to move his black fur out of his eyes and looked to them and smiled.
"I wanna help protect my home too." He said enthusiastically. He was already aware of what would come from this and he had accepted the it, though he was terrified on the inside he expressed his fear through grinning like a maniac. He set aside his fears for now and was ready to begin the "De Oerdracht Fan Kennis"

no slide


Location: Fiik Grotto; Nasci's Palace

Thoughts: "Do I really want this change?"

Interactions: Shaman Nyx & Nunui

Mentioned: None


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