Journal Health Announcement [6-year Retrospective]

You're making progress. I'm glad to hear that Dai. Keep staying positive and I will too! ?
Yaaay Daisie gets to go home! Glad you're staying positive through all this, too. ^33^ I'd love to be in the PM list!
Yaaay Daisie gets to go home! Glad you're staying positive through all this, too. ^33^ I'd love to be in the PM list!
Thank YOU for helping me stay positive through all this! c: You should be invited to the PM momentarily!
This makes me so happy. ❤ It's so wonderful that the RPN community has been a place of love and support for you during a hard time and I'm honored to be a small part of that, Daisie Daisie . Definitely please add me to the PM <3
This makes me so happy. ❤ It's so wonderful that the RPN community has been a place of love and support for you during a hard time and I'm honored to be a small part of that, Daisie Daisie . Definitely please add me to the PM <3
Thank you so much for the support you've given me! I love seeing you around RpN and I like seeing you quietly give out cookies every once in awhile, haha!
You shall receive your PM invite shortly! c:
Hey buddy, I know I've talked to you already but I feel I didn't express it as much as I did on your profile. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts my friend and I'll make sure to leave a message on your profile asking how you're getting on whether or not you see it! Keep fighting buddy, you're a tough, strong, kind person so I know you'll pull through, you're buddies on this thread and on this site will make sure you remember that they're all there for ya! ;)
A Possible Change of PlansHeya! So my plans for cancer treatment may have just changed. Before, I was going to have to go through 5 total rounds of chemotherapy, each lasting approximately a month. I'd go home for around 1-2 weeks, and then come back for another round.

Well now, I've gone into initial remission! This is a very, very good thing; remission is usually very difficult to achieve under my circumstances. However, it is also difficult to hold under my circumstances, as well. which is why we're heavily considering a bone marrow transplant. Basically, the risks are about the same as going through the last 4 rounds of chemo. Only if this transplant works, I'm likely going to need only one more round of chemotherapy. It would be a far more difficult round, but only one round, nonetheless.

We don't know for certain if we're going to try the transplant yet. We're going in tomorrow to have a meeting and discuss it further.

In simpler words: Either a transplant happens and I only have one difficult round of chemotherapy left, or I proceed with the next 4 rounds of chemotherapy (Which has the side effect of making different kinds of cancers more likely later on in my life).

We're leaning towards transplant since we have a 10/10 sibling match. Meaning I'd have a li'l bit of bone marrow from my bro.

Thank you! <3
Another RoundHeya again! I'm currently admitted into the hospital once more. I probably won't be around for awhile as I'll be under more chemotherapy either tonight or tomorrow. We haven't decided on the bone marrow transplant yet. If we do it, it'll be after this round. We're still trying to flesh out if we're going to or not, as well as how it's going to work and timing. But as for now.. Treatment shall proceed as normal. If it goes anything like last time, I'll probably be out for about 2 weeks, but you know how these things go; you can never really tell.

Thank you again for your overwhelming support.
A Decision Has Been MadeSo I told you about the transplant awhile back. After going back and forth, looking at my condition (Which has really only been recorded in 8 other instances, all of them outdated), we've made the decision to NOT do the bone marrow transplant, as it has too high risks attached to it, and I'm responding incredibly well to the chemotherapy. Basically, we're going along with our first plan: in the hospital for approximately a month, out of the hospital for approximately a week, rinse and repeat until around the end of this year. No bone marrow transplant unless we have to.

Thank you so much, guys ❤
Go you, Daisie! I have been following all of this quite closely (as weird as this sounds since we don't know each other) but your story is ever more inspiring as it is saddening. You seem like such a sweet person it is hard for me to see people with such kind hearts go through so much pain but you are definitely a role model for many of us on RPN, even if we have never spoke with your continuous updates through your experience. Keep your head up Daisie chains you're doing amazing!
Home AgainI go home today! We ran into a few bumps. I have a swollen lymph node and a runny nose, but no other symptoms. I have a tiny bit of an immune system, not much. My blood counts have steadily increased, meaning my bone marrow is recovering from the chemotherapy. I get to go home the earliest anyone's heard of, on day 21. Things are definitely looking up!

Thank you all once more for showing your support and rooting for me. The journey is far from over, and the next round of chemo is going to be five times as intense, but I have faith that I can do this. Thank you so much.
Back at it Again at Krispy Kreme
Hello! I'm going back into the hospital today. In fact, I'm already here. Magical. This round is going to be tougher, probably. As it turns out, my dose of chemo is not going to be 5x as powerful. The bad news is that it's going to be 10x as powerful. However, it's going to be over a shorter period of time. I'm going to have 5 days of chemotherapy, and the rest of the time is going to be recovering from that.

Not much else to say this time. I'm going to try and be on RpN as much as I can, but I can't guarantee I'll be on a whole lot for awhile. I do love the RPs I'm in and would love to continue onward. Thank you all so much for being so supportive, so patient, and so sympathetic. It warms my heart.
Back at it Again at Krispy Kreme
Hello! I'm going back into the hospital today. In fact, I'm already here. Magical. This round is going to be tougher, probably. As it turns out, my dose of chemo is not going to be 5x as powerful. The bad news is that it's going to be 10x as powerful. However, it's going to be over a shorter period of time. I'm going to have 5 days of chemotherapy, and the rest of the time is going to be recovering from that.

Not much else to say this time. I'm going to try and be on RpN as much as I can, but I can't guarantee I'll be on a whole lot for awhile. I do love the RPs I'm in and would love to continue onward. Thank you all so much for being so supportive, so patient, and so sympathetic. It warms my heart.
Oh my, 10 times?
I hope you stand it well like you did before. You can do it Daisie, you really can.
I believe in you. I'll pray for you. I know you can keep kicking that cancer's ass, like you've been doing. You're going to get through this, I tell you.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.

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