Journal Health Announcement [6-year Retrospective]


"Confused and fungal"
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Approximately two months ago I had a horrible pain in my right leg. I went to the emergency room that day, where they brushed it off as muscle spasms, or something of the like. They gave me a muscle relaxant, and I left. The pain hadn't changed, but I was too drowsy from the meds to care, and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I was in just as much pain, if not more, and we had to go back to the ER. They gave me the equivalent of Tylenol, and I was forced to go home in horrible pain, still.

The pain didn't seem to be anything consistent; It didn't feel like muscle pain, I decided after awhile. It was in the bones. It kept moving around my body. It switched legs, and went down to my knees, up to my hips... We went through a lot of testing, we got all the doctors involved, and they still couldn't figure out what it was. They did biopsies on my hip bone in the back, near the base of my spine, and it held 99% necrotic (dead) cells, and we didn't have any explanation for it because we couldn't find hardly any living cells to give us answers

After a LONG time of tests, they did biopsies in vastly different locations and found living cells. I got an official, 100% certain diagnosis. I have an acute type of leukemia. I have cancer.

I'm going to start chemotherapy on Monday, and I'm going to be in the hospital for at least 4 weeks. I'll lose my hair, and I'll get really sick and frail, like normal. I just barely got this news yesterday. I'm actually much healthier so far than most kids my age when they have this. I'm GOING to put up a strong-ass fight against this, so don't you plan on me leaving RpN. I know I'm going to make it.

Thanks to everyone who has my back on this. I repeat: I'm going to be okay.

Phadia Phadia LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45 Assailant Assailant Minako Minako Latios Latios Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Kaerri Kaerri Idea Idea LadybirdMooch LadybirdMooch Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu The Mechanist The Mechanist Bill Nein Bill Nein Raku Raku @Carminapples Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Soul Stealer Soul Stealer Cosmosis Cosmosis minajesty minajesty Trombone Geek Trombone Geek WelcomeToHell WelcomeToHell

If I've forgotten to mention someone, I'm really really sorry.

Thanks again. <3
Oh my gosh... Honey... -hugs you close- I'm gonna pray for you okay? You can make it through this. If anyone can its you. Youre strong, brave, and have the strongest will to live of any person ive met. Youre amazing, Daisie, never doubt nor foreget that. I love you honey. I'm always here if you want me.
Nomatter what happens, you'll still be our Daisie! Go ahead and fight it! Show this thing who's boss! You can do it Daisie! And we'll be waiting to congratulate you and cheer you up when you pass this trial.
Fuck, this was not the news I was expecting, but I’m not worried, your strong and stubborn, if anyone can get through this it’s you.
Daisie.. You are such a wonderful person and I wish you the best. I don’t pray often, not at all. Hell, I don’t even have much of religion. But I will keep you in mind. It’s great to know and I expect you to stay up on her
Oh my gosh, Daisie. We don't really know each other that well, but I've seen you around the forums and you seem like a really kind, funny and awesome person. I'm sending you so much love and prayers and hugs right now. We all got your back ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Daisie... I’m so sorry.

We’ve all got your back, you know that. You’re a strong ass psycho dragon, cancer doesn’t have shit on you.

If you need to take a break from RPN at any point, I understand of course. We hope to see you around. Just let us know if you’re gonna be gone, alright? Don’t worry us TOO much.
You’ve got this, and we’ve got your back.
What awful news, but I know you can beat this! I'll keep you on the prayer list. Stay strong when you can, and in those times when you can't, just imagine all the hugs we're sending you! PM me anytime you want for special Pika-hugs or just to vent, as much as you need.
I, along with the others here, have to express my deep sorrow to hear this news. You are one of the nicest people on this website, and the fact that this is happening to you is cruel on its own. I really can’t begin to express the sorrow I have after hearing this news.

But, if there is any beacon of light in a time like this, all the people that care about you will come out and stand by you everyday that this goes on. We’re in this fight with you. I’ll be there whenever you need someone to talk to. Cancer is a terrible thing, but you will beat it. Fight this damn thing tooth and nail.

If you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to reach me.
Finding out you have cancer is news you never wanna hear. I don't know you personally, but I wish you all the luck I have acquired over my 21-year existence. No-one should have to lose a loved one to cancer. Though I can't give everyone my prayer or hope they pull through stronger then before, I can certainly hope that you do.

As that new Carrie Underwood song title says, you will become the Champion!
I dont know you that well, but I still want to wish you all the best during your fight. Stay strong! And it seems that you have quite a bit of support behind you.
You're gonna make it. I'm sure. Stay strong, because there's a LOT of people here cheering for you, and I'm surely one of them.
You can talk to me as always, though usually I'll try to reach out first.
Thank you, everyone, for your good wishes. It means a lot to me. It's extra power to keep me going.
I'm going into the hospital for chemotherapy tomorrow. Thank you again. I will SURELY see you around for years to come. <3
Holy fuck, that suck's so damn bad. I wish i could relate but i can't, i just wanna offer some good luck and i hope you can beat the cancer.
Be strong, friend

Can't really chit chat every now and then if ya don't keep fightin
I wish you the best, Daisie
Oh my god...

Oh my god... Daisie.. I... I'm just so sorry this is happening to you... Er, not that I'd wish it upon anyone else, but...

I mean, I had a gut-feeling something serious was going on with how frequently you've had to take time off, but... I never thought it was something like that...

Listen, right now, as I've always said, just take this time to focus on yourself and get through these next 4 weeks of chemo! You are 'ruff and 'tuff and I know you can handle this, but I want you to know I also have your back and I'm sending positive vibes your way! Darn, I wish I had healing powers or something to make this all go away for you...

Anyway, If you need anything at all from us, please don't hesitate to let us know! Wishing you the best!
I'm in the car, leaving to the hospital. Thanks, all. ^^ I'm in good hands.
I know I don't really know you, but I see you around a lot on RPN. I just want to let you know I'm here rooting for you! Stay strong!
You're one of the coolest people I've seen on here, and I'm definitely rootin' for 'ya! I just know you'll make it, and you make sure to kick cancer RIGHT up the--
You'll do well Dai. If you need me I'll do what I can to help you. It's what friends do!
Approximately two months ago I had a horrible pain in my right leg. I went to the emergency room that day, where they brushed it off as muscle spasms, or something of the like. They gave me a muscle relaxant, and I left. The pain hadn't changed, but I was too drowsy from the meds to care, and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I was in just as much pain, if not more, and we had to go back to the ER. They gave me the equivalent of Tylenol, and I was forced to go home in horrible pain, still.

The pain didn't seem to be anything consistent; It didn't feel like muscle pain, I decided after awhile. It was in the bones. It kept moving around my body. It switched legs, and went down to my knees, up to my hips... We went through a lot of testing, we got all the doctors involved, and they still couldn't figure out what it was. They did biopsies on my hip bone in the back, near the base of my spine, and it held 99% necrotic (dead) cells, and we didn't have any explanation for it because we couldn't find hardly any living cells to give us answers

After a LONG time of tests, they did biopsies in vastly different locations and found living cells. I got an official, 100% certain diagnosis. I have an acute type of leukemia. I have cancer.

I'm going to start chemotherapy on Monday, and I'm going to be in the hospital for at least 4 weeks. I'll lose my hair, and I'll get really sick and frail, like normal. I just barely got this news yesterday. I'm actually much healthier so far than most kids my age when they have this. I'm GOING to put up a strong-ass fight against this, so don't you plan on me leaving RpN. I know I'm going to make it.

Thanks to everyone who has my back on this. I repeat: I'm going to be okay.

Phadia Phadia LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45 Assailant Assailant Minako Minako Latios Latios Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Kaerri Kaerri Idea Idea LadybirdMooch LadybirdMooch Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu The Mechanist The Mechanist Bill Nein Bill Nein Raku Raku @Carminapples Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Soul Stealer Soul Stealer Cosmosis Cosmosis minajesty minajesty Trombone Geek Trombone Geek WelcomeToHell WelcomeToHell

If I've forgotten to mention someone, I'm really really sorry.

Thanks again. <3
KICK ITS ASS! I may have been gone for such a long time, but you're one of the people I still remember very well. We're all behind you on this!!!
Hiya guys!
I want to thank you again so much for the massive outpouring of support coming my way. It seriously was one of the few good things keeping me going through all this hospital stuff - I'm really grateful to each and every one of you. This is a wonderful community with wonderful people who do wonderful things. Thank you, thank you.

Now! Into the thick of it. I honestly do not know how often I'll be able to come on RpN anymore. I'll have good weeks where I feel great, and I'll have bad weeks where I'm too ill to even think about saying my usual chipper "Hiya!" To everyone. RpN, however, is really important to me and it is in my list of priorities; I'm not leaving for good, by any means. If I can check in every day, I will. I just really don't know what my schedule is going to be, and chances are, I'm going to be spending a lot less time here for a long time. Unfortunately, I'm probably going to have to run from RpN at the drop of a hat for the rest of the year. I wish I could be more consistent, but I really can't.

So! I'm doing good today and tonight, and am hoping to stick around for the upcoming week or two, but it's all up in the air after that. And even during the next couple weeks, there's no telling what can happen. I really do try to let you know if I'm going to be gone, but things have been happening so quickly that I don't even have time to let everyone know when I need my away time. Thanks for being patient with me.

Other than all that, don't be shy! Come on by. I would love to say hello to all my friends whenever they want to check in or chat with me. Again, I'm not leaving, so don't y'all abandon me! I still love chatting with friends and even strangers when I can, so feel free to spam my profile or PMs.

Thank you all again. <3 Gonna tag everyone again.

Phadia Phadia LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45 Assailant Assailant Minako Minako Latios Latios Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers Kaerri Kaerri Idea Idea LadybirdMooch LadybirdMooch Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu The Mechanist The Mechanist Bill Nein Bill Nein Raku Raku @Carminapples Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Soul Stealer Soul Stealer Cosmosis Cosmosis @TheCandyEmo Trombone Geek Trombone Geek WelcomeToHell WelcomeToHell

D DisneyGirl Kumii Kumii Cold Ramen Noodles Cold Ramen Noodles adrian_ adrian_ Troldmand Troldmand Wert Wert privremen privremen

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