He Is Watching


Three Thousand Club
Chance yawns and grabs for his alarm clock that was going off he grabs it and throw it across the room hoping it didnt wake up Nikki he yawns again and pulls a pair of shorts and a shirt on then he puts on his fedora to hide his white hair and walks out the door he knocks on Nikki's door "Wake up"
"Chill! "Nicki groaned and returned to sleep. Kasumi fixed her hair and knocked on the front door. She waited for chance or nicki to answer. She was wearing a black bikini with a outrageous neon orange rain coat. She frowned still waiting and knocked again.
"Finely! "Kasumi Hughes him tightly and skipped inside. "What's up? She asked mesing up his hair and drink a glass of water.
Chance fixes his hair and blushes "E-em .. S-school." he had always been shy around kasumi he had a crush on her for years but she was his sisters fried so he couldnt really do anything
Kasumi sighed. She turned washing the cup."I was thinking we ditch school and hit the beach! "She smiled happily. Nicki come down stairs in a swimsuit skirt and bikini top to match. "Kasumi!! "She screams and ran over hugging her tightly. Kasumi turned to chance wrapping an are around Nickis neck "so coming to the beach? "She asked
"Kasumi... I can't ditch school but then again... " He did really like Kasumi. He could miss a day what would it do? He looks at Niki "If you want me to i mean." he rubs the back of his neck if she really wanted him to go he would
"Ok here's the deal! "Nicki said leaning over the island in the middle of the kitchen. "If you go to school when we get back from the beach we WILL make you pretty ..I mean a bit of blush some lip gloss -"Nick cut herself off to see his reaction.
Chance sighs and goes upstairs he changes into his swimming trunks he puts his small knife in his poket you can never be too careful
Nicki smile "you won't regret it! "Nicki called and put on a floppy hat.Kasumi just laughed at him and tried to stop her from wearing it but semi failed.
Next door, Marco woke up, he didn't have an alarm clock instead he had his cat come up and lick his face

"mmmrrrff... cheeto, get off..."

the cat meowed, and Marco opened his eyes

"ugh... okay, just stp licking me with your damn tuna-tongue..."

hauling himself out of bed, Marco went into the next room, he has a board with some "missing" posters on it, he always looked at this board while he ate breakfast, to memorize the faces and names... there was one face he hoped he never had to see on that board witha "missing" below it... he hoped he never had to see Nicki's face on there...

eating his bacon and eggs, Marco came to a conclusion... he called the school

"Hello?... yeah, this is Marco Carver, 12th grade, yeah look i've got these horrible... things at the back of my throat today and it hurst ot swallow and breathe... yeas i'm calling the doctor right after this... thank you"

Marco couldnt handle going to school today.. he needed to get away for a bit, maybe go to the beach..
Kasumi smiled and grabbed Chances hand."come on I will drive! "She said and ran out to the car.Kasumi drove a black mustang the old kind since her father works on classic cars. Nicking skipped over to her neighbors house and knocked on the door. She shifts her top a bit so it covers more.
Kasumi giggled and turned on the tip of her wedges.Unfortunately there was a crib there and she fell right on top of Chance. "Oh sorry! "She said as they both fell to the ground.
Starla sat alone in her room looking out the window at the empty blue sky. It was one of the sunniest days, and she longed to be with someone, just to talk to. She sighed, Gathered her things and headed out. It was extremely warm, with a cool wind.. What a nice day.. She thought, looking up. She stood still for a moment and looked around. She heard no noises, and thought to herself. She decided she would skip school today. Her parents didn't. Care, they were on a cruise anyways and her Grampa was asleep on the couch. She ran inside and found her favorite Bikini and slipped some shorts on over it and walked towards the ocean waves
"Hey let's play truth or dare until Nicking gets back! "Kasumi smiled and got of then pulled chance up."so I go first! "
Chance looks at her he knew she was planning something and he knew it but sure why not "Sure you first"
"truth or dare?" she asked leaning on the car.she crossed her arms as if she was planing somthing evil.she looked him dead in the eye and pulled him close."well?"
Chance blushes dark red "D-d-dare." he pushed his hat down on his head so the brim covers his face he looks at her he was so stupid he was blushing alot around he did she notice?
"i dare you to kiss me" she said and looked at him.she had always known his crush and loved when he blushed at the sight of her.
He pecks her quickly on the cheek then blushes and rubs the back of his neck and looks down his shirt collar was messed up so he tries to fix it
Chance kisses her softly very quickly then backs away and looks at her "There. Happy?" he blushes a dark darl red hoping Nikki wasnt around to see it

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