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Vagabond Spectre

Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character sheets for Haven's blade characters.

Student character list: (Teams Pending)

Carlisle Thyme - MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
Anya Borealis - Megilagor Megilagor
Nahlia Aphasia - November Witch November Witch
Dinah "Vi" Ashworth - Karcen Karcen

Emile Anansei Forrest - JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
Momiji Kuroi - Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Bhima Naranga Kurawa - Nomad13 Nomad13
Valerian Flax - GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205

Shin'ya Okabe - Nellancholy Nellancholy
Ciaran Ebon - Cogwork Cogwork
Ilyas Cedomir - Zenritch Zenritch
Ashryn Tsiuri Raenisa - Talathel Talathel

Theophany "Tiffany" Elpída - Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Autumn Blaze - Pumpkid Pumpkid
Asher Cobalt - Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Felix Baker - DistractionAttack DistractionAttack

Team 5
Azura Nachtigall - Table Table
Mare Oricinus - IG42 IG42
Yu Yeop Hwa - RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Bress Adir - Karcen Karcen

Teaching staff character list:
Daisuke Boucher | Grimm fighter 101 - Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Jade Seraphina | HIstory of Remnant - MangoGoGo MangoGoGo
Corrosi Naragi | Dust Chemistry for dummies - Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Mizu Mifune | Semblance Mastery - Megilagor Megilagor
Lavender Nikolai | Weaponry 101 - Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

CS template
Feel free to customize

Human or Faunus:
Kingdom Origin:
Emblem: (Optional)

Character theme inspiration: (Optional)
Hobbies: (Optional)

Weapon name:
Weapon description:

Aura color:
Semblance name:
Semblance description:


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Placeholder for Homeroom Teacher

Subject: Grimm fighter 101
Name: Mr. Daisuke Boucher
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Human or Faunus: Human
Kingdom Origin: Mistral

Character theme inspirations: JRPG tropes, Brave little tailor & the normal everyday office man.

A man of simplicity. Daisuke is a very well collected man who has his simple efficiency in teaching both inside and out the classroom in his subject which is fighting against the forces of Grimm. He is formal and professional on the job but anchored to reality by his simple humor and compassion.

In combat, one will find Daisuke to be an effective eliminator of Grimm. Cutting down them like grass on the ground and dissect them manually with controlled effort. Not much for showing off mid combat for entertainment.

Outside of combat and in classroom setting. The low gruff voiced man's desk is open for chatter as he'll entertain almost any small talk or listen to almost any rant. He can come off as a busy man but he has shown time and time again that he does keep attention details around him, socially or mentally. Despite his outward appearance there is something more complex storming deep within the man.

Weapon name:

Weapon description:
A two handed great sword adorned in golden accents and steel that has been chipped and tested through its time. It does not transform or forged in a hybrid of another weapon. Vanquisher is light enough to be swung in one hand (Which Daisuke does a lot) Its height is about 5'7ft in standing.

There is strong glass on the pommel and guard which glows and indicates what current dust cartridge is currently in use. Which are inserted on the both sides of the winged guard which where he can insert two dust cartridge of different kinds, but can only use one type. Water, wind, gravity are compatible but its most effective with Fire and Electric dust.

Techniques: 🔥⚡
With fire dust. His blade catches fire as a torch at night as well as apply a burning effect on targets. This hot blade also launches projectile arch slashes of flames as a ranged attack up to 50 feet. Spinning his around himself causes a ring of fire as an area of effect attack in case of being surrounded. While the blade itself is not sharpened at this state it is however more improved in cutting with a hotter blade.

In electric dust. Vanquisher is now surging with electrical energy. Lightning sparks crawl out of the blade. Stabbing it in large Grimm causes them to stun or kill them faster with their whole body being toasted inside out. In special scenario and depending on the machinery. He is able to overload the machine to explode. Vanquisher also gets additional cutting in effect of the dust. Stabbing against the ground causes a an area of effect where electricity cracks the earth and tazes targets (Exception of himself.) all round.

Aura color:

Semblance name:

Semblance description:
From Daisuke's hands. He can perform telekinetic motions with the wave of his hands. A grey flame-like light engulfs his target and treats to what ever motion he can dish out. Its what techniques that Daisuke uses He can push, pull, crush, or rip apart non-organic targets but people with aura and Grimm tends to slip away from this flaming grasp. People's aura and willpower are intertwined should a person with force themselves out away from him they will be freed. For Grimm, it is due to their origins being a destructive force rather than being organic. Daisuke over the years has developed this Semblance to the point he can manipulate multiple targets and without using his hands.

He always had the will to become a huntsman. Training at a young age in a small unknown village down south of Mistral. His father was the only Huntsman in the family and followed as a successor when he learned of his father's death. He was not alone in this avenging grief of his father. His older brother Byakko, he too had decided to take up arms against the grimm that had plagues the village that stunts the village its growth. Despite the informal training he received from the village huntsmen and huntresses both brothers came into excellent defenders against Grimm.

At age 17, his life changed forever. It was an early summer morning. The village did its everyday routine like usual. The sun kissing the skin and the trees of the forest dancing gently from the morning wind. All was dark when a large shadow consumed the sun. Blocking it with its enormous figure, whatever it was, it brought Grimm. Everyone was only focused on their survival. Grimm of all kinds floods the gates, streets and homes below. The Boucher family was the 1% of who were originally from the village who had fortunately escaped by their one of their mother's finest horses from the family farm.

Travelled up north after many hardships in the wilderness. They found themselves eventually settling in Kushinashi for a brief time. Daisuke never forgot what happened back in his village has sworn to hunt the great beast. Applying to Haven academy to temper his potential and offically become huntsmen with his brother. They were assigned as Team BLYD. An oddly exceptional team who have had missions even outside Mistral. They have a reputation in Vacuo specifically.

After graduation. He dedicated his time to teach the future generation of Huntsmen and huntresses.

- Despite his age, he is still actually faster than most huntsmen his age, even younger ones. Able to close in his target in fewest seconds.
- Daisuke's handwriting is surprisingly good that people ask if its printed.
- He is a widower
- His old village is currently occupied by a strong gang of raiders called "The Wrath keepers"
- Afraid of spiders
-Knows how to fix any clothing he comes across.
-Does slide show presentations (Will be shown in the RP)
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Wisteria Fleur

# aura color: lavender

# semblance: butterfly swarm

# butterfly faunus

♡coded by uxie♡

Hidden scrolls.
Anya Borealis


Name: Anya Borealis
Age: 16 (in December will turn 17)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8'' / 175 cm
Race: Arctic Fox Faunus
Kingdom Origin: Vale

A feisty girl, who knows no honor in a fight because of her upbringing at White Fang, though she left the place due to their methods, but still keeps their mission at heart. Typical you bully the weak [especially faunus] I will bully you attitude. She is a slight tomboy, as the clothes in the art are the closest she will get to wearing girly clothes, she is kind of energetic kid, not doing something when she could be doing something that feels wrong to her. She also has slight kleptomania. why slight? She doesn't steal things of big value more like small trinkets and stuff, and usually from people she likes as friends or more. To have something to remember their meeting by. Though during fights she stops being energetic, instead she appears focused, serious, and most of all cold.

Likes: cats. apples, spicy food, the cold, scarfs.
Dislikes: long-term planning, Grimm, rain, not having anything to do, mentioning her past.
Hobbies: gymnastics, archery, stealing accessories from her friends and significant others, playing her ocarina, finding places to hide and stray cats.

Anya was born in a small family in Vale with her father being human, but she inherited her mother's faunus traits, her family was running a small local dust shop inherited from her father's great uncle. All would be great if her father wasn't scammed into losing the shop and most of their money, the treatment at home became worse, and eventually, her mother took what little money she had left, along with Anya, and fled to where her only living relatives were, back to the kingdom of mistral near Kuchinashi.

Anya's aunty who they stayed with was a member of the White Fang, and she was quite open about it to her family, eventually even Anya was interested in it. So she begged her aunty to help her join, or at least train her so she would be able to join later. After some days of constant begging, her aunty finally agreed, but she set Anya up with the worst instructor she knew. He wasn't a bad instructor, he knew how to teach well, the problem laid in the fact he would drive your body till it reached its breaking point every single training session, and only then he would give them a little push to go a bit beyond their own limits. All of that while drinking whiskey, and laughing his ass off, but who could argue with a big bear faunus who wielded a grenade launcher bardiche one-handed as if it weighed nothing.

When Anya turned 7 she was brought along with him on one of his missions, albeit Anya stayed in the shadows and safer areas most of the time. But it was when she was 8 that she witnessed a massacre, an entire village gone, all save for a little black cat, which was adopted by a huntsman friend of her trainer. Liking how the little black cat looked, and feeling like it had a similar life to her own, she often begged her trainer to show her to his friend's house so she could visit it.

Over the years Anya would often visit the cat, spending a lot of time cuddling and petting the cat, but sometimes even ranting herself to it, knowing that it would listen to her worries and wouldn't judge her for it. That cat was her bestest friend for most of her time with her, but well even that was cut short. When Anya was 13 her trainer took her on one of his missions, this time though she was allowed to act, something that didn't happen often since most of the time she was only allowed to act upon his command, but it seemed the mission was important enough to allow her that privilege so she did not mind it. The mission was arranged thanks to the information from that friend of his who adopted the cat, but the situation turned sour real quick once they got inside the compound, the guards which should have been low in numbers were actually double than what was reported. Her master gave up his life allowing Anya to escape from that place. In her heart, she hated that friend of her teachers, as the wrong information of his led to her teacher's death, but at the same time she couldn't bear the guilt of killing him, so she simply never shoved her face around him again. That very day Anya broke off from the White Fang, sure her teacher's death was due to misinformation, but it was the White Fang scout's job to confirm the information, and they failed, the same way as that man did.

Four years passed since then, Anya managed to live a decent life till now thanks to her skills, napping an item or two from someone to pawn it off, beating up a bully, and taking a bit of cash from him to survive another day. Anya didn't return to her mother, not Aunty, she simply lived in a small one-room apartment in Mistral, doing odd jobs here and there. But it will soon changed as she passed the pre-screening to Haven Academy, all that awaited her is a possible test to be able to join it, and believing she will succeed as that would mark a new start for her.
Weapon name: Knight's Star
Weapon Description:

Aura color: Apple Green #61D242
Semblance name: Winter's Grace
Semblance description: This semblance is simple yet complex. As its basic use is infusing one's weapon with the user's aura, allowing for slight manipulation of it after it leaves the user's hands, the manipulation gets more precise the more aura is infused as well as with the smaller size of the object. But additional features of this semblance require certain amounts of aura to be infused into the object.
In smaller batches, the object will create a sheet of ice upon striking a surface, with larger amounts the objects would "explode" releasing ice shards around the point of impact. Because of this, Anya tends to infuse only her arrows with her semblance.

Trivia: Anya is ambidextrous, though in combat her right hand is the one leading. When Anya can’t sleep she tends to go and lay down on some weird high place, like a tree branch, where she will somehow fall asleep. Anya tends to hug anything that comes close to her when she is sleeping, somehow she is a strong hugger when asleep.

Theme songs: Theme song 1 - White Fang Time , Theme song 2 - Current time

Character theme inspiration:
Robin Hood & Skadi.
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  • Name: Momiji Kuroi
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'6"
    Human or Faunus: Faunus (Goat; Trait: Goat Tail and Legs)
    Kingdom Origin: Vale
[tab=OST & THEMES][/tab]
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name: Carlisle Thyme

species: human

gender: Male

dob: 17


Face 1 Face 2

weapon: Epilogue & Echo

Epilogue: Revolver and sword combo with custom made bullets (made by Carlisle and taught by his uncle). By pulling the a single time can trigger a explosion which erupts from his blade and can increase the impact of his strike or create a rather large explosion by firing both bullets at the same time. He must reload both slugs to use this feature again but he has to be careful. Too much use will over heat his blade.

semblance: Sight Deflection - Using his Aura, Carlisle can block/ deflect attacks as long as he sees the attack coming. The stronger the attack the more Aura is required to block/ deflect. One draw back is he cannot deflect multiple attacks at once making him more reliant on his weapons and his own skill when surrounded by enemies.

aura color: Mid tone Green

personality: Lazy is one word people use when describing Carlisle. He never goes above and beyond what is expected of him and even slacks off so those expectations are not high to begin with. He thinks 'high energy' people exhausting to be around and tends to keep to himself. He always finds a way to escape if he ever finds himself dragged into a social gatherings. With all that being said he doesn't put off his training and always makes sure his equipment is in tip top shape. Even if people don't notice he does stay on top of his studies sometimes staying up way too late and catching up on sleep during class.


early life: Carlisle was born into a family of high ranking and respected officers in Atlas ranks. His father was a admiral of a Atlas fleet while his mother was head of the Atlas R&D division but would occasionally instruct the new recruits in bootcamp when she was needed for some extra strict training. Because of this he grew up wanting for nothing. He got new toys, newly released games, and always had food to eat. The only thing he lacked was quality time with his parents.

When he was ten years old his parents, whenever they had time, would start training him with their respected weapon of choice. His father would teach him how to use firearms while his mother taught him the art of CQC. When asked which one he preferred he would give a non-answer since it wasn’t the training he liked, it was the time they spent with him. However, the older he got the less time he saw his parents. Even on holidays and birthdays. Soon he found himself slowly drowning in his loneliness with video games. Until his uncle came along.

His uncle was a traveling hunter and regaled Carlisle with tales of his team’s heroics. He would describe the world sites and sounds and foods and Carlisle was hanging on every word. Whenever he tried to push for more stories his uncle would be more than happy to share but only if he continued his training, which Carlisle was happy to accept. During one of the training sessions with his uncle he did unlock his semblance which was something he was excited to tell his parents about. He tried calling them but his calls were rejected so instead he decided to wait until they got home, only to spend the night in his house alone...again.

halfway point: School life wasn’t what Carlisle expected. Sure, he was acing his classes and scored high during physical training. However, it was never good enough. His instructors would often compare his test scores by saying ‘your father would of scored a full 100 marks in this test’ or ‘Your mother would of finished this course two minutes ago’. He felt no matter what he did it just wasn’t good enough because he was a Thyme.

He also inherited family rivalries from other students who he had never met before. Despite trying to help others with their work he would be accused of looking down on them. He was even beaten up by a group of kids just because Carlisle’s father got a promotion. The one time he thought he had a friend it turned out he was just trying to find dirt on his family to embarrass them. Whenever he tried to make friends it would backfire, whenever he tried his best on tests or obstacle courses it wasn’t enough, and to make matters worse he would only return to a silent home to lick his own wounds. And he had enough. So, he stopped trying.

There was a noticeable change in his attitude. He slept during lectures and didn’t even try to run the courses. The only time it seemed he tried was when he was gaming or when he was with his uncle. However, there was a couple times when sparks would suddenly appear.

He outscored a “prodigy” multiple time after he accused Carlisle’s family of buying his acceptance into the school, He didn't only outscore him by a couple points, he was always more than 50 marks ahead and Carlisle made it a point to rub it in his face until the student transferred to another class after a test, probably scored low and didn't want to hear Carlisle ridicule him. The second spark was “inventing” a fighting style that blended both his mother and father’s fighting style so well that he won against his old “friend” during a sparring match that Carlisle had no reason to participate in, impressing the instructors and other students with his skill with his weapons and the usage of his semblance.

Despite these sparks, he would return back to his slacker persona. The only things that seemed to keep him sane was gaming, training, and hearing his uncles’ stories of roaming the lands. It was during one of these stories when he realized that with all these expectations placed on him because of his family name, he didn’t want to be in Atlas anymore. He didn't want to be a admiral like his father, or head of the R&D Division like his mother. He wanted to be a hunter, like his uncle.

and now?: He was suppose to be an Atlas prodigy; Despite his laziness he showed sparks of greatness by mixing his mother's and father's fighting style into his own as well as "mastering" his semblance making the expectations of him that much more unreasonable in his eyes. After constant badgering from his parents to apply to the Academy Carlisle finally sat down, filled out the paper work, and was accepted... to Haven Academy. They never specified which Academy he needed to apply to. Needless to say his parents were livid and on his final day he sat through one of his mother's legendary lengthy lectures. His parents both brought him a custom made weapon they thought suited his fighting but because they were angry at him they decided to not give him the gift, telling him to buy his own. Luckily, his uncle already knew this was going to happen and handed him some old gear he used during his first year as a hunter, with upgrades of course. This was how he acquired Epilogue and Echo and it meant more to him than anything his parents would of given him. With gear in hand, he hopped onto the airship and towards his new life...In Haven Academy.

- Carlisle's main game is Eclipsed GRIMM, RED, YELLOW, BLACK, WHITE EDITON.
- Carlisle says he can't dance, but is a expert on Step Step Dance which does translate well.
- Carlisle holds the best record on several games at Atlas Arcades (yes Atlas does have arcades, crazy right?)
- When he isn't training and/ or needs a break from his games he spends it by playing piano, he is pretty decent at it too.
- Finds people who are too nice for no reason suspicious due to his own experience.
- Doesn't take insults to him seriously but mention his family and you might see a *Spark*.
- When he suddenly puts effort, and is serious about his studies or fights or anything he would deem a pain, it is called a "Spark" coined by his uncle.

Theme Song (The song title is a little more sad than I would of liked but that piano tho!)
Alone in the dining room (I think this would be the song he would play when he was younger)
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Name: Emile Anansei Forrest

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5’7”

Human or Faunus: Human

Kingdom Origin: Minstral


Character theme inspiration: Anansi the Spider Trickster

Personality: Emile is a energetic and outgoing person who’s always up to something. Despite looking like a troublemaker, he’s a good-hearted guy who loves to tell rather exaggerated stories. Behind all that cheerfulness, he has a sense of duty and a personal mission to fulfill that is seemingly tied to his past

Likes: His adoptive mother, apples, Faunus history

Dislikes: Injustice, Mushrooms, Getting his cloak dirty

Hobbies: Telling Stories, Reading about Faunus history

Weapon name: Widow & Weaver

Weapon description: Widow and Weaver are two shortblades that are chained to each wrist of the wielder (not together like the image implies) the chains can extend and retract for long range attacks. The blades can also shift into dual pistols for an alternate means of attack. Dust/Ammo compartments are within each hilt of the blades.

Aura color: Forest Green

Semblance name: Trickster’s Threads

Semblance description: Emile’s semblance allows him to create threads made of his aura akin to that of a spider’s webbing from his fingers. These threads can be used to bind opponents as well as create web like structures. But as of now, he can only make small webs.

Backstory: Abandoned by his parents as a baby but soon found by a Faunus village, Emile was brought up rather normally than you would expect. Despite the village being rather poor, it was home to the people. The caregiver who stepped up to raise him was a former warrior, losing her wife and other adoptive child in a massacre. Due to the fact that Emile was human, he always felt alienated by the villagers. Despite this, his caretaker loved him as if he was her own. Fortunately his caregiver gave him a cloak resembling a spider so that he wouldn’t feel that lonely anymore. The cloak also doubled as a disguise for when the White Fang appeared, as the White Fang were the village’s main source of dust and materials. Because they knew that they had power over the village, the White Fang would usually ask for money in exchange for goods and resources through violent means if they didn’t cooperate. Emile’s caregiver did not like the white fang and their means of making humans treat Faunus equals. The caregiver knew that there were other ways of resolving such a struggle. Emile’s caregiver decided to train him in the event of another White Fang attack, as well as create a weapon to fight back. A few years has passed and the caregiver decided it was time for him to enroll at a Huntsman Academy and become a Huntsman in order to rid the world of injustice

-His favorite food is Apple pie.
- He will “retreat” into his hood if he is scared or sad.
- He used to tell stories to his village youth.

Theme Song
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Name: Nahlia Aphasia
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0
Human or Faunus: Faunus - Stingray
Kingdom Origin: Vacuo

Character theme inspiration: Dangerous Cuteness
Personality: Nahlia is a girl who can be sporadic, and cheerful, but immediately switch tones. So much so, it can be jarring, or scary. She has the wherewithal to be aware of how most people see her, and she leans into it. If she can get a rival or enemy to underestimate her, it simply gives her an upper hand. Nahlia seems cute, and innocent. For the most part, she really is. Though, with how quick she can flip on a dime, it can seem like she is faking certain emotions or moods. She can exude a dangerous kind of cute, similar to that of yanderes in popular media. In fact, she can end up following her friends around like a puppy, just wanting to be around the people she likes constantly. She can be pretty clingy, and overly protective of the people around her. However, she can still be shy and awkward in some cases. An introverted extrovert would be an apt description for her.
Likes: Water, swimming, rain, people, sweet food, baked sweets, ice cream, eating, friends, music, singing, drawing.
Dislikes: Classrooms, cold weather, spicy foods, salty foods, death metal/heavy metal.
Hobbies: Swimming, singing, drawing, cooking

Weapon name: Drowning Machine
Weapon description: An axe doubling as a sniper rifle. It's surprising someone of her size would be able to lift something so big.

Aura color: A dark blue color, similar to her hair.
Semblance name: Sudden Switcheroo
Semblance description: Nahlia is able to make connections with those she considers close friends. This connection allows her to be aware of their location at all times. But more importantly, it allows her the ability to instantly switch places with them.

Backstory: Nahlia grew up on a small island just off the shores of Vacuo. It was mostly made up of other aquatic faunus, and little else. A fishing village with fertile lands on the small island led them to be a farming and agricultural settlement. Not very big, but it was the biggest of the nearby islands. At age 8, however, a large storm struck the island. The hurricane of the century. it blew down houses and rose the tide to sweep away the debris. Most of the inhabitants were killed by the storm, the Grimm that came soon after, or were washed out to sea, never to be seen again. Thankfully, the tide carried the young girl to the shore of mainland Vacuo, and she was picked up there.

She was taken to an orphanage and would live there for the next few years. Her memories mainly consisted of the howling wind, the screams of others, and the Grimm showing up. It had such a profound experience on her, that it made her want to become a Huntress. To be the one to show up and save the day like that. To fight the Grimm and make sure something like that didn't happen again. While it was what she wanted, it was also an obsession. Training to be one and idolizing them became a coping mechanism for her past traumas. It was good she was focusing on something, and putting her worries behind her, but it was also a hyper fixation. Though, there are worse things to be hyper focused on.

From here, she moved onto a combat school, and afterwards, mailed out letters to every school. All four of them would receive letters from Nahlia, as she just wanted to join any of them, having no preference. Why she chose Haven? Well, it was the first one to accept her.

Trivia: She is left-handed. Her favorite ice cream is mint chip. She loves doughnuts.
Character Theme: Running in the Dark <--- Click to hear
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Tiffany.pngName: Theophany Elpída
Nickname: "Tiffany" or "Tiff"
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3ft
Human or Faunus: Human
Kingdom Origin: Vale
Emblem: TBA

Character theme inspiration: Magical girls genre, Vaporwave, and a hint of greek influence
  • Meek
  • Caring
  • Slight Perfectionist
  • Punctual
  • Critical thinker
  • Avid bookworm
  • Practicing gymnastics
  • Strawberry flavored food
  • The color Violet
  • Stuff toys
  • Shopping
  • Long hikes
  • Public speaking
  • Bell peppers
  • Strong smells
  • Being called "Freckle face"
  • Making Gyros
  • Photography
  • Card collecting (TCG types)
  • Reading fictional Novels

1725945116449.pngWeapon name: Destiny
Weapon description:
Standing at half of Tiffany's height, this weapon is a staff with a gold ring with a focused triangular energy core to the front. This weapon only has one function so far. Shoot a streak of hard light beam to shred objects and Grimm like a hot knife through butter. Max range 70 meters.

It can also shield the user and 3 more people with its large bubble shield feature. Using Hardlight dust to form a clear cyan dome shield, which can be found in highly protected structures. This also consumes the same reserve for hard light laser. Switching between offense and defense is a skill she keeps in mind.

Note: The weapon only activates through an accompanying accessory which is a pair of black gloves with a glowing blue ring on the back of the hand. Without this special glove, the weapon will not shoot the laser. The blue glowing ring also indicates the weapon's ammo reserve.

Aura color: Violet

Semblance name: Fae dust

Semblance Description: A bright white and golden sparkling glitter. These specks are appears via emission and non-passive. Tiffany's aura glows softly giving a texture of gold dust in her violet aura and gather to her hands like liquid sand. This semblance is designed to do extra damage to Grimm (Almost like salt against evil spirits) and enhance the aura of fellow huntsmen & huntresses.

These glowing specks of aura will flow through the contacted aura user like blood. The enhancement one receives when blessed with a handful of fae dust are following.
  • Higher jump height
  • 5% Increase in Faunus senses and abilities
  • Greater physical feats
  • Increased mobility speed

  • She cannot enhance the aura user's Semblance in anyway. As the fae dust only nourishes the natural aura itself.
  • She can form a baseball sized fae dustball but she finds this very aura consuming and can only travel a foot before dissolving midair no matter how hard or fast she throws it.
  • Tiffany's semblance can deplete her aura faster if large quantities are exerted.
Transferring from Vale Tiffany has lived in mistral at the age of 5 ever since her home origins in Aionios, a small coastal city in the west side of vale and her home city. Succumbs to the fated wrathful havoc caused by the creatures of Grimm. She barely had memories of this city. Living out mostly in Argus with her foster father, Captain Enero Exousies. A firefighter who has gained a respected reputation of having to fought off a handful of grimm by himself during his service in back in Vale. Growing up a well lived citizen in Argus.

Argus is still prone to grimm and had its fair share of close calls. directly overhead was an incident of a murder of Nevermores, circling the midday noon, 3 sizing up the poor denizens from below. Huntsmen and huntresses were called to action, as well the city's mechanical defense. Panic ensued quickly. The young girl was on a red bus on her way home from school. People screaming and shoving one another outside her window. Danger was scaling quick as the red bus speeds off the dangerous presence of the giant nevermores. Unfortunately a huntress was flung directly to the side of the bus, nearly out of aura as it flickers faintly. Panic has sent her to escape the immoblized bus. Dragging other unable people then attending to the one huntress who is embedded to the bus. Her semblance is born in this very moment as she blesses the huntress who is clearly had her age catch up to her. The details of the rest of the event was blank on the girl. Waking up on a hospital bed. She has never forgotten the feeling of helping another even in a panicked state. months later Tiffany attempts to enroll in Haven.

To become a student of Mistral's finest huntress and huntsmen academy did not come easy as she took a year to convince and argue her father to let her into Haven where she showed her hardest in training that she actually came in a year early.

  • Is left handed
  • Her glasses are made from a tough material that are common for huntsmen who need glasses.
  • Brought a Siamese cat plush that she vents her frustrations to.
  • She possesses a special skill where she sew two dresses and to turn them into a transforming dress in two seconds. She currently wears it when not in uniform.
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Name: Dinah "Vi" Ashworth
Age: 17
Gender: female
Height: tends to be at 6 foot even
Human or Faunus: faunus cat
Kingdom Origin: mistral
Emblem: (Optional)

Character theme inspiration: The Cheshire cat.
Personality: vi is best described as mischievous. She enjoys messing with people using her semblance to play pranks. She cam very easily go to far in her games and often tends to forget common sense if she thinks what she is doing is funny. She oddly enough likes to turn into a cat and stay that way for long periods. She has done this so much she can accidently change in her sleeping the right dreams. She does have a weakness to pushy people tended to end up just going with it when people decide things around her. she has an over all rather carefree attitude and has yet to really figure out planning ahead with her life just going with what seems to be the best at the time. She loves to confuse and mess with people often being rather nonsensical in things. while she tries to hide it she still has scars from the siege all those years ago and as a reflex will turn into a cat without meaning to if she lets the fear of those nights creep in.
Likes: pranks, sweets, ear scratches, belly rubs, cats, using her semblance
Dislikes: rules, long term planning, grimm, remembering the siege
Hobbies: messing with people

Weapon name: Hope and regret
Weapon description:

Aura color: grey
Semblance name: Evaporation
Semblance description: When activated Vi's body and items such as clothes, weapons, ect are turned form solid into a gas like grey mist. This mist cand be controlled by Vi allowing her to turn back to a solid form fully or partially. using this she can change forms, float through the air and even move her body about in strange ways like taking off her own head without suffering ill consequences. She can also use this to rapidly move from one spot to another.

Vi has had an odd life by any measure of the word. She was born in one of the smaller villages that are established from time to time to try to claim land from the grimm. The village actually had managed to stay around for several generations and some thought maybe it might last. That was a mistake and decided to prove it one day.

The grimm assaulted the village defenses, which thanks to hunters who were almost always around managed to hold. They held out for days while reinforcements were called for. For three days and three nights the village held but grimm don't tend to suffer from attrition while people do. The hunters and their helpers would be forced off the walls of the village and the grimm would rampage.

Vi was just a child of 6 or 7 at the time she is honestly unsure but goes with the younger. So she had no part to play in the defense beyond cowering in fear with her family. The grimm would eventually find them and Vi had to watch her parents get torn apart before she almost suffered the same fate. Luckily her semblance activated and the claws of the gimm passed through her before she seemed to vanish. Not really having control of her new power Vi would reform but ended up oddly enough as a kitten and not a child.

This sudden awakening allowed Vi to last the final night as at dawn the hunters finally came. They were late much to late as whole the grimm were killed they thought that no one has survived. Still Vi had gotten to see the hunters on action and even if they were late she couldn't help but feel inspired. Still a kitten Vi would head out to the hunters to thank them only to be mistaken as a kitten which might have ended up being a good thing. Though she did see a small faunus girl with the hunters that confused her.

Vi would end up being taken in by Lavai Ashton one of the hunters who thought she was just a kitten. Vi would oddly find herself unable or unwilling to turn back likely because she didn't know how to use her semblance or aura at all thus couldn't activate it again. The other faunus seemed to really like her as not long after being taken to her new home that the faunus Anya would return and treat her just like one would expect you to treat a cat including revealing some very special information she really shouldn't have about whitefang. In the end Vi or rather dinah had a pretty good life with Lavai who ended up being a teacher at Haven academy.

As Vi grew she would figure out how to turn her semblance on and off and change forms from cat to faunus or human or anything she wanted. She for some reason didn't want to reveal this scared of the reaction Lavai might have. Still one day she would mess up and Lavai would see her transforming and instead of kicking her out he decided to adopt Vi. That was a few years ago and Vi has honestly gotten a lot better and mostly lives as a person though often ends up acting like a cat often. Lavai advised her to perhaps become a hunter and lacking areal plan for her live Vi went with it enrolling with his recommendation as a student.

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  • 700620_HYm1QMcB.png
    Name: Valerian Flax
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Human or Faunus: Human
    Kingdom Origin: Mistral
    Character theme: Rapunzel

    Height: 5’10’
    Aura color: Gold
    Emblem: A stylized lantern with a star in the middle
    Appearance: Valerian is a tall freckled teen who’s soft edges hide well toned muscles. He keeps his pale blond locks pulled back into a ponytail. He tends to wear white and pink clothes that are covered in colorful embroidery. He sports a couple of thin scars across his arms— trophies of some of his former scuffles.
Fats Buccha Med.jpgName: Bhima Naranga Kurawa
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 210 cm
Human or Faunus: Human
Kingdom Origin: Mistral
Emblem: (TBD)

Character theme inspiration: Kumbhakarna
Personality: Jolly, Honest and Loyal
Likes: Family, spicy foods, proper gelato, good friends
Dislikes: Grimm, family squabbles, threats to his family and friends.
Hobbies: Cooking, Weight Lifting, Spoiling his younger siblings

Weapon name: Karm and Bhakti
Weapon description: A pair of heavy meter long wooden clubs that Bhima used for battle against the Grimm and training. Originally a pair of exercise tools that Bhima used for his daily training, when a Boarbatusk escaped the village fighters enclosure during an attack, he used these pair of 10 kilogram clubs to maul it to death. The weight and power behind Bhima's strikes turns these ordinary wooden clubs into a lethal weapon that can shatter a Grimms armor.

Aura color: Orange
Semblance name: Nidraasana
Semblance description: When Bhima Yawns, he causes those who see or hear him to get drowsy, if he yawns a second time they get sleepy as he drains more Aura, third time and they fall asleep. Bhima included if no one keeps him awake. In fact the reason those who see and/or hear him yawn has their Aura drained, Bhima is literally sucking their Aura. It's theorized that Yawning a fourth time can drain those affected to the point of Aura break.

The Kurawa family resided in a large, bustling village on Lanka Island, just south of the Anima continent. Surrounded by lush forests and the sound of crashing waves, their home was as lively and complex as the island itself. With 15 children and four wives, the Kurawas were a vibrant mix of personalities, all held together by the strength of their bonds.

Vishrava, the village chieftain, was an imposing figure at 214 cm, but his first wife, Ilavida Shvet Kurawa, was the true force in the household. A cow Faunus known for her bombastic, hot-blooded nature, Ilavida ruled the family with fierce love and determination. Her voice was often the loudest, but the family found balance in the more calming presence of Kaikasi Naranga Kurawa, Bima’s birth mother. A human and the chieftain’s first love, Kaikasi was a gentle homebody, always ensuring the children felt loved and secure.

Pushpotkata Harit Kurawa, a cat Faunus and master archer, watched over the island’s safety. Quiet and stealthy, she preferred to remain unseen, but her silent guardianship kept the family and village safe from threats. Though the villagers rarely saw her unless necessary, the Kurawa children always found her when needed, Bhima suspected she let them find her out of affection.

Raka Shon Kurawa, Ilavida’s cousin and also a cow Faunus, was the family’s chef and the one who passed on her love for cooking to Bhima. Together, they would spend hours in the kitchen, competing to create the spiciest dishes. Raka’s calm demeanor and patience made her the heart of the home, teaching Bhima not just culinary skills but also how to maintain inner peace.

Bhima Naranga Kurawa, the third child and first son, towering at 210 cm. Like his father, Vishrava Neel Kurawa, Bhima had inherited immense strength and a deep sense of responsibility for his family. But despite his size and strength, was a gentle giant. Known for his jolly nature and loyalty, he spent his days cooking, weightlifting, and spoiling his younger siblings. He loved spicy food, proper gelato, and good company, but had little tolerance for sugary foods or anyone who threatened his family. His Aura glowed a bright orange, reflecting his warmth, but his Semblance, Nidraasana, was more subtle and odd. When Bhima yawned, those around him would feel their Aura drain and drowsiness set in; a second yawn left them sleepy, and by the third, they would fall into slumber, Bhima often joining them if nothing was done to keep him awake.

The island itself was a paradise, but even this serene haven wasn’t free from Grimm. Though rare, strong Grimm like Alpha Boarbatusks would sometimes wash ashore, and Nevermores often circled above, attracted to fleeting moments of fear or anger. Not to mention the many aquatic Grimm in the Ocean. The Kurawa family was more than capable of handling such threats.

As Bhima neared his 17th birthday, he felt an that he could do more to protect his family and the tranquility of Lanka Island. His dream was to establish a Huntsman School on the island to better defend against the Grimm that occasionally threatened their peaceful life. To achieve this, Bhima knew he needed formal training from Haven Academy in Mistral.

Determined to prepare himself for this ambitious goal, Bhima embarked on a grueling journey on foot to Haven Academy. His path was fraught with peril: he battled formidable Grimm and faced bandits. The journey tested his resolve and skills, but each challenge only strengthened his determination. After weeks of enduring the harsh conditions of the wilderness between settlements and overcoming numerous obstacles, Bhima reached Haven Academy. Weary, but unbroken. At Haven, he was eager to absorb every lesson about being a Huntsman, knowing that this knowledge would be crucial for his ultimate mission.

Bhima’s goal was clear, to return to Lanka Island armed with the expertise to build a Huntsman School that would safeguard his home and family. He envisioned a future where his island was not only a haven of peace but also a fortified stronghold against any threat. Ready to begin this new chapter, Bhima was driven by the lessons of strength, unity, and perseverance he had learned from his family and his journey.

  • His father and Mama Ilavida were in an arranged marriage to unite the last two tribes in Lanka Island.
  • He is the peacemaker among his siblings as the two eldest sisters, Kinana and Rena, would always butt heads on almost everything.
  • His youngest siblings did not want him to go to Haven.
  • He did NOT need to know that the reason his father have so many wives was because Mama Ilavida is a romantic, curious, and actually prefers woman.
  • He is resigned that his birth mother, Kaikasi, wants him to find a wife in Haven.
  • He did NOT need to hear Mama Pushpotkata tells him to look for more then one wife as he is his Father's son.

Family story maybe too much and changes, but it is based on Kumbhakarna real family.
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Name: Shin'ya Okabe
Age: 17 (a late entrant?)
Gender: Female
Height: ~145cm
Human or Faunus: Wolf Faunus (presumed,the donor was not known to be)
Kingdom Origin: Mistrali

Character theme inspiration: The Big Bad Wolf
Likes: Synthpop music, mild food, afternoon naps
Dislikes: Interpersonal conflict, strong smells and polluted air, medical facilities

Weapon name: Raimei
Weapon description:
During Shoko Okabe's career as a hunter, she was distinguished by her personal weapons, Ikazuchi and Inazuma. They took the form of pauldrons that extended metal segments all the way to her hands, forming both a pair of powered gauntlets bearing several weapons within, as well as an effective line of defense. While they could unleash destruction over a wide area, they could just as easily defend herself and others against otherwise lethal blows, or simply hold a belligerent opponent firmly until they calmed down.

Even if they remained intact, Shin'ya had neither the strength of body nor of spirit to inherit them. But every hunter bears a weapon. Alongside a weapons engineer, her aunty Yuuka designed Raimei for her, a smaller gauntlet that extends halfway up her forearm.

With an ambidextrous design, Raimei can be worn by Shin'ya on either hand, though operating its internal triggers tends to cause uncomfortable bending and catching when done by a flesh and blood hand instead of her prosthetic. Nonetheless, she usually wears it on her left hand in order to allow her right hand to contribute in dangerous situations.

Currently, Raimei has three distinct combat capabilities. The first is the ability to heat up its palm in a flash, burning whatever is in contact with it. The second is an internal resonator that delivers a sharp, penetrating blow straight into something it punches. The third is a set of miniature racks that flip out around the wrist, allowing the user to launch salvos of Dust-infused grenades.

Even discounting those abilities, Raimei is very sturdy, and can be wielded by Shin'ya with swinging blows, though she generally avoids straight punches.

As an aside, Shin'ya's prosthetic arm lacks notable striking power, but is durable enough to lock in and withstand a good amount of weight without distributing most of it to Shin'ya's shoulder. It also has a wider range of motion than a typical arm and can dislocate and spread at each joint.

Aura color: Sky blue
Semblance name: Huff and Puff
Semblance description:
Shin'ya's Semblance is currently accessible only when her respirator is off, which she cannot safely do for very long. She can activate her Semblance first by "huffing", inhaling slowly and intently. This creates a vortex of air in a wide cone in front of her that sucks practically everything in the area of effect towards her. Objects moved solely by the power of her Semblance stop just short instead of hitting her, though she can step aside to allow them to fly past her with momentum maintained. If she so chooses, she can then "puff" by exhaling the breath she took, sending objects flying away from her in the same manner and area of effect. While puffing is optional, huffing is not in order to activate the Semblance. Currently, the maximum level of force exerted by the vortex is enough to send a motorcycle sliding along at high speed given a slow inhalation. In any event, using her Semblance leaves Shin'ya fatigued for around a minute, limiting her physical exertion during that time.

In the long history of the world of Remnant, there are many names among the people known as Hunters whose names are the thing of legend, living on in fame...or infamy. It would seem that the name of Shoko Okabe would have been one of them. A distinguished graduate of Haven Academy, she made her name in many bold actions against the creatures of Grimm as well as the inexhaustible criminal element of Mistral. But even she wanted a little more than a life of heroism and battle. Though she never married, she consulted with her sister, Yuuka Okabe, one of the most distinguished physicians of her age, that Shoko might concieve and begin a family.

All seemed to go well, and Shoko took a sabbatical that she might safely give birth to her child, who she had already decided to name Shin'ya - midnight, the time Shoko felt the moon was most beautiful.

But on the day of Shin'ya's birth, tragedy struck. Shin'ya was born practically emaciated, her right arm atrophied. Were it not for Yuuka's expertise, Shin'ya would likely have not survived. Despite the small family's secrecy, word got out. Some people got the idea in their heads that Shin'ya's condition was thanks to Shoko being contaminated due to long-time exposure to Grimm, or Dust, or gods know what else. Or worse, her own personal habits or...defective genes.

Ashamed, Shoko soon returned to her duties, determined more than ever to prove herself, to cast off the shame and guilt that was heaped upon her and Shin'ya, and even more that she placed upon herself, for bringing Shin'ya into the world in such a state. Shin'ya in turn grew and matured in quiet dignity, every day a fight against her own frail body. Even breathing would have been difficult for her, if not for the respirator that Yuuka designed to help her filter the air and make the most of the oxygen she could get, alongside a succession of prosthetic arms that she utilized as she grew.

This did not last, either. One fateful night, Yuuka returned home, carrying an injured Shoko in her arms. Her wounds were many, but she had survived far worse than that. And despite Yuuka's best efforts, that night she lost her sister, and Shin'ya her mother.

In the days that came after, Yuuka did her best to console Shin'ya, and plan for the future. But in a moment of carelessness, she let slip that she had not found Shoko's body on her own: a figure in a red hood had brought her to Yuuka as she was arriving home. Hearing that, Shin'ya grew quiet.

And when she next spoke, it was to express her determination to train to become a hunter. To succeed Shoko's legacy, and perhaps...to find the person with the red hood, discover the truth behind Shoko's untimely death. Yuuka's attempts to dissuade her were in vain, though she steadfastly monitored and supported her niece as she trained physically, experimenting with weapons and continuing to grow. She never gained the healthy color of others her age, though it was no doubt that she had grown stronger, even her Aura forming to express her resolve.

Now Shin'ya has finally arrived at the doors of Haven Academy, a place she never thought she'd reach, just a few years ago. Will the wolf find her quarry, or will fate take her on a different path?

As a whole, Shin'ya is gentle, but not timid. Even so, she has a tendency to take new experiences and challenges cautiously, never acting or making a decision until she is absolutely sure of the outcome. She enjoys peace and quiet, though she does not engage with nature more than her duties obligate, especially considering her susceptibility to contaminated environments. She isn't easily put off by first impressions, but tends to quickly incorporate the second impression into her decision-making process.

Theme song:
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Name: Mare Oricinus1725737444354.png
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 6'0
Human or Faunus: Human
Emblem: (Optional)

Character theme inspiration: Golden Age Piracy

Personality: More amiable than certain other heiresses Mare is well spoken and polite but quickly grows tired of excessive niceties much preferring to get the point and hopefully the action without getting bogged down in mindless small talk.

Rather than invoking her family name in order to get special treatment Mare will demand to be challenged in order to live up to it and insert herself into other people's business even when unwelcome.

Likes: Sailing, seafood, exploring
Dislikes: Air travel, clutter, heavy foods

Weapon name: Argo
Weapon description: A hefty sword capable of splitting in the middle to reveal a rifle barrel and deploying a scope from it's guard to function as a heavy sniper rifle. The hilt can also extend to allow it to be wielded as a spear or bident.

Aura color: Sea Green
Semblance name: Weight Expectations
Semblance description: Mare is able to reduce or increase the apparent weight of any object she touches by up to three times their normal weight affecting up to four targets at a time, her weapon is almost always under this effect in combat with swift changes in lightness used to increase the speed it can be wielded and added weight for more force and inertia behind swings.

Backstory: A century ago Gaius Orcinus was the most infamous pirate lord to menace the seas of Remnant from bases hidden in coves along Vacuo's untamed coastline. The Orcinus pirates evaded capture for decades until Vacuo joined Vale's side in the Great War, seeing the threat of Atlas and Mistral's dominance Gaius joined his fleet with the kingdom as privateers in exchange for amnesty.

In the modern day Orcinus Shipping provides one of the most reliable sea travel and transport services in the world along with escort services protecting against seagoing threats.

As great-granddaughter of the legendary pirate Mare is the youngest heir to the seafaring family and spent much of her childhood travelling far and wide, meeting many huntsmen and huntresses she became enamoured with their lifestyle and after training abroad for a few years she returned to Vacuo, rather than go on to attend Shade Academy as expected Mare instead opted to leave her comfort zone once again and travelled to Haven.

Trivia: Chronic backseat driver
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Name: Felix Baker
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5"11 (180cm)
Human or Faunus: Human
Kingdom Of Origin: Minstrel
Emblem: (Optional)

Character theme inspiration: The Pink/The Carnation, Sun Arcana, Wish upon a star

Personality: He's talkative enough to start conversations, but horrible at keeping them going. Friendly and overthinking he often tries to pry approval out of people. Although he is very clever he isn't as clever as he thinks he is. along with that he is diligent waking up and sleeping at routine times keeping a very neat schedule. He is playful yet helpful making him more in like to a meddler to some people.

Likes: Studying Flora, Country Music, Spicy food,

Dislikes: Rude people who care about wealth, Getting physical, Fire

•Maintaining his plants
•Light sketching

Weapon name: Shooting Stars
Weapon description: While holstered Shooting Stars takes the form of two sword hilts clad in a metallic grip that takes the shape of thorns along with a viable trigger while unsheathe it takes the form of a 3 segment blade that can extend a bit for mid range combat. the trigger can activate the sword whip form or shirt sword mode. A switch above the trigger can be hit she thing the blade and opening up the hilt to reveal a vibrant pink revolver barrel and cylinder.

Aura color: Spring Green

Semblance name: "I Wish"

Semblance description: Upon pointing at a object and saying I wish he can command the object to do whatever he wants within reason.

Backstory: His mother ran a flower shop in a small town they were poor but had fun. he loved frolicking in the fields as his mom picked flowers to prepare for bouquets. When Felix got older he grew more restless he wasn't satisfied seeing the same flowers he had always seen he wanted something new. Fortune would soon smile on him as he met a man, a huntsman infact. that carried a mean looking weapon but had a pink carnation in his shirt pocket. Nothing Felix ever seen before he asked the man where he got it. The man enthused about the lands he visited and all the unique Flora and Fauna. Felix anamamered by the man's stories he asked how he could get to be like him and travel. The man told Felix about everything he needed to know about becoming a huntsman. Years past as he is finally ready to start his life at Haven a new chapter new people new everything.

Trivia: He tried to be cool and dye his hair white but chickened out so part of his hair is dyed white.


Name: Asher Cobalt

Age: 17

Gender: male

Race: Faunus (some kinda reptile it seemed?)

kingdom: TBA

Height: 7'2

Weight: 130kgs

embelm: 1725778877058.png

Backstory: Asher comes from the Cobalt family that owns a small but relatively high-end company and produces custom weapons to order for its customers priding themselves on getting their customers anything they wanted and normally designing and making stuff alongside their workers Asher, of course, was no exception rather enjoying tinkering with stuff, and working on orders. but even still it was something missing with his life.. field experience of course it seems selfish but in the family business such as his the one asher family engaged in being a hunter directly seemed like a great way to learn how to make weapons better and if anything see how there being used first hand..

Personality: Asher always comes off as overly chill,Ironic for his semblance but he's always got a lax persona with it, even if it changed somewhat based on the situation, its always a calm version of that. (I suck at personalities sorry)

Weapon: a large gun-sword cannon like thing that fitted with powered explosive or solid slugs shells complicated recoil compensators allow for it to be fired while holding it tho it produces alot of heat

Thermo manipulation: this semblance allows the user to manipulate thermal energy as opposed to simply fire directly. the user is able to project beams walls and balls and other blasts of thermal energy that's power can range from boiling water to igniting flesh and bone.
however, anything more than 3rd-degree burns requires additional thermal energy that is stored in the user's body.
to facilitate this the user's body tempter is naturally incredibly around 35-40 degrees Celcius along with the ability to absorb and store further thermal energy from the surrounding or hot objects.
this additional thermal energy is then used to increase the power of attacks. te users effectively able to cool down and heat the environment by absorbing and expelling heat form there body

Aura Color: orange

>crafting and working on/modifying weapons,
>plays guitar
> too relaxed for his own good

Hobbies: tinkering with weaponry and other devices, playing guitar
  • Trust Again
    Various Artists

    Ashryn Tsiuri Raenisa
    Little Star, Astra, Ryn, Leopardess, Lady Leopard
    17 years old
    date of birth
    Unknown (August 10)
    Snow-Leopard Faunus (only one of her kind as far as she knows)
coded by natasha.

Okay - finally Finished!
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Autumn Blaze

  • Name
    Autumn Blaze




    Human or Faunus

    Kingdom Origin



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  • 04
    full name
    Ilyas Cedomir
    date of birth
    October 31 | 17
    place of birth
    Sunhaven Village, Atlas
    The Bloody Valkyrie

    Haven Academy

    Aura Color
    Crimson Sparks of Electricity (#D22B2B)




Name: Yu Yeop Hwa
Age: 17
Gender: female
Height: 167 cm
Human or Faunus: wolf faunus
Kingdom Origin: Mistral
Emblem: (Optional)
Dark brown hair with bright orange eyes, with wolf ears at where human ears would be. She likes to wear a black long sleeve jacket and jeans for her combat outfit.

Character theme inspiration: (Optional)

Yuppa is energetic, mischievous, and destructive. She enjoys hanging out with friends, walking out for snacks, and taking her weapon out for some good test runs. She is a people person, who feels less confident alone and without someone to walk beside. It is almost like she loses energy when left alone, and regains when with people.
Yuppa can easily lose control when she is excited, following more instinctive and momentary thoughts than anything rational. She knows this can be a problem, and tries to hold off on letting loose. When she gets too much excitement held off, it tends to either explode or overflow into loss of energy. While she lost control and messed up many times, she was good enough to clean up her own mess- and she took a step forward each time. She is not afraid to mess up, and fix up, more.

Spending time with friends, spicy food
Being alone (both literally and figuratively), less physical activities
Hobbies: (Optional)

Weapon name: Will O' Wisp Ring around the Rosie
Weapon description:
A lantern shield, with a rapier sheathed to it so that she can pull it out for last minute situations. The shield can be charged with dust to supercharge it, letting out the dust color glow and imbuing the shield its element for both defensive and offensive usage.
She also carries dust blades that can be used both as a weapon and an extra external battery for the main shield, amplifying the destructive force of her in total. The shield itself can mount up to five blades, forming a hand-like formation.

Aura color:
Semblance name:
Assault Aura
Semblance description:
Yuppa's aura boils up as she engages in combat, as if gathering "hype" from the battle. She can release the built up tension of aura as an explosion-a violent release of tense energy, eating up most of her aura supply to let out a destructive shockwave. It puts her in a more vulnerable situation, but the tradeoff is a destructive force that leaves anything that would threaten her in shambles.

Yeop Hwa grew up in the more metropolitan part of Mistral, far from the wondrous scapes of nature and spending most of her time skipping school to hang out with friends. She learned to jump between buildings faster than she mastered elementary math. Naturally, she was hooked with the concept of huntsmen. While her parents wanted her to get a safer job for her future, she was adamant with her decision. While she couldn't get into Shade academy, she began to train by herself, and get a bit of help from one of her friends that got into Shade. While it wasn't easy for her to make it, after a handful of trials and errors in her training, got a place in Haven.

There is a bit of conflict between Yeop Hwa and her family, as while her parents were hoping that her teenage riot would die out and she would pursue a more desk job future, her fire never died out. There is an awkward atmosphere between them, which only gets worse when they begin talking about her future plans.

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Teaches History of Remnant

Name: Jade Seraphina

Age: It's not polite to ask a ladies age

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6

Human or Faunus: Human

Kingdom Origin: Mistral

Personality: Comes off strict and uncaring, a trait she got from her mother growing up, however, unlike her mother she knows when to drop the teacher act and become a caring adult. She knows the students are more than just hunters in training but kids trying to find their way.

+ Watching her students grow
+ Anything sour apple flavored
+ Her Bamboo Pipe

- Bratty Rich Kids
- Being called old (she's not that old)
- Any Student who doesn't take their hunter studies seriously

Hobbies: (Optional)



Weapon name: Aurora Rings

Weapon description
Jade weapon.jpg

Aura color: Jade Green

Semblance name: Doppelgänger

Semblance description: by halving her Aura she can create copies of herself to aid her in a fight. The more she creates the more Aura she needs to use to keep them solidified. If the doppelgangers are hit hard enough they will disappear but if her Aura breaks the doppelgangers will disappear all at once.

Backstory: Growing up Jade had often made trips with her mother to Haven academy and watched her as she taught the future generation of hunters with her strict and uncaring style. Jade had made it clear she wanted to be a instructor just like her mom and send out only the best of the best out into the world. However, as she grew older she began to realize that her mother's teaching style wasn't exactly great and it came ahead when Jade enrolled into Haven Academy and had her mother as a teacher. Jade watched as friends she knew where going through some personal stuff were ridiculed and talked down to, she watched her mother turn away students looking for help, and worse blamed them for "not figuring out their own way", This caused Jade to butt heads with her mother from time to time. Jade thought she wanted to be a teacher just like her mother and that hasn't changed but she wanted to be a better teacher than her mother. One who ran a tight shift but knew when it was time to turn it off and do the most important job in Haven Academy, Support their students and their future.

After graduation Jade was apart of a hunters team but switched to a instructor position once she got the chance. She loved being out in the world and learning all sorts of things during her travels and figured her historian degree and her experience out in the world would benefit inspiring hunters and huntresses. However, choosing this path did separate her from her hunter group and Rowan the leader of said group. Not only the leader but her high school sweat heart.

- May or may not have cried at every graduation ceremony
- Has been told by staff and students many times her RBF is one of the main reasons students can't approach her.
- Has a tendency to play with the ring on her finger.

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WIP for teacher

Name: Corrosi Naragi (or just cori)
Age: 35
Gender: male
Height: 6 foot
Human or Faunus: Fanus snek
Kingdom Origin: Mistral
Emblem: (Optional)

Character theme inspiration: snek and Posions
Personality: Corrosi, is a generally cheerful individual, despite his work with dust alchemy he seems rather playful perhaps owing too his surprisingly youthful appearance for his age, while this playfulness is always there he tempers it generally when involving more dangerous matters it never leaving nor becoming too serious just downplaying and adding more helpful tone too it all, otherwise he's very friendly if a little cheeky teacher.
Likes: coffee, chocolate, chocolate coffee, cats.
Dislikes: sour candy, burnt toast,
Hobbies: gardening, tailoring, cooking

Weapon name: Needler.
Weapon description: simple high-pressure cannon, the tank at the back loaded with various chemicals and dust to produce different ammunition.

Aura color: Dark blue
Semblance name: Arcanium Toxins
Semblance description: the user can produce vast quantities of toxic chemicals from their hands that can be launched or secreted when mixed with different colours of dust it changes its effects the chemicals remain stable for a long time meaning they are primarily used as ammo for his weapon. at base the toxin can melt through steel and grim and has nasty effects on other living being resulting in burning yet painless due to nerves being overloaded.

Backstory: what Corrosi actually did before becoming a teacher is somewhat blurred records are hazy as to what he did some indicate he was both a dust alchemist and a hunter some say one or the other the reality is somewhere in between but corrosi isn't up to actually explain it bushing it off as "boring past stuff" reality was he'd been a minor terrorist back in mistral, producing a bunch of toxins mixed with various forms of dust making him a master alchemist. while he was caught it was found he really didn't have much malice too his actions just.. making it for the pure sake of making it not caring where his chemical went or what they where used for so instead of being thrown in jail he was offered a teaching position so his skills didn't go to waste and he's loved it ever since

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Name: Alev Crims
Age: 17
Gender: Trans Male
Height: 5'4
Species: Faunus (dog ears)
Kingdom Origin: Mistral

Character theme inspiration: Tinderbox (fairytale)
Personality: Alev is serious, dedicated, can be blunt and straight-forward, but also somewhat shy and quiet. He can get easily flustered, and some may think he's trying a bit too hard. He's smart, but at his most comfortable when he's told what to do, and is very dedicated to executing tasks given to him well.
Hobbies: (Optional)

Weapon name: Tinderferra
Weapon description: Twin steel sables, with some flint pieces on the hilt, could be used as a flint and steel to create a spark. Both sables unfold to reveal pistols in the hilt.

Aura color: Burgundy
Semblance name: Bellows
Semblance description: The ability to enhance flames, make them larger, generally through blowing on an existing spark/flame. Is unable to control the flame itself, however. Usually uses it through creating a spark with his sables in front of him and using it akin to fire breath.

Backstory: He grew up in a small village in Mistral. Both his parents were huntsmen, however his father went MIA when he was young. His mother was one of the main protectors of his village, so he grew up idolizing huntsmen and desired to become one from a very young age. His father's disappearance hit him hard, and while his mother accepted quickly that he must be dead, Alev never quite let go of the idea that he might be somewhere out there, and secretly hopes becoming a huntsman would lead him to finding him. Due to his father's disappearance, he also developed a real appreciation for leadership and planning: he's, deeply, a little scared of accidents happening, of something unforeseen getting in the way, so he has a low tolerance for impulsivity, and values cooperation, communication and strictness in fighting.


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Hidden scrolls.
Mizu Mifune

Name: Mizu Mifune
Role: Teacher
Subject: Semblance Mastery
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1''
Race: Human
Kingdom Origin: Mantle of Atlas

Mizu is a strange man, to say the least. A man of few words but of many actions, but when he speaks his tone is almost emotionless carrying only a somber grim tone of voice, though his serious mind with a morbid and dark sense of humor doesn't help him with it. With him being a bit asocial most of the time, preferring to be alone, though when he must he is willing to be social, even putting a mask on a sociable and outgoing man. With his sharp, serious, keen, and most of all cunning and clever mind Mizu is an opponent no one wishes to fight against, constantly seeking ways to overpower his opponent and make them wish they never fought him, as well as making him a decent investigator at that. But despite all that he is a caring man, sending most of what he earns back home so his little sister can take care of the little ones at the orphanage. With that in mind, he is often willing to accept any monetary reward and will do anything for it. That is how Mizu got his place as a part of an experimental spec ops team in Atlas, before being transferred to Haven on the orders of the Chieftain of Atlas Security to teach new hunters and seek anything suspicious out.

Likes: Animals, Kids, his weapons, Silence, reading, skating.
Dislikes: Kids, having to teach kids, being reminded of his place of origin, anyone even remotely insulting his sister, and the fact he goes through so many clothes monthly.
Hobbies: Skating, writing stories, parkour, acrobatics on posts/his weapons, finding places to laze around.

Backstory: Born and raised in the Mantle of Atlas, Mizu didn't leave the best of lives, growing up in an orphanage with his little sister. He used to steal things to pawn them off so he could help the orphanage but at some point he was caught by a underworldly sort of a guy. A thug or a criminal if you will. Mizu had to work his ass off under them till they were satisfied to be let off. Lets just say they never wanted to let him go, so he let himself go. He used two shivs he crafted himself and the unknown at the time power which turned out to be his semblance to kill the big boss and in a matter of a single night the other members of his gang.

Little is known what happened next as he seemingly vanished only to return being a member of the experimental spec ops team of Atlas a few long years later. This time with new gear, a better handle on his semblance, and sadly enough the curse of fight strippage as his teammates at the time called it. Mizu helped his little sister manage the orphanage as she was the one had took over it when the old owner died, he often helped in monetary and physical ways, but it seems the Chieftain of Atlas Security had a mission to infiltrate Haven Academy, and find out if anything suspicious has been happening recently, with a clear directive to remain there until further orders are received, so he came.

Weapon name: Tsuinkimera
Weapon Description:

Aura color: 水 Mizu #81C7D4
Semblance name:
Jacob's Ladder
Semblance Description: The user can create the Jacob's ladder effect in forms of barriers between objects infused with the user's aura. By default, the barriers are created from electricity, though they won't kill when touched they will cause excruciating pain comparable to a tazer. Through increasing the amount of aura used Mizu can increase the amount of posts used or increase the power of the barrier. Mizu can change the how his semblance behaves by using different dusts along with his semblance. For example. Fire dust will create a firewall, electricity dust will increase its power as well as create static around its "posts", Hardlight will form solid walls between them, steam dust creating a thick fog between the "posts" obscuring vision inside, and lastly combustion dust, it causes an explosion when someone tries to exit the area within the "posts".


Theme songs:

Character theme inspiration:
"Ghostwire: Tokyo", Ghost of Tsushima, Ronin, "Soul Eater: Mifune", Shota 'Eraserhead' Aizawa
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  • Name: Lavender Nikolai
    Age: 29
    Gender: Female
    Role: Teacher
    Subject: Weaponry 101
    Height: 5'1"
    Human or Faunus: Faunus (Rabbit, her ears and tail)
    Kingdom Origin: Atlas
    images (31).jpeg
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