• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls

Regretting her choices
Liana Carranza
Liana slid into the booth beside Ash, her fingers resting on the edge of the table as the conversation began around her. She tried to focus, but her mind was already drifting. She caught the sharp look Elliot shot at Dallas and felt the tension settle into the air like an unwelcome guest. Elliot clearly didn’t want to be here. It was written all over his face, and it made her stomach twist in knots. She chewed her lip, trying to distract herself by tracing patterns on the table with her finger.
It’s fine. He’ll warm up. People just need time. Her mind worked overtime to keep her mood positive, ignoring the voice whispering that maybe she should’ve stayed home. She tried to stay positive. Maybe, just maybe, this could work out. She told herself it wasn’t a disaster yet.
Her gaze wandered as she looked for anything to distract her. The diner wasn’t anything special, but she found herself studying the small details she usually ignored. The faint scratches on the tabletop, the fading neon light flickering outside the window, the faint buzz of appliances, low music playing a classic pop song she couldn’t name.
Liana glanced at Elliot again, hoping to catch some sign that he wasn’t as miserable as he looked. She didn’t want to judge him too quickly. Everyone had bad days, right?
And then he opened his mouth. When Elliot finally spoke, his words were like a bucket of ice water.
"I didn’t know you were even allowed outside since, you know... Leo."
Liana’s head snapped up, and for a moment, she stared at him, her expression carefully blank. The words hit her like a slap, sharp and deliberate. She blinked, stunned for a moment, before letting out a soft small scoff. She leaned back slightly, crossing her arms as her lips curved into a faint, unimpressed smile. She shot Ash a pointed look, raising an eyebrow that said everything she didn’t need to say aloud. This? This is who you set me up with? Really?
She bit back the first response that rose to her tongue, inhaling deeply. Ash jumped to her defense immediately, and for that, Liana was grateful. Instead of letting herself sit in frustration, she met Elliot’s eyes, her voice calm yet firm. "Leo doesn’t control me, just so you know," she said, her tone tinged with just enough steel to make her point clear. “I make my own decisions.”
The conversation moved on, but Liana’s mood was already soured. She began picking at her nails, a habit she’d never quite managed to shake. When the waitress approached, she didn’t even look up, her thoughts too tangled to register anything else. Ana barely glanced at the girl, too busy picking at her nails. “A lemonade,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Her gaze stayed fixed on her nails, her mind running through a thousand versions of how this night could have gone differently. The name Mei didn’t register, even though it should have. Ana had such a soft spot for Mei. If her head wasn’t foggy and somewhere else, she would have been excited to see Mei working but her mind was too busy spiraling with the realization that this date might end up even worse than she thought.
If she had just stayed home, for instance. That would’ve been nice. She could’ve made up an excuse, said she wasn’t feeling well, and avoided this whole awkward disaster.
Ash tried to steer the conversation, trying to play peacemaker, hyping Elliot up like she was pitching him for a reality TV show, as if he was the catch of the century. Liana couldn’t help the skeptical furrow of her brows. Ana wasn’t buying it. Her dark eyes shifted to Elliot, studying him like she was trying to solve a puzzle.
He wasn’t a bad-looking guy, sure, but his attitude left a lot to be desired. She tilted her head slightly, as if trying to figure out if there was more to him than the pouty persona he was putting on.
Her gaze narrowed slightly and before she could stop herself, she let out a quiet, sarcastic remark. “Maybe I’ll see all those amazing qualities you have… when you’re not acting like a toddler.” She gave him a small, sweet smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. It wasn’t cruel, just a small jab for his comment earlier.
The tension in her shoulders tightened and Liana looked away from him, her gaze drifting to Dallas and Ash. The pressure building inside her chest became too much. She stood abruptly, smoothing down her dress as she avoided looking at Elliot. "I need to use the bathroom." she said, her voice quiet but steady.
She walked away without waiting for a response, moving through the somewhat crowded diner until she reached the small restroom. Inside, she leaned against the sink, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her palms pressed into the cold surface. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she stared at her reflection.
Get through this. You’re fine. You’ve handled worse.
Taking a deep breath, she ran her hands over her hair, trying to pull herself together. The date wasn’t over yet and she needed to find a way to get through the rest of it without letting anything ruin her mood. No matter how horrible this double date went.

coded by reveriee.

For the last three weeks since the incident involving her father’s car, Jacinta had been in everyone’s shit books. Her dad would barely so much as look at her and certainly wasn’t going to forgive her any time soon. Her grandmother was keeping a very keen watch on her, always wanted to know where she was. If she didn’t come straight home everyday Jace would find herself with no dinner and no phone use. She simply wasn’t used to it. She spent half her childhood doing whatever the fuck she wanted. No curfew, no rules, just let her parents know she was safe and it was all fine.

But Jace wasn’t rebelling against it this time. As a matter of fact she’d been painfully good. Hell, Jacinta had even been to church with her once. But it wasn’t really born of guilt or desire to make her nan happy- she had a goal in mind. She wanted to borrow her grandmothers little white Kia Forte. To meet up with her friend Harvey for a camping trip.

A camping trip!!

God when was the last time she had been out camping with anyone? She’d barely held on to a couple of friends over the years and none reallly seemed interested in that kinda thing. But Jacinta loved the outdoors. No assholes or druggos, just birdsong and tranquility. She could sketch to her hearts content.


That was Harvey, his familiar stream of emoji’s lit her home screen like a Christmas tree. But it didn’t irritate her like it should. Instead she found herself smiling fondly at her phone.

My Grandmother has agreed to take me. She’s been taking her sweet time but I should be on the road soon 🩶

She was glad this trip was with her good friend Harvey Milk. There was no social pressure with him. Plus, she had to admit, she was different around Harvey. Less on her guard. She laughed and smiled more. She found herself being nice, instead of an asshole. It was There was one other kid going she didn’t know. Vinny, Harv had called him. But if someone like Jace could stay in the good graces of someone like Damien, she doubted any other friend of Harvey’s would pose much drama for her in comparison.

Her Grandmother had finally relented since she thought that ‘camping would do her some good’ but had refused to let her take the car. So Jace had endured endless AM talk radio, constant toilet breaks and obnoxious attempts to connect on her drive.

Her arrival could NOT come fast enough. “That’s it. That’s Vinny’s car” she pointed. The car had barely rolled to a stop when she was opening the door. She couldn’t immediately see the boys, probably unloading their gear or off looking for a spot. If he got her message he’d probably head to the van. “Thank you Nan! See you later!” She called out. She thought she saw a genuine smile from her as she waved goodbye.

Grabbing her pack, her tent and her sleeping bag, Jace headed out towards her friends car. She was feeling… light for the first time in a long while.

Jace Choi

Free Skip

♡coded by uxie♡
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elliot slater

the slater brother
allas ordered his drink with a wink, try-hard. The tension in the air was rising just by sitting there and as Elliot made his comment, Ash was quick to come to Liana's defense.
Liana Carranza makes her own decisions? Liana Carranza makes her own decisions. Elliot gave them a mocking smirk as he looked down at the table while Liana emphasized her point.
He definitely hit a string there, it was painfully obvious. The thought of him being set up like this was degrading, though he felt bad for Liana for getting dragged into this he couldn't shake this humiliating feeling.
After all their orders were taken, Ashton wasted no time rubbing salt into the wound left in the remnant of Dallas and Elliot's friendship.
Ashton was selling him out, her words sounded fake and meaningless. Elliot stared at the girl who had once told him, with such conviction, how grateful she was to have found him. Those same sweet sentiments, now recycled — except the part about the toddler, thankfully — were being served to Liana hoping someone would like pathetic, lonely Elliot.
Elliot shook his head in disbelief, he wasn't lonely. He could get any girl he wanted at any time, he would beat Dallas and Ash in any games they tried to play. No, they got it wrong, Elliot was very wanted.

'I've heard that he's a really good, like, kisser.'
That’s all it took to soften Elliot’s resolve. He couldn’t bring himself to hate Ashton, no matter how hard he tried. His gaze flickered toward Dallas. Elliot crossed his fingers that Dallas would hate it—that Ashton wanted him first, that they kissed—even if none of it was remotely true. If only Dallas could remember, just for a second, why Ashton had entered his life to begin with.
Liana’s voice broke his spiraling thoughts. She shot him a cutting sneer, her hollow smile doing little to mask the contempt in her eyes. Elliot didn’t need her to say a word; he already knew she despised him.
Before Elliot could even try to think of a possible comeback, Liana excused herself, pulling all eyes toward her as she smoothed her dress and slipped away. Now, it was just the three of them. His date hadn’t lasted five minutes before heading to the bathroom— not the best sign for a successful double date.
Elliot's gaze locked onto the tablecloth while he softly drummed his fingers against the table — guess he was a drummer after all — 'I really don't know what Leo was so afraid of, great girl,' he slouched back in the booth again, trying to look as nonchalant as a boy who just got dragged into a double date could be, but the tension in his jaw betrayed him.
He despised every second of this, but he was here now. The thought of saying he hooked up with Leo’s sister? That would be the kind of revenge that tasted far sweeter than it should have. ´So are you two going to keep footbanging under the table or tell me what I did to deserve this.´ Elliot kept his jaw clenched, sharing a look with Dallas of all people. Dallas knew him longer than anyone, he should know Elliot would hate this with a passion but maybe they didn´t know each other like they used to.



Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

The Happy Fits

Best Tears

‘You're that girl Tucker wrote on the bathroom wall. Ya know, your name.’

Dark brows knit together and her mouth fell open. The wave of shock caused by Drake's casual admission nearly sent Carmen swerving into traffic.

"Shit, shit!”

she had to get it together. Vehicular manslaughter was not on the list of crimes she was planning to commit today and now she’d almost broken that very law- twice.

What a dick hole. A DICK HOLE. Slept with her and then wrote her name on the bathroom wall? The girl's knuckles tightened around the steering wheel, turning white. She wanted to scream but- not at this kid. He was innocent. And she had almost killed him so maybe this made them even.

She decided it'd be best to drop the subject, Drake had already moved on from it anyway. Correcting her on his brother's name, rambling about being jock-y, and talking about Mason's current life circumstances.

Carmen took solace in that there was no possible way she'd peaked yet. Cause she had definitely spent the entirety of her highschool career in a valley. A deep cavernous one.

“Well at least you'll be able to dodge that bullet pretty easy. Just use protection and all that.”

When Drake questioned where they were headed she was pulling into the parking lot of the Motel.
"Riiiight here. Actually. Didn't you know? This is where the Price's are right now.”

She fired a text off to Scarlett letting her know she was parked outside.

♡coded by uxie♡
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The weeks following the train wreck of a party, Kat had been a bit out of sorts. Discombobulated. Spacey. She was taking longer to answer her friends’ texts, she was throwing herself into her studies more and any free time she had was spent in her room doom scrolling on her phone. Not even her favourite playlist seemed to be any interest to her. She wasn’t exactly sad, but she felt a bit listless, like she was living her life on auto pilot. She didn’t feel joy from some things that used to bring her joy. Her fashion, for example, was basically reduced to whatever she grabbed first out of the closet. She used to spend time colour coordinating different outfits, finding the perfect pair of shoes to go with her favourite jumpers. But lately she looked at her bursting closet and just picked anything vaguely similar. Lots of jeans and sweaters and sneakers. Nothing inspiring.

Quite frankly, Kat was going to blow her sister off when suggested the mall. But she’d spent five minutes trying to watch a TV show with her mother and she had already received several unnecessary comments about how she was apparently looking ‘pale’ and how she was in her room a lot lately. Which was true, but Kat remembered thinking to herself ‘Isn’t that what you want from me, to stay in my room and stick my head in my textbooks?’.

Still. If even her parents had noticed, she probably was inside a little too much.

She suspected that was why her little sister had invited her out today as well. She’d suggested it very casually of course, like it was no big deal. But Ines was like that about everything. Still, she appreciated the concern from her. It felt more genuine than from her parents. It always felt like they had a motive. But perhaps Kat was being unfair- sensitive. Her parents wanted the best for her, they always pointed that out.

She wished they would stop pointing it out.

Kat had driven them in her little Hyundai sedan, heading to the only mall worth going to in their little slice of earth- The Crystal Lake’s Mall. Once she’d circled the parking lot a few times and eventually found herself a car about to leave, she stuck her indicator on. “Finally” she said as she nabbed the spot. Her soft Indie playlist stopped abruptly as she stopped the engine and gave her sister a grin “Okay, so what exactly are we doing here Ines. You trying to get a free pretzel from Auntie Anne’s?” There was no accusation in her tone, and she followed it up with a chuckle.

Kat Burke

Free Skip

Ines Burke

♡coded by uxie♡

  • filler

The dynamics at the table were confusing to Mei, but the awkwardness was unmistakable. None of the people sitting there seemed to want to be together. It felt contrived, as though something unseen was holding them there. Bitterly, it reminded her of her family’s pretentious dinner parties, where every comment or quip came with hidden motivations.

Elliot spoke first. His tone was curt but not impolite, his attention barely flicking to her before shifting back to his peers. “Diet Coke, no ice,” he said. Mei noted the order without hesitation, nodding briefly before moving on.

Dallas was next. He leaned back in his seat, the faintest smirk on his face. “Hey, any ice you were gonna give him—give me. Regular. Extra ice.”

“Regular Coke, extra ice?” she clarified, her pen poised mid-air.

Gaining the affirmative, she moved on to Ash. Ash, unlike her peers, gave her full attention as she politely ordered a water. Mei noticed her glance at her nametag. So far, no one had recognized her it seemed. She was used to that. Finally, she turned to Liana, anticipation building in her chest. Would she recognize her? Mei’s smile faltered slightly as Liana muttered her order quietly, eyes glued to her cuticles. “A lemonade,” she said, her voice so low Mei almost missed it.

Mei’s stomach twisted. Liana didn’t recognize her. More than that, something was clearly wrong. The way her friend avoided her gaze and studied her nails set off alarm bells. Still, Mei didn’t want to draw attention to herself in front of Liana’s companions. For now, she kept her concern in check.

“A lemonade,” Mei repeated, her voice steady. She glanced at her notepad and addressed the table. “So, that’s a Diet Coke with no ice, a Coke with extra ice, a water, and a lemonade. I’ll have those out for you shortly.”

As she walked toward the kitchen to relay the order, Mei glanced back over her shoulder. Her heart sank as she saw Liana pushing her chair back and hurrying away from the table. Mei paused mid-step, her throat tightening. Was she leaving the diner?Her eyes followed Liana as she moved hastily toward the bathrooms. Mei’s chest tightened further. Something was wrong—she could feel it. She handed the order to the kitchen staff quickly, her mind racing.

With a knot in her throat, Mei weaved across the diner floor, her coworkers’ voices and movements blurring into the background. She reached the bathroom door and slipped inside. The clinking plates, peppy pop music, and chatter faded behind her as the door swung shut. The quiet hum of the bathroom surrounded her, broken only by the faint sound of unsteady breathing.

Liana was hunched over the basin, her palms pressed against the counter as she stared into the mirror. Liana drew in a deep breath and ran her hands through her long hair- Mei’s chest ached at the sight. “Ana!” She called, crossing the distance between them timidly “I’m sorry to burst in, I had to check on you! Are you ok?” She asked softly. She wanted to reach out, to place a comforting hand on Liana’s back, but she held back. Instead, she clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, her fingers fidgeting in a small, restrained stim.

The silence between them felt heavy. Mei waited, her heart pounding, desperate for a sign that her friend was okay.

Mei Williams

Free Skip

♡coded by uxie♡
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Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)


Closing Time

‘I would like to order your favorite, but I am much more interested in if you're busy after work.’

Jonah listened as poor Lacey was forced to verbally exchange with the table of scumbags. Particularly with King Scumbag who seemed to be doing all the talking. While he eavesdropped Joey wiped down the table right behind theirs, putting just a little bit more elbow grease than he had before. Maybe he could fight grease stains in lieu of well- this asshole.

When the patron dared to wolf whistle as Lacey walked away Jonah scoffed aloud, unable to contain himself. It'd been awhile since he last felt this way and he thanked God he was stone cold sober this time. Liquid courage was bad for Jonah. Really bad.

But his scoff had drawn attention made apparent when they'd hollered out a ‘Hey you!' his direction.

Shit. He'd done it now.

Jonah took a deep breath trying to center himself before plastering on his best customer service smile.
“Yes, sir?”
Jonah said through gritted teeth.

“Something funny, bus boy?”

“Oh, no sir.”
No it wasn't funny. People like this guy pissed him off. No respect for anyone, especially women. But Jonah wasn't trying to get fired.

Not over this asshole anyway.

The man smirked and knocked over one of his fellow assholes glasses of water, spilling it onto the floor. “Oops, guess you're gonna need mop.” He gestured expectantly at the mess.

Jonah started counting to ten as he left to gather the mop and bucket, and one of those wet floor signs. He counted over and over as he mopped. Slow and steady. An anger management he'd picked up. Joey counted until he was done and released from the task he retreated to the back. Trying to pull himself together out of view from any other patrons. He prayed Lacey was too busy to notice his absence as he rejoined her the floor.
“Anything else need done, Captain Lacey?”

There was an air of exhaustion around him now. One that wasn't there before. Emotional regulation sure was a lot of hard work.

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Hype Mode Activated


Crystal Lake Mall




After the party, neither of the Burke girls were particularly themselves. Both of them, regrettably, had boys on their minds. Separate reasons for both of them, but what they had in common was that the boys they interacted with had left them feeling, intensely. Although when you’re a teenage girl, just about every feeling comes intensely.

Ines didn’t know all the gory details about what happened with Kat and her boy, just what her sister was willing to share and what Ines herself could piece together. Just as well, Kat didn’t know everything that Ines had done with Drake either.

Not that they really even got up to much of anything besides making eyes at each other and passing that joint back and forth. Even if she maybe would have rather been kissing those same lips that framed his ever crooked smile or putting her hands up under that baggy shirt he had on. Oh, fuck she had it bad…

But this wasn’t about her and Drake, not that there even was a ‘her and Drake’ to speak of. This was about spending time with her sister, and putting on her hype girl hat. As much as she called Kat a nerd, or a dork, or a dingus, or even in extreme cases, a bitch, but she was still her sister and the only one she had. Ines could be a good sister, well she was a good sister but she could be a better one. A great sister.

Great sisters take their sisters to the mall. Or ask them to take the two of them to the mall since Kat was the one behind the wheel since it was technically her car. She was the older one, she got her license first, therefore the math equals the car coming into her possession first. Ines had driven it before with the permission of both the other teen and both their parents, although after a certain incident involving a bird eating a bagel in the road, A TOTALLY REASONABLE REASON TO STOP, and some asshole behind her with no sense of humor, it was more comfortable for everyone if Ines stuck to the passenger seat.

Ines pivoted in her seat towards Kat as the car was placed into park and her sister asked about her motives. Kat really did have a great smile, and laugh, whatever guy who had spurned her clearly wouldn’t know a hot chick if she punched him in the head. Although Kat would never, Ines? Well… Let’s just move on.

“I mean, I definitely wouldn’t say no to one.”
She replied on the topic of the pretzel
“But that’s not why I suggested we come here.”
In a smooth motion she clicked her seatbelt’s release button and let the nylon slither back into its retracted position so she could face Kat properly
“I was thinking, one, you needed to get out of the house and away from mom’s watchful, bitchy gaze.”
She held up a finger as she counted off her first point and prepared to list the following one
“And two, nothing helps forget about shitty guys like buying yourself something pretty and picking up a new distraction.”
She returned her sister’s grin and chuckle, a clear similarity between the two of them.

Luciana Navarro Berrocal
the cool girl
Moving to Haven Falls had been quite an experience for Luci. Moving out of a bigger city to the middle of nowhere took some time to get used to, but she had managed somehow. Maybe it had been that the people she had been living with since she arrived had made things more bearable, or maybe she just needed to be away from her home to feel at peace, but even with that Luci couldn’t shake the feeling that Haven Falls was a town with not much to do one where everyone knew each other which was making her feel uneasy that day.

Mostly because she was still unsure what possessed her to agree to go out with Damien in broad daylight, one thing was fooling around and hooking up without everyone else knowing, and the other was spending your weekend with that same guy which felt more personal than she cared to admit.

And yet here she agreed to go to the movies with him, which, in a sense, could work because it was a place with not a lot of light, but that didn’t mean someone else wouldn’t have the idea of watching a movie that day, she just hoped it wasn’t one of her roommates, especially Carmen who lately had been a bit too interested in Luci’s love life.

But before the function, she dragged him to the local supermarket. Did she need groceries? Not really, but she needed shampoo the same that she was pretty sure Carmen was still using without asking her, and it seemed her roommate wasn’t planning on buying one for herself anytime soon. And why did she ask him to come with her? Well, she needed someone to carry them for her, and if she was going to give him the time of her day, at least he could be someone useful to her.

“Can you stop acting like a moody child? We are just buying shampoo. So listen, be a good boy and I’ll buy you a chocolate bar or something.”
She said annoyed.
outfit: here
location: supermarket
interactions: Winona Winona
SZA - Saturn

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Dallas Price







  • home (filler tab)


Feel Good Inc.

Listening to Ash ‘pitch’ Elliot to a very obviously uninterested Liana was painful. A wave of second hand embarrassment washed over Dallas and when Ash mouthed a desperate ‘help’ his direction he couldn't do anything but shrug emphatically in response. It wasn't long after Liana was running toward the bathroom, though not before comparing Elliot to a toddler, which let's face it- they were all thinking.

Dallas suddenly became very aware of the smell of nicotine permeating the air. It cut through everything, the grease of the fryers, the girls’ purfumes. The yellow sheen over everything in the joint left over from days of yore, days when everyone young and old was free to light up indoors, days Dallas wish he'd been old enough to witness. He wanted to sneak off too. To go and satisfy his craving and cursed Liana for having thought of it first.

The tallest boy at the table had moved on from footsie with his not-yet-girlfriend minutes ago but Elliot was once again saying something slick. This time accusing them of- what exactly? Dallas wasn't quiet sure. But if there was one thing true about him he was going to defend Ash, weather she wanted it or not.

“Deserve what? To go on a nice double date with your best friend and his-”
Not girlfriend. He paused to reset.

“Ash worked really hard setting this up. And Liana's great, not to mention easy on the eyes.”
It was his turn to talk up his friends date.
“Maybe if you weren't being such a miserable prick you- we might actually have a shot at a nice time. Isn't that what you want? To have a nice time? That's what Ash and I want.”

♡coded by uxie♡







henley and jeans + work uniform over top





By the time Wes got up for work the house was quiet. Claudia Jean and her mom were at the salon, Brady was doing whatever the fuck it is he does at his job that he’s always claiming is oh so important. The three of them had gotten their day started several hours ago, Merriweather always seemed to be up just as the sun was peeking over the North Dakota mountains most days, meanwhile Wes was dragging himself off his air mattress with it already established nice and high above the town.

The hours were one of the many benefits of working at the local animal rescue. It was a quick, close commute, decent pay considering they were desperate for employees, kept the Taylors off his back as to what he was doing all day while they were at their own responsibilities, and the management team were often so stressed they couldn’t tell if certain supplies happened to go missing. At least not this far when Wes had already swiped some bandages, rubbing alcohol, and what he was most excited about, clean needles.

Standing in the shared bedroom he pulled his uniform t-shirt on over a long sleeve and smoothing it over as he reached for his backpack in the far corner of the room. Inside one of the pockets was where he had been keeping the oxy he’d acquired thanks to his new connection formed via Carmen. He pulled the small bottle out and popped the top off to shake a few into his hand. Dumping them down his throat wasn’t his favorite way to get his chosen vices into his body, it took too long for them to hit amd always felt like it didn’t hit him as hard as he wanted, but given the fact that if he made a mess under the Taylors’ roof the odds that he would get caught weren’t exactly zero. So down the hatch it is, not particularly paying close attention to just how many he had landed in his palm before throwing them back.

Since Claudia Jean was at the salon with her mother the two ladies had taken the older woman’s Subaru and left the teenager’s car available for him to take to his shift. The town was small enough that if he had to, he could’ve walked, but he was sure glad he didn’t have to today. Only mid september and by the time the evening had come it was brisk enough to invite a chill to visit one’s bones if not stay there for the remainder of the night.

The first place that he put the car into park was not his new place of employment, but instead a convenience store. Some local chain that was bizarrely contained by the city limits. Standard gas station fare which he’d stopped in to pick up on a few occasions such as on his breaks, on his way back to the house, or as he was doing now, on his way to work. Usually it was just lighters when he inevitably lost his again, maybe an energy drink if he was desperate although they didn’t really do him any good. On rarer occasions he would pick up some kind of food item for the odd moment when he actually felt hungry and decided to eat for that reason instead of just keeping up appearances like he did at dinner.

But most of the time, it was just a few odds and ends he picked up to make his day at work a little more bearable. Striding up to the bored looking girl behind the register he tossed his goods on the counter, a few of those miniature bottles of alcohol that they have in minibars at swanky hotels or on ritzy airplanes (Not that he had ever been to either) and a protein bar that he would probably end up giving to one of the dogs.

His hand went to his back pocket to fiddle for his wallet
“Lemme get some reds too.”
He said, gesturing passively to the shelf of Marlboro cigarettes behind her as he pulled out some cash and his ID. Technically his fake ID but it was still his wasn’t it? He held both items out for the girl to take when she was ready.

♡coded by uxie♡
Sophia Price
the sad girl
Ever since the death of her parents, Sophia felt as if time had stopped for her while everyone else had moved on and continued with their lives. Which could be considered the acceptance of the stages of grief, although she wasn’t sure where she stood after all that time; between losing her parents, her family going broke, living out in a car and now living in a motel courtesy of the crazy girlfriend of Nix. There hadn’t been a moment where Sophia had the chance to comprehend how she felt; or maybe she never wanted to understand all the bottled feelings that she had until this day.

Perhaps that was the main reason why she was stuck in that constant cycle where everything didn’t in her life moved forward to a brighter future because Sophia was pretty sure there was no hope for it and she had to go through one day at a time, because why bother into imagining it when all the odds were always against her favor?

So by the age of sixteen, Sophia had already made out her mind that after high school, it was over for her if she even made it out to graduation because of the odds of becoming a high school dropout since she was sure there would be the day they wouldn’t able to afford it and her job at Rudy’s would become her full-time job and she would rot there into the end of her days.

Maybe it seemed that working at Rudy’s was a terrible job, which it wasn’t at least not the one where she was assigned. One that didn’t have a lot of customers that people would question how they were able to continue being open; something that Sophia always wondered and yet every month they managed to make ends meet.

So saying that Sophia knew all the regulars was an understatement. She could recognize them without a problem, but never engaged more than she was supposed to. But in the routinary flow of clients, there was a new face, a young-looking man who, based on his attire, was a new hire for the animal shelter. The girl watched as the guy made his way around the convenience store until he was standing right in front of her, and that was when Sophia could take a closer look at the guy.

His dark brown curls were the first thing she noticed the moment he stepped in. But now that he was right there, she realized that his eyes were green with amber flecks, and the last thing she noticed was that he for sure was older than her, but not older than Nix or Dallas, and yet he was buying a few of those miniature bottles of alcohol when he asked for a box of red Marlboro cigarettes. Sophia did as she was told and as she put the cigarettes on the counter, she grabbed the ID of the guy as she checked it out.

The first thing she noticed was that it wasn’t from the state of North Dakota, which made it more suspicious because why would a random guy show up in the middle of nowhere, also known as Haven Falls?
“You are new in town?”
She asked him as she continued checking the ID. Holding it up against a light, she noticed the lack of the laser-engraved image on it and she found the missing piece in the puzzle.
“You know, this is my first time seeing an ID from Tennessee, or more like a fake one, but nice try. So, I’ll be staying with these.”
She said as she took away the alcohol and ID, but left the protein bar and cigarettes on the counter.
“Let’s make a deal. I will let you buy the cigarettes, but you give me one of them. My break is in five minutes and I wouldn’t mind a smoke. Take it as my compensation for not calling the police on you for underage drinking. So what do you say?”

outfit: here
location: rudy's
interactions: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28
Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness

coded by Stardust Galaxy





Fired up, ready for a smoke


henley and jeans + work uniform over top





“Yeah, as of a couple weeks ago.”
He replied, watching her carefully look over the plastic card in her hand which he found a little bit unusual. Most of the time cashiers barely glanced at his ID before bagging up his goods, but this chick was like a dog with a bone as she ran her dark hued eyes over the card over and over.

He learned a long time ago that confidence, either organic or otherwise, goes a long way in getting people to believe things. Like getting judges to tip your score up a few notches, or convincing people you’re sober, happy, or perfectly fine. All of which he’d had decent success at in the past. Getting this brunette teen with a miserable look on her face to sell him booze however? All the confidence, fake or not, began to drain out of his body as his loyal fake disappeared behind the counter.

“W-What? C’Mon!”
He didn’t expect to let himself get as worked up as he did, especially considering he didn’t even really want the liquor all that much. Maybe it was the lack of a buzz going that had him all pissy, even now he still wasn’t really feeling the oxy working its magic quite yet despite the fact he’d deliberately taken them on an empty stomach like usual
“You’re really gonna be busting my balls over this?”

His brow was furrowed intently as he listened to her offer, bumming a smoke in exchange for no run-ins with the cops. His mom wasn’t around this time to sweet talk an officer of the law into shredding her son’s file. Sharing a smoke in the parking lot with this random girl couldn’t be all that bad.

A low hum emanated from his throat as he gave a nod “Fine, but how’s about you take your break a minute or two early.” He said, tucking his wallet back into his pocket and already stripping the plastic off the carton. He plucked one out and put it back in with the filter down in the name of the tradition of a ‘lucky cig’ before grabbing a second one and placing it between his lips as he headed for the door, assuming but not checking that the solemn looking teenager was trailing behind him.

In addition to shoving the bottle of pills into his pocket this morning he’d also snagged a white lighter he’d had so long that he’d long since forgotten where he got it. He pushed the door open with his hip and sparked up
“You comin’?”

♡coded by uxie♡


the weekend.

juliette clark.




the train track.




Juliette Clark had been excited to move to North Dakota. It was supposed to be a fresh start for her. Or that's what her parents had told her. No one here knew that she had been in rehab 3x by the young age of 15. Her parents had always covered her 'problems' and moving away was another way of covering it up.

But Juliette Clark would never admit she had a problem. Her parents thought she was sober. Even Scottie thought she was sober. But to everyone’s disappointment, she was at the train tracks currently waiting to buy Xanax from a random kid. She had enough cash hidden away to fund her habit for a few months but she would need to find other ways of making money soon. She had stumbled on this connection to this kid from purely texting Wes.

It had only been 2 weeks of being here, but Jules had run out of Xanax last week and was struggling not having it. She had been high pretty much every second of the day to even try and manage her anxiety. She had even bought a vape to try and take the edge off, but she hated that. She preferred cigarettes and joints over shitty vapes but the smell was easier to disguise that way. She had almost been caught a few times by Scottie but had played it off. She figured Scottie didn't want to believe that Jules was using again and just played none the wiser.

When she finally noticed the other person around the abandoned train tracks, she cleared her throat and said,

♡coded by uxie♡
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Ashton West

@Fire&Ash has set their status to:
idk good?

@Fire&Ash has interacted with:
Liana, Elliot, Dallas, Mei

@Fire&Ash has mentioned:

@Fire&Ash has tagged:
sailormewn sailormewn Bluesky_101 Bluesky_101 purplecowdutch purplecowdutch matchaa matchaa
Liana got up from the booth and walked away, and Ash's lips pressed down into a frown. She started to move across the booth to follow after Liana, but she watched the waitress head into the bathroom after her. So her gaze turned onto Elliot, her eyes narrowing at him, as her arms crossed over her chest and she fell back against the booth.

"Yeah, what Dallas said," she echoed after Dallas had finished laying into him, but... Ash didn't really have it in her to do the same thing.

Like, sure, she was mad at him or whatever for how he'd treated Liana -- which was like, so inappropriate. But she could understand where he was coming from. Surprise dates? Never fun, and it had been stupid for Ash to think that he'd just be able to roll along with it, especially with how he'd been acting for the last several months.

Which she could also-- well, like, she couldn't really understand it. But she could feel some sympathy for him. Like, his friendship with Dallas was clearly a mess, especially since Dallas was hardly the same person he'd been a year ago when Ash had first met him. You know, when he'd reminded her more of her ex from New York.

Ash sighed, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table, before she covered her face with her hands.

"It's... fine, Elliot," she mumbled from behind her hands. "I'm sorry -- we should've told you. I just... I dunno, I thought it'd make you happy or something."

Because yeah, even if Elliot drove her up the wall and she said she hated him half the time, she didn't actually harbor any ill feelings towards him at the end of the day. She just wanted him to be happy, and to be more like he was when she'd first met him, because she'd literally only been here barely a year, and so many things had already changed and she just--

Was it wrong of her to just kind of... miss how they'd all been last year?
º º code by ditto º º
Sophia Price
the sad girl
Sophia expected to receive that type of reaction when she took away the fake ID. After all, it didn’t take a genius to comprehend that once something was taken away from you, the most basic reaction was to fight for it.
“I kind of already bust your balls for it. Good luck next time.”
She admitted as she gave him back the change of the money that he just gave her.

Sophia looked at the clock. Sure, there was still some time until her break, but it wasn’t like the store was going to be filled with people at that moment.
“I guess I can do that.”
She said as she set that little sign announcing that she was on a break and would come back soon, although she was pretty sure that nothing would change during her absence. Sophia watched how the guy started walking toward the exit. She didn’t think much about his manners, but at least he still asked if she was coming.

Just as she started to leave the counter, she turned back and grabbed a couple of expired bag chips that she was supposed to get rid of, but no one cared if she took some with her once her shift was over. And once she was close to him, she tossed him one.
“You seemed like the guy who likes the original flavor. Courtesy of the house, although I have to tell you they have like 3 days of expiration already.”
Sophia said as she took the cigarettes and lighter from the guy as she exited.

Once she was outside, she was received by the rays of the sun that warmed her skin slightly for September’s weather. Sophia closed her eyes for a brief moment as she enjoyed the change of environment, but after a couple of seconds, she decided to go back to her original task of smoking. She set a cigarette on her lips and lit it up. Once it was lit, Sophia took her time inhaling the smoke, feeling the slight sense of buzz that she already gotten used to, but that somehow made her feel alive after all that time. And when she blew out the smoke, she decided to take a seat on the sidewalk of the parking lot.
“I doubt you are going to tell me about your life, and I am not that interested in telling you about mine. So we either find a middle point where we don’t get to know each other a lot or we settle with the silence of each other. Up to you.”

outfit: here
location: rudy's
interactions: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28
Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness

coded by Stardust Galaxy
Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
Lacey knew that kind of stuff could happen when she decided to work as a waitress, but she was used to dealing with rude customers, not with people who blatantly made her feel uncomfortable with their comments that she didn’t know how to react, flabbergasted, surprised, unbearable were some of the many feelings the girl had at that moment and the only thing she wanted was to get out of there as soon as possible.

The reality was she could act tough, but in reality, she was just a girl who just wanted to cry at the situation she was in, especially when that same guy dared to whistle at her and unconsciously she pulled her uniform in an attempt to make it seemed longer, even though it was just the perfect length. Maybe she was too in her head that she didn’t notice the exchange of words between Jonah and those guys or how they threw the glass of water to the floor. But yet when she went to deliver their drinks, it was still as awkward as it was at the beginning. She almost started wishing that they would be gone fast.

“Anything else needs done, Captain Lacey?” Jonah’s voice interrupted her thoughts and probably for the first time in a long time, Lacey felt lost at her job.
“Oh, yes... Well... Why don’t you help me fill those glasses of water? Also, I think the manager wants us to stay after the diner it’s close to cleaning it up. It wasn’t our turn but the one on the schedule can’t make it today."
She said definitely that day was going to be a long shift.

Thankfully, the end of the day came, and the last customer and also the rest of the workers at Sheryl’s were long gone, leaving just the two of them in charge of cleaning the entire place.
“So, how do you want to do this? Do you want us to separate and one cleans the kitchen while the other cleans the front, or do you want to work together?”
She asked him.

“I guess if we stayed both together, we could put on some music from the jukebox during the day. No one pays attention to it because it’s always so loud, but it has a great selection of music, my favorite from it, it’s Fleetwood Mac. I always listen to it when I have to stay to clean, but like we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to... I guess we can always use our phones... or we just clean in silence. Anyway, I guess we should start if we want to leave soon.”

mood: irritated
outfit: here
location: sheryl's
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Wallows - Are You Bored Yet? (feat. Clairo)

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)


Closing Time

Despite a few hiccups, Jonah and Lacey had made it through yet another shift at Sheryl's. While Jonah’s body had no problem keeping pace (he was an athlete after all) his emotional fortitude left something to be desired. Dealing with the public had taken a toll but with the diner finally empty Jonah felt like he was able to let loose, release some built up tension.

He stretched his arms as he listened to Lacey, defaulting to stretching like one might when listening to the coach debrief. The Kavanagh’s had a commanding air about them he supposed- when they wanted to.

Lacey had softened again since locking up the diner.
“Let's stick together.” Jonah suggested. “Four hands are better than two aren't they?”

Jonah grabbed his trusty hand towel, which up to this point had been slung over his shoulder for safe keeping, and mimed sword fighting with it.

‘I guess if we stayed both together, we could put on some music from the jukebox.’

He stopped his pantomime show to show support for her suggestion.
“Now that's an idea I can get behind. Turn that sucker on. Anything you want. I'm not picky.”

Besides Jonah was curious about her music taste and seeing what she'd play was a good way of figuring out what she liked. Lacey dished about her love for Fleetwood Mac and the boy found himself filing the information away for later, you know, just in case he'd ever need it.

“Music over silence any day.”
While Lacey fiddled with the Jukebox Jonah took to wiping down tables and booths. Maybe if he did a good job she'd be pleased with him.

And maybe he wanted that.

Damien Slater

@demonslayter has set their status to:

@demonslayter has interacted with:

@demonslayter has mentioned:

@demonslayter has tagged:
Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
He couldn't believe that he'd snuck out of the house for this.

Damien kicked at the ground, his sneakers scuffing against the tile floor as he did so. His gaze focused on the ground, with a frown pressed against his face.

"You could've just waited and done your stupid grocery shopping afterwards," he pointed out, and that would've worked -- if Damien had been able to drive himself. But ya know, being grounded came with a certain lack of a car.

He really hated being tied to someone else, and having to rely on them for something as stupid as a ride.

"Why is this taking forever?" he groaned dramatically, and leaned heavily back against the rack of shampoos, conditioners, and body washes. "You know what you're getting so just grab it and we can go, yeah? It's all the same stupid shit, anyway." He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

Tick, tock. Tick--

Three seconds passed, and he groaned even louder. He leaned his head back, this time stupidly knocking over a row of bottles. He quickly pulled away, watching in silence as a couple bottles toppled to the ground.


"Can we go now?" Damien asked again, looking in Luci's direction. "We're gonna be late and get really bad seats at this rate."
º º code by ditto º º





Taking the edge off


henley and jeans + work uniform over top





Wes just barely managed to clasp the fingers of his right hand around the bag of chips the younger girl tossed his way. A bag of chips, ones that were expired to boot, weren’t exactly the kind of thing he was in the mood for right about now, or possibly ever even in the rare occasion that he was actually hungry. But an asshole Wes was not, so he offered a small nod of thanks. Renee Greene may have raised a fuck-up, but she didn’t raise a rude one. He might as well be decent to this girl, in addition to providing slightly expired food, she was still keeping his ass out of the county jail for a night.

He watched as she took a seat on the curb and after a moment’s consideration he sat down not quite beside her, but near her and blew a cloud of nicotine smoke out the side of his lips and let the subtle breeze draw it away from them both. He drew in a second lungful of smoke as he listened to her speak.

“Well, I already know where you work and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where I do.”
He said, offering a small shrug and exhaling strategically once more
“I figure that’s more than enough information to know about each other.”
By the standard of Wes’ usual relationship with other human beings as of late, that much exchange of personal details practically made them best friends.

He let a moment pass watching the end of the cigarette smoulder and burn away, turning into ashes that were carried away by the wind just like his earlier cloud of smoke. He brought it to his lips again and took another inhale. Turning slightly towards the girl to get a better look at her now that they were out from under the bleak fluorescence of the store.

In the light of day he could see a ruddiness in her oval shaped face that said she was young, but a hollow look in her eyes that said she had seen enough to age her spirit beyond her years. A strange juxtaposition, but one that he knew very well from experience. It greeted him in the mirror each day. Though he had since lost the warmth from his face in favor of seeking comfort in polluted veins.

Perhaps there was more he had in common with the residents of Haven Falls than he was willing to admit.

“Does telling me your name count as the middle point? Or is that too intimate?”
He asked, using his thumb to flick the filter and knock the chunk of ash from the end of his cigarette
“Just figure since I’ve been seeing your face more often that of my own mother’s.”
He mused with a slightly off kilter smirk that made it seem he was more amused by his small joke than he truly was.

♡coded by uxie♡



Claudia Jean.


Loosening up


Southern Charm Hair Salon and Beauty Shop



The bell jangled again just as Claudia Jean was placing the last piece into the drying rack. On hurrying feet she rushed back into the main room where she laid eyes on Quinn who quickly greeted her with enthusiasm, helping to ease the nervous blonde’s nerves.

“Ooh, I can’t wait to hear all about him!”
Claudia Jean said flashing a smile
“If he doesn’t catch on this time then you could always go for another change, of boy that is.”
She laughed heartily as her own little joke as she waved Quinn back towards the other room
“C’Mon, let’s get you washed up.”

Once they entered the second room she directed her to one of the two chairs and sinks in the room, specifically not the one that she hadn’t used to wash the bowls and bottles for her mom. She wanted to direct Quinn to a nice smooth experience that didn’t give the vibe that the sink she was getting her hair washed in was just being used to clean up. Even if that was true, certain things didn’t always need to be shared. Just like daddy always said.

“You can have a seat right here.”
She pushed her own hair back over her shoulders to hopefully stay out of her face as she washed the other girl’s hair as Quinn laid her hair into the bowl
“Let me know if it’s too hot or cold.”
She said, wetting down the brunette tresses thoroughly before shutting the water off and setting the spray head back down into its hanging spot.

She reached over to the large bottles of tea tree shampoo and pumped it one and a half times exactly, just like mama taught her, and lathered it in her hands
“So, you gonna tell me all about this boy?”
She asked, once there was a luxurious foam covering her hands she started working it through Quinn’s hair
“If you want to that is, but if you do I promise I won’t tell anyone. Southern belle’s honor.”
That was another thing her mother had taught her, people will tell you just about anything if they think your lips are sealed, plus there’s something about having your hands all over someone’s scalp that makes them trust you. It’s scientific,


♡coded by uxie♡
Sophia Price
the sad girl
Sophia was a bit surprised when the guy started a conversation. With just the small interactions they had had so far, it was almost as if he was more closed off than her, and that was saying a lot since Sophia couldn’t even remember the last time she told how she felt to someone or confided in them.
“I think we have covered where we work, even if we have never talked before,”
She said as she took a glance at the guy seeing the well-known uniform shirt of the animal shelter, which was a bit surprising because he didn’t seem like the one to be an animal lover nor did he seem with the patience to have to deal with hyperactive puppies or deadly cats.

But as she briefly stared at him Sophia noticed the tiredness in his eyes, and how despite his tough features and harsh persona which he presented, there was a sadness behind those eyes, something that not everyone would notice unless they felt as if they were in a dead end, something that Sophia was more than used to experiencing since the death of her parents and no matter how hard you tried to repress your feelings there would always be someone to notice how broken someone was, and until this day Sophia was sure no one was aware of how she felt which wasn’t sure if it was a punishment or a prize.

“Does telling me your name count as the middle point? Or is that too intimate?” The guy asked her, and as soon as he said that, Sophia took another inhale of the cigarette, letting out the smoke after a brief moment. She contemplated what could happen if she told her name to him as she saw the cigarette burn and become ash. Perhaps it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
“Sharing our names is okay, so you can call me Sophia, but I guess most people call me Phia. What about you?”
She said, still a bit unsure how to continue the conversation. It seemed both of them were not exactly the talkative type.
“What about sharing our ages? Or is that too personal too?”

outfit: here
location: rudy's
interactions: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28
Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness

coded by Stardust Galaxy

It seemed Kat had guessed correctly about her little sisters’ intentions. Ines listed her reasons- the first one making her snigger. She certainly had an interesting way of making their mother to be a bit of a marvel supervillain. She didn’t disagree that getting out from under mom’s thumb for at least a little while might be a good way to clear her head a little. She was already feeling some of her spark return as she listened to Ines list off her second reason—to go shopping. More specifically to buy Kat something new and shiny to help her forget about the way that night had made her feel. Kat clicked off her own seatbelt, feeling a rush of affection for her sister as she watched her return her smile. Though the girls were different in age, and personality, looking at Ines was like looking in a mirror.

“You have a way with words, as usual” She said with a friendly smirk “I’ll admit, too much of our mother was starting to…” She fished for the right words “Grate on me” Unbuckling her own belt she reached back to grab her bag from the back seat and put a hand on the door “Okay I suppose I can bare the light of day for shopping She agreed “I could give you some tips, you know, add some colour to your wardrobe” She said, feeling kind of excited about it already. “No complaining because you asked for this! Lets go!”

Before Ines could protest, Kat was out the door, already circling around to Ines’s side so they could head toward the entrance. A rush of cold wind sent a little shiver down her spine as the brisk afternoon air provided a stark contrast to the heated interior of her car. Kat didn’t mind much though. The cold bite of the air shocked her out of her head—just what she needed. The last thing she wanted was to be in her own head all day. She turned her attention back to Ines, thinking about how she could possibly get her sister into one of her entry-level ensembles at least. A splash of purple… or electric blue to make her eyes pop. There was almost a skip in her step as she thought about it.

The busy hum of the mall seemed to draw her in as they walked through the sliding glass doors, and Kat’s energy picked up. She glanced over at Ines, her mind already racing with outfit possibilities. She was excited to give Ines a little makeover, and even more excited to see how she’d react. This is going to be fun, she thought. She could already see it—Ines standing in front of a mirror, wearing something bold and different. A color she’d never pick, something to make her feel more herself.

“Okay, so-“ Kat said as Ines walked beside her “There’s a lot of brand name stores here, but have you ever been to that little thrifty place on level one? You really have to search but, you can find some gems”

Kat Burke

Free Skip

Ines Burke

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:
elliot slater

the slater brother
lliot noticed the pause, the doubt in his voice, before finishing his sentence. Ash wasn't even his girlfriend yet, which made the whole situation a lot more tense. It annoyed him how quickly he was to defend Ash even though he was the one who brought Elliot into this whole mess.

While he was talking up his date, Elliot made sure that he would see him rolling his eyes so hard and letting out a deep, annoyed sigh to show his displeasure with his best friend.
'I said she's great, right?' Elliot interrupted, jumping forward to defend his case—he wanted this conversation to be over and the focus shifted elsewhere.
The words miserable prick grated him, Dallas was an asshole when he was drunk but now there was no excuse. The guy chose his supposed fling over his best friend and it was painfully obvious there was no room for Elliot in his life. Not anymore.

Elliot gazed at him with a death stare, ignoring Ash who echoed after him. He leaned back into his booth again, rubbing his face, feeling the anger build up in his chest. 'You're supposed to be a good friend, right?' The words were like venom, 'then why the hell didn't you think about how Leo would kill us both.'

Then came the usual, Ash threw her elbows on the table, her face hidden behind her hands and suddenly all eyes were off Elliot and onto her. She was good at that, taking whatever there was going on and shifting it onto her.
Her mumbling an apology from behind her covered face, made Elliot soften his gaze almost immediately—damn it. Damn how quickly he softened. He hated that she could do that him so effortlessly. He exhaled sharply, adjusting his posture to appear like it did not bother him in the slightest.

'Ash—' Elliot exchanged a quick look with Dallas, there was nothing between them anymore except some vague momentums they once shared. 'It's great, it's a great date,' his voice was sharp, too sharp to pass as convincing but he followed it up with a dismissive shrug. 'I don't get why you guys are giving me such a hard time.'

Elliot motioned towards the bathroom his date had just dissapeared in, 'Liana's fine. She's a great girl, pretty even,' there was a lot of uncertainty in his voice, he wasn't sure why he didn't even put in the effort to get to know the girl. From the moment he stepped into the restaurant, he wanted to get out. He wanted to get high with Dallas, hang out with Evan and laugh at his stupid fucking jokes— but that was no longer a possibility. Now it was Ash and Dallas hooking up right in front of him or Dallas and Ash playing footsie underneath the diner table on their double date that he did not even want.

'But she's Leo's sister. Come on, what am I supposed to do with that?' That was a great excuse, there was no way around it. Even if it clicked, it could never work. Elliot hoped they'd buy it and Liana wouldn't come back to the table before the conversation finished, maybe they could give her a nice excuse and pretend the night never happened in the first place.


Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
Being alone at the diner with Jonah felt nice. Even if they still had to clean the entire place, the solitude and quietness almost made it seem as if it was meant for them to share that moment without anyone interrupting them. Lacey felt giddy at the thought of that. It was almost as if anything that happened there would be their secret, and she felt special about sharing that time with him.

Lacey gave him a faint smile when he agreed they should stick together while cleaning.
“I guess you are right. We might be done faster with it that way,“
she said, but she let out a small laugh when he started mimicking a sword fight.
“You are so dumb,“
she added. But when Jonah was on board with putting on some music, Lacey rushed to the jukebox and started searching for the perfect song. Something that, for Lacey, was a bit too important and even if it sounded a bit foolish, it was also intimate. After all, music was her passion and her dream, even if it didn’t seem that way. So her showing this facet to Jonah was a bit nerve-wracking.

Once it was settled, the place was filled with the melodies of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac, even if it was a song that Lacey had already heard a million times. She didn’t want to seem too excited about showing Jonah one of her favorite songs from one of her favorite bands, and yet she was feeling anxious that he might dislike it. Trying to read him was almost as if she was solving a puzzle blindfolded, so every time she felt confused and didn’t know where they stood.
“You can always tell me if you don’t like it and I can change the song.”
She said with a small shrug.

But somehow she had the feeling that Jonah wouldn’t mind listening to the music that she liked, so instead she focused on mopping the floor. Probably it was that she became so absorbed in her task that she unconsciously started singing along with the lyrics of the song. Something that she didn’t notice until a few moments later when she realized that Jonah was there too.
“Oh... Sorry, I did that without thinking... But I’ll shut up now. I mean, I am sure you don’t want to hear me sing.”
She said, embarrassed.
“Why don’t you choose a song now? I guess it’s only fair.”
She added awkwardly.
mood: relaxed
outfit: here
location: sheryl's
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

coded by Stardust Galaxy

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