• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls

Concerned for her friend
Liana Carranza
Ana leaned against the counter, arms crossed tightly as the muffled bass of the music throbbed through the walls. Her phone sat on the counter beside her, but she barely glanced at it. Her eyes drifted toward the half-empty drinks scattered across the island, and she exhaled sharply. She hated these parties, the noise, the chaos, the suffocating heat of bodies pressed together. She wasn’t even supposed to be here. If it weren’t for her friends, she’d be home in her pajamas, watching reruns of old shows.
She muttered under her breath, her words drowned out by the pulsing music. "I can’t believe I let them talk me into this. What am I even doing here? Everyone’s drunk, or close to it and I’m just standing here like some babysitter. God, this is ridiculous." Her fingers drummed against the counter in irritation, her foot tapping to match the restless beat. She was pretty sure she saw her brother stumbling around somewhere.
A sudden movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned and saw Kat stumbling into the kitchen. Her shoulders slumped, her eyes red-rimmed and glossy. Ana’s annoyance faltered, quickly replaced by concern for her friend.
"Kat?" Ana straightened up, stepping closer. Kat leaned heavily against her, her words slurred as she muttered about needing water. At first, Ana braced herself for some drunken confession or rambling nonsense, but something about the way Kat’s voice trembled made her pause.
Ana pressed a glass of water into Kat’s hands, her irritation evaporating. "Are you drunk?" The question was automatic, but before Kat could respond, Ana took a better look at her friend’s face. It was too pale, her expression crumpling like she was seconds away from falling apart.
Ana’s stomach tightened. "Hey, hey. What happened?" Her voice softened, the sharpness replaced with genuine worry. "Talk to me, Kat. What’s wrong?" She reached out, steadying Kat by the shoulders. Kat took a shaky sip of water, but her eyes wouldn’t quite meet Ana’s.
Before Liana could press further, a distant shout rang out. Addy’s voice, loud and sharp even through the noise of the party. Ana instinctively glanced toward the hall in search for her friend. Once her eyes set on Addy she waved her over, but Kat pulled her focus back. She was the main priority right now. She was upset and Addy could wait. Right now, Kat needed her.
Liana gently guided Kat to sit down at the counter stool, crouching beside her. "It’s okay. You’re okay. Everything will be okay," she said softly, even though Kat looked anything but okay. Ana didn’t know what had happened yet, but one thing was clear, Kat wasn’t just tipsy, she was upset and Ana was going to figure out why. The noise from the other room became distant as Ana stayed by Kat’s side, her frustration with the party fading into the background. Ana wasn’t leaving until she made sure her friend was safe. She looked up and over to Addy and shrugged her shoulders as if a sign to say she didn’t know what was going on.

coded by reveriee.

Kat Burke







  • home (filler tab)

Shit Present

Anxious Type

Ana’s concern was etched across her face as she handed Kat more water and attempted to ascertain what was wrong. “Kat? Are you drunk?” The question was not accusatory, but Kat’s shame tightened on her like a vice. All she could manage in response was a shrug. Meeting Ana’s gaze for just a moment, Kat quickly looked away. Her friend’s concern felt like too much—too kind, too unearned. She felt exposed, her trembling hands and red-rimmed eyes betraying her attempts to hold herself together. Seeing her obvious distress, Ana’s voice softened even further as she questioned Kat on what had happened. Kat swallowed hard, her throat tight. The words hovered just out of reach, tangled in the weight of her humiliation. She managed to pull in a shaky breath, but when she spoke, her voice wavered. “I… There was… you know, my classmate Nico…” The words stumbled out, fragmented, and she cursed herself for how small and foolish she must sound.

Before she could gather her thoughts, a familiar voice sounded cheerfully, cutting through the tension with an upbeat joy that didn’t seem to fit the vibe of the room. Kat looked at her wide eyed, genuinely surprised to see her there. Shouldn’t she be with Nico? Had he told her what had happened? Had she come to check on her? Kat felt a rush of affection for her. Kat had been practically about to kiss someone that- it seemed- she might have been seeing and yet here she was out of the woodwork. Kat had been about to take an unsteady step toward her when the floor seemed to tilt beneath her feet. Thankfully, Ana caught her, guiding her to sit on a nearby barstool. Gently Ana offered reassurance while she crouched beside her. She noticed the pair of them exchange a concerned look and she felt pressured to find her tongue again.

“Addy, I…” Kat’s voice broke. She clutched the edge of the counter, forcing herself to continue. “I had no idea. I never would have—if I’d known.” Her words tumbled out desperately. “Nico was… Amy told me he liked me, and so I started chatting with him. And then he brought alcohol, and we were drinking. We ended up… cuddling outside. God, he was so sweet and funny, and I thought we had a moment, but…” She shook her head, her face crumpling. “I—I got the impression he was going to kiss me, and then I ran away. Typical me right?”

Her hands raked through her hair, tugging at the roots as she leaned heavily on the counter. The nausea churned in her stomach, relentless. She still couldn’t close her eyes without feeling like she was strapped into some out-of-control rollercoaster.

Why had she drunk so much? Had she been trying to prove something to Nico? That she could be fun? free-spirited? Instead of the drag she normally felt like. “Anyways,” she continued hastily, “I asked him to wait for me, but when I got back, he was gone. And then I found him with you.” Her voice cracked as she turned to Addison. “Are you two… together? Oh god, Addy, I’m so sorry.” Tears spilled over her cheeks, and this time, she couldn’t choke them back. “I’m so embarrassed.”

Her sobs filled the silence, and Kat swiped at her eyes, trying to pull herself together. She glanced at Ana, whose face was a mask of concern as she likely tried to piece everything together.

“Ana, I’m sorry,” Kat croaked. “This must be a lot.” She let out a hollow, bitter laugh through her tears. “I guess this is what I get for trying to be someone I’m not."

♡coded by uxie♡

Addison Lee

the optimist

When she spotted her friends, she glanced over at Liana who was practically in the dark about everything that had gone down. She knew there would be a lot of explaining needed in order to fill her in on the mess of what had happened. For a second her mind wondered how long she'd been here, she didn't exactly look ecstatic to be at the party-then again without Addisons constant nagging and bickering they probably would have never come.

Her eyes then drifted to Kat, seeing one of her best friends completely in distress and drunk killed her inside. She shouldn't have ever let it get to this point. She should have been there earlier, should have met up with her friends earlier, she should have done so much more that she just didn't do. It made her feel useless in a way, and now here she was trying to find the best words to clean this situation up and brighten her friend's day.

Hearing Nico and the accusation of him liking her best friend cracked a bit of her heart to the floor.

Hearing them drinking together and cuddling outside cracked another part to the floor.

Hearing how sweet and funny he was she knew the same lines, the same smooth talk he'd used on Addison, he'd used on Kat. That cracked another piece of her.

Hearing how close they were about to kiss..the same lips that had pressed against hers, the same arms that had been wrapped around hers…. Another piece cracked and fell.

But all of those pieces would be swept under the rug, a dusty rug located in the back of her mind, one that if you'd passed by it would be obvious there was a whole lot hiding under there that needed to be answered. But the dust showed it was never dealt with, never touched, never cleaned. She'd deal with them in time ... .at least that's what she kept telling herself.

Her face on the other hand didn't falter, didnt say a thing about the emotional turmoil that she was completely drowning in. That was something she'd handle later…with the rest of whatever was under that rug.

Addison walked over to her and shook her head, “stop apologizing silly, what happened, happened it wasn't that big of a deal” She wrapped her arms around Kat giving her a comforting hug as she glanced over at the two of them. “Besides you have no reason to apologize you didn't have a clue about what was happening between me and Nico, and if anything maybe it's a good thing it happened now we both know what kinda person he is, besides there's so many other people in this world.”

No one would be as funny as him.

No one would be as sweet as him.

No one would be as caring as him.

“Guys who can be so much better than the heartless fool we dealt with, so many other fish in the sea that would love and care for you the way they should. Besides you deserve so much better, you deserve someone you can be yourself around, someone to lean on, someone to listen to you, someone to make you laugh and smile on the days where everything feels like it's falling apart…and guess what…I know there's someone out there that fits every part of what I said and fits you perfectly…the only thing you have to do is wait…theyll come along and sweep you off your feet” she said with a kind smile as she looked over at Liana, “come on, let's get out of here and find something fun to cheer this little furball up” she giggled

♡coded by uxie♡

Byron Williams[/comment]








  • home (filler tab)


My Own Worst Enemy

Byron was half propping Scarlett up as they walked- twice he felt her weight shift as she nearly fell causing Byron to hold onto her shoulders to keep her from faceplanting. This was laughable at this point. Byron felt her hold on him start to dissipate as she slurred her way through sentences, counting off the drinks she'd had on her hand. She smirked at him, so utterly pleased with herself. Byron began to feel as though he were babysitting a drunk stranger rather than talking to someone he was attracted to. If his growing disinterest showed on his face, she didn't give him any indicators that she noticed- or cared. When he mentioned Dallas, however, her face fell instantly into a frown. Obstinately Scarlett began refusing his advice. Byron sighed. He would have to just call him. This was too much.

Just as he was about to pull away from her and open up his phone to do just that, she drew closer to him. Byron felt gentle pressure on his shoulder and suddenly she was in his personal space, softly rubbing his skin and looking him dead in the eyes. Byron stood motionless, unable to move away, unable to respond to her touch. The position they were in must look intimate now. He could feel her breath against his cheeks as she spoke once more "Just think about me and how hot I am and how much of a good kisser I am"

Alarm bells were going off in his mind. She was about to make her move, he was sure of it. All he could think about was stopping this, stopping her, before Lia came by and saw. He didn't know what she would do to him but Scarlett, barely able to stand, would stand no chance. Lia was already pissed of. This would truly erupt into something he was too sore and frankly too drunk to deal with. He firmly placed his hands on both of Scarlet's shoulders stopping her in her tracks. He deliberately took a step back from her and, with an expression as determined as hers, he said "Scarlett. I said No." He made a big effort to appear resolute in this statement. "Seriously." He shook his head "I’m gonna text your brother. Just go home before you hurt yourself"

With that he brought out his phone and turned away from her. There was a line and she'd crossed it. He'd done his best to look after her but god- he had his own problems to deal with tonight. As he took a couple of wobbly steps forward he noticed someone familiar. "Oh fuck off" He cursed as he glared at the figure of his brother who had appeared out of thin air like a damn Spector.

Byron took a swig of rum wondering just how much his brother had seen or heard of that exchange. Dread encompassed him. He felt unequipped to deal with this right now but he sure couldn’t let Connor know. "So you found me, what's your next move?" Byron asked as he squared his shoulders trying to seem more sober and more coordinated than he currently was. What would Connor do here, was he really going to square up? Bitterly, he thought to himself that this- his own reputation with their father being on the line- would be the one thing that gets Connor to show a shred of something other than cold indifference.

That’s right asshole, I have your key, come fight me for it.

But he said nothing, waiting for Connor to set the tone of their little stand off. The music around him seemed to dull as all of his attention focused on this moment.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Connor Williams

@c.williams has interacted with:

@c.williams has mentioned:
Alexa, probably

@c.williams has tagged:
matchaa matchaa
An interesting thing (or rather, not so interesting, because nearly nothing could be considered "interesting" regarding the tall brunette) was that while he appeared cool, calm, and collected at all times, he was--

Well, scratch that. He was calm and collected. And he did appear cool, although nothing solidified a person's uncoolness quite like hanging out at a party, with virtually no friends to hangout with.

Sure, Connor had "friends," but they weren't exatly his ride or dies, so to speak. In fact, his inbox was more often filled with people texting him regarding his girlfriend than regarding himself. And the thing was, Connor didn't really mind. Once he was graduated and gone from this sad little town, they'd all be distant past memories.

No, Connor didn't think he'd look back on his high school years with any kind of warm remembrance -- except for the parts involving Alexa. Those were worthy of remembering.

All this to say, that it meant he had plenty of time to track down his mess of a little brother following the loss of his pharmacy key. You know, to the pharmacy that their father owned, that Connor was... he was really excited to return to this godforsaken town one day, alright? He definitely was, just-- listen, his dad had been training him for it, how could he turn down such an amazing opportunity?

Byron had pulled away from a dark-haired girl that was definitely not his girlfriend, but Connor could care less about his brother's infidelity, even if it affected Alexa's best friend.

He might have had a strong dislike for Byron, but not enough to sic his crazy girlfriend on him.

His brother spoke, and he was clearly agitated, and drunk. But Connor had had barely anything tonight. There was a small frown on his face, his head tilting slightly to the side as he looked at Byron with what could only be described as pity.

"Why the fuck did you steal my key?" he asked, his tone level. "What'dyou need it for?"

He, of course, had his suspicions. But even Connor wanted to believe that there could be a reasonable explanation.
º º code by ditto º º

Byron Williams[/comment]








  • home (filler tab)


My Own Worst Enemy

Connor approached with his usual air of cool superiority, and the way he looked at Byron made his teeth grind. Calm. Controlled. Most likely sober. Connor tilted his head, frowning slightly.

That expression—different from the cold disappointed his father showed him. The pity in Connors eyes was somehow worse. Like he was a kicked puppy- or a small child.

Byron’s stomach twisted. I’m no threat to him. I’m nothing. A nobody to pity from afar.

The words looped in his mind, circling like birds of prey. Pathetic. Loser. Disappointment. But this time, a thought cut through the poison. He could use this.

This works for me. I should play up to it.

He smirked, shifting into a looser stance. “I didn’t steal a thing,” he quipped. “I found some keys, sure.” He’d put Connors key on one of his silver chains around his neck. He twirled the chain idly between his fingers, making a show of his supposed carelessness. “Imagine my joy when I figured out big bro’s carelessness could save this shitty party.”

He sauntered closer, his confidence returned. “Don’t worry. I know how to balance a till and delete security footage. We can’t have you losing face His smirk widened as he pushed the key and chain into Connor’s chest—just a bit harder than necessary.

“Take it,” he said, his smirk falling, voice colder now. “And don’t give me that fucking look again, you arrogant prick.”

Byron moved to leave, deliberately bumping Connor’s shoulder as he passed. He didn’t look back, but his pulse quickened. He needed Connor to believe it was just another impulsive screw-up.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
Despite being a small town, Haven Falls always seemed as lively as possible despite the lack of fancy attractions or interesting visiting points. You almost wondered where all these people came from and where they were hiding all that time. This was a thought Lacey often had every time she had to work on the weekends at Sheryl’s, the local diner that for some reason, everyone and their mother in Haven Falls thought as the finest cuisine ever to exist; or most likely was because there weren’t a lot of other options to begin with.

But who wouldn’t blame them? Even Lacey was a huge fan of the sliders that the diner had to offer and let’s not talk about the salty caramel milkshakes which probably were her favorite thing in the world; all courtesy of Owen the cook, who was a 60-year-old man, but that he didn’t have just one-eye, he was just suffering from an episode of dry eye main reason he had his eye covered. But at least it worked for a good joke to the new guy, who was none other than Jonah, the guy that she spent more time than she cared to admit messaging and that she met at that party a couple of weeks ago.

Interaction that she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since it happened, that night Lacey probably had been the most vulnerable with someone that she had ever been since she could remember and that thought terrified her because she was sure the only one that still thinking about it was only her since she was sure that it didn’t mean anything to him other than spending time with a friend, which Lacey wasn’t even sure if they were even in that category yet, but again she wasn’t even sure how to define their relationship or it was her the one that didn’t want to define it.

But even if her mind was in a turmoil of emotions, time didn’t stop, just like the rush hour at the diner, and even if she had been a waitress at Sheryl’s for quite some time, there wasn’t a time when she didn’t felt overwhelmed for the number of people that place could hold, the only difference? She just got better at pretending that everything was okay and that she wasn’t in distress. Something that Lacey wasn’t sure that Jonah managed to fully grasp yet.

But that day, in particular, Lacey had been in a bit of a mood between the cheap fabric of her uniform that was itching her more than other days, the loud voices of everyone, and some lousy clients she was sure sooner or later she would snap at someone, to her demise that day Jonah was on the same shift as her, so he was most likely to be the one that would get all her frustration.
“Hey! Can you hurry to table number 7? They are being obnoxious that their table is dirty. I have other tables to waiter and here I am reminding you of your job.”
She said in an annoyed tone. Maybe it had been a bad idea that he was the first person that she saw.
mood: irritated
outfit: here
location: sheryl's
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Wallows - Are You Bored Yet? (feat. Clairo)

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Connor Williams

@c.williams has interacted with:

@c.williams has mentioned:
Alexa, probably

@c.williams has tagged:
matchaa matchaa
Relief washed over Connor as his brother dangled that key in front of him, although you could never tell by the dull expression that remained unchanged in the older Williams brother's eyes.

"Thank you," Connor said, feigning gratitude for the return of his own possession.

He didn't budge, remaining stoic as Byron pressed the key and chain drunkenly into Connor's chest. His hand closed on the metal, and more worry that he hadn't realized he felt washed away. Maybe that was how he remained so confident and calm -- Connor didn't realize he was in distress, until he was free.

He'd managed to turn a blind eye to what he knew would happen to himself if their father had found out about the key.

Hopefully, Byron hadn't made copies -- although he decided that was an argument for a different day.

"I won't tell dad," he stated, as his brother pushed past him. "About the key or the drugs you've been taking. Not this time, at least."

Did he know that for sure? Of course not, but Connor figured it was a good educated guess -- or a decent enough threat, even if it was clear his brother could care less about any reprimands from their parents.

"And I won't tell Alexa you cheated on Dahlia." he added.

Pocketing the key, Connor slinked back to the party, disappearing into the crowd.
º º code by ditto º º
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Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

The Happy Fits

Best Tears

It was a typical weekend in Haven Falls and with all her roommates seemingly busy Carmen was on her own for finding entertainment. This usually meant she would end up getting fried in her car.

(Like any good small town burnout might.)

Luckily though she wasn't the only teen girl looking to do just that. Scarlett Price and the new girl in town, Juliette, would be joining her. But driving around meant burning gas and so before anything else Carmen and her Accord made their way to Rudy's, the local convenience store and gas chain.

Carmen had a rapport with several of the staff (how else was she supposed to fuel her, in the eyes of the law, illegal nicotine addiction?) She was relieved when a familiar face welcomed her from behind the counter.

After browsing for the amount of time that any attentive employee might begin to question she dropped her wares on the counter. A coke slushie, a half dozen different bags of candies (she couldn't possibly pick just one), and some zesty ranch flavored pretzels. Quite the spread for one teen girl- but here with the flickering lights and some greasy dude named Lance, she wasn't a burnout teen. She was a perfectly acceptable cigarette buying age.

"One pack of Camel Blue Ninety-Nines annnnnnd twenty on pump two please.”

The attendant bagged up her wares and sent Carmen off with a flat

Once back outside the brunette threw her bag of goodies on the floor passenger seat and once she'd pumped her gas hit the road once again. Heading toward the Motel, Scarlett's current residence. Everyone knew all about the Price family tragedy but less knew about what had happened to the kids afterward. Probably because everyone was too afraid to ask.

She thought of the oldest boy Nix, only a year older than her, and the pressures he must be facing caring for three younger siblings. Honestly? It seemed impossible. To have the means at nineteen to provide for a whole family. So Carmen found ways to help- indirectly. Inviting Scarlett out to get dinner or just escape for a few hours, it wasn't much help but it was something.

Wrapped up in her own thoughts Carmen nearly didn't see the kid walking in the crosswalk.
A quick slam on her breaks and she was mere inches from who she recognized to be Drake Martin. Not someone Carmen was personally too familiar with but she'd seen him around.

Sticking her head out the window Carmen hollered out to him.
“Hey, you're friends with Scarlett right? I'm going to grab her right now. Get in.”
Realizing how vaguely threatening that may have sounded she added a quick,
“I'll make it up to you for the uh, almost killing you thing.

As she rolled up the window the boy settled in and when they were both done with their respective tasks Carmen started driving again.
“You hang around Scar so I'm guessing you smoke? I've got some pre-rolled in the glove box. And I'm sure there's a lighter around here somewhere, feel free to dig around.”

♡coded by uxie♡
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Harvey Milk







  • home (filler tab)

Lord Huron

Meet Me In The Woods

It was Vinny with the license, so it was Vinny who drove them to the outskirts of the Haven Falls woods. After hearing about the fourth coming blood moon Harvey instantly thought of his old friend. Of his interest in the supernatural which while Harvey wasn't quite the believer in cryptids or any sort of world beyond, he was a believer in friendship and making time to support those he was close to indulge in their hobbies.

No matter how strange and unusual.

Harvey was sure if nothing else they'd get some cool shorts for a new YouTube video or something. Maybe his next short film? He was already thinking of titles. Blood Moon: Birth of a Bigfoot. A mockumentary about well- bigfoots (he'd leave the ‘mocku’ bit out when he floated the idea past his cryptozoologist friend of course)

At first glance the two teens may have seemed like quite the oddball couple. Vinny looked like any handsome young movie jock and Harvey was well- HARVEY. But neither of them seemed to mind. They were friends and despite their obvious differences the boys enjoyed each other's company.

He checked his phone and fired off a text to Jace who was running a bit late to the excursion. ‘Might lose service 📵🌲🤞🏻🥹 Let me know when ur on ur way. But if I don't respond, that's why.🫂🫶🏻🤍😭

When they packed Harvey hopped out, grabbing his camera bag before anything else, they may have been camping out but he still had priorities.
“Alright Vin! Load me up and we'll go find the perfect spot to set up camp. One where we can get some sick shots of that moon.”
His fingers formed a square and he looked through it like a lense, framing Vinny in the center.
“And hey, maybe we'll see one of those Sasquatches. Aren't they nocturnal?”

♡coded by uxie♡
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Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)


Closing Time

Lacey Kavanaugh liked Jonah- outside of work. Inside the four brick (atleast he thought they were brick- what else did you make buildings out of?) walls of Sheryl's she turned into an absolute manic. Barking orders at him left and right.

And everytime Joey couldn't help but laugh.

It was cute.

Tonight though the diner was insanely busy and Jonah, who'd never worked before, was having more difficulty than normal keeping up. Something Lacey wasn't afraid to point out.


In front of everyone.

“Hey! Can you hurry to table number 7? They are being obnoxious that their table is dirty. I have other tables to waiter and here I am reminding you of your job.”

"Aye aye, Captain Kavanagh."

He saluted once before hustling over to the table and wiping it down. As Joey worked he stole glances at her. Even sweaty and brow furrowed Lacey always made sure to plaster on a smile when facing a customer.

She was a great waitress. And it was obvious the whole staff appreciated that about her. Even the one-eyed cook in the kitchen. Lacey made the front of the house run like a well oiled machine. One Jonah could only hope he'd end up finding himself apart of.

As she seated a more unsavory fellow Jonah felt himself tense. There was a slimey feeling in the air (and it wasn't just diner grease). Something wasn't right. Joey eavesdropped. Hoping to hear what the man had to say, guessing it wasn't anything good.

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Ashton West

@Fire&Ash has set their status to:
idk good?

@Fire&Ash has interacted with:
Liana, Elliot, Dallas

@Fire&Ash has mentioned:

@Fire&Ash has tagged:
sailormewn sailormewn Bluesky_101 Bluesky_101 purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
North Dakota was about as interesting as one would imagine. As in like, if you really liked snow, and like, wolves and bears hanging out in the backyard, then cool? It was probably the perfect place for you -- and sure, Ash loved the snow. But she absolutely hated the whole absolutely nothing to ever do anywhere vibes, which had taken some serious getting used to, especially since she was used to the busyness of New York City.

All in all, she'd been glad to move... even if things hadn't exactly gone great since she had arrived. Like, she had one friend kind of? And that was more because her and Carmen were roommates than anything else. Oh! And then she'd dated that one guy, whose parents ended up dying. So that was kind of a bummer. And oh, then she'd dated that guy who'd cheated on her, which also really sucked, but he was like really hot so she still talked to him. Oh! And there had been Leo, and like, whatever, he'd been fun. No notes, really. And out of it... she'd... kind of gotten a friend?

She'd at least gotten someone willing to hangout with her, and willing to allow her to drag on a blind double date -- that, of course, being Liana, Leo's sister. And like, Ash wasn't really expecting any kind of sparks to fly, because surely they already knew each other. But Carmen and Elliot had busted, and she really just wanted him to mind his own freaking business so that she could hangout with Dallas.

(You guys know Dallas, right? The guy that she dated whose parents died? Yeah, that Dallas.)

Like even for just a week or whatever. She wanted to see if there was a chance to try again with Dallas, but that was literally impossible when freaking Elliot was throwing a tantrum every ten minutes.

So this was her last ditch effort.

"You look so pretty," she told Liana with a smile. They'd already arrived at the diner, just a few minutes before the agreed upon arrival time -- and Ash was literally never early, so if it wasn't obvious that she really wanted this to go well, then... well. "And I'm sure you already know him, but just like... trust me? He's really changed."

Into more of an asshole.

She smiled.

As if right on cue, she saw Dallas and Elliot coming out of the corner of her eye, and her smile broadened. Ash moved closer to Liana, before speaking under her breath; "So, you remember Elliot Slater I'm assuming? So like, listen, yes, a lot of people think he's got a thing for Dallas, but I have it on very good authority that he's totally straight."

She decided to not mention how weirdly obsessive and clingy Elliot had become with Dallas in the recent months.

Once the boys got closer, Ash stepped away from Liana and made her way between Dallas and Elliot. Her hand briefly came to rest on Elliot's arm, but she quickly removed it before she spoke.

"So Elliot... you remember Liana, right? Leo's little sister? Well she was like, super excited for this double date."

(Was that an over exaggeration? Definitely.)

And finally, with a warm smile, she looked up at Dallas. "Hey," she said. "I missed you."
º º code by ditto º º



Claudia Jean.


Nervous and excited.


Southern Charm Hair Salon and Beauty Shop


Merriweather, Quinn (Mentioned)

Bowls, foils, actual products needed. It was all laid out on one of the nice little rolling tables that mama had always spoke so highly of as Claudia Jean looked it over and ensured everything was all there and all ready for Quinn’s visit. It was just highlights and a little refresh, she’d done it herself a million times and seen her mother do it a million more. She could practically do it with her eyes closed, maybe with one hand even, or in the dark. Probably not all at once though.

“Honey pie, get your fingers out of your mouth.”
Her mother, the ever-so-put-together picture of southern womanhood, Mrs. Merriweather Taylor, said. Claudia Jean hadn’t even noticed that in the time it had taken for her to get a bee in her bonnet her neatly filed, buffed, and ballet slipper pink painted nails had wandered past her delicately glossed lips.

She dropped her hand at her side and wiped it on the leg of her jeans
“Sorry, mama.”
She said, drumming them on her thigh
“I’m just workin’ myself up into a lather today. I wanna do a good job, y’know?”
Nervously she paced after her mother into the second room of the salon where the hair washing sinks were.

Merri set the small pile of bowls and bottles and brushes she’d used on her own client that morning into one of the free sinks with a small huff
“You know you’re gonna be fine, you always do.”
She stepped back around the sink and its accompanying chair to stand toe to toe with her daughter, reaching out to tuck a strand of blonde hair behind her ear
“It’s my fault I know, in addition to my skills I’ve given you my perfectionism. It’s a blessing and a curse.”

Claudia Jean melts a little at her mothers comforting touch, her eyes grazing the floor
“You really think I’ve got your skill?”
She asked, her own blue eyes meeting with her mother’s ocean hued irises.

The older woman nodded
“Yes, I do.”
She tucked a second strand behind her daughter’s other ear
“Both my hairdressing ones and my dish doing ones. If you could get to those soon, please.”
Withdrawing her hand she pointed at the used salon tools and departed the room to go prepare for her next session.

As she was told Claudia Jean got straight to rinsing the chemicals out of the bowls, keeping an ear out to listen for the bell above the door to chime indicating the arrival of either her mother’s client, or her own.

♡coded by uxie♡

Drake Martin

@GoDuckYourself has interacted with:

@GoDuckYourself has mentioned:

@GoDuckYourself has tagged:
sailormewn sailormewn
The previous night with Ines had been--

Well, he'd been really high, so he couldn't entirely remember what all happened, but he had it on good authority that it had been real fun. So that was great and all.

'Course, all of that was forgotten on his morning walk, when he'd definitely looked both ways before he'd headed out into the crosswalk -- only to have a car come to a screeching halt a mere few feet from him. He paused in place, like a deer caught in the headlights, glancing from his position to the front of the car.

"Isn't this one way?" he mumbled to himself as he turned around to squint at the signs alongside the road, when the girl driving started hollering at him.

And who was he to say no to some random chick that said she knew Scarlett, and told him to get in the car?

"You tried to kill me?" Drake whined as he climbed into the passenger seat without a single other thought in mind.

Well, there was always one other thought in his mind.

As he fumbled to buckle his seatbelt, she pointed him towards the glove box, which had the very thing that always occupied his mind. And ya know, if he'd been high, he wouldn't have wandered into that road and nearly been murdered, so maybe weed was chicken soup for the soul, guys. Did ya ever think of that?

"Ya know, for almost killing me, you're real cool." he said with a grin, as he popped open the glove box, and took out one of the joints. He set it on top of the dashboard, before unbuckling his seatbelt so he could better maneuver around to search for a lighter -- and he looked nearly everywhere. That little center console, under his seat, in those kangaroo pouches on the back, on the floor of the backseat, and nADA, NOTHING, ZIPPO.

"Wait," he chuckled, as he settled back down into the seat, and his hand went for his pocket -- where he pulled out a lighter. "Forgot 'bout this, heh."

In record time, he had the joint lit up, and dropped his lighter into her cup holder as a thanks.

"So," he said, "who're you?"
º º code by ditto º º
kinda Nervous, don’t wanna be here
Liana Carranza
Liana had almost canceled. Scratch that, she'd almost canceled a dozen times. She'd even been halfway through typing out the text to Ash before chickening out and deciding to stick it through. She wasn't the kind of girl who did blind dates. She wasn't the kind of girl who even liked dates, period. It was too much pressure, too many expectations, and the idea of sitting across from a stranger trying to make small talk felt about as appealing as watching paint dry.

Ash was persuasive though. Scarily persuasive, honestly. The way she'd spun it, like it was no big deal, just a quick dinner, nothing too serious, and oh, her and Dallas would be there, so it wouldn't be awkward. It made it hard for Liana to keep saying no. She'd even thrown in a small guilt trip about how she just wanted a night to relax and have fun, which was totally unfair because Liana couldn't say no to that without feeling like a jerk.

So here she was. Early, no less, which was how Liana knew this actually meant something to Ash. She was never early. Ever.

She wore a simple, casual dress. It was soft blue with short sleeves that hit just above her knees. It was cute without being too dressy, something she could get away with wearing on a date or just to hang out. She'd paired it with white sneakers to keep it low-key and left her hair down in loose waves, the kind of look that said, "I'm here, but I don't really care." Except she did care. Not about the guy but about not looking like a total slob. You know, just in case this whole thing turned into a complete disaster.

And now, seeing who Ash had paired her with?

Yeah. Disaster was exactly what this was shaping up to be.

Elliot Slater. Of all people.

Her stomach twisted the second she saw him, standing there with Dallas like this was totally fine and normal and not absolutely the worst idea Ash had ever had. Elliot wasn't just some random guy. He was someone her brother knew, someone who probably knew exactly how Leo felt about people getting anywhere near her. Leo made that very clear.

She'd spent most of her life as 'Leo's little sister,' which meant she was strictly off-limits. Leo had made sure everyone knew that, especially his friends. Sure, Elliot and Leo weren't exactly best friends, but they were friendly enough that this felt... weird. Really weird.

Ash of course, had conveniently left out that detail when she'd been hyping up the night.

Liana folded her arms across her chest and shot a quick glance at Ash, who was smiling like this was the best thing ever. She wanted to stay mad, but Ash did look really pretty tonight. Not that Ash ever didn’t look pretty, which Liana was definitely a little jealous of. Still, it didn’t stop her from whispering, "You look great, but seriously, I can't believe you." Her voice was sharp enough to let Ash know she definitely didn’t think this was cool. "This was definitely something I should've known before agreeing to this”

Liana's jaw clenched as Ash’s smile stayed in place, her friend clearly determined to act like everything was totally okay. She muttered under her breath, “You owe me for this."

Before she could get any further though, the guys were there and it was too late to back out now. She plastered on a polite smile, even though her heart was pounding and her brain was already racing with all the ways this could go wrong.

"Hey," she said, keeping her voice even as she looked at Elliot. "It's been a while."

Just like that, the night she hadn't wanted in the first place had officially begun.

coded by reveriee.

Quinn Curtis







  • home (filler tab)

Megan Moroney

Hair Salon

Quincey Lee Curtis, after a cold call and a little convincing, had agreed to get her hair treated by one Claudia Jean. And while the highlights and deep conditioning were sure to give her look a much needed fall time lightening and brightening- she had an ulterior motive for this little salon visit. Get in good with Claudia Jean.

The Silverlake teen, of course, had already been laying the groundwork. The two had been texting back and forth. This was the appointment though Quinn hoped would be the final step in cementing their friendship.

It was a day about beauty...and social politics.

So why Claudia Jean? You might be asking. Well- the girl was just too sweet for her own good. And the problem with girls too sweet for their own good is they think everyone else is too. In Claudia Jean’s world there were no good seeds or bad seeds- just flowers.

With someone like her and say, a well placed rumor, the possibilities were endless. Before entering Quinn checked herself out one last in the Salon window- preening like a bird. A final toss of the hair over her shoulder and she was stepping inside.
“Claudia Jean?”
She called out. Taking in her surroundings. It was a quaint little place, full of its namesake southern charm. C.j's mother certainly knew what she was doing. Quinn could only hope Claudia Jean had acquired the gene.

When the blonde came from the far room of the Salon to greet her Quinn lit up.
There you are! Now you just point me where to go and I'll sit. I'm beyond excited, I've been practically counting down the days.”
She playfully wrinkled up her freckled nose.
“I just started seeing someone and I'm excited to, zhuzh it up, see if he's actually paying attention you know?”

Admittedly this was an added bonus of the whole excursion. It was nice to have someone to look good for again, besides herself of course.

♡coded by uxie♡
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have a nice day!

  • filler

Mei was in her own world as usual as she stood alone bar a couple of other workers in other parts of the kitchen. The rhythm of Mei’s knife was a comfort. Tomatoes, onions, beetroot—one by one, they fell into perfect slices, her hands moving with precision honed over countless mornings.. Usually this early afternoon shift was spent in solitude- uninterrupted solitude. Not today, it would seem, as her boss pushed through the kitchen doors to get her attention.

Chop, chop, chop— Mei’s knife moved rhythmically, the sound sharp and soothing, until—



Startled, Mei nearly cut her own thumb— just barely grazing it as she tried to react to the sudden intrusion. She placed her knife down and blinked stupidly a few times before finding her voice “Uh Yes?” She asked awkwardly stepping out from her station to face the front of house manager

“There seems to be an outbreak of flu” she said to Mei “Ethan will take over, I’ll need you to go and serve.” Mei’s face probably read as dumbfounded as she felt. Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she said “After last time?”

Last time, of course, referring to when she had pissed a woman off by mistaking her sarcastic remarks about Mei’s performance as a server for genuine questions and subsequently had appeared like she was deliberately making fun of the customer. That particular customer had left such a horrible google review that Mei had found herself reading it in her boss’s office the next day.

“Believe me, if we had another choice…” her boss trailed off and shook her head “Just stick to the script and try to keep it brief.” Her boss handed her the waitress uniform and nodded towards the lavatory. Mei sighed and brushed off her apron before abandoning her post to go get changed.

Giggling erupted from a couple of other female servers as they fixed their bandannas and tied eachothers aprons. Mei glanced their way via the mirrors as she straightened up her own garments. Behind her- a voice grew closer.

“Here” Mei turned to find a coworker of hers- she was new but already fit in perfectly with her peers unlike Mei. In her hand she held a red lipgloss and mascara. “You’ll look the part more” Mei smiled nervously and accepted the help, although her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Thanks” she replied. At least she had some brief experience with makeup now.

Admiring herself, her uniform neat and clearly new, hair tied into a tight little bun at the back, face lightly adorned with makeup. She tricked herself into believing she was ready- she could do this just fine. With that, Mei clocked on and headed out onto the floor.

The evening was going without hitch. Mei knew the menu by heart and she was never clumsy or inefficient when carrying food and drink to the customers. She felt like she was on a roll. The little bell at the front door tinkled, signalling a new customer “Good evening !” She called in her best customer service voice, full of smiles and ready to help when- oh


That’s Liana! Her heart swelled. Liana had always been such a sweet person to Mei. She wanted to say hi but… who was that she was with. Elliot Slater, Byron’s friend? Well, an old friend. Recently reconnected. Mei liked to tread carefully when it came to judgment but he sure seemed like someone to avoid if one wanted to get through school unscathed.. Mei’s stomach churned. She could still picture the way he’d lounged on their couch not weeks ago, oblivious—or uncaring—that she was watching. Doing or saying or smoking whatever he pleased.

It didn’t seem like a very logical pairing to her. The sound of Liana’s voice cut through her train of thought as she began speaking to the approaching boys. Dallas too! And a blond girl she hadn’t seen too much of but figured she must be Ashley- Dallas’s ex, or maybe— given the circumstance— current girlfriend again. Mei wasn’t exactly a gossip, but she was fairly knowledgeable about the town gossip. People had the tendency to- well- treat her like the furniture. Especially when she wore her headphones- regardless of the fact that she could usually still hear others.

She could feel the managers eyes boring into her now as she stood wiping a clean table. She knew she had to greet the table that had just arrived. A quick scan around told her that the other servers were busy. Her throat felt dry. She forced her lips into what she hoped resembled a pleasant smile, gripping her notepad tightly as she stepped closer. “Uhm. Good evening guys. My name is Mei, I'll be looking after you guys tonight. Here are your menu's! C-Can I get anyone some drinks to start with?’ The words felt rehearsed, her voice wavering. She couldn’t help but glance at Elliot, her pulse quickening. What was he doing with Liana? Did her brother Leo know?

Mei Williams

Free Skip

yooo what up

♡coded by uxie♡
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elliot slater

the slater brother
lliot sat the entire car ride with Dallas in half silence, where once the two just simply would not stop talking now Elliot had no idea where to begin. Dallas invited him for a smoke session and milkshakes at the diner. It was something they used to do before the whole accident happened.

Elliot felt guilt, a lot of it but he was very good at surpressing it. He even gaslighted himself into thinking he had nothing to do with it. He just wanted things to go back to normal but that was hard, considering Dallas was dating the girl Elliot used to have the biggest crush on.

When they arrived at the diner, Elliot let out a sigh of relief. He was way too high to have anymore small talk with his best friend for god's sake.
'Hey Dal,' Elliot jumped out of the car and closed the car door after his friend was already making his way to the diner. 'I think I'm going to do that milkshake thing where you combine like four and drink them all at once,' Elliot jokingly started sharing his story to lighten up the mood a bit as he walked alongside him now. Dallas was more quiet than usual but it all fell into place when he walked into the diner. Ashton West and right behind her, Liana Carranza. This was a nightmare blunt rotation.

Elliot immediately stopped in his steps and gave a stern look to his friend who was obviously a part in this. Ashton West knew how to make every guy do what and how she wanted it.
And there she was, the blonde skipping her way to the two boys and slightly touching Elliot's arm which definitely gave him some goosebumps. This wasn't happening,
'Leo's little sister? Well she was like, super excited for this double date.'

The worst part had not even happened yet, Ashton moved to Dallas and gave him the sweetest smile and a ''I missed you''. God, what did he do to deserve this? Elliot now was looking right at Liana, there was no way out of this one.
Elliot wanted to give Dallas another look, one that instead of saying, ''do you hate me this much?'' was more like ''get me the fuck out of here'.
There was no time to give Dallas any look, Liana was looking right at him. Leo's sister, he was surprised he let her out at all. Leo and him fought all the time when they were friends, Leo dated Ash but Elliot wanted to date Ash, long before Dallas stole the crown and Liana was always off limits. Elliot knew Leo hated him and that feeling was mutual, the only glue keeping them together was Evan but he was no longer here.
Leo would kill him if he knew. Killing him would be a gracious thing of him, really. Elliot would not win that fight.

'Hey, yes, I remember you,' he gave a fake smile to the dark haired girl, Liana looked much different than she used too and her big eyes were penetrating Elliot's soul and Elliot was convinced she knew how badly he did not want to be here. Elliot wanted to keep on standing here as it was on his way to the exit but Ash pulled them all to the table. The two girls took one side of the booth and Dallas and Elliot sat on the other side. Elliot was still in shock so he dragged his feet to the table, sitting across his ''double date''.
'What a great surprise Dallas,' Elliot shared robotically, faking another smile to the girls sitting in front of him. 'I didn't know you were even allowed outside since you know. . Leo,' Elliot now added, feeling his frustration build up and he gave a sharp look towards Ashton who was just sitting there. She knew everything, how protective Leo was and how she stole his best friend after seducing him. Elliot was pissed, he felt bad for Liana after that remark and leaned his head back into the seat cushions. Luckily he was saved by the bell, the waitress. The girl seemed to be about their age and looked pretty nervous, Elliot didn't really care though. Must have been like her first day or something though the girl was absolutely checking him out while Elliot sat back in his chair like an unhappy toddler who just got tricked into going to the dentist instead of disneyland. 'A diet coke,' he answered, looking the girl up and down. 'No ice.'
He looked to the others, Ash sitting there probably giving Dallas a foot massage and Liana sitting with the knowledge her brother was going to absolutely kill her blind date. Yeah, this was going to be a great night.


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Felix McClair

@FeelXGamer has interacted with:

@FeelXGamer has mentioned:
Carmen, Dallas, Damien

@FeelXGamer has tagged:



Felix sat by the empty pool, his legs dangling over the edge. He thought it was kind of weird how their house in San Diego didn't have a pool but this one did. Was there even that much use for one in this climate? The weather was getting chillier, crispier by each passing day. Generally colder than what he was used to. Fall, what an overrated season. Just further emphasizing the fact that he was no longer in Southern California. He couldn't even imagine how it was going to be like living through a winter. His first actual winter, with snow and everything. Sure, he had experienced a northern climate winter before but not to such an extent as to actually having to live through one. It was going to suck for sure.

He lit up his first cigarette of the day. Smoking was something he found himself doing more and more as of late, often chaining one cigarette after another. What an awful habit it truly was.

For whatever reason his thoughts would go back to that house party some time ago. He obviously hadn't been drunk enough to pass out, quite vividly remembering the events of the night. Carmen, his glorified baby-sitter, ditched her work to come hang out with him but then ended up ditching him, as well. Rudeness!

He remembered trying to buy drugs from a guy that would instead go on a bit of a tangent how he shouldn't this and that. Blah blah blah... Then he offered to bring him water but never actually did. What the hell was that about?

But that one dude, before Mr Sobriety Sponsor... The guy who wouldn't dare fight him. Shrimpy! He was provocative, in his face but more importantly, off his case. Respect! But blue-balling a bro like that by refusing to fight? Not cool... Kind of a shame, really. Then again, what else was new? This place was a big fat disappointment, through and through. Why did he even want to fight him in the first place, or why was he still thinking about that guy would likely stay a mystery.

With their parents out of the house for the weekend, he would have the place all to himself for a while. To many teenagers that would have meant throwing a house party... but fuck that noise! No way. Not being even close to his usual outgoing and sociable self, he preferred to purposely withdraw from other people's presence these days. It was just so challenging, utterly exhausting to pretend like everything was alright. As if everything would ever be alright ever again.

His twin sister Fawn would be coming home later that weekend. Of course it was great having her home again... if this house, let alone this place could ever be considered as one. But he really didn't want any more people trying to take care of him. Carmen, some random guy, Fawn... Lately it seemed everyone felt entitled to giving him unsolicited advice.

Felix knew that Fawn simply couldn't help herself; she would always be looking after her 'little brother' like she called him even though their age difference was only about an hour, and he was at least 5 inches taller than her. There wasn't much she could do to help him anyway. No-one really could, so having people worrying over him was pointless. He'd much rather keep all those stupid, ugly, messy feelings bottled up.

He picked up his phone for no particular reason, entering the passcode on the lock screen. Just like his girlfriend Milly's text messages he just couldn't delete, he still had a photo of her as the wallpaper on his phone. He had taken that photo back home at Mission Beach. There she was... smiling at him. She was beautiful, happy like always, carefree... Had her whole life ahead of her... He wondered if he would ever be ready to to let her go, to finally say "goodbye". Would the hurt ever go away?

Holding the cigarette with his right thumb and index finger he just watched for a while as the fire slowly ate through the tobacco... What if? He placed the cigarette between his lips, pushing up the sleeve of his hoodie to bare his right arm.

Momentarily holding his breath, hand shaking a bit, he pressed the burning end of the cigarette against the skin of his inner bicep. Drawing in a sharp breath through his grimace as the stimulus reached the pain area in his brain. He held the cigarette in place until it was completely put out, and the nerves in that very spot decimated. He set the dead cigarette free from his grasp, letting it land on the bottom of the empty pool. The excruciating physical pain didn't last long, only managing to offer a short-lived distraction from the rising anxiety that once again welled up inside, ready to torment his mind.

Booze wasn't enough. Pot wasn't enough. Self-harm... wasn't enough. They weren't even close to being enough to silence the demons within...

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Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
TW: Slight mention of harrasment

If there was one thing about Lacey was that she was serious about her job, not because she enjoyed customer service but was pretty sure that out of all the options for a part-time job in Haven Falls, Sheryl’s was the one that would pay the best at least for a seventeen-year-old.

Did she love it? Not really, her passion wasn’t there, but it wasn’t like she would be able to make more money busking in the local park; and wasn’t all the greatest artists started being waitresses although she was pretty sure that was more relatable to actresses, but at least Lacey could pretend these were her first steps to success.

And probably that belief that hard work could get you anywhere was one of the reasons the diner staff trusted a seventeen-year-old so much. Yet something, or rather someone, had been disrupting the way she made things work, and that was none other than Jonah.

No matter how many times she yelled at him about what he had to do, His reply was always a laugh, and Lacey was still figuring out if she wanted to punch it out of his face or smile back at him.

But despite the new addition to the diner, that didn’t mean that the bad days would be gone, and it seemed that night would be a not-great one. Between the crowded diner, her next table was one of guys a bit older than her; which Lacey wouldn’t have minded if there wasn’t this eerie vibe around them as she handed them the menus. Maybe it was all over her head.

“Welcome to Sheryl’s! Home of the best sliders and milkshakes in all of Haven Falls! My name is Lacey and I’ll be in charge of your service. Are there any drinks I could be bringing you in the meantime?”
She said with a smile on her face.

As Lacey wrote the order, she was still missing one from the group of friends. “I would like to order your favorite, but I am more interested if you are busy after work..” He said with a wink, which left Lacey dumbfounded.
“Uh… okay… I’ll go and get your drinks while… you check the menu and I’ll be back to take your order.”
She said uncomfortably before leaving. Was it too late to ask someone else to be in charge of that table?
mood: irritated
outfit: here
location: sheryl's
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Wallows - Are You Bored Yet? (feat. Clairo)

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

The Happy Fits

Best Tears

It was a typical weekend in Haven Falls and with all her roommates seemingly busy Carmen was on her own for finding Carmen noted the gifted lighter with a simple nod. Trying to pay slightly more attention to the road than she had been five minutes ago.

But when Drake went on to question who she was Carmen sighed.
“Don't you recognize me? Carmen Tate? Silverlake cheerleader?”
With those hints seemingly failing to ring any bells with the boy in her passenger seat Carmen tried one more thing to jog his memory.

This she said in a quieter voice as if less volume made the words any less true.
“I hung out with Tucker a few times.”

She hoped that'd be enough for the potentially pre-stoned boy to put two and two together and if it wasn't...did it really even matter?
“Don't worry, I won't hold it against you that you're friends with him.”


Things with Tuck had been- complicated. To say the least. Tucker seemed keen on turning their one night stand into well- a several night stand. Something Carmen Tate had zero interest in especially after she'd had a conversation with his friend Everest who said some illuminating things about him such as ‘his personality is a dark hole’ and ‘he’s a whore who can't treat his partners right.’

Mostly now she just wanted him to keep his mouth shut so she could forget the whole thing and move on. Or worse- a certain southern boy heard pray-tell of it. Or whatever it was cow-boy’s called gossip.

“I do have to ask though- why do you even hang out with those guys? I mean Everest is alright I guess but you just don't give me ‘hangs with someone like Tucker vibes.’ You're kinda...weird.”
The shiny haired brunette (courtesy her roommate Luci's magic shampoo) paused before adding a
“No offense.”

They were getting closer now Scarlett, Juliette and the motel were just a few short blocks away.

“I remember your older brother a little bit, what was his name, Jason? He was way more jock-y than you are.”

♡coded by uxie♡

Dallas Price







  • home (filler tab)


Feel Good Inc.

Sure, Dallas had lied to his friend. But in his defense they were barely even friends at this point. He'd only agreed to participate in this ridiculous charade because Ash, his not-girlfriend, insisted it was the only way to get Elliot off their backs for good. Plus telling the truth would've meant that the quiet painless drive they were having now would've been a lot less so. Dallas wanted to walk the path of least resistance especially when it came to the oldest Slater brother.

Elliot knew things about him.

Things he'd rather forget.

Things he'd rather not get out.

So even though Dallas found his near constant bitching and moaning more and more grating by the day he was trying.

Scratch that he was placating.

And if setting him up meant Dallas would have to do less of that then it would all be worth it.

When they pulled up Dal braced himself for the big reveal. Elliot was prattling on about nothing and milkshakes when he saw them. Ash West and Elliot’s surprise date, Liana Carranza.

The second oldest Price avoided looking at his old friend. But it didn't matter he could still feel Elliot's dark eyes attempting to bore a hole right through him.

Ash skipped over to the two teen boys. Her choice to first greet Elliot, even briefly touching his arm, didn't go unnoticed. But after the betrayal he'd just pulled maybe it was just good planning on her part. Ease him into it.

Ashton West was much more cunning than anyone like Nico or Leo understood.

But Dallas did.

Yes, Ash was so much more than blonde hair and a pretty face. He also knew that's what made her so dangerous to teenage boys like him.

But it's also exactly why he liked her.

When she said a quiet ‘I missed you’ a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Ash could have anyone and right now she wanted him- and it felt good.

And he wanted to be good for her.

“Ash, Liana.”
Dallas greeted simply before taking his spot at the table.

It took everything not to roll his eyes at Elliot's ‘great surprise’ line.
“Come on El, it'll be fun.”

When the waitress came over to take their drink order Dallas reached his foot out under the table to tap Ash's (which was easy peasy with long legs like his) a silent and private greeting between the two.

The teen listened as Elliot ordered a diet with no ice.
Hey, any ice you were gonna give him- give me. Regular. Extra ice.”
He winked toward Ash, desperately attempting to get himself into ‘date mode’, which was proving difficult, what with the giant pouting toddler at their table.

“What about you ladies, know what you want?”

♡coded by uxie♡
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Drake Martin

@GoDuckYourself has interacted with:

@GoDuckYourself has mentioned:

@GoDuckYourself has tagged:
sailormewn sailormewn
All at once, the rusty gears in Drake's head started to turn, and he realized that he did recognize the girl. Or at least, he recognized her name, thanks to that day that he'd squinted at the bathroom wall alongside his two friends, as they wrote out a series of girls' names on the bathroom wall.

Top of the list? Carmen Tate.

She had tried to hit him with a car, so maybe she deserved that spot.

"Oh," he said, "you're that girl that Tucker wrote on the bathroom wall. Ya know, your name."

He took a hit from the joint, rolling the window down just enough so that he could breathe the smoke out. 'Cause hotboxing when someone was actively driving was a really bad idea, did ya know that? Yeah. He was all about practicing safe drugs.

"Mason," he corrected her. "Ya know, jocky is real subjective. 'Cause I'm jocky, too, but I'm not all... ya know..." he puffed out his chest and flexed his arms. "Real big or real buff, but it ain't my fault that I got faulty genetics and ended up being kinda short and kinda not stocky, ya know what I mean?"

Another hit from the joint, before he reluctantly started to pass it to Carmen, but then thought better of it. 'Cause ya know. Safe drug practicing and all that.

He sank down into the passenger seat.

"Plus being jocky really isn't that great, 'cause he ended up peaking in high school, and now he lives in a sad little apartment with a kid and he stocks shelves at the grocery store, so ya know..." he chuckled at that, shaking his head, 'cause the truth was, well... it wasn't like Drake should even be judging.

He knew the projectory his life was taking, and he knew he'd fall down similar steps as his brother.

"Where're we goin'?" he asked, as he glanced out the window.
º º code by ditto º º

Ashton West

@Fire&Ash has set their status to:
idk good?

@Fire&Ash has interacted with:
Liana, Elliot, Dallas, Mei

@Fire&Ash has mentioned:

@Fire&Ash has tagged:
sailormewn sailormewn Bluesky_101 Bluesky_101 purplecowdutch purplecowdutch matchaa matchaa
Part of Ash was surprised that they'd made it to the table without Elliot storming off, but she knew that it was still likely to happen. But hey, maybe everything would work out? Like, it was already going way better than she had expected (even if they were less than five minutes into this), so would it be crazy for her to think that there was at least a possibility that she'd totally nailed this, and Liana and Elliot would be happier after this?

Because like, Liana deserved a boyfriend and like, a better one than Elliot, but whatever. He was like a stepping stone or whatever.

She'd also ignore Liana's little "you owe me" comment, because after this went fantastic, she wouldn't be owing her anything.

"I didn't know you were even allowed outside since you know. . Leo," Elliot said, before sending a sharp look in Ash's direction.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh my god, Elliot, be nice," she chastised him. "Liana doesn't care what her brother says, right?" she asked, glancing at the girl beside her. "Plus, Leo's not going to find out."

Liana was like... sixteen? Way too old to be held back by an older brother -- not that Ash really had anything to compare it to. Her own older brother? Yeah, most people back home had thought he was her younger brother based on how he behaved, and it wasn't as if he'd ever cared what she had been running around doing.

The waitress came over, and she gave the girl a smile, waiting patiently for her turn to order. Ash's gaze glanced down to the nametag on her uniform. "Just a water, please," she said. "Thank you so much, Mei."

Once the waitress had departed, Ash wasted no time in trying to save this failing double date. As in like, she had to talk Elliot up so Liana would at least give him a chance, because she was pretty that Elliot would've been into whatever girl she brought. He seemed that desperate, anyway, you know?

"So Liana," she started, as she turned in the booth to face the other girl. "You probably don't know this, but Elliot is like... super creative, which can be like, really romantic, you know? Oh! And he's really funny, and he's free like all the time -- not because he's, like, a loser or anything. He just doesn't have much going on, right? And ummm..." she glanced at Elliot, trying to think of anything else that might make him more appealing. "He's really cute, when he's not pouting like a toddler, and I've heard that he's a really good, like, kisser, if you're into that or whatever."

She settled back in her seat, and made eye contact with Dallas, before simply mouthing; "help" at him.
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