Haunted [Inactive]

Rae held up her lighter, the light not much at all in this darkness they'd slowly adjusted to, but it was something. She breathed heavily as she ran, eventually coming to a stop and clearing her throat. She and JJ hadn't told the others they were relying on a ghost to get them out, if they did those two likely would have ignored them.

"Are you here?" She asked, feeling a little silly but relieved as the apparition appeared further down the hall. Her ghostly voice moved through the air and said:

Yes but so is he. He is among you. He will kill you if you don't wake him up!

"Wake who up? What?" Rae gasped, and looked at the three, "are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, I... Angel you okay?" He asked, squeezing her gently.
"I'm scared out of my mind, but I'm fine." Olivia smiled, or tried to. All heads turned to Jeremy, who hadn't said a word.

Jeremy took a few steps forward, eyeing up the ghostly apparition before him. In the dark, his eyes appeared hollow instead of their normal brown hue. Something was wrong with the man, but, exactly what no one was sure.

"Burn." He uttered. Jeremy's hand whipped back and stole Rae's lighter from her hand. He blew against the flame, and the ghost at the end of the hallway let out a blood curdling scream.

Stop it! No, not like this, not like this!

A cell door banged nearby, as if someone were trying to escape. The ghost was gone, but the banging continued, and the scream lingered in the air.

Jeremy turned around, clicking off the lighter. The Specter from within cackled through Jeremy and had him grim in an ill manner.

"Let's play, shall we?"
"Jesus," Rae breathed, visibly shaking. She shook her head and felt Jared tug her towards them, but she couldn't move, feeling her source of comfort disappear as Jeremy's presence left her. "No! Leave him alone!" She wanted to shout, but it came out like a fearful whisper of a child.

"Rae it's not him!"

"Jeremy!" She shouted, but her voice was fading as was her breath.

Jared wrapped his arms around Olivia and pulled her back a little, she and himself his first priority. He knew Rae stuck with Jeremy as if she were invisibly chained to him, she wouldn't move even if that thing set her on fire.
"Leave who alone?" Jeremy cocked his head to the side to an unnatural angle. It cracked in the dark as he capped and uncapped the lighter in his hand.

I miss fire.

He shot his hand forward and gripped Rae by the throat. In his mortal body, the specter wasn't able to choke her with only one hand. But the other was occupied with the flame, and he wasn't about to let it go.

"Burn." He repeated.

"Rae, no!" Olivia pulled out of Jared's grip and grabbed at Jeremy's hands, doing what little she could to get the thing away from her.
Rae kept her eyes firmly on his, tears brimming as she looked at that same handsome face but couldn't see her JJ anywhere in those dark, deadly sockets. "Jeremy," She breathed, struggling to take in air, "Stop him!"

She held up her hand and slapped him across the face, slamming her fists on his chest to get away from her. Jared went forward and grabbed both girls by their arms, tugging them back and pushing them both behind him, "**** off!" He felt helpless but kept his game face on, sick and tired of being pushed around by something he could hardly even see.
Jeremy's head snapped back and emitted a scream not anything a human could make. Like glass, or shards of ice against sheets of metal. Except even that wasn't pitched high enough. Not of this earth.

Olivia bolted off, alone. She couldn't take it any more. Jeremy was possessed, their escape was blocked, and she was beyond terrified. Uselessly, she ran to the front door and yanked on the handles.

"Let me out!" Olivia wailed. Her body shook until her knees failed her once more and she was holding the handles from the ground. "Let me out..."

Jeremy opened the lighter and tossed it aside. In a deadly mirage, the whole basement was consumed by flame, with the three at the center of it all. He cackled madly and bent forward, hunched over and growling now.

"Burn, burn, burn." He continued to mutter, over and over. Never satisfied.
Rae just stayed there, unable to accept the situation. She hugged herself, didn't bat a lash at the fire, didn't budge when Olivia took off and didn't notice Jared who'd taken off in pursuit of her, equally as fearful, unknowingly in the direction of the exit, but it was too dark to tell.

"Stop it, just stop it," She pleaded, "...You sick twisted bastard! Leave him alone! Jeremy! Where are you?!"

She took a step towards him, unable to think about anything other than how he'd been with her just before this happened, so sweet, so warm, so... not this thing. And it scared her- to death- but she wouldn't leave Jeremy here, She just knew he was trapped underneath this... evil thing.


It's here! The exits here! Unbar the door, before we burn!

I can't get the patch off, he locked it, he locked it!

He's coming, he's coming, oh God!

Jared did a 360°, his head spinning with all the echoes of different voices. He held it and grunted, yelling "shut up!" And "Get out of my head!" With an exhausted voice and tears in his eyes. He stepped back, further and further, feeling the razor sharp nails of something he couldn't see dig into his muscles arms and calves, and a groan of pain emitted from his mouth.

"Stop!!" He swung one punch, two, at nothing, but the third landed his bloody fist against a loose board, under neath it chains jingled and he gasped, "...Wha... What?"

He reached down and jiggled the lock that he finally found along the chain, it was heavy, obviously locked, and cold to the touch; but if he could find something like a small blade to...

His eyes widened as he pulled out his pocket knife, and jabbed it in the keyhole, jiggling it like crazy to try and find a turning point.


Rae ignored the oppression against her body and reached out for Jeremy's hands, if he killed her, fine, but under no circumstances was she leaving him; she just wouldn't do that. What if he woke up and... they were gone? Even if he didn't... She just wouldn't leave him.

Especially since I kinda sorta love you. E-Even if you're a demonic freak right now.
Jeremy was there, only for a moment, rubbing the back of Rae's hand and smiling at her with every affection he could muster. It was gone in an instant, the wicked grin returned and his eyes turned to black pits again. His grip tightened around her wrists and he pulled her closer.

"He's not here." The specter sang.


Now Olivia was hopelessly lost, she propped herself up against the door, waiting for the flames to make their way around the hallway. Even though they weren't real, heat radiated off her skin and sweat beaded up on her forehead. She was tired of all this running, it was a horrible idea to come to this place. They were trapped, tired, and about to die.

"Jared?" She called. He'd been so close before but she'd stupidly run off. "Where are you?"


Jeremy threw Rae into an open cell and stepped in to join her, the door slammed shut behind them. He bent down in front of her and toyed with a strand of her hair.

"This body is so strange." The specter murmured. "But you and him are now here with me. And that's not going to end well, is it?"

He banged on the wood as the chains fell to the floor, eventually hearing a few cracks before the barricade fell apart, and light poured in from a setting sun. Outside. He couldn't believe it, the fresh air they'd so easily taken for granted filled his lungs and his tear stained, sweaty face was lit with not only a nearly blinding sunlight but also a relieved smile. He stood there and embraced it before a voice behind him said:

You can't stand there! Go get your friends and run! Before it's too late!

He reluctantly stepped back and ran down the hallway, with quiet steps up the stairs and there, he called for Olivia, deciding he'd attempt to grab the other two on their way out. "Angel?" He called quietly, his nickname for her mumbled in a soft and concerned tone, "Hey, where are you? I found the exit!"


Rae's brain had been wracked with worry, trying to come up with a solution, an idea, anything; she just wouldn't leave Jeremy, and by the looks of it, they'd die together.

Her wrists ached and every muscle in her body felt strained and tense. She didn't want to think about burning alive, or what this thing would do to her before hand. But if the slightest miracle took place, and JJ came to, she'd be here. Sounded silly likely, but she was just that girl, wouldn't leave him if it killed her.

"It doesn't matter what you do," she mumbled, her hand gently on Jeremy's, "Long as we're together, you can't break either of us. It's corny..." She smiled sadly, knowing the real Jeremy would have teased her like crazy, "But... It's true."
Olivia stood up, knowing the front door was useless as an exit. But where could she go? Stupidly, she called out to the specter who'd been following them, who'd possessed Jeremy.

"Hey! Murderer, psycho flame guy!" She screamed. "Look at me, I'm all alone, boo-hoo!" The night had broken her. Olivia was exhausted.


Jeremy fell back and shook for a moment, battling with the specter in his head. He clutched at his skull and screamed inside the cell. Flames rose around them and voices called to the specter trying to keep his grip on the man.

Kill him!

Burn him!

Let us out!

Fists banged on the other cell doors and Jeremy broke free. The specter shrieked and cast himself out through the metal door.

He panted, unable to comprehend what had happened. Confused, he glanced around the cell until he found Rae before him.

"Rae?" Jeremy cocked his head to the side. "Why are we in here?"
Jared followed her voice, worried she'd really snapped now. He found the exit, great, but how would they ever recover? How would Olivia ever forget this and move on? He finally found her, unable to see much in this darkness aside from the glint in her pretty eyes.

"Hey! Shut it!" He whispered, firmly but gently, and reached out his hand to her, "Ollie I found the exit! Come'ere!"


Rae didn't hesitate to tackle him into a teary hug, despite her bodies aches and pains. She hugged him tight as she could, still able to feel that evil presence but she didn't care, she just had to feel him for a minute.

"That thing possessed you, and he was going to kill us," She said quietly, managing to get to her feet, "I... I'll explain later, come on, we have to find Jared and Olivia and get out of here." She felt like she'd been saying that all night; what a weekend, what a freak show this has been!
"I don't want to go back down there." Olivia covered her ears as she had many times before, cowering in front of the door. "Don't make me go back down there, please!"

Although Jared was only trying to help her, Olivia was past done with this nightmare. She'd rather take her chances jumping from a second story window, glass and all, and see if she could run to the exit. It seemed far safer than going back down into the flaming basement with the screaming ghosts.


"Just a second." Jeremy grinned. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. Somewhat satisfied, he helped her to her feet and opened the cell door.

Jared and Olivia were nowhere to be found. That wasn't a surprise, Olivia was freaking out and the man was her shining knight in armor. They'd be together, the problem was finding them.
...Do you smell gasoline?

He heard the faintest voice say, and that, was enough for him. He scooped Olivia in his arms, ignoring her protests, and started towards the basement, a nervous trickle of sweat rolling down his forehead as he heard the voice ask it again, a little louder, with more fear in its tone. "I'm going to get you out of here now," He said firmly, giving her a sharp look before he quickened his pace and eventually he was heading down the hall; ignoring every scream and bang on the wall, and the heat the grew thick along with the faint scent of smoke.

He trudged along in complete darkness, relying on pure instinct to keep from running into or tripping over anything. His face was hard, and focused, and right now She was his main priority, he promised they'd go home and he wasn't about to let her crumble in here.

He'd left the door open but the light wasn't showing yet, however he heard faint foot steps and a quiet voice and boldly he asked, "Is that you, Rae?"

"Mhmm," She responded wearily, "Jeremy's all better now."

"Good, I..." He came up them but didn't stop eventually setting Olivia on her feet but reaching out his hand, "...I found the exit. We need to run, that ****ers got gasoline and I think he took your lighter."

"Shit," Rae hissed, and slipped her hand in Jeremy's. "Alright, lead the way," She whispered, but the walls groaned And tackled over her, giving her heart reason to beat faster.

(Hey if you consider this controlling Olivia I'm sorry and am totally willing to change it! Just thought I'd hurry my scene up a little. :)
Olivia did protest, but, once the four were reunited and it was clear Jeremy was no longer under anyone else's control, she felt more at ease. She took hold of his hand, and told herself never to be so stupid to let go again.

Jeremy felt queasy from, well, whatever had happened to his body. He wasn't going to lead this time. Jared seemed more in charge now. His demeanor had changed, protective almost. Everyone knew the man was loyal but this was beyond his expectations.

"Lead the way." He called to Jared, a smirk on his face. "I promise, no pranks along the way, let's get the hell out.
Jared urged them to run, feeling along the walls and listening for that voice. It wasn't until he came to that familiar hallway and saw light, that he found the room with the exit, and ushered them all towards the doorway.

"Go, go, go," He pleaded, and stood watch. He helped Olivia out last, pausing as the thick scent of smoke filled the room. He hurried out, just after seeing those ghastly sockets peek around the corner.


He pushed Olivia forward gently and urged them to get away from the house; the moment they were out of range, though, the mansion was engulfed in flames, which eventually hit the has pipes and caused the house to blow up. Debris flew everywhere and Hellish sounds emitted from the remains.


He turned to look at the three with relief when the yet to be explored green house also combust in flames.
"That was so cool." Jeremy shook his head in wonder at the house, broken beams and pieces of furniture falling from the sky.

"Move, idiot!" Olivia yelled back at him. This was no time for admiring the scene. They were running for their lives now.

"Fine, fine." Jeremy shouted up to her, dragging himself from the scene and past the green house. The gates were in view, his Jeep just on the outside of the property. "Oh thank god."

He jumped in the driver's side and jammed his keys in the ignition. Goodbye hell house, he thought, praying his car would start.
The others raced to get in the car as well, panting, shaking, obviously disturbed. They were dirty, sweaty, tear stained and bruised from where they'd been grabbed; Olivia and Rae's throats already had red finger prints marked along their necks. They felt awful, each and everyone of them; if the car would jus t start, they'd be able to get out of there.

"Oh thank God it's working," Rae whispered as the purr of the engine filled their ears; however, instead of backing up like Jeremy had intended, the car started to drive forward, right towards the flames that reached high and all around the house, the doors were locked tight so they couldn't get out either. In the distance they could still hear the cackle, and the demands that they burn, and the screams from former victims. Rae squeezed her eyes shut and heard Jared actually praying to God it wouldn't end like this.
Olivia covered her eyes in Jared's shirt. If this was the end, she didn't want to see it. This wasn't the way she wanted to go, being burned alive in a haunted mansion. It just didn't seem possible. She was crying again, with the car set in motion towards the house, and every second more it only got hotter and hotter.

"Rae." Jeremy turned to the girl and gripped her face in his hands, making sure to lock eyes with her as he spoke. Probably his last words, he hoped not, but, if that was the case he was getting it off his chest. "I'm so glad I met you. You're a beautiful girl, and I'm glad you're the one I fell in love with." With that small declaration, he leaned across his seat and passionately kissed her on her lips, making on time for teasing nibbles or crude tricks. An honest to god kiss.

When he pulled away there was no time for any other kind of affection, he pulled his headrest from his seat and bashed it against the window. The glass shattered and flames licked the side of the car. But it was an exit.
Jared took Jeremy's example and kicked the window with all his might, grunting as his knee started to ache but three kicks in he'd smashed it in enough to where they could possibly get out.

"Come on Angel, squeeze through," He said and coughed into his sleeve as smoke overtook the jeep, making it hard to see, and even harder to breathe. "I'll be right behind you." Course he didn't know that for sure, but here's hoping.

Rae was momentarily stuck on Jeremy's words, feeling her eyes tear up as he kissed her; she couldn't handle goodbyes, no way it could end here! "I love you too; but we're not dying here JJ, Hell no, we didn't even go on a date yet!" She laughed just barely, but flinched as smoke started to emanate from the steering wheel, and the heat began to feel unbearable. "Go, go, go," She choked out, hot tears rolling down her cheeks as the engine roared and started faster towards the house. Jared had managed to get Olivia out and was half way through himself..
Jeremy grabbed Rae from the smashed window and pulled her out with no problem. She was light enough where he didn't bother to put her down. It was time to run, and fast. Only, Jared and Olivia were still struggling to get out of the car. He only stopped to look their way, making sure they were on his heels.

Olivia turned around to help Jared through. She was small though, and he rather heavy. "Come on!" The girl urged him.

"Jared, quit playin' around!" Jeremy yelled at him, holding Rae close to him in the surrounding flames. Smoke blurred their vision and made his eyes water.

"Don't leave me." Olvia begged him, she pulled at him, hands gripped tight around his arms.
"I-I'm not playing-- s-something has my ankle," he urged himself forward but felt the tug grow stronger and stronger, eventually pulling him back in and pinning him against the back seat.

He groaned and gasped as a strong force squeezed his throat:

You're not leaving, someone has to burn!

"F*ck you!" He shouted, kicking at the apparition that held him. Jared struggled to find the stick shift and slammed on it, sending the car zooming into the house, exploding on impact, just barely getting through the window and grabbing Olivia and taking off, before the car exploded in the flames, a high pitched scream filling the air.

Rae breathed a sigh of relief, holding onto Jeremy, thankful he had hold of her, otherwise she'd have fallen right over.
Jeremy sighed, his eyes followed the car up until the moment it impacted with the house. I have no idea how I'm going to explain that one to the insurance company. My Jeep just flew into a flaming ghost house, no big deal. At least they were out now, out of the cursed place.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief when Jared broke free and she jumped into his arms. They were all alive, all four of them had managed to live through the house, and would probably be the last ones by the looks of it. It slowly burnt, until ashes and scraps would be the only thing that remained besides the cold cement basement. That would never be gone.

"Well come on!" Jeremy urged the group. "We're not exactly home free yet, run!"

Olivia jolted back to reality, pulling Jared by his arm. They'd have to celebrate later.
It was just a ways to the iron gates, the four of them made it there struggle free, but from the house something too dark for words emitted, rose up above the smoke and bee lined towards the iron gates. Jared grabbed one end whilst Jeremy grabbed the other, and eventually the two pulled it shut, just barely before the demonic swirls reached them. I hissed and shuttered, contemplating a moment before returning to the remains of the mansion.

"That's one persistent poltregeist," Rae breathed, "wonder why the gates stopped it?"

"Maybe it's bound here," Jared shrugged, "...I don't really care, cause I already found our new problem." He cocked his head towards the path behind them, one that seemed a lot shorter by car, but was obviously several miles from home. "We'd best get a head start, suns going down."

He turned and was very quiet for a moment, his lips pursed as he gazed down the road before he moved his gaze to Olivia, who'd been the one to stay behind and try and help him out of that car. Who'd been there from the start, and through a Hell of a lot more than what she'd bargained for. Hands in hid pockets, with a bashful face, Jared leaned down and gently tugged her towards him, noting the strangle marks on her throat, and the bruises forming along her face.

"Thanks for not leaving me," he smiled genuinely, "Looks like I owe you dinner, too?" He pressed a kiss to her lips, and then eventually her forehead, before slipping hid arm around her waist and giving her a gentle squeeze.

Across the way Rae watched the two with a tint of red spreading across her cheeks. "They're cute," She sighed, knowing it'd be quite the change if the group of four became made up of two couples. "You know, I... think I've had my haunted house fill. Next weekend we have off let's just go to the beach alright?" She said wearily, but with a bit of a smile.
Olivia didn't feel like she was done, and she jumped up around Jared's neck, wrapping her legs around his waist. When she was good and steady, she pressed her lips to his. They made it out, and so she felt safe knowing there was nothing more to fear. She didn't let go, stupidly crying again and again.

"You owe me dinner big time, you goof." She meant to sound angry, but she was sobbing and hiccuping so much, the anger fizzled out. "Dessert, to."

Jeremy pulled Rae to his side, their hips bumping against one another. Teasingly he asked her, "What, you don't want to go for round two?" Even he was done with the frights for a while. It curbed his appeal to jokes after seeing how horrible the night had ended. "But, I'll definitely take you to the beach." He leaned in and kissed her sweetly. "No ghosts."
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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