Haunted [Inactive]

"Am I angel now?" She tried to laugh. "Thank you, Jared." Olivia, bashful now, quickly leaned up to kiss his cheek and then resumed her fearful position tucked away against his chest. The knife which only moments ago had flown at them sat just a few feet away. Comfort, and danger, all mixed together. She wanted out, Olivia just wanted to get out.

But there weren't any cameras, this wasn't one of Jeremy's pranks. Even he couldn't have planned something as elaborate as that. He sighed after Rae. His mind worked quickly, racking up ideas as to how they could get out.

"The windows are no good, I mean, they are. But most of them are stuck. I don't mind getting a few scrapes if it means we can get out." Jeremy cocked his head to the side, thinking. "I'm just gonna say, it's safe to assume the doors on the main level are a no go. So, we can either jump out of a second or third story window and try not to break our bones, or..."

He gulped. She wasn't going to like this.

"..there might be a way out through the basement."
"...Course," She sighed heavily, wiping her eyes to quickly rid them of tears. She blinked a few times, putting a hand to her heart which beat quick, and hard. She'd never wanted to be in any situation like this, she knew better than to mess with things like this, it never ended well, and now she was paying the consequences as were her friends.

She pulled her hair back, and after rising to her feet slung her back over her shoulders. "Next time, let's skip the haunted house and go the beach alright?" She remarked, trying to remain hopeful they'd get out.

Jared rose to his feet, helping up Olivia, ignoring the own bashfulness that arose from the feeling of her lips on his cheek. Sure, he'd had girlfriends, but this was Olivia, someone he'd deemed cute and had doted upon since they met sometime back. He just had to keep her safe and get her out of here, and make it up to her once they actually got out. But the anger inside him hadn't at all died down, he just wished he could kick one of these bastards right where it hurt.

He took her hand, and walked closer to Rae and Jeremy, nodding to Rae who nodded back, her eyes, although nearly impossible to see, fearful, yet determined. "The basement, is... a freakshow. There's all these weird symbols and I... we found some other... bad things down there."

She didn't want to mention the corpse. No, that might just... be too much. It was for her, she just had yet to really let it sink in.

"Just... stay crazy close, and don't run no matter what, alright?"

"Yeah," Jared nodded, "Alright, alright, let's... go."
Jeremy once again descended the basement stairs. Fear welled up in his gut, so he instinctively reached to grab Rae's hand. The last time they went down into the basement, a corpse had fallen on her. He took the lead as he'd been doing most of the night and pushed past the first room they'd explored.

"Don't go in there." He warned Jared and Olivia. They hadn't been down here yet, and they certainly didn't need to see the dead body back in that room.

Still, Olivia looked into the room as he pointed it out and saw something just past the open entry. She pulled on Jared's sleeve and pointed inside the room. There, knocked over on the cement floor, was the tiny ballerina figurine from upstairs.

"Jared." She squeaked. "Do you see that?"
Jared nodded but didn't comment on it, instead, his face hardened, and he firmly moved her on the other side of him, keeping her close and guiding her further down the hall. "Come on Olivia," He said quietly, "Don't look in there."

Rae kept by Jeremy's side, following quietly, occasionally squeezing his hand for moral support. She wasn't Gunna lie, she was freaking scared to death, but time wasted freaking out wasn't an option, and could cost them their lives. She realized that when the knife came at them.

"God..." She whispered, "it seems endless..."
"I thought there might be an exit or something." Jeremy mumbled in the dark.

It truly seemed to never end. His beam of light only went so far down the hallway and even then there wasn't a wall to stop it. There were more and more rooms lining the walls, as if once used in a ward. It's what it reminded him of. All the equally sized rooms beneath the whole of the house. He pushed the thoughts out of his mind. No one ever said anything about there being a ward of any kind beneath the mansion.

Music started to play faintly down the hallway and Olivia stopped dead in her tracks. "I'm not going down there." She shook her head and stepped backwards towards the way they came. "No way."

"Come on, quit freaking out!" Jeremy shouted impatiently. "Do you want to get out?"

"Of course I do you idiot, but I'm not going that way!" She retorted.

"Olivia. Get a grip and come on, nothing is down there." He shouted.

"No!" She shrieked. "I'm going back upstairs."
"Stop yelling!" Both Rae and Jared barked, their bodies tense and their eyes filled with concern.

"Jeremy wherever that music plays, there's this thing, it's got no eyes and skeletal hands- it's what got after us upstairs!"

"Maybe... if we pray-"

"Tell me you're not serious," he sneered, "Pray? Now? To what?"

"To God," She mumbled, "I've been praying since we came in-"

"Yeah your Gods doing a great job, news flash duchess we're STUCK, there's no damn exit in this infested death trap, we're heading back up to try a window," He held Olivia to him, "I'm not making her go down there! This place is endless!"

She covered her ears as he spoke, "No! You're not going! We can't be separated damn you! That's when we die! It's in every paranormal documentary..."

"She's lost it," He held out his arms and dropped them, looking at her like she was hopeless, turning around and starting down the hall.
Olivia followed after Jared. She could handle everyone being upset with each other, but not being alone in this place. Back upstairs, there weren't many places they could go. The windows were only remnants of glass, or they were boarded up with rotted planks. On the first floor, every door had to be locked she assumed.

"It's still locked..." She said quietly. Her hands tugged on the handle of the front door. Originally it had been so easy to open, but now, it was jammed in place by a supernatural force. Olivia pressed her head against the wood and wiped her face, cursing when she felt like crying. "Can we just sit down for a bit? I'm so tired."


Rae was visibly upset, and Jeremy didn't know how to react. He hadn't realized she was so scared, at least scared enough to pray the whole time. Was she even religious? He didn't know.

"Do you want to keep going?" He asked softly, hands reaching out for her. "We don't have to, I know this has gotta be hard. But we're going to get out, Rae, I swear."
Jared didn't hesitate to sit down on the floor, his head in his hands and his eyes a little rheumy. He felt like any minute now he'd wake up, and right after that feeling came the daunting realization he wouldn't. This was supposed to be some stupid, cheap entertainment, not a real life horror movie! And to see Olivia and Jeremy argue like that, and the way he blew up Rae after she mentioned them dying... He just felt crazy.

"You sit," He said quietly, and gestured towards the old couch, "You'll be okay, I swear," He assured her in the darkness, flashing his light on the remnants of furnishings in the living room. He passed a little table, the neglected fire place and paused at the bookshelf his companions had browsed earlier. He shined his light on the books, wondering if (although he felt it was really stupid) the books would have an answer.

He pulled back one book, a fairly thick and black one, and without warning the book case spun around, swooped him up, and Jared... He was gone.


"...We can keep going," She said, thankful it was dark as she felt fresh, hot tears roll down her cheeks. She wiped them with her sleeves, and cleared her throat, "I-I just want to find an exit," she hugged him briefly, "Lets just... keep going where you were leading?"
Olivia had only turned around for a second to head towards the couch, when she heard an odd noise. The scraping of wood against the floor. She slowly turned around, her flashlight on the ground, and Jared was gone.

Her eyes were wide with fear again. He was supposed to be her comfort, her safety, and now he was gone? In the darkness she started to whisper.

"Jared, if this is a joke, it's a really really bad one."


Jeremy rubbed her back. This was the worst, he thought, how they were trapped in this house and now everyone was arguing. At least he had Rae, and she had him too, to keep themselves comforted.

"Honestly, I just figured there's gotta be an exit around here somewhere." He admitted. "Basements were cellars, and cellars had outside entrances. Makes sense to you, right?"

He wanted to know his logic had something to it. There had to be another way out.

"Olivia!" He banged on the bookshelf, but no matter what books he pulled out, the effect from early didn't happen again. He pounded and pounded on the wall, yelling her name, till his fist pounded right on top of an open nail.

"Damn!" He hissed, and held it as it bled, a fairly decent stab wound on his hand. He inhaled roughly as it throbbed, the surrounding skin red and slippery. He leaned against the wall, looking into this secret room he'd appeared in. It was like a bad episode of Scooby doo. He couldn't do anything but laugh in disbelief, noting the sunlight that shone through the roof, which meant it was daylight outside. They'd been in here all night, going into day two, and... it was just unreal.

He stood there and wondered what he could even do, he was trapped in here, with no knowledge of secret buttons or levers to help him get out, if those were even the answers.

"You ugly bastard," he growled, noting the distant silhouette of what he believed he and Olivia had seen earlier, followed by a malicious growl and trembling floor boards. It was like a sneak preview of Hell in this house. If they'd only turned back...


It's not a joke. You shouldn't have come here! He's after him! And you! And them!

A strained, unfriendly voice answered Olivia, warning her of a 'him' and ending it with a shrill 'run!' Like nails on a chalk board.


"Y-Yeah, okay," She nodded, ignoring the way the air went from anxious and stale to thick, silent and icy cold. Her eyes were wide as she felt the change in temperature, exhaling only to see her breath before her.

"JJ," She whispered, clutching onto her faith, and sanity, "If anything happens... I just... I wanted you to know that I... I really..."

What are you doing?! You're not dying, and this is the wrong time for a confession! You'll scare him and make things awkward when he rejects you!

"...I respect you, a lot, and I... love... all your jokes," She said, obviously that wasn't all she wanted to say. She stepped back and cocked her head towards the seemingly endless corridor, "Come on you, let's hurry."

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Olivia dropped to her knees, mind and body numb with terror. She didn't know what to do, couldn't function properly knowing she was alone in the house. There wasn't a chance she'd go downstairs, not if it was really the way out. That...that thing with the black eyes was down there.

The voice moved her. She sprung at the wall where the bookshelf was and pounded uselessly on the door. Running wasn't an option. Not without him.

"Jared! I'll find a way to get you out." She yelled. Olivia wasn't sure she could keep that promise.


"Hey, hey, wait." Jeremy smiled at her. She wanted to say something else, he felt like that was it. So he grabbed at her wrist before she could get too far.

He held her by her hands and smirked at her. "If this does end up badly, well." Smile fading, he admitted it, too. "I've always had a bit of a thing for you. You know."

That you might be in love with her? Come on dork. You can say it out loud.

"You're a sweet girl, Rae." Jeremy added kindly. "I'm going to make sure we get out, I promise." He pressed his forehead to hers, anxious. If she rejected him now, that'd make for one awkward trip out. Still, he leaned closer, hovering so close to her face. So long as she didn't reject him, that was all that mattered.
Jared couldn't hear her on the other side, but for some reason he felt she was still there, waiting for him to show up.

"Go to Hell," He hissed, and the silhouette disappeared, but not without another cackle. He turned and slammed his bloodied fist on the wall, wincing as he did.


She couldn't quite fight the heat rising in her cheeks the closer he got to her, "Really? Me too... I just wanna get out do we can go to the beach again..." She laughed like a dork, obviously a little anxious too.

Boldly, Rae stole that kiss from Jeremy she'd been secretly day dreaming about. She cupped his face, momentarily suppressing the fear in herself regarding their situation. Sure, She always imagined their kiss in... a bar, on a beach, over coffee- but... demonic house was okay, too. So long as they lived to have more!
Olivia screamed for him one more time. Her voice cracked, heart sinking, she was fearful they'd never leave. Maybe Rae was right, they'd die here.

That noise again, the music box she'd found so fascinating. The tune started slowly, as if the lever were only being pulled one note at a time. Then it sped up, the volume increased, until it sounded like it was just behind the girl.

Every hair on her body stood straight up, here eyes were seconds away from popping out of her skull. Fear. Pure fear.

She dared to turn around, step by slow step, and was face to face with the thing that had been following them. It's black pits stared into her eyes, a bony hand reached up to grab her throat, pushing her up against the wall. Olivia kicked and screamed madly. It was real. It was oh so real.


Jeremy dropped his flashlight from his hand and pressed Rae up against the cold cement wall. If this was going to be the only time they could share in their emotions, he wanted to make it last.

"Thank god, I was scared this was gonna get awkward." He breathed, teasing her by gently biting her lower lip. The man went back in for a second kiss, immune to the haunted house and its terrors in the moment.
Jared gawked, he could hear a distant scream, his heart racing as he realized who's it was. "Leave her alone!" He growled, beating against the book shelf like mad, and he raised his leg to kick it, only to step on some sort of pressure plate that sent the book shelf revolving again.

He stepped out back into that familiar living room, "Olivia!"

He turned his head just in time to see her pinned against the wall, "Get off her!" He started forward towards her, but with ease an unknown force lifted him a few inches off the ground and effortlessly threw his body across the room, at the railing of the staircase and he hit the floor with a thud.


Rae giggled and snaked her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly, as if letting go would cause her to lose him. She emitted a soft and content sigh as he kissed her again, trying to get lost in him and ignore what watched them in the dark with amusement.
Olivia reached her hand out towards Jared. The specter in front of her cackled madly as his hand squeezed around her throat. She felt weak. Her vision turned spotted, dark, and her arm dropped.

Let her go!

A voice called out, and the specter disappeared. The girl fell to the floor in a crumpled heap. She knocked her head against the wall and passed out on the floor.


"If I'd have known I just had to scare you to get your attention.." He breathed, then chuckled. "No, that would've just been rude."

In the dark, he felt alright for once. In this mad house darkness was evil, dangerous. But Rae's lips were so soft, her hips curved against his hands. This wasn't in any way dangerous, but actually a bit fun. A relief from the terror they'd all gone through.

"Should we keep going...or?" He asked between breaths. Jeremy quite liked his current situation.
Jared groaned, brushing away bits of broken wooden railing, turning on his side and attempting to prop himself up. He blinked, his vision spinning as he tried to center himself.

"Angel?" He breathed, and scrambled to his feet, ignoring the throb in the pack of his head. "Oh God," He rushed to her side and shook her gently, "Oh God, no, no, baby... look at me," He lifted her little body in his arms, scooping her up against his chest and leaning against the wall, holding her prospectively. "Olivia..."


"I..." She laughed a little, clutching him to her, wishing they could just vanish and appear back at his place, somewhere safe and familiar. "I just wanna be with you... that's the only reason I came," She let her fingers trail down his chest, feeling the definition a little.

She fought between desire and logic; if they escaped they'd have all the time in the world, if they didn't... this would be their only time to be... What she'd always kinda hoped for.

"Don't stop," She whispered, and pulled him in for a deep, slow paced make out session.
Olivia stirred some time later. Her throat burned and her head spun like mad. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the room, for it to stop spinning around her when it was supposed to be perfectly still.

"Where am..." She put a hand to her head and groaned. The specter was gone now, and in it's place was something warm. Olivia looked up and beamed in her confused state. "Jared?"


"I wasn't going to." He smiled smugly. His hands carefully hovered her slim frame, exploring safely just above her waist as he held her close. Her lips were soft against him, and hungry enough to keep him close for another second longer.

Slight noises and shifts in the rooms around them didn't quite catch his attention right away. He was too absorbed in Rae to pay it any mind.
"Y-Yeah, hey," He pressed his forehead against hers, relaxing for a brief moment as he held her. He kept her head against his shoulder despite its ache, ignoring the darkness and wishing he could just take them out of here.

"I'm... I'm out of ideas, Ollie," He sighed, "I just... I'm scared."


Rae felt herself getting easily carried away, "JJ... I-"

He's coming, you know.

Rae gasped as a soft voice came from the other end of the hall, and looked up to see just the faintest outlining of a woman in white, hovering, weeping, whispering.

"J-Jeremy," She breathed, "She's-"

He's coming... for you... I can show you the escape... but we have to hurry or he'll lock you in the rooms!

"Don't say you're scared." She laughed weakly. "What am I gonna do then?"

Olivia wrapped her arms around Jared and began to cry softly. Her body heaved with every cry, no matter how hard she tried to cover each and every sniffle. Whatever that thing was had tried to kill her, it's hand wrapped around her neck, slowly squeezing the life out of her.

"What are we gonna do now?" Olivia sobbed. "I don't want to die in here."


Jeremy jumped back and quickly retrieved his flashlight from the floor. "Holy shit." He exclaimed. "That's a ghost. No fucking way."

He lifted the light to shine on her, but nothing happened, she simply disappeared in the ray. When lowered, she appeared again in the darkness.

"You can show us the way out?" Jeremy asked, brow raised in suspicion. Everything in this house either tried to kill them or scare them. One good ghost was hardly what he expected.
A single tear rolled down Jared's cheek, her words echoing in his head. More brimmed on his waterline but he blinked them away, gently tilting her head up and pressing a kiss too shy for a guy like him to her lips.

"I'm sorry, about all of this," He whispered, "I promised I'd get you out of here and I will. And when we get out we'll go to that restaurant you like alright?" He nuzzled her tear stained cheek, thankful Jeremy wasn't there to tease him.


"We gotta get Jared and Olivia," She said quickly, praying this wasn't some kind of trick. It was all they had to go on, she just had to be hopeful. "Can... can you wait?"

If you run you might make it. But he'll kill you if you stay!
Olivia, stunned by the kiss, held her hand to her lips and smiled. She'd had a crush on Jared, but this was beyond her expectations. Even as a shy kiss, it counted, but asking for another seemed greedy in their time of horror.

"That sounds good." She sniffled. Olivia closed her eyes and kept her face pressed against his as he nuzzled against her. After being chased around the hell house she wanted to sleep. But, that wasn't something she would count on when a specter was trying to kill them around every corner. She settled for the closeness to Jared as a comfort in place of sleep.

She picked up his hands and was immediately drawn to the blood trickling down his arm. "What happened?"


"We've got to get them." Jeremy insisted. He grabbed Rae and pulled her back along the way they came. Behind them, doors rattled, and the countless voices of the supposed people behind the doors called after them.


Just open the door.

Come back.

He ignored their cries, almost pushing Rae up the stairs. When they got back down to the basement, he prayed that the ghost would still be there. Maybe it was a trick, but he didn't take the time to stop and think about it. That was their only way out at the moment.
"Slammed my fist on a nail," He laughed lightly, having momentarily forgotten about the pain as he'd been focused on her. He shrugged, "Don't worry about it. Just try and catch your breath, and I'll think of-"

"Jared! Olivia!"

He heard Rae's voice and looked up, expecting it to be a trick as he didn't really expect those two to come back for them. But his friends were better than that, this he learned as he saw both of them running back, urgency in their expressions.

"We think we found a way out," She said, and urged them to get up. "I know you two don't trust the basement, but the killer from the stories, the guy really did lock up his victims and burn them, I swear! We just know! We have to go before..." She gulped, hearing the faintest cackle and feeling shivers on her spine. She backed into Jeremy for comfort.
"Wait, there's stories about a murderer?" Olivia shrieked, and curled tighter into Jared. "I thought the basement just caught fire, he burned people alive?"

Nobody had wanted to tell Olivia any of the rumors. If they had, she never would've come with. Jeremy shifted awkwardly, it was a mistake not to tell her, but hindsight was twenty twenty.

The cackle grew louder, coming up from the basement and down the hallway. Whatever was in the house knew it was the way out. So the ghost was right, the basement was the only way.

"Jeremy...." Olivia barely spit the words out, raising a shaky finger to point behind his shoulder.

Black eyes, and a bony hand.
"JJ!" Rae gasped, and tried to tug him away, but a strong push knocked her back and she fell with a thud, angrily huffing and cursing at the silhouette. "Stay away From him!"

"Ollie," Jared whispered, getting to his feet and lifting her to hers gently. "Let's just try okay? We're not getting anywhere sitting here scared, and this ****er isn't going to let this go. Come on," he tugged on her waist, and shoved the other two forward ignoring the demon that was right there, his heart pounding furiously.

Rae got to her feet And tugged Jeremy towards her, "Sweetie come on!"
Jeremy rushed forward, straight at the specter. There wasn't anywhere else to go now, and he passed straight through the specter. He flinched, but the four of them continued to run.

I don't feel right...

His stomach churned as his eyes lost sight of what was right in front of him. When everything went black, he didn't have any recollection of him. It was like a deep slumber. On the outside, all was well. He continued to run, a different force keeping his limbs in motion.

Olivia ran like mad with Jared pushing her from behind. She hated going back into the basement.

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