Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood


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(Needs Memebers!) Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Brightwood used to be a very productive town with tons of villagers and tourists. However, a large earthquake hit the town and destroyed everything. Most people left afterwards but a few remained to help restore the town to its former glory. Will you help rebuild the town or let it become a ghost townCharacter Skeleton:Full Name: (first, middle, last)Nicknames: (what they want to be called)Age: (how old are they)Gender: (male or female) Species: (what are they? human? elf? witch? vampire? mermaid? etc)Job: (what is their job)Apperance: (dicription or picture)Personality: (what is their pesonality)Family: (Who are they related to?)Crush/Spouse: (who do they like/are married to)History: (background infomation)Other: (anything extra)JobsInnOwner:Maids:Waiter/Waitress: Brendan Finnian Callahan Cook:ClinicDoctor:Nurses:BarOwner: Relen Arcel DemusWinemakers:Bartender: Gailen Artold Supermarket:Clerks:Aiden Andrew Jefferson LibraryHead Libraian:Helpers: Aika Melody Alair, Wisteria Lydia Alair BlacksmithBlacksmith: Vincent Alphouse Rivers Apprentice:Sebastian James Adams BathhouseOwner:Helpers:Valerie Ann HillAnimal Farm Animal Breeder: Crop Farm Farmer: Church Preist: Niwa Gem Satari Nuns: Alterboy: Post Office Mail Workers: Benjamin Janes, Aleah Janes Deliviers: Ashton Janes, Jonathan Rothart-JanesOther JobsPainters: Angelo HoujouAuthors:Pottery Makers: Lily Marie Green Journalists:Traveling Salesmen:Fishermen: Honovi Camus Thevies: Zane Memoria NightfallHunters: Dai Jade Satari, Cecilia May Willow Park Ranger: Lucia Bethany Woods, Tyler Woods Bards: Amariana Christine Ackley *job not listed? ask and I will add it!*To join post your character(s) in the character fourm (found in character sheets) and wait until i say you are accepted then begin posting!
(yes centy. this is the rp spot. im going to edit this post in a bit for my characters so be sure to reread) --------------------------------------------
Valerie sat in the storage room of the bathhouse sorting out the boxes of soap and other bath supplies. "The dust is terrible." she thought while coughing after opening a box layed in dust. Valerie found the dustpan and broom and begam sweeping the dust into a pile. -------------------------------------------------
Lily sat down at her pottery wheel she got from her parents when she was young in her Inn room. She was working on a large flower vase. She had only been living in the town for a few days but she had made enough plates, bowls, vases, teapots, etc that filled most of her room. -------------------------------------------
James hammered away at the forge trying to perfect a sword. He was the blacksmith aprentice but he sometimes worked longer hours at the forge than his mentor. He didn't mind though, he loved the warmth from the fire and loved being drenthed in sweat after a long hard day at work. It made him feel valueble. ----------------------------------------
Aiden sat behind the counter at the town's supermarket. He had taken over the shop after his parents were killed in the earthquake. Business was slow but Aiden was proud of the fact he was able to keep his parents' store, that they loved so much, in business.

Zane sighed as he walked into the little town "hope i can get some money fast and get out of town" Zane said to himself itching his head as he walked up to a tree and climbed it till he could sleep or at least lay in it comfortably
Valerie swept the dust into a pile and onto the dustpan. She picked up the pan and walked outside to dump the dust and get some fresh air. "That feels so nice." she thinks aloud, breathing in the fresh air. -------------------------------------------
Lily finished making the basic shape of her flower vase and put it on a pile of newspapers to dry along side of the other pottery pieces she had set to dry. "Maybe I should start trying to sell some of this." she says quietly to herself. She walked over to the bathroom sink to wash her hands. While washing her hands she noticed how nice the weather was and decided to take a break and go for a walk. She grabbed her keys to her Inn room and after locking her door, she walked out of the Inn and outside.
Lucia grinned at her older brother. "Hey, Ty, aren't the fuzzy ones so cute?"


Tyler replied, "Yeah, they are." Nothing's happening nowadays, he thought to himself. It is springtime, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
(If anyone wants to rp with me I'm free. You can chose any of my characters to talk to. Valerie is outside the bathhouse getting some air, Lily is walking around town, Aiden is sitting in the supermarket behind the counter, and James is in the blacksmith making a sword by the forge.)
Honovi lay on the beach, watching the fishing rod stuck in the sand beside him and enjoying the sun. As much as he loved his sister, it was nice to relax before she woke up. Because of her inexperience with human, watching her had become a full-time job. Now, in addition to catching fish to eat and sell, he also had to teach Adele how to talk and take her around town, so she could learn how to associate with humans.

"Fish!" a call came from the shack nearby, which Honovi shared with his sister. Groaning, he stood up, and want to the shack, leaving his fishing rod behind. Although she yelled fish often, sometimes for no reason but because she knew the word, he knew that, in this instance, it was probably a call for breakfast.

Honovi entered his home to find Adele looking up at him. "Fish." she said again, quieter.

"<Yes, Adele. I'll Get you fish.>" Honovi said in their native language. "<Do you want it cooked or raw?> Cooked? or Raw?" He repeated the question in human as he took a fish he had caught yesterday out of the ice box. He hoped it would help her learn at least that much.

Adele thought about it for a moment, then barked "<Just give me it raw. I'm too hungry to wait for your fancy land cooking. Raw's fine of us in out Other forms, so it's fine now.>"

Honovi looked at his sister, angry that she hadn't even tried, and that she had given him attitude. "<Now say it in land speak.>" he told her.

Adele looked at him, them wrinkled her eyebrows, trying to remember how he had said it. "Wall." she finally said.

Honovi's mouth twitched, trying to resist laughing. Instead, he patted the side of the house with his hand and said "Wall." then held the fish up and said "Raw." Adele just looked at him, so he repeated it again. "<Now, can you say it right?>" Normally, he'd let it go, but he usually tried to fix any time that she said an entirely different word, instead of just mispronouncing it.

"<Just give me the fish!>" Adele whined, too tired to be nitpicked right now.

Honovi sighed, and put the fish on the table. It was no use trying if she didn't want to right now. He went back to his fishing rod, which still hadn't caught anything.

After he left, Adele began to eat her fish, but mutter "Wall. Raw. Wall. Raw." Repeatedly, trying to remember which was which.


"You're so lazy, Ashton! You're never around when Leah needs us!"

"Well, you're not even part of this family! You're just a freeloader than my sister and dad felt sorry for!"

"Who's a freeloader? I do the work I'm given. Unlike you, who disappears for hours at a time!"

"Woah, whoah! Break it up you two!" Aleah yells over her younger siblings, grabbing them both by their shirts and pulling them apart. When she came in the room, Ash and Jon's noses had almost been touching, with the intensity of their fighting. "Now, what's the problem, exactly?" She knew these two didn't need a reason, but it never hurt to ask.

"Ashton's trying to leave." Jonathan explained, glaring at his bespectacaled sister.

Aleah sighed. "Why shouldn't she be allowed to leave?" Before her brother had a chance to answer, Aleah continued. "I know I said I needed your help with this mail-delivery thing, but it's not officially started yet. At least until Dad has the letter to announce the service finished, you two can have some free time."

"See!" Ashton yelled, sticking her toungue out at her brother. She ran out of the house before Aleah could even say anything to her.

Aleah shook her head, and bent down to Jon's level. "Since you're so willing to help, do you want ot come shopping with me? We need groceries."

Jon nodded. "Sure. Unlike Ash, I actually like helping you."

Aleah smiled sadly, and then went back into the kitchen, which had been turned into the mail room for the time being. Their father sat at the table, surrounded by paper and ink bottles. He was busy writing letters to give to the remaining and new villagers, to announce that they were nearly ready to begin sending letters. He was also beginning to draft a version to send to people outside the village, so that they could tell people who moved away that they could now send letters to their former neighbors, and so villagers could tell their relatives about the new post service.

"Dad, I'm going grocery shopping. Are you going to be okay for a little bit?"

Benjamin looked up from his work, blinking for a moment, before smiling at his daughter. "I'll be fine, honey. Why don't you go out and talk to people? You've holed yourself up in the house since we started setting up a pos office." They never mentioned the earthquake, but he hinted at it sometimes.

Aleah was going to tell her dad that she didn't mind, that she just wanted to help him adjust to his wheelchair, but she'd told him so many times. "Okay," she said instead, "I'll see you when I get back, Daddy." She turned to return to the front room, leaving her father to return to his work. She placed a hand on her brother's back and led him out the door, grabbing an empty mail sack to use to carry the food.
Aiden was reorganzing some cans goods on the shelves when he heard the little bell ring as someone walked in. He looked up and saw Aleah and her little brother walk in. "Oh good morning." he greeted them with a cheerful grin. "Need any help?"(Aiden lived at the town before so I assumed they would know each other)

Zane saw people start to move from there houses, or he assumed houses and noticed there weren't vary many guys in the town "so backwards" Zane said thinking of city's were you barely saw women like his homeland "but this might make things more interesting" Zane said as he thought of all the evil he could do because there were more women then men I'm such a horrible person, but whatever. he jumped down from the tree and started to walk around the town but also making himself appear as if he was a illusion. "this could be fun" he said as he took stock of the town
Lily made her way down to the beach and took off her shoes. She always loved the feeling of the sand between her toes. She walked to the shoreline letting the small tides pass gentley over her toes.
(Yeah, that would probably be the case.)

"So, why is Ashton so mean?" Jon asked his oldest sister as they walked to the supermarket. He'd asked before, but still wasn't satisfied.

"I think she's just taking the loss of our mother hard." Aleah explained, without looking at him. "She's use to being the youngest, and having a normal family. She use to be able to just wander around town doing what she wants, and now that our mother's gone, our father's been disabled, and we all have to work, she might be having trouble adjusting."

"But I lost both my parents!" Jon argued, not seeing how their mother's death was an excuse.

"I know, and I'm proud of you for reacting so maturely. Just give Ash some time. I'm sure she'll settle down eventually." She rubbed her brother's hair before entering the market.

"Good morning, Aiden." she said, smiling at him. "No, I don't believe we need any help... Unless you would like to enlighten us on some sales or such." The family wasn't exactly wanting in money, since their father had savings from his mine work that could last hem at least until they had the post office up and running, but she was still trying to save money when she could, just in case.

Jon looked around the store. While he knew his sister only wanted to buy what they had to, he still liked to make a list in his head of what he wanted when he had his own spending money. He definitly wanted some chocolate. He wouldn't doubt he would end up running around, grabbing whatever junk food he could afford as soon as he had money of his own.


Ashton sat under a tree, thinking. He family had changed so much since the earthquake. She missed her mother, and as much as Aleah tried, she was not a replacement for a real mom. Dad had change a lot, too. She didn't like it. And she especially didn't like Jonathan invading their family. He was doing fine as he was, even if he was stealing. It was from the old empty homes, so who cares? It wasn't fair that Dad and Leah gave him so much attention, just because he was an orphan. She reached up to wipe some tears from her eyes, and noticed a strange man.

"Who the heck is that?" she said to herself, standing up. There was something strange about him...like, she wasn't entirely sure he was there. Either way, she was curious. Even if he did turn out to be a figment of her imagination, it was something to do, right? She stood up and began to follow him, making sure to stay far enough away that she wouldn't bee too obvious.

Zane walked down the main roads then took a sudden left down an alley were there was darkness and he disappeared in the darkness as he turned around to see the girl who had been following him "why, do people follow me?" Zane asked himself quietly as he waited just within the shadows for her to follow him into the alley

((remember theives know when there being followed :P especially neko's))
Aiden shook his head. "I wish I could offer you some sales but I can't really afford it at this time." He felt bad. He had known the Janes family all his life and were friends with them. He wanted to be able to help them out when he could, but the earthquake had affected the business. Not many people lived in Brightwood anymore and money was tight. He had actually had to raise the prices a bit to make ends meet.
Adele came out of the shack, and looked at her brother. He was so boring, always sitting on the beach, fishing. They had plenty of fish already, so why did he have to always catch more? If the land dwellers wanted a fish, the could catch it themselves. She wanted him to take her exploring. She looked around, trying to find something to do. She wasn't allowed in the water during the day, so she couldn't go swimming. Then, she saw a girl standing a couple yards down the beach. "Fish!" she exclaimed, for lack of something better to say, and began running toward her.

Honovi looked up from the fishing rod when he heard his sister yell. "<Are you still hungry, Adele?>" he asked, turning around. Then, he saw that she was running down the beach towards somebody. "<Adele! Hold on! You're going to need me with you.>" he barked after her, taking his line out of the water. Most likely, he was going to be down there a while, and he didn't want to lose his rod while he was gone.


When the strange man disappeared down the alley, she glared at the opening of it. How did he know she was behind him? She ran to the opening, but stopped before entering. "Who the heck are you? I know you're there!" she yelled at him, her hands folding into fists. She really hoped she wasn't imagining him, or she was going to look like a major idiot.

(Well, she doesn't know that. He's just a strange man to her. :b)

Zane chuckled as he looked like he materialized out of the shadows "well, here i am, now why are you following me?" Zane asked the girl looking down at her his ears twitching listening for anything that might be a threat as he looked at the girl he got himself ready to make some illusions happen if he needed it,he doubted he would. why do poeple insist on following me and confronting me? Zane thought to himself
Lily was watching the water flow softly over her feet before returning to the ocean when she heard someone yellling in a strange laungage. She turned in the direction of the sound and saw two figures. The closest was a young girl, and the other was an older guy, Lily assumed was probally either the girl's brother or father.
Aleah just smiled kindly at him. "That's fine. We understand what you mean." she said, nodding. She then grabbed Jon's shoulder, starting him from his daydream. "Could you go get me a loaf of bread and a few eggs?" she asked him. He nodded, and ran to find them.

"So, how have you been recently? Other than the quake giving everyone money problems, I mean?" she asked, looking for some of the other things she needed. Her father was right, it had been a while since she really had a chance to just talk with friends and be a teenager. She hoped to at least catch up with Aiden, while she was here. She only hoped her question didn't bring up anything bad, and that he was at least managing and finding little joys in the day, like she had begun to. But, she realized the question might not find the good answers she was praying i would. It was too late to stop it once it came to her lips, though.


Ashton hesitated for a moment. Truthfully, she hadn't expected him to actually be real, and being near him now frightened her slightly. But, she swallowed and stood tall within moments, holding back her fear. "Answer my question. Who are you?" she asked, looking up at him. Wait, were those cat ears? That was...interesting. She wasn't sure how that affected her opinion about him, but he was definitly a strange man. No way she's tell her family about this adventure, however. They'd never believe her, and the last thing she needed was to give Jon new ammo for when they fought.


Adele stopped in front of the girl and began barking at ther in seal speak, forgetting that she probably wouldn't understand. "<Who are you? I'm Adele. My brother's a fisherman. Do you like fish?>" she said, before Honovi caught up with her.

Honovi took a deep break, before putting a hand on Adele's shoulder to silence her. "Hello, miss. My name is Honovi, and this is my sister, Adele." he told her, smiling, but keeping a safe distance from her. "You'll have to excuse her. She doesn't have much experience on land, so she doesn't know how to say more than a few words. I can translate for you, but don't let her bother you. I'd gladly take her back to where we were if you would like to wade in peace." His smile was a bit embarrassed. As much as he'd enjoy letting his sister have a few friends, he did not want to bother anyone, and he'd prefer she wait until she caould speak better before she try to meet anyone without waiting for him.

Zane looked down at her "i could just say i am a figment of your imagination, but that wouldn't be nice"Zane said sighing"my name is Zane i just came to this town"Zane said the end of his tail twitching "and i believe if i wanted to you could be dead in under 6 seconds, so don't try and act tough"Zane said "now answer my question, why were you following me?"Zane said flexing his hands as his nails grew like they did when he was confronted
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It was strange to see the woman holding the harp. She seemed normal enough, despite her blue hair and the expensive instrument she carried. Normal, that is, until you looked below her waist. She did not sit on the side of the road like a normal human, but curled up on a scaly tail the deeper than the color of her hair. She played a few chords on her harp, and a rich sound came into the air. She lokoed around the area she sat in without turning her head, and saw only a single woman standing alone. Nevertheless, she closed her eyes and played her golden instrument, singing in an ancient languange entirely her own. ((the woman I'm referring to Valerie, for parties interested))

She did not play for the money. In fact, she had plenty of money, since she had planned to travel for much longer than she had. She played for the smiles she placed on distraught people's faces, which was the best payment.

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It was still dusty in the old room full of books, and the aqua-haired girl sneezed. The red-haired girl giggled. "We're going to have to get Ama to help us with this, huh Melody?" she asked, looking at the dust covering the ancient tomes and the newer books. The little girl that the red-haired girl had called Melody, though her name was Aika, said, "Look at this one. It's children's fairy tales."

The red-haired girl giggled again. "We can read them later, ok? We should try to open, if we can, and attempt to dust." Melody nodded, "Alright, Wisty. But where do we get a duster?" The girl called Wisty looked thoughtful. "Well, I don't think we brought one with us. Ama left us some money, so let's se if we can go get one at the store! There has to be a store here, right?" And thus, the two girls walked off, hand in hand, to find the general store.

When they did find it, Wisty opened the door and poked her head in and looked at the adults inside. Melody cowered behind her shyly. ((I'm going to call Aika Melody because everybody calls her that anyway))

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The blacksmith could here the sound of a hammer on metal in the forge; probably his apprentice working on something. He moaned a bit and got up, pulling on his clothes and buckling his tool belt. Last, he grabbed his forge hammer and headed downstairs to see what his apprentice was doing now. He left his living area above the shop and headed downstairs. He walked calmly into the next room, where his apprentice was hard at work. "How's it going, boy?" he asked his apprentice, even though his apprentice was older than he was.
For a moment a haunted look crossed Aiden's eyes when he thought about his parents but he shook it off. "No nothing really." He said in his cheerful voice. "Mostly just working at the shop. Kinda boring." He laughed. ------------------------------------- When the girl started barking at Lily, she gave the girl a puzzled look. "Was this a game?" she wondered to herself. After the girl's brother explained, she understood a bit. "Oh well it's nice to meet you both." Lily said with a smile and moving a strand of her hair behind her pointed ears. "I'm Lily."
Reisuke yawned. He rolled onto his stomach in his comfortable, lime green bed, and drowsily pushed himself up with his small, meaty hands. He managed to get up, crossing his legs into a sitting position, and slowly rubbed his eyes. He yawned again, this time opening his mouth wide. He sat there for at least five minutes, wondering what he should do. His eyelids were still attempting to neatly fall over his eyes, and he wavered for a bit, threatening to fall asleep at any moment. But his stomach growled, and there was nobody there to cook him breakfast, so he carefully crawled off of the bed, and walked out into the hall of his house. Due to the earthquake, it wasn't in as good shape as it was before the earthquake, but it made it out better than most of the houses. His house was on the edge of the village, so he miraculously avoided major damage.

"Mama, Papa. I'm still alive," he said to a large painting on the wall, which held the sweet memories of his past family life. The vibrant, yet soft, warm colours shone off of the picture, and he gazed at the seemingly happy child sitting comfortably on his mother's lap. The family was gone, though, and he was the only one left. Mama and Papa probably think I'm dead, he thought to himself. He grinned a very strange grin, one that seemed cocky, and quite creepy as well. But I'm still alive, right? He looked down at the puppets that were sewn together by his father. He called one Lin, and the other one Len. Girl and boy, sister and brother. Reisuke considered himself a master ventriloquist.

That's right. You're still alive. You sure showed them! Lin said to him, in a high pitched and girly voice. Len stayed quiet. He was always like that.
James had just finished hammering the hot metal when his menor approuched him. He dropped the sword into the water to cool before he replied. "Fine." he said, without looking up. He grabbed another bar of mental and started working on it. James was a half elf and resented humans. He wished his mentor could have been an elf or something nonhuman but he had no such luck. ------------------------------------ Valerie rested her arms on the wooden rail that surrounded the bathhouse's porch. She looked around at the town and imaged what it must have looked like before it was hit by the earthquake. To her right she heard someone playing music and she turned to look at the blue haired woman. She watched the woman run her fingers softly over the harp's strings in amazement. She wanted to call out to the woman and tell her how wonderful she thought the music was but she felt like that would make the woman uncomfortble.
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The music did not stop, but the woman looked up from her playing. She again noticed the woman, though, and she noticed her curiousity. She decrecresendoed until the harp music sounded like a mere whisper. She then called to the woman, "Maybe we could chat?" She cresendoed a little, just enough so that the harp could be better heard. She looked at the woman inquisitvely, like a child might look at a book she did not understand. ((trying to use musical terms I know, but I'm not sure I can use cresendo like that...)

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"Just 'fine'? Not 'well' or even 'excellent'? You are not proud of your sword, then, James?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He had watched his apprentice well enough to know he was a pretty decent blacksmith. He walked to the other side of the room, and picked up the silver necklace chain that he had been working on and eyed it critically. "You have to make sure you're proud of everything you do." He placed the chain back on the worktable and started looking around for his gem box. Upon finding it, he opened the cover and sighed. He only had a small number of rubies and a few emeralds left. "Guess I'm going mining today..."

(I noticed, Sage, that we had no jeweler...so I just sorta made Vincent take on jobs like that, too)
Ashton took a step back. This man was beginning to scare her. Maybe she should have just stayed at her tree... "I was just curious...and bored." she said, not as bravely. She still tried to keep a lid of just how much fear she had, however. While she didn't want to be killed for acting brave, she also didn't want to give him an opening to kill the poor, intimidated girl. "Look. I'm sorry if you didn't want to be followed. I'll go home if you want me to." Truthfully, she didn't want to go home. As much as he frightened her, it kind of made her more curious. Kind of like when you read a horror novel, and you're terrified of the story, but you want to know what happens next, reguardless. Still, she would leave if it was a matter of life or death.


"Oh, okay." Aleah replied, pretending he didn't notice the look in her eye. With all the tragedy that had befallen the town, and the large range of emotion in her own home, she had become very good at noticing small shows of emotion that most people would miss. "I hope to talk to you more often, when I'm not busy. You know, trying to get a bit of normality back in my life." She laughed slightly, but it was weak.

"I got them, Leah!" Jon said, running up to his sister. He stopped, noticing how odd his sister was acting. While she usually tried to put a strong face on, she seemed to be forcing it more now. Maybe it was because she was talking to someone outside the family.


"Well, Nice to meet you, Lily." Honovi said, sitting down on the beach and recasting his line. "I hope you don't mind me fishing near you."

Adele barked quietly to her brother, asking what they were saying.

"<Her name's Lily.>" he explained, and Adele barked at him again. This time, he turned to Lily. "She want to know whether you like fish." he asked, with an amused smile.

"Fish?" Adele repeated, smiling at Lily.

(By the way, I'm getting off for a bit, but I'll reply as soon as I get back on. ^-^ )

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