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Realistic or Modern Hartley University IC

MOOD: kinda flustery

OUTFIT: i'm too lazy

LOCATION: frat house
MENTIONS: cassian Kio.exe Kio.exe
INT: Lyle dirt dirt Lottie .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
TL;DR hes getting flustered because he has pretty boy and pretty girl w him. bi panic. also they're stealing alcohol
wolfgang brandt
for you, a thousand times

It seemed his chest was beating in sync to the loud thumping of the music the moment they entered the house. The flashing lights, the crash of someone's poor beer bottle somewhere off to the right, the rhythmic bouncing of the bass. This night was either going to be seared into his memory or buried under alcohol and sex. Truthfully, both options sounded good to him right now. Wolf had a lovely boy pressed against his shoulder thanks to the crowd, and soon there will be drinks fitted in their hands. Tonight could go favorably.

"Check fourth cabinet from right. Money's on that these boy hide the good stuff there." He said, his eyes assessing the kitchen space for anything worth drinking. There was one large sized frat boy who lingered on the kitchen entrance and every few moments he'd glance towards the fourth cabinet. And, whenever someone moved close to it, he would follow suit. Fortunately, the kid was preoccupied with some grace with short blonde hair and shorts that rode up half her ass. A perfect opportunity for some alcohol borrowing.

In one badly-timed glance away, he felt a sudden weight rest against his waist. Then a whiff of strawberries, and fitting red hair nestled into his chest. "Charlotte. hello." He said softly, before reluctantly dragging his gaze away from her to glance at their surroundings. Somewhere in the party there was a Cassian. He liked Charlotte very much, but he was nothing if not respectful of other people's relationships. He didn't want to pose as some competition for someone who was already in an engaged relationship with the darling Charlotte. But after he secured the area and ensured there weren't any prying eyes, he let himself hunker down and wrap his arms around her smaller frame. "How is little red hair American? Happy?" Wolf said, a deep inhale blessing him with a subtly sweet scent. Somehow the woman could make him feel like he was at home and on vacation by just paying the least bit of attention. As she pulled away, he assessed her outfit for the night, pleasantly surprised that she really wasn't wearing much at all. The way the dress followed her body's curves— strappy yet elegant at the same time— there was not much needed to get his imagination jogging. He could pick her up and have free access right here if he was so inclined to be an asshole. "Look very pretty tonight." The words seemed to spill from his mouth. A light red tint rose to his cheeks, but thankfully the lighting of the house was on his side. At her mention of drinks, he chuckled lowly and indicated to Lyle with a tilt of his head. "Have our dear Lyle on hunt already. Hopefully little frat boy too busy to notice."

code by valen t.
Charlotte Marino

How are you feeling?
Excited and..anxious?
What are you wearing?
Where are you?
Did you mention anyone?
Who are you talking to?
And, like, who are tagging, exactly?
logastellus logastellus

Charlotte could still feel his warm arms around her, lingering. She tried not to blush harder as his eyes were on her. "I-Im happy, happier now actually.." she admitting to him, her blue eyes meeting his. She ended up smiling and playfully pouted. "Just pretty?-- I kid I kid, thank you. This is what happens when I try hard, I don't look like a bum" she laughed as she downed the rest of her drink.

"Oh Lyle?" She said glancing over to see which resulted in her giggling. "Okay I see, good thing too because I don't think I'd get drunk off of this." She said putting her empty cup down on the counter.

She didn't know what it was...sexual tension maybe? Or maybe it was just the alcohol doing this to her,but she tried not to concentrate on the thought of her not wearing anything underneath the blue tightly fitted dress..and him being so close to her. She bit her bottom lip at the thoughts..How easy it would be to just whisper in his ear to say fuck me and go somewhere to ravish in each other's warmth. She had fantasized more often than not with him in mind and it was becoming distracting for her each day. He would have no clue what he does to her because she would be embarrassed by the unknown..and the fact that if he knew what she thought every time she saw him made her anxious and excited was really troublesome.

The images had her hot and bothered in a matter of seconds so she tried to distract herself by talking so she had looked back over at the sexy German man instead of all the other people at the party acting a fool "I forgot to ask..Are youuuu happy Wolfie?"

º º code by ditto º º
mentions: aspen greene interactions: aspen Kio.exe Kio.exe
nika ❆
it's not love but I still want you...
Nika kissed him back eagerly, throwing her arms around him. She instantly regretted her words, wanting nothing more than to stay clinging to him in this moment forever. Aspen quickly untangled himself though, gingerly placing her on the bed to slip his shoes on, changing his tune once again. His words were like a knife in her heart, as Nika took them to mean he was on the prowl for a girl to take home tonight. For some reason, that hurt way more than him wanting to get with a guy. After all, he already had a perfectly good girl, a girl that adored him, right here. Nika sat staring incredulously, once again shocked by his massive shift in demeanor. She was soon dragged to her feet and out the door, now filled with anxiety by the sudden pep in Penny's steps toward the party.

Aspen draped an arm around her as they crossed the frat house lawn, and Nika rolled her eyes as he offered some sort of wink, smirk, or lewd gesture to nearly every person they passed. She gazed upon his handsome, perfect face winking down at her, hating herself for loving the feeling of being in his arms so much. Nika offered a wan smile in return, but inside she was seething. Was he doing this just to punish her or something? For talking him into going to this stupid party? His actions seemed so performative, like he'd amplified every obnoxious aspect of his personality tenfold. What was he trying to prove, and to whom?

By the time they got inside, Nika was ready to punch him and every slut, frat douche, and nasty Aspen fangirl that winked back at him. She watched sadly as Penny withdrew his arm and disappeared into the sea of bodies to mingle, seemingly entranced by the siren song of debauchery. He promised to come find her for some shots later, but Nika knew he was already as good as gone for the night.

From tequila shots to the gross crap in the red cups, Nika began pounding down booze as soon as she stepped inside. She tried to alleviate her sour mood by angrily dancing her ass off, aggressively grinding on friends and strangers alike, but nothing seemed to quell that familiar ache in her heart.

Defeated, she stalked off to a quiet corner near a ransacked table, littered with all manner of trash, empty cups, abandoned beer cans, and pillaged liquor bottles. She took a swig from whatever bottle still contained a few drops, plopping down on the floor to stop the room from spinning. The alcohol stung her throat, making her eyes well up -- or maybe that was the ache in her heart again. She gulped it all down, but a horrible lump was still stuck in her throat. She felt something bubbling back up from deep inside her, and realized it was a choked sob; trying to suppress it just made it come out as a pathetic little hiccup. Nika scrunched up her face, the subtle movement causing fat tears to stream down her pink cheeks.

Are you seriously going to cry at a frat party? Over this? He doesn't care about you.

Swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, she leaned her heavy head back against the wall, hoping to god nobody stumbled by to see such a pitiful sight.
nine lives
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MOOD: Yes.

OUTFIT: White button-up shirt, black sweater, etc. Usual clothes but nicer.

LOCATION: Frat house
Nico @Kio.exe
TL;DR Nah.
ocean lorenzo
As soon as Nico gave Ocean his drink, he gave a quick "Thank you" and started drinking. He was quite satisfied with the burn of the alcohol running down his throat, and he kept taking sips as he listened to Nico talk. About... love. Kind of a weird topic, but a relevant one nonetheless; there were a lot of people in the Twitter conversation who were falling in love with each other, or... at least they claimed to be. Were small crushes really "love?" Or were they something completely different? He wished he could experience love... just once. That's it.

"Nahhh, you're fine. You make sense to me." Ocean told Nico, starting to feel a bit more relaxed. He wasn't drunk, not even a little, but this was a party... the first one of the year. He had to at least loosen up a little. He made himself another drink and took some more sips, larger ones this time around. His goal was to get absolutely wasted... and fast.

"And yeah," he said as he drank, letting the words flow out of his mouth without thinking about them beforehand. "I get it. I guess love isn't for me? But I also kind of want to experience it. Just to know what it feels like. It sounds stupid and crazy, but I want to see someone as more than a friend. But I don't even know the first thing about how it works."

Only two drinks in and Ocean was already drunk. Maybe the drinks were strong, but even then, two drinks isn't that much, right? If he were sober, he would be disappointed, but he didn't seem to even notice or care. "Westie is... well, he's kinda stupid, but in a way, I kinda wanna be like him. Hopelessly in love with someone."

Ocean let out a heavy sigh and looked back at Nico. He didn't know when his focus drifted away from the tall blue-eyed boy, and he didn't seem to care. "Literally anyone."

code by valen t.
MOOD: Calm


Irina ( .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. )
Cooper Dean
Twinkle, twinkle little star (not)...

Cooper listened as Irina spoke, entranced by the smooth words, telling him about stars that didn’t really twinkle. Somehow it was better that way, he supposed, that they didn’t blink. Instead they shone bright and immortal, never wavering. Steady. “I don’t think it’s lame,” he murmured, not pulling away when she laced their fingers together. Cooper didn’t answer her question, merely turning his head to look at her, their breath mingling in the tiny space between their faces.

“I know this is stupid, but...do you think that they know they shine? Do you think they know that people—like you and me—look up at them every night and are just...taken away by their beauty?” he whispered into the space between them, a tiny smile on his face. “I...yeah, that was a dumb question. Stars aren’t sentient,” he amended, wincing at his own stupidity. It would be nice, he thought, if they did know. Stars were like people, he supposed. They didn’t know they were beautiful—that they shone—until it was too late. And for some reason that made him sad.

Cooper huffed a laugh, his breath moving a few strands of Irina’s silky hair on a phantom wind. “Don’t you find it...weird that no matter where you are in the world, you can still see the same stars? I don’t know...I’ve just...always thought it meant that we’re all connected, somehow,” he continued, not moving his gaze from Irina’s face. The party still raged around them, but he found it easy to drown out. The cool, nighttime breeze was picking up the first few fallen leaves of fall and tossing them about, before allowing them to drift peacefully back to the earth. He felt oddly calm, so different from the panic that had filled his veins not ten minutes ago.

He could get used to this, the whole college thing, being away from home. Cooper finally tore his eyes from Irina’s face to look back at the stars. What an eventful day! He’d gone from never having left North Dakota to here, holding hands with the prettiest girl he’d ever seen while looking at the star filled night. In California.

It wasn’t terrifying, like he’d thought it would be.

It was freeing.

code by valen t.
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MOOD: Fuck.


Jean ( .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. )
Cassian Gallagher
I just want to close my eyes and never wake up...

Cas had been content to wallow in his anger and self loathing, cigarette dangling limply from his lips. Had been, that is, until some blonde idiot had decided he needed a light. Now Cas was fairly certain that any number of the drunk douchebags stumbling around also had a lighter on them, so there was no good reason for someone to ask him. But, of course, things never worked out in his favor.

Cassian merely blinked and wordlessly handed the blonde kid his lighter, before glaring at the ground. His mind was an addled mess of drunken thoughts, mixed emotions and utter numbness, and he just wanted to sleep and never wake up. Life, of course, had a way of screwing him over even in that aspect. He hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in...god, it was so long he didn’t even know. Nightmares paired with the inability to fall asleep in the first place led to him tossing in turning in bed at night, trying not to wake up any of his roommates. He wondered if any of them would notice. If so, they were in for a long, long year.

His grey eyed gaze was flicking around the yard before him, never settling on anything—or anyone— for longer than a few seconds. When he saw Hanni and Kai standing by the sidewalk, hand in hand, their backs to him, he was unable to look away. They seemed to follow them everywhere, ceaselessly and unfailingly, and fuck him but it sucked. God really did hate him, didn’t he?

God? I’m kind of desperate now, so if you could just like...hit me with a bus, that would be great. Don’t be a douchebag.

Forcing himself to drop his stare back to the ground, Cassian scrubbed at his face with hands that were colder than ice, ignoring the guy that still had his lighter. Why had he even come to this stupid party anyways? Everything here was exhausting to him, like no matter how much sleep he got or how much coffee he drank. It was like...after Hanni’s words over DM, something inside of him seemed to have given up.

God, he must have descended into some new level of drunkenness to have such pathetic thoughts. A bitter laugh came from his throat before he could stop it. “Cigarettes are bad for you, you know,” he slurred, letting his drop from his mouth to the ground, the glowing red tip blinking back up at him. Another laugh forced its way out of his mouth, this time bleak and angry. “You’re...you’re gonna pop those pretty little lungs of yours like a balloon. A fucking balloon,” he added, making an exploding motion with his fingers.

Cas scowled, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I fucking hate balloons. Like who gave them the right to...to just float around and act all innocent. And then they fucking pop and…” Cas shuddered, glaring at Jean like it was his fault. He knew he was making absolutely no sense, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
code by valen t.
how are you doing? MY HEART--BEGBHENHE
lrina Altier

Irina didn't expect him to turn his head to look at her. She didn't even expect him to say that it wasn't lame, but she was at a loss for words . The closeness made her heart jump, and her cheeks flushed.. but she didn't want to look away from him. It was like they weren't even at the party and it was their own little world...and she loved that.

She smiled, the space at the end of her eyes crinkling softly. "I don't think that was dumb. I think that if stars knew they shined they would be envious of the brighter ones. Considering we can't see every star. It's nice to think of stars as being sentient though... so again not a dumb question. " she said, studying his facial features as he laughed. She could do that all day.

To his next question she was surpassed only because she had thought about it before. "Yes I agree. I think its weird, but also sweet in a sense. I'd see it as a reminder that you're never alone because there will always be someone looking at the same ball of light as you. So we are the same Osito" Irina gently laughed, but her eyes remained on him. He made her nervous and calm at the same time which she didn't know what felt like till now.

Coming here to Cali is probably the best decision I could've made. If I want her I would be back in Puerto Rico taking care of family rather than myself.. looking at the same stars as Cooper without even seeing his handsome face.

That last thought made her sad, not seeing him. She wondered what he would be doing if she wasn't there.. probably passed out on the floor? Throwing up somewhere? The thoughts cheered her up a little as they both turned their attention back to the beautiful sky. Irina squeezed her hand gently against his. "I'm happy I came to party. It was a lot more fun than I thought. I'm glad you make me laugh" she said.

Then she thought about her roommate that she hadn't seen yet. She wondered if they were nice and if they would get along. "Have you met roommate yet? I think I came in too late so they were already gone by the time I got there and now I'm wondering if they are going to like me" she said feeling like her statement was a little stupid..
coded by reveriee.
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mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions : Cassian
Kio.exe Kio.exe
;; Jean

Jean looked as the grey eyed man gave him his lighter. "Thanks, I owe you one" he said as he flicked his thumb over to light the match. It took a couple of tries,but he got it and soon the smoke was coming out the end and he took a long drag of it. Once he exhaled he felt a whole lot better. He was wondering then if Cas even wanted to talk? Maybe today just wasn't the day for him. He made a mental note not to annoy him at as much. Plus with the was he was sounding and looking sternly at him he knew he shouldn't overstep.

If he was in Cas' shoes, whatever was going on , he knew asking "are you okay?" Wouldn't change anything..itd probably make him more agitated because he'd have to think about it more. So Jean remained quiet for a bit. "I think that you're one to talk considering you are smoking too. Your pretty little lungs will pop just the same" He laughed a little before putting the cancer stick back between his lips. Then he talked of his lungs being like a balloon? First Jean wasn't sure what he was talking about,but his blue eyes didn't waver, nor did he flinch from Cas' harsh gaze. All he did was raise an eyebrow at him.

"I mean..I guess the one up there controls the balloons. Tells them where to go, where to pop, and where to get stuck. Pretty much out of our control. If you have a balloon then you are meant to have it. If you lose a balloon you are meant to loose it. I'm just speaking generally of course" he said with his hand running through his blonde locks and his gaze moving towards the sky while his lungs filled up with toxins that will slowly kill him.

"You know what I hate? Leeches. Nobody ever wants them,but they attach to you anyway without warning. Hard to get rid of as they just suck your life and time away...and you can't get away with just having one stuck to ya. If one comes it brings all its baggage and problems..causing you to just have multiple things leeching on you at the same time. Bleh" he said, almost in disgust as he took a very long drag while closing his eyes, flicking the ash onto the ground.

He then sighed and looked at Cas once again. "I'm done with this party, you wanna walk with me?" He asked as he was getting his back off the stone wall.
coded by reveriee.
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MOOD: Buzzed, happy


LOCATION: Frat house
Cheryl Turner, Weston Beck

Cheryl Soap Soap
TL;DR Teddy goes to the party, reunites with his dream girl from orientation.
teddy vega
You with me so it's all right
we gonna stay up the whole night
Teddy had made it through his first week of college. He was exhausted, but in a good way, like that accomplished feeling you get when you know you've done good work and gave it your all. He could tell his new classes would be a challenge, but fun and interesting. Honestly, he felt ecstatic all week...and also kind of sad, both at the same time. Ever since he met her...The Girl at freshman orientation. He never even got her name.

That didn't stop Teddy from trying to find her though. He asked everyone he met if they knew a really pretty brunette freshman. Yes, there were plenty of pretty brunettes at this school. "But no, like...like, really, really pretty," He would insist. Without a name, she was unfortunately damn near impossible to narrow down. It was a huge campus after all, and he was beginning to lose hope of ever running into her again.

Teddy was suprised when he received a casual invite to the New Year party. As a nerd in high school, he was never invited to such grand affairs. Sure, he'd had a drink or two before with buddies at small gatherings, but Teddy was curious what people got up to at big, crazy parties like this. Of course he jumped at the chance to attend, and was beyond excited for it.

When Friday night finally rolled around, however, Teddy found himself frowning at his anxious face in the mirror. Picking at his halo of tight, wayward curls, still wet from the shower and already starting to fluff up every which way -- well, there was nothing to be done about that. He knew from experience that it was better to just let it do its thing rather than try to tame it, lest he end up with something much, much worse. Teddy rubbed at his chin, appraising the scruff growing down his jawline, and decided he'd better leave it be or risk looking like a tall 12-year-old that crashed the frat house. He then stared at his closet in complete bewilderment, wondering what one even wore to something like this. He chose a teal-ish sweater because it "complimented" his sneakers, oblivious to the fact that the shades of green matched way too closely but also not at all, producing a somewhat awkward, slightly dorky effect.

Wandering into the house, he'd never seen so many hot girls in one place, which normally would have delighted him. Still, even that stabbed at his heart with a twinge of melancholy, as none of them compared to the unique beauty possessed by The Girl. With a sigh, Teddy ambled on, hoping he'd see someone he knew at this party. He was friendly with his roommate Weston Beck, and a few people he'd met in class and on Twitter.

Two drinks into the party and Teddy was feeling pleasantly loose; mingling, chatting up random strangers. He was taking a lap around the party, thinking about grabbing another drink when he saw her, and nearly keeled over dead for the second time. He couldn't quite see her face, but that profile, that beautiful, shiny hair, those exquisite legs were burned into his memory for life. Even in the dim lighting, he knew in his heart it was her...The Girl...his Girl. Teddy nearly died a third time when he took in the full picture of what she was wearing. The cute, innocent girl from the other day seemed to have dipped out of the picture. Instead all he saw was an insanely hot, sexy little minx in a red dress.

If he hadn't downed a couple glasses of the swill in the red cups, he definitely wouldn't have had the confidence to march right up behind The Girl and playfully grab her by the waist with a friendly "Hey!" In the nanoseconds it took her to whirl around to face him, Teddy was heavily rethinking this "plan." He really hoped his dream girl didn't greet him with a slap to the face after all this time.

code by valen t.
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on cloud 9
  • .
frat house>park
Malakai Vernon
Kio.exe Kio.exe

Hannibal wrapped his arm around the Aussie's waist pulling him close to his body their hips touching as he was being tugged out of the bustling frat house. He could tell how much Kai was fighting the urge to scream to the entire world at the top of his lungs that his best friend made a love confession to him and all Hannibal could do was chuckle as he intertwined his fingers in Kai's they both stepped out into the cool night breathing in the fresh air instead of marijuana clouded rooms. "Why don't we walk back to my place...and even standing next to me you're always cold..." he chuckled taking off his jacket draping it over the already shivering Aussie. He could see his expression start to relax as Hannibal slipped his fingers back into Kai's as they proceeded to walk down the slightly lit residential street that housed other fraternity homes. Hannibal never liked fraternities and sororities, he always thought they had some superiority complex over the university, and as hard as they tried to convince Hannibal to join they would fail each time. Hannibal liked having a small group of friends to be around. He liked it even better when it was just him and Malakai, now that he told his best friend how he felt, he didn't have to look at him as a best friend...he can look at him as a lover.
Hannibal perked up when Kai said there was something he wanted to tell him. Stopping in his tracks he spotted the park that wasn’t but a few blocks away from the residential street and tugged Kai over to the empty playground. “Before you confess to me let’s lollygag around on the swings for a bit...” His cocky smirk plastered on his face as he dragged both of them over to the swings. Plopping his firm hind on the cool plastic feeling the chill rush through his body he pulled Kai closer making sure the tall boy was between his legs. With Hannibals’ arms wrapped around the Aussies’ waist and his chin snuggled into the others torso, he smiled admiring the light from the moon as it hit the right angle. “So what did you want to tell me Kai...I’m all ears now” Hannibal smiled, feeling the warmth radiate off their bodies, their energies mingling in happiness and affection for each other. “Actually...I just wanted to tell you again that I Love You...and that I’m sorry I didn’t confess my feelings to you sooner...I was just scared of ruining our friendship and loosing you...but now that I’ve gotten it off my chest...I want us to be together...I want to be with you...forever...its funny...it sounds like I’m reciting my vows like we’re getting married or somethin...” The Irishman chuckled. “But everything I’m saying right now is true...I love you Malakai Henry Vernon.” Pulling the Aussie closer he never wanted to let him go never wanted to have that warmth be pulled away from him.
coded by reveriee.
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MOOD: Anxious


LOCATION: Frat house
Ocean Lorenzo, Nico Sanders, Lizette Fox


--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Tabs is uncomfortable, simps for Ocean.
tabitha fox
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here...
"Why are we here again?" Tabitha looked around the party nervously from her vantage point of the the frat house couch. She felt so out of place she was nearly in tears, surrounded by tons of rowdy drunks, frat bros and gorgeous women in skimpy clothing she could never compete with. "It's a party, Tabs. It's supposed to be fun," Lizette answered, rolling her eyes. "Sor-ryyyy for dragging you here. I mean, I know you had big plans at home by yourself playing Animal Crossing," She continued absently, busy making eyes at some baseball cap-wearing tool that gave a cocky smile and nod in her direction.

"You better not leave me here by myself," Tabitha shouted over the persisent thumping bass, straining her naturally soft voice. "And I'm playing Red Dead right now." She mumbled the correction, slumping back against the sofa to quietly sulk. She took a tiny sip from the red plastic cup in her hand, making a face as she choked down the foul concoction.

On second thought, much as she really didn't want to be sitting all alone on this couch like a loser, it might not be the worst thing if Lizette were to wander off for a bit. Tabitha stuck out like a sore thumb at this party, and she felt even more self conscious sitting next to her twin right now. The girls had gotten ready for the party separately, stepping out of their bedrooms wearing the same silhouette: t-shirt and shorts over tights, making them look like some sort of bizarro mirror image. Liz was the sexy version though, and it really underscored how ridiculous Tabitha's look was for the occasion. It was almost enough to make her wish she'd let Liz dress her up in something tight and black from her own wardrobe, no matter how uncomfortable that would be.

Looking around once again, Tabitha's gaze landed on a boy, and her heart instantly began to flutter. He was sort of fragile-looking and slight, with an adorable face and a mop of dyed, tousled hair. Just like her, he looked like he wasn't completely at ease at this party, his outfit perhaps something he wasn't fully comfortable in. But it was obvious he'd went out of his way to try and look nice for the party. There was just something undefinable about him that Tabitha found so cute and endearing.

Her staring must have been pretty obvious, as Liz sharply interrupted her reverie with a scoff. "Oh, god. Of course. That guy is so your type," Liz smirked, giving her twin a playful nudge in the side with her elbow. "Let's go talk to him." Tabitha's eyes widened, nearly choking on a sip of her drink at the suggestion. "What?? No fucking way." Tabitha hissed back, her cheeks reddening.

"He is pretty cute," Liz remarked, her pale green eyes subtly appraising the boy with an amused grin. "HOLY...look at that tall guy he's with. I'd climb that like a tree," Referring to the handsome blonde giant that accompanied the fellow. Now it was Tabitha's turn to roll her eyes, giving a soft scoff of her own. "I think you need to drink more," Lizette chirped, hopping to her feet. "It'll loosen you up. I'm gonna go see if I can find something that's not...this stuff," She frowned, sloshing the mystery liquid around in her cup.

Perhaps Tabitha didn't welcome her sister's absence as much as she thought, as she began to panic when Liz stood up. "Lizzie, don't...I'm fine!" She scrambled to grab for her arm, but the other was already sauntering off on her quest for alcohol. With a wavering sigh, Tabitha pulled out her phone and pretended to read something very important and interesting, but was really just staring at her platform Converse, desperately trying to decide what to do. After about five seconds of sitting alone, Tabitha was already weighing the pros and cons of getting up and leaving while Liz was occupied; was it worth the bitchfest she'd surely receive if she made a hasty getaway back to their dorm? Or even just outside for some fresh air. After one more pining look in the cute boy's direction, Tabitha went back to scrolling idly on her phone, planning her escape.

code by valen t.
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MOOD: Drunk


Westie ( dirt dirt )
TL;DR no.
Cameron Turner
I think I stopped breathing...

Cam had never known what to do when people cried in front of him. In some strange way, it had always served to make him feel more vulnerable than the person crying, and as Weston buried his face in Cam’s chest it was no different.

For a minute, all he could do was stand there, arms loosely wrapped around West’s back, fingers moving in what he hoped were reassuring circles. Then, after what must have been three minutes and what felt like an eternity, Cam pulled back slightly, using his fingers to gently lift the smaller boy’s face upwards, until his green eyes met brown. “Hey...hey don’t cry, Westie. I...I’m sorry,” Cam whispered, using his still freezing fingers to wipe the warm tears from Weston’s face, as gently as he could. His heart was fluttering erratically in his chest, a whole swarm of butterflies came to life.

And then, almost without thinking, Cam leaned forward until their foreheads touched. “I’m so, so sorry Westie,” he murmured, leaning forward, eyes slipping shut. Maybe time stopped when his lips met Weston’s, but the flutter only intensified. Cam’s heart pounded in his chest as his knees got weaker. He could only focus on how soft he felt against his mouth, how addictively he invaded all his senses.

Cam wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, or the utter perfection of the moment, but for once in his useless life he wasn’t nervous, wasn’t shy. He didn’t want to run and lock himself in his room, scared to face the world. It was...it was like when he was painting, on a warm spring day, outside in the grass back home. The sun was bright and hot, sure, but made so much more pleasant by a gentle, cool breeze. The only thing he had to worry about were that his strokes were precise and even, that his paint was properly mixed. That was what kissing Weston was like.

And he didn’t want to stop. Not now, not ever. Hell, if Westie let him he wouldn’t stop. There wasn’t a moment of hesitation. Cam’s mouth was on Weston’s, and he was fairly certain he’d stopped breathing. Little shivers of pleasure and panic shot through him as he deepened the kiss, parting West’s lips and backing them up until, gently, Weston’s back hit the wall. At this point, all thought had left Cam’s mind, his focus solely on the boy in front of him, even as the party raged around them.

Normally, even the smallest show of affection would have turned Cam into a stammering, blushing mess. Normally he would have never dared be so bold, so open about how he felt, and, in this moment, he felt reckless. Bold and reckless and free.

Finally, Cam pulled back just slightly, forehead still touching Weston’s, his breath coming out in short pants. His eyes kept flicking from West’s eyes to his lips and back, as he fought the urge to kiss him a second time.

“Please don’t cry, Westie.”

code by valen t.
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MOOD: Happy


Ocean ( dirt dirt )
Nicolai Sanders
I think I’m a little too drunk...

Nico listened attentively as Ocean spoke, taking extra care to focus on his words, since the alcohol clouding his mind was making the English language all the more complex. When Ocean’s gaze returned to his, Nico looked quickly away, realizing he’d been staring the whole time.

Nico let a long sigh out through his nose before responding, setting his drink on the table behind him. “Yeah...would be nice. To be…” Nico paused for a moment, brow furrowing as he searched for the words. They seem to be avoiding him, however, and after a second he gave up, with a small groan of frustration. “In Greece, there is a saying. ‘Na écheis kardiá kai psychí kápoiouna’. Means...to own someone’s heart and soul. I think that is what I am meaning,” he tried again, once again meeting Ocean’s gaze.

His parents had never truly been in love, and neither had his aunt and uncle, so the feeling was as foreign to him as the country he now inhabited, but...he wanted it, more than anything. It was like the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became that he probably would never experience it. That’s what had been shouted at him those long years, after all. You are nothing. You are no one. You are not capable of love or being loved. And maybe he believed it, the words his aunt and uncle had snarled in his face over and over again until it was a ceaseless mantra in his brain, and in his heart.

It was stupid, to think of those things now, especially when Nico was drunk. So, instead, he smiled at Ocean, hoping to conceal any flicker of hurt behind the easy going confidence he wore like a cloak. He shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. “What heavy talking for big American party,” he said, huffing a laugh. He leaned back, against the table, removing his hands from his pockets to cross them over his chest, his legs stretched out in front of him.

This was nice, he decided, a small smile forming on his face. It was nice to have friends, to go to stupid, loud, smelly parties and get perhaps a little too drunk. He didn’t know why he hadn’t done it sooner. Nico closed his eyes for a moment, content to take in the sounds of the party around him, the feel of the vibrations in his feet.

“I like you, tiny American.”

code by valen t.
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MOOD: Duuuuude this is awesome


Jae, Asher
Archer Quinn
Scooby Dooby doooo, where are you....

Duuuuuddeeeee, I want more pancakes.

That was a thought that graced Archer’s mind more frequently than the average human’s, and more so now that his totally tubular, like wicked awesome roommate Jae had cooked him some. It wasn’t his fault that he was always hungry and, well...pancakes were just so good and...wait. What was he supposed to be doing right now?

Archie, to put it lightly, had a short attention span. This was a well known fact.

Archie was also totally awesome, super hot and, like...kinda the smartest guy around. This was a slightly less known fact, but a fact nonetheless.

And...he was late to the party that the majority of his new, terrifically amazing Twitter friends were at. It wasn’t his fault his flight had been delayed and he’d only just arrived at Hartley a little more than three hours ago. Well, now that he thought about it, there really wasn’t much that was his fault. This was a fact that Archie had just established.

He was currently slumped over the side of his bed, the upper half of his body dangling off the edge as he stared at the wall. He still hadn’t unpacked. Still hadn’t done much of anything, and had instead, after stuffing his face with the aforementioned pancakes, decided to see how long he could hang upside down until he passed out. Sadly, he hadn’t passed out yet, and now he was getting bored and...oh yeah. He was supposed to be getting ready for that party.

Putting his hands firmly on the floor beneath his head, he rolled backwards, landing with a thump on the floor.

Brooo I totally should have been...like a gymnast or something.

This particular thought, of course, resulted in Archie trying (and failing) at several attempts to do a cartwheel, making more of a mess than it was worth and causing him to bump his head more than a few times. Okay, so maybe gymnastics weren’t for him, but he’d totally look hot in a leotard.

Rubbing the back of his head, Archie heaved himself up off of the floor, wiping the dust off of his clothes. Okay, so he really had to leave or by the time he arrived the party would be over. He grabbed his phone and his keys before racing out the door, not bothering to ask if Jae or Asher were attending the party.

“Goooodbyeeee beautiful peopleeeee I’m off to the parrr-tayyyy,” he called behind him. He didn’t wait for a response before barreling down the stairs with about as much grace as a bull in a china shop, nearly knocking some poor, unsuspecting lady down the stairs as he raced past. “Sorry lady,” he shouted, not pausing as he continued down the stairs.

You see, Archie could walk, but where was the fun in that? Running was so much more fun and you got places faster and...wait. Where was this party even at? It was at that frat house, right? The one he’d seen on his way in, with all the lights and people?

Duuude, I’m like, so smart. Of course it’s that one.

Grinning, Archie set off running again and made it to the party in record time. (Brooo maybe I should be...like an Olympic runner or something). There were people everywhere, loud music playing and light flashing. Definitely his kind of place. Not that he’d ever been to a party before, but that was beside the point.

This was going to be sick.

code by valen t.
MOOD: "Like all my dreams just came true"

OUTFIT: here

The party

Cam - Kio.exe Kio.exe
TL;DR Still no.
west beck
Ride me off into the sunset, baby I'm forever yours...
West tried his absolute best to calm down. He was crying over something incredibly stupid. He just needed to calm down. He was barely paying attention to anything the taller, beautiful, green-eyed boy was saying. Something about Cam being sorry, but... for what? He didn't do anything wrong. He didn't have anything to be sorry for. He was the one being emotional over nothing. He mumbled a quick "Hey... it's fine," just before Cam's lips made contact with his.


He felt his heart drop. Everything surrounding the two of them seemed to disappear. All the people. All the noises. Everything. Just... completely gone. It was just him and Cam, and he didn't care about anything else. Just the feeling of Cam's lips pressed against his own. Being with Cam was a nice feeling that he had never felt before. One that he couldn't put into words. One that he wanted to feel forever. For the rest of his life. He couldn't pull away... he didn't want this sensation to end.

The wall. Weston's back touched the wall, and for some odd reason that he couldn't explain, Cam seemed a trillion times hotter. And that was when it hit him. He and his best friend, Cameron Turner, were truly in love with each other. Truly. This wasn't just a little crush, this was love. And he wanted more than anything to spend the rest of his life with him.

Eventually, Cam pulled away from the kiss. Of course, all great things have to come to an end, but West didn't want this moment to end. He wiped away the last of his tears, his entire face as red as a tomato.

West let out a bit of a shaky sigh, trying to get his emotions together. He was speechless, he didn't know how to feel or what to say. He wanted to be as confident and bold as Cam. He needed a drink. Shots. He wanted shots, and he wanted to ditch the party and take Cam to his dorm room.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Weston cleared his throat nervously. "Uh... can I get a drink? With you?"

code by valen t.
MOOD: Calm


Irina ( .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. )
Cooper Dean
Let’s be friends, okay?

A brief bolt of panic went through Cooper as Irina mentioned roommates. Shoot. He’d forgotten that was something he’d have to deal with...that he’d have to live with another person for a whole year. “I...no. I haven’t met my roommate yet,” he replied, sighing. He turned his head to look at her again, smiling. “I don’t think you have to worry about them not liking you. I’m sure they will. Me on the other hand...” he loosed a breath, shrugging. “I’ll probably annoy them half to death in the first few hours, if I’m being honest.”

And wasn’t that the truth. Hell, he was surprised Irina wasn’t sick of him yet, and it had only been an hour or so. He’d never survive the full year. His roommate would kill him or something. Cooper was just glad his roommate wasn’t Hanni. At least he wouldn’t die from fatal cutlery wounds. Just imagine the headlines:

College student repeatedly forked to death.

Spoons are dangerous: local dies from fatal stab wounds. The weapon? A spoon.

Forget guns, knives and swords, America’s new favorite weapon? Sporks.

He shuddered to think of it, before turning his attention back to the girl besides him. It was rapidly growing colder, and his breath now came out in visible curls, but for some reason he didn’t want to move. But...Irina was in a dress. She must have been freezing. Cooper sat up, stripping off his jacket and offering it to her. “Your legs...you must be freezing,” he said, frowning.

He was used to cold nights, living in North Dakota. He’d enjoyed the cold, actually, and found it was easier to breathe in. It was why he loved winter so much—the beauty of snow paired with the cool, crisp air easily made it his favorite season. Unfortunately it was too early to be thinking about wintertime and all the holidays. It wasn’t even fall yet!

“I’m glad I came to this party, too,” Cooper said, sighing. Then, thinking back on the events of half an hour ago, he shook his head. “Well...honestly? I could have gone without the party stuff and skipped right to now. It’s this that I enjoyed. Watching the stars with you,” he amended, smiling.

code by valen t.
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how are you doing? Im very happy--BEGBHENHE
lrina Altier

Irina shook her head. "You'll be fine. I'm sure you won't annoy anyone" she said confidently. "I mean with me I'm not bored talking with you.. or being around you. I like it" Irina admitted. She wasn't worried about him unless it was Hanni,but she knew Hanni couldn't be his roomate. She just hopped that maybe if anything it was a guy? She might get a little jealous if it was a blonde girl with her boobs out all the time and her legs showing 24/7. She would definitely be jealous.

Irina wasn't even thinking about how cold it was outside because she was having such a great time with Cooper. That was until a breeze kicked in and she shuddered slightly. She really wasn't expecting him to give her his jacket, but she sat up off the grass and gently took it to put it on. The jacket smelling like Cooper and the length of the arms going past her fingers. She laughed a little before looking up at him. "You didn't have to, but.. thank you Osito.."

Her hair fell over the front of her left shoulder to slightly over her face as she looked at him while he said basically that if there was no party and he would've looked at stars with her he would still have the most fun. Her amber eyes opened a little wider and her face was growing pink.

"I...I agree very much. I enjoyed this a lot..I'll take you to see stars more when we are both free okay?" She said with a giggle as she started getting up. "I didn't want to move,but my legs are like icicles" she said trying to steady her wobbly legs.

She started to feel drowsy and she figured that it was because of the jetlag from her flight mixed in with the pissy alcohol she had. "Im getting a little tired unfortunately...umm..if you wouldn't mind, and if you don't want to that's fine I completely understand..uh walking me back? I just-i don't really want to cut our time together short. I wanted to be with you for a little longer if that's..okay?" She asked while her heart was pounding in her chest so that she could barely hear her own voice.

fuck you heart, be quiet..You're not helping..

coded by reveriee.
mood :
Nervous --> Still nervous.

location :

Party tingz
interactions :

Teddy, Aza Qwertycakes Qwertycakes pandagosquish pandagosquish
Cheryl Turner

Where were all the drinks supposed to be?

It was as if people at these parties were destined to get drunk and that's it.

Literally, that was the whole point of their parties. An excuse to get inebriated. Could you believe that? It was ridiciulous. People could have fun without alcohol and some ultimately refused to, and that reason alone had made Cheryl reconsider almost everything she knew about parties. But... in her defense, she didn't know much about parties. She attended a whole maximum of one back home.

College parties against high school didn't seem too different. But that night had been a total disaster, so here's hoping this one isn't so bad.

Maybe she'd find that--

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her waist and she was faced to see that guy.

But not just any guy.

It was Teddy, the freshman from orientation.

The one she'd been asking randoms about. All this time Cheryl could've sworn she'd made him up. And somehow they were in the same predicament they were last time, but... with nobody to interrupt them.

"... Teddy!"

Her cheeks reddened at the close contact and Cheryl took that as a sign to create some distance from her and the stranger... even if she didn't want to. That was weird, why did she want to? Was it because he was attractive?


whatever it was. Cheryl didn't exactly understand it just yet. She took a deep breath and stepped slightly-- but only slightly away from the stranger she was suddenly so infatuated with. Adjusting her dress so it didn't seem overly too short. She didn't want to be deemed as a... call girl or somethin' silly.

She wasn't about to get the chance to see him and not make an impression.

First impressions always mattered...

even though this was the second one.


What? No you can't introduce yourself like that, elaborate!

"Uh, my name. I mean. I'm Cheryl. I figured I'd tell you because I didn't really get the chance to the otherdaywheniwaswhiskedoff... and..."

You ramble too much.

Way too much.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry... I mean, um..."

You mean... ?

"Hi, I mean hi."

Welp. She was a lost cause. Want to hear it in medical terms? Cheryl just coded. Flatlined.

Time of death?

Right this second.

coded by reveriee.
MOOD: Fuck.


Jean ( .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. )
Cassian Gallagher
Hey God? So, uh...I changed my mind...

Cas hadn’t expected Jean to keep talking to him, and he certainly didn’t expect him to invite him on a walk, either. Cas merely blinked, the only sign of surprise he’d show. He took a moment and breathed in the chill mists and fresh, cool air, dragging them deep into his lungs. Unusually cold for late August, especially in California.

If he hadn’t been drunk, he would have never gone. But, unfortunately, he was shit faced and feeling sorry for himself, so he uncoiled to his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at Jean expectantly. “So,” he sighed, sounding more resigned to his fate than he would have liked. Talking was always an effort. Caring was always an effort. “Where are we off to, Mr. Jean Valentine?” he asked, voice bleak and emotionless. And yes, he was slurring just a bit.

It made him think, of a poem he’d jotted down in his notebook the other day. He couldn’t quite remember how it went, now, but it nagged at his memory, like some thread of fate caught in the loom. Cassian kicked at a rock on the ground, watching as it flew into the grass and disappeared, before turning his grey eyes back on the blonde boy before him. “Take me somewhere awful, darling. Somewhere dark and desolate,” he deadpanned, cold, dead humor lighting up his eyes. “Oh! Do you want to know what would be really fun? You could murder me in an alleyway!” he added, excited at the prospect.

Hey God? I know I called you a prick earlier...and a douchebag, but like, I think you’re a real cool guy. So, you know...do your pal Cassian a favor and have Jean turn out to be some psycho murderer or something. You won’t even need a bus to hit me anymore…

It was becoming quite apparent that Drunk Cas had a death wish. Sober Cas quite liked Drunk Cas. He was honest about what he wanted. Sober Cas was just an asshole. Cas raised his eyebrows at Jean expectantly, looking towards the sidewalk.

“Well? The cops are bound to show up to that party soon enough, so it’ll be a lot harder to murder me then. You might want to do it sooner than later. Come on, I even have the perfect alleyway in mind…”
code by valen t.
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MOOD: Drunk

OUTFIT: White button-up shirt, black sweater, etc. Usual clothes but nicer.

LOCATION: Frat house
Tabitha Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

Nico Kio.exe Kio.exe
TL;DR Nah.
ocean lorenzo
I just wanna be somebody to someone
I like you, tiny American.

What was that supposed to mean? Of course, Nico didn't have any sort of crush on Ocean. Impossible. But he had never heard the word "like" used in any way other than romantically. But, on the other hand, English wasn't Nico's first language, maybe that was the way everything translated in his head. But the alcohol could be clouding his mind as they speak. He could never be entirely sure.

Ocean eventually decided that Nico didn't mean it in a romantic way. It was impossible, they were just talking about how they wished they could feel something for someone else. And maybe that was for the better, anyway... he didn't have any romantic feelings towards anyone... as far as he was concerned. He finally laughed a bit after what felt like eternities of thinking. "I'm not tiny..."

Ocean drank some more before finally deciding he was done drinking for tonight. He looked around the frat house. It was getting loud, and he normally would have been irritated by the noise, but he didn't seem to have a care in the world. He glanced around the party, his eyes stopping for a minute on a girl across the party that seemed to be... looking at him. She had her phone pulled out, but she didn't seem to be very focused on it. Ocean just stood still and studied her for a few seconds. She's pretty... like, really pretty, he concluded, letting his attention drift back to Nico.

"But... yeah," Ocean said to the taller boy. "I like you, too."

code by valen t.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions : Cassian
Kio.exe Kio.exe
;; Jean

Jean had slowed a little bit as Cas was walking beside him in the crisp air. The evening was cooked, their breathes being seen in the dark night. Jean looked straight as they walked in the pavement and Cas spoke up. Jean had shrugged "I haven't decided just yet. It's out of two places" he started saying.

He wasn't sure what was going through Cassians head. What compelled this fine ass man to talk of Jean, of all people, killing him... in an alley none the less. Jean couldnt help, but laugh. His smile was breaming as Cas spoke. "A nasty alleyway?" He mumbled to himself. He then looked towards Cas and he teasingly said, "Now Mr.Cassian Gallagher, if I take you in an alleyway I won't kill you--" he then leaned down to Cas' ear, his right warm hand placed on the back of Cassians neck to pull him a bit closer and whispered "--Id fuck you" he then straightened himself up with a smile, placing his hand back down to his person. Jean finished off his cigarette and kept the bud in his hand because he didn't like to flick them just everywhere. He just wanted to see his reactions, but also get his drunken self out of the gutter. He'd rather him see him smiling.

When Jean was drunk he was about the same except he felt warm all around and is a little bit more bold, or even cheeky. He tried not to be drunk as much anymore because the last time it happened he gave himself alcohol poisoning from being in his feelings. That day he could've ended it,but that was in the past and he tried to look forward to the future,but he would lie if he said it wasn't in the back of his mind. How he wasn't good enough. How he wasn't wanted. Or how he doesn't see his purpose in life..nobody knows what hides behind his smile,but he doesn't let them..nobody.

Then Jean just felt like they should just walk to the dorms and take care of this boy. Plus there was a place he was thinking of taking Cas to his secret spot. He was debating because he didn't want Cas to have a huge hangover so he decided to open his mouth. "Hey so..if you don't feel like a sloth tomorrow because of your drinking are you still going to come with me tomorrow? Or rather do you want to go with me still?" He asked as his blonde hair bounced in the air as it blew through and the street lights were shining down on them briefly.
coded by reveriee.
MOOD: "Grabbing some drinks and ready to... uhh... drink?"



Wolf pandagosquish pandagosquish
Charlotte .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
TL;DR No tldr for you, sorry .
lyle chateau
So, get this, I'm at this party...
"Okay, Wolfie, got it!" Lyle replied before wandering towards the fourth cabinet, opening it cautiously, looking around for anyone that was looking his way. He seemed to be in the clear. Surveying the contents of the drawer, Lyle seemed rather disappointed. Incredibly strong drinks, yes, not for lightweights, but nothing illegal. So then... why was the cabinet being watched? Did the frat boys want the drinks for themselves? Probably, he decided. It wasn't really worth thinking about... as long as the drink was to Wolfie's satisfaction, Lyle was golden. He let out a chuckle, likely thinking about what he and Wolfie (and now Charlotte) could do together, both at the party and in the future. He made his way back to where Wolf and Lottie were standing, the entire bottle in one hand and three glasses in the other. It was too risky to put the bottle back, he wasn't sure when the blonde would leave... it could be as soon as five minutes or as late as the rest of the night. And, as a plus, he could probably get away with stealing the bottle and leaving it in his dorm, drinking from it whenever he pleased. After all, it was just one bottle.

Lyle greeted Charlotte with a loose hug before making a desperate attempt to open the bottle, fumbling with everything in his hands before getting himself situated. He poured some of the alcohol into each of the cups, careful not to overdo it too much. He somehow managed to hand a drink to Wolf and another to Charlotte, holding his own and closing the bottle. Normally, you would need, like... what, millions of hands for that? But nope. Not for me. I'm talented, he thought, smiling a bit to himself. Maybe I should go on one of those talent shows on TV... for multitasking, or whatever.

Perhaps he had come at an odd time. Are you happy, Wolfie? It seemed like an odd question, perhaps it was just Lottie asking Wolf how he was doing, but for some reason, Lottie's words filled Lyle with curiosity. He tilted his head slightly, waiting eagerly for Wolf's response. "Yeah, Wolfie. Are you happy?" Lyle believed he already knew the answer, he and Wolfie talked a lot through social media and he didn't seem sad... but he could be wrong.

He took a sip from his drink, letting out a satisfied sigh as he let the alcohol burn. Lyle had forgotten how nice the burn of the alcohol was. This party was... what was the American saying?

So far, so good.

code by valen t.
MOOD: "I literally just got here... why am I at a party?"

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Frat house
Jae-Sun Min LooneyLani LooneyLani

Archer Quinn Kio.exe Kio.exe
TL;DR Too lazy for that smh
asher evans
Why am I here? I don't want to be here...
Asher had only been at school for about a day, and he already missed his home in Kentucky. He didn't quite understand why; Kentucky wasn't the best place in America for a bisexual teenager to live. All he knew was that California was incredibly different from Kentucky... and that he didn't quite seem to fit in with everyone else. And that he was super late. Calendars are confusing. He hoped he didn't have any missing work. That would be bad. Despite not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, he was always good at maintaining good grades and turning work in on time, kicking the school year off with a big fat "F" would not be good.

Asher opened Twitter and started chatting with everyone for the first time. Everyone seemed... welcoming. Especially this one boy. Archer Quinn. Archie was his energetic roommate who had a bit of a pancake obsession, but could you blame him? Pancakes are delicious. The two of them weren't complete polar opposites, but they certainly had their differences. Even so, Archie seemed to genuinely care about him... Asher could talk to this boy for hours without even knowing time passed. Was that weird?

Everyone on Twitter seemed to be talking about the party happening as they speak. Asher genuinely contemplated going, but he wasn't entirely sure yet. After hearing Archie leaving, he decided to go after him. He'd never been to a party before. Was he nervous? Hell yeah. But the fact that Archie was going seemed to plant some sort of... warmth inside him. A feeling of comfort... like he wasn't going alone.

"I'm going to the party," he called out to his other roommate, Jae, before leaving his apartment and looking for the frat house. It was nearly impossible to miss, loud music booming and lights flashing from the inside. Yes, this had to be the place.

Asher opened the door and slipped inside. It was even more packed than he imagined it to be, finding Archie among the sea of people was going to be difficult.

Why did I come here?

He eventually found Archie and shoved his way through the sea of people, muttering apologies as he did. When Asher found the other, he immediately pulled him into a tight hug.

"Archie! Hey!" Asher said, trying his best not to call too much attention to himself. He sustained the hug for a little while longer before pulling away. "I'm sorry... was that weird?" he asked, his cheeks starting to heat up. "I... uh... I didn't mean to make things weird... I'll leave you alone if you want? I don't... know if I wanna be here anyway..."

code by valen t.
MOOD: Duuuuude this is awesome


Jae, Asher
Archer Quinn
Hakuna matata...it means no worries

Archie hadn’t expected Asher to come to the party. His newfound friend and roommate didn’t seem to be the type to come to these sorts of things, but as the boy approached, Archie found himself pleasantly surprised. And when the slightly taller boy wrapped him in a tight hug, he grinned. “Ashy, pal, I LOVE HUGS. So...uh..not weird,” he chirped, poking Asher’s cheek with a finger. “Duuude, I so wasn’t expecting you to come to the party, so, like, AWESOME.”

His brown eyed gaze was flicking around the crowd of people, unable to settle on one thing for more than a second. The sights, the sounds—even the smells—were all so stimulating, so different than back home in Canada. It was amazing. Archer turned back to Asher, still grinning. “So, uh...I have absolutely no clue what to do now,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand. “I made it here, and, uh…” he trailed off as he got distracted by a game of pool happening in the corner.

Duuuuddee pool is so sickkkk…

Like, who even called them billiards in the first place? What a DUMB name...

Grinning, Archie grabbed Asher’s hand and dragged him to the pool table, where a bunch of frat idiots were in the middle of a game. Archie wasn’t tall by any means, and had to stand on his tiptoes to see over the shoulder of one of the people playing. When he still couldn’t get a good view, he placed his hands on the shoulder of the guy who he was leaning over, which promptly resulted in Archer receiving an elbow in the gut.

With a dramatic sigh, he looked back to Asher, once again grabbing his hand to find a less crowded spot where they could watch the game. “I’ve never played pool, but like, look. It’s SO AWESOME. I bet I’d be good at it,” he quipped, plopping down on an empty couch and patting the spot next to him. “DUDE. I bet you’d be good at it, too. We totally have to play sometime,” he added, punching his friend lightly on the shoulder.

It was strange, he thought, how quickly the two had become friends. Back home, he’d never really had friends. He was too loud, too hyper, too annoying, too clingy. Too much. With Asher, he never felt judged, or looked down upon. But, then again, they’d only known each other for a few hours, even if it felt like days. The unfortunate truth of it was that Asher would inevitably get annoyed, or overwhelmed and Archie would be stuck friendless and alone.

Brooo, Archie. Good thoughts only man. Hakuna matata or whatever…

code by valen t.
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  • home (filler tab)


set me free

Hiraeth was a word constantly floating around in his head as Jae nestled under the covers of his bed in the new dorm room, he wasn't exactly sure what it was he missed so deeply, he knew it likely wasn't his actual home constantly filled with silence. Perhaps it was the feeling of home; the warmth provided by the people you care for, the easiness of simply just ... living? Jae groaned into the thick blanket, wondering why in the hell his mind liked to ruin his mood whenever he felt semi-okay. He'd only been back at Hartley for a little less than a day now, arriving late as per usual, and already found many reasons for why he wanted to leave - though at this point it seemed to be an annual ritual of his. Jae was dragged from his thoughts by the loud departure of one of his two new roommates, resulting in another groan muffled by the covers pulled over his face, of course he couldn't forget the two new reasons added to the long list: Archer Quinn and Asher Evans.

The one was much too loud for the quietness Jae had become used to, his energy engulfing every room into which he walked, and the other quiet in ways that almost irked him, a timidness about him that seemed to make him apologise for every damn thing he did or said. It came as no surprise that Jae had already threatened to hit one of them, though he left out the fact the weapon of choice had been a pancake and the reason for it being unneeded apologies - a thing Jae honestly couldn't understand. Why should you ever feel the need to apologise for saying what you were feeling, or for simply being yourself?

Jae-sun could hardly surpress the urge to smile as his thoughts turned to the pancakes. Of all things he thought he could utilise his culinary major for, the last had been to create pancakes for the two boys. Though he likely wouldn't admit it, Jae had been glad for the distraction and to be given something to do to keep his hands busy. Though Hartley at this point was no strange a place to Jae as his own house, there was always a certain anxiety about returning to the university for another year.

Upon the, thankfully quieter, departure of his second roommate, Jae found himself uncurling from the mass of blankets and sifting through some of the unpacked clothes for something decent enough for the aforementioned party. He wasn't always the most social of the people he knew, but Jae was a frequent at the frat parties, the promise of alcohol and the presence of other people were enough to drag the seemingly always tired boy from his dorm room each year. This year would be no different.

It didn't take all too long for Jae to get dressed and head for the door, turning off lights as he went and briefly pausing at the front door with furrowed brows, did his roommates bring their keys with them? Jae simply shrugged as he reasoned it wasn't his problem to be dealt with and promplty pulled the door closed and locked it, heading down the stairs at a leisurely pace. It didn't take him all that long to navigate his way to the frat house throwing the party, the music booming long before he'd even reached the front yard of the large house. Jae-sun entered with an easy smile, welcoming the feeling of the bass vibrating in his bones and the push of bodies close to his own. His dark eyes caught few familiar faces amongst the sea of students, offering small nods of acknowledgements as he walked his way through to where he could see a mass of drinks waiting to be poured into idle cups. His slender fingers curled comfortably around a large cup as he began pouring various different bottles of alcohol into the mix, smile widening to a grin as the familiarity of the scene seeped in, Jae finding comfort in the constant of such parties.

The silent itch of anxiety prickling at his skin was slowly being chased away by the burning of alcohol down his throat, his fingers wrapped securely around the cup, and his free hand warmed by the body it had encircled around, the cute boy calling Jae's attention the moment his dark eyes had landed on him. Jae was pretty much a sucker for the pretty things, and what would a party be without a cute person to keep you company? Jae-sun chased away the sensation of constant underlying anxiety and sought instead the numbness of intoxication and the warmth of another's body in reach of his own.

♡coded by uxie♡
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