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Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed


sad dad
The hall is filled with tense laughter and muttered insults, each race is only sitting with each other making no attempt to interact. Teachers of all races line the front of the hall looking almost as awkward as the students they will be teaching. The hall quiets as a tall Elfin lady comes out from behind the teachers. It is Head Mistress Amber and she is about to give her speech.
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" Hello students and welcome to the first year of Hartha Nea! This school has been a dream of mine for years and I would like it to be a reality for years to come so I know you all are tired and have traveled far so I will began sorting you into roommate

Yin and Yang and Everleigh

Rinnia and Nerotik and Carver

Shade and Keith and Mary" She went on for another ten minutes before she finished all the names. "Remember classes start in four days please enjoy yourselves"


Keith grabbed the key with his name on it from a pile that laid near the window and followed the signs that led him to the dormitories. He threw a few flirty looks and winks at passerby getting a mix of disgusted and interested looks. Oh yes this should be fun! He arrived at the door that had his along with some other's name craved into it he opened the door and his eyes widen there was a large living area with bookshelves stacked floor to ceiling a large fire place along with some comfy leather chairs. He open the door on his right and entered to see a large hot spring filled with rose petals he itched to get in and wash but wanted to see the bedrooms. There were three doors located on the left each one painted in silver with a name. He opened the one with his name and smiled wildly at the large feather bed. He could get used to this.

" Hello students and welcome to the first year of Hartha Nea! This school has been a dream of mine for years and I would like it to be a reality for years to come so I know you all are tired and have traveled far so I will began sorting you into roommate

Yin and Yang and Everleigh

Rinnia and Nerotik and Carver

Shade and Keith and Mary" She went on for another ten minutes before she finished all the names. "Remember classes start in four days please enjoy yourselves"


Keith grabbed the key with his name on it from a pile that laid near the window and followed the signs that led him to the dormitories. He threw a few flirty looks and winks at passerby getting a mix of disgusted and interested looks. Oh yes this should be fun! He arrived at the door that had his along with some other's name craved into it he opened the door and his eyes widen there was a large living area with bookshelves stacked floor to ceiling a large fire place along with some comfy leather chairs. He open the door on his right and entered to see a large hot spring filled with rose petals he itched to get in and wash but wanted to see the bedrooms. There were three doors located on the left each one painted in silver with a name. He opened the one with his name and smiled wildly at the large feather bed. He could get used to this.
Yang walked steadily to the dormitories, Yin clinging softly to his arm. "Onichan it's so big," Yin exclaimed, looking up at her brother. He looked down at her with a fond expression. Reaching over and patting her head, he gave a warm smile. "Indeed it is, little one." She gave a sound of contempt when she felt her brother's gentle hand. Arriving at the place the handout had said to go. There were three doors with three names. Yin's, Yang's, and someone's named Everleigh. He guessed how his sister would react a moment before he heard her sharp gasp. "But I've always slept with Onichan since I was young!" Yin cried. Yang turned to her and said, "Oh, I'm sure you can still come in and climb into my bed at night. Don't worry, okay?"
Carver looked around the large room in trepidation. He wasn't used to seeing this many people gathered in one place, it was unnerving.

As soon as he had received his dorm's location, he slipped out of the hall, slinking through the shadows towards his destination.

As he arrived, he payed the other two rooms, both fitted with the names of his roommates, no heed. Placing a small hand onto the cold door knob, he twisted it open, and gingerly stepped inside. He threw his rucksack onto the bed, which occupied a majority of the room.

With a sigh he sat down next to the battered old sack, and took a deep breath.
Rinnia skips ahead of Nerotik in the halls, chattering to him excitedly about all the things she wants to do. He smiles slightly and nods when she asks him things, he hasn't seen her this happy in a long time, and was glad he made this decision.

"I hope our roommate is nice..." She says quietly, as she takes Nerotiks arm.

Nerotik sighs, "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine. And if he's mean to you, I'll change our room. Okay?"

"Okay!" She says happily.

They stand in front of the door a minute, and Nerotik opens it. Rinnia hides behind Nerotik slightly, becoming suddenly shy.
Everleigh gripped on to the bag of goodies her mother left her as she moved to that town where the academy had been located. She slowly and steadily wandered into the dormitories where she had noticed that she will be sharing a room with not one person but two others, shapeshifter siblings that seem inseparable.

Even if I had two others in my room, I'll probably still feel alone since they got each other.

She thought until her owl, Skye, nudged her arm. A shy smile grew on her lips as she walked up to the room with her name written on it. She looked around only to see two others at the same place she was in.

Man up Everleigh! They're going to be your first friends!

She thought as she inched towards them slowly, "You must be Yin and Yang. Hi... I'm Everleigh," she introduced herself shyly.
Shade stayed towards the back until they could get their keys. He flew to get his key when they could finally pick them up and left the room before anyone else. He went to the room that was his and was surprised to see how nice the room was. It wasn't as nice as his room back home, but at least it was nice enough that he'd feel comfortable there.

Using Tapatalk
Violet walks along the halls of the school and wonders what she will do about missing the dorm instructions. She wants to ask someone, but the only race around her are Elfin and she's afraid if she asks them they'll make fun of her because they're a different race. Hoping to find a Shape Shifter she walks much faster almost as if she was being chased. Suddenly without her looking someone steps infront of her and she crashes into that person making them both fall. She immediately stood up put her hand out to help.

"I'm really sorry I didn't see you!" she apologized She looked at the person who appeared to be a boy. Since everyone had name tags she read his and it said "Crisis" and on the bottom which stated the race it said 'Elfin" Wynn
Yin glances at the girl with a timid expression, not saying a word. Yang, however, steps forward with a hand outstretched and a warm smile on his face. "Hello, are you Everleigh? Yes, that is us. Don't mind Yin, she doesn't speak much at first, but eventually she'll open up to you." Yin frowns as her brother speaks of her like she wasn't there but still doesn't make a sound. He glances down at her with a look that says, It's okay, Yin.
Carver had begun to take his possessions out of his bag, placing them in fitting locations all over the room, when he heard the outer door open. He stood cautiously, opening his door a crack and looking through, to see two more people had entered the dorm. They looked to be about the same age, if not older than himself. One had warm, red hair, while the other had deep, blue hair. He could only assume these were his roommates.

With a gentle smile, he slowly closed his door once more, sighing, and walking over to the small desk in the corner of the room. He had placed his textbooks in a small pile next to it. Quietly, he sat down and picked up one of the textbooks, opening it to the first page, and began to read.
Everleigh bit her lip as she felt a slight sense of hostility towards the little girl. She gripped tightly on to the bag of cookies again, "I h-hope we get to become good friends this school year." She tried. Then without saying another word, she walked into her room and closed the door gently before throwing her stuff on to the bed. This year she was going to break her shy streak and finally approach people to make new friends.
Rinnia and Nerotik both went into their room.

Nerotik took Rinnia by the shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Remember, if anyone asks you, say that you are a halfling, tell absolutely no one you are a ghoul."

She blinked and looked at him, confused. "Why not?"

He sighs and says, "I don't care if the headmistress or teachers know, but almost all races hated ghouls. They're known as man eaters, and used to survive solely on the flesh of other races. They made no alliances, and only cared about themselves. Many wanted to kill us off, that's why our home was destroyed. Do you understand me?"

She nods, "Y-yes, brother..."

He sighs in relief, "Good. Now, you unpack your stuff."

They unpack and place their few items on the tables and desk, arranging them to look nice and neat. But it was obvious that Rinnia was more tidy.
With a slight groan, Carver closed his textbook, and shut his eyes.

He then proceeded to hit his forehead with the book several times before throwing it onto his bed.

He had understood close to nothing the book contained, and had gotten fed up with it. Cursing under his breath, he promised himself to come back to that book later. He glanced nervously towards the door. Since his roommates had arrived, he had heard nary a peep from them, save for some muffled talk which he couldn't make out through the wall.

With a relenting sigh, he decided that he would have to show some common courtesy, and introduce himself. As much as he hated the prospect, he took a deep breath and stepped out into the main dorm. With a nervous glance around, he shuffled over to the closed door, next to his own. He took another deep breath, closed his eyes, and knocked. @BlueFox3411
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Keith was almost asleep when he heard the door open; he opens his eyes and grins that must be his new roommate! He stands up and looks into the mirror across from him and fixes his hair and straightens up his clothes. "I look good." he winks at himself and walks out his bedroom door and heads to the one next to him where it is cracked a bit. He peeks in and sees a blue fairy girl ((OCC. I know hes a boy)). " Hey girly need any help..?" Keith says in what he must assume is a smooth voice. @darkminathegone
Nerotik heard a knock at the door. He froze, normally when there was a knock they'd leave as soon as possible, but this time was different. He took a breath and went to the door. He opened it slightly, it was a boy about their age, a little bit shorter than him. He had no idea what to say, so sensing her brothers distress Rinnia jumped over and greeted him, "Hi! Are you our roommate? My name is Rinnia, that's Nerotik over there. It's nice to meet you!" She smiled warmly and held out a hand. Her brother looked slightly confused as what to do behind her. @Thief Of Hope
Carver was slightly shocked at the raw contrast between the two, but when the girl offered her hand, he took it nervously. He spoke up, voice quiet.

"H-Hi. I'm Carver... uh, nice to meet you I suppose."

He retracted his hand, looking up awkwardly at the girl. Why does everyone have to be taller than me? He silently pondered, cursing the universe in a rather melodramatic fashion.

He began to speak again, his voice as quiet as before. "I just wanted to say... uh... Hi and all, seeing as we'll be spending most of our time not in class here, and by extension, together."

She smiles warmly and says, "Thank you for welcoming us. I hope we can all get along for the year."

She pauses and glances at Nerotik.

"Also, I apologize in advance if my brother seems too cold hearted, he's not good at talking and usually makes people scared. He's actually very sweet."

Nerotik looks away to hide his faint blush.

Nerotik says quietly, "I hope we can get along and be friends. It's a pleasure to meet you." He sounds a bit like he's reading it off paper that his sister wrote, but he really means it.

@Thief Of Hope
"Y-Yeah." Carver said, still quiet. He looked at the ground, trying to calm his nerves. He had always been rubbish at meeting new people.

"I'll be, er, going now. See you two around." He smiled faintly, and began to walk away, returning to his own room.

With a deep breath he picked up the book he had haphazardly thrown onto his bed, and began to read once more.
Rinnia looks over at Nerotik after Carver leaves. "Wow. That was more talking from you than I expected." She laughs.

He rolls his eyes, "So? If we're staying here all year than might as well try making a good impression on him. Never know what powers he's got."

Now it's her turn to roll her eyes, "Is that all you think of? Who's dangerous and who to make alliances with?"

He shoots back, "Well that's what I've always had to do to keep you alive, it's just part of me now."

"Of course of course, and I'm always grateful." She grins and hugs him.

He awkwardly hugs her back.

"Alright, so did you get anything to do? Board games, books, anything?"

She shakes her head, "Just a few books I got from that one house we stayed at before. You can read them if you want."

He nods and takes one out of her bag.
Leo walked into his room and saw a small tarp on the ground (being that it'd be pretty hard for a centaur to sleep in a bed). He opened up his bags and removed a few things: clothes, a bit of food to snack on, and a few bottles of water. He quickly stored all of the items in their rightful places, but kept a small pear on his table. He'd probably end up eating it a bit later, but he may as well leave it there for the time being. The centaur yawned a little and simply sat on the tarp and looked around his room for a moment. He then said,"Well, this is gonna be home-sweet-home for a while."
Shade looked at the man that peaked into his room. He almost wanted to throw something at the guy. "No I don't," Shade answered though, his voice wasn't the deepest but you could tell he was a man. "Can I help you otherwise?" Shade only asked to ask, not because he wanted to help but to try and get him to leave faster.

Using Tapatalk
After hearing the introductory speech, Shun decided to make his way to his room. He was a bit edgy, his ears flickering left and right at all the voices talking around him. His large, long tail swung at shoulder height back and forth like a pendulum. Shun held his books close to him as he searched for his room. He shrink a little as the he walked through the crowd, his ears folding back whenever he saw so much as a glance his way. When he finally reached his room he reached into his pocket to pull out the key. He fumbled around with it before putting it into the keyhole. Unlocked? Was somebody already in here? Shun knocked on the door rather timidly before opening the door slowly. When he looked inside, his face drained itself from its color when he saw the centaur standing in the room. Compared to him, the centaur was huge. Shun was built more for speed and flight than anything else. "H-hi there..um nice to meet you. My name is Shun," he said in a soft voice.
Leo stopped zoning out for a moment and said,"Oh, who are you?" when he heard knocking on the door and saw it open to reveal a stranger. The centaur carefully stood up and began to approach the stranger, his ears perked up. He then said,"I'm assuming you either have the wrong room or we're roommates?" The centaur chuckled a little, he didn't seem all that threatening. The centaur got a good look at the guy, he seemed like some kind of cat...if only he could put his finger on it. He then said,"Don't be shy, is this your room because if that's the case we're roommates."
Shun looked down at his assigned room, then checked the label on the door. "Yup. That's what it looks like," he said. He scratched the back of his head and managed a timid smile. Shun walked to the beds and put his bag down tenderly, his long tail swing from side to side. He then turned to face the centaur. He held out his hand to formally introduce himself. "My name is Shun, I'm a shifter. I can see you're a centaur," Shun said, beginning to feel a bit more comfortable talking to him as he didn't seem to be the bully type. Perhaps his first new friend here.
Leo happily shook Shun's hand and said,"Name's Leo...If you couldn't tell what I was from the moment you saw me, you need help with your eyesight." He chuckled for a moment and said,"So I guess we're roommates." The centaur then said,"I just have one rule, don't jump on my back without permission." He then chuckled and said,"I'm sure everyone knows not to do that by now, but you never know." And with that, the centaur turned around and began double checking all of the items in his bag.

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