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Fandom Harry Potter (With coolbabynomad)

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j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r
The Weasley's Burrow was filled with excitement and well...people. Molly and Arthur invited about four extra people to their house. They wanted everyone to enjoy the Triwizard Tournament and have a fun time before Hogwarts started back up. Harry, Hermione, Cal, and Cam were invited to stay at the burrow for the last bit of summer. Cam was close friends with Ginny and most of the others there. Cal was the closest with Ron.

Arthur Weasley was leading the kids to the Triwizard stadium. The group had to wake up rather early so it wasn't a surprise that most were groggy, especially Ron, who couldn't stop yawning for 5 minutes. "Where are we going?" Calypso asked, and was met with shrugs. "Haven't the foggiest!" Arthur called out with a grin on his face.
Cam was scared to go on this trip, she didn't even know what the triwizard stadium was, but they still walked with them. she stayed with Ginny, she was nice enough and one of the only people she knew.
Ginny walked alongside Cam, rather excited to head to the Triwizard stadium, "you alright Cam? There's no need to worry, it's gonna be all good and fun i promise you." she could understand Cam being nervous or scared, but she would try and help Cam calm down.

Calypso was heavily sleep deprived at the moment, not getting enough sleep the night before. "Ron...im tired, can you like carry me or something?" Cal somewhat jokingly asked.
Cam looks up, surprised. “y-yeah, i’m okay, and thanks!” they tell her. she smiled as Calypso asked Rom to carry him. ”they’d be cute together.” they told ginny jokingly.
Ginny nodded with a small laugh, "you know, they would be cute together if Ron wasn't so boring" she joked. "Oi Ronny why dont you carry your friend, be nice he seemed really tired." Ginny teased Ron lightly.
Cam smiled lightly, enjoying Ginny’s company. they looked at her, teasing her brother, and smiled just a little bit more. “heh.” is all they say, watching the boys.
Ginny continued to tease her brother for a bit, "C'mon Ronald be a gentlemen!" She laughed and turned her head over to Cam to kind of check on them. Cal laughed a bit at Ginny's remarks, covering his own mouth to hid it.
Ron sighed, then picked up Cal. “here we go!” he says, carrying him.

Cam watches, giggling, then walked over and spotted in case anything went wrong, which, thankfully, it didn’t.
"Merlin!" Cal yelped out in surprise as his cheeks had a slight pink on him.

Ginny snickered, "i wish i could take a picture of this" She joked. Soon the Weasley family, plus Cam and Calypso, met up with Cedric Diggory and his father. By that time Cal was already asleep in Ron's arms.
Ron rocked Cal jokingly, trying not to wake him up but also trying to be funny. Sadly, no one was watching. he decided to try it again later.

Cam had been watching Ron, but it was just they way you would notice movement out of the corner of your eye. they snickered with Ginny before acting normal, at least a little bit, to the other family. they tried to talk the least.
Ginny hadn’t noticed Ron rocking Cal, she was more interested in making small talk with Cam. Eventually they hall got to a hill with a boot in the middle. “i think that’s a port key. Ron you might wanna wake your loverrrr now,” she couldn’t help tease her brother again.
Ron glared mockingly at Ginny before carefully walking Cal up and setting him down. Cam laughed at Ron and walked over to the port key.they examined it, but it didn’t give any sign of being magical. it just looked like an old boot.
Mr Weasley spoke up with a grin, ”alright, everyone quickly grab onto the port key!” Once everyone grabbed on they were taken to another field just by the Triwizard Stadium. Most of the kids took a hard landing on the floor.
Cam falls onto the floor, laughing, then gets up and walks with the others. “wow..” is all she says, back in line with Ginny. “Can you get used to that?”

Ron laughs, landing softly on the ground, he’d done that before. “glad i set you down?” he asks Calypso, laughing as he walks with him.
Ginny busted out laughing after landing on the ground. She got up and even helped Cam, ”i dont think you can ever get used to it- it always makes my stomach turn.” Ginny chuckled.

”Grateful,” Cal laughed with Ron and bumped him with his shoulder as the group continued to walk to set up their tent.
Cam smiled. “well good to know i’m not the only one!” they say, laughing. she watched Calypso and Ron play-fight and smile. “i’m gonna go see if anyone needs help with the tent.”

Ron bumps his shoulder back and walks with the rest of group. "want to see if they need any help?" he asks Cal.
Ginny nodded, "ill head over and make sure no on lost anything on the trip over alright?" Ginny went off to check out while the others were setting up the tent.

Calypso laughed a bit with Ron and nodded. Once everything was set up they walked inside to divide everyone into rooms. Cal was sharing a room with Ron and Harry while Ginny, Hermione, and Cam were sharing a room.
“okay, I’ll go see if anyone needs help" she says and walks over to the tents. "does anyone need help?" they ask. No one says anything, so they sit on a nearby log and sat until they were set up. she went into the tent they shared with the girls and started unpacking, waiting for the others.

Ron walked with Cal back to their tent, play-fighting him. when they got to the tent, he unpacked, talking to the others as he did. "how do you think the girls are doing?" he asks.
Ginny was placing pillows and blankets on her own bed, basically dumbing them on the bed to fix later. "You excited for the triwizard tournament? i heard Ron pretty much was drooling over Victor Krum."

"I think their doing just fine, Ginny and Cam seem to be great friends huh?" Cal peaked out of the door frame and smiled. "also...think fast!" Cak smirked, throwing a pillow at Ron's head.
“you want me to do those for you? and sure, but i have no idea what to expect.” Cam says, putting their clothes under the bed.

”yeah, they seem to be-augh!” Ron says, the catching the pillow before it hits him, then throwing it back at him. “like i was saying, before i got rudely interrupted by a pillow..” He says. “they seem to be getting along pretty good. I’d say Ginny has a crush on her.” he says
“nah i couldn’t ask you to make my bed. but it’s gonna be fun, i promise you. and if you aren’t having any fun we could always just sneak away from the others and hang out.” Ginny laughed softly, stuffy the rest of her things under her bed.

Cal laughed, being knocked back a bit by the pillow but setting it down on the bed. “oooo them two would be so cute actually! why don’t we play match maker huh?”
“you’ve done that before, I presume?” Cam asks, watching her, but laughing. ”i’m gonna go find food, wanna come?” she asks, pointing to the door.

“okay!” Ron agrees. “wanna go find them now?” he asks, shoving clothes under the bed and shaking his hair out of his eyes. “or go eat?”
Ginny nodded and gave Cam a grin. "I'll come with you to get food, im a bit hungry too," She hummed and walked to the kitchen with Cam.

"Im straveddd, lets go eat," Cal rushed out of the room to beat Ron to the kitchen, running into a wall to stop himself from running into anyone. "Haha! I beat you here!"
”alright“ cam says and walks next to her to the kitchen. “i’m quite glad your my friend, y’know.” she tells her, smiling.

”ulgh, your so fast!” Ron complained, running to catch up with him. “what do you wanna eat?“ he asks when they get to the kitchen.

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