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Fantasy Harrison's Collection






Regularly dressed in common clothes fit for an athletic build, Zeina works hard to make sure his outfits are always clean and tidy, neatly folded and well arranged. He definitely delights in the outfits they wear during their Show Days, and is genuinely surprised to hear that his sclera turn from white to black during the transformation which, in conjunction with his red irises lends him to appearing similar to other children in the collection. Always sports a pair of golden earring with orbs at the bottom which seem to have a swirling void vortex inside.

Name: Zeina

Age (12-25): 17

Gender: Male

Height: 4'8" Human

7'2" Transformed

Weight: 108 lbs. Human

294 lbs. Transformed

How long have you been part of the collection: 12 years.

Abilities: As Zeina develops and manifests more magical power, his body transforms into a large, brutish form with enhanced strength, dexterity, stamina, and resistance to damage. However, it also makes him more feral and animalistic. Draining that power reverts him until he builds up energy again.

Basic Personality: Calm and quiet, Zeina is reserved in his basic form, giving emotionless and neutral responses to the other members of the collection and the staff. Conversely, he is highly and dangerously aggressive yet cannot speak in his animalistic form. When transformed, staff are always nearby to restrain or stop him should he get out of hand.

Having been in Harrison's collection for so long, and since such a young age, Zeina is more than willing to obey Harrison's commands without question and quell rebellion where he finds it.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c787e561f_OttoTobar3.jpg.fad801df1a08c4319753ab91b7cd52a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103289" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c787e561f_OttoTobar3.jpg.fad801df1a08c4319753ab91b7cd52a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c78815338_Ottotobar1.jpg.42a97d66df9689a727777902bf424a3d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c78815338_Ottotobar1.jpg.42a97d66df9689a727777902bf424a3d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/HIM.jpg.65feadcc3ac03a581e86591a48ad2bd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/HIM.jpg.65feadcc3ac03a581e86591a48ad2bd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/wAHT.png.80be2485f41713d250cd7ae0a77a6069.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103292" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/wAHT.png.80be2485f41713d250cd7ae0a77a6069.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standing at 6'1", Otto is strong, sleek, and at first glance quite intimidating. His hair is well kept and he has sandy blond hair and pale blue eyes. His eyes are soft and kind. They display his emotions like an open book. If you ever want to know what he's thinking or feeling, look into his eyes and chances are you'll know instantly what's going on in his head.

Name: Otto Schweinsteiger

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Abilities: He tries to keep his "abilities" entirely secret. He can shapeshift into a creature known as a Tobar. (A species made by me. [iNSERT COPYRIGHT HERE]) These creatures can range from large, violent and bloodthirsty animals to civilized, refined servants. He has no control over himself, and suppresses his shapeshifting by consuming opium.

Basic Personality (EDITED): (HE WAS BORING. I AM NOT SATISFIED) Otto can be a bit grumpy most of the time. He's loyal and kind, sure, but he's also a bit of a pain in the ass. He's the sweetest guy when he's on the opium, but when he's off of it he's miserable and angry. He threatens to fight anybody that rubs him the wrong way, which is hardly anybody considering he keeps to himself. Even when he is off of the opium for a while and his body is urging him to find more in any way he can, he tries to be courteous.



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Appearance: His blond, somewhat spiky hair drapes over his forehead, curtaining two yellow, cat-like eyes. He looks uncomfortable almost all the time. (He probably is.) His frame is frail and he looks as though he hasn’t been taken very well care of. His skin is a powdery blue color a bit like Kumacc’s.

Name: Bjorn Eskerval

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Abilities: He can see distorted images of the future when he is dreaming. They are very cryptic and he doesn’t really realize what’s going on until the event happens.

Basic Personality: A quiet young fellow, Bjorn is soft-spoken and easily taken advantage of. He’s been seen as a complete pushover all his life, and he believes that he is one. Having trouble standing up for himself, he’s been hurt many times causing him to not trust people too easily. He’s a scaredy cat, and has a huge fear of the dark and loud noises. Another fear he has is large, furry creatures such as bears and lions. He suffers from extreme PTSD, and this affects his ability in a sense as well as how he acts around most people. He refuses to be touched by a woman. He will be kind and courteous to her and treat her as he would want to be treated, but god forbid that he even holds hands with the woman. A quirk that he has involves getting famous metaphors and quotes close, but incorrect.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c787d9c64_Bjorn3.jpg.5d7949802b4a6d16355bba8ab9ddbdaa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c787d9c64_Bjorn3.jpg.5d7949802b4a6d16355bba8ab9ddbdaa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lovable Dark-side] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28913-otto/ said:
Otto and Bjorn Accepted don't go crazy with Bjorn's abilities.
Np np
@Remmock Crap sorry I thought I replied to yours. I am sorry, but your character is not accepted. I was already shutting down signups and the only reason I accepted Otto is because she had reserved a spot earlier.


"What is it like? To walk with feet unbound."

no slide
Some may be boring
Appearance: Pale olive skin, ebony black hair, a heart-shaped face, smooth supple lips, and soft light brown eye, Layla is a far cry from being ugly. She has long brown eye lashes, sharp eyebrows, and a slender face to match. Not considerably beautiful, but her face quite mature for one such as herself. Her sable hair falls down to the middle of her back, the long strand looking healthy only in appearance. Laziness having left her hair untouched, it has become a tangled mess of wild curls that only fix themselves when a brush is forced down upon it. It is unusually thick and quite soft if patted, but can get a little messy if one puts a stray hand through it.

Layla is around 5'6" tall weighing in at around 128 Lbs, average proportions for a girl of her age. Body fat seems to be missing where her arms and stomach are, probably taking refuge on her chest and bottom. If seen fully unclothed, her body is adorned with nearly invisible tiny scars, a small burn mark resting on her left hip from what seemed to be an accident.

For clothing, Layla doesn't really concern herself with her overall apparel. Whatever she finds in her closet that what she'll put on. This normally consist of a white fitted T and baggy jeans unless forced into something more suitable to Harrison's taste. Shoes are sometimes worn while other times forgotten and left to collect dust in her closet.

Layla has no idea how she should be. Her mind is constantly in a perpetual state of confusion which results in her lack of a definitive personality. Should she be happy to be adorned with such superficial love? Sad for the wings of freedom she once had have now been clipped to remain in a over glorified cage. Angry at this confusion? Aloof to the fact that her feelings don't even matter in the long run? She constantly reminded what her life is now compared to it was back then, and knows that this is probably all that's left for her. However, just because one knows does not mean that they can simply lie down and accept it as an 'inevitability'. For the most part you could say she is an actor with a variety of masks. Her default emotion could be assumed to be lazy and logical. Hiding behind a facade of naivete she has a very philosophical view on life, her seemingly low intellect being higher than what she leads on. Being one of the oldest dolls within Harrison's collection, she has grown the ability to adapt to any and almost all situations. Although there are things even she can't handle.

While some far more interesting then others
Gemstone Manipulation (Niobe) Her magical affinity with gems is so great that is has physically affected her being and so whenever she cries her tears hardened into different type of gems varying from common to rare. The jewels she cries out all differ in size, quality, and type. She also is incapable of controlling what type of gems are created as the process is done a few seconds after her tears have made contact with the air. People have speculated that she is capable of determining their type, however, this has yet to be seen.
Gemstone Manipulation (Niobe)

Although she cries out gems and minerals, her main ability is controlling them. Her powers allows her to freely move and shape gems into various item. This ability is used both defensive and offensively. She can combine gems to make crystallized walls or simply throw them telepathically. Her power mainly focuses around gems and so without them, her ability is completely rendered useless, not to mention that her tear gems are small and not very large in numbers. One should also take note that she cannot add mass or density to a single gem, meaning if she flattens that said gem the surface area is wider, however, the density is still the same and hardness remains consistent. The only possible way to increase a gems mass is by compiling more gems onto it.


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