Harris Boarding School of Shifters [info,signup,etc]


existentialism goin up on a sunday sunDAY SUNDAY
**If you plan on joining, please read everything.**



Over ten years ago, some children from all over the world, mostly infants and very young children, disappeared all at once, without known reason. The majority of the children came from orphanages and damaged families. The government was quick to hide these disappearances from the media and outside world, often paying off the families to keep quiet. This carried on for several years, without anything happening. Nothing was heard about the children, and the families lost hope.

Eventually, the children were returned to their families. Although not all came back. Wherever the children had been was unknown to all, but no questions were asked. Life went on. But the kids were changed. They didn't act the same as they had before the disappearances. They didn't do well in school and were often not accepted by others in society. They kept to themselves usually. And sometimes, unexplainable things happened with these children that were typically not spoken about ever again.

Over time, news came about what had happened to the children. A secret government organization had been started that began experimenting with the combining of human and animal DNA. They had started with prisoners, adults, people with lifelong sentences who would never return to society. The first experiments didn't go so well. Either they would die or show little to no change. They needed younger subjects, ones they could watch over time. So they took the children. The responses in the younger subjects was different from that of the prisoners. They showed more change, and fewer died. It was believed that when the children began reaching adolescence, the animal DNA would become more present. The children would be able to morph completely or partially into the animal, and easily return to human form. They children had very small chips inserted into their wrists that would make it possible for the organization to monitor them. This was kept secret from the rest of the world.

Shortly after the children were returned, the organization was closed down by a international agent. The children were still monitored, to make sure they didn't hurt anyone, or themselves. From watching the children, they could see that they didn't quite fit in with the normal world. Although they didn't show signs of their animal DNA yet, it was still clear they didn't fit in. So it was decided that a school would be opened, just for the children. They would be taught how to control their animal sides, how to fit better in society, and also classes they would be taught in a normal school, like science and english, etc. They live at the school for the year and then return home for the summer, if there is a home for them to return to. If not, they go home with other shifters, or staff members from the school.

The school goes from fifth grade to twelfth, ranging from ages 10 to 18. The kids can go to the school for all seven years, or they may return to normal human schools if they wish. Harris Boarding School is a very large school in the middle of nowhere, unknown to to most. There are a large variety of classes, such as normal curricular, arts classes, animal classes, etc. The school has a gym, many classrooms, including art classroom and a woodshop, living quarters, an auditorium, a rec room, a large cafeteria, an infirmary, and a huge outdoor area with a lake and foliage and other landscape types for all kinds of species.

There are two students per room, and they are of the same gender, and around the same age.

The school day starts at 9:15am and ends at 4:30pm, although depending on schedules, some may end earlier. Students are then free to do as they wish.

Meals are held in the cafeteria at 8-9am, 12-1:30pm, and 5-7pm. Not mandatory.

Students may have as many or as few classes as they choose. The only mandatory classes are the normal curricular and the animal controlling class. All else is free to choose.

Students must be in their rooms by 10pm.

Students are free to do as they please on saturdays and sundays, although the curfew is midnight.

Substances are not allowed in the school and if caught, can result in punishments, such as cleaning assignments, etc.

Certain behaviors and acts [vandalism, fighting, staying passed curfew, opposite genders in rooms, etc] can also result in punishments.

((but we all know things will still happen, just like a normal school, so if you choose to do these things, don't get caught, or you're cleaning. ;p))


normal roleplay rules, blahblahblah. Multiples are fine if you can control them. Each student can only change into ONE animal. You may play teachers if you like, but they are not necessary, they can just be side characters with little importance.









Alright, I believe that's it, but if I'm forgetting anything just ask~.
Name:Ava Rose

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Personality: Happy cheerfull, but is scary when angry

Animal: snow fox


Other: She oved roses
Name: Aria Cyri (S-eye-ree)


Gender: female

Looks: average height for a girl(shorter then most guys) redish brown hair, unusual amythest eyes

Personality: gentle, practical, caring, but strong for a girl

animal: pure white cat

other: loves home made sweets
Hihi~. I'll start the actual one when we have a couple more people.

Name: Cherys Williams

Age: 15

Gender: female

Looks: Small height and build, with few curves. The body of a dancer. Her skin is quite pale. She has delicate facial features, small nose, rosy lips, large pale blue eyes. Her hair is very light blond, almost white, with a silvery sheen. It is often worn in a high bun or ponytail. She doesn't wear much makeup, typically just mascara, sometimes a bit of eyeliner. She often wears pastel colored clothing, dresses quite "girly".

Personality: Curious, but isn't really one to say much. Some people see her as stupid, or stuck up for her lack of words, but really she just doesn't enjoy speaking to most people. When someone puts in the effort to actually have a decent conversation, mostly if it is a topic she enjoys, she will eventually warm up to the person. She isn't often angered, but it can be quite strong when she is.

Animal: swan

Grade: 9

Other: Cherys has done ballet for several years and greatly enjoys it. She doesn't have many other interests besides dance. Although she is trying to open up more this year and try new things and speak more, as she is officially a "highschooler".

Name: Leocadie Gray, or Leo

Age: 18

Gender: male

Looks: Tall and average build, with golden tan skin. His body is randomly spattered with freckles, mostly on his cheeks/nose and arms. His hair is somewhat messy and spiked in sort of a fauxhawk; a brownish-blond color with some golden tints from the sun.

Personality: Usually pretty friendly and talkative with most people, an extrovert. He laughs and jokes around a lot, but can be easily offended. Typically, he is quick to forgive and gets over his anger fairly quickly. Likes to be around lots of people. Normally acts before thinking, which often gets him into trouble.

Animal: lion

Grade: 12


Name: Toren Ward, or Tori

Age: 16

Gender: male

Looks: average height for a guy, skinny. Fair skin. He has a pointed chin and cheekbones, small lips, and an upturned nose. His eyes are rounded and deep amber in color. Tori has shaggy, straight dark brown hair, typically falling in his eyes. He is quite attractive, although his looks are somewhat marred by a pinkish-red mark on his left eyelid and part of his left cheek, a port wine stain. Often wears darker colors, normally in skinny jeans with a hoodie or tshirt, and sneakers.

Personality: Toren can be very confusing. Sometimes he is very talkative, while other times he says nothing. He is normally a fairly happy person, but can turn very serious or almost depressed in a short time. He is usually calm, but when mad he can be violent.

Animal: megabat [just a big fruit bat]

Grade: 10

Other: a great lover of music, plays guitar well and is fair at several other instruments, sometimes sings [not very well] but usually not around others

Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Looks: Rosa has long brown and black hair that falls in large long curls down her back. She also has a strip of white hair on the left side of her face. She is a creamy mocha closer to white than brown, with a multitude of freckles adorning her nose. She has one blue eye and one brown and her ears are cropped. This is because in her pit bull form they were cropped close to her head. She is quite embarrassed by it and never reveals her ears. She is tall with a nice figure and in general is pleasant to look at it.

Personality: She is a very loyal person who fights to protect her loved ones. Once you gain her trust she is very kind and is just a joy to be around but otherwise she seems a bit cold and heartless.

Animal:http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4070/4302463739_06907629ef_m.jpg Her ears are cropped and one eye is blue the other is brown

Grade: 10th

Other: Her history is gruesome and she hardly ever speaks of it.

Name: Marcus Faire

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: Marcus is very quiet but has a confidence about him that makes a great leader. People look up to him in times of crisis and sometimes he starts to get overwhelmed but if something counts he pushes through. He is very protective of his sister.

Animal: http://rateeveryanimal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/blackleopard.jpg

Grade: 11

Other: He is Rosa's brother
Name: Faye Gardener

Age: 17

Gender: Female


View attachment 5597

Personality: Not very good at following rules, known to scare some people away because of her reckless and unruly behaviour. Inside, however, Faye is only hard on the outside because she had never had a choice anywhere else. Her hard exterior is a front and she is unbelievably loyal to the people who give her a chance. She has one main weakness... her compulsive attitude - which has lead to her smoking, drinking, and breaking rules.


View attachment 5598

Grade: 11th

Other: Has been kicked out of every other school she has been to, and grew up in England. She has a rich British accent.
Name: Koa Muana

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: He is 6"4' and weighs almost 240 pounds of pure muscle. He is tan with native tattoos from Samoa along his arms. He unnaturally red hair and Completely black eyes.

Personality: Keeps to himself about his personal life but otherwise is very outgoing.



Other: His animals size can range in size depending on the body of water he is in
Yeah sure, it hasn't gotten very far, everyone's just getting their rooms and meeting each other and stuff.
another thing i want to wait for you guys to go to the pond or the pool or something and is it full on change into an animal or like were creature or both
I was thinking they are normally full human, but can change full creature or part creature. But some might choose to be part creature most of the time.
They can but they don't have to. I think everyone at this point is by themselves, since there's not very many, but they can share a room with anyone of the same gender.
Name: Navan [pronounced "nah-vin"] Hutcherson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: He's a rather tall boy, almost six feet tall, and his hair is a light yet rich blonde color. His eyes are an unusual color, since they are a pale, grey-violet color, but that is because of a side effect from the animal DNA he possesses. Navan's a bit tan, but not extremely, and his hair sweeps over to the left messily.

Personality: Navan is usually a bright and cheerful type, but he doesn't exactly enjoy talking to new people that much, which can pose as a problem. He is only quiet because the memory of his long-since deceased girlfriend has stuck with him for a long, miserable seven years. He indulges his sorrows and mournings into music, and he's not bad at piano or singing.

Animal: Wolf

Grade: Junior [11th]

Other: I belive I've covered everything...

Helloo~. It's on the fourth page but it hasn't gotten very far. Start whenever you feel like it. c:
Name: Aviva Piper (Ava)


Gender: Female

Looks:http://favim.com/image/283338/ (what you can't see:light blue, almost gray eyes. Wears convers, skinny jeans or short, and tshirts with a tank top underneath.)

Personality: Can be playful and fun or hostile. She is very protective of her family, friends, and anyone else she loves. She is very tough and can stand up for herself, but would like for just once to have someone back her up.

Animal: white tiger http://true-wildlife.blogspot.com/2011/04/white-tiger.html?m=1

Grade: 11

Other: embraces her ability to transform and likes to morph partially, showing her ers and tail. Likes every color except pink. Can be somewhat of a flirt depending on the guy.
Name: Jacklyn Ryelle (Prefers to go by Jackie)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Looks: View attachment 5757

Personality: Dark, Twisted, sorta awkward at times (But in a cute way), She's kind, quiet, kinda depressing...But she can be fun. And she loves horror or thrilling things...romance is kept at a limit. (She has this reputation where she's all dark and kinda mysterious, but she has a hidden nature where she's actually really nice and not as tough as she acts).

Animal: View attachment 5786

Grade: 9

Other: Nothing extra that I can think of right now. :P

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