Harris Boarding School of Shifters [info,signup,etc]

No, go ahead. It's moving really slowly so you haven't missed much joining now. :b
Name: Emily Snow and Dahlia Snow

Age: Both are 10

Gender: Both are female

Looks: (Emily is the one with pigtails, Dahlia with the ponytail. Both have grey-green eyes and strawberry blonde hair) http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/Night_ninja08/Random%20Anime_pics/Twins.jpg

Personality: Emily - cheerful, bubbly, and always willing to lend a hand. She loves meeting new people and making friends. She likes to draw and play piano, which she is skilled at for someone of her age (NOT like some child prodigy, just good at it). She gets upset easily when someone says something mean to her or her sister, and is not aggressive in the least. She is afraid of bugs. Dahlia - she is a lot quieter than her twin sister, and would rather spend time alone or with Emily than with other people. Dahlia is very smart and gets high grades in all classes, even the ones she claims to be bad at. Since the 2 of them are very young, they tend to stick together at school since almost everyone else is older than them. Dahlia likes to read and play bass, which she isn't great at playing since she just started a year ago. Her mother insisted she take up an instrument when her twin started playing piano. Dahlia is scared of storms and during a storm can usually be found hiding somewhere like under a bed or in a closet. She always stands up to anyone who hurts Emily in any way, and even though she's not very big, Dahlia can really throw a punch.

Animal: All-white Rabbits- Emily and Dahlia just recently learned of their shifting abilities and are not very good at using them. They are able to make ears and tails appear, and Emily can occasionally conjure up some whiskers, but they aren't capable of full transformations. Even when in human form, they are both quick on their feet and can jump higher than average humans, and they let out this extra speed and energy by running track and hurdling, and occasionally doing gymnastics.

Grade: Fifth Grade

Other: N/A
Name: Faith Ernst

Age: 15


Looks:View attachment 5827

Personality:kind, very shy, but compasionate and caring.

Animal:Snow leopard


Other:she has difficulty making friends due to her shy nature, but is good with children because of her warm heart. she is somewhat frail, and doesnt have much stamina.
Name:Mizore Lynch



Looks: Sorry! I'm new but if you could tell me how to post pictures I would be able to.

Personality: Nice and shy.

Animal: she can be a White Colored wolf.


Other:In snow her animal can go as fast as possible.

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