Harbor Mansion ( Actual Rp )

Something flitted across Rico's vision and another scream let loose bouncing of the walls it sent chills down her back. We need to get out of here,was the first thought that came to head head.The thing moved again like a shadowy blur she was unable to get a good look at it. " It's circling use trying to find the weaker victim,"Rico explained trying to figure the best way to escape.
"Chick's right" She said, nodding in agreement. She was surprised by the girl's knowledge in strategies but batted it off, deciding now wasn't the time to admire any intellectual traits.

Alaska straightened her back and widened her posture, turning around quickly as her eyes followed the tail to a strange creature that seemed almost metallic.
Chance nodded in agreement, they did need to mov. Something wasstalking them and he didn't like it. "Whatever that thing was, I am not comfortable wit the idea of truning our backs on it." He mumbled watching the corner it dissapeared in. Chance felt a ray of incoragement that actually made him want to follow it, but quickly shook it off as he began to walk. "Let's go."
"We can stand in a circle formation as we move. Won't be comfortable, but it'll make us looks stronger and bigger."

Alaska followed behind Chance, waiting to do anything other than walk until she had some sort of validation.
Rico shivered and closed her eyes."The best we can do at the moment is stick together,Also I think it would be best to not make any movements,"As she said this the thing came out of the shadows half crawling half prowling with a hungry look in its eyes."Well thats just cute,"Her voice becoming tight. It looked like it was made out of metal glittering silver,yet its eyes glowed red looking almost human.
Chance turned slowly to see the beast appear, Oh great. He thought bitterely. Chance slowly stepped out infront of the group. "Be quiet and move away slowly." He muttered, through a tight jaw. Chance put one hand out, infront of the girls. "Nice... Creature." He mumbled. Chance glanced at it's dead and cold eye's. This wasn't right. Wny were they here in the first place, where was the thing coming from ?
The figure caught Sam's eye. Her body tensed as she saw it, it frightened her but she tried not to let it show. She satyed strong not letting the fright take over her. "I agree let's stay together, it's our best chance," she said her voice coming out stronger then she was feeling at the moment. What was this thing?
Rico just stood there staring into the creatures eyes seeming to be in a trace.You Fear Light.The thought came quickly and a pain swelled in her arm. The glow around her body becoming stronger until she was sure the other could see,Or at least feel the waves of energy that radiated from her body.The creature growled and hissed as if the light hurt it.
Sorry I haven't been on in a whole super busy

Ashland starts down the hall hearing the scream again as a large lizard like creature appears and hisses 25 feet from her, she steps back looking at everyone then running a full sprit ad the things barrels towards her smashing into her knocking her to the ground as Kira gets mad smashing into head on tossing it aside as anger rages through her ans her clothes shred as she turns into a menacing werewolves as she starts to rip the creature up her sister staring wide eyed at her sister terrified.
Chance stood protectivly of the girls, as a glow from behind him grows bright. He glanced back quickly, "What in the Hell?" He muttered, glancing at Rico, before diverting his eye's back to the creature. "When thy say 'Shine bright like a diamond' they don't mean it Rico..." He said, jokingly as the creature's bgan to back away slowly, but growled loudly. Chance growled back, stepping forward A swang of confidence that had just announced itself in, influenced his movement. Chance cocked his head as he grew shourter, before shifting into a creature similar to the one infront of him. Where Chance once stood, hailed a new Creature, known as Chance.

Violet turned quickly as she watched the scene play out. Quickly jumpin backwards as one of the girls turned into a full on were wolf. "Oh My..." She muttered, before stepping backwards. Her heart beated faser, "What is going on?"
Sam looked around her not knowing weather she should be scared or amazed or maybe both. The out of nowhere a new creature appeared. It was tall and stood on it's two feat like a man but had green scaly skin and bloody red eyes. The creature came closer to her letting out a huge roar, showing it's razor sharp teeth. It's roar was so loud that it stuck same in place mortified. Leaving her breathless. She look around for something for her to pick up to throw at it but all their was, was shadows. She imagined the shadows looping around the monster and pulling it away in the darkness, Then all of a sudden it happened. The shadows came together to creat several pairs of hands rapping around the monster and pulling it away just like in her mind. The creature struguled against the army of shadows howling, but it was no match as he was pulled away into the darkness and only left darkness in it's path. Did I do that?
Kira tears the creature to shreds as a scream sounds far from where they are. Once Kira calms down she turns human in some black clothing she looks down as Ashland stares at her."what the heck? I turn to a wolf." She says looking at the others the creature on the ground oozing blood the shade of purple as its head was dislocated from its body it's blue scales shimmering as it lay dead on the concrete floor blocking the pathway."we have to go back." Says Ashland shaking slightly terrified that there was another creature lurking as she looks at her sister. Kira looks nervously at herself,"I'm a wolf." She says to herself.
(Sorry Ive been off, I hadn't been getting notifications for some reason.)

Alaska stood there, a faint voice travelling around the place. She tried to listen, but it was muffled by something, but was definitely coming from the animal. It sounded like a cry for help once the shadows had taken it, but then it screamed. The other's acted as if it had roared, had they not heard what she had?

"Get out! He never let us out!" It screamed.

"Sam...." She whimpered, staring into darkness where the creature had been. There's no way that had just happened. It had just screamed. For us to get out. But who was He and what did the creature mean by never let them go?
Did I just do that? I think I did. But how? She was soon ripped out of her thoughts by the mention of her name. "How in Hell did I just do that?" she asked mostly just herself . She didn't look at Alaska. Did she see, probably.
"He told us to get out." She murmured, hugging her arms. Chills ran through her body as the voice replayed over and over in her head. "Sammy somethings happening to us. First Rico's glowing then you have seven hands and... I heard him."
"I think we should get out then this might not be the best place to try to figure all this out here. lets at least get into a different room," she said still surprised about what just happened. The shadows soon started to twirling around the room making the room look like it was spinning. Just like her head was spinning with questions.
Kira looks around the room dazed as she looks at her hands."let's go." she says turning back the hallway now blocked off by the viscous beast, laying in a dead heap. She walks back into the main room and moves down the left side hallway looking around as she hears the cameras whirring."the cameras are irritating if I only could smash the wall and destroy the cameras.or I can try to break down a wall." She says

Ashland looks at the others having followed her sister."let's try." She says looking at Kira then the others."you guys open to my sister trying to break down a wall?" She asks nervously hopping That the building was still tabl

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