Harbor Mansion ( Actual Rp )

Kira: she listens carefully seeing a candle in a holder grabbing it, listening carefully until she hears the whirring of a camera to her left she easily spots a lens in the wall. "guys the cameras are in the walls I see a lens." she says pointing to it. "we have to smash the wall." she says feeling something inside her, as her powers slowly start to form within her as she has keen eyesight being able to see the lens easily with the night vision she sets the candle back finding 4 lens easily high up in the hall outside the large room that contained the food and medical supplies.

Ashland: she hears the faint whirring of the cameras as she looks at the others, getting up she sneezes again and a another small crack occurs right below the camera. "guys we better move, another crack." not realizing it was her causing the cracks when she sneezed. "is it me, or did that crack just appear?" she asks confused and worried as she slowly stands. She looks around nervously she looks at the 3 hall ways. "should we go back the way we came or go down one of these tunnels." she asks uncertain of what to do.

I am just doing introduction to it, i was thinking develop on our own terms though
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(Are we starting the powers like that? It's more of a guy injecting us with something I think? I'm not sure how Nikki wants it set up, but we should leave it to her)
Chance and Violet carefully stepped over the Bear trap, as Vi listened to the sound of moving Machinery. "Their is something not right in this place, " Chance mumbled, stepping behind the rest of the group. Violet glanced around at the supplies hat fell around the area, "Hm... Everybody, I Advise that we gather as much as we can handl. Don't know how long we'll be here right?"
"Yeah," Sam agreed picking up as much supplies as she could take, but that she was able to walk around with without getting tired to quickly. She looked around the room for another door or a window something that led to the out side world, but sadly she had no such luck. How long are we going to be trapped her? Why are we trapped here? Who trapped us here ? Were all questions that ran through her mind.
Alaska continued to pack things into the bags, shoving as much in as she possibly could.

She hung two book bags, one from each shoulder, and nodded to Violet.

"Do you want to keep moving, or stay here? We've no way of knowing day from night, so it's up to you guys when we camp."

Alaska glances around, hoping that everyone would want to keep moving. They might as well get as far as they could. Not to mention the sheer amount of cameras in this room freaked her out.
Rico slowly opened her eyes to darkness feeling like she was ran over by a bulldozer feeling like she could barely breathe. "Where am I and is anyone here,"she muttered as she forced herself off the dusty floor and looked around it wasn't until she was by the door did she notice she was slightly glowing.The extreme feeling of panic ran through her. "Where the dipshit am I," she partly screamed hoping someone heard her.She placed her hand over her heart, then tried to remebered something anything to no avil
"Let's keep moving," Sam replied ready to keep moving. The sooner they got out the better. This place gave her the creeps. Plus she wasn't tired. She soon herd a voice and Sam sprinted out of the room and cearfully made her way closer and closer to the voice. "Hello?" she said hoping to hear the voice again.
Rico hearing other voices yelled,"HELLO, I'm in here can you find me i can't really see." for some reason she found it almost impossible to see anything even though her eyes should have adjusted a few minutes ago.
Alaska nearly immediately dropped the bags at her feet and took off tword the voice, feeling like someone was hurt.

"I'll get them and bring them here, stay here until I get back!" She yelled, not wanting anyone else hurt if something had happened. She rounded a couple corners until she reached the source of the echo, a hall ways with an eerie white glow given off by the mixture of a single sun light and torches on the walls. She rustled witht eh door, but realized it was locked like their own were.

"There's going to be a box type thing in there, you need to find it and break it open. Get anything from inside and use the key to open the door, I can't get it. It's unopenable from the outside!" She yelled through the door, slightly out of breath with blue hair in her face.
Rico quickly gets on her hands and knees and felt around the room taking a few minutes to find the box it was smallish and easy to break, but instead of a key finds a set of lock picks.A smile quickly spreads across her face for some reason the lock picks felt natural in her hands slightly heavy, but natural.She shuffles to the door and quickly got the work letting her muscle memory she felt a little rusty but she didn't mind.After several minutes the door opens and she saw the girl who gave her the instructions. "Thanks,"Rico said running her hands through her prison jump suit hair.
"Well I am Sam," I tell her quickly jumping in. "I don't mean to be rude but we got to get this show on the road and find a way out of this place," she told them.
Chance began picking up supplies, as he forced more supplies into a single bag, he didn't bother to glance up, before mumbling "Keep Moving." They should really keep moving, it would be for the best. It wasn't until he heard a voice that he extchanged glances with Violet. Chance froze when Sam and Alaska sprinted away. "No! We Need to stick together!" Violet yelled down the hallway, as they twirled from view. Violet stepped forward, "Vi No, you need to stay." Chance mumbled, glancing back at the Sister's and the other's. "I'll go." He mumbled, as he began to follow the sound of the girl's voices.

After a few minites, Chance stumbled apon thwm. "Hey I'm Chance." He introduced, glancing at the three. "But we really need to get back to the group, it's not safe to wonder off." He muttered, "Especially when we don't kniw what this place hold's...." Chance's voice ran off as the sound of shifting metal blasted throughout the area. Chance placed his hand's over his ear's. "The Hell?" He mumbled, turning back the way he had came. Chance stepped around the corner and glanced at a new wall that used to be an Hallway. "Um, Alaska, Sam you Might want to see this!" He called out.
Sam turned around to see what Chance was talking about. "What the hell happened wasn't this just the hallway," she mummbled when she saw it. She tried not to show the horror, to stay strong and not freak out. Who was messing with them and why?
Kira shoves as much as she can carry as Ash does the same, Kira finds the wall block having used to been a hallway she shouts through."you guys okay, I'm going to leave markers around so you know where to find us." She says having Ashland beside me Her both girls hear an ear splitting cry as Kira sees a large tail go down the other hallway that had just formed. Ash turns pale as kira grabs her suddenly."guys run there is something with a tail here."Kira says running to the group lucky of no moving walls."everyone stick together we need to move now there is something with a tail in this place." She says unsure if it is dangerous or not. Both look at each other then 3 paths from the large room."you'll hear a cry but it sounds like a male it is something with a large tail." She says holding her sister close to her
Vi glanced up, when Chance shouted. "What do you Mean?" Sh mumbled as she rounded the corner to find herself facing a wall, next to Kira and Ash. "Guy's just hang on!" She announced, tapping the wall to see how sturdy the thing actually was. "Maybe if it's not that---" Her voice trailed off as she heard a high shrill scream that sent chill's down her spin. Vi turned to see a wisp of a tail dissapear behind a wall. She placed a hand on Ash's shoulder and made a sign to show quietness. Vi turned back to the wall, "Chance lead the girl's around, we'll meet eventually" Hopefully is what she really wanted to say "I Don't think we're alone in this section."

Chance nodded as he heard a loud scream from the other side of the wall. "What in Jesus name was that?" He muttered, before hearing Vi's voice. "What do you Mean 'Not alone'?" He called back. Chance felt himself enter a cold sweat, as he placed on hand on the wall. No, they couldn't break it. Vi's reply chilled him evn mor. "Alright, Be safe...." Chance turned to his group, glancing down the dark hallway. "Let's go."
Ash slowly creeps away scared as she enters the larger room. "which way?" she whispers looking at the 3 hallways that branch off from the big room. My sister looks at the hallway. "the middle one, and listen for the scream, you hear it run away from it." Kira says starting for the hallway feeling her inner werewolf develop as she feels off and loyal and overprotective of her sister.
Sam watched and followed them quietly. What was that? she asked herself mentaly. This place was just getting weirder and weirder by the minute. She didn't like this place and wanted to get out. Who was doing this to them and why? Why would anyone put them their and why them? So many things were racing through her mind.
"Ah hell, you've got to be kidding me."

Alaska grabbed a baton looking thing from the book-bag and unfolded it, locking it into place. She looked around quickly, figuring out where they were. From the group's walk earlier she almost recognized the wall's markings.

"Guys, I think I can get us back to them. When we all met earlier, I kept track of where we were by memorizing the walls. If we go around the way we came from our cells and make a right, we aren't too far from them. Even if somehow the hallways switched, letting something out. Only about four away if I remember correctly." She said, straightening her back, intent on finding the others.

"There were three hallways leading into the room, and three leading out. So there has to be another route."
The scream echoed in Rico's ears. "Well doesn't that just sound cuddly,"she said as she turned around to look at Sam. "i just can't wait to meet the fluffy thing,"sarcasm filling Rico's voice as she walks.Her skin glowing slightly but as she looked around she saw that the others were glowing to, yet no one else seemed to notice. weird its like only i can see it. she thought.
Sam let out a small yet nervous laugh as she walked next to Rico. "Yeah sounds like the thing ever little girl dreams about," She said sarcastically, she kind of liked this girl, she was cool, she had a sence of humor.

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