Harbor Mansion ( Actual Rp )


Anxious child
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Vi slowly rose into a crouched position, her head throbbed, as she glanced around. The room was slightly spinning, but to dark to see. Her mouth was cry as she sat up, glancing around the room. A Figure laid limped infront of her. Vi slid backward's, trying to pull away from the body that lyed there. She backed into a wall, only to realize she was in a small room. The body infront of her was nothing but a box, as far as she could tell. Vi stood to her feet, but nearly collapsed. Where was she and how had she gotten their, were her first thought's. Vi placed her hand on the wall and guided them across, searching the wall for a lightswitch. Continously the wall came to a turn, Vi continued to follow it until she stopped. She now stood back infront of the box, where she had started. In a drastc attempt, she banged against the wall, "Hello ?" She called out, vigerously.


Chance laid on the ground curled into a ball, His head was throbbing. The room around him was engulfed in the darkness. He sat up, placing a hand out to the side to keep him propped up right. The room started to slow from the spinning vortex that it had became. "Where am I?" Chance questioned, asking himself. The room was dark, but he could barely make out shape's. Four wall's confined him into a small space. Chance also saw something, a box. Curiously he crawled over to it and placed a hand onto it. Glancing upward's, Chance noticed a door. He slowly stood, cautiously stepping goward's. Once Chance arrived, he placed his hand on the knob and twisted. "Locked..." He mumbled, pulling with more force this time Still unsuccessful. Chance was begumbled, but that's when he heard a voice, followed with banging. "Hello ?" He cried out.
Alaska stood up, but to her avail the legs seemingly feel out from under her, and resumed we spot on the floor once again, in the corner closest to a cast iron door. The drab room seemed to give her no other option but to knock, asking for another presence.

"Aye?" She said, rubbing her eye and brazing her free hand on the door. She was greeted by faint yelling and furious pounding. 'Alright, so I'm not alone, and were locked in.' She thought. Might as well let them know she's here.

"Aye, y'all alright over there? I'm locked in too!" She yelled, hitting the door as he finally got her bearings and stood.

Sam's eyes flashed open. Her head was throbbing and her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest. She looked around and everything was spinning and blurry, but what she could tell is that she was in a small room. She forced herself to stand up, and her head throbbed harder. She saw a door and she felt hope. She stumbled over to the door and turned the knob. Shoot it's locked. She pulled on the knob but it wouldn't nudge. "Ugh!" she yelled in defeat as she sat against the door. She tightly closed her eyes, her head slowly beginning to stop hurting. She was stuck in a room... For what? She then hurd voices and her eyes popped back open. "Hello? Hello? Is someone there?!" She yelled her voice firm.
Kira: I rise to consciousness my head swimming and pounding as I look around the confines of the room. My hand touches the wall as I curl up thinking.(Ashland where is she?!) I slowly try to stand but fall back down. I call out."Ashland?! Where are you?" I slowly see the door crawling slowly as I yank the knob.(dang it's locked.) I cry out again."hello? Ashland where are you?" I hear banging as I hear Sam."hello who is that?! You locked in too?" I yell through the door holding onto it.

Ashland: I slowly wake up groggy as I look around my space I slowly start to cry sobbing scared. I see a door and think.(yes!) I race to it my legs unstable beneath me as I scream."someone help me?" I sob crying."Kira! Help me!" I cry so a lot of people can hear me. "Get me out of here!" I cry screaming loudly
Violet could hear other's, screaming and shouting. "Stay Calm!" She announced, as she crawled back to the door. Vi placed her hand on the doorknob, and felt a small key hole. This thought made her smile, all she had to do was find a key. Light bled from under the door. Vi crawled back to the box and forced it open. Although it wouldn't budge, she picked it up and slammed the crate against the ground. To her abid the box shattered under her pressure. Vi exaimed the stuff inside, with her hand's. A Bottle, a small packet, a paper, and.... A Key! Vi nearly yelled out in Joy. She crawled bak to the door and stuck it into the lock. Happily, the door clicked and swung open. Light forced itself in, "Open the Box in your room! It has a Key!" She yelled, hoping everyone had head her.

Chance heard random screaming and shouting from other's, they were all terrified just like him. "Please calm down!" He yelled, "We'll get out eventually." He proscribed. How did he know that? He wasn't sure, until he heard Vi's Voice. "Violet? Voilet!" He called out, before crawling to the box. Sam did as she said and slammed it open. Finding a key inside he opened the door, before falling into the hallway. Many other door's were placed on the wall, but he saw Violet and smiled.
Kira I run to the box and smash it open as it is in a billion pieces I scramble for the key taking hold of it opening the door stumbling into the hallway."ash get the box and smash it open there is a key inside." I say trying to locate her as I see chance down the hall. "Hey have you seen a little girl about 14?" I say to him as I hear another loud smash down the hallway.

Ashland: I see the box trying to smash it open but can't since it is too heavy."Kira I can't pick it up!" I yell through the door banging on the door hArd trying to find another way out of the room since I was so small in size. "How do I get out when I can't pick up the box to smash it open?" I say yelling through the door

Kira: I keep trying to listen for my little sister searching frantically. "Ash keep making noise." I say loudly hoping to find her in this dark place scared and frightened hoping that Ashland was not hurt in anyway.
Alaska stood up wearily, walking over to the box. She picked it up then dropped it down, forcing the low proof lock open. She quickly picked up the contents, a key, a vile/bottle of some sorts, a small baggie filled with who knows what, and the paper. Alright, time to go, she thought.

Using the wall for support she made her way tot eh door and practically slammed it open. "You've got to be kidding me." She mumbled when the door easily opened. Alaska looked to either side of her, finally spotting the other two.

"I presume you're acquainted. I'm Alaska." She said nodding her head to Violet and Chance. Alaska could barely stand, so she resorted to at least knowing the other two is she had any hopes in getting out. But now that there was another girl freaking out about her sister, she just wished she could stand long enough to break the lock on that door so she'd calm down.

"I'm guessing you're Kira. I can her, so she's close enough for you too as well. There's only a couple doors, I presume she's in the one next to you. Tell her to kick in a side of the box."
Ashland: I kick it hard hurting my foot but managing to open the side."owwwww!" I say jumping on my good foot as I get down on my knees and find the key opening the door walking out my foot in pain."that sure hurt." I say holding my foot as I sit down holding it."I'm Ashland I go by ash. Where are we?" I ask rubbings foot.

Kira:"okay let me get your shoe off so I can take a look at your foot. Kira I'm the older sister to this one." I say as I take off ash's shoe and sock showing a bruise."everyone okay?" I ask grabbing ash's shoe and sock helping my sister to her feet."ash lean on me. We need to find you some ice for your foot." I help ash stand looking at everyone confused
Sam drops on the ground and looks for the box with her hands, it was to dark to see. Finally, after what felt like forever her hands felt the heavy iron box. Sam curled her fingers around the box and lifted it over her head and the dropped it on the floor. The lid popped of just enough so that she could fit her finger and pry it open. She took the key and stood up almost running to the door. She took the little key and placed the end in the hole and opened the door.
Chance looked at the other's, and nodded. "Where Are We? And Why---" He stopped, knowing his question was pointless. They weren't to know as much as he did. They made it obvious the way some shouted and other's acted. Chance turned to Violet, "Are Their Anymore?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. Vi shrugged, "Too Soon to know." Vi looked at the hallway they stood in. Four Lamp's hung on the wall, each heavily Flickering. Down each corridor's turned to pitch black, she could barely see past the last people standing there.

Chance and Vi approached Ash and her sister. "Kicking Boxes. Smart move." Chance joked, placing his hand on Ashes back, before pulling her other arm over his shoulder. Chance glanced over at Ash's Sister. "I'll help you Carry Her, But I Doubt We'll Find some Ice Here..." He mumbled, keeping a hand on the girl.

Vi glanced at Sam as she pulled out of the Room, "Welcome to Nowhere!" Vi announced, walking overto the younger girl. "Do You Guy's have any odea where we are? Any information could be useful!"
Sam looked at the bubbly girl for a moment. "No idea," she said simply. Actually she could barely remember her name. She couldn't remember who her parent where or what they looked like. She couldn't remember if she had friends and if so who they were. So she definantly had no idea where they were. She looked around and saw the others, they were all trapped here. Well there had to be a way out, she kept thinking to herself.
"The structures pretty tightly bound. An old building that someome wants to keep fortified. Thats atleast a himt," she said, noting the concrete walls and cast iron doors, "All of us need to stay together. We can be safer that way, plus we won't have to worry about seome getting lost. If anyone else is up, we ought to check the test of this hallway. I don't know about you guys, but once we know its cleared and no ones laying in a cell knocked out, I'll feel abit better."

Alaska gripped onto the key she held in her hand as if it was her saviour, after all it kind of was. There was no doubt in her mind that the only other use for it would be to cut something up or to scratch something. Yet it seemed important to her, so she looped it onto the necklace that hung around her neck and regained her posture. If this situation turned out to be them stuck in a maze with a killer on the loose, that means someone will have to take charge. Any situation would require that really, and even though she'd hate it to be her ordering other around, she didn't mind makin sure everyone stayed in line. It wasn't her place to say though, so shed just offer up a plan until things were at least a bit sorted out.
Sam held on to the key that had set her free from that small dark room, and shoved it into her pocket. Who knows maybe it will help later on? She heard the girls one plan to all stay together. She didn't really trust any of these people, she barely knew them, but right now it looked like they were all she had right now, that they were all in the same situation that she was in, so she nod her head in agreement.

"Sounds pretty good to me," she agreed.
Kira:"thanks, yeah we need to find something for her foot, I'm Kira, lets make sure everyone is out of the cells before we go looking for food and medical kits." I say looking around at everyone.

Ashland: I smile."thanks." I say leaning on my good foot I sneeze and I hear a crack in the stone wall and I notice the small crack about 7 inches long in the wall."seems like this place is falling apart, I say staring at the crack.
Vi nodded in agreement, "Sound's like a good plan." She mumbled, turning her attention the small crack's. "This place isn't stable. We Should really move." Vi announced glancing down the dark corridor's. It was the last place she wanted to be, but it seemed like the best option. If the Wall's here cracked, could that mean they were near the outside world, or another part of the strange place? Vi turned to Chance, Ash, Kira, Sam, and Alaska. "We really need to move. " Violet prescribed.

Chance gripped onto Ash's wrist at a better angle, so she wouldn't slip from his grasp. Glancing over at the wall, thought's raced through his mind. Could the place cave in on them, or would it simply crumble. "I Agree. Let's go." Vi reached the wall's and grabbed the flickering candle's. Giving one to Alaska and Sam. "These should light the way."

She held the candle at arms length, lighting up a good portion of the corridor. There seemed to be very distinct scratches and stains on the wall, so as they walked she memorized where they'd been and about how long each section was before a turn. The further they went, the more she picked up on the slight buzzes of what sounded like cameras moving or some sort of electronic working, paired with a hum of breathing and an unsettling air that filled the place. The air was moving and didn't feel stale so the place was either vented or opened up often.

"I think we're being monitored." She said as another buzz caught her attention. "The place is kept up. Maybe old but kept up and running. There's multiple people taking care of it though, no one one person could tend to a place this big. Above or below ground."
Kira:"lets get moving." I say starting to walk with ash and chance away from the crack in the wall I get to the end of one hall seeing another hall way lined with candles and doors."another hallway." I say looking down the hallway at the end of the hallway opening up into a larger more cavernous room with high ceilings."hey there is a bigger room down there, maybe there is something down there." I say.

Ashland: I see the crack go by us, not knowing that when I sneezed or used my mind I could control fire water stone and air. I look around."maybe there is supplies down there." I say trudging along on my good foot my bruise purple and black."that needs ice and a bandage or something before it becomes worse." I say looking at the disgusting bruise on the top of my foot and I look around
Sam was quiet as they continued to walk through the cold and dark building, though she was impreased with Alaska's great observation skills. She then start to hear it to the quiet buzzing sound of a camera moving with each one of their motions. The candle only light up a section in front of them so they would no where they are stepping. Then Sam stopped, there was what looked like a bear trap in front of them. "Be careful where you step, there is a bear traps on the floor," she warned the others stepping over it. Then made her way with the other to the big room.
Ashland:I look at the trap and swallow knowing I couldn't get over it easily on my own.i trudge along with my sister looking around the hall and in the cavernous room seeing lines of boxes like the ones in the other rooms that held the keys.

Kira;"I can get her over the trap I say picking her up and stepping over the trap smiling walking into the large room boxes everywhere all made of the same material as the stuff in the rooms I pick one up smashing coming across non-perishable foods."sweet food, smash the boxes open lets see what we can find." I say seeing what looks like a freezer box on the opposite side of the room on the far wall 3 hallways branch off in different paths then about 20-30 boxes in the room."hopefully there is first aid in one of these boxes." I say hoping so
Alaska walked in a row using the brunt of her arm and her knee on the bigger boxes, breaking the open. She searched each one for medical supplies and finally found a box full of them. Picking it up she walked over to Ash and kneeled down.

"May I?" She asked before checking out her foot. Responded with a nod, she checked for the worst point and covered any scraped with antiseptic before wrapping it up heavily to stop the swelling. She loosely placed her show back on and stood.
Ashland:"thanks, at least we got food that doesn't expire." I say smiling at you and picking up the smaller boxes only coming across bandages and non-perishable foods."only food and medical supplies, anyone find anything else." I say looking around the room.

Kira:"I he only found food and medical stuff. Anyone else?" I ask looking around the room I walk to a crate finding a freezer box working with ice and some frozen food."I'm surprised there is ice here, and some frozen stuff." I say grabbing ice giving it to my sister looking around.
Eleanor woke up as she felt warm blood soak her eyelids. She was trapped in a cold white room. Her forehead stung and blood gushed from a wound. She was confused; the last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her bed. The door in the corner of the room was tightly locked. The only things in the room were a small black box and her sketchbook. There were muffled voices in the area outside so she screamed to get their attention. The voices stopped and footsteps came towards her door. "Crack the box. There is a key there to help you out," said a older sounding girl. She felt suddenly weak, but she knew she had to get out. With her notebook under her arm, she smashed the box by jumping up and down on it. She grappled the small metal key and opened the door. "Welcome to the crew," a girl named Alaska said, "we need to get out and find supplies for survival."
Alaska smirked at the girl before starting to dress her wound. If anyone got sick here, that would lead them no where.

"So, anyone wanna help me look for cameras?" She said, wiping Eleanor's blood off her hands and onto her shirt.

"We already know that someone put us here and is monitoring us. Why, we don't know. But we also know they want to either see our capabilities of survival with each other, want to keep us alive until something else happens, or simply run an experiment. Until we know which ones, we need to use all of our abilities to do so."

Alaska grabbed a couple book bags and started filling them with supplies incase they needed to move.

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