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Fandom Halo Spartans: Unexplored Space


That One Guy Everyone Knows



Age(Sorry, no younger then 17):


Spartan Or Covenant:

Spartan Team (If applicable):


Weapons: (Can be shown in appearance)



Goals: (Not required)



(If you have questions, PM
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Name: Connor Drake

Alias: Neon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team: Team Extraction

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/theneonstranger_green_1.png.ee4d8719657a2822ea8846e9764eb132.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/theneonstranger_green_1.png.ee4d8719657a2822ea8846e9764eb132.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ow0XjKF.jpg.f5b303dd0943254fec9ffb3406cf9285.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ow0XjKF.jpg.f5b303dd0943254fec9ffb3406cf9285.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Btw, He's a slender guy, making it easier to wield the swords.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/15-sniper-rifle-render.jpg.46e1382b46e1f8aba6b998fae3b99937.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/15-sniper-rifle-render.jpg.46e1382b46e1f8aba6b998fae3b99937.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/dmr.png.cba939423c4146647d3a56549b2be683.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/dmr.png.cba939423c4146647d3a56549b2be683.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/11-sticky-detonator-render.jpg.ca1f8d7f2e54a514ff49e3a99566ad30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72094" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/11-sticky-detonator-render.jpg.ca1f8d7f2e54a514ff49e3a99566ad30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Smart-Aleck.

History: Orphaned at a young age, Connor now strives to never be alone.

Goals: Hopefully settling down one day in his own little world, possibly with a family.


Other: None.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/theneonstranger_green_1.png.852c4763791a6f8cea25dff840cb247d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/theneonstranger_green_1.png.852c4763791a6f8cea25dff840cb247d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Joe Sheridan

Alias: Pyro

Age(Sorry, no younger then 17): 22

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team (If applicable): Team Extraction


Weapons: (Can be shown in appearance) Flamethrower



Personality: Pyromaniac/Joker

History: Was born on Mars but always had a strange affliction to fire. When he was drafted into the Spartan program they utilized this to make him one of the best demolition experts out there.

Goals: (Not required): To one day burn down a Covenant Planet


Name: SPARTAN-095 : Chris

Alias: SPARTAN-095

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team (If applicable): Green Team




M7S Caseless Submachine Gun - Suppressed

M6C/SOCOM (Suppressed Pistol) x2

Frag Grenades x2

Combat Knife


Chris is a Good Soldier and pays attention to orders. He works well under pressure like most spartans and is a quick thinker, he prefers light weaponry over heavy weapons, and enjoys close combat fighting. Chris can work with Marines and ODST, he tries to protect them as much as possible as he has the idea that they're gonna need every man they can get.


At A Young Age he was conscripted into the Spartan-II program and later became a part of Green team where he participated in the Battle of Jericho VII and then later in the Battle of Sigma Octanus IV. His team was led by Linda Pravdin who was eventually tranferred to Red Team; His whole squad was recently killed and so on Reach has set himself the goal of finding his old Team Leader, Linda - though it wouldn't be an easy mission, especially with the beginning of the Winter Contingency...

Goals: Survive Reach & Find Linda Pravdin, Fight the Covenant.

Ship: N/A


Rank : Petty Officer Second Class
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Name: Torhilda Vinter

Alias: Vit



Spartan Or Covenant:

Spartan Team:
None (yet)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/hgf.png.b332e3081a321a317a0d884a559c6e93.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/hgf.png.b332e3081a321a317a0d884a559c6e93.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


M247H Heavy Machine Gun

M6G PDWS Magnum

A true soldier to the core, Vit enjoys her jobs and all the bonuses it comes with. The bonuses being firing big guns, killing aliens, firing big guns AT aliens, and other variants of the previous. Those who have served with her usually either say two things about her. They either say she's the best soldier they've ever served with or that she is a crazy maniac who should not have access to large weaponry or any weaponry for that matter. Outside of combat she's very straight forward and would much rather get straight to the point the wasting time with 'idle chatter'. Very easy to anger.

History: Born in Sweden back on Earth, stolen from her family and forced into the SPARTAN-II program. Her history was the same as any other Spartan's. Only difference is she loved it. Coming out of the program, she was quickly put onto the front lines and has been there ever since.

To put every race of the Covenant on the Extinct Species list.


What's up with all the people using Mk. VI armour, I thought this was around the time of Reach?



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Name: Regium Srazumee

Alias: The Prince

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Covenant

Spartan Team (If applicable):



Type-1 Energy Sword

Energy Dagger

Type-50 Sniper Rifle System

Type-51 Carbine

Personality: As is the case with most Sangheili, he feels that he is of a superior race and naturally asserts dominance over other life forms. He is fully devoted to the Covenant cause.

History: From his very fist mission, he has shown exceptionally high promise on the battle field. He was quickly promoted within the ranks of the Covenant because of this, and was given the responsibility of an assassin after five years of service. After a few more years, where he would've likely been given a higher ranking position, he was instead offered the perks and responsibility of a higher rank in order to keep him as the effective assassin that he was. He currently has full command over his troop carrier and partial command over it's mother ship, The Seeker of Truth.

Goals: To perform his best within the Covenant.

Ship: Type-52 Troop Carrier: Glorious Advance


He personally oversaw the construction of his weapons, making them a perfect fit for his armor, body, size, and strength.

He has an active camouflage armor ability with an enhanced duration of ten minutes, although the cool down suffers to well over half an hour.
Lethal said:
Name: Regium Srazumee
Alias: The Prince

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Covenant

Spartan Team (If applicable):



Type-1 Energy Sword

Energy Dagger

Type-50 Sniper Rifle System

Type-51 Carbine

Personality: As is the case with most Sangheili, he feels that he is of a superior race and naturally asserts dominance over other life forms. He is fully devoted to the Covenant cause.

History: From his very fist mission, he has shown exceptionally high promise on the battle field. He was quickly promoted within the ranks of the Covenant because of this, and was given the responsibility of an assassin after five years of service. After a few more years, where he would've likely been given a higher ranking position, he was instead offered the perks and responsibility of a higher rank in order to keep him as the effective assassin that he was. He currently has full command over his troop carrier and partial command over it's mother ship, The Seeker of Truth.

Goals: To perform his best within the Covenant.

Ship: Type-52 Troop Carrier: Glorious Advance


He personally oversaw the construction of his weapons, making them a perfect fit for his armor, body, size, and strength.

He has an active camouflage armor ability with an enhanced duration of ten minutes, although the cool down suffers to well over half an hour.
Your good bro
Name- Celine Bekowsky (yay for a slightly recycled oc)

Alias- bek or ci-ci...although doesn't like to be called ci-ci

Age- 25

Gender- female

Spartan or covvie- spartan

Spartan team- team urban shield


Weapons- M45 tactical shotgun, M6.pistol, and a combat knife

Personality- Celine runs the line between crude and undisciplined, and tactically creative. She's very skilled in shotgun diplomacy, and isn't afraid to use it. She does give everything she has in a fight, both physically and mentally. A rather headstrong person she often deals with conflicts head on. Outside of battle she's normally pretty relaxed...cracking jokes, and generally having a good time. She see's her fellow soldiers and Spartans in a high regard, and will often refer to them as her extended family... If she's been stationed with them for a decent amount of time.

History- Celine was born in a large mega-city on earth. She never really grew up in a pleasant neighborhood... Nor had a pleasant upbringing, but its all she had. She never was a good kid...she got into fights, ran with the wrong people, did stupid things.. Even had a few run-ins with the law. At some point she was picked for the SPARTAN program and taken away, an event that at first she detested... But grew into liking it. She's stationed at reach as a part of an urban defense outfit.

Goals- doesn't really have any


Other- nothing that can't wait for the rp
Name: Nap Nap

Alias: Still Alive, Nappy, and Fool

Age: 25 (In unoggy years)

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Covenant

Spartan Team (If applicable):



Weapons: (Can be shown in appearance)


This gun is Needles! He's been with me for the better part of my first tour!He's a wild shot, like...literally! I tried shooting it at one point and the thing literally launched me ten feet in the air! I don't think that's how normal Needles work, or perhaps something else happened, but I take that into consideration whenever I use this bad boy!

This gun is proudly titled Worse Gun Ever of All Time. It never works, always jams, but when you need to bluff your way out of combat, this gun is the way to go. I've had this baby since graduation from...well...actually I never graduated. But I held my own ceremony, and technically self-taught myself self-defense. So Demon-Hunting is definitely on my list.
Personality: Friendly, cheerful, a natural comedian, and a natural imbecile, Nap-Nap is a grunt that cowers easily, but also has a notorious streak for blurting out what's on his mind. Sometimes, this might be taken as great motivation, as he'll often insult any soldier or Spartan he sees. Other times, he can get punished for his own insolence to his elite masters. Either way, Nap-Nap is a loyal grunt when it comes to it and he would do anything to keep his squad of grunts alive and well, even if they are not so inclined too.

History: Like most grunts, Nap=Nap just sorta joined up and for surviving a few extra courses than his peers, was promoted to the rank of a grunt major, who gets to command two other grunts in his stead. It was an amazing promotion, and even came with a new gun that was far better than his own. However, Nap Nap has one thing on his mind.

Returning to Bahalo.

Nap-Nap feels that if he can kill a Spartan, he will definetly get a free ride home, or perhaps a promotion that would allow such a free-ride possible. (@Lethal hopefully if this is alright, I don't see many other Covenant officers here) Regium, or Reggie as Nap Nap prefers, is technically the higher up he would be looking for for such a notice, and has often tried to appeal for such a return home using various excuses.

This includes being the target of a Spartan soldier who he belives might be hell-bent on killing him because he simply stated that said soldier couldn't fight the grunt mano a mano.

Either way, Nap-Nap is slowly learning the tactics of survival, and is a master of hide and go seek.

Goals: Make it back home alive and kill a Spartan in mano a mano

Ship: Glorious Advance, which he hopes to soon get off from.

Other: Nap-Nap frequently takes Naps.

He will never try to go suicide, as it is against his principals.

He usually tries to take two grunts under his stead, and is an expert at hide and go seek, as well as bluffing his way out of most situations.

(Let me know if this needs changes or if this is no longer open, or whatnot)
Name: Fido 'Ragathee

Alias: Fido

Age: 58

Gender: Female

Spartan Or Covenant: Covenant

Appearance: Purple Minor Armour, Has a Very visible Scar on Neck



Energy Sword

Plasma Pistol

Covenant Carbine


Fido is a Sangheilli not like the others, For one she is a Female and they are rarely sent into combat. The only reason she is is because her family are nobles on the planet Sangheilios, she has also shown true skill in spy work and recon. However she can no longer speak, she was wounded on her neck and there is a scar to show it, this has rendered her mute and unable to talk - though she can still listen. She is actually quite compassionate, she doesn't say it but the Great Journey means nothing to her and does not see the Humans as Bad people.


She has questioned the Great Journey many times before, sometimes others overhear and call her a Heretic. This got serious at one point as she was wounded and is now rendered mute. She joined the Covenant because she wanted adventure outside of Sangheillios and stopped at nothing to go for that, she had support from her family and the prophets were convinced to take her, mainly because of her excellent skill and also to show her that the great journey was the true way.

However, some Elites didn't like her presence, when she was put under command of a Zealot class elite he kept her armour at Minor Rank and didn't allow her to progress because he wanted her dead and so put her in the Vanguard also. The truth is the prophets also wanted her dead, but because she was a member of a noble Sangheilli family this could have stirred up an unnecessary civil war on said planet, and for The Prophet of Truth the time wasn't right - getting her killed in battle was the best excuse.

Goal: Meet with a Human Properly | Unite Sangheilli and Humans

Other: She has befriended more Unggoy than Sangheilli
Name: Dallas Grove

Alias: Crimson or Officer Grove

Age: 36

Spartan or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team: Crusader- main assault/ infiltrate team. (If alright with RP owner, 40 UNSC soldiers)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a5ceadbb761184286f16883585c0ef6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.a5ceadbb761184286f16883585c0ef6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Color scheme is grey and red.)


Machete: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3949a6756ad2822c1f1e2cb86d84a33c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3949a6756ad2822c1f1e2cb86d84a33c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Assault rifle:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.9484d3a7775952f196c7cf0303e9718a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.9484d3a7775952f196c7cf0303e9718a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pistol: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.57493b982e56a5a67b695cd1934303b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.57493b982e56a5a67b695cd1934303b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(X2)

Personality: Brave, strong, and a good combat leader. He strides hard to be an example to others.

History: Nothing much has been exposed except he was willing to join the spartan program.

Goal: Defend his world until he is dead. "Momma don't you cry, Crusader corps motto is do or die."

Ship: the Crusader's 1 of 5 pelicans the Hornet. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.56584880230892d3a9bbded3ce8e1748.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72626" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.56584880230892d3a9bbded3ce8e1748.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(It is a heavy support/ escort pelican)

Other: none

(Sorry for the italic being continued, using a phone for this website sucks badly)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.1599643ee994b33b84cca05ed8867e4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.1599643ee994b33b84cca05ed8867e4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: SPARTAN-091 Locke

Alias: "Frosty" or "Lock"

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team: ODST (temporary)


Weapons: M392 DMR and M45 Tactical Shotgun

: While he is talkative and caring to other SPARTANs, he feels nothing for other soldiers. Locke is normally seen as calm and logical to the point of having being seen as a machine by those that are not SPARTAN. Just about nothing seems to faze him. Until he sees one of his fellow SPARTANs go down, then he shuts out everything except the enemy. This is when Locke is no longer a medic, he becomes a being that has been described as a Spirit of Vengeance, leaving behind him a path destruction that would put a Hunter unit to shame. Locke's time spent with the ODST did not help develop any compassion for non-augmented humans since they had none for him. While they knew better than to openly harass a SPARTAN, they still alienated him and was called Locke "Frosty" do to his lack of emotion and white and light blue armor.

History: After being conscripted at young age, Locke showed potential leadership qualities and an amazing aptitude for biology and anatomy. While his aptitude progressed into medicine after surviving the biological enhancements, his superiors found that he became overly protective of his SPARTAN comrades and felt that this trait would jeopardize the mission if he was paired with other SPARTANs. Locke became a solo asset that served solely with ODST troops. After being debriefed from recent mission against Insurrectionists, Locke's unit was transferred to the Supercarrier UNSC Trafalgar, which orbited Reach.

Goals: Ensure the survival of as many SPARTANs as possible.

Ship: UNSC Trafalgar

Other: Locke carries a pack of specialized medical supplies that he personally designed for a SPARTAN's augmented physiology.
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Name: Holly-C142

Alias: Church

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Spartan Or Covenant: SPARTAN-III

Spartan Team: Blue Team


(This armor configuration, except with a feminine figure and the secondary color being yellow.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/351.png.a292dc07d7a69a0be6e362350f8321bb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/351.png.a292dc07d7a69a0be6e362350f8321bb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Primary Weapon: BR55 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/H3-BR55HB-ServiceRifle-LeftSide.jpg.fadb8e50462c669c46ec2cd8f328b2c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/H3-BR55HB-ServiceRifle-LeftSide.jpg.fadb8e50462c669c46ec2cd8f328b2c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Secondary Weapon: Dual Type-33 Guided Munitions Launchers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/latest-2.png.e49d7c1357ea65330490ffd1b58302ee.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/latest-2.png.e49d7c1357ea65330490ffd1b58302ee.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Melee Weapon:

I always keep two knives on me. Their metal sheaths are attached to the outer side of my calves, flush and parallel with the sides of my legs. The knives themselves are rather long and large, with the blades being almost 10 inches long and the handles being almost six inches long. The knives are built and shaped like strong, pretty standard combat knives, except for the fact that they are really long. The edge on the tips are deadly sharp, while the edge after the curve of the tip blends to a slightly serrated edge. They are the standard color and everything, they are just really long. I always make sure those knives are in tip-top shape, and I only use them if I have to. That is because I really like them for some reason, and I've always liked knives. They also look cool as hell to me, so I can't help but love 'em.

Other Preferred Weapons:

• M392 Designated Marksman Rifle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/H4_dmr_trans.png.1f2bcda4d1a34c649ddb9e19d2f72786.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/H4_dmr_trans.png.1f2bcda4d1a34c649ddb9e19d2f72786.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• MA5K Carbine

(Modified Assault Rifle)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/MA5K.jpeg.6b9e8b337822087f9fcb2eb91589e841.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/MA5K.jpeg.6b9e8b337822087f9fcb2eb91589e841.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• Type-51 Carbine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/500px-H4-T51CovenantCarbine-LeftSide.png.a06d4e6b79a4ff3e9d743c7f869fbe24.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/500px-H4-T51CovenantCarbine-LeftSide.png.a06d4e6b79a4ff3e9d743c7f869fbe24.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/latest-3.png.ae10d7ae8c94db7e5a5c0db89e544887.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/latest-3.png.ae10d7ae8c94db7e5a5c0db89e544887.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: (This isn't exactly how she will be, because I am kinda bad at creating a personality and sticking to it. But this is still as accurate as I can get.) I am generally quiet and reserved, wanting to keep to myself rather than in a larger group of people. Naturally, if I am comfortable or in a good mood, I seem pretty chill and easily talkative. I could talk your leg off. But if I am in another mood, such as sadness or anger or nervousness, I usually become rather rude and vulgar, and I sometimes can't really make conversation at all. Or I just don't want to. I also tense up, get uncomfortable, and react in unfavorable ways for the other person when I am touched by someone that I don't know or who doesn't have my permission. Even if its just a little tap or poke, which usually happens. But I come out of my shell more and act more comfortable when I am around people I am used to and feel comfortable with. Although, I always seem to have difficulty making eye contact with people unless I know them well. For that reason and because I am a very secretive person, I don't usually jump to the occasion of going without armor in front of people, unless I absolutely have to. Especially not large groups. So if you see me with my armor off regularly, know that I trust you. I am also naturally pretty sarcastic and snarky in most situations, and can get very loud and vocal when I am feeling good, feeling annoyed, and/or feeling snarky and sarcastic. Also, I tend to get annoyed or mad or stressed out kind of easily, depending on the situation. And I am very stubborn and easily suspicious, as well as observant and attentive. Anyone who knows me knows that all is true. But, I am actually a caring and nice person, despite all of those personality traits. I really do care about the well being of people, and I weigh my actions out regularly. I may not be the best at showing my nicer side because I keep a lot of that to myself, and giving heartfelt speeches definitely isn't my forte. I tend to mess up and feel stupid when I make those. But I will still try to be nice to people if they deserve it. Also, I don't like to see people that I care about getting hurt, and I will fight to defend them whenever I see fit. Or I will just defend any person that I think deserves it. I will willingly fight for what is right whenever I can, because that is just the good thing to do. But, there is one thing you should know about me: my view on respect. I don't care how old someone is to me, or who they are to me or anyone else. If someone respects me, then I will respect them. If someone is nice to me, I will be nice to them. But if someone is an asshole to me, or plain disrespectful to me, I will definitely return that. I will act the same if someone disrespects someone I care about. I will not be nice to someone if they are mean to me, unless I absolutely have to if I want to live. It is just hard for me to do, and it leaves me pretty sour afterward.

Other than that, I'm a hard worker, and a very capable and driven soldier. I know that it's better to get the job done as quickly and as safely as possible if you want the best results, so I always try to do that if I get the opportunity. Because of that, I am very observant, and I can usually quickly come up with a valuable strategy to help the situation. But, no matter what, I am also fiercely protective of my friends and comrades.

History: To be frank, my history really isn't anything special. My life has been no different than any other SPARTAN-III soldier. Born in (I believe) the Vigrond Highlands on Harvest, orphaned by the Covenant around the age of five, quickly drafted by the UNSC with a bunch of other kids after they used our young ages and recent losses to convince us to accept being drafted, trained to become a Spartan after that, yada yada yada. The training was no worse and terrible for me as it was for every other Spartan soldier, beside for the fact that the augmentations tripped me up for a bit longer than most other Spartans. But they expected that from me, due to my genetics. As for the training and actual augmentation procedures, man, let me tell ya, they were fucking horrible. But that's common knowledge when it comes to the Spartan Program of any variant.

In training, I was nothing special. I definitely was not the worst, but I was also not the greatest in my company, either. And out of all the Spartans, I became one of the best in my company when it came to marksmanship and sharpshooting, as well as speed and endurance.

Now, to when I finished traning. Obviously, I fought in many battles. All other Spartans did that, and I cannot name all the places I fought in between then and now. The most memorable and infamous mission I was a part of, though, has always stuck with me. I don't want to get into the details, but, in short, it ended up with most of my company being killed off. Including myself, there were 300 Spartan III's in Zeta Company, and after that mission, only twenty four of us were still alive. I've heard of worse cases, but I still think that's pretty damn horrible and bad odds. I'm surprised we even made out, to be honest, and I'm still scarred by it. But we did make it out, and that's what matters. And now we can carry on with our lives and kick some ass, all while avenging the lives lost on that fateful day.

Anyway, here I am now, trying to keep those hinge-head bastards with their yapping dogs and squawking birds and blundering apes off of our home, Reach. They cannot take this place from us; I refuse to let that happen. And I will stop at anything to keep it from happening.

Goals: Well, to stay alive, obviously. That's all I really care about now. But also to make the Covenant run away to hide with their tail between their legs. I know they have been kicking our asses for years, but I can always hope, right? There's no harm in that, especially if I work my ass off to help make it happen.

Ship: NA

Other: (If I think of something to add or edit, I'll add it. I do that a lot.)



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@1stLt HChurch


Both of your profiles look good. Since TheNeonStranger has given the roleplayers permission to accept new people, I figured I might as well say that your profiles look fine and I don't see a reason for you not to post at your leisure.

TheNeonStranger said:
(Uh, guys, my father has put some serious restrictions on my time on the computer, so I wil not be on daily, but feel free to approve people and RP. I will post as often as possible, but not much luck with that. Anyway, sorry, and have a good time RP'ing. I suggest that you limit actions with my character also.)
Connor could distinguish the sound of a Banshee from anything. He had many experiences with them, shooting them down, that is. Connor was going to tackle Joe, but Joe could handle himself. Connor ran for the city center, going for the vantage point.
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I won't be able to actually post my beginning post until tomorrow for me, because I have a Cross Country meet tomorrow in the morning and I won't be done with it until around 3 pm my time. But I needed to get this CS posted after sitting on it and working on it for a week, so I posted it now. I'll hopefully have my beginning post up by sometime in the next 20 hours or so.
Name:Alice Norm




Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team: None so far


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a4321a1_download(1).jpg.a87a527da863c87717045300ce5c112c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a4321a1_download(1).jpg.a87a527da863c87717045300ce5c112c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Personality: Is blunt and fun

History: Grew up on a colony planet when the covenant attacked, she was the only survivor. She was orphanaged and moved multiple times then finally was chosen to join the UNSC.

Goals: None



@Galain Fletchawk

@1stLt HChurch

Fixed it



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y0k9o said:
Name:Alice Norm



Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team: None so far


White armored Spartan


Shotgun, magnum, spartan laser

[sorry phones being stupid and won't let me load image]


History: Grew up on a colony planet when the covenant attacked, she was the only survivor and joined the UMSC at 19 then graduated at 21

Goals: To get revenge for her friends and family


Just fill out the personality section and I think you'll be good.

Also as side note, your history conflicts with current spartan timeline. I'm fine with how it is, but you may need to change it in future.

Spartan Programs didn't initiate adults until the SPARTAN-IV Program which started shortly after the end of the Human-Covenant War. The Spartans that were involved in the Battle of Reach were from the SPARTAN-II and SPARTAN-III Programs and the participants in these programs were selected and trained from childhood.
Specifically, the Spartan-II's were abducted at the age of six based on their genetics and trained to be soldiers. They were ready for combat by the age of 14 years old. Spartan-III's are very similar. What separates Spartan-III's from Spartan-II's, though, is that the III's weren't selected based on their genetics. Instead, they were just chosen from groups of children between the ages of five and seven that were orphaned by the Covenant and really didn't have any choice other than being a foster child. Of course, the ONI "asked" the children if they wanted to be drafted, but the kids were so young and oblivious and desperate that most of them said yes. For this reason, they were far more numerous than the Spartan-II's, with hundreds (possibly thousands) trained. And since they were not chosen based on their genetics like the II's were, III's also...had a higher tendency to be driven close to the sanity than the II's, and were way, way more vicious and violent. Due to their very high numbers and tendency of being way more violent and murderous than the II's (even to civilians, cause they don't care), III's were used primarily as instruments in suicide missions. I mean, the UNSC (specifically ONI) had hundreds more at their disposal, so they didn't really care too much if some Spartan-III's didn't make it back as long as a large percentage of III's weren't killed off in one go or something.

Sorry, I know you gave the links, but I had to add a little bit. I love the concept of what makes a Spartan what they are. I don't know everything, obviously, but I've read a bit about them from the books. The IV's are the ones I'm not so informed about, but I still know the basics. I can't help but nerd out about them a bit sometimes.
y0k9o said:
So basically I need to put I was abducted or chosen?
You can look at the history of my character to get an idea if you want. It has a pretty brief and, I'll admit, lazy explanation of what a Spartan-III's life is like, but it covers all of the main points. And a II's history would be similar to a III's as well, except that they were abducted years before humans even knew of the existence of the Covenant and there are far less trained. There were only 75 children chosen for the Spartan-II program if I remember correctly, because I'm pretty sure they chose from a pool of 150 kids and only the top half were actually abducted and thrown into the program. Unlike the III program, where the chosen kids were, like I said, orphaned by Covenant attacks and trained in the hundreds. I'm pretty sure that most III's were trained on the Forerunner planet of Onyx and not Reach, but, for the sake of this rp and the possibility that there could have been some of the original III's trained on Reach like the II's were, I'm just sticking with my character being trained on Reach. It will make her more apt to defend it, anyway.
Name: Marianne-T169

Alias: Psych For Hire, Headless Horseman, or just Psych

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team (If applicable): She's been through teams on and off.

Appearance: (Art by LordHayabusa3570

(Although with a more silverish tone to it with an orange shoulder plate on each shoulder.)

Weapons: (Can be shown in appearance)

M45 Tactical Shotgun E Model

With a magazine size of 12 pellets, she prefers to call it a "Close Encounters of the Messy Kind" when dealing with Covenant troops.

SRS-99 Anti Material Rifle

For the purposes of science, as Psych calls it, the rifle is mainly used to scare the "socks off" any Covenant troops she comes across, to simply test reactions and behaviors.

And finally...

An Axe

Psych has a notorious reputation for chopping off the heads of Covenant officers, or even human officers, to mount in her private collection or in her defense, to study the brains of her opponents. Of course, everyone knows she just keeps them as trophies.

Personality: Light-hearted, cheerful, and slightly annoying, Marianne-T169 has always been initially viewed as someone often too happy to be in a war. However, the fact that she is in a war also reveals just how unsettling she can be around other marines. While the quiet, reserved Bad Ass would probably silently chuck a knife towards an elite's general direction, Marianne or Psych as she prefers to be called, enjoys toying with them, for the purposes of studying alien behavior in her opponents.

Whether that be clearing an entire enemy group with her shotgun or picking off heads with her rifle, Psych likes to see how the enemy reacts.

To her peers, Psych prefers the occasional taunt and joke, but even in the most dire of situations, she tries to find ways to put a smile on people's faces.

History: Psych's history isn't much to brag about. She vaguely remembered being a someone of importance before the Covenant invaded and then from there, it was simply training with 300 or so of her peers to become a natural born killer. Of all the Spartans however, Psych had been the least willing to kill another animal. So, through some rather questionable screening, they managed to convince her that killing was not only natural, but encouraged to help speed up the process of science.

And so, began the legacy of Psych the Headless Horseman. Inspired by the Sleepy Hollow tale, she carried out her near-suicidal missions with ruthless efficiency, collecting heads and skulls to mount in her room or simply to inspire fear in the enemy ranks.

There was one such tale where she had assassinated a platoon leader and mounted his body on a sign post to traumatize any soldiers that walked past.

Nowadays, she's mostly just an oddball send on missions with the hopeful purpose of being killed herself. And Reach might just be the end of Psych or the start of a new Science Division tale.

Goals: To study the effects of trauma on Covenant soldiers.


Other: She will often recite puns and jokes, usually at the most inappropriate moments in her position.
GhastlySquash said:
Name: Marianne-T169
Alias: Psych For Hire, Headless Horseman, or just Psych

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Spartan Or Covenant: Spartan

Spartan Team (If applicable): She's been through teams on and off.

Appearance: (Art by LordHayabusa3570

(Although with a more silverish tone to it with an orange shoulder plate on each shoulder.)

Weapons: (Can be shown in appearance)

M45 Tactical Shotgun E Model

With a magazine size of 12 pellets, she prefers to call it a "Close Encounters of the Messy Kind" when dealing with Covenant troops.

SRS-99 Anti Material Rifle

For the purposes of science, as Psych calls it, the rifle is mainly used to scare the "socks off" any Covenant troops she comes across, to simply test reactions and behaviors.

And finally...

An Axe

Psych has a notorious reputation for chopping off the heads of Covenant officers, or even human officers, to mount in her private collection or in her defense, to study the brains of her opponents. Of course, everyone knows she just keeps them as trophies.

Personality: Light-hearted, cheerful, and slightly annoying, Marianne-T169 has always been initially viewed as someone often too happy to be in a war. However, the fact that she is in a war also reveals just how unsettling she can be around other marines. While the quiet, reserved Bad Ass would probably silently chuck a knife towards an elite's general direction, Marianne or Psych as she prefers to be called, enjoys toying with them, for the purposes of studying alien behavior in her opponents.

Whether that be clearing an entire enemy group with her shotgun or picking off heads with her rifle, Psych likes to see how the enemy reacts.

To her peers, Psych prefers the occasional taunt and joke, but even in the most dire of situations, she tries to find ways to put a smile on people's faces.

History: Psych's history isn't much to brag about. She vaguely remembered being a someone of importance before the Covenant invaded and then from there, it was simply training with 300 or so of her peers to become a natural born killer. Of all the Spartans however, Psych had been the least willing to kill another animal. So, through some rather questionable screening, they managed to convince her that killing was not only natural, but encouraged to help speed up the process of science.

And so, began the legacy of Psych the Headless Horseman. Inspired by the Sleepy Hollow tale, she carried out her near-suicidal missions with ruthless efficiency, collecting heads and skulls to mount in her room or simply to inspire fear in the enemy ranks.

There was one such tale where she had assassinated a platoon leader and mounted his body on a sign post to traumatize any soldiers that walked past.

Nowadays, she's mostly just an oddball send on missions with the hopeful purpose of being killed herself. And Reach might just be the end of Psych or the start of a new Science Division tale.

Goals: To study the effects of trauma on Covenant soldiers.


Other: She will often recite puns and jokes, usually at the most inappropriate moments in her position.
Sounds good, like a psychotic jester. I don't think this will be a problem.


Just as note to other RPers, if you do have a problem with any new profiles, you are more than welcome to say so.

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