Halls of Divinity [Dawn of Divinity]


The Great Ao


'[/hr]The first Gods begin to emerge in the Halls of Divinity. A construction not of the material world, made of the essence of Ao, unseen and untouchable to all but the Gods themselves.

The walls of the Halls flicker and become see-through for those inside, allowing a perfect view of the Void and Creation.


#1. You cannot edit your posts. Make sure to read your post before you post it.

#2. Anything goes, lie, cheat or be truthful, this is diplomacy.

OOC: This is your in-character discussion thread. If you want to talk here, it is advisable that you pick a color to represent your speech. Take into account that I as Ao use this color for my actions and summaries.

Here, Gods may counsel, cajole, manipulate, and praise one another. This is a game of politics. Choose your words well, and know that the god who holds the ear of others is far more powerful than the silent outsider.

This will be the first and last OOC post here. I will purge other OOC posts from the thread.

Gods of Creation:[/hr]

Allazo (Belial)

Auryn (Seeker of the End)

Kuas (Unbridled Originality)

Lividus (Helix Nebula)

Narlon (shepsquared)

Sarasti (Grey)

Slithering (Direhuman)

Sulvan (Percy)

Wriath (Freeman)

Xyras (Red Shadow Claws)
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In the vast empty halls a ethereal shapeless figure appears and a dark black robe begins to encircle it, forcing the ethereal being into a bipedal form, with a pair of legs, arms and a head, all covered completely by the hooded robe.[/hr]

"I am... We are... Creation is upon Us..."

The hooded head of Sulvan looks around the Halls of Divinity and sees a grand balcony. As he steps outside into the balcony he peers into the endless Void, dark, unwelcoming, cold.

"And I am the Oldest of the Gods, the First Creation belongs to me."


In[/hr] a corner of the divine Hall a line formed into the air, like a crack, only straight and smooth. After a few moments, it ripped 'open', revealing the strange form of Lividus- A single, giant eye, with no pupil. It's iris was blue in color and surrounded by it's strange, godly energy. It was quite beautiful and entrancing, so magnificent and ye- "Enough of that, my imaginary companion." Yes, o-of course, oh deranged one, I apologize. "It appears one of my brethren, is already at work." Lividus thought, as it slowly floated towards the balcony, gazing out into the void, watching as Sulvan- Forged the concept of time, into the void.

"Impressive, my brother." Lividus spoke, though it had no mouth, it's deep and thunderous voice, echoed from all around it's form. "Simple and yet so.. grand."




Scuttling from Sulvan's shadow comes a creature all glittering eyes and spindly, reaching limbs.

It settles silently just behind him, watching over his shoulder as his will works on the Void.


As the creation of Time was done, Sulvan turned to face Sarasti and Lividus.[/hr]

"Ah, two younger siblings, welcome into existence fellow Children of Ao."

Looking at Lividus he continued. "SImple, yes, grand, even more so. The basic rule of Time has been created, but next follows the Laws of Time."

Turning back to Sarasti. "Great things are expected from my dear sibling, I eagerly await to see your creations."

Sarasti twitches its mandibles, the stars cast upon the Void by Lividus reflected in its many eyes.

"Then I shall strive not to disappoint," It replies.

Narlon Tarlens

On a pillar near the center of the hall a shimmering glyph appears, willing its words into the minds of it's siblings.[/hr]

"Our creations will be great and plentiful" It speaks. "Perhaps even beautiful. What laws should be enforced on these creations of yours, on time and change? Should anything be outside or beyond them? Or will they be as immutable as we?"


Disappoint?[/hr] But we are gods, how could we disappoint anyone!? "Yes, my friend, we are gods. Alas, you are not, as such, you could never understand the expectations, one might have of our kind! Now y- Hold it, I feel a disturbance in the force!" Really, oh ingenous one, a disturb-

Lividus rushed to the balcony and watched, as all that had been created thus war.. changed. Abruptly and irrationally, without sense or form. It was.. so disorderly.. so chaotic.. so magnificent! But wait, what if it would destroy it's beautiful stars? "Quick, someone! Stop that! Stop change! Before it ruins my precious little stars." What about time, oh selfish one? "A-And time too, and anything else that might be one day. Do something!"

A[/hr] fleeting image appears, always restless, and not able to stand still. "Why are we standing here. There are things to do, wonders to create, and make things better. Join me, let us be the heralds of these great things."

Not waiting for a reply, he rushes off, eager to introduce Change into Creation.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.9b27723ace7d1f2c3a5259624dbebc75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.9b27723ace7d1f2c3a5259624dbebc75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sarasti watches their youngest sibling go, birthing the riotous energies of change into the Void, and feels a strange presentiment of doom behind its unreadable expression.

"The Cycle sustains them, brother," It says to Lividus, in an effort to calm him. "Look; they are sometimes greater, and sometimes smaller, but the forces of change undo the decay of time."




"And It is a headach to see" Wriath yelled as he came in to the hall like the brash child he is. "But I fixed it" He said with a grin as he joined in with the rest of the gods. Though that grin disperse as he starts to scratch his head "I think I did at least. I mean reality is nothing that some simple string, and tape shouldn't fix."
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The[/hr] giant eye, quickly flew to it's younger sibling Wriath and rotated around him, "You have saved my stars!" It exclaimed, excitedly, then calming down and stopping next to Wriath, "You have my gratitude." Lividus then floated back to the balcony and gazed upon the void, observing the effects of Wriath's balance to time and change.


After rushing through the stars, and marveling at the myriad changes that are taking place, Xyros starts to realize that things are more stable now. In a heartbeat he steps back to where the Gods gather "What have you done? it was so marvelous the changes that have been, and you have muted them!"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.2b93fbda1d0ac80771e4883ff6ef7a3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.2b93fbda1d0ac80771e4883ff6ef7a3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lividus[/hr] turned to Xyros, who had returned to the Hall and it released a burst of it's energy, "What have we done? What did you do!?" It slowly floated over to the creator of Change, looking at it's peculiar form, observing every detail and feature. "You made Creation chaotic and disorderly! For a time, it was- as you said -marvelous, but not all of Creation should be in anarchy and chaos, brother. There will be time yet, for that." The eye-god spun around Xyros a single time, then floated to a more central location, as it addressed all of it's siblings- "We are all excited. Each of us an artist, with an infinite canvas, just waiting for our creations. But we should not be hasty, we should move forward with care and patience, as we form the building blocks of all future Creation!"



"And that changes will still happen, but there is now a balance, when there was none." He just waved his finger in a bit of a sarcastic way to Xyros. "Ahh yes speaking of moving forward, there is a lot of empty space. How should we bring balance to such vastness?" He paused for a second as he was wondering what to do. "WE FILL HALF OF IT WITH SUBSTANCE!!!!" He pondered more and more wondering what that substance could be. "Perhaps rock?"
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Lividus[/hr] floated over to Wraith, stopping only a few inches away from his face. It simply hovered there for a moment, staring at the youngest sibling, before backing up a little. "Let's call it.. Wrack, instead. In honor of the savior of my stars!" It said, then spinning around in place.


"Rock?! that is the most BORING thing I've ever heard! at least since this one here"
He said pointing at Lividus "seems to have suggested that we keep everything as it is. We need something new, exciting, and most of all, something not BORING like rock."



"Right..." He pulled him self back from the nebula as he looked back and shrugged "Okay, well I got yours, Xyros." He paused as he looked to Sulvan "Now I just need his opinion, on the subject at hand." He turned back to Xyros "Well it is a start, and besides the canvas has to be something simple so you can build on it at least."
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"Why not a canvas, indeed?" Sarasti asks, perched on a wall. "We could use rock as the foundation, and then build more interesting things on top"


When[/hr] Lividus once again returned to the Hall, it felt particularly proud, though not of itself, but of what it had created. "And so it is done, brothers." It spoke, as it hovered near the balcony, looking out into the void- Where 'it' now was; Sustained in place, the single planet, the single world of rock, floated. "Celestis." Lividus spoke the name proudly and hoping the others would approve- Though it ultimately made little difference, Celestis was it's creation, not theirs. Forged from the energy of Lividus and it's creations, the Stars.


"That piece of rock is your creation? bah! There is nothing graceful about it, it is just a stupid thing. We need something here to make it better." Flashing some of his divine power at the mysterious eye god, he added "Let's see what i can do to make it better."


How[/hr] rude! So cocky and arrogant, 'make it better', bah! Let's zap him and snap him, twist him and break him in half, oh vengeful one! We'll show that inconsiderate- "Be silent! That is not my way." Well, what is then, oh glorious one? "In time, you will see, for now though, there is much to plan and do. Creation is yet young."

As Xyros would return from the Void, Lividus turned to it's sibling and hemmed, "An interesting thought, brother." It said, "I am sure, motion, will proof essential for future creation."



"Hello there, brothers. My apologies for awakening so late. Although it seems that I was not needed until now." a voice calls out. It is flat but there is a will hidden within those words. Auryn steps forward before turning to each of you. He frowns at Xyros' declaration. "Lividius' creation is necessary. Xyros, your definition of 'interesting' is not something that is beneficial to any of our creations. Please remember our roles. We are to create a new world. Creating something purely for entertainment will only bring ruin."

"Now please watch while I create something that will help us all. Perhaps then you may learn something."


Wriath just looked at both Lividus and Xyros, [/hr]"Well you two can stop arguing about it all now, I made it much better in my opinion". He just had a grin on him as he walked past them to see Auryn wake up. "About time." He paused for a second as he hired Auryn say something about creating something. "Ohh I can't wait to see a new toy to play with!!" He giggled at his this was the second time he used his powers, though once again not to create something but to alter and to add on to something that the other gods had created.


'[/hr]A rush of wings accompanies Kuas' appearance as he stalks into the hall. "Change? NEVER-ENDING CHANGE?" he spits, the word "change" like a curse hissed between razor teeth. "Do you have any concept of what you have DONE to the beauteous permanency that once existed here? The Void was eternal, unchanging. Now things will never remain in stasis!" He claps a claw to his face, covering his eyes in despair. "And then you created movement without binding it with laws!"

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