

1.) "That was a pretty long battle. Was that a boss?"

No, it was a miniboss.

2.) "So, everyone got mini spirits?"

No. Only Correy, Belle, Wally, and CJ.

2.5) "Why?"

Actually, it had to do with my being on the fence about how spirits should show on the surface. It was something Wally's character did that made me decide this made sense for the four. Plus, as they are 4 of the 8 main characters, I thought it would work if they had something happen to them that was rare.

3.) "So, then, how did they get the mini-spirits IC wise?"

That's something that can be explained by Diana's daddy, in a scene I shall write if it's voted on. Do a poll... or... something >w>

4.) "Do the characters know why?"

Yes, by the start of Chapter 2, they know why and a lot more. The only one unaware of spirit things is Robert, but that's because I didn't want to throw him headlong into it all. So, Chapter 2 will be Robert's introduction into the spirit world.

5.) "What did you mean by some players are on hiatus?"

I'm using an unofficial system of Chapter 'sign-ins'. Basically, if a player decides to opt in for a chapter, they are then in that chapter. If a player decides to opt out, they are on hiatus and can join in next chapter. This is for the ease of the GMs, to know who to revolve the story around, or who'll be involved.

6.) "You said you'd be doing something with Slice of Life shenanigans?"

Yup. You'll see a list of what happened to each character within the month. This will happen before Storm starts the second chapter. (


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2788-storm3510/ just let me know a day or two before you start Ch.2, and I'll type it up).

6.5) "Will there be shenanigans for those players on hiatus?"

Yes, but I will be deciding on their character's responses to the life happenings for sake of ease.

7.) "You usually speak to us in PM about scheduling and other things, will that continue?"

No, I want everyone to be up to speed, as wasn't the case before. So, instead, when there is a pertinent question, I will post it in the OOC so there's a record of it that's available for everyone to read.

8.) "Can I opt into the chapter in the middle, pretty please?"

Do you hate me? Do you want to make my life harder? If you do, then ask me this.

9.) "What's going to happen?"

I've no idea. Storm is the mastermind of 2

;) Also, if you honestly feel your character will do better knowing the outline of what will happen, I will grant it to you. But in return, you are allowed to ask no more questions.

10.) "Who will be running 3? 4?"

Terra may be running 3 if he doesn't decide to opt out. This question will be posed in the OOC when it is more pertinent aka closer to time. 4 may be run by Cloudy if I can finish this document with pertinent details about the background and happenings of H!dden. (




https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9705-cloudyblueday/ just a heads up c;)
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@TerraBooma @CloudyBlueDay @The J

File... loading...

Staus... Unconfirmed...

Confirmation... request... sent...

Response... pending...


...File... loading...

...confirmed hiatus...


...File... loading...

...unconfirmed by assumed hiatus...

...loading... loading...

...Program... processing...

End date... unconfirmed...

...assumed prior start of Chapter 2...

...contacting... Ch.2 admin...


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. . . .


. . . .


. . . .

. . . . SENT



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11.) "How are you delineating who gets infamous or famous or whatnot?"

I took cue from you, actually. You, the player. If you wrote your character as more extroverted, then more noticed, more group situations. More introverted, then I had to get creative with more one on one situations. Intimidating looking, then infamous. I'm aiming for everyone to have the 'known' factor regardless.
PHEW. It is UP. I wasn't going to format but Storm's post inspired <3

If you get to the scene where you're in class, write that the ballot gets passed out. Then I will let you know what important piece of info is on the ballot. You may have guessed, but I'll keep you guessing for now ;)
Classroom/Teacher Assignment Refreasher


Ms. Watson's Class: Flynn, Belle, Wally


Mr. Robertson's Class: Correy, Imogen


Mr. Anderson's Class: C.J., Diana

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Surface Extensions from Cub/Babe Spirits

Stage 1:

In: The passive that affects you or your spirit (or both).

Out: The active that can be used to give you a sort of edge.

About: A boon you can grant to your fellow Cub/Babe holders or their spirits.

(your character will acquire all three over time, starting now with one)

Lion Cub:

In: Like a lion with its pride, CJ has grown more conscientious and protective of her 'group'.

Bear Cub:

In: Wally is more durable.

Babe Hummingbird:

TBA (need to doublecheck something)


About: Like a little white lie, Correy can cast minor illusions on the three in question and their spirits.

(this would come in so handy for halloween, hmm...)

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