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Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)


New Member

The Guardians were born from war, hate, crime & fascism. They are defenders of earth, wielding extraordinary powers to protect those who cannot protect themselves. They are superheroes, protectors, peacekeepers, watchers and enforcers.

The Guardians are a group of superheroes who joined together in an effort to coordinate a world-wide peace keeping mission. They have prevented global disasters and faltered supervillians time and time again. However, their efforts seemed redundant as the prevalence of super powered humans increased exponentially; resulting in a massive rise in super villainous plots and attacks. To combat the rise of terror, the Guardians sought to empower their own ranks with new blood.
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Act one

Drop sequence initiating.

Deployment in 3..



SHhhhhhhhhhhh! The sound of smoke and fire pierced through the station as the drop pods were released. Gerald gripped on to the handle bars as if his life depended on it. The sound of wind rattled the through the drop pod and sent chills down his spine. He tried to avoid looking out the windows but he could still see the other drop pods in the corner of his peripherals.

I’m just going to repeat the mission details again so it’s loud and clear, the target is one Eobard Vikis, your mission is to apprehend and ONLY to apprehend him. My sources inform me that he has the ability of precognition but we’re not too certain of how this works. To make matters worse, he will be moderately guarded. Your window of opportunity is Kharkivs’ke highway, Ukraine.

Good luck again Recruits, Vanguard out.

The shaking and turbulence rattled violently as the drop pod fell closer and closer towards the ground. It shouldn’t be too hard beating up some chump, it’s not like we’re dealing with a supervillian with superpowers, Gerald reassured himself. And thank god the actual guardians dealt with ‘the puppeteer’ last week, fighting rotten dead corpses ugh...

His thoughts were interrupted as the pod slammed into the earth reducing the road into rubble. Gerald reached up to the door eject handle and took a deep breath as he pulled down on the handle. Pop! The door freed itself from the drop pod. The sunlight was blinding and glaring, Gerald took a moment to regain his vision. He was the first to land and the other drop pods landed in turn. The surroundings were scarce of buildings and the highway seemed empty. Gerald’s thoughts were cut short as the familiar sound of gunfire echoed through the air. He quickly turned around and took cover behind the drop pod while carefully peeking over the side to survey the origin of the gunfire. Five black sedans, and about two dozen bodyguards.

How the hell are we going to deal with this, he thought as he looked to his teammates.
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Alarms sounded through a familiar white room. Red lights bounced along the walls and the ceilings as Noah sat up from his chair. He picked up his black glasses next to a microscope from the table and put them on. As he hung his labcoat, Noah exited the laboratory and headed through a door leading to a hallway where the drop pod room was. When Noah arrived, his heart was pounding with excitement and nervousness as he attentively watched the other recruit Guardians prepare their equipment and drop pods. Noah knew everyone's name but was not yet familiar with them entirely so the preparation was silent and only the sounds of the alarms echoed through the room. Quickly following everyone's actions, Noah rushed to his armor chute where pieces of his armor suit were neatly placed in a suitcase looking device which opened upon Noah's proximity. Closing his eyes, Noah placed his two open hands out towards the segments of metal and concentrated heavily. The pieces of armor floated and attached to his appropriate body parts as if they were magnets. Once Noah was completely suited up, he quickly opened his eyes and let out a sigh of fatigue.

Noah approached the door to his drop pod which faced towards the Earth. Though he has already run through the simulation countless times, real application still shook him slightly. As Noah turned his head left and right to see the other Guardians and what they were doing, he could see that some others were also in the same situation. A particular man stood out and looked very fluent with how he was operating the drop pod. Noah only knew that this man's name was Gerald and that he could control density. He felt a sense of reliability towards him as density and gravity were somewhat complementing. As Gerald got into his drop pod, Noah swiftly did the same making sure that every step he took was almost identical to Gerald's.

The drop pod started its countdown... 3... 2... 1...

Surprisingly, Noah was quite comfortable with the environment and was able to control the drop pod fluently. Noah no longer needed to rely on Gerald as he pointed his focus towards Earth. By decreasing the gravity around the drop pod, he was able to minimize turbulence and the impact of the drop. Although since his ability was not quite sufficient enough, he levitated around space a bit longer than others which caused him to land a few seconds later.

Stepping out of the drop pod and onto the Kharkivs’ke highway, Noah was able to quickly grasp the situation the team was in. Once again, Noah copied the actions of the reliable Gerald and ducked behind his now landed pod to hide from the rain of bullets. As Noah's attention was fixed on Gerald, he could see that Gerald was also looking directly back at him. Understanding his gaze, Noah quickly attempted to formulate a plan. Firstly, since we were being attacked, defense was the highest priority. Placing his open hands out in front of him with his palms facing the sky, Noah concentrated and made a round gravitation force-field around him spanning approximately 10 meters in diameter. Noah attempted to reduce the gravity as much as possible at the entrance of his force-field to slow down the bullets. The bullets were not repelled, however the impact of the bullets were now reduced to a mere flick of a finger.

Since this feat required Noah's full attention, he was unable to make any other gravity fields or even move for that matter. So in an attempt to signal to his fellow recruits, Noah waved his hand in a, "Come here!" motion. Noah was prepared to open temporary holes in his force-field for Guardians to enter.
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Reed spaced out, he was in the space pod, his bones had become rubber, and his muscles lost a lot of density, as his body lost an incredible amount of muscle out here in the space, just the lack of artificial gravity had made Reed's body "evolve", in the pod however, the closer to earth they were, the more muscle seemed to form, it was gradually toning up too, It was weird yet awesome to look at.

As all of this happened to Reed's body Reed noticed the pod was actually quite close to reaching destination, yet what troubled Reed was the nature of this enemy, Precognition, What did this mean? Did he knew they were traveling? Or just that they were going to arrive, surely if he knew he was going to lose he wouldn't stay to fight, there had to be some meaning to all this, since this man was able to see a future, that meant destiny was a thing, or could this guy see all the possible futures that we all cou- Thump -Ka Trhump, the pod had just a hundred of meters left, so Reed put his mask on and checked the pods control panel and there was nothing to worry about, finally the pod landed, it wasn't a soft landing yet Reed's body turned into goo for the split second when the pod completely stopped, the door open, and reed stood there, hearing bullets being fire from everywhere. The pods were all there, Reed just waited, he knew that he couldn't do much without an order, or just a suggestion, he then saw a robot doing what seemed to be stopping quite a large amount of bullets and yelling something about going inside a gravity field, Reed prepared his body for the worst, changing his soft skin, for a hardened one, just enough to stop a couple of bullets, what Reed concentrated on was gaining speed, as much as possible, which was hard since his body was pretty heavy now, his perception also adapted to this situation, making every second an eternity. Reed started to analize Noah, it was amazing, some kind of energy emanated from him, floating around, kinda hovering, the particles moved freely it seemed, Reed now ran to Noah, so as to wait for anyone else joining us.

Edward had entered the pod with excitement surging through him. He quickly took of his mask on as the pod started to drop. Edward was then cast out into space. The pod started to move, Ed looked around like it was a roller coaster ride before. True he has seen space from military satellites and was even once sent to repair a ship but each time he saw it, well words cant explain. Ed continued to look around. With his pod being in the back he could see all the other pods. By the time he reached earth he started to ready his gear - mask, GPS goggle, and was getting ready to use his power. He had trouble putting on the mask so he didnt know how close he was to earth. When he finally put it on, he had landed the worst landing, his head hitting the wall. The pain didnt bother him, when he got out he saw that had landed a few yards behind the rest of the guardians. Edward had grappling hooked to the building next to them on the right side, he stays there observing the situation, he then heard bullets. Eds GPS had showed him 2 cars and bunch of people.

"Easy, all I have to do is look them in the eye. But the target could predict whats about to happen, but his goons cant!"

Ed leaped from the building, with his left hand grappling hooking to the next building and his right ejecting the ropes at the guns.
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Sirens were blazing and lights were flashing; Harvey is standing next to his pod as he gets it ready for his first mission. It had only been a week from when first got to the Overwatch, and therefore he still felt clueless about the whole procedure. He had decided that the best way to figure out what the "hint" meant was to become a guardian himself, which had lead up to this point.

"Deployment in 3..2..1.."

Clack! The latches were released. Harvey felt a sudden weightless sensation as the pod rapidly fell towards Earth. This is interesting. I haven’t been this excited in a while, Harvey ponders as he sat there, letting the weightlessness take control of his body. SHH! The transmission activates and a voice begins explaining the mission details again. "Good luck again Recruits, Vanguard out," the voice stops and the transmission cuts off. Apprehend Mr. Psychic that seems easy enough, Harvey thinks to himself.

Harvey looks out the window and notices that the pod is close to Earth. Uhh, I think this is how you do it, Harvey questions himself as he presses several buttons. "Error," a mechanical voice says. BOOM!! The pod crashes into the road creating a cloud of dust that surrounds the pod. Harvey wasn’t able to reduce the momentum of the pod in time for landing. He could have blamed it on the fact that he was unfamiliar with the technology, or that he was still just a rookie, but the main reason was that he wasn’t paying attention to the instructors when they were demonstrating landing procedures.

"Uhh," Harvey groans as he rubs his head and opens his eyes. He reaches towards the handle. Doof! The handle doesn’t move. Doof!Doof!Doof!Doof! Seriously? Harvey thinks to himself as he attempts to open the door several times. Giving up, he places his hand on the door and emits electricity from his hand. Click! Pop! The latch releases and the door falls onto the ground with a loud bang. Harvey steps out of the pod and looks around but all his eyes could see was a cloud of dust. PiuPiuPiu! Harvey suddenly hears gunfire and crouches down immediately. He silently creeps next to the pod and faces towards the sound of the shooting. The wind howls past and the dust slightly clears up just in time for Harvey to see bullets fly at Noah. The bullets rapidly approach Noah only for it to slow down dramatically as it reaches him, tap him harmlessly and then fall towards the ground. Wheeeww~, Harvey whistles as he stares in amazement.

The dust in the air has cleared completely now and Harvey looks around to analyse the situation. He sees several bodyguards shooting from behind 5 sedans. He looks around to find that all the pods have landed. He notices Gerald hiding behind his own pod with several bodyguards shooting towards him. He also notices Reed standing next to his pod staring at Noah.

The bodyguards have yet to notice Harvey so he crouches there silently thinking of plan to help his teammates. As he comes up with a plan he notices Noah signalling, “come here” at the corner of his eye. He silently creeps towards Noah while using the pods as cover in order to not alert the guards of his position. As he slowly approaches Noah Harvey waves his hand and 5 knives suddenly appear. He flicks his arm and throws a knife towards each sedan, which cleanly punctures the left rear side of each one. The sound of knives hitting the sedans were able to avoid detection due to the cover of the gunfire. Completing what he wanted to do, Harvey continues to approach Noah, however, he suddenly sees Reed running towards Noah at full speed.
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As they Evan descended, he noticed several blurs which seemed out of place, close to where the pods were to land. Suspecting that they were hostile, Evan knew that he must warn his fellow recruits asap. When Evan's pod landed, he frantically attempted to run towards the others to inform them of his observation. But there was already a flurry of gunfire from the blurs which he had spotted earlier, so Evan couldn't help but instinctively ducked behind his own pod. Evan caught glimpses of other recruits grouping together inside an air bubble of some sort. But with the continuous rain of bullets, Evan didn't believe he could safely make it to the group, so he remained behind his pod to observe the situation while devising a way to rejoin the others.
Reed was now anxious just as to see what would unfold right now, yet he noticed that still Gerald and Evan were away, Gerald seemed to be doing ok so Reed focused on Evan, that was behind his pod shielding himself from the bullets, from what Reed learnt, Evan had enough reflexes to come with us al right so Reed yelled "Hey Evan, come over here! Don't worry about those bullets, I believe armored guy here, I mean Orbit is giving us a hand with it, GET OVER HERE QUICKLY, THE STRAIN ORBIT IS ENDURING COULD PROVE TOO MUCH!" Reed noticed his voice was probably quite quiet in this bullet storm, so while saying all that he gradually altered his vocal tract so as to reach a tremendous volume, it was actually quite deafening, and as Reed noticed the guys nearby and how he was probably hurting them Reed yelled with his still altered vocal tract "SORRY GUYS" as he noticed he hadn't turned down his voice he embarrassingly shut his mouth.
Since Reed was closer to Noah than he was to the others, Noah's concentration was disturbed to the point that his force-field went down. Disappointed in his lack of focus, Noah was relieved to know that only the sturdy Evolution (Reed) was with him. Otherwise, had the others came to Noah, they might have been filled with bullets now. Since the force-field drained Noah significantly despite only being held up for several minutes, he quickly ducked beneath his pod again to avoid any incoming bullets.

To Noah's surprise, he could not feel the impact of the bullets on the pod he was leaning against. He couldn't hear them either but that was probably due to the ringing of his ears due to Evolution's power. Curious, Noah peeked through a window to see that someone was already disarming the hostiles from above the buildings. Recognizing this equipment, it could only be Black Snake. This was the perfect opportunity for them to attack, however Noah wasn't able to produce anymore gravity fields anytime soon. Noah quickly motioned his hand and said to Evolution,

"Leave me, I'll be fine. I'll catch up with you guys soon."

While staying alert, Noah waited while he waited out his fatigue behind his pod.
"Fuck", thought Reed, "I ruined it, his hearing could be damaged, and he probably is a little dizzy" Reed said to Orbit "Sorry man, I thought your armour protected your hearing! If you need help don't even hesitate to call!" as he said this Reed started to evolve his hands into needle like shapes and he became slimmer, giving him an edge on acrobatics, Evolution exited the scene doing some backflips mostly to amuse himself, and dodged as many bullets as possible, some reached him yet his reactive adaptation bullets were just a another good vibration, failing to get stuck inside of him the bullets were expelled from his body in a gross way. Reed then reached a bodyguard and he quickly punctured his knees and elbow in a single motion, the bodyguard fell limp to the ground with a terrified look in his face to which Reed replied with "I'm sorry man, I wanted to see if my needle arms would've worked as a weapon, I'm the curious type, you know?" with that Reed left doing backflips to find cover as to have a little rest, this changes in his genetic code were being exhausting, Reed was out of breath, he needs a little rest.
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Snake had disarmed 5 of the body guards, he threw the guns back to the guardians in case they needed it, but he didnt think they did. Snake then went to the top of the building he was grappling to. He quickly hid behind the walls and took off his goggles.

"Here we go."

Ed grabbed the guns from the 5 other guards and jumped towards them, he kicked and punched his way through each time looking into their eyes to cause the fear. He went up to one that was still standing and quickly tied the ropes around him, he grappling hooked back to the building and threw him on the floor.

"Where is Eobard!?" Ed yelled even though that was an obvious question, he could have been in the cars.
Gerald watched in awe as Orbit summoned his gravity field. Within moments the others had landed; snake and reed were gifted acrobats moving across the landscape like dancers on a stage. The guards were helpless as the two recruits battled with them. Gerald looked down at the guns snake had thrown at his feet and hesitated to pick them up. I've never used a gun before... probably don't want to shoot my own team mates, he thought to himself.

With a deep breath in, Gerald removed himself from cover and sprinted towards the guards. Luckily they were mostly preoccupied with snake. Flashes of gunfire flickered at him as he ran. One after the other, the bullets passed through Gerald as if he was air. With each step he knew he that his powers were about to fatigue and that those bullets would soon embed themselves in his body if he didn't take out the guards.

Gerald reached the first of 5 guards surrounding the sedan furthest on the right. He swiftly punched the guard in the chin with a powerful right hook. As the guard lost consciousness, Gerald grabbed onto him using him as a meat shield against the other bodyguards.
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"GET OVER HERE QUICKLY, THE STRAIN ORBIT IS ENDURING COULD PROVE TOO MUCH!," Shouted Reed. Harvey immediately stopped and squinted as he heard Reed shout. Damn that guy has a voice, Harvey thought as he used his fingers to clear his ears. He turns towards Noah and notices that Noah had stopped using his ability and was currently resting behind his pod. Harvey was about to approach Noah to assist him but suddenly hears sounds of people fighting. EGH! Several guards fall to the ground as Harvey turns towards the direction of the fighting. Harvey notices that most of the guards have been disarmed and Reed, Gerald and Edward have already taken down several guards in the short amount of time he was distracted. Harvey looks towards the recruits in fascination as he thinks how capable his teammates are.

However, he suddenly notices Gerald holding up a guard and using him as shield as 4 other guards surround him. Well I better not get left behind, Harvey thinks as he sprints towards Gerald. The guards have yet to notice Harvey and therefore his approach towards the enemies was unhindered. As he approaches the sedans he flicks his right hand and all 5 knives dislodge from the sedans. If you looked closely you would notice 5 metallic strings going from Harvey's right hand towards the 5 knives. "Well I can't use that plan anymore," Harvey says to himself as runs past the sedans. The 4 guards have all their attention on Gerald so they don't notice Harvey as he approaches from the side. Harvey flicks his arm and the knives fly in 5 different directions.

Two knives lodge themselves in the arm and leg of the two guards that were between him and Gerald. As soon as the knives hit their target, Harvey emits lightning from his right hand. Sparks fly from his right hand and could be seen to follow a course from his hand towards the 5 knives. The 2 guards that were pierced by the knives convulsed while standing and fell to the ground. One of knives continued to fly forward but was blocked by a guard who noticed it flying towards him. The other knife veered towards the right and completely missed the target. The last knife slightly veered to the left and accidentally goes straight towards Gerald. "Oops," Harvey says out loud, "Ghost watch out!"
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Snake leaves the guard tied up and goes towards the fight, he notices a knife going towards Gerald, he ejects a rope and grabs the knife, he swings the knife towards a car tire.
Yet to completely recover from his physical fatigue, Noah didn't want to be useless so he used his strength to stand up again. Leaning on the pod, although not physically well, Noah was already mentally recovered. He noticed the fight's progress and wanted to help as much as possible. Noah aimed his focus to the group of five guards near the second sedan. They were readying their guns to shoot Black Snake and the others.

Noah ran to a drop pod which was closer to the action while breathing heavily. Immediately, Noah stomped his left foot in front of him and held his two open hands facing towards the ground besides him. As if pushing on a large invisible spring, his hands slowly progressed to the ground as a field of gravity was formed below the five guards. The field was smaller than his 'O-Zone' (force-field from earlier) and only spanned 5m in diameter. Luckily for Noah, the five guards were all hiding behind the car and close to each other. As Noah's hands was gradually getting lower, the gravity in the field increased...


The guards weren't able to move. They were temporarily immobilized by the sudden increase of gravity. This ability caused Noah more strain since he was consecutively using his powers one after another. Noah knew he could only maintain this for a maximum of twenty seconds. Also, because it wasn't quite that strong yet, the guards were still standing and able to use their extremities and smaller organs (fingers, eyes, mouth etc). Had the guards been more stronger, they would be able to move at least a little bit more.

"Quick! I've pinned these ones down! I can't finish them with just this!"
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Snake nods at Orbit and starts tying up the guards, he had ran out of ropes but he had enough for all of them. He just remembered the guard he left on the roof, he got back up there and saw him still tied up. Snake made a zipline with his grappling hook between the 2 building, he carried the guard and ziplined down ward, Snake then released the zipline, grappling hooking to the floor while dropping the guard from 3 feet in the air. While still in mid air, Snake then hooked towards Noah standing next to him.

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Stuck in awe and amazement as the situation unfolds before him, Evan felt grateful from the bottom of his heart to have the opportunity to fight alongside these brilliant Guardians. Evan thought of how he could possibly contribute to this amazing team, and decided that he would focus his senses to see how many more armed men there were left to be dealt with. As Evan concentrated by listening through his headset for heartbeats, he realized that there were still 5 beings in the vicinity who aren't part of the Guardian team. Evan can see that 4 of these beings were armed guards who were still firing as they stood around the middle sedan, and strangely the 5th person was inside the sedan, with a slightly elevated heart rate as if they were experiencing fear. Evan thought for a moment and remembered Vanguard's transmission. Evan yells at the top of his lungs so that all the Guardians could hear,

"Thanks," Harvey says to Edward as he gives him slight salute.

"Quick! I've pinned these ones down! I can't finish them with just this!"

Harvey sees Edward nod his head towards Noah and immediately disappears to where Noah is. Knowing that both of them were capable of handling the situation, Harvey sprints towards Gerald. "Sorry," Harvey says to Gerald as he looks at him apologetically and smiles. However, the mask was covering the lower half of Harvey's face. He then turns around to face the 2 remaining bodyguards at the first sedan. The 2 bodyguards have also met up and are currently standing in combat position while glaring at Harvey and Noah. At this time Harvey hears Evan's shout, "EOBARD VIKIS COULD BE IN THE MIDDLE SEDAN!"
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Infuriated by Spark’s incompetence with throwing knives, Gerald lobs the unconscious bodyguard on the ground. Picking up the nearest knife and using his power, He snaps the knife in two. “These aren’t for children” Gerald sneers to Spark as he walks towards the middle sedan. As the last guard leaves the car, the sedan locks it doors.

Taking another deep breath he lowers his density and sprints towards the middle sedan. Bullets fly towards him to no avail. Phasing into the car, he grabs Eobard by the collar. The surrounding guards fire at the bullet proof windows and desperately struggle to open the car doors. “YOU’RE GOING AWAY FOR A LONG TIME VIKIS!” Gerald bellows. Eobard clutches Gerald’s hands and warns “This is where it starts, I couldn’t change the future no matter what I did, no one can stop what’s coming, your guardians have fallen…”

Your guardians have fallen? Nothing but the ramblings of a lunatic, Gerald thought to himself. With all his strength and concentration, he decreased Eobard’s density and threw him out the back window. Eobard phased through the window and landed on the boot of the sedan.

Get him into the drop pod and we’ll send a dropship to pick him up!” Vanguard ordered through the intercoms.
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Snake saw Gerald holding Eobard, he approaches Vikis and pulls out his grappling hook, he takes out the rope and ties Eobards hands and feet.

"Just to be safe."
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"These aren’t for children!"

These are the 4 words that Harvey hears as Gerald snaps his knife in half and walks towards the middle sedan. Harvey turns his head to look back at Gerald and sparks fly across his eyes. Harvey is normally a carefree guy that does not anger easily. However, one thing he hates the most is weak guys who talk big. His whole view of Gerald has change, his first impression of him was someone who was reasonable and in control. However, now Harvey realises that he is ungrateful and pathetic. "No use getting angry over weak guys," Harvey sighs to himself as he turns around to face the two bodyguards.

Harvey flicks his wrist and 4 knives go towards the two guards in different directions. The 2 knives lodge themselves into 1 guard and the guard falls down to the ground convulsing. The other 2 knives get deflected by the bodyguards arms, however, both metallic strings wrap around the guards body as he twitches and falls down. Harvey then turns around to the middle sedan and sees a guy on the boot of the sedan, which he believes to be the prophet.

Get him into the drop pod and we’ll send a dropship to pick him up!” Vanguard ordered through the intercoms.

Harvey notices the 4 bodyguards surrounding the middle sedan and shooting towards the car. He realises that Gerald had used his powers to get into the car and probably can't escape anymore. "Pathetic!" Harvey shout loudly for Gerald to hear.
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As Snake apprehends Eobard, the guards look to be flustered about the events that transpired. But Evan saw this as an opportune moment since the guards were still fixated on Gerald inside the car. Evan picks up the gun from when Snake had disarmed several guards earlier and put a bullet in the chest of 4 remaining guards.

Then checking the area for any remaining hostiles before joining the rest at Eobard and informing them that the location is secure.
As soon as Black Snake tied the guards up, Noah dropped Jupiter immediately to conserve as much energy possible. His arms drooped by his side as he stumbled, struggling to stand upright. Noah realized that Eobard Vikis was now subdued and that imminent threat was no longer. He began to walk slowly, swaying left and right towards the other Guardians to meet up with them...
Snake goes towards Noah and helped him walk. "Are you okay?" Asked Ed as he carried Noahs arms.

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