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Fantasy Guardians{Part 2}(Leopard&Svenny)

Larkin wanted to jerk away from the touch, but it only lasted a moment before she was free from it. She sighed, she hadn't had someone to lean on or talk to in a very long time. It wasn't fun, and, it sucked at times. "Isolation has always been what's easiest for me." She felt bad talking like this when Annabel clearly had only good intentions at heart. Larkin finally gave a large sigh and scrubbed a hand over her face. "Okay... okay. Friends. But please, for my sanity, no flirting. I know I'm guilty of it too, but it stops now. I just can't do it." Once Annabel turned back around, Larkin was looking up at her with pleading eyes. If this stayed one hundred percent platonic and didn't even venture into deep friendship territory, Larkin could handle it. She thought. But in the back of her mind, she knew she was only strong because Annabel was right in front of her. Once Larkin was alone and left with her own thoughts, she'd spiral with how bad of an idea she knew this would be. But right now, she couldn't bring herself to care. She just wanted some companionship. And why shouldn't it be with attractive, dirty blonde, with beautiful blue eyes, that she happened to share a room with.
Annabel raised her eyebrows in curiosity. No flirting? She knew she had flirted with her, but because Larkin had flirted first. It had been light, jokingly. Or had it not been? Annabel assumed that Larkin was at least also attracted to women, but now she got the feeling her roommate was just plain old gay. Wherever she went in life, gay women always seemed to be there. Her parents, for example. She seemed to be some kind of magnet. "You have my word, no flirting." A smile crossed her face then, feeling as though she had finally broken through to her. It had come from Larkin, not Annabel. All the other times Annabel had to force her to go with her, but this time she had agreed, finally. On her own terms, too. "Roommate breakfasts are still a thing though." Annabel chirped. She glanced out the single window they had in their room and saw that the sun was already beginning to set outside. If she wanted to have time alone with Arren, she needed to leave soon. "I've a few errands I got to do, but I'll be back later. Breakfast tomorrow again?"
Larkin nodded. "Yeah... Roommate breakfast tomorrow." She smiled and stood from her bed. "I've got some stuff I need to go do, too. If I don't see you again tonight, I'll see you in the morning, friend." Larkin laughed a bit, her mood lifting slightly, but still threatening to drag her down. Larkin grabbed her phone and placed her earbuds back in her ears as she left the room with a quick goodbye to Annabel. She needed a hunt after that rollercoaster. Larkin made her way out of the dorm and to her hunting grounds. Her hunting grounds were just a small patch of woods on campus. It wasn't much, but it was enough to let her get a quick meal in without being bothered.
Larkin settled herself in the shadows to wait. She just needed to wait for a little more darkness to fall. Once it was dark enough, no one would notice her in the small patch of trees. Her patience was rewarded. After the sun had completely set, she only had to wait a few minutes more before someone strolled past. She was a young girl. Probably a freshman. Standard height and build, she looked like an easy enough meal. She only had a small backpack with her, so Larkin wasn't worried about dropping anything she might be holding. Within moments, Larkin had snatched the girl by the arm with one hand and placed the other over her mouth. Larkin's fangs sank into tender flesh and for a solid twenty seconds, she drank. Once she released the girl, Larkin placed her on the sidewalk again and stared into her eyes. Larkin searched the girl's mind and took away the last 30 seconds of her memory. It was a small enough patch of time, that it would take some serious thinking to realize the gaps in her memory. Larkin dashed away from the slightly dazed girl and waited for her to come back too. Once she carried on with her walking and Larkin was sure she was okay, Larkin started to head back to her room. She was still in the woods when she decided that she could go for one more hunt before she headed back.
Annabel walked from the room in the opposite direction of Larkin. Wherever her very mundane roommate was going, it had to be far enough from her. There was no way she was chancing her finding out her biggest secret. Just as she was hurrying along, her phone began to vibrate. When she took it out, she saw that it was Tim. "Hey Baby," he spoke through the phone when she answered the call. It was only his third time today calling, but her first time answering that day. He had called her twice before as her classes were going on. "How was your first day of class?" he seemed eager to know. "It was fine, nothing much happened. I'm heading out to let Arren run free a bit." she explained as she hurried along, feeling a bit out of breath from talking and walking so fast. "You should be careful babe, wouldn't want you getting caught." No shit. If she got caught, the government would be on her so quickly, she wouldn't even know what was happening. Annabel resisted the urge to say something sarcastic and mean. "I will be, don't worry Tim." She chatted with him for a little bit longer as she made her way through the forest until she believed it was dark enough and far enough away from the university campus. As she reached a safe spot, she ended the call with Tim and took her Guardian out. Arren squirmed in her hand, wanting to be let loose. Tactically, Annabel let him grow in size until he was about the size of a small horse. Be careful up there, okay? She didn't want to risk him being full sized, it would be much harder to cover that.
Larkin did hunt. Her second victim was a large and in charge dude bro. It was easy enough to wipe his memory and leave him on his way. She would be lying if she said she enjoyed hunting. At the point, it was simply necessary. Sure she would take from bags when she could, but she hadn't found a supply here yet. But, even if she didn't enjoy the act of hunting, she enjoyed feeling fullfed. With such small bursts, it never lasted long. She would be hungry again tomorrow, but for now, she was fine. So she headed back to the dorm she shared with Annabel, her... friend.
A little past midnight, Larkin quietly walked into the dorm room, grabbed her toiletries bag, a towel, and a change of clothes, and headed to the shower room they shared with the rest of the hall. Of course, as a vampire, she didn't need a shower like a mortal did. Her body didn't sweat, but hunting in the woods always made her feel grimy. She also liked the fresh scent of her body wash and shampoo. Once finished, Larkin dried off, climbed into a pair of boxers and a loose t-shirt and made her way back into her dorm room. Larkin quietly got into bed, and lay down, thoughts of how this friend thing was going to work keeping her up.
As Arren flew above the trees, Annabel practiced some of the moves her mothers had taught her back home. It was a mix of self defense and using her gift at the same time. Addie had been strict on never forgetting that she could use her gift with and without wielding a weapon. Annabel went through drills of accurate punches and kicks, aimed at the vulnerable places of an invisible attacker. By the time Arren landed on the ground beside her, she was all sweaty. The dragon lowered his snout into Annabel's hand, nuzzling into it. She felt terrible to shrink him again, knowing that, just like her, he hated it. "I'm sorry Arren, I promise it won't be like this forever." she whispered as her gift worked it's magic and transformed her mighty guardian into a pipsqueak, something that was far from scary and dangerous. Arren flapped his wings and shook his head in hatred for the process, blowing a plume of fire from his jaws. The trek back home chilled Annabel, and by the time she reached her room, she was shivering. Larkin already lay in bed, and Annabel didn't know whether or not she was asleep. Slipping her hand into her pocket, she fished Arren from her pocket and set him onto her bedside table, "There you go, little buddy. I'm sorry," she murmured. Her gaze fell on her roommate, hoping that everything was going to get better now. It had already been a rough couple days, how much worse could it get?
Larkin was awake when Annabel returned. Though she didn't make any move to show she was. That night, Larkin lay wide awake. Thought of past loves filling her with dread. Just as she had told Annabel. It was always the same. Everyone left her in the end. So, she had taken to being the one to leave first. Maybe now was a good time? She had warned Annabel that she would leave without notice. Maybe she could do that soon. Leave Annabel and this university behind. Just the thought was enough to make Larkin sad. She barely knew Annabel. But her headstrong roommate and.. friend had already grown on her. Annabel had already made a mark in Larkin's long... long life. She quietly groaned into her pillow to muffle the noise then tried to banish all thoughts from her head. She had a roommate breakfast to attend the next morning. She needed her sleep. Larkin tossed and turned and then settled onto her side, her back facing Annabels side of the room.

It was a long night for the vampire. Sleep eluded her as it had not in many years. Saying she woke the next morning was a bit of an understatement. Its hard to wake uo when she was never even asleep. However, once her alarm went off, Larkin got up and started to get dressed.
Annabel stirred when Larkin rose and got ready for the day. A groan floated from her lips, rolling over so that her back was facing Larkin's bed. She didn't want to get up, but she knew that with the day looming ahead of her, she had no choice. Annabel couldn't start skipping the first week of school. In fact, Annabel had never skipped a single day in her life, even if Master school had been radically different than something like this. As Larkin shuffled around the room, Annabel forced her eyes open to wake herself and get ready for the day. When she finally slipped from bed, she was surrounded by cold air, and shivering, she waddled to her dresser to search for some clothes. "Morning Roomie," she murmured sleepily, suppressing a yawn. "Did you have a good walk last night?" she asked Larkin as she rummaged through her things to find a cute outfit. It was relatively warm that day, so she decided on a nice white halter top, with blue jeans and gray ankle boots. To top it off, she grabbed a denim jacket in case the buildings were chilly.
Larkin was in the process of getting dressed when Annabel got up. Annabel's sleepy voice was cute. The thought made Larkin pause and shake her head sligtly. Then the words sunk in. Walk? What walk? Then Larkin remember that Annabel wouldn't know that Larkin hadn't gone on a walk. "Uh, yeah. It was nice." Her voice was slow and groggy, evidence of her lack of sleep. Larkin slowly pulled on a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. Once done with that, she sat on the edge of her bed and pulled on a pair of black converse shoes. She then made her way over to the sink in the corner of the room and proceeded to brush her teeth and hair. About this time it dawned on her that she should inquire about Annabel's evening. "How about your walk?" Larkin took of the leather band around her wrists and washed her hands and face before carefully putting the band back on and adjusting it so that blue stone was ontop of her wrist.
Annabel was acutely aware of the fact that Larkin sounded tired, as though she hadn't gotten any sleep. But when she had returned to the dorm room the night before, Annabel had been certain her roommate and new friend, had been asleep. Had she not been? Had she heard her talk to Arren? Fear gripped her heart for a second, before she realized that, even if she had, she wouldn't have been able to see what she had been talking to. Besides, what she had said hadn't been anything to specific. It could just be written off as her talking crazy at night. "Oh, it was alright. Got a bit chilly at the end though," she commented after Larkin had asked the question. When Larkin finished brushing her hair and teeth, Annabel took her place before the little sink and started her little routine. Although her hair was long, thankfully it was straight enough to be manageable. She'd hate to have long wavy hair that looked more puffy than styled. Even though she didn't really care about looks, she still wanted to be presentable. Just as she finished at the sink, her phone buzzed, alerting her to a notification. When she pulled it out, she saw that it was from TIm. Opening her phone, she read his Good morning sweetheart text. A small sigh escaped her lips and she frowned. She tried to remember the beginning of their relationship, when he had begun to call her sweetheart and always sent good morning texts. Had it made her giddy then? She couldn't remember, it was too long ago. Somewhere deep down, she believed it hadn't. Was it supposed to? Typing a quick response, she slipped her phone back into her pocket and turned towards Larkin. "Ready for roommate breakfast?" she asked, pushing any thoughts she had of Tim to the back of her mind.
Larkin may have been half asleep from sleepless night, but she still caught the sigh when Annabel looked at her phone. "Boyfriend troubles? Wanna talk about it?" They were friends. They could talk about that sort of thing. As much as last night's thinking had made Larkin want to run for the hills and build up wall after wall around herself, she couldn't. The idea of a friend like Annabel was too tempting. It had been decades since she'd had a friend or even encountered someone that was so headstrong and forward with her. When Annabel asked if she was ready, Larkin nodded and grabbed up her backpack before headed out of the dorm, waiting in the hallway for Annabel.
Just as Larkin had done, Annabel grabbed her backpack and slung it casually over one shoulder. They were friends, so it meant that they talked about stuff like boyfriends. "Not really troubles. I just feel like he doesn't trust me, which is why he constantly calls me," Annabel tried to explain to Larkin. It was hard to describe the way she was feeling. "I didn't want to keep the relationship going when I went off to college, but he insisted we try," she sighed, "We've been together for two years, so it's complicated." Annabel shrugged, trying to seem as though it didn't bother her. She loved Tim, she didn't doubt that, but she doubted that she loved him the same way he loved her. In a way, Annabel knew that he sensed that, so he tried to hold on as tightly and has long as he possibly could. "I can't tell him to stop calling me all the time, because that will cause real issues." Annabel didn't expect Larkin to say much in return, because that was the kind of person she was, but perhaps she'd have some advice.
Larkin listened while Annabel talked about Tim. She talked about the boy like he was more good friend than boyfriend. As the two walked from the building, Larkin looked up at her. "Are you sure you feel the same about him? You talked about him like hes a friend. Not like he's a boyfriend." The words came out before she had a chance to filter them. She wasn't sure how Annabel would take to being called out like that. But Larkin had noticed how she spoke to the boy. Whenever he called or texted she acted like it was a chore to respond to him. Larkin remembered what it was like to have someone she deeply cared about. There was always immediate happiness when they called or texted. Larkin then snuck a glance up at Annabel. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so blunt."
Annabel looked at Larkin in surprise, not expecting such words from her. An unsettling feeling washed over her, what if she was right? What if she only loved him as a friend? She had never liked it when Tim called her babe, or any other kind of endearment. Annabel had always assumed that it was because she just didn't like those words, but perhaps there was a deeper meaning? "No, no. It's alright." she reassured Larkin, looking towards their destination. Silence hung between them for a moment before Annabel spoke again, "Maybe you're right, I'm not sure." They'd done so much together, from basic couple things to romantic candle lit nights that lead to much more. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind from any such thoughts.
"I'm not telling you to break up with him... but maybe that's something to figure out?" Larkin's voice was soft and gentle as she spoke. "It's not really fair to him." Larkin didn't want Annabel to think she was telling her what to do, but how else could she word it? If someone she was with didn't love her the same way, she'd want to know. When the approached the cafeteria, Larkin held the door open. "After you, buttercup."
Annabel sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, something she did when she felt a headache coming. Perhaps she really did have to think more closely over it. Shaking those thoughts away, she focused on the task at hand. Eating breakfast. Mandatory breakfast with the roommate, who Annabel was trying to woo into being her friend, permanently. Within the first several days of them living together, they had already had very many ups and downs, and Annabel just wanted a constant in her life. "Thank you," Annabel said, a smile parting her lips at the nickname Larkin seemed to have chosen for her. It felt strangely more like an endearment best garnered for a lover, or a potential lover, but who was she to judge? "Well, what's your love life like then?" she chuckled softly as she headed towards the pancake and waffle station.
Larkin followed behind Annabel, grabbing a muffin for herself. "My love life?" Larkin's voice dropped low, and she fiddled with the muffin in her hand. "Oh, buttercup, we don't wanna talk about that." Really, she didn't. Riley was the last human Larkin had allowed herself to fall for. And that was a few lifetimes ago. When Riley had found out what Larkin was and still wanted her around, Larkin stayed. The two fell in love. Riley however, did not want to become immortal, and Larkin agreed, she wouldn't wish immortality on anyone. When Riley died, of old age, Larkin was devastated. She vowed then to never let another human in that way. The slowly grew to also never allowing anyone in for anything. However, here Annabel was, slowing lowering that wall. Brick my small brick. As much as everything inside of Larkin begged to scramble and piece the wall back together, Larkin was holding it at bay. She had missed this connection. Missed another person wanting her around. Even if it was a human.
Annabel shot her a quick look, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. But, deciding against probing her for answers, she turned her attention to the food line. Before her stood two people, and it took only a few minutes before she was able to make her own waffles. On top of them, she poured maple syrup and topped it with some whipped cream. Taking her plate, she checked out with her student ID card. Every time she took it out, she couldn't help but marvel at it. She was actually a college student. A real college student. Given the odds she had been born with, she was surprised she even made it this far. Growing up in the middle of a war, somehow surviving it and ending here. It was her own miracle. Annabel plopped herself down at one of the long tables, digging into her breakfast. Only after a few mouthfuls did she speak again, "I can image a lot of women like you, your broody attitude is sure to attract at least a few."

Glancing over Larkin's shoulder, she searched the crowd for no one in particular. Her eyes lingered longer on some women she saw, wondering if they were gay and would be interested in someone like Larkin. Though, she didn't quite realize why she lingered over some longer than others. FInally, her eyes settled back on Larkin, "I'd be surprised if no one looked over at you." Annabel shrugged, returning to her breakfast, devouring it with several more bites.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone move towards them. It was a woman, her face sprinkled with freckles and her hair a fine ginger color, tied up into a loose bun. Hair fell out of the bun, framing her face. Her green eyes sparkled as she took a seat next to Annabel, "You're in my literature class, aren't you?" Annabel couldn't help but gape at her, speechless for a moment.

Recovering, she smiled at the girl, shooting her, her best dimpled smile, "Professor Garden?" When the woman nodded, Annabel continued, "Why, was it canceled today?" Her smile faltered as she grabbed for her phone, seeing if a message had come through. Before she could grab it, the girl put her hand over hers, stopping her from looking.

"No, it's not canceled. My name is Danny, and I was just wondering if you'd want to get together and do the homework assignment she assigned?" Danny smiled a slightly crooked smile at her. Annabel found it slightly endearing.

"Oh," her smile returned, "Sure, yea that's no problem. I'll see you in class today, save me a seat?" Danny nodded and departed from their table. Annabel couldn't help but look after her for a moment, her gaze drifting down over her body. Before she realized what she was doing, she turned back to Larkin.

"Well, I guess I have a new study buddy," Annabel laughed, shrugging slightly.
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Larkin shook her head. "I've never noticed it." Obliviousness was the best way to play that. She would be lying if she said she didn't garner some attention from ladies. And men as well, much to her displeasure. But she never acted upon it. Always choosing to play the bitch she had showed Annabel at first. It usually sent people running fairly quickly. Larkin however, quieted down when the new person joined them. She chewed her muffin as the girl flirted with Annabel. She also happened to notice the once over Annabel gave her when she walked away. Grinning like the Cheshire cat at Annabel when she called the girl a study buddy, Larkin couldn't hold in her comment. "I think you mean flirting buddy. Better tell that boyfriend you got the ladies all over you. May make him step up." Larkin gave a wink to Annabel before biting into her muffin again. She knew Annabel was straight. Or at least had thought that. But maybe the girl was bisexual and hadn't realized it yet.
Annabel blanched at Larkin, her mouth gaping open for a moment. Her gaze snapped back to Lucy, who had joined some people a little bit across the room. At that exact moment, she looked over towards her. When their eyes met, Lucy winked at her, causing an embarrassed flush to leap to her cheeks. Annabel tore her eyes away from her, settling them back on her roommate, "No, no," she shook her head, not wanting to believe that had been her intension. If it had been, she had completely fallen for her tricks. "Yea, and that'll just send him coming here," she shook her head again, "No, you don't know what this freedom is like for u-" she paused and corrected, "me, I cannot have them running to my aide." Grabbing her waffle plate that was almost licked clean, she stood up and walked to the trash. Before returning to the table, she quickly glanced at her phone and saw a few texts from her moms, and Tim. She rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the small smile that crossed her lips as she replied to her parents, reassuring them that everything was okay, and no, her roommate hadn't eaten her yet. Returning to Larkin, she said, "Let's get going, what's your first class?" Walking towards the door, she made a point not to look at Lucy who was watching her leave with her very human roommate.
Larkin thought over Annabel's little slip-up. Why was this so important to her? Larkin understood freedom from her parents. But they seemed to treat Annabel very well. Okay, maybe they were a little overprotective, but that was good. Larkin's thoughts were interrupted by Annabel's return. "My first class is Bio. Remember that beefcake that tried to get me to be his partner? He's in that class." Larkin gave an exaggerated eye roll. He hadn't bothered her again, but she figured it was only a matter of time. Larkin noticed Annabel pointedly ignoring Lucy as they left the cafeteria. Maybe Annabel was truly straight. That thought made Larkin's heart fall just a bit. That then left her wondering why it had. This could be nothing more than a friendship. Larkin would not allow herself to fall for the human. That would only end badly for everyone. It wasn't wise.
Annabel couldn't help the grunt of annoyance at the reminder of the jerk from a few days ago. But, remembering the boy brought kissing Larkin back into her mind. With a sharp shake of her head, she chased those thoughts away. "Oh, right, that asshole," she muttered, rolling her eyes. "If you need me to rescue you, babe, just let me know, I'm only one text away," she smiled then and shot her roommate a playful wink.

With her hip, she pushed the door open and strode out into the warm sun. The sky was a bright blue, the sun still low on the horizon. It was only - she checked her watch that was strapped onto her wrist, it was exactly 7:45, and her first class was at 8. The paved path wasn't too crowded as they moved through the people, until they were several meters away from the cafeteria. This early in the morning the birds still chirped, flapping their wings happily, basking in the early morning chill. Though there were no mountains around them, Annabel still thought the campus was beautiful. Green lawn after green lawn decorated the hilly terrain, and Annabel could imagine laying out on them later.

"Want to get together for lunch later?" she asked with hopeful eyes, giving the woman her best, charming smile.
Larkin's heart skipped a beat at the term of endearment, even if it was just a joke. Larkin knew she had said her fair share as well, so it shouldn't bother her when Annabel did the same. At the playful wink, Larkin smiled at Annabel, "I may just take you up on that offer. If he ever gets too annoying. I'll call in the reinforcements." As they continued to walk, Larkin listened to the birds and distant chatter of students making their way to class. She had gotten really good at blocking out every sound around her. It was just too easy to get overwhelmed and listen to everything. Instead, she often just blocked everything out and left it as a jumbled mess of background noise. But something managed to catch her ear.
"I told you the two roomies were together!"
Larkin just barely stopped herself from answering the overhear bit of conversation. When she finally glanced around them and saw the culprit, she found it to be two of the girls that lived on the same hall as Larkin and Annabel. Larkin just barely shook her head. Great now people were talking.
Annabel's words drug Larkin from her thoughts. At first, Larkin had started planning out something to be busy doing during that time, but then she looked at Annabel and saw those eyes and that smile. Her heart turned to putty, and Larkin nodded her head yes before she could harden herself to the charming smile. But they really needed to stop meeting over mealtimes. It was becoming harder and harder to force down human food. "Yes, we can. But come on, you act like all we can do is join each other for meals." A playful smirk fell across Larkin's face. "We can do more than that, you know."
At her playful, flirtatious jab, Annabel turned towards her so that she was walking backwards, taking in Larkin in the morning light. "And what exactly are you suggesting?" Completely unaware of the fact that Larkin could not handle human food the way she could, Annabel was curious as to why she was so keen on not always meeting for meals. "Am I not good enough to bless you while eating?" Annabel gave her a smile, continuing to walk backwards until she reached her building.

"Alright, I'll see you for lunch, and you can tell me what ideas you have in mind," Annabel gave her another smile and waved, slipping through the doors and into the coolness of air conditioning. She walked towards her classroom, backpack slung casually over her shoulder.

"Hey, wait up!"

Annabel turned to look at the person who had called to her, and saw that it was Danny, ginger hair tied up in a loose bun now. "Oh, hey Danny," she smiled at her, waiting for the woman to catch up, "I thought we don't have class together until later?" she asked.

"I know, but I just wanted to walk you to class, and talk to you before seeing you later," she gave her an innocent shrug, smiling back at her.

"I see, well there's a little bit of time before my class starts, if you want to join me," Annabel pushed open the door to her classroom, beckoning for her to join her.
Larkin couldn't believe how easily Annabel had returned the playful flirting. It made her giddy inside. So giddy in fact, that Larkin was unable to reply before they arrived at Annabel's class. Larkin offered a nod of her head and a wave in return as Annabel slipped inside the building. She let her hearing extend to the building as she walked off, wanting to make sure Annabel reached her classroom alright. She heard a familiar voice call out to Annabel, and Larkin stopped, standing completely still. It was Danny. The study buddy. A growl formed in Larkin's throat and she had to shake herself to get rid of it. She refused to admit she was jealous. It was better if Annabel found someone else should spend time with. So that Larkin had plenty of time to get her emotions under control.
With a small huff, Larkin headed off to her Biology class. Just as she stepped into the building, the meathead from before blocked her path.
"Well if it isn't my lab partner."
Larkin huffed. "In your dreams."
Lab classes hadn't started yet, that was next week. But Larkin already knew who wasn't going to be her lab partner.
"Funny my dreams are just where you were last night." He gave a wink to her.
Larkin couldn't have rolled her eyes harder at his stupid remark. For the entire exchange, she had been attempting to step around him, but he kept clocking her path. So she stopped, and fixed him with the most deathly glare she could manage, and for a 300-year-old vampire... That was quite deadly. She relished in the pale shade his face took on before she even spoke. "If you keep on, you'll end up meeting the dark side of my girlfriend. So I suggest you drop this whole partners bullshit." She knew it was an empty threat. After all... Annabel was just a human, and she wasn't even her girlfriend! However, if it put some fear into this jerk, she would take any advantage she could. And since they were in the middle of a crowded hallway, and flashing her fangs and a snarl wasn't gonna go over too well... This was all she had to offer.

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