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Fantasy Guardians{Part 2}(Leopard&Svenny)

Larkin stepped into the older building, a smile on her face. These types of buildings always made her happy. They reminded her of a when she didn't shut people put constantly. With a small shake her head, Larkin rid herself of the thoughts. She turned to look at Annabel. "I have an English class in here." She yanked her phone put of her pocket and looked at her schedule again. "Room 105." The words were mumbled as Larkin walked down the hallway. Without thinking, she stopped, turned, and reached a hand out towards Annabel. In seconds, Larkin realised what she had done and quickly yanked her hand back and turned around. Stalking off, in what she hoped was the direction of her classroom, Larkin silently chided herself. She couldn't get close to Annabel. After Riley, all those years ago, Larkin promised herself that she would never get close to another person. Annabel was not about to change that.
Larkin stopped at the end of the hall and looked up at the last door. The number 105 was plastered in bold, black letter at the top of the white, curved door frame. Wood double doors stood wide open and led into a large lecture hall room. Nodding, Larkin turned around and stepped away from the room.
Annabel followed Larkin rather silently, her mind still whirling with thoughts of her past. It was an unpleasant past, a past she tried to forget, but proved itself impossible. Too much had happened that it was forever engrained in her memory, even at her young age. On average, a human's first memory is around four years old. Given, Annabel was not human, but she had been between four and five during this ordeal, yet she remembered nearly everything. Traumatic experiences did that to people. Only when Larkin suddenly turned towards her and reached out to her, did the memories fade from her vision. Instead, she was staring at her roommate, the person she wanted to be friends with. No more past, no more chills from the thoughts of how close to death she had come. Frowning at Larkin's erratic behavior, she wondered if she had said something wrong to anger the human. Just as they approached the wooden doors, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Reaching down, she slipped it from it's binding and glanced at the screen. It was her mother, a big surprise. A sharp pang of homesickness jolted through her body and she grimaced, trying to push it away. Pressing the accept button, she placed the phone to her ear.


"Hey, Bel. The fish and I arrived safely back."

Annabel's lips jerked slightly at the mention of Ryder's nickname. Adysin loved calling her that, for whatever reason. It reminded her of all their bickering back home, and her heart throbbed to be apart of it again. But she had her whole life ahead of her, slightly longer than a humans. That would pose a problem, but she was willing to work her way around that.

"That was quick. Please tell me you weren't speeding."

Annabel could almost hear the smirk from the other side of the phone, "Then I will say nothing." There was a pause before she continued, "How are things?"

"Good, Larkin and I are looking for our classrooms right now." she spoke, glancing over at Larkin who had turned back around towards her.

"I still don't like he- Ouch!" Adysin was cut off by an obvious slap from Ryder.

"Oh my god, will you guys stop acting like children! Everything is fine, Mom. I'm going to hang up now. I will talk to you guys later. Enjoy the rest of your day." Annabel heard giggles from the other side of the phone as Adysin seemed to be getting her revenge. She brought her palm to her forehead and shook her head slightly, although still amused by them.

"Alright Bel. Hope you get along with the roomie." With that, the line went dead and Adysin was left with a black screen.

Slipping it back into her pocket and with a small smile on her lips, she turned back to Larkin. "Sorry about that. Mom likes to check up on me. She's... rather protective and a bit odd."
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Larkin stopped and waited while Annabel talked on the phone. She could easily hear everything the other woman was saying. She furrowed her eyebrows just a bit as someone was called a fish, but brushed it off when Annabel said nothing about it. Larkin then heard the start of a sentence about the speaker not liking her, and smiled. The obvious slapping sound made her smile waver; someone was defending her. Then Annabel called her mothers children, and her smile returned. Larkin waited until her roommate hung up before she started to head from the building. "Protective is good. It means she cares." Larking started for the door to the building, but stopped and turned to look back at Annabel. "You don't have a class in here do you?" Just as the words left her mouth, Larkin glanced up. And standing there in a doorway down the hall was the same muscle head from earlier. With a groan, Larkin stepped closer to Annabel. "Look who also has a class here." Larkin tilted her head towards the guy. She guessed he would cause more than his fair share of trouble for her. But for now, he hadn't noticed them. He was too busy talking to another muscle head with a frat cap on backward. Just as the thought crossed her mind, muscles looked up and flashed a smile at Larkin. She rolled her eyes and turned a girn to Annabel. "Might have to tell your boyfriend I need to borrow you a few times if that guy becomes troublesome."
Protective was good, indeed. But when it was Adysin protective, it was too much at times. Annabel was in some ways the only person Adysin really connected to, differently than with Ryder. Annabel was an almost identical replica of her mother. The same straight long blonde hair, the same crystal blue eyes, the same slightly pointy ears, the same full lips, even the same skin tone. The only thing she seemed to have inherited from her father were his feet and his nose. Annabel had massive feet for a girl of just 5'6". Annabel was a reminder of the past for Adysin, a past where her mother was still alive. Yet, because of that, Adysin seemed to cherish her all the more. On top of it, Adysin had taught Annabel practically all of her fighting skills to the point Annabel could almost outfight her. Suddenly there was movement in her pocket and Annabel suddenly spun around to open her pocket and quietly scold Arren. Letting him crawl onto her hand for a split second, she gave him a gentle scratch before stuffing him back inside the confined space. She'd have to find a place where he could at least grow slightly larger. Being so small for a longer period of time made Arren crazy. Annabel was called back to attention when Larkin mentioned someone else having a class in the building, and when her eyes landed on muscles, her body stiffened. "He better watch out for me, he doesn't want two angry Crawford's on his hands. I don't think he'd be able to handle that." At that, an amused grin crossed her face. It always amused her to think of beating someone up, especially because she was so petite, that they didn't expect it. "What Tim doesn't know won't hurt him." she added with a small laugh, shaking her head so that her blonde hair fell messily around her shoulders. "Besides, he'd probably find it hot, two girls like us." The grin didn't fade as she included a dramatic eye roll, "Boys, am I right? Always about how to make them more excited for bed." Annabel then reached her hand out and grabbed Larkin's, marching them towards the two men standing not so far away.
Larkin squashed down the butterflies that fluttered once Annabel grabbed her hand. This was her roommate! Her human roommate at that! Scolding herself, Larkin let herself be lead over to the boys and a plan formulated itself in her head. She could lay it on thick as she could, and this meat head would probably still bother her. But it may slow him down a bit. Even if Annabel was right, and Larkin knew she was. Most meat heads seemed to be the same. They'd take what they could and run with the rest. So she pretended to not even notice the boys at all. Instead, she faked her innocence and prayed that Annabel wouldn't be too angry with her. "Sweetheart! You found the room I've been looking for!" Her own high pitched and fake voice annoyed even her, but she knew it would grab his muscle boy's attention. If she made it clear she was taken... he had to respect that, right? Larkin didnt give it a second thought and leaned over and gently pressed her lips to Annabel's cheek and smiled warmly at the girl. "What would I do without you?" Larkin couldn't stop the grin when she noticed the flash of anger that crossed meat head's face. Maybe now, she could get some peace and quiet in her classes and not have to worry about his harrassment.
As they approached the men, Annabel's gaze traveled past Larkin and towards muscles who watched them eagerly. She knew, that his eyes were trained on Larkin more than on her, and that seemed to bother her even more. Annabel flashed him a challenging smirk, taking pleasure in being able to irritate him. Why was she having so much fun pretending to be in a relationship with her roommate? Her human roommate. Adysin wouldn't like the thought of that. But, Adysin wasn't there and Annabel was going to use that to her advantage. When Larkin began to speak, her high pitched voice even irritated her, and she had to resist the urge to slap that voice out of her. When she felt her soft lips against her cheek, everything in Annabel screamed at her to stiffen, shy away from her and to push her away. She was taken, by a man! Yet, as her lips touched her, she felt anything but repulsed. It shocked her that Larkin would dare do such a thing, yet it shocked her even more what she did next. Annabel's hand tightened its grip on Larkin's hand and when she was sure that the men where watching, she used her pointer to turn Larkin's head towards her. The moment she made eye contact with those eyes of hers, silently urging her not to freak out, she leaned forward and gave her a lingering kiss on her lips. They were soft, much different from Tim's rough ones back home. They tasted like the earth, just dusted with the slightest bit of rain. They parted differently from the ones she was used to, and had she not been too well aware of who was watching them, she might had kissed her for longer. Pulling away, she looked towards the men that stood before them. The look she saw on the mens faces were priceless, and she would have done anything to capture it on camera. Their eyes were round like those of owls and their lips parted such that it looked as though they were catching flies. "You wouldn't be able to find your classrooms, babe." Annabel replied with a grin, "Close your mouths, boys, don't want to be catching any flies, now do we?" Annabel pulled her away past the men and into the classroom, away from their prying eyes and gaping mouths. "That ought to do it, don't you think?" she laughed, releasing her hand and straightening her already straight her. Had she gone too far to convince them? A kiss on the check hadn't seemed enough, and yet the feeling of anxiety crept around her breast as she anticipated the girl's response.
A gasp left Larkin and Annabel's lips met her own. Her brain shut down for a moment, but was back up and firing on all pistons by the time the girl pulled away. In a daze, Larkin let herself be pulled into the classroom. She knew very well the deep red blush that colored her tan cheeks. She wanted to question it. She wanted to ask Annabel, and herself, why it felt that way to be kissed by her. Why it felt like all her life had been leading up to that moment. Larkin was silent for a little while. It took her just a little too long to reply to Annabel. "Yeah, I think that was plenty... Meat Head didn't know what hit him." Her voice lacked any of her usual wit and sarcasm. Instead, she was at a war with herself. So, she shut down. She knew she couldn't fall for this girl. She knew that kiss meant nothing to her. She had a boyfriend. She was straight. End of, Larkin. Let sleeping dogs lie. You don't need another broken heart. But as she scolded herself, she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to kiss Annabel again, only this time to hold her tight and to not let go. She shook her head. No. That wasn't a possibility. Not even as something to think of happening. "I... I think we-- I mean I, should be heading back now." Larking headed for the door and was happy to see that the men were gone. She kept on walking until she was outside of the building and headed back towards her dorm. She knew her response may have been a bit... much. But it was best if she kept her distance from now on. It was her fault really. She had been flirting with Annabel all day. And then she was the first one to kiss Annabel's cheek. Larkin nearly smacked herself in the face. What had she been thinking!
Before Annabel could say anything, Larkin's back disappeared between the doors, leaving her all alone to contemplate her thoughts. The minute the human had gone, Arren shifted in her pocket and let himself take flight into the room, flittering around her head until he settled down on a table. Without thinking it through, Annabel twirled her wrist and Arren grew into the size of a dog. What had she done? Guilt overcame her as she settled on the table next to her Guardian who nuzzled his scaly nose into her palm. She had gone too far, hadn't she? Ruined the chance of a good friendship by a silly kiss to get men to stop ogling her friend. The kiss, it had meant nothing, hadn't it? Yet, at the thought of the kiss, her heart would accelerate. Then, her mind jumped to Tim, the boy she was dating and a groan escaped her throat, causing her to throw her head into her hands. What had she done? Just at that moment, the door sprung open, and as quickly as she could, she shrunk Arren again, protecting him in her hands. The boy that stood in front of her was tall, with dark hair and tanned skin. His icy blue eyes complimented his tan, clearly this boy had spent his summer on the beach. "I could have sworn... Oh well. I must have gotten too much sun after all." he laughed, shaking his head slightly, striding towards her, an ever present smile on his face. "I'm Tobias, and who are you?" Annabel shifted slightly, her bubbly mood seeming to have simmered. Yet, she mustered all the strength in her and gave him a smile, "Annabel, it's nice to meet you." As they spoke, her mind drifted towards Larkin, where would she be, would she even look at her now? After what felt like ages, Tobias invited himself over to her dorm room, which Annabel graciously accepted, the thought of confronting Larkin on her own terrified her. Together, they walked, chatting, back towards her dorm room, only pausing when she was about to push open the door. Then, she opened the door and looked around.
Larkin stalked on to her dorm room. Her emotions were kicking up and threatening to take over her. What could she do, though? The damage had been done. She should have simply laughed it off with Annabel. But then she would have thought that Larkin was okay with that. And she wasn't. By any means at all. "Ugh!" Her frustrations left her in an outburst. Annabel couldn't have known what that kiss would have meant to Larkin. Or at least what it shouldn't have meant at all. Larkin simply kept up her mantra of that fact that her roommate was a human and was straight. She couldn't get tangled up in the human part. Falling for a straight girl? Larkin could handle that. She could deal with that. But getting attached to another human and losing them? That her heart couldn't handle. At all. Not after Riley. Riley had broken Larkin. Her death had been the damn tree that broke the camels back. After that, Larkin had thrown up thousand foot tall walls around herself. She had her glass windows to gaze out into humanity, but that was all she allowed herself. Until Annabel. And somehow, in less than a day, Annabel had managed to weasel her way right into that shelter. Or at least opened a window just a crack. However, now, Larkin was slamming that window shut and locking it. She wouldn't let Annabel hurt her. She couldn't.
Making her way into the dorm building, Larkin let her icy air fall over her. She knew that when needed, she could project an attitude that would send away even the bubbliest of people. It came from decades of practice. Using her key, she opened the door and shut it. Without much more thought, she flung herself down on her bed and grabbed her laptop. She started to browse all sorts of social media. Anything she could find to get her mind off of Annabel and that thing that had happened. Until Annabel happened to open the dorm room door. Larkin pointedly ignored, until a scent hit her nose. She looked up to see Annabel walking in tall, tan, and handsome. The beginnings of a growl rumbled in her chest, but Larkin quickly shut it up. Instead, she opted for sneaking glaring gazes at the boy.
Tobias walked into the room and looked around, his hair falling over his eyes. In a quick movement, he had brushed them away from his face. After taking in the whole room, it was simple really, with Annabel's side of the room already decorated and organized. After he scanned the room, his eyes fell on Larkin who had ignored them since the moment they stepped into the room. "Roommate isn't very friendly, is she?" Tobias remarked softly to Annabel as she bent over her bed, shuffling things together to make room for them. At the mention of Larkin, she shot the girl a glance and her heart constricted. How had she fucked that up so quickly? She yearned for her friendship, and knew that after what happened today, there probably wouldn't be that possibility. But why? They had gotten along so well after Annabel had drawn her out of her hole, something her mother always told her she was good at. "She doesn't seem to like many people," Annabel shrugged, slipping her hand into her pocket and fishing out Arren. He was as still as a statue, even when Annabel placed him on her nightstand, running a finger over his body. "You carried that around with you?" Tobias teased, laughing. Annabel rolled her eyes, shoving him playfully and quickly made up a lie, "My boyfriend got it for me, dragons have always been my thing." At the mention of her boyfriend, Tobias seemingly stiffened, disappointment radiating from him. Despite the fact, he didn't let it stop him, "And why dragons?" Annabel plopped down on the bed and motioned for him to sit next to her, "Have you ever seen one fly? They're magnificent. As large as a plane, yet as graceful as the smallest bird in the sky. How could you not?" Tobias didn't hesitate to settle next to her, "You mean, in the movies? You know they aren't real, right?" he laughed, grinning crookedly at her. Let me show him how real I am! Came Arren's voice in Annabel's head, but she ignored it. There was no way she was going to let him ruin this day even more. NO. "Yes, yes. The movies. Of course." she laughed with him, though there was hesitation in her voice. It felt odd to deny the existence of her Guardian. "Come, I haven't eaten since lunch! I'm starving!" she leaped from her bed and headed towards the door again, leaving Arren alone in the room. Before leaving the room she paused and turned towards Larkin, "You're sure you don't want to come, Larkin? At least let me bring you some food back." perhaps it was best to ignore the acceleration of her heartbeat, she was with Tim, for gods sakes!
Larkin sulked on her bed while Annabel's company was over. But the vampire did keep glaring at him. Almost like she wanted to eat, which wasnt too far off. She was starting to get hungry and he would be a nice little snack. She felt her fangs start to elongate, but quickly pressed her tongue to each tooth to make it shrink back down. Not here. Larkin looked up when Annabel spoke to her, but she quickly turned a glare back towards her computer, very nearly wanting to brick up the window Annabel was trying to open again. "No. I'll get something here soon." It was almost dark. She would go hunting soon.
Annabel glanced at Tobias and sighed. What was this girls problem? She'd fucked up, why couldn't she get over a harmless kiss? Leaning forward, she whispered for Tobias to wait for her outside. When the door closed, Annabel crossed her arms and stared at Larkin on the bed. As she continued to ignore her, Annabel walked across the room and grabbed the laptop from her, closing it and tucking it under her arm. "What's your problem? One minute, you're fine, next you freak out! I can't figure it out. I mean, I have a goddamn boyfriend, it's not like it meant anything! Can't you just get over this broody act and go back to being normal?" as she spoke, her anger increased by several levels. It was as though as she spoke, her inner Adysin had come out, fuming, angry, accusatory. She placed the laptop on the table, and glared down at Larkin. "Now, I'm going out to dinner with my friend, without you because you're so stubborn! Have fun on your own." she stalked back to the door and the moment she opened it, it was as though the anger disappeared and chipper Annabel was back. In the wake of her absence, Arren looked towards the doors and then at Larkin, wondering what she would do next. He shifted, flapping his wings once before settling into a sitting position, watching for his master.
Larkin put up with the anger from her roommate. She kept quiet and said nothing. When her laptop was set back down, she simply stood and retrieved it. She knew Annabel had a boyfriend. But her response wasnt because of Annabel. It was because of how it made Larkin feel. Larkin didnt like someone stepping into her boundaries. With Annabel so close to it, it made her scared. It made her want to run. To run away like the scared animal she was. That's all it boiled down to. Larkin was terrified. Terrified of being hurt. Of being left. Of being seen as a monster when Annabel finally learned the truth. It always happened, and Larkin knew her heart couldn't handle it again. So she shut down her brain from its racing thoughts and left the dorm room for her nightly hunt.
Tobias and Annabel made it to the dinning hall safely, chatting about everything and anything. Until the topic about parents came, Annabel had been pleasant and excited to talk to her new found friend. "So, what do your parents do?" Tobias asked, wiping his face off with the back of his hand. "Nothing exciting." she said with a shrug, Tobias noticing her shift in attitude. How does one explain that their parents work for a village that doesn't exist to humans? That their parents do work that doesn't really mean anything to ordinary humans? "Oh, come on. They've got to do something!" he encouraged, not quite getting the hint that she didn't want to talk about it. Just as she was about to answer, her phone rang from her pocket. Scooping it out, she read 'Tim' on the display. Answering the phone, "Hey babe, how are you?" she made her voice as chipper as possible, defeated from the day of happenings. So much had happened within less than twenty-four hours, how was she ever going to be able to face Tim like that? After her dinner with Tobias, she returned to her dorm with the promise of getting together with him the next day, in between classes. Settling herself in her bed, she grabbed Arren and let him gain size, fluttering around their room. "I know, big boy, I fucked up. One day soon I'll let you fly in your real size." she cooed softly to her companion, her faithful pet, her loyal guardian. She sat on her bed, waiting for Larkin to return from wherever she had gone.
Larkin stalked through the woods near the dorm. There was just enough cover to allow her enough hiding places to stalk those walking back to their dorms for the night. After a large crowd passed, there was no one at all for a while. She started to curse herself. She should have grabbed one from the crowd while she could. Ugh, Annabel's was messing up her hunting as well. Larkin's mind was still racing, trying to brick up every crack Annabel had managed to create. A scent greeted her. A single human. Smiling, Larkin followed the scent. A pretty girl walking back to her dorm with music playing in her ears. Larkin's grin grew. She could have a snack... And play the same game that Annabel was playing. Larkin checked her surroundings and launched herself at the girl. In a few moments, she had the girl pinned to a tree and was drinking her fill. After a few wonderful seconds, she pulled back from the girl and walked her back to the sidewalk. Quickly, Larkin erased the stranger's memory of the last few seconds. When she came to again, Larkin was still there with a grin on her face. "Sorry about that. I must have bumped into you. I'm Larkin." She held out a hand and studied the girl's face only to sigh internally. She couldn't do this. It wasn't fair to this girl.
"I'm Vicky. Nice to meet you, Larkin. That's a very pretty name."
Larkin nodded her thanks. "Um, yeah... I gotta go." Just as soon as she was upon the girl, Larkin was gone. Her belly full... But her heart was empty, just as it always was. Defeated, she made her way back to her dorm, hoping that Annabel wouldn't be there. As she opened the door, she noticed that she was. Her scent filled the place. It was almost like honeysuckle blooms in summer. Larkin loved it, but forced it to the back of her mind and pointedly ignored the girl as she sat down on her bed.
Just before Larkin walked through the door, Arren warned her of her return. In time, she placed her Guardian back on the night stand. She sat such that her back was leaning against the dorm wall, the cool stone chilling her slightly. As Larkin walked through the door, Annabel watched her silently, noticing that she deliberately ignored her. It was her fault that she ignored her, Annabel knew. Why did she get along so well with everyone except for her? What was so different about her roommate? It irritated her, to the point where she couldn't rest. Several times Annabel opened her mouth to say something, but each time it shut again. Finally, she closed her eyes and relaxed into the wall, trying to focus on her schedule the next day. Her first class started at nine, so it gave her enough time to rest. After what felt like hours of silence, Annabel couldn't take it anymore. "Can't we just forget everything that happened and start over? From the beginning?" despite her words seeming desperate, Annabel didn't allow herself to sound it. She wouldn't beg, that wasn't her.
Larkin sighed. "I don't know. I shouldn't have run. I know that. But.... theres a lot of things in my past that happened. It makes it hard for me to get close to people. And when you walked through those boundaries so quickly, it scared the absolute shit out of me. So I ran. I ran as far and as fast as I could." Larkin looked up wide eyed as her words caught up to her. "I-I-I didn't mean to dump that on you," her voice stammered as she spoke and she turned a light shade of pink. She hid her face in her hands, knowing her bitchy facad was long gone and that Annabel had seen right through it now.
Annabel watched Larkin as she spoke, processing her words. The way she spoke, it sounded as though she had lived for centuries. What could have happened to a eighteen year old or nineteen year old that Adysin wasn't aware of? She knew that her mother had gone through horrible things, but she also knew that she was one in a million. "I didn't mean to cross any boundaries. We can be civil and friendly, for now, until you feel more comfortable? I want to be friends with you, Larkin." Although Annabel was so much like her mother, this was something that was so different. Even to this day, Ryder was one of the only people Adysin ever spoke to, in more than a business setting. Annabel was so much better at communicating and interacting with people than her mother. "Just give me a chance?" this time, she allowed a slight plea to escape her lips. Across the half light room, Annabel studied her roommate. If she wanted to make it at university, she knew that she needed to make friends with as many humans as possible.
"I dont even know if I can be friends after everything that happened so long ago. Can we just be civil for now?" Larkin knew she could just respect and be civil towards Annabel. It was better than currently turning her down and being bitchy. It was closer to Larkin's actual personality. She could take this girl as someone she knew and could at least half way trust. Annabel could be her glance into humanity. But beyond that? Larkin knew she would get attached and it wouldn't end well for her.
Annabel's eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out what had happened to her so long ago. Who had hurt her? Was it someone she had loved? A boy perhaps? Or her parents? Curiosity swarmed through her, almost getting the best of her before she bit the inside of her cheek. Part of her wanted to argue with her, she wanted to fight for that friendship that Annabel knew they were capable of having, but she didn't. Perhaps it was the little time she had spent with other people that made her take the hint. "Alright, but you're obligated to have roommate breakfasts with me." she bargained, giving the girl a grin. If she would agree to that, perhaps then a friendship would begin to form. In their dorm, they could avoid each other with the excuse of homework and other obligations, but if they took time out of every day.
Larkin caught her narrowing her eyes, and she prayed that the girl wouldn't push for answers. Maybe she had come to some sort of conclusion on her own. Whatever it was, Larkin wasnt going to change her thoughts. This... this simple human didnt need to know the ways long life harmed vampires. It was too much for her to understand. "Fine. I can do a roommate breakfast a few times a week." Larkin smiled at the girl. It was guarded, but at least it was a smile. It was better than her shutting out Annabel completely.
At receiving the smile from Larkin, Annabel’s own broadened. Perhaps there was hope after all. “Alright, good. That’s a start.” she was relieved that even when she knew she fucked up, she had somehow managed to save their relationship. A little bit. Glancing over at Arren, she grabbed him and stuffed him into her pocket. “I’ll be back soon.” she suddenly said, getting to her feet. Annabel knew it was risky, but she wanted to feel the breeze against her skin again and the drumming of his wings beneath her. From her desk she grabbed a necklace that her mother had given her from someone in their village. His power was invisibility, and had made this necklace in case she’d ever need to have some privacy. Slipping from her room, she walked down the silent hallway and out the doors. It was dark outside, with the crescent moon shining in the sky. Throwing the necklace over Arren as he grew, she swung onto his back and let the monster flap his way into the air. He tossed his head with glee, delighted to finally being able yo stretch his wings since the day before. Together, the flew over the campus, watching some late night students shuffle around.
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Larkin groaned as the girl left. What had she gotten herself into? Would she be able to keep her distance from Annabel if she was always being nice and kind to her? Larkin already knew how easy it was for her to grow attached to Annabel, and she knew that it would happen again. But maybe if she just kept telling herself that Annabel was only being kind to her so that she didn't have a bitch for a roommate, it would make it easier. However, how would she keep her secret self from Annabel? She seemed like a smart girl and eventually, she would pick up on the fact that every night, Larkin would leave the room and come back full fed. She would also notice how little Larkin actually ate. At least, Larkin thought she would. Maybe she was just getting too far ahead of herself. She sighed. "Maybe." With that, Larkin stood and gathered up all of her toiletries. She may be a vampire, but she still desired to smell nice. Larkin quickly undressed and donned her purple plush robe and walked down the hall to the communal showers with shower caddy and towel in hand.
The feeling of flying with her best friend was like nothing else. She felt so free and powerful as he hummed beneath her, everything falling away. Annabel knew that she was very far from home, yet with Arren by her side, she felt as though home was wherever they were. She knew, that most Master's felt the same way. Guardians and Masters were a pair, were a team, were best friends. Their flight together came to an end too quickly, and before she knew it, he was tucked into her pocket once more. That night, she slept tightly, her sleep not plagued with dreams.

When she woke up at the sound of her alarm, she read that it was six in the morning. As she laid in bed, it hit her that this was the first day of classes, her first day of freshman year and her first full day of being in human society. Along with nerves, excitement crashed around her as she took great care in getting ready, throwing on a t-shirt plaid button up that Ryder had gifted her on her birthday that year, with a pair of dark ripped jeans and a pair of black boots. Her whole life she had preferred shirts with pockets so she could always have Arren with her. Crossing the room she leaned down and shook Larkin awake, "Wake up sleepy head, it's time for roommate breakfast!"
Larkin grumbled as she awoke to Annabel's alarm going off. She pulled her covers tighter around herself and snuggled further into her bed. Larkin lay in a dreamy daze as she listened to her roommate get dressed. When she was shook awake, Larkin groaned and fussed. "Too early." Her voice was husky and thick with sleep. But she cracked an eye and stared at her roommate. "Why must you be a morning person?" Voice still thick and groggy, Larkin closed her eyes again and threw an arm over her eyes. Her sleepy mind ended up betraying her. It led her back to the way that kiss made her feel and told her to grab Annabel and pull her down to snuggle. In a flash, Larkin was wide awake and shaking the image from her mind. There would be none of that! At all. Ever. Larkin stood from her bed and walked over to the sink that stood in their room. She quickly brushed her teeth before trying to find something to wear. She settled on a plain black t shirt, black Jean, and her black converse. She knew what a stereotype she could be, but what could she say? She loved black.

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