Grunge Is Not Dead


mors mea amans
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

Read more about this role play...


It's amazing how people consider themselves "hipsters" or "punks" when really, they're nothing like us. We are the originals. We started those stereotypical, cliché names so we could have a name for ourselves in this crazy world. We are the kids your parents warned you about.

THE PEAL PASSWORD IS: "I'm not just another label in society."

We set the stage in the bustling city of New York. If your the type of person who's a sucker for stereotypes, this is the city for you. You've got the hipsters, punks, flower children, pastel goths, and pretty much any other odd name for other groups of misfits. Unfortunately, society has to rear it's ugly head into the picture. These misfits will never be accepted. They are the trash on the curb left for everyone to pick at. You could say they just want a shot at something, but they have to go through an obstacle that nobody will ever really get over. Life.


Oh dear, I made another role play...

1. No god-modding, bunnying, or any other fancy term that implies taking control of another player's character.

2. No Mary Sues, Gary Stues, whatever lues. Nobody is perfect, and your character has no exception.

3. Follow all RpN rules.

4. STAY ACTIVE. I hate seeing perfectly good role plays go to waste because somebody didn't post. This is a team effort.

5. Drama is acceptable. Though please, let's keep our inner teenage drama queens contained.

6. Romance is acceptable, but fade to black when things get a bit too hot.

7. Cursing is accepted as well, but we don't tolerate sailors.

8. Alright, here is the deal. I'm allowing three characters maximum. Partially because I'm obsessed with face claims and mostly because I get bored with just two characters. But, this does not mean you are allowed to go crazy with this privilege. You will have to look at the amount of characters from each gender in order to make it even. In other words, if there are no males and you make three girls, it isn't acceptable.

9. The password is "We're gonna die young."

10. Writer's block is a serious epidemic. I know. I was diagnosed with it twenty minutes ago, but all of a sudden, I found a cure. It was called Tumblr. Anyway, I get that Writer's block is a pain in the ass, but if you could manage at least two paragraphs that would be awesome.

11. Get into character. If your character's traits are shy and commitment issues, than chances are, you wouldn't see them prancing along and flirting with random people. Stick to your character's personality.

12. Have fun, my darlings.

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The CS is up!! I will be updating it every once in a while with my characters, so make sure to check back frequently.
@Trignome I was actually waiting for someone to ask. c;

The Neutrals are basically clarified as everything in between. They aren't too wild like the pop punks and the grunge, but not too mellow and level-headed like the gypsies, hipsters, and the flower child. In other words, they have their own twist and perspective on things that makes them unique from the other groups.

That was probably a terrible description, but overall the neutrals don't really care about much.
Nonsense, your explanation was wonderful. Thank you for explaining the group so thoroughly.

May I reserve a male role for the 'Neutral' group, then?
I added my grunge, and I'm working on my hipster. I also added in the little thing it was missing before to both Sky and Ever.
Trignome said:
Nonsense, your explanation was wonderful. Thank you for explaining the group so thoroughly.
May I reserve a male role for the 'Neutral' group, then?
Most definitely!
I also fixed the thing I was missing and was wondering if I did it correctly. Sorry for the little mistake. :)

I hope using either password is fine, though, since it seems I'm the only one that used the second one. xD
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xSparrow said:
I also fixed the thing I was missing and was wondering if I did it correctly. Sorry for the little mistake. :)
I hope using either password is fine, though, since it seems I'm the only one that used the second one. xD
If you would change it to the one from the overview, that would be great. c; 
@swampishpetrichor Your comment on the main post about reserving spots is gone. If you could tell me what you want reserved I will definitely keep them for you. I think I still have two of them up there, but I'm unsure.
swampishpetrichor said:
A gypsy, and possibly a grunge. I haven't decided yet.
Sadly, the grunge spots have been filled, but if you would like something else I will be sure to sign you up! :3
Just a quick question about post formatting, should we have our character's name at the top of each post?
Trignome said:
Just a quick question about post formatting, should we have our character's name at the top of each post?
Only if you have more than one character. The name is just for easy understanding on who's doing what when role playing and to make sure nobody gets confused. In your case, you wouldn't have to. c:
Haha, sorry. I meant the rp.

My post happens Saturday morning, because I thought Rookie's party would have been on a Friday night, but I'd like confirmation so I don't mess up the plot.

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