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Futuristic Growing Up Again


New Member

You are a resident of the planet Paradisio IV. Long ago there was a Galactic Plague that nearly wiped the planet out. The planet was sold vaccines, but in reality, the vaccines were the virus. The Federation tried to destroy the colony planets by selling them fake vaccines that were meant to kill the colonies off. But Paradisio shared it's modern wonder with the universe, the Rejuve Chamber. What is the Rejuve Chamber you ask? It is a miraculous device that does what was once impossible, it reverses the aging process. By using this device, we were able to save thousands, no, millions of lives during the outbreak. In the modern day, we use the Rejuve Chamber for many things. For example, we use it to aid people who are sick or injured. The Rejuve Chamber cures all sicknesses and restores lost limbs. However, there is one main reason we still use the Rejuve Chamber, to rehabilitate criminals. We believe that imprisonment is not effective, and that rehabilitation is the best way to making sure that the criminals never commit crimes again. By rejuvenating them and placing them in the care of specially licensed parents, we teach them to be law abiding citizens once more.


No fighting

No cursing

Try to make at least one adult and one child

You can play one of your parents

Types of Rejuves

Penitatas(Criminal Rejuvenation)

Innocentatas(Criminal later appealed to innocent)

Medicalos(Medical Rejuvenation)

Voluntaras(Voluntary Rejuvenation)

Debtora(Filing for Bankruptcy)

Completas(Penitata that has completed sentence)​
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