• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Group of Troubled Young Adults { 18 - 28 } (character sheets~)


I'd rather be in the jungle. <3
Quotes: (optional)


Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center:

Appearance: (three sentences or more+, or how you choose to describe them)

Personality: (one paragraph or more+)

History: (one paragraph or more+, as much as you can think of)
Name: Samuel L. Delacroix
Alias: He has none
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Man
Zodiac: March 22nd (Aries)
Ethnicity: German and French
Sexuality: Homosexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: He is addicted to hard drugs.

Appearance: A slender man with lanky features, tan skin, and blue eyes. He has thick, brown hair that is usually kept short. It is unlike him to socialize unless it is necessary, and his posture isn't always the greatest. However, Samuel has learned to hide his emotions and appear happy, even when he is feeling sad or angry.

Personality: There is nothing more important to Samuel than people who are honest. He also respects those who don't yell, and control their anger with grace. Samuel has been known to correct people when they allow their emotions to be shown, even if they don't want to listen. His moments are cherished, and he believes in meaningful relationships.

History: Although he never met his father, Samuel was close with his mother, Beatrice. She worked as a back office manager at a doctors office, and did all she could for him. His school life was fun for him, even though he never graduated high school. When Samuel turned eighteen, he started using meth, and would play many older men to give the drug to him. He always had his mother to fall back on, but she eventually started using, as well. Their relationship isn't the best right now, and he doesn't like to talk about the hard times.

Samuel does believe in a brighter future, though, and is hoping for a wonderful outcome after his time at Ventura Rehabiltion Center. He finds himself still wanting to use, but he knows he has much to learn.
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Name: Ria Woods
Alias: None yet
Age: 21
Gender: female
Zodiac: Gemeni
Ethnicity: Italian and white american
Sexuality: straight

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Ria was traumatized after her father had done what he did, so she began using pain to cope with her fear, she had bought a sewing needle just to hurt herself with, though her mother quickly found out about that one and desposed of it, comet had lapsed into a depression and had attempted suicide -luckily failing the attempt- and that's when her mom got worried and she spent about one month in an asylum only to be admitted to Ventura Rehablillitation Center just days after her release

Appearance: (three sentences or more+, or how you choose to describe them)
Personality: (one paragraph or more+)
Dark, Sarcastic, Head-strong, Loyal, Brave, Protective, Impulsive at times, Taunting, Secretly Sensitive even though she acts like she doesn’t care at all
History: (one paragraph or more+, as much as you can think of)
Comet didn't exactly have a normal childhood, her mother was as sweet as candy, however, was very naïve, her mother married a drunk when she was 22, and 9 months later, Ria came along, things where great, her father got over his alcohol addiction, it seemed to be perfect right? well it was, until her fathers friend died, he then went back to drinking and often came home drunk and would beat her mother, one night, her father came home late and caught young Ria drawing on the walls, he had smacked her and then took the tip of a knife and dragged it multiple times across poor crying little comets back until the back of Ria blue blouse was stained with blood and ripped in a few places. ever since Ria has been a bit of a twisted child, she had attempted suicide, sent to an asylum and now she is being sent to Ventura Rehabillitation Center
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((do the face claims have to be real? I usually like to use my drawings. If they have to be real, tell me and I'll change this!))

avel white hair yellow eyes beanie legend of zelda hipster lol.PNG
images-16.jpg (closest irl pic I could find)
Name: Alter "Axel" Bane
Alias: Axel
Age: 23 years
Gender: Male (Transgender)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Ethnicity: German, British (also Jewish, idk if that counts)
Sexuality: Pansexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Axel fell into depression when his family disowned him. He self-harmed quite a bit and eventually attempted suicide (coughedgycough). He has a severe drug addiction and almost died from an overdose.

Appearance: His face is a round, heart-shape with small, thin lips and almost-shaped grey eyes (he wears yellow color contacts). His expression is usually mildly annoyed or plain. He has a Greek-shaped nose with a large scar over it. His hair is pure white (unknown if it's dyed or he has early grayness). He's short (5'1"-5'3"-ish, kinda depends on wether he's slouching or not) and plump with more fat congregating in his middle/stomach/hips area. He has small, rounded shoulders. He tends to slouch and/or put his hands in his pockets. His hair is short and usually swept over one eye. His clothing tends to be reminiscent of 90s grunge as well as newer Hipster styles, often with rips and beanies. He has some ear piercings (that he put in himself as a form of self-harm) but doesn't always wear them.

Personality: Axel is calm and level-headed. He doesn't let himself be happy ever (coughedgycough) and likes to dwell in his depression. He's in his own head a lot but doesn't really have any outlet to channel his feelings. He always acts like he doesn't care about anything, even though he really does. He's indecisive but stubborn. If he actually can find something to make up his mind about, he holds onto it and never lets it go. An example of this is when he was diagnosed with depression as a 13-year-old. He stuck with that, believing that any happiness he felt wasn't "real" happiness and it would always be taken away from him. He's very introverted and won't usually talk to you unless your persistent in talking to him first. He'll usually just give you edgy, annoyed grunts. He gets very annoyed easily and isn't great in social situations. His birth name is Alte, a Yiddish girls' name, he chose Alter, the masculine version of Alte, as his name, but prefers the nickname Axel still. He loves turnips (yes, this is relevant, turnips are always relevant). He can never resist any animals and always squeals in excitement when he sees them.

History: Axel's parents were born and raised in England and came to America, where Axel was born. He had a rough childhood, being forced into femininity. His parents believed in corporeal punishment and often used it to discourage him from being a tomboy. When he was 13 years old, he attempted suicide by drowning and he was diagnosed with depression (I know what you're thinking; "Did he die? Did he die? Did he die?" he did not die). When he was 16 years old, he started dating a young man who helped him realize his gender identity. He came out to his parents and they disowned him. That was when he began living on his own, only to fall back into a spiral of depression when his boyfriend was hit by a truck and died. He attempted suicide again, this time with pills, but it failed again, and his friends checked him into Ventura. He's struggled living on the street as a teen and now he'd live anywhere as long as there's food and a roof.​
Quotes: "Ah, I could have dropped my croissant!" "I'm gay." "That was legitness." "Two guys sittin' in the hot tub five feet apart, cause they're not gay."

Name: Billie Vehemence
Gender: Nonbinary
Zodiac: Libra
Sexuality: Pansexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Billie struggled with depression from the age of ten, and has followed her into her adult life. She struggled with self harm from 16 onwards, and has recently stopped due to being sent to the Accident and Emergency for uncontrollable bleeding. Her friends got severely fed up with her depression and self harm bouts so they checked her into Ventura. Otherwise, she's pretty chill.

Appearance: mEmes.jpg

Personality: Billie is very boisterous, and high sailing, well. That's what her pills do, thank fuck for that. She's quite aesthetic, (no, not the tumblr type of aesthetic.)
but badass, sad, punk type of aesthetic. She's known for not always not taking her medication, though, she's a bit forgetful, and extremely resilient. The way she manages her depression is via menthol cigarettes, and shitty box wine. Though, that just makes her even more...boisterous and slightly violent.

History: Billie was raised with two moms, who unfortunately, both abused and tormented her, this caused the female to be very withdrawn and distant, at the age of nine, one of her mothers' pushed her down the stairs, cutting her head on a broken bottle, which now has scarred. Though, her friends were slightly better than her parents, she hung around with mostly older lads by the time she was 14, and by the time she was 17, would be a pass around for anyone of them to please. Her treatment hasn't caused any different outlook on life, her original outlook was 'you either kill yourself, or get killed'. And, seeing as she was extremely depressed, that outlook led her down a rough path, now lead to Ventura.

Romana Azikiwe







Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center:
Anxiety Disorder || Weed Addiction || Depression

Romana is on the short side, standing at only 5’4. She weighs about 141lbs and posses a full figure. Her hair is black in color and her eyes are dark brown. She has dark mahogany skin. Her hair is large afro textured hair that she likes to style in a lot of different ways.

It’s hard for most people to believe that Romana is struggling the way she is. She doesn’t give any indication usually until it’s too late. Romana tends to bottle up her feelings. She has a problem when it comes to sharing how she feels. Instead she’ll say that she’s fine and continue on her way. Romana is a laid-back person most of the time. It takes a lot of get her angry. Romana is prone to putting others before herself. She’s a compassionate person who’s always willing to lend someone an ear or a shoulder.

She has a love for comic books and anime as well as political and social issues. Romana is a intelligent person who likes to who deep and meaningful conversations. She’s a goofy person and likes to crack jokes with her friends. Romana is a stubborn person. It’s hard to change her mind about certain things.

Romana was born in Accra, Ghana and lived there until she was ten years old. Her parents are successful doctors who want their only child to follow in their footsteps. Romana’s parents are very strict individuals. In their hopes of making their daughter successful they’ve done more bad than good. Romana was criticized by them from a young age. They wanted a perfect daughter. When Romana would do something wrong she would be punished harshly. The stress of living up to their expectations weighed heavily on her. Her appearance was another thing all together. Romana was always somewhat heavier than her cousins and her parents friends. They would urge her to lose weight and sometimes underfeed her.

Things didn’t change as she grew older, except her peers joined in. Romana was harassed because of her appearance and because of where she was from. She darker than most of her classmates and she had a funny accent. Despite this Romana managed to keep her grades up throughout. When she had her first panic attack she was scolded by her parents. They didn’t believe that things were as bad as she said and she was only seeking attention.

Soon Romana looked for ways to get rid of the stress. She was introduced to weed by a classmate and began addicted.
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Name: Carmen Jones
Alias: None
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Pisces
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Homosexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Anorexic, suicidal

Appearance: Carmen stands at 5'6" and he weighs about 79 lbs. His body is scrawny, and with his shirt off, his ribs can be seen. His arms and legs are equally skinny. He has short brown hair and dark green eyes. Covering his wrists are deep horizontal and vertical scars from his failed suicide.

Personality: Carmen is a very shy, nervous guy. He is constantly scared to come out of his shell, so its hard for him to open up and make new friends. If you do get to know him, you would find that he is a sweet and caring guy. He wants nothing but to make others happy. Carmen hates upsetting people, and he can be very emotional at times. The boy is insecure about himself, and so he is always worried people are judging him and that people don't really like him.

History: Carmen grew up with his mother and his little sister. HIs father went away to war, but unfortunately he didn't survive. Growing up, Carmen had a good life until he came out as gay when he was 15. From here on, he got bullied tremendously. It even got as bad as people calling him out on eating a lot in school. The kids began to call him fat, ugly, and say that no one truly cared for him. By the time he was 18 and graduated, Carmen hated himself, hated his body, and he only saw what those other students said. He only saw himself as fat. He began to starve him, and when he did eat, he would vomit it up. Carmen was terrified of gaining weight. Seeing himself as only fat, Carmen began to lose tremendous weight.

Carmen moved to California with his best, and only, friend where he got a job in a bakery. Despite how hard it is for him to avoid eating at work, Carmen forced a smile and pushed through his job. He lived in an apartment with his best friend.

One night, Carmen came home expecting his best friend to be there. Unfortunately, the other male was still at work. Carmen was beyond upset this night. Over the course of a few weeks, Carmen's high school bullies had been cyber bullying him online. Of course, Carmen kept this to himself and couldn't tell his best friend. He was too ashamed of what was being said. This night, a couple of guys had come and beaten Carmen up. The young man knew the bullies had to do something with it. Wanting to give up on life, Carmen began to cut his wrists. Luckily, his best friend walked in and saw what was happening. He took the knife and called the cops, keeping Carmen from doing anything else drastic. The police and ambulance quickly came, where they took Carmen to the hospital for a few days before sending him to the rehabilitation center. Being a danger to himself, Carmen wasn't given the choice of entering the rehabilitation center, the police forced it.
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Quotes: "In a world guided by misery and adversity, it's difficult for one to stay to their literary and philosophical principals." "Deux ex machina... Bullshit that comes flying to your face in an attempt to save you, but it never happens." “Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.”

Name: Chance Crnich
Alias: C.C.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Capricorn
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual Panromantic

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Marijuana Possession and abuse. Problems dealing with stress, panic attacks come easy and quick.

Appearance: A tall, dark-curly like haired man, slightly well built, emerald green eyes that suit his head. He has a slight confident posture, and likes to wear a lot of stylish clothes, however with the money he could produce for his family, he wouldn't buy fancy clothes for himself.

Personality: C.C. doesn't play by the rules. As a journalist, he strives to research and write in his little book every day about the things he has learned. He does have a temper, a rude attitude. But usually the dark side in him comes out when he's on... Or he learned something he shouldn't. Now... Panic attacks. Stress-induced panic attacks come easy to Chance. He has trouble staying calm in times of sheer panic, and this also pains him as a person. Some people think he's mentally unstable, but being stressed all the time causes him to freak out. Blackmail is all over Chance. Information is power. The only way that he can have any power is by having information that can take down his adversary. Chance is... Different. With a quiet personality, one spark can light the fire within him. Anger and pain can consume him like the fires within, and that can sometimes pain others.

History: The oldest of seven, going to a school that did nothing to him, he led himself to dealing. This was quite a pain for him since his parent didn't work, (his father) and his mother was nowhere to be seen. Dark days were found upon him when he had started using, and dealing the drugs that were growing in his backyard. His other siblings didn't notice, not even his father. With six other kids to "take care of" and "love", left C.C. alone a lot of the time. More about his father. Detailed journals described the horror he witnessed. He wasn't abused. His siblings were. This led to the stress-induced panic attacks, since he couldn't do anything to help them. After his father being caught by the police on an anonymous tip, practically everyone knows what happened to Chance. The thick amounts of therapy, going on layers doesn't sink in with Chance. It just reminds him that he will never be the same. He probably will be at the rehab center for a looong time.


(On both sides)
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Alamea Sayasone

Song and Voice
Alias: Ale, Allie
Age: 19 (Sagittarius)
Height: 5'5"
Gender: Agender
Born a female, she/her

Ethnicity: Laotian
Sexuality: Heteroromantic Asexual
Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Well, one of the reasons Alamea was sent off to Ventura was because she lost her left hand in a freakish accident while she was chopping wood. Another reason her parents decided to send her to Ventura was because she also developed schizophrenia when she turned 16 (is taking Zyprexa once a day). The insitute she lived in decided to send her off to Ventura, in hoping that she will be able to integrate herself there
Personality: Despite everything that happened to her, Alamea is a very friendly, open-minded and helpful persona. she usually tries to socialize, even though it often fails and she then withdraws from the others. She's quite curious and occasionally loves to try out new stuff - although this has since steadily decreased. For instance, out of curiousity Alamea decided to learn windsurfing - she is still doing it to this day (her prosthetic is waterproof, don't worry). However, her view on the world is pretty dark, as she does not trust other humans easily and always doubts them. She tends to be pretty regretful (to this day, she regrets chopping the wood) and also tends to escape situations she does not want to be in.

History: Alamea was born in the small village of Tha Heua, Laos. From a very young age on, Alamea (and her siblings) had to help out their parents - often by fishing in the lake Nam Ngum Reservoir. She grew up with both of her parents, her grandfather (her grandmother died very shortly before she was born) and two siblings. Well, one sibling in the beginning. She got another sibling when she was five. Anyway. As previously said, Alamea helped her family whenever she could, she had no real childhood where she was able to play with other kids. However, her parents did not deny her to visit a school, in fact, they encouraged it.
Most of the time, when she wasn't learning, she was helping her parents. Has been like that for years. And it was like that on a sunny day when she was twelve. as always, she was helping her parents with work. In this case, chopping wood. Why? Her sibling was already fishing and her parents needed her hand with the wood. At first, her task was to bring wood to her father, who'd chop it. But after some time, he told her to chop the wood - at this time, Alameas mother was pregnant and her father wanted to check on her. So, she does as always. Place the wood on the stump and chop. Easier said than done. It worked quite well, until - mid swing - a noise startled her, she slipped and chopped off her own hand. (Like her parents, she was chopping with only one hand) After seeing what had happened, her memories started to blur and she fainted.
Her memories from that day are still blurred, the only thing Alamea remembered that she woke up in a hospital. And that her parents were discussing with a doctor about a prosthetic. She was in the hospital for about a month, until she was allowed to leave. The incident deeply traumatized her, and to this day she can not step close to axes at all.
Some time passed, and when she was 14, she had to go to the hospital again. The reasons were unknown to her, until her parents told her that she will get a functioning prosthetic for her left hand. She spent about a year and half in rehab. Thats also where her psychiatrist diagnosed her with schizophrenia. She hasn't shown any signs of it until after the accident, but after it she was hearing weird voices in her head, seeing silhouettes and delusions.
Her psychiatrist and the institute she was in noticed that she doesn't really "fit in" with the others and still struggles with her problems, so they decided to send her off to Ventura. Oh, she also has a Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD), a Border Collie called Marshmallow.

Medical Record

Alamea Sayasone

Her prosthetics:

Her PSD, a Border-Collie called Marshmallow:

Her mother, Makani Sayasone

Her father, Makaio Sayasone

Her younger sister, Khampeng Vorachith-Sayasone.
Fled poverty by marrying rich

Her youngest brother, Paxathipatai Sayasone

Additional Info (Family)

Code by Lyro Lyro


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????? ?????? ????????
  • R E Q U I S I T E
    name: Ozara Exodus Lockhart

    nickname(s): Oz, Ozzy, X

    age: 23

    gender: Female

    sexual orientation: Straight

    romantic orientation: Straight

    role: The Enigma

coding by: diaphanous
• "i'll try and help."
• "i don't know if i can."
• "are you sure that's okay?"
basic info.
name. . . Arden Song
age. . . 22
gender. . . Female
orientation. . . Demiromantic Bisexual
pob. . . NYC, New York
dob. . . November 11th
zodiac. . . Scorpio
ethnicity. . . Korean

height. . . 5'5"
weight. . . 90 lbs
hair. . . Dark brown
eyes. . . Dark brown
frame. . . Small
description. . . Arden is a decent height, however, her weight makes her appear taller than average. Her face is slim and her physique is noticeably small. Bones can be seen sprouting in varying angles, which is why she chooses to cover herself up in longer pieces of clothing. It's very rare to see the woman showing skin and with her hair tied up. Dark brown hair falls in light beach waves above her breasts, and the lack of nutrients in her body shows by how brittle each strand is. Although Arden appears overall ghastly, she's actually getting better at a very slow rate.
reason for being at vrb
• Arden suffers from bulimia, which is characterized by binge-eating and induced vomiting.
• She also believes she needs "physical" attention in order to feel loved and cared for.
Arden is a very hesitant yet forceful woman obviously tries to carry herself high where ever she goes. Although she may appear quiet and mundane at times, she is actually quite passionate and excitable towards things and people that interest her. A flaw of hers, of course, is that she may become too interested and will unconsciously try to seduce others. She also tends to refuse acknowledging her physical and mental conditions and tends to avoid harsh realities in general. Overall, she's distant but kind to those that approach her.
background info.
Arden was born in the heart of New York City to two parents that both loved their child and unconsciously wanted to exploit her. Before she could even speak, the child was enrolled into a dance academy where her journey to becoming a world class ballerina would begin. As a child with a dream of pleasing her parents, dancing every day was all she could ever want and she eventually learned to love the art herself.

Throughout her childhood, socializing and befriending others was not an easy task since every day was characterized by hours of dance practice. Even though Arden wanted to make friends and play outside like other girls and boys her age, her parents were quite strict. In fact, they were so strict that anytime she ditched her lessons, she was locked into her room. This treatment went on for years and the only reason she pushed herself through it was because of her older brother.

To say she was jealous of her older brother was an understatement. He had everything Arden wanted: freedom, friends, but most of all, he had power when it came to their parents. Since he was a boy, they let him do everything he wanted. Although Arden harbored such negativity towards her brother, she still loved him and was thankful for everything he did. However, after he entered university and visited the house less often, things began to change drastically.

The treatment worsened since her brother was no longer there to defend her, and young Arden gradually lost herself. She became a puppet for her parents and did everything they wanted, whether it was go to her lessons or attend some kind of elite meeting for her future. Before she even knew it she had gained a lot of weight, leading to a road of starvation in order to lose it since her parents were unhappy.

The rebel inside of her wanted help, although it was not a healthy form of it. She began seeking the sexual comfort of others, both men and women alike. It didn't matter who they were, but a majority of them were high class people since that's what her family was associated with. Eventually, her bulimic conditioned worsened to the point one of her dancing companions, someone Arden could consider a friend, found her vomiting in the theater's restroom. The line was drawn then and her friend called Arden's brother, whom immediately argued with their parents.

One thing lead to the next and Arden was sent to California to a facility her parents had read many good reviews about. She wasn't necessarily happy about the decision, but she was secretly grateful to get away from them and her harsh dancing lifestyle.
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»Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll«

Name: Damien Hunter
Alias: /
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Scorpio
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Homosexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Addiction, self-destructive behavior, depression.

Damien is an artist in escaping reality and real life by doing anything that keeps him from thinking for too long because when he has time to think he gets depressed. Escaping reality includes many bed partners, talking and hanging out with people, drinking, drugs, watching tv, reading books, playing video games, doing reckless things and most of all sleeping. He sometimes has sudden changes in his mood and when he is depressed you can definitely see it. He is very direct and often when he wants to keep people at an arms length he says offensive things, in reality he just doesn't want to be alone and lonely anymore so yeah...he is a bit of a mess but very loyal to his friends, a good listener when someone needs it and while he doesn't show it, he cares about many things. Damien can also be fun to hang out with. He also has moments where he talks a lot and is energetic and open.

Damien was born to a drug addict and alcoholic mother and an unknown father, his father was a one night stand his mother had had while she was totally out of it, and behind a bar at that. So, of course, Damien hadn't been a wish come true but rather his mothers worst mistake as she would often say. She even gave him the name to always let him know just how unwanted he had really been. As a child, of course, he didn't understand all the harsh words coming his way whenever his mother was drunk or/and high on drugs (which was very often) and once he was old enough to understand he was already used to them. When Damien was twelve his mother married and somewhat cleaned up her act, not much, but enough for his life to take a small turn for the better.

Damien’s step-father was cool and friendly at first but as his mother slipped back into her old habits his step-father was slowly losing his nerves. Just as the marriage was at its breaking point and both wanted a divorce Damien's mother got pregnant and they decided to stay together. Of course, if someone like those two are dragged into old habits over and over again the result cant be good and Damien had to put up with the results of his ’parents’ anger. He started escaping reality through music, drugs and other self-destructive behavior.

When he was eighteen he moved out of his parent's house and into an apartment with his best friend. Things weren't that bad anymore, he had escaped his so-called parents and was now living it up, doing what he wanted when he wanted and having a blast doing so.
But life never went the way Damien wanted to and when he was 22 years old another shock hit him as he one morning after drinking and partying came home to find his best friend dead from an overdose. It drove him to some very strange behavior and eventually, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. He soon after ended up in Ventura Rehabilitation center.

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Quotes: "Is that MY problem?" "Sounds interesting, you should write a book about it!"
large (1).jpgName: Gregorio Rodriguez
Alias: Gore
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Aquarius
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexuality: Homosexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Alcohol addiction, attempted suicide

Appearance: Slim, 5'5", small waist almost feminine that makes him look slightly curvy. Gore has a very feminine appearance even with male clothing. His androgynous appearance almost appeals to both gay and straight people. His clothing style is defined as whatever he wants. It's mostly black and goth/metal, despite what he thinks.

Personality: Gore tends to come off rude and bitchy to almost everyone he meets, especially towards new people. Once you get to know him, and get passed his mean front, he's a great and loyal friend who will always be there for you in your time of need. If you want the truth, straightforward with no sugar coating, he's the boy to go to. If you can't handle it, maybe not ask him if you'll get offended. He can be sympathetic, but it's not common and he doesn't really have a filter. He's not a difficult person to hang around with, he just doesn't like people being very sensitive. Unless there's a reason the one he's talking to is offended and they let him know, then he'll restrain himself.

dfgh (1).jpgHistory: Gregorio was born into a hispanic household where he spoke more English than Spanish. After getting older, he knew his parents loved him no matter what. Until he brought his boyfriend over to dinner. Gore's dad threw out his boyfriend, literally, and then began to join the mother in screaming and pushing Gore around and into walls. Not long after, Gore's boyfriend left him, his parents now despise him trying to change his sexuality. Gore began to stay out late barely even coming home. He only stayed with friends to keep from going home and being manhandled by his father or having either of his parents throw things at him.

After graduation, Gore didn't know what he was going to do with his life and began hanging around bars, flirting his way in and teasing to get drinks from strangers. Getting a job was easy, but it was the fact that he'd be living with others because all of his money was going to bars and clubs. His life was just revolving around the wrong crowd who began to use drugs and get drunk every night staying at random people's houses. Not long ago, Gore began to drink more and more, getting into fights and finally being drugged into someone else's bed. His fighting didn't bother the man as he was forced to do something he didn't want to. The next morning was the depressing realization of how he'd be in life and couldn't bare to think of it. The situation lead him to feel weak and vulnerable that he began to lose his mind over how he couldn't feel strong anymore. That's when he stood on the ledge of an overpass staring at the cars driving by on the highway below. Before he could take his final step, his best friend tackled him down and began screaming in relief and anger of how Gore was missed by everyone he knew even if he wasn't answering any calls. Soon after, his friend forced him into the Rehabilitation Center.
Malik Feast


"Some people just suck the fuckin' nice right outta ya..."

Name: Malik Aubrey Feast

Alias: Mallie (Close family only)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Scorpio

Ethnicity: African-American
Sexuality: Bisexual
Reasons for being here: Anger Issues || Toxic Masculinity || Reckless behavior || PTSD

Appearance: Malik is 6'3 and 194 lbs. He has a lean but fit body. His hair is very short and dark brown in color. His eyes are black. Malik has dark brown skin and thick lips coupled with high cheekbones.

Malik was raised by both the streets and his parents. It shows in how he carries himself and acts around others. Malik is a quiet young man but is no way timid. He prefers actions over words. He usually speak when he has something important to say or has been spoken to, even then it's not guaranteed that'll he talk to the person talking to him. Malik carries himself in a almost casual way. But if someone looks close enough they'll notice that his body is not relaxed at all, like someone waiting for a surprise attack. It's a side effect on growing up in a violent neighborhood.

He is seen as intimidating by others. He towers of most people and his eyes are goal black, they seem to stare right through you. His face has a scowl on it, it's just his regular face in all actuality. Malik has a temper on him. His fuse isn't ridiculously short like some but there are a few things that set him off. If he feels like someone is patronizing or belittling him then he'll develop an attitude that'll turn into a mean mug or physical confrontation. It'll happen if he feels like he's being challenged or disrespected.

Malik is observant, something that he learned from the streets. He pays attention to detail. It has saved his life many times in the past. He still addresses his elders using ma'am or sir, it'll be followed by a string of curse words sometimes. His manners are also intact he to the surprise of others. Before he was taken away Malik was actually good in school. He excelled in math and science. Malik likes to hold deep conversations. When he hung out with his they would talk about life in the ghetto and how poverty affected certain people.

Once someone was gained Malik's loyalty he's there for them until the end. He protective of those that he holds close and is willing to do almost anything for them. Because of his life it's difficult for him to open up. When he does one would be surprised at the individual that lays inside. He's not just another statistic. Malik, despite his criminal background, is still a person.

Malik grew up in a crime invested neighborhood. Gang violence was a major problem along with robbery and shoot outs. He lived with his mother and grandmother, his father was a deadbeat who didn't want the responsibility that came with creating a child. His mother's worked three jobs in order to provide for him and his grandmother worked one. It was hard for them. They were poor and barely could afford food on the table. It was easy for Malik to fall into the street life. As a child he believed that it was cool. He'd see young men with nice things and pretty girls on their arms. Unbeknownst to him at the time in order to achieve this they would have had to dirty their hands.

The gang life had ensnared a large amount of young men, including Malik. They treated eachother like family. Something that the young man loved. It wasn't long until he found out about the dangers of gang life. Malik figured out that in order to have nice things he would have to start selling drugs. The temptation became to great. With the money he would be able to take care of him family.

In the beginning he tried to do the right thing and go to school. But on his side of town the school weren't great. Teachers came and went, the school was falling apart. He had a dream of becoming a scientist at one point. It was hard to go to school when the system didn't give a damn about its students. The school to prison pipeline was apparent. Malik began to believe that it was hopeless. So he spirled down that road of violence and selling drugs. Because of the environment that he grew up Malik believed something was wrong with him. That liking other guys wasn’t natural. In his community men were supposed to be tough, any signs of weakness was looked down on. It was why Malik never received treatment for him problems. They didn’t believe in mental health and that God could fix everything.

His breaking point was when he drank himself to death almost. He was found by a friend and brought to a hospital. Malik was convinced to join the facility, he wanted to actually get better and make it out of the ghetto.

Additional Information
He’s been around for about 2 months.
Has a

Nap Nap
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Quotes: "They say it will get better. It's a lie. It doesn't get better-- you just get used to it."

Name: Evie Hardison
Alias: n/a
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Virgo
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: She had a complete and total breakdown at a show. In front of her fans and the public, she got angry and started destroying the stage, and took a piece of broken glass and cut her stomach.

Appearance: Evie is of average height, standing at about 5'6. She weighs about 130lbs, which is a little under the target weight for her height, but she has always cared about her appearance a little too much. Her hair is light blonde and her eyes are hazel. She has a scar on her stomach from recent events, and scars on her wrists and thighs.

Evie has two sides to her personality. On the one hand, she's fun and outgoing, never one to turn down a chance to enjoy herself. She has friends and others in the industry she hangs out with, and has no problem spending money on them (and herself). She's maxed out credit cards in one shopping spree before, but it was always alright because she had others. She's on top of the world, and no one can bring her down. Along with that side of her, however, comes an anger and a short temper that can flare up at anytime. She wants things to be done her way and on her timeline. When she crashes, she spends weeks in bed and will do just about anything to make herself feel something other than nothing.

Evie grew up in the public's eye. Her mother is a model, her father a famous producer. She never really had a chance to live a normal life, and when her mother started getting her cast in commercials at a young age, it really was game over. She grew up living the good life-- anything she wanted was handed to her, and people adored her. She was the cutest little Hollywood starlet, and as she reached preteen and teenage years, she just got swept even more into the limelight. She did everything she could-- modeled, acted, sang, anything that she could do, she did. And though she was talented, she wasn't perfect, and the stress got to her. But that wasn't it-- her mother was diagnosed with bipolar at a young age, and it has a tendency to run in the family. Evie refused medication, wanting to live off the highs of performing and all. But her lows were just as awful as the anger that came along with her manic episodes. Though her father wanted to get her on a medication regimen, her mother wouldn't do it unless Evie wanted to, and she didn't. She acted out, cussing out people at meet and greets and interviews, even throwing a chair once. She would of course apologize, and money was never an issue. People still talked about her, and it was that recognition that kept her going, until her latest show.

Name: Sybil Lawoko
Alias: He has all kinds, but be sure to give him one, because he hates his real name
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Zodiac: July 23rd [Cancer]
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6"4
Weight: 210 lbs
Personality: Sybil is a good guy at heart. A gentleman, really. He tries his best to open doors for people, and use a napkin at the table. But that's where it screeches to a halt. Sybil hates people, for the most part. It's an internalized issue he's dealt with his whole life. And sometimes, that bubbles over into actions and speech. He can be extremely capricious, and fierce. He gets into trouble with smoking weed, motorcycles, and other wonderfully safe things. But aside from all of that, he'll do his best to crack your sides open from laughing, or push aside his own problems to protect and comfort you if the need be. This is a special privilege for those close to him. The way to get through to his heart is to show that you're not backing down. Then, and only then will he accept you and show you his true colors. Even though he's broken down internally, he'll still rev up for the ones that matter.
History: Ayyyyy can I do this later?
Reason for being at Ventura: Sybil, quite simply broke one day. After being assaulted as a kid, nearly murdered in a robbery, cheated on by 3 girls, coming close to dying in motorcycle accidents, getting fired from work, and plenty of other fun little things, he had a psychotic break and became catatonic. After recovering and regaining his mind, they decided it would be best to send him to a rehabilitation center to guarantee he'll be okay in society again.
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Quotes: "There - there's something out there! I looked out the window and- i - i don't know i - i just - i you need to call the army or the military or SOMEONE!"

Name: Johnathon Greenwood
Alias: Wasted
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Zodiac: March 15th
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: He is too paranoid to have one (Yes it is THAT bad)

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Overly paranoid. Is convinced that SOMETHING is following him.

Appearance: Johnathon is 6 foot 2 inches tall and is typically seen scribbling equations onto walls or repeating the two words 'Black Figure' under his breath. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks simply because he HASN'T slept in weeks. Johnathon has blue eyes and black hair as well.

Personality: (one paragraph or more+)

History: (one paragraph or more+, as much as you can think of)

Name: Peter Ramsey
Alias: Pete
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Ethnicity: American
Sexuality: Bisexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Addiction to gambling and drinking, OCD

Appearance: Peter stands at 6'2" and he weighs about 184 lbs. He has short dark brown hair and green eyes. His skin is tan and his body is well built. His hands are scrubbed raw to where they're constantly red.

Personality: Peter is the type of guy who can be very greedy. He doesn't like to lose, and when he does, he gets overly upset. Peter can be tough and very protective of those he loves. He doesn't take shit from anyone. It's not very hard for him to open up, he can be a very outgoing person when he wants to be. There are times he would shelter himself away, only out of hatred for himself. When he is in a good mood, he can actually be a friendly guy and it's nice to be around him. He is easily pissed off, and he can get violent when he is angry.

History: Peter was born 24 years ago to his single mother. He was...a mistake, you could say. She didn't want a child, she didn't plan on having children. The thing is...she didn't believe in abortion. His mother was actually raped, and that's how she got pregnant with Peter. Rather than holding the baby when he was born, she told the doctors to take him away and put in adoption, don't let her see Peters face. After his first weeks in the hospital, he was finally taken to an adoption center, where he could get a family. He was quickly adopted by a young couple, who raised the boy while living on the road, traveling. He never knew his birth parents.

Peter grew up like this. Living on the road, begging for money, trying to get by. His parents discovered the boy was OCD when he was around age eight when he would constantly freak out about dirt. His OCD only got worse with age. When he was 18, he and his parents went to Las Vegas, where he discovered gambling. Quickly growing obsessed with the idea, Peter stayed behind in Las Vegas while his parents moved on. Of course, he still stays in contact with them. Peter gambled his life away, living in a cramped apartment. Living like this, he began to drink and this is when his life spiraled down. He stopped caring for himself. He stopped eating and bathing, he would spend all his money on alcohol. 4 years went by since he first started drinking. Soon, he became incredibly sick with alcohol poisoning.

Peter woke up in the hospital to find his parents with him, crying and praying he would be okay. They managed to talk Peter into going to rehabilitation, mainly for his alcohol and gambling addiction but also for his OCD. Peter wanted nothing more than to make his parents happy, so when he left the hospital, he packed his bags and went to Ventura.
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Quotes: “shit”

Name: Millie Andrews Paddington
Alias: Millipad
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Leo
Ethnicity: half American, half British
Sexuality: Unsure, discovering

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center:
Cleptomania and a constant search for rush, thereby putting herself in dangerous situations (as well as the rush from alcohol)

Appearance: (three sentences or more+, or how you choose to describe them)
Pink hair, dark brows, green eyes. Resting “smile”-face. Standing at 5’5 and with a boy-ish built body. She is Extremely careless about her looks, to be honest. She has a tattoo on the back, a tiny burning butterfly.

Personality: (one paragraph or more+)
Reckless, careless, wanting to seem edgy, but is in reality a soft little cookie. She is rather emotional, but would like to seem hardcore. She is smart and witty, but a little it self absorbed. She uses sarcasm as way to appear more damaged. She steals pretty things that she very much could afford, but that would be without the kick that she is completely addicted to.

History: (one paragraph or more+, as much as you can think of)
She does not have a dark past, really, just strict, yet loving parents that ended up pushing her over the edge. She is now living her life doing everything they would not do. Liquor and impulse decisions was her best friends, she has a motorcycle, but eventually that didn’t satisfy her adrenaline needs, she quit using helmet, for example. It does not sound edgy, maybe because she is not, but her reckless behaviour was not something her posh parents wanted to deal with. Her constant shoplifting was what pushed them over the edge.


Ash Westfield

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"A world inside your eyes, vast and empty, but all I can see is sky."
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Ash Westfield
No alias
20 years old

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center:
Ash checked themself into Ventura. After they had a serious panic attack and were almost hit by a car, they decided that they needed help. Now, you don't usually go to rehab centers for anxiety, but that's not what they're worried about. They're hearing voices inside their head. That's why they're going to a rehab center.

Ash is 5'6" and has a neat, square figure. They're rather plump (but not overweight) and have plump cheeks. They have a small, roman-style nose and close set, hazel eyes. Their hair is cut short on one side and long(ish) on the other, the long(ish) side is swept over to their left side. Their hair is half light green and half dark green-brown. They usually wear skirts with button-up shirts and bow ties or a bow in their hair. They love stockings, tights, and socks and they only ever wear their black/white wingtips, despite how actually uncomfortable they are. They also like earrings, but they usually go for understated studs.
Ash is loud and outgoing. They're very social and nice but don't do well under pressure. They always try to include everyone and have a lot of friends (Axel included). They're a bit airheaded, not necessarily dumb but they don't have very good street smarts or wisdom. They're rather gullible and trusting, which sometimes doesn't turn out well. When under pressure, they completely crack. They aren't good at making decisions, especially hard ones. They love fashion and sports, which doesn't jive well, to be honest. Speaking of which, they're very honest. Basically, they're the opposite of Axel (it's surprising that they're friends). If you're within hugging distance of them, they're more likely to hug you than not. They drive a tan Toyota Corolla (if you get the reference, I seriously love you).
Ash was brought up in a poor family. They were born deaf and had trouble in school because of this, considering their parents couldn't afford a translator. They didn't have much and, when Ash was 18 years old, they were strongly encouraged to move out. Their parents couldn't afford college so they started working at a diner. One day, they saw one of their coworkers selling drugs behind the diner (this is how they met Axel). They ended up telling on the coworker and the coworker was fired. Well, he didn't like that and came after Ash. He stalked them for a long time before attacking them with a knife. Axel defended them (this is how he got his scar) and the stalker ended up falling off a cliff and dying. Ash never recovered from that and often have nightmares about the stalker, but they recently started hearing his voice in their head, among others. All these voices have been causing them to have multiple panic attacks.
Ash is deaf but they can use sign language and they can speak (with an accent), but if you say something to them and they don't see your lips, they won't respond.

BBCode by GoldenSlime GoldenSlime
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»If you don't like my style that's your problem.«

Name: Kris Valentine
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Virgo
Ethnicity: Half Asian/ half Caucasian
Sexuality: Pansexual

Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Self-harm, depression, having fits, narcolepsy.

Personality: On first impression, he seems like a calm guy with a confident air about him. But in truth, he can have quite the temper and is easily angered or gets a bit dramatical, mostly when he didn't sleep or had one of his many vivid nightmares. Kris has narcolepsy so he often falls asleep without warning and at the oddest places and anytime (sleep attacks), it is also the reason he can be lazy, tired and sometimes has no or little energy. Of course most of the time he is confident about his looks and if not he puts up a mask pretending he is. He is very loyal to his friends and overprotective of close ones but most of all he can easily get jealous and possessive of anything he considers his (even people). Borrow his eyeliner and he is going to have a fit. Sometimes the smallest things can set him off to go on and on lecturing or even bitching about something but that usually just happens when he didn't get enough sleep or had severe nightmares. But despite all that, he has times he is rather cool-headed or even kind so many people who don't know him well think he is mostly just a cool-headed guy.

History: Kris had a pretty ordinary childhood until he became a goth and showed interest in guys as well as girls. He got bullied in school and it went so far that he started harming himself and having fits. It didn't help that he had narcolepsy and the bullies often took advantage of it. He somehow made it through high school in one piece and in hopes of things getting better he moved to the big city. He found a job as a bartender in a goth club and everything seemed fine until his narcolepsy and fits ruined it again. He became depressed after that and played with the idea of killing himself but never actually tried since he always found reasons that he thought were worth living for. He came to Ventura to get himself more under control so he wouldn't have as many fits and dramatical episodes anymore.

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Artyom Lukyanov

Song and Voice(Isaac Clarke [Gunner Wright] )
Alias: None
Age: 22 (Capricorn)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6"
Ethnicity: Russian
Born in Russia, but moved to Ukraine soon

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Heterosexual
Their Reason For Being At Ventura Rehabilitation Center: Scoliosis | Social Anxiety | Alexithymia | Migraines | Has a permanent limp on his left leg
Personality: Artyom is very anxious around people he doesn't know. Very. anxious. He doesn't trust a lot of people and tries to avoid other human beings for as long as possible. Otherweise, he is usually very temperamentally, fairly smart and extroverted. Once he starts trusting someone, he becomes very talkactive and friendly. But, alas, Artyom has the tendency to become angry fast, at least, when he knows he's in the right and the other person defends their view on something. The young russian also is pretty unforgiving. [I usually don't stick to it]

History: Artyom was born to the wealthy family of Lukyanov, his father was an ambitious boxer and his mother was a supermodel. He was the only family of the Lukyanovs and born in Kursk, Russia, on a cold winter day. However, his parents moved away from Russia when Artyom was very young - they moved when he was about one or two years old. The reason why they have moved away is unknown to this day, Artyom has always speculated that theey moved away due to job reasons. He was strictly raised - his parents had high expectations from their only child. He often wrote good grades and rarely struggled in school.
On a fateful day in 2022 (he was 15 years old then), he and his parents walked through their now-hometown in Ukraine, as they were heading towards a shopping mall that opened this day. Once they arrived, they waited until the major held a speech. Until gunshots were heard. Artyom doesn't remember that day well, the only thing he recalled is that his mother shielded him, then dropped dead to the ground. And, the other thing he remembers is that he felt a stinging pain in his left knee, before dropping to the ground. The result of the gruesome massacre: 19 dead, about 46 wounded. The police was never able to find out who the attackers were. The event left Artyom deeply traumatized, although his psychiatrist was able to help him cope with it.
When he turned 22, Artyom self-admittted himself to Ventura after he was unable to cope with his worsening social anxiety, migraines and alexithymia, and he has been there for about two months. He has visited his friends one week prior to the roleplay starting, and he will return to Ventura this day.

Medical Record
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