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Futuristic Grinding Gears CS


Alright, Heres CS, and just to satisfy some people that like to be A.I.'s They can be A.I.'s, also, if I like it's accepted. Also BIOs are not important.


Appearance: (anything we cant tell from pic)














Mech I.D.:


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Appearance: (anything we cant tell from pic)
He doesn't take his armor off often and when he does he normaly has a mask on. He is 5'11" and around 6'5" in full armor.

Name: James Nugent

Nickname/Codename: PYRO

gender: male

Sexuality: Bisexual but leans towards girls

Personality: shy to show his face and is quite... Unless you bring up fire, then he is all talkative and open. He is an extreme pyromaniac and his armor and titan are built to handle it... Mostly

Bio: he joined the army as a infantry member and during anti mech training managed to destroy the training mech his unit was going up against... Not damage or simulate damage but straight up destroy it single handedly after it took out the majority of his unit causeing most of the others to flee. He did this with the gas of one of the units transportation vehicles and a few glass bottles.

Likes: fire, cooking, fire, cheese, fire, energy drinks and did I mention fire?

Dislikes: water, fire extinguishers. The officer in boot camp that beat him for lighting the officers mess on fire. And ironicly smoking

Rank: sergeant

Other: he carries a Zippo on him at all times along with a few cans of



Appearance: flame paint pattern across hull

Mech I.D.: 6-12-1-13-5

Armaments: termite canisters, termite launcher, heat sword, sheild,

Other: it can recharge its termite reserves over time

Skyler Tompson


Appearance: When not wearing a hat of some sort, she often attempts--and often fails-- to tie it back.



Personality: Skyler, for the most part, is a pretty social person. She is often blunt with her speech and doesn't hold many opinions back. She'll always be willing to take part in a conversation, as long as it doesn't get in the way of a more important task. She has a habit of making jokes in bad situations, which can be either a good or a bad thing depending on who she's with.

Bio: She had always taken an interest in engineering. Figuring out how things work has been her passion since she was young, as she would often take apart toys and try --and also fail-- to put them back together. So, when Skyler found out that she was able to work with mech suits, she jumped on the opportunity as fast as possible; doing whatever was necessary to get there.

Likes: Anything mechanical, people with personality, trying new things, adventure, and anything mechanical

Dislikes: Bland characters, too much restriction, brussel sprouts, people who ruin her creations.

Rank: Private

Other: Take away her tools and you die


Appearance: N/A

Mech I.D.: 6-32-46-37-3

Armaments: Neodymium magnet, various types of bombs (corrosive, gas, toxic gas, flash, normal explosive, frag), machine gun, grappling hook.

Other: Skyler was the one to add in the grenade option. So when the mech runs out, that's it, it cannot produce any more.

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Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Ada is a headstrong, uncouth character whose personality shines through her verbal outbursts. She appears to be a very solitary and selfless individual whose goal is to get things done. Ada is a brute and instinctive character, cursing loudly during harsh situations and acting aggressively when she feels need be. Whatever comes out of her mouth is often a sarcastic or witty remark, which can get her into trouble. Although she seems cold, Ada is warmhearted to those she feels a strong connection with - from close friends, to romantic partners, to acquaintances she feels is worth her time.
Bio: WIP
Likes: Booze, burgers,
Rank: Staff Sergeant

Mech I.D.: 0-94-12-0-11
Armaments: Mech Mortar, Sniper, Heavy Gauss Rifle, Energy Shield
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Appearance: 6'2 , wears black leather gloves.

Name: David Bernard

Nickname/Codename: "Wolf"

gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Mainly know as a serious, and having high respect for his allies, and his enemy's that face him. He would never leave a soldier behind, even if they fall in battle, and with a high sense of Honor, he would never destroy a crippled enemy 'What's the use if they can't fight back?' But, no human is perfect, he is prone to have Anger issues, but it is extremely hard to push him to that point.


Likes: Good soldiers, smell of gasoline, fire, explosions, sleep, whiskey

Dislikes: Idiots, overused jokes, cowards

Rank: Captain

Other: "Take my drink and I'll kill you."



Appearance: Multiple scratches around the area of the cockpit, and legs. the Name "Wolf" is Painted on the side

Mech I.D.: 4-53-9-01-6

Armaments: Two, Eight silo 'Valkyrie' missile pods, two 'Vulcan' Mini-guns, two double barreled 20mm Cannons.

Other: N/A
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I like how everyone is using my 5 digit style for the mech numbers... To be honest it started out that was because if you take the numbers and make them,into letters it spells out flame
I like how everyone is using my 5 digit style for the mech numbers... To be honest it started out that was because if you take the numbers and make them,into letters it spells out flame
...Imma change my numbers real quick because I didn't realize that and put down random ones.
I like how everyone's mech has arms, and mine doesn't.
You have the western style mech while the rest of us are useing the Asian style (Asian ones tend to look more human and have arms while the western ones tend to be walkers with guns)
Without breather

Casual + breather

Appearance: Beneath his breather and cowl is a sickly ashen complexion on a hairless face with dark eye sockets and chapped lips. He has piercing cold indigo eyes of a ruthless warrior and beneath the rest is a very pale individual bearing various scars and discoloration from previous wounds and over exposure to toxins and chemicals during his youth. Lithe and slightly athletic at 6’ 1” despite his sickly appearance.

Name: Slayne (no record of last name)

Nickname/Codename: Murder

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Sexuality: Asexual although heterosexual when pushed

Personality: Slayne is obsessed with the use of ruthless firepower, fear factor and sense of invulnerability. His philosophy is based on the projecting the sense of invulnerability by taking huge amounts of punishment, debasing the enemy’s will to fight and being an unstoppable force of death and destruction. He is a rather cold individual who exhibits cruel and savage demeanor in combat, reserving neither mercy nor pity for the enemy and innocent bystanders. He is a dangerous combination of cool methodical patience, brutality and rancor when in the cockpit. Outside the cockpit, Slayne can be very anti-social and fixated on the next mission.

Bio: Raised as a child soldier, when he was an infant his parents were political enemies and thus killed off through a purge of an unjust cause in some god forsaken backwater country that no longer exists. His first kill was at six years old and survived numerous near-death incidents and has killed his way through the ranks which over time gave him the psychological implication of kill or be killed and fixated on instinct that in order to live another day he must take a life. His close encounter with power armored infantry developed his psychological profile in the effectiveness of combating a seemingly invulnerable enemy as his rifle was useless against the armor. The psychological effect of fear and hopelessness until using overwhelming firepower to kill his tormentors, there is no such thing as excessive firepower. At age 15 he was exposed to chemicals and toxins that damaged his lungs and after prolonged exposure during his teenage years caused further disfigurement to the point he needed to wear a breather since breathing clean air would turn his lungs into mush and must receive regular injections of chemicals that act both as pain killer and psychiatric compound. Over the years after killing cell leaders, fundamentalists, high ranking clerics and rebel faction leaders, many of whom were his former mentors, superiors and caretakers he was tired of being duped into fighting for causes that only inflict more misery and pain upon others and decided to work for himself and chose the life of the mercenary.

Likes: Solitude, rain, tea, working on his mech, dark humor, cold weather

Dislikes: Crowds, lairs, physical contact, manipulative characters, cats

Rank: First Sergeant

Other: Heavy assault specialist, battle hardened veteran and surprisingly a good cook.


Appearance: A custom chassis built with an amalgamation of augmentations of other older and new designs to maximize durability and the capacity to carry as much firepower the actuators can handle. Originally made from a long retired behemoth chassis made of rare composites reinforced with carbon fibers, endo allows and duratech materials that proven to be far too expensive for mass production. Aptly named “Destroyer” and it embodies everything in Slayne’s ideology on the battlefield. Painted and designed to be an effigy of death itself it bristles with weapons and multiple layers of armor and protection to maximize durability.

Mech I.D.: 166-109-33-7

Armaments: Crusher claws with death grip piston upgrades, wrist mounted twin-linked “Firelance” beam lasers, dual heavy 150mm “Punisher” railguns, head mounted quad 20mm chain cannons, dual chest mounted 220mm “Warhammer” class tandem missile bays and under wrist mounted “Demon Fire” two stage plasma flame throwers.

Defenses: Smoke grenades, Iron Crown hard-kill anti-missile defenses, ERA blast plates and Durban II ECM package for soft-kill weapon targeting and layered anti-missile defenses.

Other: All systems are redundant with analog hardware since he distrusts the new fangled digital hardware on the newer mechs. It reciprocates Slayne’s mindset of durability and battlefield endurance to project the factor of being an unstoppable killing force. The latest edition was an active kinetic weave plates around vulnerable areas such as the cockpit, heat sinks, radiator vents and reactor block to improve the durability even further.
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Appearance: (anything we cant tell from pic)

Name: Oak Hawkhill (throwback to my old cringy characters)

Nickname/Codename: Oak

gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Gritty, determined, short fused, highly competitive and crude.

Bio: Oak was in the military for four years, and had earned a position as the lieutenant colonel, before retiring after taking an arrow to the knee from an assassin.

Likes: Action movies, comic books, outdoor activities such as exercising.

Dislikes children, couch potatoes.

Rank: Private

Other: special talent for discovering Marty Stus, Mary Sues, and plot holes. Don't step in a plot hole.
You'll hurt your ego.




Mech I.D.: 1-3-3-7


Armaments: Plasma cannon, anti-matter gun (creates a small black hole for a few seconds that overheats the mech significantly), two 55MM shoulder cannons.

Other: don't ask me how the mech creates the negative energy required to create a black hole for a small period of time.
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The Blood Gears


"Well. . . I'm a Person of Style, Fashion is my sense,

But it highly Depends on my Surrounding."


Alvis "Valhalla" Abel










"There is no Story, There is only Myth."


Team Effort
Supporting the Blood Gears


Anything got to do with the Enemy.


He always will always support the Blood Gears





Metallic yet Elegant, Nice view when you are Being Destroyed.

Mech I.D.:




"Well, this Baby will Shred your Mech in half. . ."

50 BMG. Rounds.


It is dependant on Mech "42", Meaning it is much Weaker without "42"
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Blood Gears

Name: Nagata Yoson
Nickname/Codename: shinigami (name given to Japanese gods of death)
Gender: male
Sexuality: you will find out
Personality: War torn
Bio: Learn more in rp
Likes: his mech and not much else
Dislikes: People touching his mech and people disturbing him whilst eat.
Rank: -Unknown-
Other: “touch my mech and you will die”



Mech I.D.: 42 AKA Izanagi (Japanese god of life)
2x dual plasma machine guns
Plasma Claws capable of slicing through 3 feet of reinforced steel and passing unharmed through shielding.
High powered jets for high speed maneuvers and evasion.
Other: fastest mech ever created. It is fitted with advanced ballistic tracking that can track targets and bullets going 30x speed of sound allowing for accurate dogging and aviation.


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Blood Gears
View attachment 300782

Name: Nagata Yoson
Nickname/Codename: shinigami (name given to Japanese gods of death)
Gender: male
Sexuality: you will find out
Personality: War torn
Bio: Learn more in rp
Likes: his mech and not much else
Dislikes: People touching his mech and people disturbing him whilst eat.
Rank: -Unknown-
Other: “touch my mech and you will die”


View attachment 300781

Mech I.D.: 42 AKA Izanagi (Japanese god of life)
2x dual plasma machine guns
Plasma Claws capable of slicing through 3 feet of reinforced steel and passing unharmed through shielding.
High powered jets for high speed maneuvers and evasion.
Other: fastest mech ever created. It is fitted with advanced ballistic tracking that can track targets and bullets going 30x speed of sound allowing for accurate dogging and aviation.

The Blood Gears

View attachment 300765

"Well. . . I'm a Person of Style, Fashion is my sense,

But it highly Depends on my Surrounding."


Alvis "Valhalla" Abel










"There is no Story, There is only Myth."


Team Effort
Supporting the Blood Gears


Anything got to do with the Enemy.


He always will always support the Blood Gears



View attachment 300766


Metallic yet Elegant, Nice view when you are Being Destroyed.

Mech I.D.:




"Well, this Baby will Shred your Mech in half. . ."

50 BMG. Rounds.


It is dependant on Mech "42", Meaning it is much Weaker without "42"
As long as you two don't kill players we will be fine, accepted.

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