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Finished [Greystone - Ryke] The Howling Depths

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread @Crescent King Bartre Bartre

With a quick flourish of her sword, Artoria would force the dark ichor, from the monstrous bug, which had stained the blade, making it splatter against the battle worn ground. “Barely a warm-up.” With evident dissatisfaction, she would re-sheath Excalibur Morgan, hoping for a better challenge next time.

“What a curious opposition…” Gilgamesh uttered, taking a better look at the creature closest to her. With an expression of slight amusement and disgust, she turned towards Adelhein. “... it seems this World has challenges far more exotic than the ones in your homeland, does it not?” She asked, offering a probing smile.

Adelhein appeared to be a bit pensive with the ending of the battle. He would walk a bit closer to get a better view of the fallen insectoid. “Indeed… well, at least if these creatures came about naturally. If they were a product of magic, however, it is nothing new. But, considering I’ve detected no different mana readings, that latter possibility is unlikely.” Unless any magical influence had been carefully obscured.

“That is expected whenever different potentials meet the most capable hand to guide them.” The teen magus turned towards Yuki with a rather cocky smile. “You’ve shown yourself quite capable. Good.” For a moment, it looked like he was going to say something else, but stopped dead in his tracks. It wasn’t time, yet.

When the group reached the makeshift camp at the outskirts of Greystone, Adelhein made his own quick introduction to the camp’s field coordinator. “I’m Lord El-Melloi of the House El-Melloi from Ryken.”

After that, he simply allowed for both Demeter and Scarlett to conduct business with the coordinator. It certainly was refreshing to have capable people around who could act well enough without constant input from him. Still, he paid attention to every single word exchanged, ready to cut in if anything needed correction.

And, as soon as Yuki asked for a momentary allowance, Gilgamesh responded in place of Demeter. “Why wait if both things can be done at the same time? Artoria, Adelhein and I will go with Yuki, meanwhile the rest of you go ahead and dive into that sinkhole. Four, or five if the guild can spare someone, seem to be enough people. Right, my dear Adelhein?”

A frown immediately formed on Artoria’s face, not from worry about leaving the others to dive into the unknown by themselves, but rather from the possibility of missing whatever challenges that might way into the bowels of the earth. Regardless, she would do as her Master commanded. “Master, what do you wish to do?”

Adelhein thought for a split second, before turning to Demeter. “Are you comfortable with our momentary absence?” The question was rather simple and short, but carried a lot of weight. Weight, in the form of responsibility and obligations, that no doubt the dryad would understand perfectly.
Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
@Crescent King | Cat
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

A tense hush hung over the remains of Greystone. The massive sinkhole yawned before the party, its depths cloaked in unsettling darkness and a faint sulfuric tang. Nearby, the makeshift camp bustled with subdued activity—adventurers sorted gear while field medics checked in on the newly arrived caravan survivors.

The Field Coordinator​

A weary-looking woman in leather armor introduced herself as Melora, the camp’s field coordinator. She shook Demeter’s extended hand with a brisk nod, listening intently as the dryad spoke of the group’s plan to venture down the pit. Scarlett, Adelhein, and others chimed in with introductions and questions about those who had gone below—or attempted to.

Melora grimaced. “There have been a few expeditions. Some never returned, others came back with nightmares in their eyes. A handful of them may have gone in deeper than the rest...” She looked out at the chasm. “We can’t be sure what’s in there yet.”

When Demeter and Scarlett pressed for a strong warrior—or perhaps a mage—who’d ventured below and might join them, Melora was about to answer when a distant drumming of hooves turned every head.

The Arrival of Justin-sama​


From over a slight rise behind the camp rode a single horseman, his presence utterly at odds with the grim surroundings. He wore resplendent armor of blue and gold, polished to a sheen that caught the waning sunlight. A flamboyant red scarf fluttered around his neck. Upon closer inspection, however, one immediately noticed buck teeth, an awkward grin, and a nose just a size too large—a comical visage, paired with an almost comically self-assured bearing.

Melora’s eyes widened. “That’s… that’s Justin-sama? I wasn’t told he’d be coming—!” She stepped forward, unsure whether to salute, bow, or simply freeze in surprise.

With a dramatic flourish, Justin-sama reined in his horse. Dismounting, he puffed out his chest and swept a gauntleted hand through unkempt hair, as though he’d been expecting an audience. His voice carried a peculiar, overblown confidence:

“Ah, fear not, my good field coordinator. I, Justin-sama, the esteemed high-ranking adventurer of the Ryken Guild, have arrived to handle matters of grave import!”

He cast a condescending glance at the battered tents and the sinkhole behind. His buck-toothed grin stretched wider, a faint snicker rattling in his throat.

“So this is what’s left of Greystone, hmm? A pity. Well, I suppose that’s what you get without proper guidance from your betters.”

Melora’s tired features twitched in mild annoyance at his tone, but she forced a polite nod. “Yes, well… We’ve been coordinating with volunteer parties. Demeter here just asked about a strong guild member who might accompany them below. Perhaps—”

Yes, yes, quite right,” Justin-sama interrupted with an airy wave of his hand. “I have indeed been down to the upper chambers. Alone, mind you. Grim business, but I didn’t venture far—no reason to risk my talents on an unconfirmed threat. Still, I suspect you’d find no one more qualified than me, in these squalid conditions.”

His eyes flicked toward Magno Sapiente Victori. If he found their number impressive, he didn’t show it. Instead, he arched a brow at Adelhein and Demeter, then tilted his nose upward, the perfect picture of arrogant self-satisfaction.

“So… this is the group, is it? Hmph.”

One curious thing to note that even those with Magic F could notice: Justin's equipment had a strong, unmistakable scent of Mana.

Logistics and Planning​

  1. Demeter’s Proposal
    • Melora, caught between relief and exasperation, shrugged. “He has gone below. If you want someone who can hold his own, Justin-sama might be your best bet… if he agrees.”
    • Justin-sama leaned back, tapping the hilt of his ornate longsword. “You want my help? Hmm, how intriguing. Well, we’ll see if your group meets my exacting standards. We can discuss terms.”
  2. Aqua’s Investigation
    • While the others navigated Justin-sama’s arrival, Aqua bent to her own task. Edging closer to the sinkhole, she examined the fissures that laced the ground and the strange pockets of smoke that occasionally puffed up near the rim.
    • Her Appraisal E combined with Alchemy F gave her a few telling clues. She detected residual traces of sulfur and other volcanic byproducts, suggesting geothermal activity deep below the surface. Interestingly, some samples also contained unusual crystalline specks—perhaps indicative of magical interference or a rare mineral. Nothing conclusive, but enough to confirm that something more than a simple cave-in might have occurred.
    • The air carried a faint chemical tang that could align with unnatural catalysts—maybe a magical surge or under-earth reaction triggered the collapse.
  3. Shadow’s Watch
    • Near Aqua’s position, Shadow crouched at the edge, peering into the blackness below. His feline senses twitched with discomfort as though the pit exhaled an invisible aura of unease. If anything moved down there, it was too far or too concealed for him to perceive clearly. Yet the tension in the cat’s taut muscles suggested an ominous presence lurked in the depths.

Next Steps​

  • Does Demeter accept Justin-sama’s “help”? With a nearly comedic pomp, he claims the role of a skilled warrior—yet his attitude may test the group’s patience.
  • What secrets might Aqua’s findings foreshadow about the sinkhole’s origin?
  • How soon before someone—or something—emerges from that gaping darkness to confront them?
Already, the wind carried faint echoing howls from below. The group could sense this was just the beginning of Greystone’s deeper mystery—and they would decide, in these next moments, how best to face it.

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Before Melora could respond, Yuki brought a personal request to Demeter. She had some old friends in Greystone that she wanted to search for before descending into the pit. And, before Demeter could respond, Adelhein and his companions proposed splitting the group so that they could do both simultaneously. She met eyes with Adelhein with a soft smile.

"Are you?" she replied simply, a long pause following her words that left them open to his interpretation. Then, she reached out and held Adelhein's hand.

"I have no intention of sticking around for a fight that I can't win. That's more Gilgamesh's thing." Her sights flickered over to the golden one for a brief moment, "And I'll bring the others back up to the surface with me if it comes to that. If we need you, we'll come get you, okay?"

Did Demeter think that splitting the party was the best idea? No, of course not. But these people were her kin now, as far as she was concerned. And looking out for them was more important than any mission. If Adelhein was going to put his trust in her, then she had every intention of living up to it. And if he found her answer suitable, then she'd slowly let go of his hand, send one last nod his way, then turn her attention back to Melora so that he would be free to help Yuki with her request.

And when Melora finally gave her answer, it wasn't a particularly useful one. But her words were punctuated by the drumming of hooves. A man in a pretty nice suit of armor appeared from over the horizon and made his way into camp. His arrival drew out very little reaction from Demeter, but she could tell from Melora's... dramatic expression that this man was someone of importance. Though, even if she couldn't, Justin-sama was quick to make his status known to everyone. Now, it was a bit too early for Demeter to really have much of an impression of this Justin fellow...

...but his equipment sure seemed potent, if nothing else.

"Um... terms?"

The young fae's brow furrowed at the mention of the word.

Mostly because that was usually something handled by the Adventurer's Guild long before you even set out to do a job. Everything from the pay to the nature of the job, who you'd be working with and, often times, the transportation that got you to the site of the job in the first place. There was a very, very simple reason why the 'terms' of a job were usually decided by the guild.

Not all- arguably not even most- adventurers were good people who could be trusted with things like that. Which begged the question:

"So, we would like some help. And you do seem very strong. But you... you did accept this job through the Adventurer's Guild, right? Did they... not already discuss the job with you?"

It would seem that Justine-sama was the first adventurer Demeter had met who came with "terms" beyond those settled at the guild.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread @Crescent King Bartre Bartre

Holding Demeter's hands back, Adelhein nodded. "Very well, I'm sure you will be prudent. And, if needed, we will be here." His expression relaxed, knowing that his trust was well-placed. A lingering smile appeared on the corner of his lips with the slight quip towards Gilgamesh.

"Nice words, little sapling. Just be sure to not end the show until I make my grand entrance." Gilgamesh quipped back, lips curling slightly into a smirk, eagerly expecting to find out what her might find out when she finally delves into the sinkhole.

The teenager magus' crimson gaze would shift between the other members of the Magno Sapiente Victori: Aqua, Aureus and Scarlett. To those who might be looking his way, a confident nod would be sent their way.

And, just as he turned to Yuki, ready to tell them to begin the search for the couple, a new arrival approached the makeshift campsite.

Both the appearance and demeanor of this so called 'Justin-sama' unnerved Adelhein and his Servants in different manners.

Artoria silently shook her head when the man displayed his snobbish behavior. Whatever others said about him: he was a fool until he proved otherwise, and one thing was certain: she would not suffer the fool. Thankfully, she wouldn't need to deal with him, at least for now.

Gilgamesh snorted as the adventurer acted so full of himself. It was just another mongrel acting out of his lowly position or so she thought. Regardless, it would be amusing if he ended up in a rather precarious situation in the sinkhole, a rare entertainment she hoped not to miss.

Adelhein simply furrowed his eyebrows, watching the man prance about, even more with how dismissive he had been towards the Melora. Justin clearly had an ego and so did the teenager, their personalities clashing could be only a question of time. Still, he wasn't going to dive into the sinkhole just now, and as such left the others to either accept the adventurer's help or refuse it outright.

"And we should begin our search. The earlier we get it done, the sooner we can rejoin the others." Directing his attention fully to Yuki, he motioned, with his gloved hand first to a few houses, clinging to the rim of the sinkhole. Their condition were quite precarious, looking like they could cave in at any moment. Next, he brought the attention towards tents deeper into the camp. "I suppose asking through the camp and searching inside the tents, before venturing into the houses, to be the safer approach. But I'm fine with either."
"Lord El-Melloi, surely you have more important things to do..."
The words were barely out of Yuki's mouth before it was decided. Seeing that he was determined to accompany her, curtsied to him.
"Thank you, your help is appreciated. Thank you as well Gilgamesh, Artoria."
Yuki smiled for the servants, then fell into step with the more experienced adventurers. As they walked she provided a brief description of Sigzil and Shallan, a married couple in their middle years.

"I met them some years ago when they..."
She paused, changingvwhat she was about to say.
"...let me stay with them as I passed through."
Lord El-Melloi suggested a search pattern, beginning with the tents.
"A fine suggestion, Lord El-Melloi."
Yuki began moving through the encampment, asking after her missing friends.
Aureus Albion

The elf remained aloof as he lost interest in the signs. And turned to his teammates, seeing them at work. Investigating, dealing with administrative matters... And then there was him. Trying to get back on track, Aureus stood near Demeter, as Adelhein entrusted leadership of the group to her while he was off with his Servants and Yuki. With a respectful nod, he saw the quartet leave for their own task.

Aureus then noticed the expectant voice and look of the Field Coordinator. A sloppy looking man with a very contrasting armor. A magical armor, from what Aureus could tell.

But his interest was quick to vanish when the man started playing all high and mighty. Looking down on everyone else. He glanced over to Demeter, who was the one requesting help, and what she got was this guy. She seemed surprised, yet accepting and hesitant. All at once. The elf decided to look with more intensity at the man, trying to gauge if he really was as good as his words made him out to be. It was questionable, at best, currently...

Aqua carefully picked some of the speck of crystalline substance she found and wrapped it inside a handkerchief to be stored as sample. She couldn't deduce much information with it alone but she's sure a magical interference was involved in this disaster. She would need to descend to look for more clues. Or she could ask people...

Aqua gulped down her saliva nervously. She's not good talking to people, but if they can get useful information then it would be worth trying. Scarlett would probably better at handling conversation like this but when she turned her sight towards the rest of the party she could see them talking with a peculiar individual wearing important-looking gears. She looked at Adelhein as if asking for what she should do next and he gave her a nod.

He's right, she couldn't keep relying on other just because she didn't like doing a particular task. Aqua steeled her resolve and started looking around for the infirmary. She should be able find a survivor there. Perhaps someone from Greystone like Garel, or an adventurer that entered the hole and climbed back up.

1) Look for infirmary and enter it​
Scarlett Ashford
Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett listened to what Adelhein had to say after the battle thoughtfully. Unfortunately she wasn't entirely sure what would be a better way of checking if they were natural or not, sure she had some knowledge but she still needed to get appraisal magic going on her end of things. A serious contemplative look on her face. She'd have to look into that in the future it'd be helpful.
Back on the present scene it sounded like the confident one felt it was possible for them to split up safely. If Adelhein found it agreeable Scarlett wasn't going to argue if he thought them capable. Thankfully it sounded like she'd be with Demeter which sounded like it'd be essential in such a higher threat area. Being successful here would mean not only helping people but also would be a serious boon to their name as an adventuring party, there was no way she was going to back down, even if part of her felt a tad nervous at the prospect on the inside. What also made her feel a bit better was that Demeter was someone who had proven to be sensible, she wasn't going to throw them into something she didn't feel like they were capable of winning, and could hopefully help them retreat if need be like she had during the exam.

Scarlett listened to The Field Coordinator. Great, Melora didn't have anything reassuring to tell them that was helpful, groups had gone down there, some hadn't even come back and those who did had been terrified apparently.

Around the time that Demeter heard Justin-Sama coming Scarlett likely also heard and looked over toward them, before she could voice a proper response to Melora.

Was this really what a powerful adventurer could look like? Sure the guy's armor looked fancy, and even Scarlett could tell it radiated mana, did that mean even this guy just got himself a fancy really powerful enchanted suit which buffed his power? Scarlett didn't really know one way or another, but she supposed as long as it was effective who cared, they needed someone strong to help, but the idea of 'terms' was somewhat off putting.

Scarlett gave a curtsey to Justin same, "Greetings, I'm Scarlett Ashford of House Ashford, and if you, as a most esteemed adventurer would assist us it would be greatly appreciated."

She then paused, looking to Demeter.

"No..I think he wants to make sure we can accommodate him for him willing to spend his time helping us.." Scarlett responded to Demeter softly.

"It would be most helpful if you could..share these terms with us, so we understand what's required of us." She'd speak again, while this was all going on,

Scarlett couldn't help but imagine how good it'd probably feel be to punch this guy right in his nose and knock him right off his high horse, literally and figuratively, He really thought himself better than an El Melloi and an Ashford? And Demeter of all people? She was a literal force of nature. Was he even from a noble house? And what about all the people who weren't noble but were strong their own right..who were no undoubtedly here. She just wished those people would show their faces already.
Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
@Crescent King | Cat
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

A chill breeze drifted across the ruined outskirts of Greystone’s sinkhole, carrying with it the faint odor of sulfur. Members of the camp went about their business: some tended wounded or repaired equipment, while others watched with curiosity—or wariness—as Justin-sama tried to assert his presence among the newly arrived party.

Justin-sama’s “Terms”​


At Demeter’s mention of “terms?” and Scarlett’s gentle prompt to clarify, Justin-sama fixed the group with an imperious stare. He adjusted his bright red scarf, deliberately letting it flutter for effect.

Justin-sama arched a brow at Scarlett's introduction, pausing to eye her up and down.

“Ah… House Ashford, is it?” he repeated, as though testing the name on his tongue. “Mmm. How quaint.”

His dismissive half-smile suggested he was unimpressed—or at least feigning it.

Tapping the gilded hilt of his longsword, he continued in a nasal drawl:

“But of course there are special considerations. I’ve been… contracted by the Guild, yes, but those standard fees only account for routine assistance. This sinkhole is anything but routine. Naturally, my elevated services require compensation appropriate to my station.”

He paused once more, surveying Scarlett, Demeter, Aureus, and anyone else standing nearby.

“In plain terms, if I’m risking my life down there, I’ll want an enhanced share of whatever spoils or relics we uncover. Perhaps you can secure that from the Guild’s coffers, or offer a portion of your own eventual finds. Details can be hammered out before we descend.”

His buck-toothed grin was as unwavering as his arrogance. Melora, the field coordinator, barely stifled a sigh. She glanced to Demeter, silently conveying that yes, Justin-sama can be a handful.

Shadow: A Sudden Snatch​

Meanwhile, near the very edge of the gaping sinkhole, Shadow sat in silent vigilance. The cat’s golden eyes peered into the darkness below, his fur bristling ever so slightly at the strange noises that occasionally drifted from the depths.

Without warning, a swift blur darted out from the shadows—too quick for any onlooker to track. Before any cry or defensive move could be made, the cat vanished—snatched away by that fleeting shape. A single half-choked mew echoed, then was gone.

No one in the camp even realized what transpired. For now, Shadow was simply gone.

Aqua’s Search for Survivors​

Across the camp, Aqua slipped between tents, searching for an infirmary or a spot where the injured from Greystone might have gathered. She still clutched the small handkerchief containing specks of peculiar crystal, her thoughts racing with questions about what truly happened beneath Greystone’s soil.

  • Following a makeshift sign—MEDICAL STATION scrawled in shaky letters—Aqua found a long canvas tent. Inside, a few cots held survivors with bandaged limbs and dull, haunted eyes. Some stared into nothingness, still in shock from losing their homes. Others whispered stories of tremors, flickering lights beneath the earth, and monstrous roars at night.
Whether Aqua’s gentle inquiries turned up new clues remained to be seen, but each survivor had their own fragment of the story. Perhaps someone recognized the unusual crystals, or had glimpsed the power surges that might have triggered the collapse.

Yuki’s Search for a Lost Couple​

At the same time, Yuki, accompanied by Adelhein, Artoria, and Gilgamesh, began circulating among the camp’s refugees. She carried descriptions of Sigzil and Shallan, the married couple who’d once sheltered her.

  1. Asking in Tents
    • Adventurers seated around a fire pit shook their heads. They hadn’t heard those names.
    • A middle-aged woman in a tattered apron frowned thoughtfully but offered nothing concrete.
    • A wiry old man with a splinted arm recognized “Sigzil” as a name from the village, but he’d been too busy fleeing when the ground gave way. No idea if they’d made it out.
  2. A Fortunate Discovery?
    • Eventually, by sheer happenstance (or the roll of fate), Yuki and Adelhein encountered a tall, thin man rummaging through a crate of donated clothing. He perked up at mention of “Sigzil and Shallan,” admitting they were in the camp—barely.
    • Rushing to a small tent near the back, Yuki found Sigzil and Shallan alive, albeit shaken. Their relief at seeing Yuki again was palpable. They claimed to have escaped the sinkhole’s edge just before the final collapse, though they lost most of their belongings.

A Curious Tome​

While Yuki and Adelhein were speaking with other refugees in search of Sigzil and Shallan, Adelhein spotted something unusual amidst the debris piled behind a half-collapsed supply tent. Wedged between cracked crates and torn satchels lay a leather-bound tome. Its cover bore faint, arcane symbols that immediately drew the magus’s eye, though whether it was related to Greystone’s tragedy or simply lost in the chaos remained unclear.

Back at the Sinkhole​

While the others dispersed for various tasks, Demeter and Scarlett still found themselves facing Justin-sama’s insistent demands—and the decision of whether his sword arm was worth his pompous personality. Aureus lingered, perhaps ready to shape the terrain for a safer descent once the group concluded negotiations.

Melora interjected quietly:

“We’re short-handed, so any help is good help. But… he can be difficult. I’ll leave the final choice in your hands.”

High overhead, the sun dipped closer to the horizon, shadows lengthening across the camp. A low, almost inaudible moan drifted from the sinkhole—whether air currents or something more sinister, it was impossible to tell. Shadow’s absence went unnoticed for now; the cat’s usual independent roaming drew little concern.

What Comes Next?​

  • Justin-sama’s Terms: Will Demeter and Scarlett accept them, or attempt to bargain him down? Could the party do without his assistance altogether?
  • Shadow Vanished: Unbeknownst to all, the cat is in peril. How and when will the group realize he’s gone?
  • Aqua’s Inquiries: Will her conversation in the makeshift infirmary point to new revelations about magical or geological anomalies?
As daylight wanes, tensions rise. The deeper secrets of Greystone wait below, while the camp itself may harbor the next puzzle piece—or hidden threat.


Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus], [Arcane Seeker] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread @Crescent King Bartre Bartre

"No need to thank me, loyalty is a paramount value. They've helped you, so it is only natural you try to check up on them." The young magus said, his expression softening slightly for a moment, but quickly returning to neutral.

While Artoria didn't answer to Yuki's thanks, only nodded, Gilgamesh was quick to take a different approach. "That is quite alright, it is a King's duty to aid those under him. Consider this part of my grace."

Adelhein, Artoria and Gilgamesh followed Yuki throughout the camp, as they questioned if anyone there had seen or heard about Sigzil and Shallan.

The teenager particularly didn't show any change in his expression with each negative answer, instead he only prepared himself to use his magecraft to prepare platforms which certainly they would need while investigating the houses who seemed at the precipice of falling into the gaping chasm. In the worst scenario, he was glad he had learned Teleportation to move them out of a tumbling structure.

He was nonetheless glad when they found a man who could actually point the group to the couple in their middle years.

Master and Servants followed Yuki, until something caught Adelhein's attention from the corner of his eye.

Almost as if drawn to it, the teenager stepped towards the half-collapsed supply tent. Kneeling down, his gloved hands worked diligently to move the debris aside, until they could grasp the curious tome.

Standing up once more, his full attention was directed towards the object which he now held. His gloved hand ran through the weathered leather cover, feeling the texture of it through the fabric of his clothes. The front was adorned with swirling, stylized patterns that form an abstract crescent shape, almost like a moon caught in gathering clouds. Its title, partially worn by time, was still visible: 'By Twilight's Vale', embossed by silver filigree.

Opening it, Adelhein needs to make use of his [Arcana E] to better understand what is written inside of it. The introduction reads:

"Let this text stand as a gateway to the lesser-known paths, those ephemeral roads walked by neither mortal nor fey alone. Where the twilight lingers in perpetual hush, truths may be gleaned, if one dares."

"Master, which book is that?" Surprisingly, Artoria was the first to step closer, from behind Adelhein, being able to peer into the book from over his head, thanks to her Master's short stature, compared to her own. "Is it anything of value?"

"There could be something very interesting written among those pages." Repeating the exact same process, now a crimson pair of eyes joined the golden ones, Gilgamesh intently gazing at the held manuscript. "Drink all of it, if it is useful, regardless of the origin."

"I'm not sure if this is useful just yet..." The young magus murmured, his attention still focused on what the secrets the tome might hold, eyes quickly moving from left to right, scanning its contents. Absently minded, he would finally follow the path Yuki took, entering the tent with his nose buried in that book.
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"Oh," Demeter replied to Scarlett's words.

Just by the look on the young dryad's face, one could tell just how absurd this man's request was to her, powerful or not. And, as the man began to state his terms, that look on her face only intensified. She paused for a moment in thought, glanced at her companions, then back at Justin-sama.

"Hang on."

She turned away from Justin-sama and walked a few paces away from him; gesturing for her companions to follow her. And, if they did, she'd pull them in and whisper her thoughts about this situation. And she had quite a few strong thoughts about this Justin fellow and and his so-called "terms".

"We're not going to be giving him any of our guild fees. That's not happening," Demeter whispered bluntly. On this she would not budge. Not even for a high ranking adventurer, "I may not really need the money myself, but I've met a lot of people whose sole reason for sticking with the guild is the pay. Giving up the reward for a job just to do the job is just super dumb. We're not- we're not doing that. That's dumb for... so many reasons."

She may not have had the eloquence to properly express it, but one could say that Demeter took issue with that on a fundamental level. For all intents and purposes, it almost defeated the entire purpose of going down there. There were, however, other things that Justin-sama proposed that the young fae wasn't entirely opposed to.

"I... don't really care if he gets to keep most of what we find down there in the pit, though. Like, we might not even find anything of value down there, so that's whatever. I wanna keep my promise to Guisseppe, so if we find that chest, that's ours, no question. And I would like to bring home another head to mount on our wall," she chuckled to herself at the thought, "But if he finds some gold or jewelry or some other shiny thing down there and wants to keep it... that seems... fine to me? I don't know, that's where I'm at."

Demeter met eyes with Scarlett, then glanced back over to Aureus. She'd pretty much said all she had to say regarding her stance on the matter, and the things that she would not compromise on, no matter what. But, this was her team to look after. Their input mattered far more than Justin's desires or even having him alongside them on the descent. If Aqua were there, the dryad would seek her opinion as well...

...but it seemed as though she'd have to go looking for her soon.

"What do you guys think?"

Scarlett Ashford
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob Rev IX Rev IX

Scarlett gave a less than sincere smile back the man's way particularly if it was deducible that he didn't respect her background. For now Scarlett just sort of nodded her head and listened along, doing he best to seem polite enough.

Thankfully it looked like Demeter had a semblance of a game plan going, which Scarlett was more than happy to listen to, as she really wasn't keen on Justin-sama's concessions that he wanted. She'd make her way over to Demeter to listen as a result.

Shael nodded, "I don't want to give him our earnings either, we'll want those funds to help with group costs and future aspirations."

She listened to what Demeter had to say next and nodded.

"I like your thinking Demeter, Right then, let's tell him that if we ffind Guisseppe's chest we are going to keep it because you promised him. I don't think finding a monster head or something down there to mount will be a tough sell either, as I don't think he's going to want every head we stumble upon."

Scarlett looked like she was in thought for a moment thinking over what Demeter said once again, like trying to decide how much she wanted agree to concede to the guy. All she could really hope was the guy was as strong as he claimed. There'd be nothing worse than going through all of this effort and then finding out that he was just a coward in pretty armor whose skills sucked. Then again if that was the case they could make the argument that they didn't owe him anything if he didn't pull his weight.

"My thought would be we offer that he can keep stuff that has material wealth, like gold, silver, gems, stuff like that, I have a feeling if we don't let him take most of that he won't be interested anyway, but what I think we should double down on is that we want to keep any academic, magical texts. magic artifacts or catalysts that we may find down there should we find any, regardless if they're shiny and fancy or not, those are going to be a lot more valuable to our group then they will be to him, He's already clearly wealthy with that fancy suit, not that I'm necessarily expecting us to find anything cool like the things I listed, but still, I think that compromise isn't unfair right?"

Scarlett gave her opinion, and looked around to the rest of the group for their thoughts on what she said, maintaining a more subdued volume in her voice.

"We should also probably make it clear that he has to complete this task with us or the deal's off, I don't want him thinking he can just up and leave early cause he finds it unpleasant or not being worth his time or whatever."
Aureus Albion

Aureus attention was caught by Demeter, stopping his incredulous stare. Quickly pacing backwards much like Demeter, and huddling with Scarlett and the dryad for the emergency meeting. "Dumb or not, and it is, he seems untrustworthy. More the reason to not agree to his... terms." He interjected emphatically, echoing the other two.

As for the supposed loot in the pit, the elf expressed his concern "Hmmm. I mean, if you two have no issue with it, I guess I'll trust you on that. But..." Aureus popped his head above the other two and subtly glanced at the peculiar adventurer. His eyes narrowed for a moment and then went back to huddling.

"I... Really... Don't trust him. I don't know why, but..." the amnesiac struggled to name his thoughts "I feel like he'd happily use us as shields or throw us to danger or... I don't know..." Frustration grew on his visage. Difficulty expressing something was very obnoxious.

The elf concluded his internal struggle with a shake of the head "I'll follow your lead. I may not trust him, but I trust you two."

"Scarlett has a point. We shouldn't somehow excuse him of doing his job if he really is willing to join us."

Should Demeter opt for a course of action, the elf would smile complicitly at her "We better bring back a good trophy, no?"

Demeter nodded as she listened to the concerns of her companions.

Bringing home magical materials that both Scarlett and Adelhein could analyze seemed fair. Making the deal dependent on Justin-sama sticking with the group was a great idea. You'd better believe that Demeter planned to bring back the best trophy she could find. With regards to trust, though...

"I don't think he wants to hurt us or throw us in the line of fire like that. He was asking for most of our share of the rewards, but he wouldn't have been to get that if he just let us die down there. I also have a hard time believing that a weak, cowardly rat would've been able to get a high rank in the guild. I just think that he's greedy, and he doesn't believe that having us around will benefit him much."

A brief pause before she continued.

"Although, if all he cares about is money, I may actually be able to use that against him. I've got an idea. Let me talk to him. Might be able to strike a reasonable bargain with him. If not? Then we go without him."

Demeter nodded, then broke away from the huddle and made her way back over to Justin-sama.

"Justin-sama?" she began, "I'm afraid that my party and I won't be able to offer you any of our guild fees. It would defeat the purpose of taking on the quest in the first place. We would also like to claim any academic texts, magical texts and magical artifacts that we find down there. I promised a merchant to recover some belongings for him so, if we find those, we'd like to claim those, too. And, lastly, I'd like to bring home the head of a monster if we find and defeat any down below. I enjoy collecting souvenirs from my adventures."

Demeter began with her team's demands. Best to make those known from the onset before attempting to compromise on the rest. If there was anything there in which Justin-sama could not accept, then they would have to move on without him. Still, she had plenty to offer him.

"But, outside everything I just said? Any gold, jewelry, weapons or other valuables we find down there are all yours, and we'd be more than happy to help you carry everything back up to the surface. But, Justine-sama? I think you're gonna want us in your party if you want to return to the surface with the best haul of riches, artifacts and clues as to why this sinkhole formed in the first place."

Up till now, Demeter was under the impression that Justin-sama saw Magno Sapiente Victori as a group of low-skilled adventurers with nothing unique to offer. And perhaps that was true in your typical combat scenario. But the young fae remembered well what their job was here in Graystone. Combat was likely inevitable, to be sure.

But they weren't hired to come here to kill things, were they?

"You see, I've got a very keen set of senses. Most enemies won't be able to sneak up on me. The darkness doesn't bother me at all. And if there are any riches or weapons or secrets to be found down there, you're going to want me there to help you find them. And I can prove to you just how keen my senses are."

Demeter would use [Clairvoyance] and quickly survey the area; peering deep below the earth and up into the sky all the same. And, as her eyes studied her surroundings, she'd peer into the pockets and backpacks of everyone within a 100ft radius of her; taking special care to note the inventories of Melora and Justin-sama, himself, if his enchanted armor lacked any form of concealment to block out her acute senses. Standard materials would do little to impede her vision, neither would the darkness within their pockets, and she had a perceptive eye to make out any items she saw.

Those in the area who were sensitive to magic would sense nothing, as the young fae would use no magic in that moment.

"Would you like me to demonstrate my prowess?"

A gamble, but one that Demeter was happy to make. For, if Justin-sama could not see the value in her party and chose not to budge on his terms, then she had already decided that her party would descend into the pit and take on this quest without him.

HP: 6/6
Heavy Armor: 1/1
1). Resilient F (Surprised)

Actions (1/3)
1) Used [Clairvoyance] to survey the area around her; taking special note of the inventories of the people around her, if nothing kept her from seeing them. Preparation for next turn.
Clairvoyance- Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E (1), Perception E, Feature [Darkvision], Energized E - Demeter utilizes her sixth sense to peer straight through walls and analyze her surroundings. Great for finding secret passages, hidden items, and enemies hidden behind cover- 1 action- 100ft radius- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
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Yuki was beyond relieved to find Sigzil and Shallan safe and unharmed. She spent some time catching up with the couple, as well as asking them for their account of what happened. She noticed Lord El-Melloi enter mid-way through the conversation, his attention consumed by a strange tome. Eventually, Yuki had to bid farewell to the couple and return to the rest of their party.

Her worries now assuaged, Yuki began to truly pay attention to the area. She noted the sulfuric tang to the air, as well as the faint sensation of something howling carried by the wind. Unnerved, she turned her attention to her companion.

"Why did you decide to come with me, Lord El-Melloi? Surely my errand was among the least important to all but myself..."
She listened to any explanation he might choose to give her, nodding along. The four of them rejoined Demeter's group, and Yuki got her first taste of Justin-sama. She was less than impressed, both by his attitude and his demand for additional compensation. The deal had already been struck, however, so she held her peace.
"Do we have a plan, or are we just venturing in there and hoping we don't die?"
Yuki peered down the hole, getting as close as she dared. The pit seemed unnaturally dark to her eyes...she definitly wasn't looking forward to this part of the job.

"H-H-ello..." Aqua hesitantly entered the medical station, her eyes immediately scanned the few people within. Seeing the injured people there makes her want to try healing them, but she couldn't afford to spare the time or the medicine for now as she wanted to use them to help survivors inside the hole, if they find any. Clutching her staff for emotional support, Aqua started by bowing her head and introduced herself.

"G-greetings, I-I'm Aqua from the adventurer guild. T-the next g-group of adventurers will descend into the sinkhole soon. P-please tell us of anything important that can help the exploration. T-the enemies inside the hole, the terrain, or anything that w-we should pay attention of. The better prepared the next team is, t-the more people we can save and the less casualty we will take." Aqua pleaded, hoping to gain the survivors' guidance.

1) Use [Ryken Adventurer F] to ask around​
Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
@Crescent King | Cat
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

A subdued stillness had settled over the makeshift camp. Whispers of sulfur-tinted air drifted from the sinkhole, while tent canvas flapped in the gentle afternoon breeze. Yet under that veneer of calm, tensions and negotiations were quickly coming to a head.

Justin-sama’s Response​


Justin-sama raised a haughty eyebrow as Demeter calmly laid out the group’s non-negotiable terms: no Guild pay, retention of specific artifacts, texts, Guiseppe’s items, and a claimed monster head if found below. In exchange, he could keep whatever gold, gems, or shiny valuables they might uncover—assuming he actually joined them.

He listened in uncharacteristic silence until she finished, drumming gloved fingers on his polished breastplate. When Demeter offered to demonstrate her “keen senses”—even hinting at seeing through the darkness—Justin gave a quiet scoff, but a subtle flicker of interest crossed his face.

“Hmph. You speak as though you’ll find far more than just trinkets down there,” he mused, folding his arms. “But if I can claim the lion’s share of purely monetary loot, then fine. Keep your arcane scribbles and battered merchant relics. And don’t expect me to drag any chest if it’s worthless to me,” he added with a sneer.

He leaned in, red scarf fluttering.

“However, I insist you hold to your promise: I want no interference if I lay claim to a trove of coins or precious metals. And if you cannot produce even that, well, then I suppose you and the Guild owe me a favor—but we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.”

Despite his pompous attitude, he gave an abrupt nod that confirmed his conditional acceptance of Demeter’s deal. Whether it was her confidence or the potential for riches, something in him deemed it worth the risk.

Melora exhaled in relief, clearly happy to avoid further drama.

“Sounds like we have an agreement, then. Good luck down there… you’ll need it.”

Demeter’s Clairvoyant Glance​

Before finalizing matters, Demeter invoked her Clairvoyance. Within a 100-foot radius, she surveyed people, tents, and the first few layers of rock near the sinkhole’s lip:

  • Justin-sama: Beneath his ornate armor, she briefly glimpsed a handful of mundane pouches—one rattling with coins, another containing potions or salves. An odd ring glimmered in an inner pouch, its gemstone dulled. Whatever magic it once held seems inert or weak.
  • Melora: Carried standard guild-issue gear and a small crossbow. No hidden troves.
  • Camp Supplies: Stacks of rations, replacement wagon wheels, scattered crates. Nothing glowed with significant arcane presence.
  • Sinkhole Edge: For about thirty feet, the top layers of soil showed obvious fractures. She detected small pockets of air or loose rubble, but the darkness below quickly exceeded her vision’s limit.
No further anomalies leapt out at her; the pit extended beyond her supernatural eyesight, and any deeper mysteries remained shrouded.

Aqua’s Inquiries in the Infirmary​

Meanwhile, inside a large canvas tent marked with a shaky “MEDICAL STATION” sign, Aqua asked survivors for any vital information about the sinkhole. The worn faces eyed her shyly at first, but a few mustered the resolve to speak:

  1. A jittery young man cradling a bandaged arm mentioned echoing howls at night—like a giant windpipe somewhere far below the earth.
  2. A haggard older woman recalled sudden, bluish flashes right before the ground collapsed. She swore she glimpsed veins of strange crystal in the fissures, glowing ominously.
  3. A scarred adventurer, barely conscious, whispered of tunnels that branch unexpectedly, full of loose rock, and a “dark shape scuttling just out of lantern light.” He claimed it was no mere insect but “something older.”
These fragments painted a grim mosaic: pockets of unknown creatures, magical or geological anomalies, and a labyrinth of unstable corridors. At least Aqua now had some cautionary details to report back.

Adelhein and Yuki Rejoin​

After retrieving the mysterious tomeBy Twilight’s Vale—and speaking with Sigzil and Shallan, Yuki and Adelhein returned to find Demeter, Scarlett, Aureus, and Justin-sama concluding negotiations. Artoria and Gilgamesh lingered behind Adelhein, the latter eyeing Justin-sama with thinly veiled amusement.

  • Sigzil and Shallan gave Yuki a heartfelt farewell, offering thanks to Adelhein for lending his presence. They had no fresh insights about the sinkhole, but were profoundly grateful just to be alive.

Next Steps​

  • Justin-sama’s Terms: The bargain stands; he joins the descent under conditions regarding treasure. How this partnership will fare remains to be seen.
  • Aqua’s Findings: Strange crystals, possibly magical, and rumors of lurking shapes in the dark.
  • Adelhein’s Tome: Hints at a hidden realm, “twilight paths,” and partial instructions for a ritual.
  • Shadow’s Fate: Will the party realize the cat has vanished?
With tensions set and uneasy alliances made, the fractured remains of Greystone promise both danger and discovery for those bold enough to delve beneath its shifting earth.


Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus], [Arcane Seeker] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread @Crescent King Bartre Bartre

Adelhein kept his attention fully focused on the tome, reading more and more of it.

Another curious passage of the leather-bound manuscript mentioned:

“Guard against the silver shadows; they hunger for stolen breath.”

Throughout the pages, there were several mentions of a “Vale of Half-Lights” or “Twilit Vale”. Advancing even further, the text hinted at a demi-plane or borderland realm which was accessible through a ritual.

The teenager kept gazing upon the numerous pages of it, cradling the tome carefully on his gloved hands. The crimson eyes kept darting from left to right, from top to bottom, eager to acquire every bit of knowledge that it could give him.

Throughout it, he would catch fragmented pieces of Yuki’s conversation with the couple, but with his attention being held hostage by the book, he didn’t even process any of it. Not even the odd situation around Greystone, like the sulfuric tang of the air which tickled his nostrils or howling which reached his ears.

Artoria and Gilgamesh remained close to him, guarding him against anyone who might approach him during this moment of enraptured attention. However, both of them held an expression of satisfaction in seeing their shared Master going through those pages. Even the usually stoic Artoria’s lips curled upwards ever so slightly.

Eventually, the young magus’ eyes finally moved away from the tome and towards Yuki when she addressed him directly. “‘Why?’” He tilted his head a bit, quizzically. “It was a matter of efficiency, even more considering how Demeter attempted to get a guild member to come with us into the sinkhole. That way, those negotiations could be underway while we searched for them.” He motioned his head towards the couple which Yuki had been talking to.

Closing the tome for a moment, he crossed his arms while holding it with one hand. His crimson eyes would keep themselves focused on Yuki’s. “There was also the possibility that they could have been stuck in one of those houses at the edge of the sinkhole. That would have required a more… specialized approach. Even more if the whole house happened to crumble down into the hole. I’d rather not be down one number.” His reasoning was straight-cut, efficiency and cold pragmatism. Nothing more, nothing less.

And, returning to where Demeter had been holding negotiations with the most ‘illustrious’ guild member, Adelhein would momentarily open the book again, reading through the pages once more. “Will he be joining us?” The question was made without the teenager even looking at Justin.

“I sure hope so.” Gilgamesh chimed in, with a vile smile gracing her lips. As one who craved entertainment and drama, there were quite a few grim fates who might befall this pompous adventurer which would greatly amuse her.

“Don’t get in my way.” Artoria said in a cold tone which matched her current expressionless face, ominous golden eyes gazing at the buck-teethed adventurer.

In a sense, Demeter had prepared herself for war. Or, perhaps, a hunt would be a more apt term. Possibly even chess?

If Justin-sama had showed no interest in budging on his terms, then that was that. But, if he did? If he'd called her out on her claims? She had an entire camp's worth of pockets and containers to reveal the contents of that she'd never once been inside of, herself. What's more, she was ready to give him a list of every item both he and Melora kept concealed on their person beneath both cloth and armor; down the exact location and number of every article. Oh, she was ready for his cocky ass. The one thing she couldn't have predicted...

...was that he'd agree to her terms without challenging her at all.

It was the first of two surprises to come to her at that moment. The second was the sight of Yuki, Adelhein and his companions coming around the corner to rejoin her group. Perhaps she'd operating under a misunderstanding, but she'd been planning to dive into the pit without them ever since they'd all split up. Though, after a brief moment of confusion, she adjusted to these unexpected developments. And when Adelhein asked if Sir Justin-sama would be joining them, she simply replied with-

"Uh... I think so. But we'll find out in a second."

Justin leaned in to make his point and his perspective on things more clear. And Demeter merely smiled. It seemed as though- at least so far- her judgement of his character was spot on. Which, if things continued as they did, would make dealing with him rather simple as they embarked on this quest. So, she would meet eyes with him and match his energy.

"That won't be a problem so long as you uphold your part of the bargain. We do this job together. We go down together. We stick together. And we come back to the surface together. I'll keep my eyes peeled for treasures, and you keep your sword ready to put down anything that wants to pick a fight down there in the pit. And don't worry. I didn't take this quest expecting to bring home much more than what the guild was offering when it comes to money. You can have your 'lion's share of purely monetary loot' if we find it down there. I stand by that."

Demeter extended a hand to shake. A sign of both respect for a high ranking adventurer and a more personable and reliable way to sign of on their verbal contract than a mere nod could ever be. Perhaps he would take it, perhaps not. But, if he took no issue with what was said, then the young fae would consider Justin-sama a member of her party for the purposes of this journey down into the pit.

"Besides, I wanna see the skills that earned you your high rank in the guild for myself," Justin-sama might've noticed a small fire in the little green bean's eyes in that moment, "I plan to join you up there, soon enough."

If all was well, and Justin-sama had nothing else to add regarding their arrangement, then Demeter would turn back to her team. Well, the team that she came here with, anyways.

"Alright, let's get ready to make our way down into what's left of Greystone. I wasn't expecting to have the whole team back together for this, but that's even better. Has..." she paused for a moment and glanced around the area, "Has anyone seen where Aqua went?"

If all was well, then the dive into Greystone would begin very soon.
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Insect, crystal, howl. These three had been the constant patterns during her investigation. Aqua thanked the people inside the medical station and left the tent. Once outside, she left out a relieved sigh as she finally finished with what's probably the hardest part for her: talking to strangers. It wasn't that bad considering they're pretty cooperative, although Aqua couldn't muster herself to press them for more information when she looks at their state. She at least got something to report.

Returning to the group, Aqua was rather surprised the man with important-looking gears was still with them. She thought he was just passing by but it sounded like he would join them into the hole. She's glad there's more people that would be willing to help. The more the better.

Aqua unwrapped the handkerchief she was carrying and showed the other the crystals she found.

"I-I found this in the fissures." She started her report and pointed at the cracks near the sinkhole. "I-It's likely the residue of a magic reaction... The sinkhole is probably the byproduct of a large-scale ritual done underground, or someone did the wrong magic at the wrong place and triggered a massive chemical reaction. T-that's just my hypothesis though, i-it might be something else entirely."

Aqua also told the others about the survivor's testimonies like the blue light that come from underneath, the echoing howl and the scuttling figures. Though she couldn't deduce much from those information.​
Aureus Albion

Aureus decided to relax on the back of the group. With his eyes resting on the other members of the group. Picking close attention to Demeter's deal striking with Justin. The fact that the nymph was severe in her tone, and did not fold to the famed adventurer's terms in stead of her own, was very relieving. Happy that Demeter did not disappoint in her agreements with the elf.

He also held back a smile when Justin dismissed, at least in his eyes, the most valuable things they'd be able to take from their time in that hole.

By then, Adelhein, his summons, Aqua, and even Yuki had returned. Gilgamesh seemed to hold some level of interest in Justin. He rose an eyebrow, curious of it. But put it in the back burner for now.

"Mind if I give it a closer look?" He asked Aqua, upon seeing the crystals. Giving them a closer look with his [Arcana] and [Alchemy] knowledge ready to be put to use. See if anything else came to light.

Other than that, he'd remain quiet and follow either Demeter or Adelhein's lead to go inspect the sinkhole. Or so he planned to, but then another question arose. "What... what happened to the cat following you, Aqua?"
Scarlett Ashford

Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Even while Scarlett decidedly did not like this adventurer's attitude, surprisingly he agreed to the terms without Demeter showing off any of her skills which Scarlett had a feeling Demeter had prepared to do otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned it, either the guy was easier to negotiate than they thought given the favorable terms they had given him, or this guy wasn't as confident as he led on about himself and felt like he needed them as much as they needed him perhaps. Of course there were other possibilities but these ones came to her mind. Then there was the fact that Demeter had layed everything out quite well which she'd like to compliment her on later perhaps.

"Yeah I do too, I wanna see what makes you such an esteemed adventurer Justin-sama, It would be an honor too." Scarlett added in with a smile, in reality she wanted to know whether this guy was the real deal or not, and it looked like if they were going to head down into that hole soon, and some..THING caused it then they probably would be soon enough.

With all that talking out of the way, Scarlett felt hyped to get into the action, but then she Saw that Aqua came over and told them her hypothesis which made Scarlett consider carefully what was being said. "..an experiment..or maybe an accident involving a lot of magic? If it's a ritual it could have been done with completely benign intentions or it could have been foul play but it doesn't change the fact the end result was disastrous foul play or not..and that much energy going off.. decidedly can't be a good thing."

Upon seeing Aureus get a closer look Scarlett felt inclined as well, "If you don't mind I'd like to take a look too." If she were allowed, she'd attempt a team up with Aureus with her own knowledge (Academia F, Arcana F, Alchemy F + Energized F)

to try to help them learn more.

But then she'd tilt her head a bit inquisitively, "Oh yeah..the cat did they run off?" She'd inquire.

Maxxob Maxxob | Adelhein
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scarlett
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Demeter
Rev IX Rev IX | Aureus
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Aqua
Bartre Bartre | Yuki

Nightfall edged ever closer, the once-golden sky turning a muted gray. The aftermath of Greystone’s collapse surrounded the party in ominous silence, broken only by the distant murmur of adventurers at the camp’s perimeter. With the negotiation settled—however uneasy—Justin-sama now stood alongside Magno Sapiente Victori, his polished armor gleaming dully in the waning light.

Final Checks and Discoveries​

  1. Aqua’s Report
    Aqua returned from the infirmary, sharing tales of echoing howls, blue flashes, and crystalline veins rumored deep below the surface. She displayed the curious shards she’d collected, each glimmering faintly with a possible residue of magic.
    • Aureus and Scarlett took a closer look. Their combined knowledge in Arcana and Alchemy revealed subtle parallels with large-scale magical accidents: the crystals might be remnants of a mana surge or a reactive reagent that crystallized under extreme pressure. They found no direct conclusion, only that these shards shouldn’t exist in such abundance unless something—or someone—had catalyzed them artificially.
    • As talk turned to the group’s missing black cat, no one seemed overly alarmed, at least for now. Shadow often roamed, though Aureus and Scarlett found it odd that the feline hadn’t reappeared for a free meal or a comfortable perch. Still, there was so much else to handle that his absence slipped through the cracks.
  2. Justin-sama’s Bargain
    With an almost theatrical sigh, Justin-sama deigned to shake Demeter’s hand—briefly, as though any prolonged contact with the dryad might sully him. He then glowered at Artoria’s harsh warning but said nothing.
    • I’ll make sure these… ” he paused, searching for the right word and failing politely, “…little mishaps don’t slaughter us all if anything monstrous crawls out of the dark.
    • The tension remained, but a pact was struck; if gold was found, he wanted it—Arcane or personal relics, the party would keep.
  3. Preparations to Descend
    No official scouts had yet returned from below; the last teams to venture in were either lost or reeling from injuries. The rescue group’s knowledge of stable pathways was limited to rumor and guesswork.
    • Several lengths of stout rope were passed around. One mercenary offered extra climbing gear, while others recommended torches or lanterns for those without a means of seeing in total darkness.
    • A few small ledges and precarious ridges slanted toward deeper corridors. Some collapsed buildings formed partial ramps. Through this gap in the earth, a faint swirl of sulfur-scented air rose, cool and unsettling.

Into the Sinkhole​

Torches flared to life, their warm glow revealing only the first 15 feet of jagged rock. For Demeter, her enhanced night sight allowed her to see twice that range—still minimal given the depths below. Tread too carelessly, and a wrong step could send someone hurtling into the chasm.

  • Initial Descent:
    The upper rim, battered and unstable, sloped down through broken timbers and fractured stone. Recent collapses had piled debris along the perimeter, forcing a single-file path around a half-exposed cellar or basement. It appeared part of a house had dropped partially intact, the rest sheared away by the collapse.
  • Flickers of Light:
    Now and then, a strange glint in the rock—perhaps more of those crystals—caught the torchlight. The outcroppings reflected in cold, metallic shards that vanished once the angle changed.
  • Ambient Sounds:
    A muted rushing wind echoed from somewhere below, accompanied by the occasional drip of moisture sliding off stone. Every so often, a distant scrabble hinted at movement well past the boundary of sight.
The path branched out after about 20 feet: one route led left, curving downward behind a collapsed building, while another veered right, where a partially toppled watchtower might offer a vantage point deeper into the pit. Loose dirt trickled off the edges of both routes, vanishing into darkness.

Justin-sama’s Armaments​

Even in the murk, it was difficult to overlook the subtle hum of arcane power emanating from Justin-sama’s armor. Blue-gold plates bore inlaid runic patterns that shimmered faintly with each movement, as though feeding off the ambient mana in the air. His red scarf occasionally flickered with a minor enchantment that suppressed dust or stray debris before it touched him. He also wore a gauntlet with a polished gemstone set into its back, radiating a discrete magical warmth.

Whether this gear alone was responsible for his high rank, or if he also had genuine martial skill, remained an open question—yet the gear’s potent aura suggested it was no mere decorative plating.

The Pompous Adventurer Weighs In​

As the Magno Sapiente Victori paused, possibly contemplating rope use or a scouting formation, Justin-sama cleared his throat loudly.


“This place is a blasted ruin,” he muttered, surveying the twisted boards underfoot. He tapped one with the tip of his armored boot, and a blueish spark crackled—possibly an automatic ward testing the structural integrity.
“Hmph. The left path looks more secure, but that building might collapse if we disturb it. Meanwhile, the right leads under that watchtower—could be vantage enough to see further down. I suggest we press on to the right. The vantage is worth the risk.”

He turned a condescending glare toward the others, especially Aureus and Scarlett, who’d spoken about analyzing crystals.

“Unless you plan to spend all night poking rubble for worthless shards. Time is money, dear novices,” he said, letting the final word hang in the air as though to emphasize his supposed superiority.

Ambient Dangers​

  • Loose Debris: Every few steps, a soft crunch of gravel or rumble of shifting wood threatened to cascade into the abyss.
  • Occasional Flickers: In the torchlight, small pockets of reflective crystal or subterranean water glinted from time to time, but it was hard to tell which was which in the gloom.
  • Distant Clattering: A faint noise echoed from somewhere far below—like shifting stone or perhaps a creature skittering in the darkness. Was it closer than it sounded?

Next Move?​

The group stands at a crossroads—one route beneath the half-collapsed building, the other beside the watchtower. Justin-sama is quick to champion the watchtower path, his pride fueling an impatience to press onward. Others may see merit in investigating the building’s remains or carefully roping off a safer route.

Will the party heed Justin’s advice and move swiftly toward the vantage point, or prioritize methodical checks, stabilizing the rubble, and searching for clues amid the broken beams? The sinkhole’s depths call, and whatever lurks within is not likely to remain idle forever.


Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus], [Arcane Seeker] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread @Crescent King Bartre Bartre

Adelhein was still entranced by the tome’s contents, eagerness to learn about what lied in those worn pages evident by the expression on his face.

At some point, the writing in it became fragmentary: “…the wards must align in triune synergy… …seek the third reflection under the waxing moon…” What it meant was unclear, and for the moment would appear to remain so, thanks to lack of the full context.

Still, as those arcane-hungry crimson orbs peered into the manuscript, the young magus appeared to have reached a passage that described either a ritual or a method to peer and possibly breach into this half-lit dimension. However, torn sections and water damage appeared to obscure the precise steps. What was legible said: “At dusk, recite the vow, draw breath from a silver bowl, and…”

A soft hum left his lips. “That seems to be it for now… I wonder…” His train of thought was interrupted he heard Aqua mention ‘...someone did the wrong magic at the wrong place…’ Closing the leather-bound tome and storing it inside a shoulder bag, he approached the blue-haired girl. “Is that so? Seems like my early hypothesis of this whole thing being magic induced could be correct.” Adelhein crossed his arms, looking pensive for a moment.

“Cat?” The teenager raised one of his eyebrows, looking first at both Aureus and Scarlett at the mention of it, then at Aqua. “If you weren’t planning to make it your familiar to gather information, it would hardly be worth wasting a second of your time thinking about it.” He waved his gloved hand dismissively.

“But on the previous topic, talking about possible rituals, I have found a tome related to one, named ‘By Twilight’s Vale’.” He began with surgical precision. “Through its pages, it was hinted that this one could be used to either peer into, perhaps even access, some sort of demi-plane. The part which depicts the process of the ritual itself was damaged. It could be related to this or not at all.” He allowed his words to hang in the air for a moment.

After sharing what he deemed essential, the deal with Justin having been struck, Adelhein and both of his Servants were on the move, into the eager maw of the pitch-black abyss.

“Something is skittering about, just beyond our sight.” Artoria warned, remaining at Adelhein’s side. Holding a torch with her left hand, while her right already gripped her unsheathed sword, she looked ready to cut-down anything that crossed her field of vision.

“More bugs? It would be awfully boring if that is it.” Chiming in, Gilgamesh stayed at the young magus’ other side, crimson eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and preparedness.

Eventually, as the group reached the forked path, Adelhein’s eyes began analyzing both options, the pompous adventurer had already shared his own opinion.

“Oh? Looks like even a mere mortal stumble upon wisdom from time to time.” The Sumerian King looked amused at Justin’s suggestion. “Surveying the chasm below is an advantage which would be foolish to squander. The right path is the wise choice, as I decree.” Gilgamesh added with a regal tone to her voice.

“Wasting time on detours only delays the inevitable.” Artoria retorted sharply, impatience palpable as she clicked her tongue. “The left path takes us deeper and closer to our cause. Fear what lies in the darkness if you must, but stay out of my way.” She added, her tone bringing a sense of finality.

Adelhein at a crossroads, not only with the choice ahead, but also the opinion of his Servants, bringing him not to make his decision. At least, not until he heard from the others members of the Magno Sapiente Victori. “Demeter, Aureus, Scarlett, Aqua, what are your opinions?”
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With the entire party together and an extra hand that was, supposedly, very powerful, Demeter was feeling pretty confident as they all descended down into the pit. And she had a pretty good understanding of the role that she would need to fill to help the party make full use of their many strengths. And, with that understanding, she positioned herself towards the front of the group.

She would be their eyes.

If their torches failed, she would still be able to see just fine. And, even if they didn't, she had ways to try and extend her senses out further to scout ahead for dangers. Ever-vigilant she would remain for treasures of all kinds down in that pit. As arrogant as Justin-sama was, Demeter wanted him to return to the surface just as satisfied... and alive... as she hoped that rest of her party would be. And, before they got too deep down into the pit, the young fae would turn to Aqua and nudge her with her elbow.

"Good job finding those crystals, by the way," she congratulated Aqua with a smile, "At least now we know we're looking for a mage."

Demeter glanced over at the abyss a few feet to her side. Then Demeter heard Adelhein describing a ritual that was supposed to give someone access to another dimension... and not blow up an entire town.

"A crappy one, but still."

Justin-sama, unsurprisingly, began to complain about the environment. Demeter paid that little mind, but she was starting to notice just how... well-equipped this guy was. Man's armor was practically radiating mana and it... almost seemed like he has a forcefield on? His words went in one ear and out the other for the most part, but his equipment, alone, kept her attention for most of their descent.

At least until they came to a branching path.

Justin-sama and Gilgamesh showed a preference for the riskier right path. Artoria for the left. Truth be told? Demeter was somewhat indifferent to the choice. The possibility of the party running into cave-ins or the floor caving in under their feet was something that Demeter had already thought about and planned for. But, after she thought about it a bit more?

"I actually think that the right path is... sliiiiiiiightly less risky for us. But like... juuuuuuuust slightly."

Adelhein and Justin-sama might've both thought that Demeter didn't agree with the latter's previous assessment of the terrain. But no, that wasn't the case at all. She agreed that the path to the right was more likely to lead to a fall or the path giving out beneath their feet. And, in most situations, that would be the more dangerous path. But given this particular party's set of abilities?

"You and I can both teleport our people a good distance to get them out of danger," she said to Adelhein, "And you can even make platforms for us out of metal, which just makes us even more well-equipped for traversal. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. But I feel like we'd have just a little bit more time to catch someone who's falling than we would to move someone out of the way of a collapsing house if it comes to it."

Of course, Demeter would've been more than happy to hear any disagreements that the party might've had. She spoke more to inform the party of the tools they had available than anything. Put simply, there was a reason why Demeter requested someone to aid them in combat and who had experience with the pit.

Not so much someone to help them traverse it.

"So, I agree that the right path looks less stable. But, even with that, I think I'd still prefer to deal with the loose footing over a possible cave in. Like, I got you guys. You don't have to worry about that. Plus, yeah, maybe we can take advantage of the vantage point."

Now between Adelhein, Justin-sama, and maybe a couple of the other members in the party, Demeter lacked the raw power to teleport everyone out of danger against their will. But, considering how it was a choice between a free-fall into a seemingly bottomless pit and being delivered back unto solid ground, the young fae had a strong feeling that they would all comply if the situation arose. Especially with that possibility being fresh in their minds.

She turned to those who had yet to speak up.

"What do you guys think?"

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