

The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Where can I find details on it, besides the rough sketch in the core book?

CoTD:Scavenger Lands? Somewhere else?

Er, I think that's the one he was talking about.  Apart from the map, the whole section is quite sound.

Yup. I think there was a section on Greyfalls in Bastions of the North for [1E] as well.
Solfi said:
Yup. I think there was a section on Greyfalls in Bastions of the North for [1E] as well.
I'll have to check that out, as I actually have that book.

Why Bastions though? Greyfalls isn't anywhere near the North.
Ah, my bad ... I mixed its position up with another city.

There is a one-page description of Greyfalls in the old [1E] Scavenger Sons though (pg. 84).
Seem to remember there also being something in DB manual, but it may be messed within all the other story stuff.
The word 'Greyfalls' isn't mentioned even once in the DB manual (assuming you meant the [2E] DB book, by calling at a 'manual'). And I have a hard time seeing anything other than fleeting references to Greyfalls as a satrapy in the [1E] DB book, as it mostly concerned itself with the Blessed Isle.
Apart from the map' date=' the whole section is quite sound.[/quote']
Sa'matta the map?

I skimmed the Greyfalls section in Scavenger Lands just now. I give it a C-. It was boring. Also -- they make a huge deal out of the military build-up, and NO MENTION (that I can see) of the major Lookshy reboubt JUST outside their territory. I mean, HELLO?
You do realize WW writers pay no attention to anything? That's why everything in canon is F'ed. Something like Nexus shouldn't even be able to work, yet, thanks to writer's fiat, it does! Exalted is full of shit like this.
Just out of curiosity, why can't something like Nexus work? Keeping in mind it is a magical world.....
Nexus works just fine.  And there are plenty of modern day cities that emulate the Nexus  crime-rules style.  Tacoma, Wa, comes to mind.
I guess I'm interested in why CW thinks Nexus shouldn't be able to work. He said it, now I want to hear him defend his position.....

I think it probably involves the huge amount of well-organised resources needed daily to support a city that size and the fact that the river province doesn't have the infrastructure to either produce or ship those resources to a place like Nexus.
For the most part, that is quite spot on. Once more, I blame WW writers. "The general technological status of most of the River Province is Stone Age..."

Ok, granted almost all of the Province isn't outlined...but WTF? It talks about how much Lookshy is doing public works projects to revitalize a lot of towns near it's redoubts and the city itself, Nexus is THE trade conglomerate and economic center of the East and all of the other cities of the region that are outlined are well above "Stone Age" level...

So how the fuck does this work? Where are all these resources coming from? Are the Gods just having a fun time and shitting out things for Nexus ala Black and White?
Okay, I haven't had the chance to read the Scavenger Lands book yet, so I didn't realize they were claiming the tech level was Stone Age. I agree. This is just stupid.

And I in no way am trying to justify or defend the WW editors. I hold them in very low esteem.

Like I said, I just wanted to hear CW's reasons.
No, no, I understand. I'm just saying I was kind of like..."Qwa?" When I read that. I think it was either the core book that said Stone Age, but it was one of the new books for Second Ed. And then it goes on and on about the developments of all the cities of the East...

Yeah, makin' the wheel anew they are. Lying fucks. It's the equivalent (in my eyes) of at least 1500-1700s Europe. Man, they've got it fucking rough.  :roll:

Just wait, I'm almost certain the next Direction books will do the same goddamn thing. Watch, the west will have one of the most adept economies and largest warships man has ever seen in the Western Book.
I have the growing feeling that many of the writers aren't even familiar with the game. Some of this shit reads like WW just gives them a quick briefing and then accepts whatever they write without reading it.

The Nexus section of the Scavenger Lands book talks about the Seventh Legion besieging Nexus during one of the Realm invasions. That did not happen. It was the Realm -- but it says Seventh Legion multiple times.
Considering every single detailed culture in the River Province is nowhere near Stone Age, that implies someone just fucked up. Further, that's not mentioned in the other sections on the River Province at all. It seems much more likely that either a) In Greyfalls that's the propoganda spread among the people about the people around them, or b) Someone is a moron. On the whole, I'd go with B.

Sijan isn't Stone Age, the Marukan aren't Stone Age, Great Fork isn't, Nexus isn't, Greyfalls isn't, Lookshy is Shogunate...and the Scavenger Lands are called the Scavenger Lands for a reason. They're the home to a lot of ruins that people regularly loot for Deliberative and Shogunate technology.

Frankly, Creation only seems to have Stone Age tech among some barbarians, and un-Enlightened Dragon Kings...and of course various Wyld mutants and so forth. Not even all the so called barbarian tribes use Stone Age tech...the Delzahn for example certainly aren't.
Exactly my point. They claim one thing...and yet all the facts they write clearly trash their own fucking statements!
Exactly my point. They claim one thing...and yet all the facts they write clearly trash their own fucking statements!
I don't think that anyone involved in the process actually plays the game. That's the only conclusion I can reasonably draw.
Flagg said:
Apart from the map' date=' the whole section is quite sound.[/quote']
Sa'matta the map?
Just found it a little lame.  Throughout the whole book, there are maps of cities but with Greyfalls, its a simple map of the various posts throughout the region, and not of Greyfalls itself.

Probably. Don't get me wrong, they write soem fun stuff. But goddammit, at least try not to contradict THAT badly!
Whenever I think of Nexus I can't help but imagine the glorious city of Anhk-Morpork from the Discworld series.  

That shouldn't work either but it does all thanks to one man: the Patrician.  Without the Emissary holding the reins, the city would crumble.


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