
Thank you, I knew I was forgetting one point. Council of Entities or not, he did build that city and forge it from his own blades.
But...but it has such stable people holding it together...really. ;) It's not like they have a king that's in charge of much of the watch instead of ruling, and runs pickup football games between gangs to help keep the peace...while taking orders from the grandson of his grand dad's executioner or anything. It's not like the ruler of the city is as crazy as a fruitbat, but somehow keeps the place afloat...

But it's still not the Klatchian Foreign Legion. Even Death has pulled a stint with them...what's not to love about that?
Hey, could be worse. They may use one of those three suggestions for whatever the fuck he is someday and make it canon. Then the WTF ness really goes into high gear. I'm just waiting for them to bring yet another high power Exalt idea into Creation that's not a PC.

"LOOK! Another high power DB/Solar/Abyssal/Sidereal/Lunar who has NO effect on the setting other than he's cooler than your characters, we'll NEVER defien what he can do just to frustrate you for making him a decent NPC!!! He also knows everything on the First Age/Emperess' disappearance/all about the supposedly invisible and out of scene Sidereals because we hate our own setting/your own plot/etc etc."
Hey' date=' could be worse. They may use one of those three suggestions for whatever the fuck he is someday and make it canon.[/quote']
What/where are these suggestions?
Eh, I'll just make the Emissary a nice happy 3rd Circle Demon enjoying their freedom after a messed up summoning spell. Possibly even someone's fetich, carefully working to free their master...and gain revenge or control of the Exalts that put their master in such a predicament. Frankly, the actual little scenes we've had with such in the books have implied something along those lines anyhow...though if so there's some arguing going on in Malfeas about HOW to end things...
Flagg said:
Hey' date=' could be worse. They may use one of those three suggestions for whatever the fuck he is someday and make it canon.[/quote']
What/where are these suggestions?
The suggestions are I believe in the new Scavenger Lands book where they outline what he may be. The three were: An Essence 8 Eclipse who could change the focus of trade and diplomacy of the region with but a word and other craziness, one was an explicit rules breaking dead but resurrected love of some First Age Solar through a pact with a Neverborn. And the last is that he's simply human with trickery doing his work. The mask has passed from hand to hand through the centuries.

Those are the three, I believe. I'm not really a fan of the last one. It's been used too many times in fiction I've read. It's just Dread Pirate Roberts/Grey Fox (of MGS AND Elder Scrolls fame) syndrome.
You forgot the It's a team of Exalts pretending they're all him one. It even mentioned that that idea they currently lacked a Solar, and might be looking to fill out the roster. I mean, we have to catch them all. Exalta-mon.
For some reason i didnt really believe any of those fit what the Emissary.

If you read the book day as dark as night i mean he tackles a third circle demon by just taking off his mask.

plus the green light of said attacks

maybe he's got somie demon type of ordeal to him or he's some type of spirit
Personally... I don't really care who or WHAT White-Wolf says is the Emissary.

No, seriously. If I'm running a game? The Emissary is who I say he is, and the Players BETTER remember that before they try to pull "meta-game" knowledge prana. Because I'll cheerfully use RETCON RETALIATION METHOD!

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