Green Sun Princess Jedi Monk Inquisitor


Junior Member
Weee~ell, what I was going to do was take Scourge as my caste, then kinda take Khorne as my favored, so I could be awesome and silent and run around and make people explode like nuclear bombs and create a demon city made out of razor wind and screams that keeps on movin'. And stuff.
Exalted 40k. I want an Eldar Sidereal.

So, you know all that stuff about the Machine God? Who's sort of actually a C'Tan? You know they also call Autochthon the Machine God?

C'Tan are Primordials. QED.

Just look at the Necrons- Alchemicals if I ever saw one, just a bit more... evil...
You guys keep talking about 40k + Exalted. I haven't even seen the game and I know all a fair amount just from how much people talk about it. You need to get passed all the Unresolved Tension and just make a 40k campaign module for Exalted. Just get a list of everyone who wants to collaborate on content together. I'll get you

invites if you want. Otherwise, Google Docs isn't bad for that sort of thing. I have a couple of friends that would be very happy to try your 40K Exalted monstrosity, so there you've got some playtesters.
I'm all for it, although I really shouldn't spend too much time not revising right now.

Also, what I said about Necron Alchemicals earlier? Ignore it, 'cause we've already got powerful battle-construct-thingies animated by gems containing the souls of dead heroes.
Synapse said:
Weee~ell, what I was going to do was take Scourge as my caste, then kinda take Khorne as my favored, so I could be awesome and silent and run around and make people explode like nuclear bombs and create a demon city made out of razor wind and screams that keeps on movin'. And stuff.
Exalted 40k. I want an Eldar Sidereal.
Just to make that explicit: the quote was taken from this.
I thought there would be some interest. I'd definitely like to see what you guys can come up with. Since I know almost nothing about 40k I wouldn't be able to contribute. You'll need someone to organize everything. If you want to use Wave for the project, send me a private message with your email address and I'll hook you up and show you the ropes. That's a standing invitation for anyone on Pattern Spider actually.
Personally, I'd first start by removing the hard limit from all the Exaltations and at least modify the way that they pass from incarnation to incarnation if not remove it completely. Instead, I'd make Exaltations like all other advanced technology in Warhammer 40k: ridiculously hard to make, although more so. That way you could concievably have a few Exalts in every chapter, but not field an entire chapter of Exalts.

I'd then give every major faction an Exalt type. The Imperium would get Solars, the Tau the Dragon-Blooded, the Orks the Lunars (losing the Lunar bond), the Traitor Legions would get the Infernals, and the Eldar (both types) would get the Sidereals (losing Arcane Fate). I'd personally give the Abyssals to the Necrons, as they have the biggest death fetish of any faction. I don't know who should get the Alchemicals and I don't know if the Tyranids should get a cannonical Exalt type.
And Magic mod-powers happened!

I'd seriously consider making the Alchemicals either Eldar (the whole Wraithguard/Wraithlord thing) or a secret AdMech cult that the Imperium at large sees as heretical; it gets round the "No Abominable Intelligence" prohibition by them being technically human beings, just in artificial bodies, like a reverse Servitor- it's only as bad as vat-grown bodies, which they do anyway. There'd presumably be the occasional AdMech Solar, which would create interestingness, and Apostates, who are eeeevil tech-heretics and should be able to make the really cool Chaos computer virus from Dark Heresy's Creatures Anathema.

Hey, Anathema! It's funny, 'cause... Never mind.

I don't think the Nids need an Exalt type, they're not individual enough. Just make sure they're threatening to an Exalt.

You could leave Solar Bond in, actually- it could just always manifest as a "You're my favourite squishy humie enemy" thing. Think Yarrick and Ghazkull (two of the most Exaltation-worthy beings in 40K...).
Double post, I know, but there's significant new stuff here.

I'd swing it round a bit differently to the above idea, myself. Here are my thoughts:

Sids are Eldar, no argument there- not all Eldar are Sids, though, they'd probably be filling an equivalent slot to Farseers in standard 40K.

The Emperor used his Mad Genetics Skills to create a reliable genetic infusion that (almost) invariably gives suitable specimens the Terrestrial Exaltation; effectively, it's Breeding as a genetic infusion. Using this, he created his Legions of Space Marines. Yeah, they're all Exalts.

The other Celestial Exaltations can attach to just about any living being- Eldar, Orks, Humans, Tau, whatever, they just tend to do different things with them. Eldar often get trapped in a single Path by an Exaltation- it's difficult to abandon the life of an Aspect Warrior if you've become a Dawn Caste, and consequently, there are a lot of Exalted Exarchs.

The Tau have a similar thing to the Alchemicals going on- everyone's got "Greater Good" so perfectly hammered into them that they don't think of doing anything other than using their Exaltations as the Ethereals suggest... usually. Farsight went Solar and the Great Curse gave him a little prod at just the right time. Only Ethereals get Zenith Exaltations among the Tau.

The Orks very rarely get anything other than Full Moon and Dawn Exaltations, though there are some Twilight Meks and Doks, and very rare Zeniths (of which Ghazgkull could be an example).

Among Humanity, most people don't even know about Exaltations, so they tend to assume a new Celestial has been posessed by a daemon, an impression that isn't weakened when the Inquisition turn up, chain 'em up and cart 'em off. In fact, this is because the Imperium wants any human Exalts either under its thumb or dead; those it captures who are deemed mentally sound enough are usually inducted into the Inquisition or the Officio Assassinorum. Said Assassins could be modified in this version of the setting to be exclusively Exalted; Callidus in particular fit as Lunars.

There are occasional Imperial Exalted who escape notice for long enough to strike out on their own, abandoning the Imperium- many heretic and rebel worlds start when a single Solar takes over. Even more rarely, it's decided that an Exalt is best left where he is, and the Imperium tells people they've been blessed by the Emperor. Examples include Saint Sebastian Thor and Lord Solar Macharius (who was).

The Traitor Legions would, logically, be Akuma Terrestrials; the Ad-Mech are a heady mix of Alchemicals and Mortals (bearing in mind that Alchies-book says Mortals can master their favoured Ability quicker than Alchemicals, so there'd definitely be a large number of Mortal Tech-Priests). The occasional Adeptus Mechanicus priest becomes a Twilight, a No Moon or a Zenith, though other types have been known- militant Explorators going Dawn or Full Moon, exemplary administrators becoming Eclipses, that sort of thing.

Infernals are the luckiest of those who sell their souls to Chaos. I know standard Exalted doesn't allow it, but I'd go with the most powerful Traitor Marines- those who become Daemon Princes- swapping their Akuma Dragonblooded Exaltation for that of a Green Sun Prince, possibly by effectively dying, their soul being reincarnated into a new Chaos-built body (all memories still attached) and that new body being Exalted; anyone else who manages to make Daemon Prince just gets the Exaltation right off, but they're not common. Probably give Akuma semi-free will; they aren't directly controlled by the Chaos Gods, they just get twisted into doing the sort of thing the Gods want anyway- that's not necessary, but I think it works.

Abyssals... Hmm. Difficult, but probably the Necron Lords- the C'Tan are the Neverborn or Deathlords (not sure yet), and they Exalted some of their servitors Ages ago. If Necron Lords are killed, there's space for people to sell their souls to the C'Tan for continued life...

Finally, numbers. All the numerically-limited Exalts get kicked up a factor of ten- three thousand Lunars, three thousand original Solars (of which 1500 are still Solar, 1000 are Abyssal and 500 are Green Sun Daemon Princes).

So yeah, that's my take. A bit different to the above one, more of a mix-up of ideas, but I can see why you did it that way.
MorkaisChosen said:
I'd seriously consider making the Alchemicals either Eldar (the whole Wraithguard/Wraithlord thing) or a secret AdMech cult that the Imperium at large sees as heretical; it gets round the "No Abominable Intelligence" prohibition by them being technically human beings, just in artificial bodies, like a reverse Servitor- it's only as bad as vat-grown bodies, which they do anyway. There'd presumably be the occasional AdMech Solar, which would create interestingness, and Apostates, who are eeeevil tech-heretics and should be able to make the really cool Chaos computer virus from Dark Heresy's Creatures Anathema.
I'd go with the Adeptus Mechanacus idea. As you point out, it opens up the Heresy option much better.

You could leave Solar Bond in, actually- it could just always manifest as a "You're my favourite squishy humie enemy" thing. Think Yarrick and Ghazkull (two of the most Exaltation-worthy beings in 40K...).
Except Yarrick is more awesome because he's not a space marine, he's an "ordinary" human. He's just so badass that he only allowed himself to pass out from extreme blood loss until after he'd cut Grazkull's arm off and beaten the orks into a rout. Making him a Solar would kind of undercut that awesome.

MorkaisChosen said:
Somehow, I don't like the idea of the Solar and Lunar Exaltations being free floating while all the others are tied down to one faction.

Further, where would you have the original Exaltations come from? Someone had to make them.
Simples. Make Yarrick do the "keep fighting until you pass out" thing- and then Exalt, possibly for something different. I do see the point about an Exaltation cheapening the achievements, though.

The Exaltations need making, true, and my suggestion does seem a little arbitrary- it'd be easy to open up Terrestrials a bit more, remove the Marine connection (making them just hitty mortals, rather than Exalts- maybe all Enlightened as well as unspeakably badass) and give everyone some Terrestrial bloodlines. Non-Eldar Sidereals... really don't make sense to me, and Alchemicals need to be tied to infrastructure; on the other hand, they're both tied down to single groups in Exalted canon (OK, the Siddies are split and factionalised, but so are the Eldar).

Manufacturing the Exaltations: the Eldar Gods made the first ones to fight the C'Tan. Details can then vary, depending on which of the two versions we go with- in your version, I'd say the Eldar gods made the Sids, the Emperor created the Solars, and the Ork gods made the Lunars, and somebody pulled some crazy stuff on the Tau to give them Terrestrials. My version'd probably have a similar Exaltation-crafting story to Exalted core, with Vaul making all of them to fight the C'Tan and Stuff Happening, possibly at the Fall, to let non-Eldar have them.

What would you do with the Terrestrial aspects? Matching them to the Castes seems like the obvious choice, but there'd need to be some tweaking- most of the Air Aspect stuff is more of an Earth Caste thing, and Wood and Ethereals doesn't seem to work.
Well, we don't have to keep everything exactly as it is from both sources. Some things will have to bend. I don't know enough about the Tau, but since it seems easier to bend the Tau's culture to the Exalted Aspects. If the Tau only have five Castes, add Wood in as a sixth, match societal roles up to the proclivites of the Exalted Aspects, and add Ethereal as a new, very rare Terrestrial Caste. The Ethereal Caste have a unique Anima power, have 5 Favored Abilities in place of Aspect Abilities, no elemental flux, and can use any Terrestrial Charm with no elemental surcharge.
That works.

There'd be a quite serious change to Tau culture, actually- Earth, Water and Fire all make decent warriors under the Terrestrial Aspect Abilities. The alternative would be to modify the Terrestrial Aspects- not sure exactly how, though and there'd be a bit of overlap between Water and Ethereal (Water'd probably get the Eclipse set minus Ride and Sail, but I'm not sure what I'd give 'em in return).
I like the idea of treating exaltations just like technology. Just really expensive, rare technology. I'd suggest nixing Celestial Exalt reincarnation and instead just say it broke. Alchemicals work this way. Exalts can be rare without having a definite number cap, so it can fit the needs of the story. I could see one race trying to steal the exaltation technology from another race. Or it could be like their space travel which really only works for that one race and no one else for various reasons.
Tyranids can be easly presented as a limited form of Fair Folk. You have to limit their looks to a certain theme, and ofcourse they are not effected from silly things like realy engines. It should work perfectly with a little work.
I think the Fair Folk may have to vanish in a game using the Warhammer 40k universe, unless we want to not have the Warp be the equivalent of Malfeas.

Which brings up a point: What do we do about Shadowlands and the Underworld?
Just had an idea about where we could fit Alchemicals in: Dreadnaughts. A Dreadnaught is a space marine too wounded to live without life support in a giant walking tank. An Alchemical Colossus is the soul of a dead hero in a giant walking tank.

Instead of upgrading to cities all the time, we could have Alchemicals upgrade to Titans.
That gives the Marines two Exalts, but it's possible.

I do think they're a bit more of an Adeptus Mechanicus style, though- Clarity in particular suits the AdMech perfectly. It might even be possible to brew up rules for Mortals with an Alchemical Charm or two for the various cybernetically-enhanced AdMech types.

And there's no reason not to let very advanced AdMech Alchemicals turn into Titans... :twisted:

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