Green Sun Princess Jedi Monk Inquisitor

Sounds like a good case. Let's use it.

We'll need to come up with rules for normal power armor, I think, unless we just want to use Gunzosha Armor as its stand-in, and we'll need to decide if Chainklaves beat Daiklaves and what to do about Artifact Bolters.

Is the Warp going to be like the Wyld or like Malfeas?
Or neither. I think it'd be fine to drop locations like the Wyld, Underworld and Malfeas. If you think about it, you're dropping "Creation" as a place. If you're swapping out the setting I don't see any reason to keep other realms. That being said, you take mechanics whenever you need them. Wyld Mutations would be suitable for the warp or chaos mutations. I particularly like the "Second Mouth" and "Lidless Demon Eye" mutations.
You know, the Heart's Blood of the Lunars reminds me... Kroot have the ability to absorb traits from creatures they eat. Should this be taken into consideration?

And since we aren't constrained by current 40K canon: What about the Illuminati and the Sensei?
josiah42 said:
Or neither. I think it'd be fine to drop locations like the Wyld, Underworld and Malfeas. If you think about it, you're dropping "Creation" as a place. If you're swapping out the setting I don't see any reason to keep other realms. That being said, you take mechanics whenever you need them. Wyld Mutations would be suitable for the warp or chaos mutations. I particularly like the "Second Mouth" and "Lidless Demon Eye" mutations.
I think my main point is: what comes out of the Warp? Demons? Fair Folk? Both?
Demonic Fair Folk.

Whether we want to use the Illuminati or not partly depends on the Imperium's view of the Solars- if they keep 'em secret and stuff, they might work better.

(It doesn't help that I don't know much about the Illuminati...)

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