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Fantasy Grand Ultima

Thank god, I've been waiting for the apocalypse, I'm so happy it'll finally start soon!... Wait... Who the hell wants the apocalypse?...
Well its gonna happen after all key of hopes meet. And Lol onyx. Anway its not an apocalypse that will affect the world but only the keys of hope and a large part of Stargazer Arc. (In some way, the world too)
NAW, NOT ZOMBIES! The apocalypse would never be about zombies. And I wouldn't call it apocalypse for the minor damage it did, or so.
@Turtlyturt seems to be cooking up a post although idk when itll be up. Shall be wait before the great smiting?

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I don't see the problem, as long as I'm high, everything is good!.,, until the extreme paranoia etc. Starts to kick in

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