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Fantasy Grand Ultima

@OnyxReaper Hey, I just have to say nice interaction, and sorry but this is probably my last post for the night, yeah it's night over here. So yeah Bye :smiled:
Agreed my friend!... Though I do a lot of fantasy stuff... So they're usually demons...
It's far too early to tell. Gotta see if our characters get along / if Seikaze allows it. If he does it's fine <3

I mean beep boop
Aaaaaaaand smoke a few for... Recreational purposes. And I refuse to get along with others
Guess you'll have to steal 'em then. Not like you'd know they were poisonous unless Elena started raving about it
To all those who still haven't made their intro lines, you have till tomorrow 4:00 PM at GMT + 8 time to make an intro or you will be kicked out because we are going to start the tragedy soon. So hurry. ^_^

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