Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn - Pirates IC

Rafael looked at the falling bug covered in the Saliva of Avrei. As it hit the ground he walked to it and took out a handkerchief. He cleaned it swiftly and looked it over only to see it covered in bite marks.

"Well that could have went better." He scolded himself and put the Aerobug back into his pocket. Rafael sighed and went to the bow of the ship to see Logera slowly becoming bigger at the horizon.

He leaned on his cane and remained like this for a while. Until they began again to talk. Slow and softly and in the same time too quickly and overwhelming. He -die- did let go of -kill- his cane and pressed -invention- his hands at his head. Slowly his -invent- sight turned red and -invent- his head became the personification of pain itself.

Rafael listened. He couldn't not listen. He couldn't lock them away so he listened. Then it was over. So was it since ever and so will it go on forever. So does He demand. Forever. The Voices.

Rafael heard the slow ticking of a clock and shuttered before he picked up his cane and leaned against the railing to calm himself.


Location: On the Banshee

My Company: Alone :'(

OOC: I just stand there till something happens.
Miles could only smile as he heard the distinctive "clack" of the cook's boots against the wooden deck. Her stiletto heels were unmistakeable in their uniqueness, and while not the most appropriate attire on deck all the male deckhands certainly appreciated the effect they had on her. Miles counted himself among those admirers as he turned to watch her approach. Her fiery demeanor would have been much more intimidating if he didn't dwarf her by an extra foot. As such Miles could only smile broadly at the elven lady as she stood before him, looking up with a deep sense of resentment. He spread his arms wide in a gesture of camaraderie as he addressed her in a warm tone. "My dear, sweet chef of chef's, of course I had good reason for rocking the ship!"

Miles' smile turned into a wolfish grin as his eyes narrowed in excitement. "Twas dramatic and thrillin'!" A few raucous guffaws came from a cluster of deckhands preparing the mooring lines for docking in a few hours. Miles smiled heartily at their reaction, happy to cause some merriment amongst his crew whenever it was appropriate.


Location: Aboard the Banshee, near the bow.

My Company: Talking to Min (@Aryel )

OOC: ( )
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Nessa smiled at Sarven, blowing him a kiss. “I am a loon, isn’t that what you boys like about me?” She kept on walking around the ship. They were going to be docking sooner or later. Any plans Nessa had to freight about wasn’t worth it. Once they landed she’ll deal with where to start. She stopped short from sneaking into Min’s kitchen when she noticed Rafael looking a little pale in the face as he picked up his cane. “Hey there Mr. Fix it. Excited to finally get your feet on the ground?” She walked over and crossed her arms. She couldn’t say she was.

The ground had been all she knew for the longest time, and then she discovered what it was to fly. Nessa could live the rest of her life in the sky if she could. Sadly there were times the great Banshee had to set her sails down. “It feels like yesterday we were on land. I can’t really say I miss it. People, being grounded. Makes you feel mighty small don’t it?” She found herself rambling on. Behind the thievery and her one track mind of indulgence there was …something. But that something tend to only come out after four liters of booze. “There I go, blabbin’ about. I do that when…I’m unsure about something.” She stared straight ahead. “Its good though, I like being on my toes.”


Where you can find her: On the Banshee

Who be around her: Was talkin' to Sarven ( @Kori Zanos ) ; Talkin' to ( @Fraxinus )

OOC: No one is alone for long ;D
Avrei stretched out, waking up slowly. He stood up and looked about. "Just so you know, nothing new, still in the same place. As usual." He yelled down below, sliding out of the crows nest and deciding to go socialize.


Location: Wandering about

Being bored.
Rafael turned around as he heard Nessa approaching. He firmly held the railings but forced a smile so that she doesn't think something is wrong. "Oh, Good afternoon miss Moodtry" He slightly bowed and frowned as he remembered that she disliked such manners and swiftly continued.

"I can't tell too that I am very excited to be soon on the ground again. I like the light breeze up here and... the feeling." He chuckled and looked down again to look at the calm sea. He turned back to Nessa and proceeded to talk. "How goes the saying? 'It is better to travel then to arrive' I think this statement is more then true but in the same way... is it nice soon to walk on mother earth again."


Location: On the Banshee

My Company: Talking to Nessa (@Navi)

OOC: Yay. :D
"Well, ye better help me in the galley the next time ye do it!" She replied, pushing his arms down. "An' there's no way ye'll get a hug from me." She added, pursing her lips. Heaving a sigh, she shook her head at her captain. He could be a bit of a joker at times, but it didn't mean he wasn't good at being captain of the ship. Placing her hands on her hips, she looked around the ship, deckhands running here and there in a flurry. They must be landing somewhere; they only work this hard if the captain wanted to explore. She turned her head upward when she heard Avrei yell from above. "Ye be careful, lad!" She yelled back, turning her attention back to her captain.

"Well Cap'n, you better not be thinkin' of doing anythin' unsightly while I'm gone." She cooed, placing a finger on his chest, drawing a circle on his chest. "Because I will be very upset if it wasn't me you were thinking of doing." She added, winking at him, causing the deckhands to howl in excitement. She laughed, a hearty one at that. She knew how to use her appearance, making things easier for her at times.


Location: On the Banshee

My Company: Teasing Cap'n Dear (@KamiKahzy )

OOC: :)
Her eyes narrowed at the “Miss” again. Why were the men so persistent to make this drider show her fangs? “You know Nessa is fine, my four eyed friend.” She leaned back against the railing showing no fear. One wrong push and she was flying off the ship. The wind picking up and blowing through her curls like a welcomed hand, exposing more of her face. A face that held more youth than anyone else on the deck which was truer than most things, she was indeed the youngest member of the crew. “I suppose, land isn’t anything to sniff about. The faster we land, the faster we can sail again.” She stared straight ahead as land came closer and closer to them.

“Be careful walkin’ around out there. You might find yourself a thief” She winked, talking about herself of course.


Where you can find her: On the Banshee

Who be around her: Talkin’ to Rafael ( @Fraxinus)

A wolfish grin graced Miles' face as he watched Min use her charms to try and cloud his mind. Of course he'd been breaking hearts for too many years to fall victim to her wiles, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate the gesture. Greytooth reached up and gently ran his index finger along the curve of her jawline, reaching her chin and gently tilting her head until they were making full eye contact. "I would never consider such a thing lass. Leastways not without extending ye the offer to join in." Even rowdier hoots emanated from the crew at this admission, garnering another smile from the captain.

Miles let his hand fall away from Min's face as he addressed her a tad more seriously this time. "We be makin' landfall at Logera in a few hours. Ye be allowed some shore leave iffen ye've a mind for it. I just asks ye leave somethin' edible for the night watch before ye go out on the town. No one starves aboard the Banshee, right lads?" An affirmative "Aye!" came from the crew within earshot, further bolstering the already high morale aboard.


Location: Aboard the Banshee, near the bow.

My Company: Teasin' Min right back (@Aryel )

OOC: We might as well rename this ship the "Loveboat"
Avrei had a really hard time finding anyone to talk to or fit in with, he couldn't really relate to many of the people, and he was still the only creature of Avian species on the ship. He chuckled, maybe he could convince captain to get a parrot, then he would have company. Avrei sighed, bored as usual. He leaned against one of the masts, and drew the time away again. He drew a couple self-portraits (which he kept for himself) and then, finding nothing better to draw, he doodled the captain with a parrot on his shoulder, as in visioned before. He chuckled, smiling. "Arrrrgh." He said sarcastically.
Ah, Logera. Home sweet home. Aubia, alone in the tiny ramshackle room that Scumtooth dared call a clinic, obsessively wiped her glasses with her silk handkerchief. Despicable rotten liars, everyone here on this ship. Merchants, of course, how could she had been so stupid? It had only been two weeks and a roundabout trip to make some connections on Fisher’s Isle, and she was already quite ready to run home to her grandfather with a sob story about the nice merchant having a drinking problem – which was probably not all that far off from the truth.

The only half-decent thing Aubia had determined, were that there were no windows – excuse her, portholes – no, no, she would call them windows, just to irritate the more seasoned ones – in this room. No windows, no view of a sea and ground that was too far below where it needed to be.

With a huff, Aubia crossed her delicate ankles and pretended that there was just one more smudge on her glasses.

OOC: Cue someone getting injured.
Min smiled as her teasing was given back to her twofold. She's never had been on the receiving end, and she surprisingly found it fun. "Oh Cap'n dear, I'd love to join in. Alas I'd want ye all to myself, if need be." She replied, giving him a playful smirk and a wink as she heard the deckhands hooting louder. "An' don't worry about the crew." She told him, looking to the boys. "I'll be personally looking after them while you're gone." She added, laughing as the boys hooted and howled in excitement. Facing the captain, she placed a hand on his chest. "But don't worry Cap'n, ye'll be the only one 'avin this body o mine." She told him reassuringly, laughing with the crew members.

"Although I will be needin' to leave the ship for new ingredients." She said, thinking about what she'll need for cooking. "An' Nessa'll probably be wantin' more booze." She added, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Just the thought of Nessa messing up the galley in search for her sweet nectar kept Min in annoyance.


Location: On ze Banshee

My Company: Flirtin with the Cap'n apparently (@KamiKahzy )

OOC: Editing on iPad is hard. Blargh.
"Well, the being that is skilled enough to steal from me must be on this ship or first be born." He chukled a heartly laughter and was again enlived because of Nessa.

"However you undoubtedly stole more things then the pocket of mens am I right?" He said teasingly to Nessa.


Location: On the Banshee

My Company: Talking to Nessa (@Navi)

OOC: ...
Nessa chuckled with him for a moment and shook her head. Has she tried to steal from Rafael? Nah, she wouldn’t steal from her own crew unless it was a drink. However… “I ain’t no homewrecker” She winked at Rafael and shrugged. “I am known to steal a heart or two but is it really hearts I’m stealin? More like lust. I make loyal, married nobleman fantasize about infidelity.” She never tried to steal a heart, it would mean she wanted a man to hang around her in such a way that would touch her heart. That was too risky. No playful flirtation, some lust, a warm bed that was all. “I don’t think I ever stole a man’s heart with the intention of keeping it.”

She opened her hand staring down at the palm for a long time. Still young she did allow herself to wonder what life would be like. If she was like other girls, girls like the Captain’s wifey Aubia. Girls born with a silver spoon in their hands and a string of pearls around their neck who dreamed of happy homes, Nessa didn’t want that. The longer she thought about a life so painfully stable it made her heart sink. “Naw, you got the wrong thief, I just steal things I intend to treasure, like gold and friendship of the crew.” Her eyes fixated across the way, staring down Min as if saying, 'That's the demon keeping me from my booze.' “Any rate, Rafael, I pity the fool who lets their heart wander on to my lap. I don’t reciprocate much feeling other than greed.” And loyalty but she didn’t need to add that part. “OI!” She yelled getting the attention of the crew. “Whats the hold up, I swear I’m going to be as old as Captain Greyhair by the time we reach land, if we don’t speed this up.” She smirked, the lack of respect earning her a few distant chuckles and worrisome looks.


Where you can find her: On the Banshee

Who be around her: Talkin’ to Rafael ( @Fraxinus)

Sarven shook his head playfully and crossed the ship. "Aye these ladies be of sterner stuff than the ones back on land." He laughed to himself.

And idea ran through his mind and he set off towards the Doctor's quarters. He could head to the Galley later to try to sneak off with some drinks.

He praised himself on his plan before putting on a face of mock pain and pushing open the door.

"Aye Lady Aubia! I'm a hurting! I need your help!" Sarven cried, throwing himself to the side to lean on the Clinic wall.


Location: Banshee Clinic

Talking to: Aubia ( @welian )

Ooc: look out Aubia! Sarven's a total dork!
Miles guffawed when he heard Min's statement about "taking care" of the crew. "Them be dangerous words lass, these boys will take ye up on that iffen ye aren't cautious." A round of dark chuckles came from a few of the deckhands confirming Greytooth's statement. Such an offer aloft was not something to make lightly unless the sentiment was genuine.

"Ye do what needs be done lass, jus' be back a'fore we sail again. This be a quick supply stop, nothing more." Miles patted Min's waist a few times then nudged her gently along. She had business to attend to and so did he for that matter.

With that piece of business done and with Logera quickly coming into spitting distance the captain decided it would be a good idea to discuss his plans for the evening with his bride-to-be. It was a sham wedding to be sure but Greytooth wasn't one to pass up an opportunity when it presented itself. The ship needed a doctor and Aubia was the closest he had found to a learned surgeon in months. Pirates were known for many talents but healing was decidedly not in their reputation.

But before he passed down the ladder well and into the lower decks he overheard the snide comment issued from his hired pick-pocket and couldn't help but jab back at her. "I may be gettin' on in years but I still remember ye owe me three barrels of whiskey and a bottle of wine! Really Nessa, why the wine? Twas weak stuff at that." A hearty laugh from some gathered crew was all the confirmation Miles needed as he strode past Nessa, not bothering to wait for a response. He would have loved to jawjack with her but he had dinner plans to confirm before they made landfall.

Below decks Miles strode into the sickbay as if he owned the place, which he did by rights. He was about to address Aubia, as primp and proper as ever, when he noticed his first mate leaning against the bulkhead with a dramatic flair. Greytooth merely snorted at the display, not buying it for an instant. "We've discussed this in detail Grall, 'love sickness' aint a true malady."


Location: Below decks, sickbay

My Company: Bugging his "wife" Aubia (@welian ), poking fun at Saber (@Kori Zanos )

OOC: So much hate on the captain! QnQ
Sarven stood up straight and laughed. "Aye ya got me Capp'n." He said and ducked his head jokingly.

"Real reason I came in here was ta let ya know that the ship's gonna be taking off soon, Miss Anubia. I'd lock up all yer precious supplies, so that they don't get all broken and what have ye from the movement." He said as he turned to leave the Sickbay.

"Guess I'll go see about those drinks." Sarven hummed to himself as he made way for the Galley.


Location: Banshee Sickbay

Talking to: Joking along with Capp'n ( @KamiKahzy ) talking importance with Anubia ( @welian )
Avrei was doodling away, when a prickling sensation was coming along his face. That's a fancy way to say he was about to sneeze his bloody brains out. He groaned afterwards, groaned a bit. Then went back to drawing....tried to. He looked at his hands, looked around him and spotted the pencil rolling steadily, towards the edge of the ship. "Oh nononono!" Avrei lunged after the pencil, but it tumbled off the edge before he managed to grab it. "I NEED THAT PENCIL" He screeched, leaping over the edge, unfolding his wings and tilting into a dive.
Being patted on the waist, Min was left by her captain to tend to some trivial matters. She heard the deckhands whistling at her direction, causing her to turn her attention to them. "Oh boys, if ye want me, ye better help me in the galley." She said, winking at them as she began walking back to said galley, only to find Avrei jumping off deck; Min's eyes grew large at the sight. She ran to the railing and leaned forward, catching a glimpse of Avrei flying down. "The hell is wrong wit' im?!" She asked herself in confusion. Sighing, she shrugged and threw her hands up in the air. "I'm surrounded by crazy fellas! The whole lot of 'em!" She said, continuing what she wanted to do in the first place, get back to her galley.

Finding her place back in her galley, she decided to make the chow for the night watch. People would think she'd gone mad as she ran around in a hurry.Chopping this, boiling that, it was obvious she has spent years in a kitchen. "They probably need some booze. God knows 'ow much these men drink." She said to herself, making her way to the barrels of whiskey in the corner of the galley, far, far away from the door where Nessa could easily take them.


Location: In the Galley!

My Company: Me, the ingredients and the utensils~

OOC: Lonelyyyyy~
Avrei came back near moments later, panting and shivering, dripping with water. "Got...the..." Avrei was too exhausted to finish, flopping onto the ground, forming a puddle around while he heaved air in and out. "That...was one heck of a..birdbath.." he mumbled.
Sarven went from the sickbay to the Galley.

"Gotta try and sneak off with some booze..." He whispered.

Sarven entered the galley and leaned against the entrance.

"Well hey there Min, need any help down here? An don't belive what any of the crew says about last time I tried helping in the galley, they're all stretchin the truth. Nobody actually died." He said, smirking mischeviously.


Location: Banshee Galley

Talking to: Min @Aryel

Ooc: do not trust Sarven around food
Counting the barrels she needed for the night watch, Min turned her head to find Sarven at the entrance. "Eh? No, I don't need yer 'elp now. Ye can give me a hand later, when we get off ship." She told him, walking over to the chow that was almost finished. Having a little taste, Min smiled at the shapeshifter in front of her. "So, Mr. Shapeshifter, there be somethin' else ye need? I'm sure ye didn't just come 'ere wonderin' if I needed help." She questioned him with a sly smile.


Location: In the Galley~!

My Company: Talkin' to Sarven~ (@Kori Zanos )

OOC: Location, location, location!
Looking about, a silvery form strutted her way about the ship. It was a good sized ship, and she counted herself lucky to have been hired on as the Gunner of this vessel, The Banshee.

She grinned with a checked glee as she looked over the gunner's rail and saw the open skies around her. She liked what she saw. Turning around she watched the crew on deck going about their business and soon she decided to get back to work herself. Heading over to the nearest cannon, she pet it and examined it. Looking at each little nick, memorizing the detail and all that would need to be done to make her in top notch shape again. She was still new aboard this ship but at least she was familiar with her beautiful charges.

She grinned and fawned over the cannon's mounts, loading breech and muzzle. Liking what she saw she gave it a last caress as she moved aft toward the stern so she could get a better look at the smaller sized swivel mounted canon that was set near the ship's wheel. She took a look at it and clucked her displeasure. "So much wear and build up. Someone isn't cleaning their station. Sorry state that you are in girl, I regret not being able to fix you up to the beauty you are sooner."

She rubbed the cannon with her tunic's sleeve and sighed softly before taking out a few brushes and cloths from her satchel. "Lets get you cleaned out." She tilted the small cannon up and made sure she was completely unloaded before starting to brush the caked on residue and letting it fall out over the side of the gunwale.


Location: On deck of the Banshee, near the Stern's swivel cannon.

Company: None

OOC: Just strutting about her maintenance
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"Guess you got me there." Sarven grinned as walked over to where Min was. He stood extremely close to her, and looked down.

"You could keep me some company if you'd like." He said looking her in the eyes.

He casually slipped a couple whiskies into his jacket sleeves, while he had Min's attention away from his hands.


Location: banshee galley

Company: thinking he's being sneaky with Min ( @Aryel )

Ooc: I just realized putting colons behind the c makes a face c:
The smirk on Min's face was an odd one, as it didn't look like it should be there in the first place. 'Poor thing... Thinking he can go after the booze.' she thought to herself, a low chuckle escaping her lips. "Keep ye company, hmm?" She repeated his words, coiling both her arms around his neck as she pulled him even closer. "I think that's a great idea, Saber." Min told him, dropping on of her arms. Without him noticing, she managed to take out a bottle from his sleeve, placing it on the counter behind her. "Oh, and by the way." She said, dropping her other hand as she leaned against the counter, treating him to a coquettish grin. "Ye can never fool an elf's eyes, Sarven. Might as well give me the other bottle." she added, waving the one she took in front of him.

"And that offer for... 'keepin' ye company'." she uttered, placing the whiskey in it's rightful place. "I'll be waitin' for ye near the ship's entrance. I'm sure ye can... please a lady, eh?" she said, giving him a flirtatious smirk.


Location: In the Galley~!

My Company: Havin' fun with Saber~ (@Kori Zanos )

OOC: Oh what a flirt these two are.
Sarven smiled playfully.

"I knew there was no point in tryin'." He laughed, placing the second bottle onto the counter.

Saber's ears went a light pink as he listened to Min.

"Ship's entrance... Will do..." He murmmered softly.

He let out a short "ahem" as he stood straight and backed up a little.

"I should, er, resume my duties." He said, deepening his an octave. Sarven shifted back into his tiger form and left the galley, with a faint purr.

Sarven sprang back onto the deck, surprising some of the crew.

"Who's slacken' off? Get back ta work! We need this beauty ship-shape!" He boomed.


Location: moved from the galley to the deck

Company: Slacking off with Min ( @Aryel )

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