Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn - Pirates IC

Min gave out a light giggle, smiling as Sarven's ears were tinged with a touch of pink. If he wasn't younger than her, she would have eaten him up then and there. Sighing happily, Min walked out of the galley and onto the deck; she needed setting the chow into the mess if she was going to leave later on in the night. Finding three deckhands chatting away, she walked over to them with a smile on her face. "Oh boys, I need yer 'elp with somethin'." She told them, giving them a flirtatious grin. Looking at one another, the deckhands agreed and followed Min back into the galley. "One of ye can carry the pot over to the mess. The other two carry over a couple o' barrels." She instructed them, pointing to where each should go.

When all was finished, save a few kisses on the cheek for a reward, the deckhands happily went back out to the main deck. Min managed to finish cleaning up the utensils she used and wiped away at the counters. She hated seeing her galley in a mess, and it also mean trouble for the crew. Brushing off the dust on her skirt, Min decided to go out and watch the sky before they landed. "That Saber better keep his end o' the deal." She said to herself, her feet taking her out to the deck she was on awhile ago. Walking over to the railings, Min breathed in deeply, her eyes closed. "Aah. A little peace before all o' chaos 'appens." She uttered, turning around to watch deckhand after deckhand run around tending to the ship. "Speak in' o' chaos, where's that drunkard Nessa."


Location: From the galley to the deck!

My Company: Blowin kisses at Sarven(
@Kori Zanos ) while keepin' an eye out for Nessa(@Navi )

OOC: Time for a little spyin!
The cannons were grand but their upkeep left a bit to be desired for her standards. They needed more cleaning and the mounts could use a little repairing and upgrading. She put herself to it, cleaning would be first. She'd have to ask the captain if she were to get any materials to upgrade and repair them. She dreaded asking for anything of the Captain... she was so new to this place. She didn't even know anyone, barely spoke two words to any of the crew. Most she had no cares to know, however approaching people had never been her strong suit. She liked her weapons, they were more personable. And they didn't give her any crap.

As Ashra looked about the ship she noticed Min, the ship's cook come on deck. "Uhh, hello. You're the galley cook, right? By chance, do you have any food I could take off your hands? An apple, leftover stew? I'm getting a bit peckish with all this hard work getting the cannon's back up to shape."

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