Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn - Pirates IC


Tectonic Nomad

~Posting Guidelines~

As stated in the Rules section in the Overview, there's only one thing I ask whilst posting. Keep an eye on your grammar, it physically hurts some of us when we witness horrendously bad use of the english language. You don't need to be a scholar or an english major but please be aware of the apostrophe and try to make friends with it.

In addition, please use the following for certain actions.

  • "Quotation marks" for actively speaking. EX: "Avast ye scum!" shouted the Captain.
  • 'Italics' for personal thoughts / inner monologues. EX: 'He looks good in those shorts', she thought.
  • (Parentheses) for BRIEF OOC comments. EX: (LOLOL, booty)

As a final suggestion, consider it may be a good idea to add a sort of "signature" to the end of your post. A brief little spiel that explains where your character is, who they're interacting with and possibly a little OOC comment just for fun if you like. This isn't mandatory, but it may help out your fellow players in keeping track of things. I may make this necessary during battles with other crews but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


So the issue has been brought up of, "Hey, what if I want to interact with someone's character from another crew?"

I think it would be best if the initiating character in that situation were to post in the receiving character's thread to keep things coherent. EX: wants to interact with's character, so she posts in the Rival's IC thread since she is the initiating party. It would also be helpful to post something in your own IC thread to let your fellow shipmates know what you're up to.
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ye heard the news

laddie? Well pull up a stool an' set a while, this be a momentous thing. That jewel of a ship, the

Lady Skyclad

, she finally been raised from the dead! Seen 'er meself las' week, sittin' pretty as can be down by the wharf. No fanfare er nothin' neither, jus' her all by her lonesome. Seems some brave souls

been hired to crew her on some damn fool's errand or other. That widow Oddsgrove be holdin' the purse strings I hear. But me? I don't much care for reasonin', I'm jus' glad that fine ship be sailin' again. Breaks an ol' aeriner's heart seein' somethin' so fine be kept in a coffin. That ship be a thing o' beauty, mark me words.

Sometimes all it takes is a single spark to light a blaze. For years Captain Greytooth of the Banshee had been pondering what his next big score should be. He felt he had plundered more than half the skies in the last 14 years and his horde had grown to a respectable size. And yet he still craved more, and for the life of him he couldn't figure out what he could take that would bring back his fire. Plunder had always excited him, and it still did to this day, yet his raids had become stale and mechanical as of late. He craved a challenge, something that would truly define him and make his mark on history for all time.

And hearing that one little rumor got the wheels turning. The Lady Skyclad, a true ship of refinement. Not quite as formidable as the Banshee but still a true prize if he ever heard of one. If he were to take that ship for his own not only would Greytooth have the richest ship in the skies under his command, he would have the start of something monumental in his hands. The beginnings of a fleet, a true pirate armada under his control. Such a thing hadn't been achieved since ancient times when ships only sailed the seas. And now the opportunity was presenting itself once again to a very eager privateer captain.

The temptation was too great and Captain Greytooth gathered his crew to set sail that night after hearing the news. And so it was the crew of the Banshee found themselves sailing the skies from Fisher's Isle, ready to make landfall at Logera for supplies and information. Their destination was on the horizon, and Greytooth was dying to be on the hunt.
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The winds blew faint traces of cloud through the sky as gulls cawed on the breeze. The sun was high in the sky signalling the time to be just after noon. It's golden rays bathed the ship in warmth as the Banshee cut through the aether, making a pleasant contrast to the biting cold of the wind. The blue seas rose and fell lazily miles below, blanketing the horizon with a carpet of sapphire. In the distance a faint speck could be seen, slowly growing in size as it was approached. The speck grew to a blob, which grew to a mass, and within the hour was becoming recognizable as land. Moscio, the human capital and nexus of technology and progress. And the crown jewel of the continent, Logera, was calling to the Banshee and her crew.

Captain Miles Greytooth, feared pirate of the skies, stood proudly from the crows nest as he witness the city coming into sight. Though perhaps "stood" wasn't the best description, as in reality he was hanging from the nest with one hand while the other shielded his eyes from the sun's glare. Miles also didn't appear to be human, though any who knew him would know his current state to merely be temporary. He currently held the shape of a massive gorilla, a bright swatch of gold fur running down the majority of his back. His massive ape hand was nearly as big as his head and did a splendid job of shielding his eyes. Logera was starting to become more detailed and he could pick out individual landmarks from her skyline.

With a wry grin Greytooth lowered his hand and chuckled deeply to himself. The anticipation was building within him and he could hardly contain his excitement. With a practiced lope he threw himself from the crow's nest and began to fall towards the deck. He grabbed a length of line dangling from the rigging and used it to slow his descent, swinging forward until he was near the bow of the ship. He released the line and landed with an almighty thud, visibly tilting the ship forward with his weight. He shuddered slightly as his form began to shift, shrinking from an imposing 8'1" to a respectable 6'0". His blackened fur gave way to pink skin, and the golden swatch on his back seemed to crawl up his body and settle into a handsome mop of blonde hair. A long black coat materialized over his body, along with a pair of leather slacks and black boots. A golden shirt could be seen beneath the coat, and a necklace made of solid gold coins hung proudly from his neck. To top it off a grand hat sat atop his head, denoting him as the unrivaled master of this vessel. Though if his appearance wasn't enough to convince, the fire in his eyes spoke of an untamed passion for blood, gold and adventure that only a pirate captain could give.

The crew milling about the main deck stopped what they did as Greytooth made his grandiose entrance. He turned to his crew to address them properly, eager to make landfall and begin their next hunt. He spoke with a rich baritone voice, booming loudly so that even those two decks below might have heard his words. "Take heart lads! Logera be in sight, an' all hands not on watch be gettin' some shore leave!"

A hearty cheer went up from the entire crew at this news as Miles knew it would. Shore leave was always appreciated by aeriners of all creeds, even if it was only for a day. "But don't get too cozy with the wenches lads. Soon as I say so we sail out, whether ye be aboard or not." A healthy chuckle emanated from the crew at that news, knowing full well to not miss muster when the call went out. Greytooth was no stranger to the lash, and if a crewman angered him enough he was liable to simply toss them overboard while underway.

But for now the news was made and Greytooth had other business to settle. He called out loudly, this time with a specific name in mind. "SABER!", he roared, waiting for his first mate to respond as he always did.
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"Hey, alright...piratey stuff... wooooo!" Avrei said, unenthusiastically. "I'm just gonna...climb...up here now..." he said as he watched the captain leave the nest. "It is called a nest, not that I'm any crow, but nests belong to birds, so...mine..." he called, climbing up quickly. He really never was one for using his wings, as they exhausted him quickly and it bored him to death to take flight with them.
"Aye Capitan!" Sarven hollered as he heard his name. He quickly crossed the deck and stood before standing next to Miles Greytooth.

"Perfect weather for sailing don't you agree?" He said not looking directly at the Capitan, and instead looked over the crew.

He turned his head and glanced briefly at Miles.

"Judging by your 'xpression yeh didn't call me over for the usual chit-chat did ya?" He ask with a sly grin, which showed off the fact that his canine teeth were sharp, and nearly twice as long as his others, almost touching both the top and bottom of his mouth.
"Oh sleepy winds among the sails, nippin,’ howlin’ with gusts that wail. Sleepy moon that dips the night, drunken starry flyin’ plight, may we find a treasure gold. Or wreck this ship’ dust and bone” sang a lilted voice from the highest point of the Banshee. High where the clouds seemed to caress the mast and tickle the sails twitched and fluttered with each change of air current. Her voice barely carried past the top of the mast with her pale body stretched out comfortably against the expensive wood beam. The height was pretty …well high, the body of a young girl barely a few years past twenty swayed with the emotion of the ship. She wasn’t scared of falling off. She would never fall and if she was to fall, nothing drider thread couldn’t help her with. However it wasn’t just the fact she had her natural abilities to relay on. Vinessa never feared the Banshee, not once in her life; even when she first snuck on the ship seven years ago. Nessa had every right to be terrified. She was fifteen and on the run for thieving. That night she remembered to this day when her thieving got her mixed up with men who wanted more than just their money back. She managed to shake them off after scaling up and into a ship docked nearby. Little did she know that faithful ship was going to be the greatest find in her twenty-two years of life? A drunken smile spread across her heart shaped face. The high, round parts of her cheek dampened with color like ripened apples ready to be plucked by farmhands. She remembered fondly being met by the end of a blade, or was it the end of a barrel? Oh regardless she knew she was staring down death. Death, though intimating, had no idea what trouble he was getting into letting a savvy, young girl on his ship. He didn’t let in a timid babe. No young, lass looking for someone to shelter her and protect her. He allowed a sharp tongue, booze guzzling, conning she-drider on his ship. Though Nessa never gave Greytooth much room to complain for she earned her keep and then some. She perfected her craft for simply stealing would land her behind bars. No her days on the Banshee, as she developed on grew with a crew of rowdy, honest men she found a way to con and keep a good cover.

An alley gypsy, by day conning the day folk with fortunes and card readings and by night conning lonesome men from all walks of life with dancing. Twas the life she only imagined. Before anyone could judge her standards the Banshee beat any cold, stony street side she had succumbed to many of nights growing up. This was home. No matter how much she told herself never to attach to anything since life had a funny way of ripping things apart, she couldn’t help it. Her smile faded, though the memory of her arrival was still as sweet and fond the green bottle of liquor that sat snug between her pale, moonlit thighs was empty. “Fack.” She rolled her, dark, indigo eyes up towards the night sky that seemed to match her shade of iris. There was nothing Nessa hated more than an empty bottle. She flicked her wrist, swishing the bottle around a few times going clockwise, then a few more going counter-clockwise. With a fast jerk of her head she brought the bottle to her lips and allowed the sweet, warm remnants of her vice to trickle down her throat. The sweet, burning sensation that came with drinking any sort of alcohol was welcomed. Since there were few things in the world that could really get Nessa to feel anything, booze was her one true addiction.

Nothing could make her feel the way drinking did. No man could warm her belly the way the bottle did, or make her smile was wide, or give her that dreamy look on her face when suddenly all the cares of the world evaporated. Sure she would probably die in the next decade or so when her liver finally called it quits but she would wait for that day with no regrets. “It’s a fuckin’ crime how much I love you” she spoke holding out the empty bottle in front of her. “It was, but a fleeting affair. You’ll be missed greatly.” She spoke fondly, stroking the neck of the bottle with her index finger. Nessa slowly came to her feet, swaying a bit but never out of balance. She walked the beam knowing full well a single wrong step to her left or right would led to her free falling. Once she came to the end of the beam looking out to wide open skies.

“It was nice knowing you.” With a might heave she tossed the bottle far into the sky letting it soar for a brief moment, then slowly fall to its inevitable death. “Well, time to get back on deck.” Her body turned and in one fluid motion she back flipped off the wooden mast, falling straight down. Nessa cut through the air like a hot blade to freshly cured butter, standing from below with the naked eye it seemed like this was the end. Nessa had finally drank herself into a suicidal rage. Thankfully the crew knew she was half drider, from the bottoms of her feet and the tips of her fingers produced a strong silky, thread. Her drider thread worked like her rope, nearly invisible to the naked eye and two-thirds as strong as full drider thread by the time she came within inches of the deck floor she stopped falling. The thread was at its end and she was hanging upside down from it. Nessa was nothing if not a performer at heart. The gypsy girl placed her hands against the wood floor and detached herself from her line and walked on her hands for a bit. Her ruffly, rag like skirt flipped over giving the tired crewmen a small peep show of what was underneath before she flipped herself on to her feet. 'Hmm, I wonder if the kitchen is open.' She thought to herself with a small smile, eyeing the kitchen door for a long time. 'I bet there is good wine hidin’ somewhere in there. If only that damn elf wasn’t hell bent in keeping me sober and somber.' Nessa stood around, weighing the pros and cons of going in for what was probably a daily battle between the good ol’ chef and the drunk con artist.

After a long while she decided not to, soon day would break, and soon they would be in Logera. She had to be on her toes. Captain was up to something, she hadn’t seen him for a few hours now but like the changing currents of the air he was changing his sights on something. On what? Well perhaps Nessa didn’t hear or he didn’t quite tell the crew just yet. Either way she had her own sights set on her next profit. Her mind though clouded with drinks and merriment never strayed far from her job. The next piece of gold she’d bring back, the next big scheme or steal. The excitement was third on her list of things that almost came close to the warmth drinking gave her. A close second was the glimmer in a pair of gold eyes whenever she came back with a successful day’s or night’s work. The gypsy walked to the bow of the ship, watching it as it moved along forward with the gargoyle looking out into the night, the Banshee’s eyes and ears as they soared. She leaned in with both arms crossed on top of the wood trim; the wind was picking up now tussling up her skirt, exposing tidbits of her short, curvaceous body that hid beneath colorful layers of rags with jingly, gold trim that chimed whenever she moved. She arched her back a little, bending over the railing feeling the crisp wind against her face and combing though her dark, brown curls. Nessa closed her eyes for what felt like a few seconds and suddenly it was noon, strange, had she fallen asleep leaning against the railing of the ship? Dangerous, but as long as she was alive she saw no fault. The sky was no longer dark, no stars or moon, instead she was met by the sun high in the sky. "Fuckin' hell, I slept until noon?" She balled up her fists and rubbed her eyes letting them adjust to the time of day.

The closer they got to their destination the closer they got to prospects of riches that awaited them. Nessa could almost hear the sound of her profit calling for her. Nessa didn’t have to turn around to watch Greytooth’s performance. Though she appreciated everything he embodied, they were similar in ways and different in others. A smile spread across her face, she knew her position, not only make a good steal but she was out to keep her eyes and ears open. “You heard the Cap, don’t get too cozy in the lofty, riches of Logera.” Nessa's full lips pulled themselves into a smirk, as she threw her leg over the beam, letting it dangle in the air as she straddled the railing without a care in the world. “And feel free to stop in for my show~ but keep your pockets in check, I won’t discount ya just because we’re all crew”

(what happens to a girl with too much time at night. T-T I hope I didn't over do it)
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Greytooth's expression was playful yet held a hint of seriousness as he addressed his first mate. "Ye guess right. Get the lads ready to moor up and put together a watch for the night. Skeleton crew if ye can but I want us ready to sail tonight if need be, savvy?"

Miles stroked his chin absentmindedly as he pondered if he forgot anything else that needed to be passed. "An' get someone to raise our Moscovian colors, we don' want the law on us before we even make port now do we?" He slapped Sarven heartily on the back, sending him off with a grin to go about his orders.

With that done Greytooth decided to address another asset he would need this evening when they made port. That asset happened to be straddling the bowsprit, showing off her own assets to any that had a mind to look. The tricky gypsy had been a great addition to the crew ever since he had spared her life. She was a firebrand to be sure, but her value on deck easily dwarfed any complaints Miles might have had with her.

Miles walked over to Nessa and casually placed one leg on the base of the bowsprit, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knee as he addressed her calmly. "I hope ye don't harbour any stray thoughts of relaxin' this evenin' lass. I've work for ye, and it be too important to have ye buried in a bottle all night."
(More lonely posts!)

Avrei yawned, leaning back in the crows nest. He never got tired of watching the horizon, or wherever he gazed off into, and sort of liked going unnoticed and just...blending in with the ship. It would be some time before someone even knew he was there, which was fine by him. He pulled out a book, and wrote in it some. The book itself was filled with maps, entries, and various sketches and drawings. He smiled as he drew the Banshee, marking every little detail to perfection, before signing his name off at the bottom, tearing the drawing out of the journal, and tossing it below him.
Vinessa was deep in thought about what performance to break out when Miles came over to speak to her. She turned her head towards him resting her chin on her shoulder. “Hm, what a shame… I had an idea after I was done dancing for the night I’d take back a stuck up, rich nobleman to damp alley way and have my way with him” She purred, of course this wasn’t a real possibility, it was much too risky to put herself in a situation like that. Nessa turned her body some more to face Miles and arched an eyebrow at his claim. No drinking? Well this mission better have been life or death if he was expecting this much of her.

Her eyes locked on to his and her thoughts drifted to gold. It could be the fact they were indeed gold color and his hair was blonde, but there was a certain desirability about that. She wanted to stow them away like trinkets. “My, my I have a feeling this work is going to require me to be your eyes and ears in the darkest depths of Logera? Anything in particular should I be keeping an ear out Cap?”

“Also is there a reward for bringing back any news?” She motioned with her hand, brushing her fingers tips together signally for money. Though he could easily pay her in other ways, she wouldn’t complain. “Noblemen tend to have looser lips when they attend my showings. I’ll keep my ears open when I perform; perhaps by a bar or such. Drunk men never have secrets for long.” She winked at Miles, her eyes left his gaze for a moment and turned back to the city coming into view. Her head turned towards where Avrei was perched, she cupped her hands together and whistled for him. “Oi, my feathery friend you up there? I need to ask you for a favor, chicky-poo” She turned her attention to Miles and tapped his chin lightly. “You should come see my show; it’s been a while hasn't it?” Her voice was light and playful.


Location: On ze Banshee

My Company: Talkin to Miles ( @KamiKahzy ) ; Callin’ for ( @DegagetheAvianDragon )

OOC: (No one is alone!)
Avrei sighed, stepping down from the nest. "I'll have to inform you that, the name you just called me, is not a name I would like to be called." He said, jumping down the rest of the way, landing and rolling with grace. He grinned at his friend. "A favor? Of what sort?"
Greytooth smiled wryly at Nessa's mannerisms, long ago accepting that she was who she was and there wasn't a damn thing anyone could say about it. He gently took her hand and held it against his face, enjoying the smoothness of it as he gave her his attention. "It has been a while since I've seen a show. But tonight may not be the best night for such indulgence."

Miles let her hand fall away from his face before he continued, this time with a serious edge to his words. "There be a ship we're after, something of a local legend. The Lady Skyclad by name, and a damn foppish one at that. But she be a thing of beauty, and it be her we be goin' after. Find out where she's headed an' we'll give chase, savvy?"

Once he was finished explaining his instructions Miles took a step back to witness the conversation between his hired pickpocket and what many might consider to be the ship's mascot. Miles knew better of course but it was still a fun stereotype to perpetuate on occasion.


Location: Aboard the Banshee, near the bow.

My Company: Talking to Nessa (@Navi) ; Observing Avrei (@DegagetheAvianDragon)

OOC: What do we do with a drunken sailor?
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Vinessa's fingers curled against his gruff skin, as affectionate as it seemed she never allowed her mind to wander too far. Nessa she watched him as he spoke with such seriousness. There was fire in his eyes when he talked about this ship. Her hand fell from his face and she nodded once. “I’ll see what I rustle up for you, Cap.” She smiled, seeing him so passionate about something. Well, it was brewing a fire in her to do a job well done. Vinessa had her commands and she didn’t intend on falling short. Her attention went to the birdie mascot of the ship. Though he was more than just the mascot, he did serve a great purpose. “You be a navigator of the highest quality, right my birdie mate?” She smiled brightly at Avrei of course adding a bit more affection to sugar coat what she wanted from him.

“I’m sure you mapped out quite a bit of Logera from before, I’m lookin’ for a bar, preferably one with strong drinks and by the docks.” It might have sounded like she was looking for a place to drink her night away but she was actually thinking ahead. Where else would information about a ship be if not in a bar where crew men and those fresh from the sky frequented. A few drinks, a few dances and one man was bound to let her know what she wanted to know. “ Can you do this for me, my feathery little dove?” She leaned over and lightly tickled the spot under Avrei’s feathery chin. “I would much appreciate it, it will make my day much easier if I can find one place to focus on.”


Location: On ze Banshee

My Company: Talkin to Miles (@KamiKahzy) ; Talkin’ to (@DegagetheAvianDragon)

" YA here that lads?! I'm organizing a night watch, so if ye don't wan to be on the list, get your sorry hides moving! We gotta be ready to sail TONIGHT!" Sarven bellowed with a grin.

He shifted into his Tiger form, a large silvery beast with fangs that reached past his chin, and firey red eyes. Some of the crewmates were startled by this appearance, and all the better to Sarven, for they would work harder faster if they had the right amount of weariness.

Occasionally he'd climb to where he stood above a few crewmates and startle them with a heavy

"You! Night watch!" Usually followed by "And then we'll get us some drinks!"

"And for all be damned, somebody raise the Mosican flags!"
Avrei blushed slightly, looking down. " I do know something like that..." he flipped open his book and flipped through the pages carefully. He tore out another page, and handed it to Nessa. On it were detailed instructions on how to get to several different bars and other establishments. "I don't drink much, but, I thought that might be a neat thing to, you know. Pirates." He chuckled, looking behind him cautiously for no reason at all

(Does everyone really see Avrei as a mascot xD )
Nessa looks over the page Avrei had given her. There were a few bars that seemed to pack the heavy drinks and be close to the docks, bars like this could easily bring in the wandering crew man. Someone who had to have seen something about the ship the Captain was looking for. “Thanks Avrei” She used his actual name, he did good, so she rewarded. “You have made my job a tad bit easier.” She leaned in and kissed the top of his feathery head shooing him off now. Nessa folded up the paper and tucked it into her cleavage letting her bosom work as a pocket. One would be very surprised to know the contents but then again one would be very much on their back and dead if they tried to find out.

The gypsy girl walked to where the tiger first mate was yelling about the night shift. “Hey, tiger” She purred a little at him and then got serious. “You got a time when you want to set sail? I’ve got a hefty list of bars I have to keep an eye on.” If she could, she wanted to plan it out by starting with the bar furthest from where they docked and working her way back closer to the Banshee. Worst case scenario, she took too long and wouldn’t make it on board. Vinessa had half the mind to ask Miles what he would be doing but surely the Captain would be conducting his own spying for the day.


Location: On ze Banshee

My Company: Talkin to Sarven (@Kori Zanos ) ; Talkin’ to Avrei (@DegagetheAvianDragon)

Miles chuckled softly to himself as he witnessed Avrei get all flustered by Nessa's wiles. The poor bird was sometimes too pure for his own good, but it was surprisingly refreshing to have someone like him amongst scoundrels and murderers.

However Greytooth thought that he should reinforce something in their navigator's head, just so he didn't start making bad habits out in the real world. He walked over to Avrei and threw an arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a tight side hug as he spoke. "Avrei, me friend, I know we've talked about this before. Ye shouldn't be usin' the 'pirate' word so loosely. That may be what we are, but the rest of the world don't need to know that, aye? Be bad news for the lads iffin the law were to hear such a damning title, savvy?"


Location: Aboard the
Banshee, near the bow.

My Company: Talking to Avrei (


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"O-oh yeah...sorry...I didn''s just...I...sorry.." Avrei stuttered, looking down in shame. He kept forgetting that, however different he may be, he was still with them, therefore he was one. "I'll try and remember that more often..." he gazed off for a moment. "Anything you want me to do on the ship?" Avrei asked, attempting to accommodate for his mistake.
Miles shook his head twice. "Nay, jus' don't go bringin' the law on us later if ye head inland." Greytooth clapped him once on the shoulder then sent Avrei off, sure that he would scamper back to his nest to have whatever personal time he desired.


Location: Aboard the Banshee, near the bow.

My Company: Talking to Avrei (@DegagetheAvianDragon)

OOC: Yes, Avrei is not officially unofficially the Banshee's mascot.

"Okay..." Avrei said, doing exactly that. He crawled back off, wrote a couple things in his journal, set it by him and dozed off quietly. He dreamt of different, magical lands high above, of peaceful and tranquil places and other dreamy things. A small smile crawled upon his beak, and he twitched slightly with excitement.
Min was, as usual, stuck in the kitchen. It was the only place you'd see her in. Reading a book, she heard chatter coming from outside, hoping Nessa wasn't one of them. The only reason she ever stayed here most of the time is so no one would pinch the booze, as she was sure a certain drunkard would have her way with it. She let out a sigh, the ship tipping forward awhile ago made a mess in the galley: fruits and vegetables all over the floor with utensils flying over her head. Miles will certainly get an earful from her. Although she would never call him by his real name; it would always be Cap'n in front of everyone else.

Getting off from her seat, she dusted her garment and proceeded walking out, passing by a few crew members before finding Miles. "Cap'n!" She called out as she continued walking towards him. "Ye better 'ave a good reason for the ship leanin' awhile ago! The whole galley was a mess!" She added, standing in front of him. She was obviously smaller than her dear captain, but it never intimidated her much. She was so used to being the smaller one, that she knew that most people would have found her adorable. Waiting for his answer, she continued staring up at him.


Location: On the Banshee

My company: Talkin to Cap'n dear (@KamiKahzy )

OOC: (She sounds so much like me!)
Sarven looked up and quickly shifted back into his human form as Nessa addressed him. He slipped his hands into his coat pocket and leaned back onto one leg. "Heya there Miss Nessa." He said smoothly, trying to make his voice slightly deeper than usual. "Don't exactly got a time but shortly after nightfall is when I'm hopin to be ready to go." He said with a serious tone.

"Headin' to bars huh? Would'ya like an escort? Or at least some company when ya go?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and smiling devilishly.


Location: on the Banshee

My company: talking to Nessa ( @Navi )

Ooc: look, there he goes. Already flirting.
“Tch, Miss? Please your sweet talk is falling on deaf ears now, Tiger.” She rolled her eyes a little, at the "Miss" comment. Nessa wasn’t one for formalities, she would much rather be treated like one of the men. She tilted her head a little listening to him. Nightfall…it was already high noon and they still were not docked. That would mean a few hours in each bar at most, maybe two or three. Great, under pressure. She rubbed her cheek a little giving herself a headache, why did that Cap’t do this to her? She wasn’t even a spy, she was the con artist that brought in extra dough to fund whatever mission they were going on.

She supposed getting close to Miles also meant getting more responsibilities on her plate. But she wasn’t one to disappoint, the challenge was welcomed. “Aye. Nightfall then.” She was half turned to leave when Sarven started flirting with her, which was absolutely adorable to her. Though Nessa was the affectionate type of lass, especially when drunk, she never laid with the crew. Well minus one, but he wasn’t “crew” now was he. Go big or go home, type of mentality but the flirtation was always welcomed. It was harmless just as she was…most of the time. “Hm? Escort? First you call me Miss now you want to escort me. I think you be mistakin’ me for a lady of some high standard.” She chuckled her voice turning playful. “I ain’t the cap’s wife, deary I don’t get escorted.” Vinessa sauntered over to him with excessive hip movement.

“I would absolutely love company but I think you have orders to be ready to sail at dark.” She placed a hand on his chest right over his heart, her fingers fanning out over his chest. “And I’d hate for ya to be too distracted to do your job. I’m quite fond of you being a first-mate.” She patted his chest letting him down easy like. “Tell ya’ what if I make it back by the time we shove off. I’ll have a drink with ya.” Her promise was sound, she turned around and stopped for a moment. If you can snag us a nightcap from Min” She winked, Nessa would be too busy today to mess around in Min’s kitchen why not have someone do it for her?


Where you can find her: on the Banshee

Who be around her: Sweet Talkin' with Sarven ( @Kori Zanos )

OOC: Bless the creature that makes her monogamous
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Imagination is the beginning of creation


Rattling and hissing of steam was heard throughout the room. The clanking and the movement of engines rang throughout the room and beyond in a symphony of gears. All engineers in the room worked on it that it can go on in its motion. Well most of them. In the corner of the room in his favourite place of the engine room sat Rafael working again on his inventions and constructions while keeping an eye on the other engineers.

But as suddenly as he heard the roaring voice of the captain he flinched and fell for shock backwards on his backside.

"Hellfire and damnation!" Rafael shouted as he got grip of himself again and pulled himself up his desk. As he heard the other engineers snicker he turned around and gave them his best death glare he could give and straightened his gaze again on his work.

The captain could push a ship on just with the sound of his voice! He thought grumpy.

He finally finished his little project and build five of his so called "Spinkillers". This little spider like explosives should search enemies in battle and then detonate. It was a lot of work.

He looked proudly at his new invention and put them in his pocket while taking the detonator too. You could never know... or could you?

He put on his coat, his top hat, took his cane and turned to the exit of the engine room. "I will go on deck. Could someone oil the steam cylinder with 600w? We don't want an overheat of the engine." He doffs his hat at the gentleman and proceeded to go outside.

As Rafael entered the deck he took out of his pocket one of his "Aerobugs" and smiled an at his diabolic plan. He let the bug take out to the crow’s nest. When his plan goes right it will land on his feathered friend and scare him.

Now he just had to wait.


Location: On the Banshee

My company: Pranking Avrei @DegagetheAvianDragon

OOC: Well, I just throw myself into the story.
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Avrei woke up, groaning. When his vision recovered, he saw an odd looking dragonfly motionless upon his chest. He grumbled slightly, ready to go back to sleep. He picked up the dragonfly by the wings and stuck it in his mouth. His chewing slowed as he heard the metallic crunches. Avrei leaned over the edge of the crow's nest, and spit the mechanical bug out below him, growling in an angry fluster, getting back to sleep.


Location: Crow's nest, as usual.

Eating Metal bugs, sleeping.
"Aww Nessa, you know I don mean anythin by it. Honestly you're much more capable than over half the crew. No way I could confuse YA with some helpless lass!" Sarven assured the gypsy.

"Although I might confuse yeh with a loon, suggestin we swindle somethin from Min!" He said with a chuckle.

"I'll see what I can do."


Location: the Banshee

Talking to: Nessa @Navi

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