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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

KaalysBR said:

- Kasumi Yobayashi -






Godly Parent








- Appearance -

Kasumi is 5'2",being quite short and having a petite body type. Her hair and eyes are both dark brown.

- Godly Powers -

Kasumi can control plant life and make them grow at her will. She can use roots to wrap enemies and slow them down.

Animals can understand Kasumi and carry messaged or small tasks for her. If they are in the mood.

- Weapon -

Kasumi has a simple wood staff...although you may not consider it so simple if it makes direct contact with your head. It's also made of unbreakable wood from Mt.Olympus,a gift from Cybele.


x Nature

x Animals

x Sweets

x Anime

x Her mother


x Fighting

x Heights

x Tight,Enclosed spaces

x People who are too ambitious


Sumi is terrified of growing to be like her father.


Kasumi has a severe aversion to fighting. She might consider fleeing instead of direct combat because of this.

Sumi is always doubting herself and trying to be perfect at everything. Since no one is perfect,she ends up disappointing herself.


Kasumi is a great team player and does her best to help whenever she can.

She is intelligent and has a quick wit,which could help in battle planning.


Kasumi's entire life has been shaped by what her father wanted her to be. Yakuro was a severe businesses man,putting money and ambition in front of every family need.

Unlike most demigods,Sumi had a better relationship with her Divine parent. Cybele was very supportive,knowing that her daughter would never grow to be like Yakuro herself. Sumi's place was in the forest with nature,not between the enclosed spaced of an enterprise.

The fights in her house were constant,but she did her best to stay close to family. She never went to Camp Half-blood because her father considered it a weakness. If she had enemies,she had to fight them by herself and follow his training.

She learned about fighting with her dad,but love was another story. When her father started to put down forests to make buildings,Kasumi finally snapped. That wasn't the life she wanted. So she ran away.

The United States offered her a new beginning,a place to follow her own mind and desires. So she built a flower shop and never looked back,even though she still had her Demigod problems to deal with.


Kasumi is always bubbling with a contagious sort of happiness,usually trying to find the positive side of a situation.

She is very independent and won't wait for tips on how to act,finding her own thoughts the most relevant ones. Which can lead to some annoying stubbornness.

She is quite playful,but knows how to tone it down during serious matters.

Most off all,Sumi is empathetic. She is always available when someone needs to talk.


Kasumi still blames herself for being dishonored by her father,and often thinks of what she could do to change that situation.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

Never been there.


  • Full name: Hazel Dana Love

    Nickname: Love Bug

    Age: 14

    Godly Parent: Hebe, goddess of eternal youth

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Navajo

    Sexuality: Bisexual



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Musicomar4 said:

  • Full name: Hazel Dana Love

    Nickname: Love Bug

    Age: 14

    Godly Parent: Hebe, goddess of eternal youth

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Navajo

    Sexuality: Bisexual

I'm sorry, we're no longer accepting. We were going to change the title in the morning. However, after this RP ends(It's almost over), were starting a second chapter of sorts, and you're more than welcome to join that one.
Musicomar4 said:
If you want more details, go to the last page of our OOC, and find the long-ass post near the bottom. Read it, and PM me if you have any questions. I might not answer, it's 5am my time and in exhausted.
Full name: Oliver John Mcknight

Nickname: โ€œJโ€

Age: 17

Godly Parent: Tyche Goddess of luck and fortune. (unknown)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Sexuality: Straight



Godly Powers: Luck- The user is gifted with an automatic supply of luckiness, most have no control over this power as things considered "lucky" just randomly happen to them. Ergo, nothing bad will happen or if it does then their power will always sort it out in the end and keep the "lucky" side of the scale the heaviest. The downsides of his power is Oliver has no control over the power and it may not activate in certain situations, also if he keeps using his luck power it may make him extremely unlucky to the point of physical harm.

Weapon: Oliver doesnโ€™t have a weapon of choice but he took fencing lessons in his earlier youth.

Likes*Optional*: Fun people, Randomness, History

Dislikes*Optional*: Annoying people, cliches, getting talked down to.

Fears*Optional*: Death, Lose, heights, almost everything

Weaknesses: Oliver is a very scared individual and will hide it well until the time of action comes along.

Strengths: Oliverโ€™s only strength is Lady Luck

Backstory: Oliverโ€™s father was a extremely wealthy man and focused on being a good parent towards Oliver. In Oliverโ€™s youth he was taught by some of the best teachers and tutors but he still only had a C+ average in his schooling. When he was ten years old Oliverโ€™s father taught him to fence at first Oliver was very fearful of the sport but soon came over the fear and Oliver became a very good fencer over many years of training eventually reaching a national level but later dropped out because of grades. When Oliver first turned seventeen his father told him about his true mother, Oliver learned he was a demigod but he never learned which Goddess was his mother. After traveling for a few days Oliver was dropped off at camp half-blood.

Personality: Oliver is seen as very timid and unlikely to be brave but if someone he loves is in danger Oliver will reluctantly try to save them. Oliver is also seen as a goofy and fun loving person not letting his fear be shown.
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CainMcknight said:
Full name: Oliver John Mcknight
Nickname: โ€œJโ€

Age: 17

Godly Parent: Tyche Goddess of luck and fortune. (unknown)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Sexuality: Straight



Godly Powers: Luck- The user is gifted with an automatic supply of luckiness, most have no control over this power as things considered "lucky" just randomly happen to them. Ergo, nothing bad will happen or if it does then their power will always sort it out in the end and keep the "lucky" side of the scale the heaviest. The downsides of his power is Oliver has no control over the power and it may not activate in certain situations, also if he keeps using his luck power it may make him extremely unlucky to the point of physical harm.

Weapon: Oliver doesnโ€™t have a weapon of choice but he took fencing lessons in his earlier youth.

Likes*Optional*: Fun people, Randomness, History

Dislikes*Optional*: Annoying people, cliches, getting talked down to.

Fears*Optional*: Death, Lose, heights, almost everything

Weaknesses: Oliver is a very scared individual and will hide it well until the time of action comes along.

Strengths: Oliverโ€™s only strength is Lady Luck

Backstory: Oliverโ€™s father was a extremely wealthy man and focused on being a good parent towards Oliver. In Oliverโ€™s youth he was taught by some of the best teachers and tutors but he still only had a C+ average in his schooling. When he was ten years old Oliverโ€™s father taught him to fence at first Oliver was very fearful of the sport but soon came over the fear and Oliver became a very good fencer over many years of training eventually reaching a national level but later dropped out because of grades. When Oliver first turned seventeen his father told him about his true mother, Oliver learned he was a demigod but he never learned which Goddess was his mother. After traveling for a few days Oliver was dropped off at camp half-blood.

Personality: Oliver is seen as very timid and unlikely to be brave but if someone he loves is in danger Oliver will reluctantly try to save them. Oliver is also seen as a goofy and fun loving person not letting his fear be shown.
We're no long accepting for this RP, but you're welcome to submit this for the Next Chapter. Also, if you don't mind, add a description to your appearance for details such as height and additional marks like scars or tattoos. And eye color.
neither do i, that is the fun in randomness <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_6-9-55.jpeg.663a65215b3930c7ef696b5b8669738e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_6-9-55.jpeg.663a65215b3930c7ef696b5b8669738e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full name: Pronnor Tyr Hanzwick

Nickname: Conner, Con,Pron,John

Age: 13

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Tyr (knows)

Gender: male

Ethnicity: German

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.): height 6,1 weight 140

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make itrelevant!)*Optional*: Super strenght (Barely stronger then hercules)

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: none

Likes*Optional*: Fighting,killing,blood

Dislikes*Optional*: sitting down, not moving,losing

Fears*Optional*: Fears death,being weak,heights

Weaknesses: fish he allergic to it,also he can easily be tired out, hes not that smart so he can be easily trick.

Strengths: his will to survive makes him want to do whatever it take to win, his strenght gives him a big advantage

Backstory: he was told who his father was when he was 10 he was shocked and suprised and got angry at his mother for lying 3 years later he decided to join to become better then his father

Personality: Rude,Stupid,ruthless

Secrets: he is the son of tyr, hes allergic to fish

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): on his way
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Kidroleplayer said:
Full name: Pronnor Tyr Hanzwick
Nickname: Conner, Con,Pron,John

Age: 13

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Tyr (knows)

Gender: male

Ethnicity: German

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.): height 6,1 weight 140

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make itrelevant!)*Optional*: Super strenght (Barely stronger then hercules)

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: none

Likes*Optional*: Fighting,killing,blood

Dislikes*Optional*: sitting down, not moving,losing

Fears*Optional*: Fears death,being weak,heights

Weaknesses: fish he allergic to it,also he can easily be tired out, hes not that smart so he can be easily trick.

Strengths: his will to survive makes him want to do whatever it take to win, his strenght gives him a big advantage

Backstory: he was told who his father was when he was 10 he was shocked and suprised and got angry at his mother for lying 3 years later he decided to join to become better then his father

Personality: Rude,Stupid,ruthless

Secrets: he is the son of tyr, hes allergic to fish

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): on his way
A lot of problems. One, this Roleplay is no longer accepting. The next chapter is open and the link is right above your CS.

If you decide to apply...

1) This is for Greek Demigods only.

2) Super strength would never be accepted in one of my Roleplays. Far too OP.

3) The limit for time at Half-Blood is one year.

4) You can't know your godly parent and keep it a secret, that's silly.
Do you mind if I reuse a character from a different RP?

Full name: Wesley Keys

Nickname: Wes

Age: 13

Godly Parent: Demeter (Unknown)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: From USA, typical mix of German, English, Polish, etc.

Sexuality: Straight - He's a prepubescent 13 year old - He's into girls but he doesn't understand much of what he wants yet


(Note: He is on the right in the picture and not everything there is accurate for what I'm writing) Wes is young and just on the brink of puberty, weighing about 100 pounds and being 5 foot and an inch. He has short black hair in a typical buzz cut. His hair is extremely thick and used to be curly, before his mother cut off all of his hair. He's young but his body is very toned and he is rather slim. His eyes glow with a light blue, resembling the sea.

Godly Powers: Ability to cause and cure madness. If you didn't pick it up from the history, he currently holds very little control over this and it's much stronger than his other ability at the moment. It only works on mortals. (so no making monsters go insane) This works better on some than others. If he ever does master this, I'd imagine he wouldn't be able to every use it more than maybe 2-3 times a day, if that.

Chlorokinesis: Ability to "control" plants and wildlife. He can promote growth, manipulate, and even make plants grow out of nowhere. He requires at least some kind of "growth factor" for lack of a better term (at least in my head). He needs at least a little light, or a little water, some kind of stimulant nearby. The more there is, the more manipulation he has. (basically, if he's in a completely dark and dry area, he would have no power. Just like normal fighting, the more tired he is, the weaker this ability comes. (he currently lacks knowledge that he has this ability)

He's also immune to the effects of alcohol. (13 year old drinking xD )

Weapon: Currently weaponless

Likes: Included in personality.

Dislikes: Included in personality.

Fears: Included in personality

Weaknesses: These include pesticides that kill plants, airplanes, and strong feelings that he isn't used to feeling. He lacks any skill with typical close combat weapons like swords and spears. He also sucks with any kind of relationships. (meaning friends and such)

Strengths: He excels (though he doesn't know it yet) at magic. In fact, he's been learning to play reed pipes despite it being much more popular with Satyrs as opposed to demigods. However, he is very adept with the item and it can be used to give his plant magic a boost. He's small and agile, making it easier for him to avoid blows.


Wes grew up with his mother and his older half brother, Tadeo. His mom constantly bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend, but recently married a man named Lionel. Luckily for Wes, this was his favorite guy so far... At first...

Throughout his life, Wesley's mom struggled with alcohol abuse. Wes interpreted it as her self-coping mechanism for her constant breakups. The woman had stunning looks, but according to Tadeo she went crazy after Wesley's dad left her. Whenever she lost a boyfriend, she'd fall back onto the alcohol. Meanwhile, the family had two young boys both going through school with ADHD and Dyslexia that went undiagnosed and a lack of stead income. Tadeo and Wes stuck together throughout, knowing that they had to rely on each other. Tadeo was big and strong, Wes was small and smarter. They had just the duo to get along on their own.

"I remember when I was about 8 years old, our family was living in South Carolina. Tadeo was 13 years old at the time. Our mom was in a drunken state, so we left the house and managed to hitch a bus ride off to Francis Marion National Forest. We were both angry at our mom and we had decided we were going to live on our own, in the forest. If you ask me, we were attacked by 3 black bears. They were really fast, but we tried to run anyway. I remember it vividly. Right before they were about to take us out, they were pulled to the ground by plants. It was out of nowhere. These two men that were hiding while we were chased came out, along with a Park Ranger from the other side. We were sent home, while the two men were sent to jail for killing bears with bear traps. The odd thing was I remember the bears still moving and there were no bear traps. Tadeo told me that they weren't bears. He never did get a chance to tell me what they really were. The police called our temporary foster family and notified us that the two men were sent to an insane asylum. I'm confused.

Wesley's life was like a broken record after that point, constantly moving and helping his mother recover. He struggled all through school, having very little focus on his work and not giving a flying fruit loop about how he did. Then, his mother met a man named Lionel at one of her rehab sessions. He was there as a helper. For some odd reason, a man with a PhD went after his mother. Lionel helped her recover and also helped the boys get through all of it. They were able to move into California when Wesley was 12 and everything was fine. Except, weird things began to happen to all of Wes' friends at school. He had just started to come out of his shell a little, but he constantly had companions gaining issues. Depression, erratic behavior, one of them even attempted suicide. While Wes noticed that he was the common denominator, he knew that there was no way he could be the cause. Right?

Wes realized where everything was heading. He didn't know what was going on around him, but he decided he needed to get away. It was simply a matter of time before he started to infect his mom, Lionel, and Tadeo. If he ran away, he'd be caught. Suicide wasn't even an option in his mind. The only way to get out was to be sent away.

"When I began to fake my own insanity, Lionel tried to help me. He told my mother that it was just hormones and such. Once he realized that he couldn't help me, he completely despised me. Tadeo realized what I was doing and tried to talk me out of it, but he knew better than to tell Lionel or anybody. They might insist that he was crazy as well. It was an unpredictable situation. Before I knew it, despite my mom's wishes, Lionel sent me packing to the Three Fates School for Troubled Youth. I had just turned 13. Tadeo was 18 and I received a letter saying he was attacked by bears and then suddenly went missing. I later received a letter stating that my funding was cut off and that I was relying on government money to attend the school. They may think I'm clueless and stupid, but I'm not. I'm afraid Lionel left my mom on her own, but I'm still trying to find all of the pieces to the puzzle. I'm worried."

If it isn't obvious, Wes was then taken from the school to Camp Half Blood.

Wes is a shy and quiet kid. Whether he's meeting you for the first time or known you his whole life, he often sticks to one word answers and talking as little as possible. He often makes people feel awkward during long pauses in conversations and he isn't bothered in the slightest due to two things: being used to it and simply not caring. His list of people that he would go out of his way for is short, limited to his older brother and his mom. A friend or two may make it here or there. Not that he doesn't have feelings about other people, just that he doesn't have any strong feelings about others.

Wes' hobbies include planting/plant-caring, singing in the shower, and doing nothing. He doesn't mind sitting down on his own and just observing everything around him. Watching the clouds, analyzing people, or simply sleeping. He does have an interest in sports, but doesn't play any due to personal experiences when he was younger. If it was up to him he'd drink soda all day while caring for plants. If you asked his older brother, Wes could handle a flower like nobody's business.

Wesley's dislikes and fears include the dark, parties, and bugs, which obviously hampers his plant experiences quite often. He's learned to deal with bugs like ants and flies. However, the larger ones including spiders, butterflies, praying mantises, and beetles give him the heeby jeebies. (is that how people spell that? Whatever, I just like made up words. xD )

Secrets: He's afraid of bugs. Oh, he also doesn't share much about his family as he wishes to resolve it on his own. (the search for his missing mother)

How long at Camp Half-Blood: Just a couple of weeks. He's currently unclaimed and unaware of his powers.

Edit: I've been looking at this and the new one, meant to put it in the new one. I apologize. I'm aware you are not accepting here anymore.
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