°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)


One Thousand Club
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Nixon had Cuber's chain leashed held tight in his hand, Cuber had be acting up lately, but he was a great guard dog. Nixon looked around fast, deer were leaping around he pointed his Gun and pulled the trigger, The buck fell fast and the rest of the heard ran off, Nizon took his knife and began to skin and gut the deer on the scene.

Gage walked around, he had his gun in one hand and His dog's leash, Luke, in the other, he looked around fast, being out in the open is not safe. Never will be as long as those hell creatures are running around. Luke growled and sniffed the blood drips on the ground and growled again but louder.

Angel ran down the street, the hot wind blowing her face, her breathing was heavy "Luke! Luke!!!" she yelled for her missing dog she felt her heart sink, he always came when she called.

Skylar ran along some roof tops, she leaped from roof to roof, Her dog Dahi following quickly, he was bred for this, he was a cop dog before this happened, then Skylar found him, he was on a mission to find her real owner, but he has found nothing, his heart was heavy, but he wasn't going to leave Skylar alone, Not with the demons running around.

Angel looked up at the red sky, It was almost as if the sun was gone, but it was only setting, She Had to find look before night fall, "Luke!" she yelled, she could hear things moving inside the buildings, curtains shifted and she thought she could hear the heavy breath of a Demon, Then she saw it, its eyes opened it was the color of blood and it growled loudly. "LUKE!" she screamed and started to run, her heart was pounding, her mind was racing, and she felt as if her lungs would burst, she looked back and the demon was chasing her on all fours, She screamed and felt like she was going to die, "Some one help me!" She wailed as loud as she could, she had no guns or knives, she thought she would be back before sun down, but she had gotten lost, tears streamed down her pail face and she kept running, her legs aching with ever move and her heart beating wildly.
Aria climbed down from a tree she had been sitting in. she licked her lips to clean the juice from the peach she had just eaten. she stored a few peaches and beckoned to Midnight. the black feline jumped into her open messenger bag, avoiding the side pocket which contained her daggers. Midnight poked his head out of the bag as Aria walked. she was alone aside from her cat. nothing unusual. she had been alone before she had met her now deceased boyfriend. as the sun set she let out a sigh of exhaustion, she had been walking for days and had no idea where she should go. suddenly she heard a scream and ran towards where she had heard it from.
The demon screeched as it ran, blood dripped from its sharp monstrous teeth, and its torn wings were pressed against its back. Angel kept running, She could barely breath, Then she tripped and tumbled onto her stomach, she looked back and rolled behind a trash can, The demon slowed down and growled loudly, Angel's heart was beating so loud she swore he could hear it, Then Angel looked to her side and saw Luke, he laid between the trashcan and the dumpster, his tail was between his legs and she grabbed his collar. The demon jumped onto the Trashcan and screeched loudly, his sharp claws slashing the air, next to Angel's face, She gasped and jumped against the wall, Luke sat next to her, She began to cry as the demon's red eyes pierced though her like she was water, She stared as the demon jumped down and slowly began to crawl towards her. His intentions clear,he was ready for his next meal. Then Luke bared his teeth and stood in front Of Angel, The demon growled at Luke and He growled Back, Luke lunged for the demon but the demon threw him off quickly, Luke landed on his paws then jumped for the demon again, This time the demon jumped as well, He hit Luke in the chest and Luke fell backwards, "Luke no!" Angel screamed as Luke jumped once more And the demon sliced though his belly with his razor sharp claws
Aria kept running. she could hear screams of terror, and was determined to what was happening. she came upon a gruesome scene, a dog fought a demon as a girl cowered in the corner. Aria immediatly grabbed her bow, and and an arrow from her quiver. she made a few motions, and Midnight jumped from her bag and stalked up to the demon. the quick witted feline pounced onto the back of the demons head, reached his paws around and slashed his razor sharp claws into the demons eyes. "good boy! Down midnight down!" the cat jumped off the demon as Aria released an arrow. it flew through the air and struck the demon in the chest.
The Demon screeched in pain, his black blood poured from his chest and dripped from his eyes, he hissed and screeched loudly making it echo thought the buildings and Ally way Then He hit midnight with his forearm and scaled the wall, he screamed and Hissed as he stared at Aria even though his eyes were black from his blood, he opened his mouth wide and screeched loudly, His claws dug into the wall, He Looked around and the blood kept dripping onto the ground, The demon growled again as he listened to Aria ever move, he jumped off the wall and bared his dagger teeth and lunged for her his claws ready to rip though her body like she was nothing. "Watch out!" Angel screamed and was frozen with fear.
Aria glanced over at Midnight, releived to see him get up, though with a bit of difficulty, and hobble over to the screaming girl. "bring it on" Aria scowled as the demon jumped out to her. she pulled her daggers out and dodged to the side. she felt the demons claws graze her arm, to which she screamed, but was still able to strike a few blows into the demons stomach with her daggers. her daggers dripped black with demon blood as she put some distance between her and the demon.
The demon stared at her with his black eyes and he growled softly and he fell onto his side, the blood dripped from his fangs and his eyes were wide, though blinded they seemed to be staring right at Aria, He kept growling and moving his claws "Kill it!" Angel screamed as he pulled Luke's Bloody body onto her lap and she sobbed into his neck fur. The dogs eyes were glazed over and were staring off, but his chest was still heaving, but blood kept pouring from his gashed stomach, He whimpered and put her paw on her lap and he licked her hand, She cried quietly, as the dog whimpered and squirmed slightly.
Aria looked over at the girl, "ive got this, but if you want to help your dog you will do whatever you can to stop him from bleeding." she wasnt sure how badly hurt the dog was, it was too dark to see, but she did see Midnights glowing eyes as he finally made it to the girl. the black feline sat near the girl and began licking the dogs stomach wound. Aria turned her attention to the demon again. she stood over the demon with her daggers and brought them together upon its neck like a scissors, swiftly cutting its throat.
The Demon made a savage noise and and stopped moving, it growled slightly as it returned to hell where it came from, Angel took off her jacket and held it against Luke's gushing stomach, She sniffled and then placed one of her hands on the black feline.

Cuber smelt the blood and Yanked on his chain, Making Nixon stumble slightly then he pulled back and grabbed rubbers chain collar. "Shh!" he hissed loudly afraid someone or something would hear Cuber and want to investigate.
Aria walked over to the girl. she pet Midnight, "good boy." she looked to the wounded dog, "hold that there, i will be right back." Aria ran off and returned with water. she gently removed the sweater from the bloody wound. she put a bit of into her hand and drizzled it over the wound, "this might sting but i need to be able to see the damage". she washed the wound a bit, and investigated the skin. the gash was pretty deep, but the dog might still have a chance. "if you want your dog to survive we will have to camp for a few days." she said, a serious expresion on her face.
Angel whipped her tears, there is a building on far from here, that is where i sleep sometimes, i keep food there and water she sniffled and Luke whimpered and growled slightly, not liking this mysterious Woman touching his wounds
Aria smiled gently, "as long as you dont mind. can you carry him?" she looked at the dog. "by the way, im Aria and this is Midnight." she nodded towards the black cat who was now trying to cleanup his own small wound.
"I've got your back, mate," McAllister hissed with a grim nod. Leander returned the gesture and crept closer to the corner of the street, his hands positioned on his shotgun which he held at the ready. They had teamed up about five days ago and their stealth and silence had awarded them their lives in many a situation. They were decent friends now and able fighting partners. They had each others' backs. And their dogs, Chimera and Bear, were by their owners' sides.

So Leander went first since he was the better aim with a gun, and quieter besides. McAllister followed at the rear, watching from all the other sides because he was quicker and stronger physically than the younger boy.

They were headed toward the sounds of a fight, never ceasing to be cautious. Leander determined that by the sound of things, engaged in the fight were two females and a demon. The demon was making the most noise, which was either a very good or a very bad sign. With the next corner, Leander stopped.

"What is it, mate?" came a Scottish voice from behind him. His answer was simple. "They've killed it."

Still keeping his guard up, he motioned for McAllister to follow as he swiftly covered the distance between they two and the site of the battle.

"We must've come too late. Nicely done, lasses." McAllister began to the girl who crouched, Aria, while Leander moved past with a polite nod to the girl who was crying. In a softer voice than the Scotsman's, Leander asked, "Are you wounded, miss? Oh ... Oh, it's your companion. Here, I've got some medical supplies I might be able to spare."
Aria jumped back at the two newcomers, "what do you want?" she asked cautiosly, keeping an eye on Angel.
Leander was quick to slip off his backpack, unzip it, and bring out peroxide, bandages, gauze, and a few other medical effects. "Hello Angel," he said with a small smile. "Nice to see another live face. Will you help me apply this to your dog? The peroxide'll sting, but we have to apply that to keep out infection. This place is ripe with it."

While the younger boy helped the girl Angel dress her pooch, McAllister eyed Aria. "We heard the screaming, snarling, and growling. Thought perhaps we could have been of assistance. If you'd prefer we go, we won't trouble you further." He raised a russet eyebrow and frowned. "You're right to question, lass, but we aren't here to hurt you." He smirked and made an "X" in the air over his heart. "Scout's honor."
Aria relaxed a bit. "its good to meet other humans." she crouched down next to Midnight, "might i have a bit of peroxide?" she motioned to the shallow cut along the cats shoulder.
Angel sniffled and held Luke down so he could apply the peroxide.

Skylar started to move faster, she stood on the roof above all the people, (Angel Luke, Aria, McAllister & Leander) Dahi looked over the edge, Spotted the dead demon, And Skylar smirked, she slunk down against the edge of the building make sure none of them spotted her, Then she soon realized how much danger she was in being up so high, She crawled away from the edge then jumped onto the side of the next building, she slid down and then hid behind a crashed Taxi car, Dahi Leaped from the room and into the dumpster, it made a soft thud sound, and He snarled at the foul scent, Dahi crawled out and crawled under the taxi.
Before Aria could apply any peroxide, Midnights ears perked up. he prowled low to the ground in the direction of a dumpster. "whats wrong boy?" the cats tail lashed back and forth and it let out a small growl.
Dahi growled back slightly, and bared his teeth Skylar whispered "Shut up!" and Dahi slunk himself again the wall so shadows made him almost invisible and the trash disguised his doggy scent.
Midnights ears moved like radars, he walked around near the trash. he wrinkled his nose but continued to look. he poked around and sunk into the shadows and out of veiw.
Dahi growled at midnight he bared his teeth and shoved Himself and Midnight out from under the car, he stood veer the cat and bared his teeth, Skylar hit the windshield with the but oh her rifle and slung it onto her back she took out her Knife and stood up, "Dahi." She snapped and grabbed the dog and yanked him onto the car.
Aria saw what happened and raced over "midnight, are you ok?" she peered into the car, "who are you?"
Aria picked up Midnight and dabbed a bit of peroxide in his would. he squirmed a second before settling down. "Im Aria, and this is my cat Midnight. why dont you come over and sit with us while Angels dog gets treated."

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