Glory of a New World (IC)

Rayna could not possible fathom the amount of things that were happening so rapidly, and there was no way she was going to adjust to it, period, not at all. Once second ago she was fighting a man made of mist, who had killed the only ally she had made besides the boy and the next second the referee was laying in the middle of the ground, no mist, along with pews, alters and various other items of the church missing. It seemed someone couldn't contain their powers, and whoever decided to throw X-men into the real world was shitting on her head right now.

Making her way towards the passed out referee who had obviously just saved their lives, butterfingers and all, his cheek seemed a little swollen and there was blood within spitting range of his body. She immediately checked for a pulse, he was alive, he seemed to had just passed out from exhaustion. There was definitely no way she could pick him up and move him anywhere so she settled for a lap pillow, placing his head on her thighs near her knees and eyed the redhaired woman and this new man that had just entered. Unfortunately she didn't care too much about either of them right now and was focused on the injured gentleman resting on her thigh/knees.

Curiosity prodded her to take off his mask but she thought better of it, he wore a mask for a reason, there was no point in taking it off and embarrassing him. Once she was certain he was okay she plopped his head back down, gently, onto the floor and reached her hand out to the small boy she had pushed behind the pews and eyes everyone in the room.

"I believe introductions would be a nice thing, right about now,"
A hand reached from the mist, and grabbed the barkeep, slamming into the shelf with all the drinks behind it. Many of the drinks fell, and soon, a gun appeared, put right at the bottom of the man's jaw. A voice sounded into the air, and spoke. "Where am I? Answer me or I'll blow your brains all over the wall! Answer me dammit!"

"You're at Hell's Handbasket! A bar at the south side of the southern part of San Fran! Just! Don't sho-" The man yelled, but was cut off as the bullet ripped its way through his head. Killing him instantly.

There came the sounds of nine more gunshots, and screams. A hand with a knife was seen shortly before the rest of the lives in the bar were cut short. No one lived. Necks slits, people shot, some even were missing some of their more distinguishable features. Fog went back to his human form at the door. He seemed to be counting...

"The car bombing, the person who got in my way, the two at the church.....and the everyone here......I hope someone walks into my path just so I can paint something red..." He spoke, anger filling his voice as he walked out of the bar, which now looked like some horror movie slasher had been there.


Johnny walked into the church, looking at everyone, the destruction. The two bodies. Even the church looked like a mess, half the pews were gone. Johnny also noticed the man who had fallen down.

"Hey, Mr., you alright? Is everyone here alright?" He spoke, not caring if someone was about to shoot him. He walked right to the man on the ground, and took off his own sunglasses. He just stared at the man and wished he'd taken first aid classes.
South Side Streets

Just as predicted, the crowd backed down, and Garth smirked, General Winters hardly deserved the title, but the cripple certainly intended to abuse it.

"I'll need to check my schedule," he replied sarcastically, his one arm raising as though to complete a shrug, though it seemed strangely imbalanced.

The veteran took another cursory glance over the mob assembled before them, liars and degenerates one and all. If this bunch was supposed to do anything about the oppressive heroes, they'd need to at least pull together long enough to make for decent cannon fodder.

"I hope that you've got some sort of training regime in mind," Albrecht said under his breath to the leader of this violent little menagerie of bottomfeeders. Even attacking him from behind, one of the more confident of their number hadn't proven a threat to a one armed man.
xxxxxScarlett slumped back into one of the pews. She had no idea how tense she had been until now. She lazily sheathed her sword, glad their new ally knew how to handle the eerie fog. "That was fun..." Loki said, just before dropping to the floor, completely out. He didn't lose conciousness from the blow he had taken, it seemed, but more from his over-use of powers. "What an unfashionable way to end a fight." She commented, a bare smile tugging at her lips.

xxxxxDespite Loki's condition, she couldn't help but feel more at ease than before. Scarlett made her way over to the other girl, who had Loki's head supported on her lap. She bent down beside them, examining his face. He was bleeding on the inside of his mouth from the looks of it. How attractive. Scarlett pulled out a dry gauze, one of the many she kept on her, and carelessly stuck it in his mouth. It might not have been comfortable, but it would suck up the blood and put enough pressure to stop the bleeding.

xxxxx"I'm Scarlett." Her voice was quiet, but loud enough to be heard. "Hey, Mr., you alright? Is everyone here alright?" Scarlett looked up at the stranger as he walked over and stood up, nodding towards him. "We're fine." She replied. "He's just tired." Her statement sounded natural. It sounded more like Scarlett was telling him that Loki had decided to take a nap rather than having just passed out. Not to mention the cut in his mouth. Scarlett turned and sat back down on one of the church pews, glancing over at the younger boy to make sure he was unharmed.
"Tired? I hate to say, but he plum fell down. How tired would you have to be to pass out like that? Oh, where did I put my manners, my name's Johnny, Johnny Blue. Nice to meet someone who doesn't try to take your head off for once," He spoke, smiling. "And what was that, mist? If you know."

Johnny looked again at the church. And thought to himself about the kind of power it would take to do that, if it wasn't damage from the war.


The woman at the river was now skipping along, a cheery smile on her face. Kyra Fate, always cheerful. Even more so than a cheerleader. As she walked, she found a group of people, one of them wearing a suit of armor and all that. It made her curious, so she skipped over to them, and playfully shouted at them. "Hi there! Who are you people? What's this place? It looks cool, what's that armor you have? Are you a walking tank?"

And her questions went on and on. . .
Christian sighed when it was all over and looked up at Rayna who was holding her hand out for him. He just sat there and wiped his face for a few moments before taking her hand. He got up and sat on the pew and saw the other girl staring at him. Rayna had said to introduce himself so he blinked and looked around. "I'm Christian..." he said quietly. He shuffled his feet against the dirty ground.

He was so confused. Everything happened so fast and it made him feel so frustrated that fresh hot tears ran down his cheeks, washing the dust and dirt away. He put his head in his hands as his shoulders shook. He felt like he was in shock. He didn't want to cry, he had to.

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