Glory of a New World (IC)

He watched her approach and held the gun tighter. She had put the gun away and taken a few steps forward. He watched cautiously and lowered his gun, keeping it in his hand. "Yes...I need s-shelter." he said, still wearily watching her. He didn't trust her enough to the put the gun fully away but he lowered it further, holding it to his side. "Why?" he asked, more confidence in his voice.

His hands still shook and he was ready to run. He cleared his throat, wishing he could take a drink of his water. But now was not the time. He had to keep his eyes on this woman. She was obviously more skilled with a gun and so he watched her hands closely to make sure they didn't move. One twitch and he would shoot her, right in the chest.
Rayna stayed where she was, he was still pointing his gun at her and she had no intention of loosing her important stomach and chest bits and pieces anytime soon. She could tell the boy was obviously scared of her, he looked a little roughed up. He had obviously had a tougher time on the road than she had.

"Because I was getting ready to the enter the building... here, there could people inside there...wear this," she said, moving slowly so he wouldn't shoot she pulled off her vest and handed it to him so he could put it on. "If you're going in when I am we should stick together,"

Gripping her handgun she drew it to her grasp and held it in a defensive position, years and years of training instinctively guided her stance and grip as she took a door handle and wiggled it impatiently.

"You ready, kid?" she asked.
Christian froze and turned his gaze away from her. The sounds of yelling came from the other side of the church. He turned back to the girl and saw she held out a bullet proof vest. He blinked and snatched it from her grip, quickly dropping the gun and his backpack to put it on. He grinned and looked at her. "It's like a real life police vest!" he then realized how vulnerable he was and grabbed his bag and gun.

She had grabbed the door handle and asked him in he was ready. He blinked and held the gun up again. "Y-yeah..." he said softly, gulping nervously. He still kept his distance from her, not trusting her fully yet. He felt a smile pulls at his lips as he thought about the police vest. It was so cool! He'd always wanted one like the guys on Castle and NCIS! Maybe he could trust this girl....then he remembered what happened last time and stayed guarded. Not again, not ever again.
Rayna paused for a second, and gave the boy a reassuring smile, a little bit for him but mostly for herself, "It is a real life police vest," she said. Then with that she wrenched the door of the church open, moving quickly and hoping to startle anyone inside. She saw two men face to face, a black wall of energy separated them, her heartbeat began to speed up rapidly. Energy walls? Gripping her gun firmly she aimed at the maroon haired man with the Satanic eyes, hoping that he wouldn't flat out obliterate her on the spot.

"Hands up! Friend or Foe?" she yelled, stepping further in front of the boy behind her. Eyes scanning the room wildly, she took note of the candles, which could be used as possible weapons. Why they were here? Someone either inhabited the space or they were summoning Satan, or some Gorgon from the Underworld. Maroon dude, looked pretty... monsterly to her.

"Look, I don't want to fight... I just... what's going on?" she said, voice wavering.
(Sorry for not posting sooner!!!)

Valkyrie fell back into the chair, but immediately just stood up, and kicked it aside. Making a slash that seemed wild, she managed to catch him just slightly on his arm, and got a glimpse of his blood. She was panting, and wincing slightly but stood her ground. In her anger, she began talking in rapid Norwegian "Jeg skal drepe deg, din dumme gutt." She said hoarsely in her flurry of anger. Taking a moment, Valkyrie calmed herself down, and tried to catch her breath.

"Who the heck are you, and why did you take our weapons." She demanded, just waiting for his answer. One wrong word and she would likely want to chop his head off. Wait, she already did. Holding the ax and knife tightly yet, her hands stun just slightly. Valkyrie spread her feet shoulder width apart, and stood with her muscles tense. If she had too, she just might be able to take him down; but probably not. He seemed a bit bigger than her, but probably not as smart.
(( I didn't know auto-hitting was allowed. o-o;; ))

xxxxxScarlett, watched silently. She contemplated on possible waiting till one of them was dead, but then somehow, she knew that she wasn't going to get her weapons back unless the guy was still alive. She couldn't interfere, since she was weaponless. Her arm brushed against the knife that was still in her belt loop, and a small wave of relieve went through her. So she wasn't completely defenseless, even if she was inexperienced with such miniature weapons. Scarlett leaned against the wall, deciding on only attacking if attacked.

xxxxxShe itched for the grip on her katana again, and felt close to pathetic without it. The girl who had attacked her seemed to only know how to solve things with violence, and Scarlett was pretty sure that the guy wouldn't give back the weapons unless his questions were answered. "She attacked me out of nowhere." She said simply, as the other girl stood in an offensive position. "I was short on supplies, looking for food, and she was in the mood for killing."
Nico rolled back on his heels, looking at the guy with the shot-gun. He groaned internally, thinking of his supply stores in the church. He dropped the wall and his sword, and instead created armor for himself, which required a bit less energy. "Alright, I can-" He stopped when he heard voices behind him. He saw a girl and a young kid conversing by the church. He groaned out loud this time, and called out, projecting his voice.

"Alright, seeing as everyone is interested in the God forsaken church, I may as well speak about it. This is my church, my HQ of sorts. I have supplies I'd be willing to share with all of you, as I'll be moving on soon anyways. All of you are free to join me, as I will me moving further north toward City Hall, which is supposed to contain more supplies, and an energy source, likely a high powered generator. My name is Nico. I'd rather not get into confrontation with any of you. In this hell-like, post-war San Francisco, we need to work together to survive, in my opinion." Nico thought this was the best possible speech he could give. He didn't trust any of them, but they were his best bet for figuring out how to get the world back in order.
Christian blinked at the guy who gave the speech a few minutes ago. He went around the girl and closer to the strange man. "Do you have any food? I-I haven't eaten in long time..." he said, trying to keep his voice from shaking. He hadn't eaten in almost 10 hours and he was feeling hunger pains coming on, the fish he had eaten didn't really fill him up. He stayed guarded, gun held firmly in his hand.

This made him feel excited, maybe he could have a safe shelter. He'd have a policewoman and a guy with a shotgun and some guy with cool shadow powers. It was like in those mythology books he read. What were they called? Something and the Olympians right? Oh well.
Rayna squinted at the man, using a hand to gently push the boy back behind her she stepped forward, "Nice to meet you Nico, my name is Rayna," she responded, pulling a bag of Doritos out of her pocket and handing the package to the young boy behind her.

She turned around to look at Nico again, looking him up and down. He was blatantly untrustworthy but he definitely wasn't human. Glancing between him and the open doors of the church where her wheel-less vehicle was parked a few miles away, it dawned on her that her best bet would be to stay with this man.

"May I ask... how are you doing that? With that black stuff you made into some sort of armor?" she questioned, putting her gun back in it's holster. She didn't entirely trust him, but she doubted her gun would do anything against him. Her chest tightened as she began to realize how vulnerable she was in this situation, and that was the last thing she wanted to be. Her mind raced back and forth, trying to decide whether to tell him about the supplies she already had, or to pilfer his rations, which he seemed willing to share.
(Sorry, it's not. I gotta fix my post plus I'm leaving this site in 1 or 2 days. You guys can control my character, though. Byee!)
"What this?" Nico dissolved the shadow armor and picked up his sword hilt. He stuffed it into his belt loop and looked at the police woman. "In truth, I do not know the exact how of it. I know that when I want, I can make darkness coalesce in any way I want, and then for some strange reason, I can turn this darkness into solid forms, harder than diamond. This uses a lot of my physical energy, depending on what I'm creating." Nico held out his palm and created a small, extremely detailed, black statue of the woman.

He let it dissolve and looked back at her. "See? I don't know how something insubstantial like a lack of photons, can be turned into matter and acted upon by gravity. I really have no idea. But then, I don't know a lot of things. I don't know how I can step through shadows into the Underworld and step out somewhere else. I don't know how I've managed to live close to 3,500 years, but haven't aged a day. I cannot explain a lot of the things that have happened to me, that I can do."
Christian's eyes widened at Nico's words. That was one of the coolest things he had ever heard. He munched happily on the Doritos. He hadn't had chips in so long he was eating slowly so he could savor the taste. He got a bit irritated that the woman had pushed him back. He was the man, he should be protecting her. That's what his father had always taught him. He felt tears prick his eyes as he thought of his family.

He grit his teeth. He was not going to miss them, they abandonded him! He stepped foreward slightly and looked at Nico warily. "So can we stay?" he said strongly, voice only catching slightly as his throat tightened with tears he refused to shed. "Or not?" He then started to wonder, what was this girl's name anyway?
It slowly began to dawn on Rayna that this was reality, that Underworld inhabitants, axe babes, and little boys with guns were a part of her world. Swallowing she approached Nico, she was going to have to trust him, if she wanted to reach her Dad she was going to need her help.

"Alright, I'll go with you to city hall or wherever. I don't have much to offer, I'm 17, my name is Rayna... I left from San Francisco because my Dad said he would meet me here after they weren't in need of the police anymore... However I do have food and some other supplies in my car. And the car itself is pretty sturdy... it just... has no wheels... they were gone an hour ago. I have some police standard issue stuff," Rayna rambled running a hand through her hair.

She glanced over at Christian, he was enjoying those Doritos a little too much, she decided that he was not a threat, he was still innocent. Innocence wasn't something she saw a lot of here, and they were going to need it, as a beacon or whatever everyone wanted to view it as.
Loki easily pivoted on his right foot as the woman lashed out at him after she regained her feet from rolling off the chair after hitting the ground. When she began spouting Norse,Loki was intrigued. "I'll kill you,you stupid boy." Charming. Loki replied pithily,in Norwegian, "Hvordan kan du drepe meg når du ikke kan treffe meg?" How can you kill me when you can't hit me? His accent was slightly off,but it was otherwise flawless. When the other woman spoke up,Loki was inclined to agree. "Right,then." He looked at the Norwegian woman,and replied, "Didn't I tell you? I wanted to know the why of it all! And now I do."

Loki lunged in,ducking under the woman's arm,and getting himself between her legs,almost curled into a ball. He exploded outwards,lifting her bodily on his back,arms now wrapped around her legs. He flung his arms up,releasing the Norwegian woman's legs,and allowed her to slam into the floor. But,instead of slamming into the floor,she melted into it.

Out in the middle of the Bay,the island that housed the infamous derelict prison Alcatraz,the Norwegian woman fell from a good seven feet,onto a patch of grass in the prison complex.

"Attempted murder! Two counts! Life in prison!" Loki reached into a linked space beside him,and pulled out the Norwegian woman's weapons,casually dumping them into the space that led to Alcatraz. "Here,have some toys! Can't have you getting bored!" Alcatraz was impossible to escape from,and impossible to survive on. There was no food or drinkable water there. The currents in the Bay were too strong to manage without a boat,or powers that made naval navigation easier.

When he pulled out a fistful of arrows,he carefully placed them in a different linked space. His hand came out the other end,placing the arrows in the other woman's quiver with great care. He even kept his hand away from the delicate and essential fletchings. After that,he unstrapped the quiver from her shoulder,and said, "That has to be so awkward." Through another hole in space,Loki strapped the quiver to the woman's hip,the same side as the hand she used to draw. "There. Much more natural!" He pulled a straight-edged shortsword from the space leading to the soda coolers,and held it out to the woman,hilt first. "A jaken. I like your taste!"

He tilted his head to the right,and said, "I am Loki,mademoiselle. And you are?"
xxxxx"Uh..." Scarlett straightened up, no longer leaning against the wall as she saw the girl materialize into the ground. "Well, you were obviously holding back." Now, she felt a bit nervous around the man. He was so powerful, and if he felt like it, he might as well cause her to disappear as well. "Remind me never to get on your bad side." She muttered, more to herself than him.

xxxxxShe stood a bit awkwardly as he returned her arrows, not only that, but readjusting her quiver, and placing it down at her hips. "That has to be so awkward." He said. "Thanks for the consideration, but I'm used to it as it was before." Scarlett returned the quiver to its previous position. She had never met a person like him. Especially not at a time like this. He seemed so... happy wasn't a good way to describe him. More childish, like this whole situation was a game. It made her feel uncomfortable, yet she was curious, and wanted to know more about the way he acted. She took the sword from his hand, noting the way he held it out to her. It seemed he meant no harm, but it didn't mean she could still trust him.

xxxxxAs her hand gripped around the hilt of the sword, she felt more relaxed. It was like her life depended on it, and she needed to have the katana beside her. "Thanks, I'm not one for gunnery." She replied, sliding her weapon back into the sheath. He introduced himself as Loki, and the tilt in his head only made Scarlett feel a bit more uncomfortable. "Scarlett." She replied simply. The red-haired girl was silent for a moment, observing the man. His mask was intriguing, and just looking at it made her want to run over and rip it off. "I don't mean to pry, but is there something you're hiding under that mask of yours?" Sure, the question came from nowhere, but the curiosity was eating at her, and she wanted to know.
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"Alright, that sounds good. There might be some wheels around here, and if not I can make them, probably hold us over as far as City Hall. Do we have any packs? We can put some supplies in those and store them in the car, then drive to City Hall. Once we're there we should look for other survivors, maybe venture down to South San Francisco. I don't know if anyone's left other than us, or what kind of abilities they might have. I'm just warning you, I've seen a lot of insane things in the past three and a half millenniums. There might be some seriously dangerous stuff out there. If we encounter anything like me, and I tell you to get out of there, promise you'll leave. You've seen what I can do, there might be others that can do even crazier things. I don't want anyone else to die." Once he had finished my speech, Nico looked at everyone, waiting for their responses. He knew there might be some argument on my last statement, no one wanted to run from action, but he didn't want anyone dying on his watch.
"Alright Nico, I'm not going to argue with you there. Makes sense, I'd just be some annoying pimple to someone who could make a road roller out of nothing," Rayna said, placing her hands on her hips. Packs? She had a few duffel bags with her sister's belongings, as much as it would hurt to empty out their things in the garbage it would hurt more to bed dead.

"I have a car Nico, it just has no tires... if you can make some tires it'll get us all over there..." she mused, turning on her heel and walking towards the entrance, she paused for a second looking over her shoulder, "I've got some bags too, I'll be right back,"

She glanced at the boy before she left, the thought of taking him with her crossed her mind but the fact he could take care of himself was quite apparent. Taking care as she made her way through the roads back to her car, she reached the SUV in little time. Emptying the contents of each duffel bag into a ditch she slung the two of them over her shoulder and beelined back towards the church, peeking inside before she entered.

"Alright, I have two bags and limited space in my car..." she said, tossing the bags onto the ground, "What next?"
The figure clad in white had finished messing with the SUV, and started walking away. Fog's face remained without emotion, as he pulled out the detonator. He was about 50 feet away when he pressed it, and the car went sky-high, sent debris and shrapnel everywhere, into the place it was nearby, and the explosion was loud, loud enough to be heard for at least a mile or two.

He was already back on the south side of the city before anyone could react. Some random person ran up to him, probably hoping to mug him or something, Fog simply took his gun, and shot the person in the hand.

"Now, what have we learned? Don't try to mug anyone anymore, they fight back," Fog spoke, and then unleashed two rounds into the person's chest, dropping them, and then leaving them laying there as their blood puddled around them.
Loki chuckled as the woman,Scarlett,said she wasn't one for guns. He pulled out his trench knives,and deftly spun them by one of the finger rungs,and replied, "Neither am I! No control with a gun! And less fun,too." He closed his fists around the hilts,easily threading his fingers through the rungs on the spiked knuckle covers,and slid the knives straight back into their sheathes at his back. When the woman asked what was under his mask,Loki chuckled and replied, "Now,that would be telling,wouldn't it? The mask keeps me safe! No one sees my face,no one reacts poorly to my pranks! That's how it works!"

And that's when the entire goddamned city was rocked by an explosion. Right outside.

Loki's head snapped to the source of the sound. He had half a mind to shield his face from the incoming shrapnel with his semi-armoured arm. The SUV that he stripped the wheels from was now a twisted,burning hulk. "On second thought...It keeps people from knowing who I am so they can react poorly properly." He looked at Scarlett,and said, "I suggest we de-ass the area with the quickness." Loki was drained. He doubted he'd be able to make a linked space,let alone teleport. He had,maybe,a flash bomb left in him. He seriously needed some energy. "I saw a church nearby. Get in there,look for a cellar. I'll be with you soon. I just need a pick-me-up." He jogged to the back,towards the soda coolers,muttering, "Now,where's the Monster...?"
Christian watched as behind the woman, what was her name again?, her SUV blew to chunks, parts flying everywhere. Christian would have let out a low whistle if it were not for 2 things. First, he can't whistle and Second, he was currently licking the cheese dust off his hands. "Um...your car..." he said softly, pointing at the smoking remains of the vehicle. "Now how are we gonna get to City Hall? Walk?" he said, glancing between the male who's name he had forgotten also and the woman.

The tension was high, no one trusted each other fully yet obviously. The only thing on Christian's mind was more food and that he really wanted to play soccer right now. Why were they going to city hall anyway? He hadn't really been paying attention. He shrugged and focused back on licking the dust off his fingers and picking out the crumbs from the corner of the bag.
Rayna let out a long labored breath as her car decided to... cease to exist, everything she wasn't already carrying had been demolished. She couldn't tell whether she wanted to cry or whether she wanted to throw up, or maybe she wanted to sleep?Unfortunately there was no time for any of these things, she racked her mind for explanations. Was it an attack? If they wanted to kill her they would have directly confronted her, she didn't pose a threat appearance wise. Blinking she sat in one of the pews.

"Yes sir, you've got sharp eyes... that was my car..." Rayna muttered, addressing the young boy, "I would offer you more Doritos but you know..."

Raking a hand through her dirt caked hair she glanced at Nico, she was fresh out of ideas and way too exhausted to come up with any on her own.

"You think that was the signal of an attack?" she asked, glancing at everyone in the room.
xxxxx~Not the reason I had in mind, but... funny.~ Scarlett smiled when Loki mentioned that guns were "less fun." She did agree with him, but her main reason for not using guns was because they were ridiculous weapons used by cowards who didn't know how to fight. Of course, at a time like this, there were cowards all over the place. Hiding alone, and killing anything that moved. Or at least trying to.

xxxxx"Now,that would be telling,wouldn't it? The mask keeps me safe! No one sees my face,no one reacts poorly to my pranks! That's how it works!" She raised an eyebrow. Telling? Her question had only left her even more curious. This guy didn't seem to have any fears, but he didn't seem to be trying to act tough either. He was just... childish. Scarlett shook her head, hoping to never experience one of the so called, "pranks" that ran through his unfathomable mind. It was then that a huge explosion went off nearby, startling the girl. Scarlett leaned against the wall again as the ground shook.

xxxxxScarlett lifted up her cloak to shield herself from the debris that flew at them. As the dust cleared, Scarlett squinted, peering out of one of the windows. It seemed that someone blew up an SUV that was parked outside. Judging by whatever was left of the paint job, it was the SUV that had came by to observe the fight between the two girls. Who in the right mind would waste such a powerful explosion on a simple car? She felt a bit peeved at the thought of auch a waste and shook her head. "On second thought...It keeps people from knowing who I am so they can react poorly properly." Scarlett smiled once again. "Reasonable." She replied, patting the dust off of her cloak.

xxxxxWhen everything seemed to clear, he mentioned a church nearby, and she silently nodded, leaving quickly, just as he had advised. No doubt his was tired from the use of his powers. Scarlett's powers herself drained her quickly if she used to much at once. She left the building and walked quickly towards the church. It was close, and she was able to get there within minutes. Unfortunately, her ears were still ringing from the explosion, and she hadn't noticed it from before. As she neared the church, it wasn't hard to spot a group of people gathered in front of it. She cursed under her breath, unwilling to walk up to them. They could've been on the bad side of San Francisco, and she didn't want to be caught up with them.

xxxxxThen of course, most people from the south side never joined in groups as large as theirs, so it was highly likely that they were from the north. Either way, she didn't want to get involved, so she kept her distance, looking for ways to enter the building rather than waltz right past them. Eventually, Scarlett roamed around the back of the church. There was a pretty well covered trapdoor that stuck out slightly from the ground. It was old, and untouched, so it didn't take her much effort to kick the door open.

xxxxxOne of the hinges became loose and fell off, causing the wooden door to break off and crash into the cellar below. Scarlett cursed under her breath. Hopefully no one would pay much attention to the noise, but it was too loud for it not to be noticed. At least she had found the cellar.

(( TLDR(Too Long Didn't Read): Basically, Scarlett found a cellar in the back of the church, but made quite a loud crash in the process of opening the door to it. So, yay noises. o-o;; ))
-San Francisco,South End of the North Side-

Loki reached the soda coolers at the back of the gas station storefront. A quick glance over his shoulder told him that the SUV's fire was spreading. No telling when it would get close enough to the pumps or underground storage tanks to blow the entire block to the moon. Loki opened the first cooler,and pulled out two large,two liter bottles of Coke,and moved onto the next cooler. It looked like a bomb went off in it. Miraculously,the cans and bottles were unharmed,but the shelves were knocked here and there,and their contents were,thusly,scattered through the storage space. Seeing no energy drinks,Loki moved on.

Jackpot. The cooler had several large cans of Monster,Rockstar,and Red Bull. Pulling out half a dozen cans of Monster,Loki turned around and started on his way out the front door. Before he could get out,however,something caught his eye. Butterfingers. Caramel,peanut butter,and chocolate. Practically solid rocket booster fuel for the human body. Loki set the cans of Monster on the countertop,and took the display box,which held at least five dozen bars,and slid the bottom of his balaclava up to his nose,revealing a heavily scarred chin.

Biting down on the end of the box,Loki scooped up the cans of Monster once more,and made a run for it. Loki bounded through the decimated glass door,and hung an immediate left,making a mad dash to get away from the bomb that was the gas station. Loki made it behind the building next door,an apartment building,before the gas station went off.

The sound was intense. Three separate explosions could be heard. One was the underground gas tank,another was the underground diesel tank,and the third was the pumps. They sounded like high-yield artillery shells going off. Shrapnel was cast about for miles,some pieces utterly flattening cars. One even impaled an unfortunate young woman.

The building Loki made it behind quaked on it's foundations,as did every building within ten blocks. Some fell over. Others sagged. Others still simply ceased to exist. Every window within five blocks exploded. Loki was shielded from the shockwave by the building,and made his way to the church,a few blocks away. Wasn't there a church in Norway that survived Nazi shelling?

Loki arrived at the church,looking utterly silly with the box of Butterfingers dangling from his mouth. "'Ey,'ave 'ewe 'sheen uh 'oomun a'ond 'ere?" was all he could spit out around the box,addressing the people gathered out front. His usual grin was present,even when his mouth was full of paperboard.


-San Francisco,South End of the South Side-

Frederick Sinclair stood out,to say the least. Even in the scum-infested South end of San Fran. He wore a white-and-blue suit,with a matching longcoat and helmet. It looked utterly alien,as if it came out of fiction. This alone would've made him everyone's target. But he wasn't. Only the truly mad or stupid tried to start shit with him. Why? He also had an M60 over his shoulder,an a backpack with five spare barrels poking out,and a belt of large bullets going from the bottom of the other part of the bag to the large gun's reciever.

Or maybe it was the fact water tended to freeze around him. But,the fact remained. He was feared. I could use that. He saw a man approach him,hands in his pockets. A quick glance revealed two bulges along his thighs. Either a VERY bizarre mutation,or a pair of knives,with removed pockets.

Sinclair brought his gun down from his shoulder,and pointed it at the man. "Only bring a knife to a gunfight if you have the element of surprise." The man stopped in his tracks,looking surprised. Then he growled,and his hands flew back into his pockets. "Wrong answer." The man fired a single bullet,and it found home in the thug's throat. A disgusting splortch sounded off as the bullet rocketed into,then out of,the poor slob's neck. The entry wound was large,and gushing blood,wheezing and fluttering as the thug's panicked breathing failed to fill his lungs. The exit wound was even more gruesome. Half of the spine was visible in an egg-sized hole.

The thug hit the ground with a wet smack,a pool of blood blossoming around him.

Sinclair stepped around the corpse,propping his gun onto his shoulder once more. After a few moments,he found his destination. One of the few remaining bars down in South San Fran. The bouncers flanking the door were terrifying,in their own regard. One had a bandoleer of hand grenades,and held in his hands an AA-12. Probably buckshot. Amateur. The other bouncer also had a bandoleer of grenades,but,instead of frags,he had tear gas,and his weapon was a wooden baseball bat. The bouncers raised their eyebrows at Sinclair as he approached,but let him in,regardless. The one with the bat said, "Try not to make a mess." Sinclair stopped,looked at the bouncer,and nodded,saying, "I'll keep that in mind." The bouncer nodded,and pointed Sinclair inside.

Rayna rubbed her ringing ears tightly as a barrage of explosions took place around her, instinct or terror, most likely both kicked in and she dropped to the ground in a defensive position. As she righted herself, rubbing dust out her eyes and trying to control the wobbling of her legs all the while she noted two things. One was the loud crashing in the back of the church, and the second was the tall man approaching him with... what appeared to be... Butterfingers in a box hanging out of his mouth.

"'Ey,'ave 'ewe 'sheen uh 'oomun a'ond 'ere?" the man stated, obviously having issues speaking through cardboard. Rayna had no idea whether to be disturbed by his state of dress... maybe he's an umpire.. they look like that, right? Or maybe he's a part of the swat team... She shook her head, his wardrobe wasn't important. The fact that he was addressing them so casually was. Especially with his hands full and a mouth full of... box. Not that they were an imposing looking group... well Nico looked a little creepy but the teenage girl and kid sucking on his fingers? Probably not. It'd be best to address him normally, she finally decided.

"Woman? Have we seen a woman?" Rayna asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she pulled the young boy behind her again, "If that's what you're asking... no... no we haven't, I'm the only girl here so far... and I know I don't have anything for you..."
Christian dropped the empty bag when the tremors started. He knew this was an explosion and it shocked him to the core. He hurried and ducked under a pew of the church. He felt fear grip his heart and his hands shook. Were they gonna blow up? He felt tears prick his eyes. He was 13, he was supposed to be playing video games with his best friends. Were they even still alive? He didn't know if he'd ever see Jackson, his best friend's face again. He probably never will. Is this what had become of the world?

Agony and terror made his blood run cold. He let out a wail of despair but the explosions had muffled the sound. He held tightly onto the bolted down pews as the foundation shook. Soon the earsplitting sound stopped and he rose unsteadily to his feet. He saw a strangely dressed male with items in his mouth, facing off to Rayna (he finally remembered her name).

"'Ey,'ave 'ewe 'sheen uh 'oomun a'ond 'ere?" He stated, muffled. Rayna responded to him but his hears decided to ring as soon as she started talking. She pulled him behind her but he was too scared to feel irritated at the moment.

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