Glory of a New World (IC)


A Ghost of RpN's Past
San Francisco had never truly recovered. No city had. Parts of the city lay in ruin, cracks ran among the road. There were even bodies till laying on the streets as Fog strode past, even though, being on the southern part of San Fran, some of these bodies weren't all that old.

He sighed, however, and looked around. This city knew not of what he would, or could do. He just wanted to have some fun, make those, "good" guys on the northern part of the city know his name. See how good they are.

However, that would have to wait.


The northern part of San Fran had many of the better people, still trying to work together, keep each other alive, while the southern part wanted many of anyone dead. However, everyone was there own die, they could chose to cast themselves wherever they please.

(Yes, I know, it's not much, but, work with it! Have fun, and don't die! That's my job! xD )
Rayna quietly tapped her fingers against the steering wheel of her SUV, trying to decide whether to look for a gas station or more food and supplies was taxing her sanity. Climbing into the backseat she pulled on a bulletproof vest that was way too big for her and slipped her handgun in it's holster. She could always find gas, but it'd be hard to do that when she was starving to death, so she decided to venture for food. Moving as quietly as she could she opened the door of her vehicle and stepped out into the rubble, trying to ignore the bodies littering the ground around her.

She checked her cellphone's map, she seemed to be in the Northern part of San Francisco, it didn't look too bad, there should be something here she thought to herself, walking forward.
Valkyrie glanced around as she walked, her two traditional Norwegian axes strapped to her belt along with her collection of daggers. She smiled at the memories of the war, her twisted mind laughing at her families death as they screamed in pain for mercy. She enjoyed it, savored it.

All that Valkyrie had ever wanted was to be herself and not be judged. Now she got more than that even; no one could tell her what to do, her name was meant to strike fear into anyone and everyone. Even if it didn't, she imagined that it did or would.
Christian nibbled on the fish he had stolen and cooked over a fire. He didn't complain about bland flavor and sat quietly. He thought about fishing out his phone and looking for some music but he decided against it. The battery would run out and the walk to the nearest place with power was dangerous so he kept his phone in his pocket. The air was chilly and nipping at his face but he didn't wanna shut the window, in case he had to escape quickly. The fire provided heat and light but the wind was threatening to blow it out. He had quite the conundrum here, either freeze to death or risk being trapped.

"I guess it's cuddling up to Jack Frost, once again. Plus it's too dangerous to have fire burning over night...." he muttered to himself as he remembered how his smoke had almost made a group of house raiders notice him. He laid down on his pillow and covered himself with his cheap blanket. He was just going to close his eyes...for a second....


Now thanks to that great idea of falling asleep with the fire still burning, he was running through the woods with his knife in a firm grip in his right hand. He panted and realized all his rations were gone now. Dawn was breaking and he needed fuel soon, to keep him going.
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xxxxxScarlett was rifling through a bag of a person that lay dead on the side of the road. Her supplies were diminishing, and she needed whatever she could find. Luckily, she had found herself some dry jerky and fruit. There was a half-filled plastic water bottle, but she let it be. It was possible that it could have been contaminated, or that the person was sick when drinking it, so she didn't want to take the risk. Scarlett tossed the food in her messenger and went on her way. Today, she was wandering a bit farther towards the south side of San Francisco than she desired, but she planned on leaving just as soon as she got enough supplies.

xxxxxScarlett held the hilt of her katana as she walked down the road, cautious for anything that came out at her. It had been one to many times where she had been attacked while wandering the south side of San Francisco, and she had learned from her mistakes.
Valkyrie noticed a red headed girl walking down the street, and smiled to herself. She slipped into the shadows, a cruel smirk flaring into existence on her face. She slipped one of her axes into her hand, and held it by the base as she stalked the other carefully. Her mind whirled with evil ideas, voices telling her to strike the girl dead; that would be no fun though. Valkyrie decided on putting the axe away, and drawing one of her five knives from it's case. It would be a simple matter to recover it once she had the girl shrieking in pain.

Carefully taking aim for just above the crook of the girls left arm, Valkyrie waited for the perfect moment. This'll be fun. She thinks, smirking smugly. Valkyrie pulled her arm back, and let the dagger fly. On it's set course, it would just nick the edge of the girls arm and then strike the opposite building and stick there for her to retrieve at a later time.
Rayna continued to search the roads, thirty minutes were wasted as she came up with nothing. Gritting her teeth she managed squeeze into a car wreck and look inside one of the bigger shipping trucks. Of course nothing, she thought in despair, deciding against searching any further she walked back towards her car, glancing at the slowly depleting gas meter. She would have to deal with that when it came, there should be supplies still in some abandoned houses, she reminded herself. Stealing her nerves she put the car in drive and headed South.

The roads were littered with obstacles and what should have already taken a long time took much longer, her gaze was solemn as she passed the tattered remains of the city. Families had been broken and people had been killed, hopefully her father would pull through and find her. Something bright caught her eye and she pulled the truck to a stop, turning off the headlights and hunkering down, two girls were about to fight. Hopefully it wasn't anything gang related, that was the last thing she needed to get involved in. And that entirely Depended on whether they saw her or not.
xxxxxScarlett reached behind her back, pulling out her bow. Maybe she'd be able to find some game in the area. She hadn't eten meat in a while,and was craving some. Hopefully a rabbit... Scarlett heard some kind of noise, it was coming closer to her, but she couldn't exactly figure out what it was.

xxxxxThen it hit her, quite literally of course. A throwing knife came flying at her, and she had only reacted quick enough so that the knife grazed her fore-arm. It was a minor cut, and had already started bleeding. She cursed under her breath and took out a bit of linen that was hanging on her waist. In just a second, she had it wrapped around her arm to stop the bleeding. She hooked the bow on her back, and pulled out her katana. For someone to just attack her out of nowhere, for no reason as well. It was no doubt the person wasn't a kind one. Judging be where the knife was aimed, she quessed that this person enjoyed to watch people suffer, since she hadn't aimed for a vital spot on her body.

xxxxxThe knife stuck in the wall nearby, and Scarlett grabbed it, pulling it back out as a second weapon. "Attacking people for no reason. How shallow of you." She muttered, pushing the knife into the loop of her belt. She readied herself for another blow, in case it came at her, her eyes darting around. This person was hiding in the shadows, and she had to be prepared for an attack that came from any direction. She noticed a vehicle not far from where she stood. It stopped close by, and the driver obviously was trying to hide. By the way she acted, Scarlett guessed she wasn't a bad person, but she could be entirely wrong, so instead, she made sure her guard would never be let down if the driver were to attack her as well.
Valkyrie hissed through her teeth, a bit angrily. Now she'd have to get closer to rest the knife from the stupid girl. Scanning the area around her Valkyrie thought about what she was to do next, attempting to actually think before acting rash and stupid and just going out there and winging it. Five seconds later, and was drawing one of her axes, the longer handled one once she noticed the girl had a katana with her. That sounds like a name... She thought.

Focusing, she just slightly brought up the heat of the girls blood. That was what the attack was for, of course though now there was more to be done. Now she had to go over there, take the knife and try not to get hurt to vitally in the process. Valkyrie slunk out of the shadows, and whirled towards the girl with her ax in hand. Continuing to slowly heat up her blood, she reaches for the dagger; eyes slight with cruelty and evil.
Christian finally got far enough away that he didn't hear footsteps. He panted, pulling into the side of his backpack and pulling out a bottle of water. He slurped the water, not too much of course, wanting to save it for the long trip he had to find more rations. He heard the sounds of a scuffle and made his way towards the sound.

Where there is a fight, there's something to fight over. He hoped there would be some left for him. He stuck to the shadows, hunkering down and watched the 2 girls fight. He hoped one would die close enough to him for him to steal their belongings and run.
Rayna's eyes widened in shock, one of those girls had a sword, and the other had some sort of axe, and they were about to go at it. This wasn't a catfight, it was like... real life Skyrim... and she was nowhere near prepared enough to deal with that. Luckily neither of them had payed any mind to her dinky SUV, and she took full advantage of the situation. She pulled the car into reverse and sped away, going full fledged in the opposite direction. South San Francisco was not the place for her, she made a mental note not to return.

She took another road on the way back, eyes roaming until she found a gas station. She entered the slightly intact gas station and reached behind the counter to turn on her gas pump. While her car filled she filled her trunk of slowly withering supplies and filled it with energy drinks and chips and other small snacks. As she filled a couple of red gasoline containers to shove into the trunk for later, she took note of the expiration date on the food. Great stale Doritos.
xxxxxScarlett stood there, in complete silence, listening for the slightest sound that could indicate the location of her enemy. The lack of noise only made her even more cautious. Whoever was pursuing her, had a lot of experience to not even make a single sound. Slowly, Scarlett's blood began to heat up, and it took a little time for her to notice. "What the..." She looked down at her arm. She felt hot, but it didn't bug her much, just intrigued her. Being a natural controller of fire, heat didn't exactly effect her, no matter where it was in her body. Stupidly enough though, she let her guard down for a second, and had barely escaped when the attacker came whirling out of the shadows, an axe in her hand.

xxxxxScarlett hit the ground, just barely dodging the axe that came flying at her, and jumped out of the girl's reach. It was obvious she was trying to retrieve her knife, and there was no way Scarlett would be giving her another way to kill her. As she jumped away from her, Scarlett landed somewhere in a rather dark area under the shadows. She had nearly landed on someone who was there, watching them. From a glance she could tell it was a rather young boy. "You better get out of here kid. This place isn't safe." she told him simply before turning back to the girl. She had her hair tied up in pigtails, and looked way to innocent to be a bad person. Her eyes, on the other hand, told a completely different story.

xxxxxWhen she had came jumping out with her axe, her eyes gave off nothing but a evil and malicious hunger for cruelty. People like her, Scarlett hated. To be so thirsty for the deaths of others. Scarlett had tried to kill a person before, but she could never bring herself to do it. She had no problem when rendering others unable, but couldn't move an inch when it came to stabbing someone through the heart. "I'm unimpressed." She said simply, stepping back out from the shadows. "Care to try again?" Scarlett readied her sword, using her free hand to beckon the girl in a mocking notion. Just then, the car that had pulled up earlier sped off, like the driver was frightened. Scarlett didn't pay much attention to it, and turned back to the other girl.

(( Real life Skyrim. xDD I'm dying!! ))
(I don't even know what Skyrim is... I love your description of Valkyrie though, it describes her perfectly xD )

Valkyrie swore under her breath, this girl was better than she had thought. Slipping the other ax into her other hand, and held them both loosely, judging her. She could just ditch the axes, and try and over power her but to many things could go wrong. Taking a moment to think, muscles tense and ready to just throw one into the girls chest and let her die. That, though, would be to easy and no fun. Which was why Valkyrie did things like this. For fun.

"Come and have a go," Valkyrie said, just loud enough for the other to hear "If you think you're tough enough." She then flew at her, and waited until she was just close enough to kick her legs out, and sprawled to the ground. Valkyrie wildly made an attempt to kick her legs out from under her, and scarcely spared a moment to see if she actually fell. She jumped up, and made another snatch at the knife, her mind screaming for blood and death. Her eyes sparked with fury, she had never liked to be outsmarted. Her ego wasn't strong enough to tae the blow.
Loki leapt from roof to roof,keeping above street level. He was in the South side of glorious San Fran. Or,rather,what was left of it. Screams and gunshots surrounded him. People fighting and killing eachother for greed and sport. Loki sighed as he leapt at the wall of a higher building. Just before he collided with the wall,he vanished,seemingly melting into the wall,and un-melting onto the roof above,having linked the two points. Loki made sure to unlink the space behind him,just in case.

Loki made good time,and reached the North end quickly enough. He descended to the streets quickly,as the area was less densely built up. Looking around through his balaclava and sports grille mask,he spotted an SUV,and it looked like it was in good condition. Good enough to drive,at any rate. A devious smile crept onto his face,and approached the vehicle casually.

He crouched beside the vehicle,and examined the wheels. With a smirk,he reached at the wheel,gripped it by the sides,and pulled. As he pulled,the bolts holding the wheel to the axle plinked to the pavement,teleported from their housings. It was such a short range move,it barely drained him at all. As the wheel came off,it melted from his grasp.

Miles away,an SUV wheel un-melted,seemingly from the air,and plummeted into the river.

Loki repeated the procedure three times,and by the time he finished,which was in moments,he felt relatively drained. He could still run around like a caffeinated gerbil,but he won't exactly be shooting lasers any time soon. Looking into the gas station,he saw two women fighting inside,with at least one axe in play. He shuddered as a very unwelcome memory surged back. He shook the unbidden thought from his mind,and strolled to the door.

Loki pulled the door open,and reached out to either woman,arms vanishing into a linked space. "Ladies!" With one hand,he plucked the arrows from one woman's quiver,and dropped them into another linked space,leading to one of the soda coolers at the back of the room,and his other hand grabbed the other woman's axe,and dropped it into another linked space,causing it to fall on the first woman's sword,pulling it from her grasp with sheer weight and leverage. The two weapons tumbled into yet another linked space,which lead to another soda cooler at the back of the room.

The women were effectively disarmed. All that was left in play was a bow without arrows.

"So,what's this about?" He reached behind him,arm reaching into a new linked space,and plucked the chair from behind the counter. He pulled it in,and sat,a silly grin on his face,although it's covered by his balaclava.

Every linked space was closed as their purpose was completed.
Nico sat in the crypts of an empty church, curled up against a wall, his arms resting on his knees, his head resting on arms, and his eyes closed. He has lit candles all around the room so that there wouldn't be any shadows. He had mastered his Shadow Walking, but you never could know what was hiding in them, waiting to strike. He sighed into his legs and looked up. He generated some darkness in the palm of his hand and turned it into a crystal.

He was still looking for a way to make his solidified shadow creations permanent, without expending large amounts of energy. He had only done it once, purely by accident. He has created a gem similar to the one he had just made, and put it on a pendant that he had given to a girl he had fallen in love with, thirty years ago today. She died at the beginning of the war. She was ten feet from the detonation point of a nuclear bomb. He clenched his fist around the crystal and crushed it back into shadow, as the tears began to flow silently.

He sighed and stood up, wiping the tears away with his forearm and slowly walking up the stairs and into the sunlight. His dark eyes worked similar to sunglasses and he didn't flinch away from the bright light. He wandered up the street, just barely keeping the tears back. It had been three weeks, and he had yet to find any other survivors in north San Francisco.
Valkyrie whirled around as one ax was plucked from her grip, "What. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing." She said through gritted teeth, eyes blazing with anger. She grips her other ax tighter. They were both freaking family heirlooms, one of her few memories left of Norway. In her other hand, she held one of her last four knives, gripping that tightly as well and shutting lids on each of the others. I should've known it was a bad idea to cross over. She thinks, cursing her irrational brain as she did so.

After all of that, she suddenly whirled the arm with the small throwing knife, and slit through the balaclava, only nicking his upper lip with it. If he was gonna use his powers against her, fine. Two could play at that game then. She held both weapons tighter, ready to chop someones head off in her rage. Her older sister had always made fun of her for her never ending raging anger, but who's laughing now? Not her dead sister, that was for sure. She also aimed a kick at one of the legs of his chair, trying to knock it out from under him.

(Oops, sorry for posting. I only just remembered the pause thing... I keep making mistakes. :/ )
Chris wandered the tattered streets of northern San Francisco but although the area was rumored to be somewhat safe he did'int feel like taking any chances on rumors and end up with a bullet in his chest. The cool breeze felt good to him and reminded him of the simple life until he looked down just to stare at the carcass of some poor soul but other than the half decayed bodies on the street something else caught his eye it was a glow the pierced through the fog. As Chris walked further he saw that it was the church and could'int help but to admire the beauty of the place from the outside. He looked further up to see a figure of a person (Nico) "What do I want to do..." was the first thought that ran through his mind debating with himself if he wants to loot them or just try to help but before he could decided his body decided for him. He raised his shotgun then did a quiet jog to the person until he had a clear view of them. It was extremely quiet in the area until Chris's voice broke the silence "Lay down on the ground" He said in a clear and demanding tone.

((I was'int sure if there was fog or not but if there isn't then correct me on that))
xxxxx"Tch." Scarlett's grip around her sword tightened. She wasn't planning on attacking the girl, and didn't feel like she should waste the time. For now, Scarlett decided on self defense. Maybe she could tire the girl out enough to leave an opening for Scarlett to knock her unconscious. The girl made a dash towards her, a rather reckless move in Scarlett's opinion. Unexpectedly, the girl flew to the ground, swinging her legs around to try and cause Scarlett to fall. Scarlett's leg's flew up. She cursed, "Should've saw that coming..."

xxxxxArching her back, Scarlett landed on her hands and pushed herself off of the ground, flipping back up and landing on her feet. The knife had fallen to the floor due to her flip, and she stomped on the tip of the blade. It flipped up into the air, and without any effort, she caught it by the handle. "Not bad, you almost had me there." she said. "Now it's my turn." Scarlett lifted her sword up, but before she could make another move, and man came in and did some kind of Houdini move, disarming them in seconds. She made a pathetic attempt at grabbing her katana as it fell, but it was too late. It disappeared before her very eyes. All she had left was a useless bow and her powers... her powers.

xxxxxNo, no. She couldn't use them yet. She didn't need to unless the girl decided to attack her again. Scarlett turned to the man in rage. She had to fight every urge not to just tun over to him and kick him in the nuts. Of course, he didn't exactly pose a threat, he had just simply disarmed her. If he wanted to to damage, he could have done so easily. "You think you could have at least made it a little more fair?" Scarlett beckoned towards the girl who had attacked her, she still had a second axe and a couple more throwing knives. In fact, Scarlett was pretty lucky that the girl's attention had turned to him.
Loki laughed openly as the axe-wielding woman came at him with a knife. He threw his left arm forward,his forearm collided with the woman's with force enough to stop her swing dead,and knock the limb in the opposite direction. At the same time,he stood up from his seat,bringing his right foot around the front right leg of his chair,and with a simple swing of the hip,he swept the chair behind his opponent,at the same time kicking her calf. In a flash,he brought his left knee up to his chest,and straightened the leg with as much force as he could muster,straight into the woman's stomach. It would take superhuman strength,endurance,balance,and muscular rigidity to stay upright after such a blow,after having their stance sabotaged with the shin strike to the calf.

"Please,have a seat! All I wanna know is the why of it all!" He planted his foot on the lip of the now fallen seat,leaned on his knee,and said, "No need to chop off a man's head,now is there? All I'm doing is asking an innocent question!" He gestured to the other woman,without taking his eyes off his foe,and said, "I tried,but ya work with what ya got. Besides," Loki chuckled,as if this was just a playground scuffle, "I don't know who's who in the zoo."
Nico heard the man tell him to lay on the ground. So he did the only natural thing. He turned around and smiled, flashing his dark glowing eyes. He took one step forward, grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulling the guy of balance, then went punched him in the gut, stunning him long enough for Nico to create a solid shield of darkness between him and the other guy.

"Mind telling me why you aimed a shot gun at me? What did I ever do to you?" Nico looked at the guy through the barrier. He could hold this guy maybe an hour, IF the guy didn't fire. He sighed and formed the blade of his sword. Now the wall had half an hour. Nico thought of making a gun, but he'd never done anything modern, so he didn't know how successful he'd be. He could always shadow walk, but he'd rather not step out of the pan and into the fire.
Chris fell to the ground trying to regain his breath with his shotgun at his side "God damn it!" He yelled in agony. He stood up on one knee then soon the other until he was standing back up with oxygen back into his lungs then he heard the mans voice, he was calm, soothed and relaxed about the whole situation which was unusual to Chris. He readjusted his mask so he could see more clearly and saw the dark barrier separating two it was dark but slightly transparent so they both could see each other. "I'm not looking to kill you unlike most people I'm just trying to get back to town with supplies" He raised the barrel of his shotgun at the barrier waiting to see what would happen next "Looks like I got more than I asked for..."
Christian was startled by the woman from before and sat quietly watching the action between the two females and one male. He looked up at the sky and decided that this was taking too long for his liking. He sighed softly and looked across the clearing hoping to get across unnoticed or at least ignored. He got up from his hiding place and decided against running and calmly and quietly walked across, head down and hood up. His target was the church a few blocks down, hoping it was abandoned.

His heart pounded as he heard the group scuffling again and talking. He blocked out the sound and shuffled quickly. The road seemed to be the widest one he had ever crossed. He felt his hands shake so he clamped them onto the straps of his bag. Finally he made it across and ran all 5 blocks to the church. He halted his running and pulled open the church doors quietly. If someone was in there he didn't want to startle them or he'd end up either dead or injured. Neither sounded too wonderful to him.
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Rayna's stomach clenched as she left the convenience store she had been rooting through and stared at her car in front of her. Her vehicle had no wheels, no wheels. What was the point of a car...if it had no wheels. A groan escaped her lips as she peeked underneath her vehicle again, nothing. Who does this? Who does these sorts of things? Like, excuse me but... those are my tires, she thought in annoyance as she shoved the rest of the food into trunk, hitting the lock button.

Maybe she could find shelter and take everything out of the trunk and leave it there, she'd have to hurry or maybe they'd steal something else vital, like her cellphone. Gripping her handgun she sprinted up the street, keeping a lookout for any daggers or sword wielding she-knights. An empty church caught her attention as did, the young boy approaching it. She whipped out her pistol and pointed it at him.

"Hands up! Friend or Foe?," she yelled.
Christian halted, whipping around and staring at the girl who was pointing a pistol at him. He reached around quickly and pulled out a gun, pointing it shakily at her. He didn't know how to respond, he was too afraid to do anything. He just stared at her with wide eyes. He cleared this throat loudly. "Friend?" he said in a cracking voice.

Her stance was strong compared to his. He held himself as if he was ready to take off any second. He watched as her eyes calculated him and he waited with baited breath for her response. His heart was pounding and he kept a white knuckle grip on the gun, finger hovering over the trigger. This was his first encounter with a person in weeks. He had been careful and kept in hiding but now he was out in the open.

So far, it was not to his liking.
Rayna blinked, the little boy had drawn a gun? Axe weilding babes and children with firearms? She did not like what was becoming of San Francisco. Despite his weapon being pointed in her face she could tell the child was scared, she holstered her gun and approached him with her hands in the air.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just had to make sure you weren't going to hurt me... now are you going into this church too?" She asked.

She paused at least two feet away from him, his gun was still in her face and she knew she could be one of the bodies littered on the ground at any minute. The bulletproof vest under her sweater would probably provide little or absolutely no question if he decided to shoot her in the face. Please don't shoot me in the face...

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