Glory of a New World Character Sheets


A Ghost of RpN's Past
Information and such here:


  • All of the Basic RPN Guidelines shall Apply. It is to stay PG.
  • There is to be no God Modding.
  • Only Two Powers Per character.
  • Romance is allowed.
  • Only three characters per player.
  • I'd like more mundanes than powered characters, though, NPC mundanes could work.
  • I expect at least two, five sentence paragraphs per post, with good spelling and decent grammar.
  • Every character can and will die over time, this however, does not mean they MUST die, it means that they will not go unscathed, albeit it mentally or emotionally.
  • Boogedy Boo if you read this.

Rouge means they aren't sure what side they are on.

Character sheets:













My Character:

Name: Fog

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian, hails from England

Good/Rouge/Bad: Bad

However, he dresses in:

Powers: Fog, as his name implies, Fog has the ability to either summon a mist to cloak himself, or turn into one. Both are meant to confuse anyone he'd face in combat.

Skills: Fog is skilled with a butterfly knife, and a pistol. He can also fight in hand to hand, and he is street smart. He can also plan stuff out well.

Personality: Fog is a controlling person, he likes it when things go his way. He's borderline insane, and does stuff to get under the good guys nerves for his enjoyment.

Orientation: Straight

History: Born and raised in London, Fog was a nice enough man, thrust into the lap of luxury. However, this didn't satisfy him. He started to hang out with the wrong crowd, where he learned to use a gun, and his knife. However, his parents moved to San Fran just before the war, and they both died during it, not necessarily from the war itself.

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Scarlett Eva Fray












Fire - Scarlett is able to create fire at her own will, and shape/control it as she pleases. However, the bigger the fire, the more difficult and energy-draining it is. ((Is that too powerful? I could limit it more if you'd like.))


Scarlett is extremely skilled with a katana and is quite agile. She cannot stand guns, however, calling them, "pathetic weapons for cowards." She also has skills with a bow and arrow, but only uses those weapons for hunting.


Scarlett is quiet, and a tad bit pessimistic. She makes sarcastic comments whenever she has the chance, but other than that, she keeps to herself. Scarlett hates being controlled, or "tied down." The feeling of having some kind of force to follow is what keeps her from choosing a side between good and bad.




The war, oh the deadly, horrible, bloody war. Scarlett had ran away from home to the States, in hopes of freedom and independence. She didn't think the war would really effect her much, but boy was she wrong. Hiding far into the sidelines, Scarlett witnessed first hand, the horrible effects of poisonous gas, and the blown up bodies from bombs. It was life-changing, and she hated it. She hated how people could live with the fact that they were responsible for the death of another person. Scarlett, in the end, never chose a side. She wandered in between and survived on her own, trusting no one, for in her eyes. Everyone was a murderer. Everyone had the potential to kill



Boogedy Boo? :B
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I did. ><;;

I just wasn't exactly sure what you meant. O: Did you want me to put it in my profile somewhere?
Name Alias: Loki

Age: Claims he's twenty-two.

Sex: Male

Race: Caucasian,claims he's Norwegian. His accent says North American.

Alignment: Good. Seemingly for shits and giggles.


Stands six foot two,weighs 170 pounds.


Spatial Manipulation. The ability to bend and subvert physical space to his whim. This can manifest as teleportation,walking on impossible surfaces,and the creation of impossible angles.

Light Bending. The ability to manipulate existing light to suit his needs. This can make things invisible by bending light away from an entity,create mirages,and even make a laser.

Both of these powers can be quite taxing,especially if Loki decides to throw out a laser or teleport long distances.


Traceur. Loki is an accomplished traceur. This means he knows how to move quickly,and with grace. Anyone giving chase is doomed to fail.

Stealth. Loki knows how to be sneaky. To use his own words,it's nearly impossible to see him,unless he wants to be seen.

Silver Tongue. Loki is a very savvy speaker,often knowing exactly what to say in order to get his way. But,when he screws up,he screws up spectacularly.


A pair of these babies. Just add spikes to the knuckles. For when he gets serious.

Personality: Loki lives up to his namesake,being a lover of shenanigans and often causing it himself. He can be serious,if he wants to,but he'd much rather mess with you. Oh,and if he gets serious,expect no luxuries. He'll pull out all the stops. Pray you don't push him that far. He shows signs of being...Broken.

Orientation: He seems to be disinterested in romance.

Background: Loki's past is an unknown. All anyone has to work with is his own testimony,and many people don't believe a word of it.

Loki claims to be from Norway,but his accent is somewhere between upstate New York and New Brunswick. He says that he came to the San Francisco region just before the war,to study game design. During the war,he says,he was forced to run from hole to hole,to keep from getting his head ventilated. Eventually,as the story goes,he found a pair of children,twins,one boy,one girl,slaughtering a building full of people with a machine gun and an axe. And they were having the time of their lives. He fled the scene. This is when people begin to doubt his sanity. This is the point,Loki says,that his eyes have been opened to the world. Kill or be killed. Do or die. Take or wither.

However,he chose to act on these revelations to deliver laughter and jest to the downtrodden world. And maybe erase a few foul louts in the process. Who knows. What he does know,however,that his talents can assist in this. When people ask for more information,he simply chuckles,and replies, "Now,that would be telling."

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Hm, I thought I mentioned it in her personality...

Yeah, she does. Because cool people smoke. >:B Haha.

Valkyrie Varland






Caucasian, but she comes from Norway and has a Norwegian accent, but is also German and Russian




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/animepunkgirl.jpg.4ad2ad3299315432006f0168c094236a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/animepunkgirl.jpg.4ad2ad3299315432006f0168c094236a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is wearing what is in the picture.


Blood Manipulation- In small ways, she can manipulate a persons blood. She must be a bit close, though and have seen his/her blood before. So, if they have an open cut she would be able to control it straight away. She is able to move it and boil it, but not stop it completely. She can stop it in some areas on a persons body, but not to many.


Sneaky- Valkyrie is very sly and sneaky, easily hiding and disguising herself. She scarcely blunders, though when she does she can cover it up simply.

Brilliant- Valkyrie is quite smart and speedy to react, though she may act rashly and irrationally at times. They don't always turn out to be for the better, but do on occasion.

Strong- Valkyrie is quite strong, but not oddly so. She often will resort to hand-to-hand combat, and will use wrestling moves a lot. She also just will blindly punch and kick


Valkyrie has never been one for anything good, happy, or anything like that. On occasion, she will slip up and be sweet and friendly. That only happens every once in a while, though. Otherwise, she is cold and cruel. She would do anything to win, and has a large ego. She is very proud and rash, but is usually rational. Barely is she irrational, but when she is she may make major mistakes.


Valkyrie was always a bit odd to others. She was never considered normal, or as normal as most people are. She had always stood out and been different, and oddly so at that. Her brain was always screwy, concocting very odd and disgusting scenes and ideas. She lived in a middle class home in Norway, and her parents decided to move to the US right before the war. She whined and complained, but nothing came out of it. They had lived there for only a month before the war began. Both of her parents and older sister were goody two shoes, and she ran from home. She joined anyone against those considered good, though considered those considered good evil. She thought of herself and others with her to be fighting for a good cause.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbc54435_images(10).jpg.d647522315df0b6e534f64606c69affa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbc54435_images(10).jpg.d647522315df0b6e534f64606c69affa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

1 pair of.

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She has 5 attached to her red studded belt(See Appearance)




Boggedy Boo, and what is a mundane? I got a bit confused on that bit.



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Name: Rayna Cruz

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: El Salvadorian

Good/Rouge/Bad: Rouge

Looks: Rayna has tan skin, and stands at about 5'3" and weighs a little over 117 pounds, her body is petite and toned from her semi-active life before the war went down. She has wide brown eyes, a thin mouth and a innocent expression that directly contrasts her survivalist nature.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbe2052d_Characteridea.jpg.94173318b7cce42a1d57322d3747d012.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1957" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbe2052d_Characteridea.jpg.94173318b7cce42a1d57322d3747d012.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: none

Skills: Trained to be a police man's father, is proficient with arms, and equipment and self defense, along with the supplies she managed to bring with her, despite this fact she was not officially trained, and is still a teenage girl, meaning her strength is limited.


-Strong Mind

-Small and nimble


That of any girl her age, a little too scared, a little too reactive but prepared to do what she needs to in order to make it through this point of her life safely. She comes off as nervous, homesick, but edgy and willing to survive. Rayna has a strong sense of justice but an even stronger will to live



History: Rayna grew up with her father, who was a police officer and two sisters, one younger and one older, they lived in a kind of dumpy neighborhood, nothing too bad, but their father still trained his girls to defend themselves. Not that Rayna took it seriously, she was too busy trying to survive high school. When the wore broke out her Dad left under orders of the police chief to help out and he hussled his daughters to drive to San Fransisco, promising he'd meet them and everything would be okay. Unfortunately the car ride didn't go so smoothly and Rayna ended up alone when she finally did reach the city.

Still hoping her Dad will find her here, she's making a desperate attempt to survive.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbd85619_PoliceGun.jpg.7032ee4e7a6552bd8b8d5bfff9030d32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbd85619_PoliceGun.jpg.7032ee4e7a6552bd8b8d5bfff9030d32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/UltraQuip-UQ20021-rw-10073-8755.jpg.b1cd056c7dbaecb2c6842465b349ea53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/UltraQuip-UQ20021-rw-10073-8755.jpg.b1cd056c7dbaecb2c6842465b349ea53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Rayna has with her a standard police equipment, tactical set, a battered SUV and a trunk full of diminishing supplies.

Other: Boggedy Boo



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To me there's nothing better than reading about the underdog, I do have a special love for demon's though. xD
Boogedy Boo

Name: Christopher Fava

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Good/Rouge/Bad: Rouge


Powers: Levitate objects (Noticeable side effects from too much usage)

Skills: Scavenger, Welder/builder, Marksmanship

Personality: He's a bit of a dark person with the sense of humor to match it along with that he doesn't have to much of a conscience so he has a hard time feeling guilt then most people do and is somewhat emotionless. He doesn't side himself with good or evil simply because he has been apart of both sides.

Orientation: Straight

History:Not much is known about Christopher simply because he has a different reputation in different areas for his horrendous and kind deeds that he has been known for some people know him for the innocent he has slaughtered and other people know him for the medicine he risked his life to get to save the sick along with that no one has ever seen what he looks like under the eerie skull mask so some people speculate he's not even a man. ((More history will most likely be talked about in the Rp))

Equipment: Backpack, Skull mask, Ammo bandolier, Pump-action shotgun, Bolt action rifle. (Both weapons have straps that go over his shoulders.))
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Octavius I cannot accept you, as, one of the rules is grammar and spelling, and I'm not sure if you can do that. Also, Orientation is their sexuality. Not where they are from.
Name: Christian Waters

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Good/Rouge/Bad: Rouge, mostly just trying to defend himself and stay alive.






Powers: None

Skills: Hand to hand combat, stealing and pick pocketing, climbing, first aid, hunting, balancing and fitting into tight spaces. He is very flexible and agile since he did dance since he was 5 and MMA classes since he was 11.

Personality: He's skittish and abrasive. He is very jumpy and doesn't trust anyone. He's was always pretty quiet yet curious and playful. He keeps to himself but if he feels trapped he'll attack anyone to get away.

Orientation: He doesn't know yet but he thinks he's more attracted to guys.

History: He and his family were running and they found a safe house that only had 3 spots left. So he and his parents and little sister all left together, him thinking it was to find another safe house. His parents and him ran for a while before his father knocked him out and left him in the woods while they went back to the safe house with his sister. He learned to adapt and hide after a few months of being by himself. He stole things from stores and dead people, acting more like a scavenger than anything and had a small hide out on the bad side of SanFran but was planning to sneak to the good side.


A knife and a gun with full ammo he found off of a dead man.

Boogedy Boo
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